Strabismus in adults. Strabismus in adults - causes of acquired and symptoms What to do with slanting eyes

Very often we mistakenly believe that the health that we have at a young age will remain forever. And therefore we absolutely forget about various measures for the prevention of certain diseases. And when the moment of illness comes, with great excitement and fear we go to the doctor for help. Let's try to understand one of the problems that can arise at different ages and which concerns a vital organ that helps in the perception of the world - our eyes. Why do some conditions arise, how to cope and what to do so that in the future a small ailment does not turn into a big problem?

So, let's see why he began to squint his eyes. In general, what is strabismus, how dangerous is it and what to do in certain cases? To do this, consider the possible reasons, starting from the first days of human life.


This is a period in the life of a new person, which lasts exactly one month. When a child is born, he may well have a similar problem. Some children squint the left eye, some - the right. What to do in this case?

So, the child mows one eye. How to be in this case? The answer is simple - no way. In the first three days after birth, most babies experience postpartum strabismus. The fact is that the eye muscles in a baby are underdeveloped at birth. Therefore, such a state is quite acceptable. But usually within three days the position of the eyeballs is gradually aligned. Neonatologists usually warn of such a manifestation - you should not be afraid. Moreover, just these first three days of life, even full-fledged healthy children are under the supervision of doctors.

It turns out that the eyes of newborns mow for a fairly short period of time. You need to worry when a pronounced strabismus does not go away by the 3rd day or does not recover by the month of life. Every person is born with an individual body. And someone needs a day to recover, and someone a few weeks. Therefore, this state must be observed. But usually doctors can immediately determine whether the problem is significant, and accordingly, take action. Thanks to this, it is possible to correct the situation before the first year of the child.

From one year to three

Another question is if the eyes began to squint in the period from a year or even six months to three years. In this case, there may already be a more serious problem that requires an immediate response. Eyeballs can squint for a variety of reasons. Starting from the lack of vitamins for the full functioning of the eye muscles, ending with congenital eye diseases, such as astigmatism, myopia, etc.

Therefore, if the eyes of a newborn are squinted, observation is important, but in infants under three years of age, medical assistance is already needed. Most often, the disease manifests itself gradually. At first, the right eye or left eye slightly mows, and over time, the picture worsens.

A mandatory visit to an ophthalmologist is the beginning of the recovery phase. In some cases, corrective glasses are enough, in others - hardware techniques. Most often, surgical treatment is not performed at this age, since the muscles are not yet fully developed, which means that there is a chance that with the use of special training they will become stronger, the position of the eyes will be restored.

It is worth touching on the topic of types of strabismus here. After all, it is divided into: congenital and acquired. Congenital most often manifests itself precisely during the first three years of life. Moreover, it may not appear immediately in the advanced stage. It may be that sometimes the eye squints, and sometimes not - depending on the angle of view. But this is already an important symptom with which it is necessary to show a specialist.

school period

We skipped the age from 3 to 7 years, because most often congenital strabismus can manifest itself before 3 years, and acquired, due to eye strain and stress, after 7 years. This is because, going to school, the child plunges into an unfamiliar environment, which in itself is stressful. Changes in the daily routine, nutrition, sleep. At the same time, growing visual loads appear. And this is without taking into account the constant flow of information and the use of various mobile and multimedia devices.

As a result, vision may deteriorate sharply, and as a result, it squints the eye. Therefore, in this period of life, moderate exercise, sufficient oxygen nutrition, which, of course, the child receives on the street, are important. Therefore, walks for schoolchildren are no less important than for newborns. Vitamin and mineral deficiencies can also affect.

adult age

Alas, after the age of 18, rapidly developing strabismus is a dangerous problem. In general, the correction of strabismus can only be up to 25 years. After this age, most of the treatment is surgical. Therefore, if the eyes began to squint already in the adult period, an appeal to a specialist should be without delay and observation, otherwise the picture may worsen further.

Very often in adulthood, strabismus is acquired due to serious diseases of the brain or its injuries. In this case, there will be a special approach, so there should not be any self-treatment.

So, take care of honor from a young age ... The same expression can be attributed to health. Because a person in the process of life is influenced by many factors that gradually weaken the resistance of the body and its work. Therefore, what to do if it squints the eye? Contact a doctor! What can be done to prevent the problem? Lead the right lifestyle, namely: more fresh air, vitamins for general strengthening of the entire body system, as well as vitamins for the eyes. Balanced diet and moderate exercise.

