Who is a nymphomaniac. Who are nymphomaniacs. The impact of nymphomania on life

(Greek nymphe - bride + mania; synonymous with andromania), pathological sexual desire in women, manifested by an unbridled desire for sexual intimacy with different partners. In men, a similar deviation is called satyriasis.
Nymphomania can be viewed as a syndrome characterized by a constant desire for sexual contact; it can be caused by obsessive states or aggressive tendencies. Such reasons cause uncontrollable behavior aimed at the desire for sexual contact with any person, regardless of his age, appearance and even gender. Absolute promiscuity distinguishes a woman suffering from nymphomania from a woman who exhibits pronounced sexual activity, but is able to control her sexual behavior to a much greater extent, which is expressed in a certain selection of a partner. There are several varieties of nymphomania: nymphomania, caused by frequent bouts of sexual arousal that occur against the background of organic brain damage or hormonal disorders; nymphomania within the framework of a manic state; nymphomania against the background of an exceptionally strong innate sexual desire; imaginary nymphomania, in which women, for various reasons of a psychological and social nature, are forced to maintain numerous sexual contacts with many partners. There is a point of view according to which nymphomania is a hypertrophied sexual desire of an obsessive or overvalued nature, which is based on a dissonance between the biological and mental components of libido. With nymphomania, excitement is subjective and is not accompanied by specific changes in the blood supply to the muscle tone of the genital organs, and orgasm is achieved with difficulty or does not occur at all. However, the obsessive nature of sexual desire pushes a woman to change partners frequently, although sexual contacts themselves do not bring complete satisfaction. According to a number of sexologists, only this variant of increased libido refers to true nymphomania and occurs in mental disorders. It should be distinguished from pathological hypersexuality in various lesions of the deep structures of the brain, in particular the hypothalamus. An increase in sexuality can lead both to antisocial behavior with a lot of casual sex and alcoholism, and to difficulty in sexual and social contacts. Antisocial behavior often develops when hypersexuality manifests itself in childhood, adolescence or adolescence, when a woman has not yet formed as a person and the resulting mental infantilism does not allow her to resist a painful increase in attraction.

(Source: Sexological Encyclopedia)

Increased sexual desire (hypersexuality) in a woman. See also Satyriasis.

(Source: Sexological Dictionary)

(From Greek - bride, young woman + ... mania), female. hypersexuality, expressed in a painful increase in sexual desire; an irresistible need to commit more and more sexual acts with any, even unfamiliar partners. N. is the result of mental disorders or endocrine diseases. cm.: messalinism; uterine rabies. cf.: satyriasis.

(Source: Dictionary of Sexual Terms)

(Source: Concise Glossary of Sexopathological Terms)


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    - (Greek, from nymphe nymph, and mania rabies). Disease rabies of the uterus: irrepressible sexual desire in women. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. NYMPHOMANIA Greek, from nymphe, nymph, and mania, rabies. ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

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    Nymphomania (Greek νύμφη (nymphe) bride, μανία (mania) passion, madness; Latin nymphomania) (or andromania) increased sexual desire in women, a type of hypersexuality. Sometimes the term "nymphomania" is used figuratively for ... ... Wikipedia

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To deal with this issue, you first need to find out what nymphomania is. Nymphomania is a certain type of increased sexual desire.

Most often, hypersexuality manifests itself in adolescents, but nymphomania is typical for people of different ages.

Nymphomaniacs have constant sexual dissatisfaction, high sexual activity, the appearance of erotic fantasies and regular searches for sexual partners.

Women who suffer from nymphomania are called nymphomaniacs. Sometimes the term nymphomania is also used in a figurative sense, characterizing an overly active girl who loves to regularly have sexual intercourse with different partners.

Women with increased sexual desire have several distinctive characteristics that help to recognize them among the rest of the liberated representatives of the fair sex.

  1. Promiscuity in choosing a sexual partner. To satisfy their instincts, such representatives of the fair sex often do not care what their chosen one looks like. They do not pay attention to the gender of a person, his age, external data, character, position in society and social status.
  2. Rare achievement of orgasm or the inability to get it at all. Nymphomania "gives" its owners regular sex, while not giving the opportunity to get satisfaction. Frigidity is observed in the vast majority of nymphomaniacs, which makes their sexual desire not a physiological, but a psychological phenomenon.
  3. Uncontrolled excitement. If other people can control their arousal and be attracted only to certain people, then nymphomaniacs are not capable of this. Nymphomania cannot be controlled, so such women do not know how to direct their own sexual desire in the right direction.

Many men who do not understand the topic believe that this phenomenon can be considered positive.

They do not see the negative aspects, representing only the always available female, who is ready not to get out of bed around the clock, constantly fulfilling the whims of her lover. In fact, everything is not so.

Unlike banal promiscuity, where promiscuity occurs between a man and a woman, nymphomania is accompanied by psychological pathologies.

The most common problem of nymphomaniacs is neurosis, on the basis of which an uncontrollable desire to have sexual intercourse develops.

However, their difficulties do not end with one problem, an obsessive desire to get satisfaction can be caused by manic-depressive psychosis, brain damage, schizophrenia, oligophrenia, asociality.


If you find out who these nymphomaniacs are not difficult, then it is much more difficult to deal with the consequences. They are individual and directly depend on the upbringing of a particular person, his attitude to the institution of marriage and to social society as a whole.

