The original of the Russian constitution is kept in the President's Library c. Interesting facts about the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Help Constitution of the Russian Federation interesting facts 12 facts

"Appeals of citizens to the president" - Law and order 476 537 285. Regional and local authorities 23670 (45.9%) appeals. Law and order 20. Issues of development of the social sphere. Foreign policy 68. Issues of improving economic management. Directorate of the President of the Russian Federation for work with citizens' appeals.

"Yeltsin President" - I did everything I could. B. Yeltsin's monetary allowance was set at the level of 75% of the monthly monetary remuneration of the President of the Russian Federation. And what seemed simple to us turned out to be painful. I'm leaving ahead of schedule. New century, new millennium. It seemed that with one jerk, we would overcome everything. The point is different.

"Constitution of the Russian Federation" - President of Russia. Hail country! So it was, so it is, and so it will always be! Coat of arms of the Russian Federation (coat of arms of Russia). In the right paw of the eagle is a scepter, in the left is an orb. The word "president" in Latin means "sitting in front, at the head." Article 41 Everyone has the right to health care and medical care.

"Elections of the President of Russia 2012" - INTENTION TO GIVE YOUR VOTE IN THE ELECTIONS OF THE PRESIDENTIAL OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION FOR V. PUTIN * (for the campaigns of 2004, 2008 and 2012). In your opinion, should Vladimir Putin now make contacts, hold consultations with the leaders of mass demonstrations against the falsification of the results of elections to the State Duma of Russia?

"President of the Russian Federation" - The opinion of politicians about Putin. Oath of the President. Bogdanov Andrei. But not only patch up internal holes. Chairman of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia, deputy of the State Duma. In absolute terms - over 20 million citizens, of which 3-4 million are homeless. The President of the Russian Federation is the head of state.

"The Constitution is the basic law" - Chapter 2. Rights and freedoms of man and citizen. Features of the Constitution. Accepted on a special basis. Chapter 4. President of the Russian Federation. Chapter 3. Federal structure. The first in the Soviet state was the Constitution of the RSFSR of 1918. Chapter 8. Local self-government. Fundamental rights enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

© Photo by Ksenia Buletova

In Russia, December 12 is Constitution Day. According to a recent poll by the Levada Center, almost 40% of Russians have never read the Russian Constitution. At the same time, 66% of Russians are aware of the upcoming Constitution Day, which is celebrated in our country on December 12.

Reference: The Constitution is the highest normative legal act of the Russian Federation. Adopted by the people of Russia on December 12, 1993, entered into force on December 25, 1993. The Constitution has the highest legal force, fixing the foundations of the constitutional system of Russia, the state structure, the formation of representative, executive, judicial authorities and the system of local self-government, the rights and freedoms of man and citizen, as well as constitutional amendments and revision of the Constitution.

How does it work globally? Let's try to figure it out with facts.

1. Many believe that the first Constitution in the world was drafted in the USA, but this is not true. The oldest constitution is Polish. It was adopted in 1791, six months earlier than the French one.

2. The best minds of Europe worked on the Constitution of the European Union for three years. It was approved in June 2004 at a special EU summit. The document appeared immediately in 20 languages ​​and became the most extensive and comprehensive constitution in the world. However, she was not destined to contribute to the emergence of a pan-European identity - in the national referendums of European countries, she was unable to collect enough votes in her support.

3. In Israel, instead of a single constitution, there is a set of fundamental laws. And all because the contradictions between the spiritual and worldly laws of the country turned out to be too great for them all to be resolved in one document.

4. The Constitution of India was adopted in 1950. It has become the largest Basic Law in the world in terms of volume, it represents the combination of the constitutional and legal traditions of Great Britain with certain provisions of the constitutions of the USA, Ireland, Canada, Australia, the USSR, the Weimar Republic in Germany, Japan and some other countries. Since then, about 500 changes and additions have been made to it.

5. The Japanese Constitution has three main principles: the sovereignty of the people, respect for basic human rights, pacifism (renunciation of war as the sovereign right of the nation).

6. A distinctive feature of the British Constitution is the absence of any single document that could be called the fundamental law of the country.

7. The US Constitution does not mention the word "democracy". In addition, the American Constitution is record short - it consists of 4.4 thousand words.