Strabismus occurs quite often. In young children, such a defect can sometimes look touching and funny, but the violation should not be underestimated. At any age, this is an unpleasant pathology that needs to be corrected - both from the point of view of medicine and from the point of view of aesthetics. Although children are most susceptible to the disease, adults are also not protected from it.

In children, strabismus is, of course, easier to correct, especially if it is detected at the very beginning of development, and treatment is started in a timely manner. Strabismus delivers a lot of inconvenience to the patient, the squinting eye can completely “fail” over time, not to mention the psychological and aesthetic discomfort. Fortunately, diagnosing strabismus is very simple, and modern medicine provides a whole arsenal of tools for its treatment, up to surgery, if necessary.

What is strabismus

Strabismus (other names - strabismus, heterotropia) is a very common ophthalmic disorder. According to statistics, one child out of fifty suffers from it. associated with inconsistent activity of one or more eye muscles responsible for the movement of the eyeball.

If normally the eyes focus on a certain point, transmitting an image from each eye to the brain, then with strabismus, as a result of muscle weakness, one eye deviates from this point, the image received from one eye does not correspond to the image received from the other. Because of this, the nervous system excludes the picture received from the squinting eye, and no three-dimensional image is created in the brain. As a result, a person sees a flat image, and the eye that squints almost does not participate in the visual process, stops working. Because of this, over time, amblyopia develops, or lazy myopia, “lazy eyes,” as strabismus in children is sometimes called.

The causes of the disease may be different, but in any case, if the diseased eye is not treated, it falls, it is generally excluded from participation in the visual process.

Types of strabismus

The reasons may be different. As for strabismus, ophthalmologists consider a congenital and acquired disease.

By type, strabismus is distinguished into friendly and unfriendly.

Causes of congenital strabismus

In fact, pure congenital strabismus occurs in isolated cases. If strabismus develops in the first six months of life, it is called infantile. In such cases, the causes of the disease are genetic disorders, such as Cruson's syndrome and Down's syndrome; heredity - in this case, strabismus is also diagnosed in relatives of the first and second lines; congenital eye defects, cerebral palsy. Often the disease appears as a result of the consequences of prematurity, the effects of various drugs and drugs on the fetus, and if the mother suffered infectious diseases during pregnancy (measles, cytomegalovirus, SARS, and some others), this can also provoke strabismus in the child.

Causes of Acquired Strabismus

The disease can develop after the first six months of life and even in an adult. In this case, it is called acquired.

The causes of acquired strabismus are many. First of all, the disease is provoked by medium and high degrees of myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism and sudden changes in vision without noticeable reasons. Also, strabismus can develop due to various eyes: glaucoma, cataracts, astigmatism and others. In addition to various eye diseases, including retinoblastoma, strabismus after trauma, tumors and other injuries.

Strabismus is the result of muscle paralysis that accompanies certain diseases, such as encephalitis, multiple sclerosis, neurosyphilis, as well as somatic and mental illness. In addition, it is acquired if it is not sufficiently supplied with blood flow, intracranial pressure rises sharply, and pathologies of the brain or spinal cord develop. Strabismus can manifest itself as a complication after influenza, measles, scarlet fever, diphtheria.

It can also cause strabismus in children. Causes of a psychological nature, stressful situations, psychotrauma, nervous overstrain quite often lead to the fact that preschoolers (and sometimes older children and even adults) begin to squint.

Concomitant strabismus

Friendly is a disease in which the angles of strabismus are the same. That is, one eye is mowed, but the value of the angle of deviation of the squinting eye (primary) and the angle of deviation of the healthy (secondary) are equal. Despite the fact that the muscular system of the eyes is developed differently, there is no double vision, both eyeballs are fully mobile.

Concomitant strabismus is divided into three groups of visual disorders:



    Partially accommodative.

With accommodative strabismus, the disease is accompanied by any pathology of vision - farsightedness or myopia. This type of strabismus develops between 2 and 4 years of age. Corrected by wearing glasses.

Paralysis of the muscles responsible for eye movement causes non-accommodative strabismus. may lie in problems during fetal development or diseases suffered after birth. This type of strabismus is difficult to identify at the initial stage. It often accompanies cerebral palsy.

  • horizontal (when the eyes are directed in different directions - exotropia, or divergent strabismus; when the eyes are directed to the bridge of the nose - isotropia, or convergent strabismus);
  • vertical (when the eye squints up - hypertropia, when the eye squints down - hypotropia);
  • mixed (when several forms of strabismus are combined).

