Upper body workout for women: compiling training programs. Ideal 2-Day Split Sample 2-Day Split Program

Weight gain training for athletes with a slightly higher level of fitness than beginner bodybuilders can be done on a two-day split. First, each beginner needs to engage in a program that involves the involvement of all muscle groups in one workout, and only then move on to separate classes.

A two-day mass split that involves splitting the whole body workout into two workouts performed on different days. The number of classes is not limited to only two trainings per week. You can train up to six times. The main thing is that two consecutive days of performing power loads allow you to use absolutely all muscle groups.

The construction of training programs can be completely different. Some are built on the fact that the first day is devoted only to pulls, and the second to bench presses, or one workout focuses only on the upper body, and the other on the lower body. The presented two-day split is composed in a completely different way.

The program is based on the following three areas:

  • muscle mass should be divided exactly into two parts, which allows you to use 50% of the body on each training day;
  • the extensors of the back and the spine should receive exceptionally uniform loads;
  • the shoulder joint moves in a large amplitude and is most susceptible to various types of injuries, which also imposes a requirement for the distribution of the load, which should be the same on each day.

The maximum load on the spinal column is exerted by the deadlift and squats. This is the reason why the back and lower limbs should be worked on different days. Experienced bodybuilders are aware of this feature and never train both of these muscle groups on the same day.

Delta and chest, following the third principle, also work out separately. There are no restrictions for the abdominal cavity. The press can be downloaded at any time. Recovery is achieved through a day break between workouts.

2 Day Mass Split - Workout Program

First day

  1. Back. The training begins with a warm-up, and all the exercises below are tried to be done in half an hour, taking into account a thirty-second break between sets:
  • pull-ups;
  • tightness of the upper block;
  • thrust in the slope of the bar;
  • thrust to the belt of the lower block.

All exercises are done in 3 sets, but the barbell row is supplemented with a warm-up approach, doing 8-12 repetitions in each, and in squats until failure occurs.

  1. Shoulder girdle. Assumes a fifteen-minute execution with alternation:
  • army press;
  • wide grip chin pulls.
  1. Triceps. Similarly, working out the shoulders takes a quarter of an hour and consists of two exercises:
  • bench press with a narrow grip;
  • french press.

Do 3 sets of 8-12 repetitions.

Second day

  1. Legs. Stretching must be done before performing, and they try to do the exercises themselves in 25 minutes, the rest after each approach is from 40 seconds to 1 minute:
  • squats with a barbell (3x8-12 "plus" 2 warm-up);
  • bench press in the simulator (legs) (3x8-12);
  • lunges (2 repetitions of 8-10 times).
  1. Pectoral muscles. 25 minutes are also worked out, but the rest is no more than 30 seconds between repetitions, it involves the following:
  • bench press on an inclined bench lying down;
  • dumbbell bench press on an inclined bench;
  • dumbbell spreads.

With the exception of the barbell press, which is performed in 4 sets, the rest are done in 3x8-12.

  1. Biceps. Worked out in 10 minutes. Rest between sets is half a minute. The training consists of alternating:
  • straight barbell lifts;
  • hammer.

Do these exercises for biceps for 4 sets with 8-12 repetitions in each.

This two-day split is fully consistent with all three principles of building a workout. It allows you to evenly distribute the load, work out all the muscles, and also effectively increases the mass. The optimal session time is 60 minutes. If no potent pharmacological drugs and anabolic steroids are taken, it is not recommended to engage in longer.

Today we wanted to talk with you about the most popular type of split training - the split. As a rule, it is a full body workout. At each workout, we load all the major muscle groups. Over time, the muscles get used to the loads and it is necessary to increase them. The increase in loads occurs in two directions, your working weights increase and the number of exercises for 1 muscle group increases. With such work, it is simply impossible to work out the entire body in one workout, such a workout should consist of 25 exercises and last 2-3 hours. It is clear that after the first hour of training, its effectiveness decreases (we do not take into account such training, which is supported by medications).

Now we know why we need to separate workouts by day. But how many workouts per week do you need? One, two, three or four? We believe that a three-day split or three separate workouts per week will be optimal. But if a person does not have time, he is busy at work, then a two-day split or 2 weekly workouts will be quite effective. But, you will have to sacrifice something, some kind of muscle flu will be underloaded. Therefore, we recommend adjusting the two-day split more often, replacing underloaded muscles. What options for such training can be?