For some women, nymphomania turns into a list of sexually transmitted diseases. Others receive an unwanted pregnancy as a "reward" for their promiscuity. Still others even go as far as incest (sexual intercourse with close relatives), thereby destroying both their lives and family well-being.

Psychotherapists prescribing regular sessions are engaged in getting rid of this ailment.

The specialist helps to get rid of the obsessive desire to have sexual intercourse with any suitable object, and also teaches to enjoy making love with the only chosen one.

To reduce sexual desire, girls are prescribed special drugs and put on a strict diet, where it is forbidden to use any natural aphrodisiacs - chocolate, seafood, spicy food.

Also, alcohol is prohibited during treatment, even in small doses.

Attitude towards nymphomaniacs

People who know the essence of the issue superficially or do not know the exact definition of this term at all perceive nymphomania negatively, criticizing girls. Of course, there are no positive aspects to this disease, but women should not be blamed for this.

They are not able to control the development and aggravation of this disease, unlike the same cold or flu, where, when the first symptoms appear, you can provide immediate assistance and stop further infection of the body.

Women often repent of their deeds themselves. They want about their illness and try by all means to get rid of it. Only many do not know to whom to run for help - to doctors, to relatives or to a lover. They are afraid to seek advice, try to cope on their own, while regularly receiving negativity and disapproval from society.

If you have encountered a nymphomaniac in your life, do not rush to condemn her lifestyle. Most likely, she herself knows about her problem, but has not yet figured out how to deal with it. The best solution in this situation is to advise the woman to see a good psychotherapist for specialized help.

What is nymphomania?

In our turbulent and difficult times, more and more people are found with mental disabilities. One of the forms of their manifestation is nymphomania.

Nymphomania (from lat.) - excessive sexual desire in women; kind of hypersexuality. The disease is distinguished by constant sexual dissatisfaction and erotic fantasies, casual relationships. Women suffering from nymphomania are called nymphomaniacs. Thus, the meaning of the word nymphomaniac is that it denotes a woman as not quite in control of herself when it comes to sex.

The fact that a woman does poorly without sex does not mean at all that she has a pathology. Within the normal range, attraction in women is well controlled. In a nymphomaniac, attraction appears regardless of the circumstances, for example, as a feeling of thirst.

Basically, nymphomania is a symptom of organic abnormalities of the central nervous system, and can also be the first sign of manic disorders of various origins, psychopathy, mental retardation, epilepsy. Sometimes an increase in sexual desire can be caused by stressful situations - troubles at work, loss of a loved one, property.

Origins of nymphomania

Nymphomania is usually associated with mental illness. Other causes may be various brain injuries, Alzheimer's disease, schizoaffective disorder, and some other disorders. Illicit drugs, such as methamphetamine, can also lead to nymphomania - in these cases, the disease acts as a side effect that disappears after the withdrawal of the drug.

The causes may be different, but the source of the disease is in the pathology of the hypothalamus.

Scientists believe that nymphomania can develop due to flaws in education. If the topic of sex was banned in the family, then this fact, as such, could lead to such a mental disorder.

How to determine that a woman is a nymphomaniac?

To do this is quite simple. A woman who simply loves sex is able to control her sexual desire. She is able to do without physical intimacy for a week, a month, all the time while her husband, for example, is on a business trip. A nymphomaniac, on the other hand, is unable to create stable, long-term relationships. The purpose of her life is getting sexual satisfaction, she is unable to do anything else, it is hard for her to work, relax, interact with people.

Nymphomaniac women are not afraid of the risk of contracting venereal diseases or the danger of becoming a victim of a crime.

Signs of nymphomania in women

1. Attraction is impossible to control.

2. can't get rid of thoughts about sex for any long time.

3. There is no satisfaction from communication with a partner.

4. there is a need for casual connections even with strangers.

5. Loss of interest in a man as a person.

6. nymphomaniacs suffer from tantrums, go to all sorts of tricks and deceptions, the character becomes unbearable.

How is nymphomania treated?

Treatment of nymphomania begins with understanding. To begin with, a woman and her family need to understand that nymphomania is a serious mental health disorder, and not banal promiscuity.

To exclude a tumor, it is necessary to make a tomogram of the brain. The endocrinologist will ask you to donate blood for hormones to see if there is a hormonal imbalance. Asking means he sees the meaning in it. Donate blood for this test.

Treatment must be comprehensive. After a complete examination and tests, the doctor will determine the cause of the mental disorder and prescribe therapy.

Drug psychiatric treatment consists in taking sedatives, tranquilizers, neuroleptics (in particular, chlorpromazine, thioridazine and its analogues). With nymphomania in young girls, monobromine camphor helps well, at a dose of 2-3 g per day.

The appointment of hormonal drugs is ineffective, and is prescribed only in the event of a proven failure in the endocrine system.

It is mandatory to visit a psychologist to change behavior and conduct auto-training.

Thus, nymphomania is a rather serious mental disorder, and it needs to be treated, like any other disease. There are many methods and tactics of treatment.

The most important thing is to monitor your physical and mental well-being, not to miss the alarming symptoms of your body, and in which case, contact a specialist and follow his instructions exactly. After all, only you yourself can see what is happening with your body and respond in time to its signals.