When is World Chocolate Day in the year. world chocolate day

Real sweet tooth will always find a reason to eatfavorite sweets. But there is a special day when chocolate becomes the center of everyone's attention and you can eat it by the sea without worrying about extra calories.

This day is not everyone's favorite New Year or their own birthday. The sweetest, most delicious, most favorite holiday of the sweet tooth has become Chocolate Day, which is celebrated around the world on July 11.

#When World Chocolate Day is celebrated: the history of the holiday

The celebration dedicated to chocolate is quite young. It appeared quite recently - in 1995.
The initiators of the chocolate day were French people who are rightfully considered chocolate connoisseurs.

But there is no explanation for the choice of the date for celebrating World Chocolate Day.
Probably, summer, warm weather, which is important for growing chocolate trees, played a role in choosing the date.

A year later, lovers of the divine dessert from Europe and America joined the French.

And the Americans liked the sweet idea so much that they now honor chocolate on October 28 and July 7 as well.

Chocolate Day in Russia and other post-Soviet countries is also celebrated on July 11 in accordance with the international calendar.

#History of chocolate

Why did chocolate become a universal, almost worldwide favorite, to such an extent that its admirers came up with an original holiday Chocolate Day.

The ancient delicacy has earned attention not only due to its taste, but also due to its centuries-old history.

The first chocolate desserts appeared several millennia ago and were served in the form of drinks.

Such a treat was called the "food of the gods" and was invented by the Maya Indians, the Aztecs.

Cooking " divine drink» from the beans of the cocoa tree, which grows only near the equator. The hot and humid climate of Ghana, Brazil, Malaysia is the most suitable for growing cocoa trees. The botanical name sounds like Theobroma cacao, which translates from Greek as God(theos) and food(broma). So not only the Indians of the ancient tribes of the Aztecs and Mayans called chocolate "divine food".

Plantations of cocoa trees appeared in the VI century. The Maya Indians, living in the territories of modern Mexico, considered the plant sacred, and the drink made from its beans was medicinal.

They not only revered cocoa, but also prayed to its god, believing in a strengthening and miraculous power.

Later, the Mayan beliefs were adopted by the Aztecs, who conquered these lands.
For their leader Montezuma, the drink became so beloved that he could drink up to fifty cups of bitter delicacy in a day.

Columbus, who was treated to chocolate by the Indians in 1502 as a sign of hospitality, became the first European to taste an unusual delicacy. But the bitterness of the drink did not suit his taste, and he refused the treat.

Chocolate was appreciated by Cortes, who landed on the shores of Mexico in 1519.
To soften the bitterness, white guests began to add cane sugar to the drink.

Delivering beans to Europe, the Spaniards came up with improved recipes for chocolate with the addition of cinnamon, sugar, nutmeg. The drink got a new name black gold».

Such a nickname was associated not only with taste.

The price of a cup of chocolate drink was really fabulous.
Only noble persons could taste it, who purposefully visited Spain for this.
The recipe was kept secret for a long time.

But the Spaniards could not save the recipe for "Black Gold".

Thanks to smugglers, it gets to Italy by the end of the 16th century, and from there to other European countries.

Anna of Austria played a significant role in the prevalence of chocolate, who, having arrived in France as the wife of Louis XIII, brought with her several boxes of unusual beans.
Her personal chocolatier brewed an amazing drink, which was appreciated not only by the king of France, but also by the courtiers.

The popularity of the drink quickly reached incredible heights, ahead of the French love for tea and coffee.

It was in France that flocks of specialized chocolate cafes opened, of which there were more than 500 by the middle of the 18th century. But the drink remained the prerogative of the rich and noble for a long time.

Chocolate was considered not only a delicious delicacy, but also healing. Chocolatiers came up with their own unique recipes, and for Louis XVI, the chocolate master prepared a drink with the addition of medicinal herbs, flower petals, and essential oils.

The British were the first to come up with the idea of ​​adding milk to chocolate in the 18th century. It was a real revolutionary breakthrough among confectioners.

But in Belgium, pharmacists began to brew chocolate as a healing potion. Until the middle of the 19th century, chocolate dessert was prepared only in liquid form.

The British, after inventing a way to extract oil from beans, introduced the world to the first bar of chocolate.

Milk chocolate began to be prepared in Switzerland only in 1875. But these delicacies remained inaccessible to the common people. Only in 1930 the world saw white chocolate.

The delicacy has long been associated with bourgeois remnants, which was explained by its high cost.

The domestic pioneer is the merchant Abrikosov, who was able to create the production of chocolate.

His factory produced funny candies in colorful wrappers and collectible sets. He owns the idea of ​​chocolate Santa Clauses and hares, as well as the recipe for "Duck noses" and "Goose feet", "Cancer necks".

Folk delicacy appeared only in 1965, when they launched the production of chocolate on an industrial scale.