Program Two-day split top and bottom

With this approach, the first workout you work out the upper body, the second workout - the lower.

Workout 1 (top)

  • (chest) Bench press on a horizontal bench 3 x 8 - 10
  • (chest) Wiring with dumbbells on an inclined bench. 3 x 8 - 10
  • (back) Bent Over Row 3 x 8 – 10
  • (back) Pulldown of the vertical block to the chest 3 x 8 - 10
  • (delta triceps) Bench press sitting up 3 x 8 - 10
  • (biceps) Lifting the bar for biceps while standing 2 x 10 - 12
  • (triceps) Vertical block triceps press down 2 x 10 - 12

You can safely replace this or that exercise for one muscle group with another. For example, if you have scaleosis, then instead of bent over rows, you can do other exercises for the latissimus dorsi, for example:

  • The thrust of one dumbbell to the belt, standing in an inclination
  • Top cable pull on pulley
  • T-Bar Row

Workout 2 (bottom)

  • Barbell Squats 3 x 8 – 10
  • Platform leg press (in the simulator) 3 x 8 - 10
  • Deadlift 3 x 8 - 10
  • Lying leg curls (in the simulator) 3 x 8 - 10
  • Standing calf raises (in the simulator) 2 x 12 - 15

Alternative two day split

When preparing an alternative program for a two-day split, we were guided by simple rules:

1 - we divide the entire muscle mass of the body into 2 parts, and each workout we work out only half of the muscle mass.

2 - to reduce the load on the spine and shoulder joint, we divide exercises that load them evenly between two workouts.

Based on the foregoing, you can divide the training as follows:

Examples of exercises for such a split:

Workout 1

  • (back) Pull-ups 2 x 8 - 10
  • (back) Thrust of the upper block behind the head 3 x 8 - 10
  • (back) Traction of the lower block to the belt 3 x 8 - 10
  • (shoulders) Breeding dumbbells to the sides while standing 3 x 8 - 10
  • (triceps) Press with a narrow grip 3 x 8 - 10
  • (triceps) French press 3 x 8 - 10
  • (back) Hyperextensions 2 x 20
  • Press 2 x max

Workout 2

  • (legs) Squat (or block bench press) 3 x 8 - 10
  • (legs) Lunges with dumbbells 3 x 8 - 10
  • (chest) Barbell bench press 3 x 8 - 10
  • (lower chest) Wide Grip Dims Press 3
  • (chest) Wiring with dumbbells 3 x 8 -10
  • (biceps) Bench press standing z x 8 - 10
  • (biceps) Lifting dumbbells for biceps with suppination 3 x 8 - 10
  • Press 2 x max

Thus, we have short and highly effective workouts 2 times a week. If you wish, you can increase the load on any muscle group, either by adding 1 or 2 more sets, or by choosing an additional exercise for this muscle group.

Thanks for sharing!


I'm sure you're already sick of the training programs that every second person who benched 100 kg barbell yesterday is selling on the Internet!

As for me, I don't do it: yes, I sold books and manuals , translated by me personally, from well-known authors from abroad, but these were not “programs”, but full-fledged training guides.

However, as for the first split, everything is simpler here: for those who have just started to practice, adaptations will be more versatile and less specialized. That is, it is quite realistic that classes in the TK (gym) according to one program will improve you in everything (you will become stronger, and more, and more athletic). But over time, the incentive needs to become more specific to your goals in order to make progress in the area you need.

For now, let's agree that our beginner has just come to the gym, and he has no specific goals. Most often, this is what happens - they want everything at once, and it is not clear what is stronger. Maybe so that the biceps grow faster than the legs, and cubes appear on the stomach.


Frequency of training - 2 times a week

To train once a week, I think, is completely frivolous. Twice a week, everyone can visit the TK: even schoolchildren, even students, even the working class. Stop making excuses!

The duration of each workout is 1-1.5 hours

Stop listening to smart people who say that you need to train for 40-45 minutes! You will not be able to get any serious load, in terms of strength exercises, for such a period of time. To acidify the muscles and fill them with blood - yes, but this is not the essence of growth.