8. The constitution of independent Uzbekistan was adopted first in the post-Soviet space.

9. Ecuador became the first country in the world to enshrine the rights of nature at the level of the Constitution.

10. The Constitution of Malta proclaims its country neutral, striving for peace.

Interesting facts about the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Reference

The history of the birth of the new Constitution, adopted by popular vote (referendum) on December 12, 1993, lasted 3.5 years, or 42 months, or 168 weeks.

The Constitution of the Russian Federation had more than a thousand authors.

Between November 1991 and December 1992, more than 400 amendments were made to the Constitution.

From 1990 to 1993, about 20 different projects were proposed. The most significant of them are the project of the Constitutional Commission, the project of academician Andrey Sakharov, the project of Alekseev-Sobchak and the “option zero”, prepared by a working group led by Sergei Shakhrai. In 1993, the joint project of Shakhrai - Sobchak - Alekseev appeared.

The draft constitution prepared by Shakhrai's group initially included a six-year presidential term. Alekseev-Shakhrai's draft has already been five years old, and four years remain in the final version of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. However, at present, following the amendments to the Constitution that came into force on December 31, 2008, from the next elections the head of state will be elected for a six-year term.

To complete the drafting of the Constitution, on June 5, 1993, a Constitutional Conference was convened in Moscow, which lasted until October 1993. The meeting was attended by 931 participants, as well as experts. Among them were Anatoly Sobchak, Oleg Rumyantsev, Sergei Shakhrai, Yuri Kalmykov, Mikhail Mityukov, Marat Baglai.

President Boris Yeltsin personally introduced 15 amendments to the finished draft of the Constitution, approved by the Constitutional Conference, in particular: the president has the right to chair government meetings, issue normative (that is, having the force of law) decrees, the Federation Council of the Russian Federation includes one representative from each region "representative and executive body of power." Yeltsin also removed from the Constitution the right to run anywhere from the age of 18.

In total, more than 3 thousand proposals and comments were considered. The final version included 37 articles from the draft Constitutional Commission.

54.8% of citizens came to the popular vote on December 12, 1993. Of these, 58.4% were in favor of the adoption of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, 41.6% were against. On December 25, 1993, the text of the Constitution of the Russian Federation was officially published, and it entered into force.

It is known that the version of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, developed by the Constitutional Conference, was changed before being submitted to a referendum. Chairman of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation Valery Zorkin commented on this fact: “... I noticed the differences between what was approved at the very last moment of the Big Meeting and the text that was submitted to the referendum. But I would not say that these changes fundamentally changed the structure of the Constitution. The question is what was changed and what was added. It's one thing, after all, to change a republic to a monarchy, and another thing to rearrange the comma. Yes, certain nuances have changed… The people have voted, the referendum has passed. So, I think, now this topic is already the property of historians.

In the Constitution of the Russian Federation there are no foreign language expressions such as "speaker", "parliament", "senators", "impeachment".

Instead of the world-famous triad - "everyone has the right to freely seek, receive and disseminate information in any legal way", the Constitution of the Russian Federation uses the wording ", receive, transmit, produce and disseminate information ...".

Upon taking office, the President of the Russian Federation takes an oath to the people on a copy of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The text of the oath is enshrined in Article 82 of the Constitution.

The binding of the special copy of the Constitution is made of the thinnest leather (lizard) of red color, on the cover there is an applied silver coat of arms of Russia and the inscription "Constitution of Russia" embossed in gold. An official description of this attribute has never been claimed.

By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of August 5, 1996, No. 1138, it was established that a specially made single copy of the official text of the Constitution of Russia is the official symbol of presidential power.

A day before his inauguration, scheduled for May 7, 2000, acting President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin canceled the 1996 Decree on presidential regalia. A special copy of the text of the Constitution was deprived of the official status of a symbol of presidential power.

Both Putin's inauguration ceremonies in 2000 and 2004, as well as Dmitry Medvedev's inauguration ceremony in 2008, took place using the same special copy of the Constitution. This has become a tradition, but formally it is not obligatory and is not prescribed by anything: since 2000, the President of Russia has the right to take an oath, laying his hand on any edition of the Basic Law.

A special copy of the Constitution of the Russian Federation is constantly stored in the library of the presidential administration in the Kremlin and is used only during the inauguration of the President of Russia.

Two copies of the Russian Constitution have been in space for 329 days. In 1999, the brochure visited the Mir orbital complex. On April 4 of that year, the Progress M-41 cargo ship delivered it to cosmonaut Sergei Avdeev, who intended to get a law degree. In 2005, together with the Constitution of the European Union, the Constitution of Russia went on board the ISS.