The famous "Alenka" has become a national chocolate, which has not lost its popularity even today.

It is produced by many confectionery factories, but the name has practically remained the original. In Ukraine you can meet "Olenka", and in Belarus "Beloved Alenka".

Today, chocolate is the collective name for confectionery made from cocoa products and sugar.

The recipes use many different ingredients in the form of whole or chopped nuts, milk powder, cream, fruits, raisins, and other confectionery additives.

On Chocolate Day, many factories hold an open day.
This is a great opportunity to see with your own eyes how cocoa powder, milk and delicious additives turn into a favorite delicacy in the most bizarre forms.

Factories arrange not only tastings, but also allow guests to participate in the process of preparing desserts.

In Russia, three museums have been opened in honor of chocolate, which are located in the capitals and in the city of Pokrov. There is also a monument to a chocolate bar - "Bronze Fairy", and in 2009 the largest celebration was held.

The celebration of chocolate in large and not very cities is trying to be held on a large scale.
In honor of the favorite delicacy, unusual and exciting events are organized.

Fairs are organized where you can buy unusual treats or show people your desserts.

And in Ukraine in 2014, a chocolate festival was held, where, in addition to the traditional fair and performances by chocolatiers and sculptors, a confectioners' championship was held.

An unusual entertainment was invented for the kids, which made it possible to assemble a steam locomotive from chocolate wagons, which went on a journey through a real chocolate country.

In Switzerland, in honor of the holiday, you can ride a chocolate train. During an unusual journey, you can learn the history of Swiss chocolate.

In all coffee houses of the world on this day, the menu always contains chocolate treats, and even small surprises for visitors.

#Happy Birthday chocolate: how to spend your chocolate day?

The opinion about chocolate as a “sweet drug” is not unreasonable, because chocolate is really addictive and addictive.

Chocolate contains antioxidants that can fight aging and resist cancer.

Chocolate can reduce pain.

Everyone knows the ability of dark chocolate to stimulate the synthesis of endorphins.
Happiness hormones act on the pleasure centers, improving mood and psychological state.

Of course, no one has come up with a workable chocolate diet yet.

The delicacy is rich in fats, which undoubtedly affects its calorie content.
But knowing the measure, you can enjoy healthy and tasty chocolate with pleasure, without worrying about the consequences on the sides.

And on chocolate day, giving up your favorite treat is just silly.

There are many ideas on how to spend a chocolate holiday.

The most common option is chocolate party or party.

Invite friends with a sweet tooth or organize a holiday for children.

Of course, sweets, cakes, drinks, desserts will serve as treats.

Chocolate must be present everywhere. Make a chocolate fountain or chocolate fondue the centerpiece of the celebration.

Do not forget to congratulate friends and relatives whose professional activities are related to the production of the famous delicacy on Chocolate Day.

Yes, and just to friends, children, beloved girlfriend, it would be useful to give small chocolate presents.

#Interesting facts related to chocolate

World Chocolate Day is celebrated on July 11 every year. The sweet tooth of Europe and America devote the whole day to the most beloved and popular delicacy, arrange parties, go to thematic exhibitions and fairs. Chocolate is a delicacy that is not only tasty, but also healthy when used in moderation. It has a high calorie content, but on a holiday you can relax and allow yourself to eat a little more portion.

History of chocolate

Even 3 thousand years ago, the Aztecs and Mayans, who inhabited South America, prepared a tart drink from roasted cocoa beans, which they called “bitter water”. Hot pepper was added to it, shaken until a dense foam was formed. The Indians considered their drink healing, divine.

The Spanish conquerors, who arrived on the continent in 1519, began to sweeten the drink with cane sugar. The recipe was liked not only by the conquistadors, but also by the Spanish nobility.

The Spaniards kept the recipe in the strictest confidence, for its disclosure they threatened to cut off their heads. But a century later, crafty merchants found out the secret, so the "royal" drink became known in France, Italy, and then in other countries.

Fashion for the use of hot chocolate was introduced by Anna of Austria - the wife of the French King Louis III. The queen's lady-in-waiting prepared the drink wonderfully, taught this to the court cooks. With the light hand of the king's wife, the chocolate holiday began to be celebrated on July 11.

In Europe, the drink was considered healing. The chef of Louis XVI prepared a dessert using flower petals, essential oils, and medicinal plants. European confectioners enthusiastically came up with original recipes to please the aristocracy.

In the 18th century, English confectioners thought of diluting it with milk, and the new recipe quickly gained popularity. And Belgian pharmacists used the drink exclusively as a medicine.

After the discovery of a method for producing butter from cocoa beans, the British managed to turn a liquid dessert into a solid form.

The production of solid milk chocolate was first started by the Swiss in 1875. In 1930, the first white chocolate went on sale. But the dessert remained affordable only for the nobility and the rich until production was established on an industrial scale.