Program goals:

1. Familiarization with the technique of "basic" exercises / patterns
2. Increasing the level of voluntary muscle activation (neuromuscular strength)
3. Creating a "foundation"
4. Initial hypertrophy

Paragraph 1- under the "basic" exercises, they usually understand the movements from powerlifting - squats with a low barbell on the back below parallel, bench press on a horizontal bench with a competitive grip, and deadlift of the barbell from the floor level.

However, our beginner doesn't want to be a powerlifter. Perhaps he will never be. However, it must perform other "basic" movements - these are the so-called movement patterns, which are the most natural movements for us as organisms. Many muscles work in them, they are characteristic of various types of activity (sports, and everyday life), in them we can show maximum muscle effort. What are these patterns?

Patterns for the lower body

1) Squats - joint flexion and extension of the hip and knee joint, with the participation of the ankle, in which the center of mass of the body goes down, and then returns to its original position.

An example would be any "squats".

This pattern is considered knee-dominant (knee extensor muscles work), although hip extensor muscles (gluteal, adductor maximus) also work.

2) Hinge - These are exercises in which you perform a movement, for the most part, the hip joint, without bringing your knees forward. You push your pelvis back, keeping your back in a neutral position. When lifting a load, you move your pelvis forward.

if we compare squats and hinji, then the latter have less amplitude in the knee joint, the joint itself does not come forward, the tilt of the body is stronger

An example would be deadlifts in various variations, incl. deadlifts, barbell bends, glute bridges, and kettlebell swings/swings.

This pattern is considered pelvic-dominant, with the glutes and hamstrings receiving the most stress.

3) Lunges - Basically, these are all movements performed on one leg (unilateral exercises) where you need to move the load in the style of a squat, but on one leg.

These are lunges, steppings, Bulgarian split squats on one leg.

The working muscle groups are similar to squats, but the muscles that adduct and abduct the thigh (adductors, middle / small gluteal, others) also behave more actively. Plus, the balance develops, the output of strength by the muscles increases due to the bilateral deficit.

Patterns for the upper body

4) Horizontal pull - you pull an object towards you (or reach for a support) in a horizontal vector.

These can be barbell / dumbbell rows in an incline or emphasis, or horizontal pull-ups.

The latissimus dorsi, middle trapezius, rhomboid, round muscles, elbow flexors (brachioradialis, biceps, brachialis), posterior deltoid muscles work

5) Vertical pull - you pull an object towards you (or reach for a support) in a vertical vector.

These can be traction of the upper block in various versions, as well as various types of pull-ups.

Round muscles work, the lower part of the trapezius, the latissimus, rhomboid, flexor muscles of the elbow joint (shoulder, biceps, brachialis), posterior deltoid muscles

6) Horizontal bench press - you push the load away from you in a horizontal vector.

These can be horizontal or slightly inclined options for barbell or dumbbell presses.

Large / small pectoral muscles, triceps, anterior deltoid muscles, serratus muscles work.

7) Vertical press - you push the load away from you in a vertical vector.

These are vertical barbell or dumbbell presses while standing or sitting.

The anterior and slightly middle sections of the deltoid muscles, serratus muscles, triceps, muscles that lift the scapula, and the upper section of the pectoralis major muscle work.

Additional moves

Yes, the seven basic patterns are great for most muscles, especially large groups. However, some muscle groups, which many practitioners crave to develop, will clearly suffer from the lack of a significant load.

1) Middle sections of the deltoid muscles. They work very poorly in vertical presses. I advise you to additionally perform breeding dumbbells to the sides.

2) Posterior deltoid muscles. Should work in deadlifts, but in fact, stronger muscle groups will always take almost the entire load. Breeding dumbbells in an incline will improve the situation.

The anterior deltoid muscles work very well in both vertical and horizontal presses, and do not need additional load.

3) Biceps. In pulls, flexion of the elbow is carried out mainly by the brachioradialis muscle. Let's complete the plan with bending the arms with a supinated grip.

4) Triceps. In general, he trains quite well with bench presses. If desired, additional extensions of the arms will help increase the load.

Point 2– an increase in the level of voluntary activation. That is, we train in such a way as to develop the ability to activate the maximum number of fibers in the muscle. If we do not learn how to do this, then, firstly, the growth of muscle strength in all movements will be severely limited, and secondly, muscle growth too, because if you are not able to activate the fibers, then they will never be able to grow from the load (t .to they do not overcome it).

For this reason, train patterns with heavy weights and low reps! However, given that this is a beginner, we will focus on 8-5 repetitions in the main exercises. Even in this (actually not very low rep) range, the beginner will feel an increase in strength (projectile weight).