Since 1994, by decrees of the President of Russia “On the Day of the Constitution of the Russian Federation” and “On a non-working day on December 12”, December 12 has been declared a public holiday.

On December 24, 2004, the State Duma adopted amendments to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which changed the holiday calendar in Russia. Since 2005, December 12 is no longer a day off in Russia, and Constitution Day on December 12 is included among the memorable dates in Russia.

The Constitution of the Russian Federation consists of a preamble, two sections, nine chapters, 137 articles and nine paragraphs of transitional and final provisions.

The Constitution of the Russian Federation, adopted by popular vote (referendum) on December 12, 1993, consists of a preamble, 2 sections, 9 chapters, 137 articles and 9 paragraphs of transitional and final provisions.

The history of the birth of the new Constitution lasted 3.5 years, 42 months or 168 weeks.

Between November 1991 and December 1992, more than 400 amendments were made to the Constitution.

From 1990 to 1993, about 20 different projects were proposed. The most significant of them are the project of the Constitutional Commission, the project of academician Andrey Sakharov, the project of Alekseev-Sobchak and the "option zero", prepared by a working group led by Sergei Shakhrai. In 1993, the joint project of Shakhrai - Sobchak - Alekseev appeared.

Interestingly, the draft constitution prepared by Shakhrai's group initially included a 6-year presidential term. Alekseev-Shakhrai's draft has already been five years old, and four years remain in the final version of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

To complete the drafting of the Constitution, on June 5, 1993, a Constitutional Conference was convened in Moscow, which lasted until October 1993. The meeting was attended by 931 participants plus the experts involved in its work. Among them: Anatoly Sobchak, Oleg Rumyantsev, Sergei Shakhrai, Yuri Kalmykov, Mikhail Mityukov, Marat Baglai and others.

President Boris Yeltsin personally introduced 15 amendments to the finished draft of the Constitution, approved by the Constitutional Conference. Among them: the president has the right to preside at government meetings, issue regulatory decrees, that is, having the force of law, the Federation Council includes one representative from each region, one representative from the "representative and executive authority." Yeltsin also removed from the Constitution the right to run anywhere from the age of 18.

In total, more than 3,000 suggestions and comments were considered. The final version included 37 articles from the draft Constitutional Commission.

54.8% of citizens came to the popular vote on December 12, 1993. Of these, 58.4% were in favor of the adoption of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, 41.6% were against. On December 25, 1993, the text of the Constitution of the Russian Federation was officially published, and it entered into force.

It is known that the version of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, developed by the Constitutional Conference, was changed before being submitted to a referendum. Chairman of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation Valery Zorkin commented on this fact: "... I noticed the differences between what was approved at the very last moment of the Big Meeting and the text that was submitted to a referendum. But I would not say that these changes were changed in fundamental structure of the Constitution. The question is what was changed and what was added. It is one thing to change a republic to a monarchy, and another thing to rearrange the comma. Yes, certain nuances have changed ... The people voted, the referendum passed. So, I think Now this topic is already the property of historians.

In the Constitution of the Russian Federation there are no foreign language expressions such as "speaker", "parliament", "senators", "impeachment".

Instead of the world-famous triad - "everyone has the right to freely seek, receive and disseminate information in any legal way", the Constitution of the Russian Federation uses the wording " seek, receive, transmit, produce and disseminate information...".

Upon taking office, the President of the Russian Federation takes an oath to the people on a copy of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The text of the oath is enshrined in Art. 82 of the Constitution.

The binding of the special copy of the Constitution is made of the thinnest leather (lizard) of red color, on the cover there is an applied silver coat of arms of Russia and the inscription "Constitution of Russia" embossed in gold. An official description of this attribute has never been claimed.

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of August 5, 1996 No. 1138 established that a specially made single copy of the official text of the Constitution of Russia is the official symbol of presidential power.

A day before his inauguration, scheduled for May 7, 2000, acting President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin canceled the 1996 Decree on presidential regalia. A special copy of the text of the Constitution was deprived of the official status of a symbol of presidential power.