Glasses do not correct this type of strabismus.

Varieties of non-accommodative strabismus:

  • sensory (with a drop in vision in one eye);
  • acute (strabismus that suddenly arose after stress, psychotrauma or nervous tension);
  • cyclic (strabismus occurs and disappears after a certain period of time, the reason lies in disorders of the central nervous system);
  • secondary (strabismus, which changed direction to the opposite after surgical or spectacle correction).

There is also a special kind of non-accommodative strabismus - kurtosis of divergence. In this case, strabismus appears only when a person peers into the distance.

Partial accommodative strabismus combines the symptoms of an accommodative and motor disturbance, such as fluctuations of the eyeballs, which appear involuntarily and regularly. It can be converging (when the eyes are focused on the bridge of the nose) and diverging (the eyes “look” at the temples).

Strabismus can have different degrees of severity:

  • strongly rendered has an angle of more than 37 degrees,
  • well-visible has an angle of 22-36 degrees,
  • average - 11-21 degrees,
  • insignificant - 6-10 degrees,
  • practically not expressed - the angle is less than 5 degrees.

Unfriendly strabismus

With unfriendly strabismus, the primary and secondary angle of deviation are not the same. The mobility of the eye is limited or absent in one or more directions. Most often, this strabismus also has a paralytic nature of origin, as a non-accommodative species. The causes of this disease are lesions of the oculomotor nerves.

There is also pseudoparalytic strabismus. The causes of visual impairment in this case are developmental anomalies or after surgery, but not nerve damage.

Imaginary strabismus

All types of strabismus that have been described are true. They should not be confused with the imaginary strabismus that occurs in young children. Due to their age, they are often unable to focus on the subject, which creates the appearance that the child is mowing.

However, imaginary temporary strabismus sometimes happens with adults. This usually happens due to alcohol intoxication.


Even if it seems that strabismus is almost imperceptible or harmless, you should not delay treatment. This is not a cosmetic defect at all, so it requires immediate attention as soon as it is discovered. If strabismus is not corrected, the eye may lose the ability to see.

The first symptoms of strabismus:

  • deviation of one or both eyes towards the nose (convergent strabismus) or to the side (divergent strabismus),
  • the inability to focus on the subject (the so-called floating gaze).

In this case, you need to take into account many details so as not to confuse the disease with an imaginary one. For strabismus, you can take a special or their specific location, characteristic of a particular child. Here it is important to distinguish the actual symptoms of strabismus from imaginary signs. These physiological signs most often disappear on their own with age. A floating gaze can also be found in infants up to six months old, who cannot yet focus on an object. This also goes away with age. There are many parents who began to panic when they suspected strabismus in children under one year old, their worries were dispelled either by specialists or by the disappearance of symptoms at a later age.

Often, strabismus is noticed by the parents themselves and they turn to an ophthalmologist. This is the kind of disease that you can actually diagnose on your own, without the help of a specialist.

Also, the disease can be detected during a routine examination of the child. The eye doctor performs diagnostics of the entire visual apparatus, including using a computer, conducts tests confirming the absence of volumetric vision and the fact that the child has strabismus. The causes of the disease must be found out in order to prescribe a treatment suitable for this type of problem.

The doctor selects glasses or lenses, prescribes hardware treatment and, if necessary, medications. In difficult cases, he can refer you to an ophthalmological clinic for surgery.

If you start treatment at an early stage of development, in most cases it is possible to completely get rid of the disease.

Non-drug treatment

Strabismus can sometimes be corrected with glasses or contact lenses. This method is indicated for accommodative and partially accommodative strabismus.

With partially accommodative strabismus, Fresnel prisms, complex composite lenses, are glued onto the lenses of the glasses.

The pleoptics method, that is, occlusion treatment, is also successfully used. In this case, a bandage is put on the healthy eye or an eye patch is glued. Treatment should last at least 4 months and is indicated mainly in the treatment of childhood strabismus. With this method, it is necessary to constantly monitor the visual acuity of a healthy eye that is subjected to permanent gluing. To make the treatment more effective, pleoptics is combined with hardware correction, which includes laser therapy, amblyocor, electrical stimulation and other methods.

Medical and hardware treatment

The drugs are prescribed in conjunction with apparatus treatment and exercises for the eyes and either relax the muscles and dull vision, like atropine, or, like pilocarpine, prevent pupillary constriction. The essence of the treatment is to increase the load on the eye and stimulate its active work.