Point 3– pay attention to the muscles of the press and extensors of the spine, mobility of the joints and flexibility of the muscles (the latter are outside the scope of this article)

Item 4- it is obvious that our training should increase the size of the muscles, especially at the beginning, when the adaptation window is still very large.


Since we only have two training days a week, I see only two reasonable options:

1. Two full-body workouts (for the whole body)
2. One upper body workout, one lower body workout

Consider first the option "full-body"

- Full body training is good because you teach your body to work together (in real life, there are no concepts of "upper body", "lower lats"), such training is closer, as they say, to combat conditions.
- Also, you can do two completely different workouts using a different set of exercises - variety is good.

However, there are also disadvantages:

- It will be quite difficult to work hard in all exercises. You train both legs, and back, and chest, and something else - the training comes out long, voluminous, and, moreover, difficult.
You will also have a hard time recovering. You will experience muscle pain all over your body at once, so if they do not go away before the next session, you will not be very pleased.

The whole point of the split is precisely to separate the groups, allowing you to load some while others have not had time to recover.

Two full body workouts can require up to 4-5 full recovery days in between, which reduces the frequency of exercise.


Lunges - lunges forward in motion, lunges back, stepping with dumbbells on the cabinet, repetitions are given for each leg

Horizontal bench press - barbell bench press on a horizontal bench, dumbbell bench press on a horizontal bench, barbell bench press on an incline bench

Horizontal row - standing barbell row, standing dumbbell row, horizontal pull-ups

Biceps - standing barbell curls, standing dumbbell curls

Press - twisting, feet on the floor

Spinal extensors - "boat" on the floor, arms in front

The press and the "boat" are performed in a super-set - the press approach, without rest - the boat approach, rest until the next super-set.

Hinge – support deadlift, deadlift, kettlebell swing/glute bridge

Vertical row – overhand pull-ups, wide-grip pull-ups, reverse grip pull-ups (or similar upper pulldowns if you are a very poor puller)

Vertical press - standing barbell chest press, standing dumbbell press, seated dumbbell press

Breeding dumbbells to the sides - standing, sitting

Breeding dumbbells in an inclination - through the sides, back

Regarding the progress of the load and the change of exercises - perform in the main movements for 8 repetitions, progressing from week to week in a weight of 2.5-5 kg. The first month you can easily do it. Then, it feels like continuing to progress in weight, lowering the reps, when already 3 sets of 5 reps are extremely difficult for you, change the exercise, and start again with 8 reps. When the exercises are over (about 3 months), you can start again (half a year), or switch to another scheme (top-bottom) or a new split for three workouts a week, which I will post next time.

In other exercises, leave the weight with which it is difficult for you to do a given number of repetitions. Progress in weight can be extremely weak, or absent altogether - there is nothing to worry about.


In this variant, as you might have guessed, one day we train the upper body (presses, deadlifts) on the other - squats, lunges and hinges.

The downside of doing an up/down split (in case of two training days) is that the upper body will be heavily overloaded relative to the lower body day, so it's best to move the delt exercises to the lower day (although I hate to train something). on leg day, excluding legs).

This is where we got the opportunity to add triceps on day 1. Choose from EZ Bar French Press, Dumbbell Lying Extensions, or Overhead Pull Ups.

The progression of loads and rotation of exercises remains the same.

I almost forgot to tell you about warm-up approaches. 12,10,8 means that before working sets you need to complete a set of 12 reps, 10 reps and 8 reps, in each of which the weight will gradually increase to working, and on the first working set you take the weight that you do hard 8- Five times.

12.10 means only 2 warm-up sets of 12 and 10 reps. 20 or 15 - one warm-up set of 20 or 15 reps.

Rest periods are about 2-3 minutes between light exercises and up to 3-5 minutes between major ones. If you're ready early, it's okay. If you only lift your weights.


In general, I admit that splitting with two workouts a week is not as beneficial as with more training days, and you can easily work three months on a full-body schedule that I gave above. Then, you can repeat it, or go to the "top-bottom", or immediately to a three-day split, which I will describe next time.

I will add, perhaps, that beginners can progress from ANY load. Therefore, there may be a lot of options here. Mine only offers more optimal loads that do not exceed the ability of an as yet inexperienced body to recover, and give gains in a way that will help in the future.