Both Vladimir Putin's inauguration ceremonies (in 2000 and 2004) and Dmitry Medvedev's inauguration ceremony (in 2008) were held using the same special copy of the Constitution. This has become a tradition, but formally it is not obligatory and is not prescribed by anything: since 2000, the President of Russia has the right to take an oath, laying his hand on any edition of the Basic Law.

A special copy of the Constitution of the Russian Federation is constantly stored in the library of the Presidential Administration in the Kremlin and is used only during the inauguration of the President of Russia.

Two copies of the Russian Constitution have been in space for a total of 329 days. In 1999, the brochure visited the Mir orbital complex. On April 4 of that year, the Progress M-41 cargo ship delivered it to cosmonaut Sergei Avdeev: he planned to get a law degree. In 2005, together with the Constitution of the European Union, the Constitution of Russia went on board the ISS.

Since 1994, by decrees of the President of Russia "On the Day of the Constitution of the Russian Federation" and "On a non-working day on December 12," December 12 has been declared a public holiday.

On December 24, 2004, the State Duma adopted amendments to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, changing the holiday calendar in Russia. Since 2005, December 12 is no longer a day off in Russia, and Constitution Day on December 12 is included among the memorable dates in Russia.

The current Constitution of the Russian Federation was adopted 20 years ago. The structure of the Constitution of the Russian Federation includes: preamble; 9 chapters containing 137 articles of the first, main section of the constitution, as well as the second section "Final and transitional provisions." “We, the multinational people of the Russian Federation, are united by a common destiny on our land, asserting human rights and freedoms, civil peace and harmony, preserving the historically established state unity, based on the universally recognized principles of equality and self-determination of peoples, honoring the memory of our ancestors who gave us love and respect to the Fatherland, faith in goodness and justice, reviving the sovereign statehood of Russia and asserting the inviolability of its democratic foundation, striving to ensure the well-being and prosperity of Russia, proceeding from the responsibility for our Motherland to present and future generations, recognizing ourselves as part of the world community, we accept the CONSTITUTION OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION " (Preamble to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, adopted on December 12, 1993 at a national referendum) Preamble (fr. préambule - going ahead of something or someone, previous, cf. th form sets out its goals, objectives and principles, indicates the conditions that served as the reason for its creation. On December 12, 1993, 20 years ago, the current Constitution of the Russian Federation was adopted CONSTITUTION - a legal act or a set of legal acts that has the highest legal force and regulates the foundations of the organization of the state and the relationship between the state and the citizen. The constitution is the fundamental law of the state, has the highest legal force, is both a political and an ideological doctrine: As a political document, the constitution is a certain ratio of the political society at the time of its development and adoption. reflects the forces in As an ideological document, the constitution expresses a certain worldview, declares the most important values ​​of society. Interesting facts about the Constitution of the Russian Federation Two copies of the Constitution of Russia have been in space for a total of 329 days. In 1999, a brochure visited the Mir orbital complex. On April 4 of that year, the Progress M-41 cargo ship delivered it to cosmonaut Sergei Avdeev: he planned to get a law degree. In 2005, together with the Constitution of the European Union, the Constitution of Russia went on board the ISS. About the Constitution of the Russian Federation in figures The Constitution of the Russian Federation, adopted by popular vote (referendum) on December 12, 1993, consists of a preamble, 2 sections, 9 chapters, 137 articles and 9 paragraphs of transitional and final provisions. The history of the birth of the new Constitution lasted 3.5 years, 42 months or 168 weeks. The Constitution of the Russian Federation had more than 1000 authors. Between November 1991 and December 1992, more than 400 amendments were made to the Constitution. December 12 - DAY OF THE CONSTITUTION OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION The current Constitution of the Russian Federation is the first of the five previous ones, adopted as a result of a popular vote. REFERENDUM (from lat. referendum) - a form of direct expression of the will of citizens, expressed in voting on the most significant issues of national, regional or local significance. The referendum is the most important institution of direct democracy. It represents the direct law-making of the people. 54.8% of citizens came to the popular vote on December 12, 1993. Of these, 58.4% were in favor of the adoption of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, and 41.6% were against. On December 25, 1993, the text of the Constitution of the Russian Federation was officially published, and it entered into force. Since 1994, by decrees of the President of Russia “On the Day of the Constitution of the Russian Federation” and “On a non-working day on December 12”, December 12 has been declared a public holiday. On December 24, 2004, the State Duma adopted amendments to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, changing the holiday calendar in Russia. Since 2005, December 12 is no longer a day off in Russia, and Constitution Day on December 12 is included among the memorable dates in Russia. Interesting facts about the Constitution of the Russian Federation When taking office, the President of the Russian Federation takes an oath to the people on a copy of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The text of the oath is enshrined in Art. 82 of the Constitution. The binding of the special copy of the Constitution is made of the thinnest leather (lizard) of red color, on the cover there is an applied silver coat of arms of Russia and the inscription "Constitution of Russia" embossed in gold. An official description of this attribute has never been claimed. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of August 5, 1996 No. 1138 established that a specially made single copy of the official text of the Constitution of Russia is the official symbol of presidential power. The day before his inauguration, scheduled for May 7, 2000, acting President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin canceled the 1996 Decree on presidential regalia. A special copy of the text of the Constitution was deprived of the official status of a symbol of presidential power. Both Vladimir Putin's inauguration ceremonies (in 2000 and 2004) and Dmitry Medvedev's inauguration ceremony (in 2008) were held using the same special copy of the Constitution. This has become a tradition, but formally it is not obligatory and is not prescribed by anything: since 2000, the President of Russia has the right to take an oath, the publication of the Basic Law. laying his hand on any Interesting facts about the constitutions of different countries The British constitution is an unwritten constitution. An act that would be officially proclaimed by the Basic Law does not exist in the UK. The unwritten constitution of Great Britain consists of norms of three categories: 1) norms of statutory law; 2) norms of case law (case law); 3) norms, which are nothing more than constitutional customs. The historical features of the development of the state determined the non-standard nature of the British Constitution. Great Britain does not know of a single act created at the same time acting as Constitutions. The peculiarities of the Constitution refer to its form, but do not concern its content, its essence. In form, the British Constitution has a combined, unsystematized character; it consists of two parts - written and unwritten. All branches of English law have this character; therefore, constitutional legislation does not differ in any special originality in this respect from other branches of law. Outwardly, constitutional legislation does not appear to be very clear and definite. The British Constitution is often referred to as unwritten, referring to the fact that it was never "written" in a single act. The written and unwritten parts of it, in turn, have different, very diverse sources. Interesting Facts about the Constitutions of Different Countries As we all know, the Constitution is the fundamental law of the country, which has the highest legal force (that is, other laws and legal acts of the country must comply with the Constitution). The word "constitution" came to us from Latin and means establishment. The first constitution in the world is the US Constitution, which was adopted in 1787 in Philadelphia. Despite the fact that the Constitution was adopted in the 18th century, only 27 amendments took place in more than two centuries, the first 10 of them were called the "Bill of Human Rights". Since the main purpose of the Constitution was to create a system of federal government, it was not almost absent from the norms of human rights, which aroused the indignation of many. That is why the first 10 amendments were made in 1791. And the last amendment to the Constitution was made in 1992, this is an amendment on the salary of congressmen. The US Constitution is considered the most enduring constitution in the world. It is also considered the smallest constitution in the world. In addition, a characteristic feature of the US Constitution is that the amendments are not made to the text of the Constitution, as is done in many other countries of the world, they are written immediately after the main text of the Constitution in the form of an appendix to the text: this is how Americans show their respect for their fundamental law. Interesting Facts about the Constitutions of Different Countries The Constitution of India is rightfully considered the largest constitution in the world. It was adopted in 1949 and entered into force in 1950 and consists of 395 articles, 12 annexes, 500 amendments and changes and about 117,400 words. It is also considered one of the most difficult constitutions to understand, since, for example, human rights norms are "scattered" throughout the Constitution and it is difficult to find the right norm, in addition, the Constitution of India is written in such difficult language that not every citizen of this country is able to read it. and understand what they read. Such confusion is due to the easy way to amend the constitution. The Constitution of Japan has become the constitution that proclaims Japan's renunciation of war. This happened after the defeat of Japan in World War II. The constitution states that the people of Japan will henceforth renounce war as a means of exercising state sovereignty. But, for example, the UK does not have a constitution at all, as such, consisting of one single legal act. This is due to the peculiarity of the country's legal system, where a large place is given to case law. There are so-called "constitutional" laws and "simply" laws in the country. In Libya, a law was passed that proclaimed the Koran as the basic law of the country. The constitution of Malta proclaims the country neutral, which strives for peace. Each constitution is the face of its country, the soul of society, in which one can find characteristics, customs of this country.