The hardware is also effective in treating the disease. Devices such as monobinoscope and synoptophore are used. The first irritates the retina with light rays and thereby fights amblyopia (low vision) and double vision. The second is used for sensory strabismus if the angle of strabismus is large enough.

Patients are also shown orthopto-diplopticheskoe treatment, which consists in training exercises on the apparatus. Such treatment is aimed at the development of binocular vision.


In some cases, strabismus is recommended surgical intervention. Thanks to him, the muscle that is responsible for the movement of the eyeball is strengthened or weakened. Strabismus surgery is used if complex treatment has not helped. It is also indicated for paralytic and non-accommodative forms.

With strongly visualized strabismus, several operations can be performed on each eye with a break of at least six months.

In the case of strabismus, two types of operations are performed: resection, which shortens the length of the eye muscle, and recession, which moves the eye muscle. The choice of the nature of the operation depends on the type of strabismus and its angle. A combination intervention can also be performed. Operations are performed both under general and local anesthesia.

It should be replaced that up to 3-4 years of age, strabismus is not surgically corrected. It is necessary to wait until binocular vision is formed, that is, the ability to see an image of an object with both eyes. At an earlier age, surgical intervention is possible only if there is congenital strabismus with a significant deviation angle. Such operations can only be carried out by an eye doctor - a surgeon.

After the operation, the treatment should be continued by some other of the above methods in order to restore and strengthen binocular vision.

Strabismus in children is a serious disease and many believe that it is completely impossible to cure it. But it's not! Nowadays, strabismus is successfully treated. There are several fundamental points that parents need to know in order to fully rehabilitate the child, saving him forever from such a problem as strabismus.

August 7, 2018 · Text: Igor Aznauryan, MD, Academician of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the Russian Federation, pediatric eye surgeon, head of Yasny Vzor children's eye clinics · Photo: Getty/Fotobank

Strabismus in children must be treated! Moreover, modern ophthalmology has a large arsenal of safe and effective methods for correcting this problem. And vice versa - if strabismus in children is ignored, in the future it will lead to serious visual impairment.

Types of strabismus

Before finding out the intricacies of modern methods for correcting strabismus in children, it makes sense to figure out what kind of ailment it is. So, strabismus (otherwise - strabismus or heterotropia) is any violation of the visual axes of both eyes, which should normally be parallel. The most obvious and obvious symptom of strabismus is an asymmetrical gaze.

In medicine, the following types of strabismus are distinguished:

  • Horizontal strabismus. This is the most common type of strabismus. It can be convergent (esotropia - when the eyes "converge" to the bridge of the nose) or divergent (exotropia - when the eyes "gravitate" outward, to the outer corner).
  • Vertical strabismus. Moreover, deviations can be both upward - hypertropia, and downward - hypotropia).

In addition, strabismus is conditionally divided into monocular and alternating. In the first case, only one eye is always mowed, which the child practically does not use, which is why the vision of the squinting eye gradually decreases and dysbinocular amblyopia develops.

Alternating strabismus differs in that both eyes alternately mow (either one or the other). And because both eyes are (albeit intermittently) used, visual impairment tends to be much milder than with monocular strabismus.

Strabismus in children: where is false and where is true?

Sometimes, stroking babies up to 3-4 months old, it may seem as if their eyes are squinting. In fact, as a rule, there is no medical problem in most of these cases: beveling occurs due to the structural features of the facial skull, (due to a skin fold at the corner of the eye or a wide bridge of the nose). A few months will pass, and there will be no trace of the former slight "strabismus".

Meanwhile, to calm the parental soul, it is useful to conduct a series of special tests (the so-called differentiated diagnosis between false and true strabismus), which will surely convince the baby's parents that there is no problem. True strabismus can only be discussed when an ophthalmologist has identified certain oculomotor disorders in a child.

Even if visually, when looking at the baby, one gets the impression of a slight strabismus, but there are definitely no oculomotor disorders, then this condition is not a pathology - it is called false strabismus, and does not require any therapeutic measures.

And since strabismus in children can be not only congenital, but also acquired (its symptoms usually appear at the age of children under 3 years old), then examinations by an ophthalmologist must necessarily be periodic.