Remember that quality rest and nutrition are just as important as well-planned workouts. It is not necessary to use vitamins, minerals, sports supplements, and especially hormones at this stage of training! Only if your doctor prescribes it for health reasons.

Well, I think, for this you can rip off two thousand rubles from schoolchildren, because it's so difficult - to write a plan for two days! It probably takes a lot of time and resources, but I already painted 10 pages of Word! Is free! With exercise variations, progression and all.

I do not ask you to throw me 2000 rubles for this "titanic" work. But you can, if you wish,

primary goal: increase in muscle volume
Type of training: split
Required level of fitness: average
Number of workouts per week: 4
Necessary equipment: barbell, dumbbells, exercise equipment, blocks
Target gender: men and women

When putting together an up/down split training program, people often make the following mistakes:
1. Too many sets per muscle group
2. Too many isolation exercises
3. Lack of variety in training the same body part

When developing this training program, we tried to avoid these mistakes and provide each muscle group with a sufficient level of hypertrophy stimulation. The program will work best for those athletes whose training experience exceeds 6 months. If you have been bodybuilding for more than 3 years and are close to reaching your muscle growth limit, then this program most likely will not bring you tangible benefits.

Workout #1 for the lower body

An exercise Approaches repetitions
2 warm-up and 3-4 workers12-15 (warm-up), 6-8
2-3 10-12
3-4 6-8
2-3 10-12
3-4 6-8
2-3 10-12

As you can see, this workout consists of at least 17 sets, which will take you about 45 minutes to complete. You can do a maximum of 23 approaches, the implementation of which is desirable to lay in 60 minutes.

Upper Body Workout #1

A minimum of 16 sets, which should take 35 minutes to complete. Maximum 22 sets, which should take 50 minutes to complete.

Lower Body Workout #2

An exercise Approaches repetitions
2 warm-up and 2-3 workers12-15 (warm-up), 10-12
2-3 10-12
2-3 10-12
2-3 10-12
Standing up on toes in Smith's car2-3 8-10
2-3 12-15

Minimum 14 sets and 30 minutes of time. Maximum 20 sets and 40 minutes of time. How is it different from workout #1? Less volume training and leg curls in the machine have been replaced by lunges with dumbbells back.

Upper Body Workout #2

An exercise Approaches repetitions
2-3 to failure
2-3 10-12
2 warm-up and 2-3 workers12-15 (warm-up), 10-12
2-3 10-12
1-2 10-12
1-2 10-12

Minimum 12 sets and 30 minutes of time. Maximum 18 sets and 40 minutes of time. How is it different from workout #1? Less volume of training, plus a slightly different set of exercises.

Weekly lesson plan

This split was designed to be a 4-day split, so ideally you should train on the following schedule:
Tuesday – Upper Body Workout #1
Wednesday - rest day
Thursday – Lower Body Workout #2

However, if circumstances do not allow you to train 4 times a week, or if you do not have time to recover, exercising on such a schedule, then the 3-day version of this split will suit you:

Week 1
Monday – Lower Body Workout #1
Tuesday - rest day
Wednesday – Upper Body Workout #1
Thursday - rest day
Friday – Lower Body Workout #2
Saturday and Sunday - rest days

Week 2
Monday – Upper Body Workout #1
Tuesday - rest day
Wednesday – Lower Body Workout #1
Thursday - rest day
Friday – Upper Body Workout #2
Saturday and Sunday - rest days

Working weights in exercises
The rep ranges prescribed above must correspond to a certain amount of weights:
6 reps - approximately 85% of 1 rep max
8 reps - about 80% of 1RM
10 reps - approximately 75% of 1RM
12 reps - about 70% of 1RM

Working weight progression
The first 2 weeks of training for this program are "test": during this period, you must determine your working weights. From 3 weeks you begin to engage in full dedication.

Increase the working weights in heavy basic exercises ( squats, deadlift, bench press on a horizontal and inclined bench) after you can complete the specified number of repetitions in all approaches with the same weight.

After 6 weeks of full-time training ( weeks 3 to 8), followed by a "unloading" week.

"Unloading" week
This is the time of rest from hard training. This stage is necessary in order to give your body the opportunity to fully recover and your nervous system to rest in order to avoid overtraining, reduce the likelihood of injury and increase motivation.