Show the child to a pediatric ophthalmologist regularly: preventive examinations should be carried out at 2, 6 and 12 months, once a year until the age of 6-7 years. If an eye pathology is detected, a pediatric ophthalmologist will prescribe an individual visit schedule.

Causes of true strabismus in children

The reason for the development of strabismus is the inconsistency in the work of the two eyes, the impossibility of their joint work.

Strabismus is congenital or early acquired, may appear at the age of 1.5 to 3-4 years. The fact is that at this age, the formation of finer structures of the visual system continues, and the final phase of the formation of binocular (that is, three-dimensional, stereoscopic) vision also proceeds.

The child grows up, begins to look at pictures, collect pyramids and a designer, play educational games - visual work arises and gradually increases. Therefore, it is during this period that there is a risk of strabismus, which increases significantly if the child has congenital farsightedness or anisometropia (in other words, the difference in refraction between the right and left eyes), neurological pathology (for example: cerebral palsy, Down syndrome).

On the other hand, any stress for the body can become a provoking factor in the appearance of strabismus in children: vaccination, viral disease, fright or shock, high temperature.

If parents do not start treatment of the child on time, strabismus develops into a serious functional pathology. For example:

  • a child with strabismus cannot merge images from both eyes into a single image - the brain turns off the squinting eye from the act of vision;
  • a child with strabismus cannot perceive spatial volume, i.e. 3D format - he sees the world flat.

In total, about 25 types of childhood strabismus are known in ophthalmology today, each of which requires a special, individual approach to treatment.

The task of a pediatric ophthalmologist is to determine the type of strabismus, the cause of its occurrence in a child, and prescribe the child the treatment that he needs at this particular moment.

When to Treat Strabismus

If you are told that the strabismus will go away on its own, or if the treatment needs to be carried out when the child grows up, look for another ophthalmologist. This is the wrong approach. You will lose precious time!

Treatment of strabismus in children should begin immediately from the moment of diagnosis, and best of all - in a specialized children's eye clinic. The first therapeutic measures are possible already from the age of 5-6 months of the child. At this age, the child can pick up the first glasses (in the presence of refractive disorders). Modern frames are made of safe and durable materials and are absolutely safe for the baby!

How to treat strabismus

In order to fully rehabilitate the child and achieve results, it is necessary to carry out the correct complex treatment, developed for the child individually. As a rule, the course of treatment includes the following activities:

  • individual mode of occlusions (special seals are better than the seeing eye);
  • correctly selected spectacle correction;
  • a complex of therapeutic techniques to improve visual acuity and develop binocular functions;
  • if necessary - surgical intervention (in order to make the look symmetrical and even).

Strabismus in children: to operate or not?

The decision to perform the operation should be made only by the pediatric eye doctor who leads the child, based on the state of his visual functions.

In about 85% of cases of strabismus in children, regardless of its type and cause, surgical intervention is justified and necessary.

The pediatric eye surgeon chooses the method of conducting the surgical stage based on the type of strabismus and the specific case of imbalance between the oculomotor muscles. To date, one of the most effective surgical methods for correcting strabismus in children is the method of mathematical modeling of a future operation and the use of radio wave technologies.

When to have strabismus surgery

The visual system of a child develops up to 3-4 years. It is during this period that it is important to ensure an absolutely symmetrical position of the eyes in a timely manner, so that the correct picture is in front of the eyes, so that the brain begins to correctly perceive the information received from the eyes. At an older age, this will be extremely difficult to do. That is why the operation should be carried out up to 4 years, while the visual system develops!

Is the operation dangerous?

Modern surgery has become precise and less traumatic. Including thanks to the use of mathematical modeling of the future operation and radio wave technologies.

The use of radio wave technologies provides the highest low-traumaticity of the operation and the reduction of the rehabilitation period - after all, the operation is performed without incisions! After surgery to correct strabismus, the child is discharged from the hospital the very next day.

If a pediatric eye surgeon uses mathematical modeling of the operation, its accuracy is practically guaranteed, and he can show the planned result of the operation to the parents of the baby even before the date of the operation is determined.

With the technique of mathematical modeling, even before the operation, the surgeon is able to show parents how the child's eyes will look immediately after the correction. The photo shows an example of such modeling: on the left - the state before the operation, on the right - immediately after.

This illustration is taken from the working archive Igor Erikovich Aznauryan, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Academician of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the Russian Federation, pediatric eye surgeon, head of the children's eye clinics "Yasny Vzor". This is a specific example of an individual calculation of the correction of strabismus in a child using a system of mathematical modeling of the operation.