As for the working weights, they should not be reduced. Reducing the volume of training ( total number of approaches) will suffice.

In one of our previous articles, we already mentioned that the most effective strategy for quickly gaining muscle is based on four workouts per week with the division of muscle groups into upper and lower. The upper part of the body is worked out twice a week, the lower part is worked out twice.

Starting this week in the Beginner's Guide, it is recommended that you move on to a similar training strategy. If you categorically do not have the opportunity to train 4 times a week, train 3 times. In this case, workouts A, B, C are performed in the first week, and D, A, B in the second, and so on.

Bottom workout

The muscle groups of the lower half of the body primarily include the muscles of the buttocks and legs. In addition, the muscles of the body and lower back are conventionally included in this category, given their indirect involvement when performing many basic exercises, and, first of all,.

Abdominal training also traditionally refers to the lower body, as in most abs exercises, the muscles of the legs are also actively involved in the movement - for example, in a hanging leg raise, both the abs and the muscles of the front of the thighs are involved in the work.

Squats or Leg Press?

In order not to combine the two most difficult strength exercises for the lower body (deadlift and squats) within one workout, on one of the days of the program, an exercise is used that is similar in its mechanics to squats with a barbell - leg press in the simulator, performed with an average weight.

When doing the leg press, remember that the exercise is one of the most dangerous, since many tend to use maximum weights (over 200 kg), which is extremely dangerous for the spine. Do not chase records and put the safety of execution and the correct technique in the first place.

How to pump up calves?

The key role in the development of the calf muscles is primarily played by the fact that this muscle group belongs to the class - it requires low-intensity, but long-term loads. That is why runners, most often, have developed calves.

If you want to achieve big and pumped calves, it’s more likely that not isolating exercises (lifting on socks with a barbell or dumbbells) will help you, but basic ones - squats and deadlifts. In addition, a 40-minute run will benefit both your calves and your six-pack abs.

Training program: 11 weeks

Workouts A, B, and C can be on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, or Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. In the first case, training D will fall on Saturday, and in the second - on Friday, which will allow you to leave the weekend free.

Workout A: Upper Body

  • : 2 warm-ups, 3-4 x 6-8, rest between sets 3 min.
  • : 3-4 x 6-8, rest 3 min.
  • : 2-3 x 10-12, rest 2 min.
  • : 2-3 x 10-12, rest 2 min.
  • Block pull for triceps
  • : 1-3 x 12-15, rest 1.5 min.

Workout B: Lower Body

  • Leg press in the simulator: 3-4 x 6-8, rest 3 min.
  • : 2-3 x 10-12, rest 2 min.
  • : 2-3 x 10-12, rest 2 min.
  • Rises on socks with a barbell: 1-3 x 12-15, rest 1.5 min.
  • : 1-3 x 12-15, rest 1.5 min.

Workout C: upper body

  • : 2 warm-ups, 3-4 x 6-8, rest 3 min.
  • : 2 warm-ups, 3-4 x 6-8, rest 3 min.
  • : 2-3 x 10-12, rest 2 min.
  • : 2-3 x max, rest 2 min.
  • : 1-3 x 12-15, rest 1.5 min.
  • : 1-3 x 12-15, rest 1.5 min.

Workout D: Lower Body

  • : 2 warm-ups, 3-4 x 6-8, rest 3 min.
  • Rises on socks with a barbell: 3-4 x 8-10, rest between sets 2 minutes.
  • : 2-3 x 10-12, rest 2 min.
  • : 2-3 x max, rest 2 min.
  • : 1-3 x max, rest 1.5 min.
  • : 2-3 x 12-15, rest 1.5 min.

Exercise "Bicycle" on the press

According to scientific research, the exercise "Bicycle" tops the ranking. Starting position: lying on the floor, lower back pressed to the floor; hands behind the head, but not fastened to the castle; knees bent at an angle of 45 degrees; breathing is normal and calm.

Alternately touch first with the left elbow to the right knee, then with the right to the left (while the opposite leg is extended); at the bottom point, touch the floor with your shoulder blades. Feel the work of the abdominal muscles. Do 12-15 repetitions at a rhythm of 2-3 seconds each, complete 2 to 4 sets.


The main exercises for training the lower body are deadlifts and squats. However, these exercises are best taken out for two different workouts to increase their effectiveness. Training the calf muscles requires both strength training and running.