It is important to understand that modern surgery is one of the important stages of complex treatment, which allows you to make your eyes look even. But in order to restore the lost visual functions and fully rehabilitate the child, one operation, even if it is a super-successful one, is not enough - a full-fledged therapeutic treatment must also be carried out. Refusal to carry out complex treatment can lead to irreversible consequences - even after the operation, after some time and without proper therapy, the eye may begin to mow again.

It is important that parents understand that the solution of any eye pathology must be approached comprehensively. Including strabismus. Do not delay with the start of treatment - start the correction in a timely manner. In this case, success will be guaranteed, and the result of treatment will be stable, for life!

It often seems to parents that the child has a severe squint in one eye, but a similar problem can also be observed in an adult. In medicine, such a disease is called strabismus, strabismus or heterotropia. Oblique eyes can be located towards the nose, directed down or up. If the visual organs diverge, then the reason may be a previously received traumatic brain injury or a complication of myopia, hyperopia. The patient should consult a doctor as soon as he notices that his eyes are squinting, because it is easier to solve the problem in the early stages.

Why the problem occurs: reasons

A person's visual organs can be located in different directions for various reasons. Often, the eyeball begins to mow after an injury in the head area. Sometimes the left eye goes a little to the side or the patient has an oblique right eye. Often the causes of strabismus are the impaired function of the nerve endings that are responsible for the work of the eye muscles. In this case, the organs of vision are not able to combine visual images into one picture. If the eyes began to squint, then the patient has 2 images at once, while the brain is able to perceive only 1. For this reason, the visual function of the patient decreases. The following factors can affect the location of one eye in the other direction:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • injury;
  • brain diseases;
  • mental disorders;
  • poor vision or blindness in one eye;
  • symptoms of farsightedness or nearsightedness;
  • diseases of an infectious nature;
  • paralysis of the eye muscles;
  • severe stress;
  • cataract;
  • retinal detachment.

How to understand the development of the problem: symptoms

With the help of a squint, a person tries to better consider something.

If the eye even slightly moved towards the temple or into the region of the bridge of the nose, then such violations are called strabismus. Most often, it bevels the left or right visual organ, and only sometimes both eyes are fixed, looking in different directions. It is possible to determine the pathology by the following symptoms:

  • bifurcation of the picture;
  • squinting when trying to examine an object;
  • frequent turns and tilts of the head, which help to see better.

If the patient began to squint the eye, then the other will be turned in the opposite direction. Strabismus is often diagnosed in childhood, and sometimes there is a latent form of the disease. In a child, the disorder is not as dangerous and is easier to correct than in adult patients. The children's brain is more adapted to physiological changes, so in the future, the visual organs often become normal on their own.

If the eyes of an adult squint, then without timely treatment, the pathology is aggravated and provokes severe visual impairment.

Necessary treatment

Traditional Therapy

A visit to a doctor is necessary if such a defect is found in a person.

When a patient sees poorly and squints his eyes, it is urgent to contact an ophthalmologist. After a comprehensive examination, the doctor will establish an accurate diagnosis and select the necessary therapeutic measures. The following manipulations are often used:

  • Occlusion. With a similar procedure, the patient's poorly seeing eye is covered with some kind of bandage. A similar technique is often used after hardware treatment to prevent complications and new progression of the pathology.
  • Hardware therapy. During manipulation, binocular vision is restored.
  • Medications. If the eye has become a little mowed, then various eye drops or topical ointments can be prescribed, which prevent negative consequences and stop the pathological process.
  • Wearing special glasses or corrective lenses.

Is traditional medicine effective?

If the patient only squinted one eye, while the visual function is not impaired, then unconventional therapeutic measures can be used. To enhance the action, alternative treatment is combined with traditional and with strengthening the muscles of the eyes. Such recipes of healers for strabismus are effective:

Dill seed may be effective in treating this condition.
  • Dill seed. Use 10 g of the main substance, which are ground to a powder and pour 250 ml of boiling water. Infuse for 50 minutes and drip into a healthy and slanting eye 2 drops 3 times a day.
  • Apple juice, onion and honey. Adhere to proportions 3:1:3. It is recommended to use topically in the affected visual organ before going to bed.
  • Calamus roots. Pour 10 g of the substance into boiling water, and let it boil for a couple of minutes. Cover with a lid and leave for an hour. Filter and take orally ½ cup no more than 4 times a day.