July 11, 1995 - the day when the holiday began to be celebrated all over the world, gained official status. The French could not even think that their holiday would acquire international significance. However, the sweet tooth of all countries willingly supported the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcelebration.

Chocolate culture of countries

On Chocolate Day, enterprises producing confectionery products open their doors to everyone, organize excursions, conduct master classes for children and adults. Chocolate museums around the world hold fairs and celebrations.

They learned how to produce a first-class product in different countries, but there are states where they create the most exquisite product, and the chocolatier's skill is considered impeccable. Top Producers:

  • Belgium. In this small country, chocolate is a national treasure. There are a lot of chocolate shops, chocolatiers, museums here. In terms of annual production of chocolate bars, the country leads the world. Belgian chocolatiers are called the creators of pralines and dessert dark chocolates.
  • Switzerland. This small country is famous not only for reliable banks, elite cheese, accurate watches, but also for first-class milk chocolate, the tastiest one in the world. In a year, a Swiss consumes an average of 10 kg of goodies, which is significant by European standards. Chocolate production has been established in almost every major settlement. Moreover, tourists are advised to take a train to the station of the town of Gruyeres in order to observe the production process at the local factory.
  • France. Tourists visiting France are offered to master the skills of a chocolatier. To do this, you need to visit the world-famous School of Chocolatier, located in Lyon. Its graduates are famous masters working in the best restaurants and pastry shops in the world.

Entertaining in Russia. Empress Catherine II was the first to try this wonderful drink. It was presented to her by the Venezuelan ambassador Francisco de Miranda. In the 19th century, the French and Germans opened the first confectionery factories in Russia.

One of the first and most famous Russian manufacturers is Alexei Abrikosov, whose name is included in the history of confectionery art. At his factory, they began to produce Cancer Necks and Houndstooth sweets, beloved by many. After the revolution, Abrikosov's production was called the Babaevskaya Chocolate Factory.

In 1965, it began to be produced on an industrial scale, and from a treat for the rich, it turned into a folk product. The first available chocolate in Russia was Alenka, which is still sold to this day.

How Chocolate Day is celebrated in different countries

Chocolate Day is celebrated on all continents in almost all civilized countries. Each country has its own events: competitions, fun performances, excursions to museums and confectionery production, exhibitions and fairs, chocolate baths, beauty.

Congratulations on this day are accepted:

  • all sweet tooth;
  • confectioners and chocolatiers;
  • confectionery workers.

How is the world sweet holiday celebrated in different countries:

  1. In Germany, 45 km from the famous resort of Baden-Baden, a European park has been created. A large area in it is reserved for the country of Chocolate. Here, on a festive day, a festival is held, which is popular with European tourists. Amusements work, thematic exhibitions open.
  2. In Switzerland, a special railway route opens for one day. "Chocolate" train runs across the country from one confectionery factory to another. The guide tells tourists about the history of Swiss chocolate; at the end of the trip, adults are offered to taste chocolate with cognac, and children are offered a milk chocolate drink.
  3. For Americans, the celebration of International Chocolate Day is noisy and fun. Relatives and friends are invited to organized parties with chocolate treats. And in America, you can celebrate the holiday not only on July 11th. October 28 in the USA is National Chocolate Day, January 10 is Bitter Chocolate Day, February 28 is Chocolate Soufflé Day, May 2 is Mousse, June 22 is Eclairs, and October 18 is Cupcakes. Interestingly, Americans buy most chocolate not on these dates, but on St. Valentine's Day.
  4. Holiday bonfires are lit in Iceland.
  5. In China, Japan and other Asian countries, chocolate products are produced according to special recipes. It is not as sweet as European, contains original ingredients. So, the Japanese create sweets with algae, sakura flowers, rice. At the Asian Chocolate Day, everyone can try sweets and other chocolate desserts of the most bizarre colors: blue, pink, green, orange.


Chocolate is a product with a rich history. It is no wonder that many interesting events and facts are associated with it. It is simply impossible to list everything, but it is worth noting the most unusual and amazing:

  1. The fillings and ingredients for chocolate products are strange, they give a specific, but wonderful taste. But the Chicago chocolatiers have created the most innovative chocolate. If you want to try a delicacy with mushrooms, bacon and hot chili peppers, head to Chicago. And in Ukraine they produce chocolates with lard.
  2. In 2008, at the annual culinary festival in Italy, they made a chocolate Big Ben that weighed 8 tons.
  3. In 2011, Chicago confectioners became famous again - they put the largest chocolate bar on display to the public. Its weight is more than 5 tons, length - 6.5 m, height - 0.9 m.
  4. The British also did their best - they prepared a chocolate bar weighing almost 6 tons.
  5. Almost all languages ​​of the world have an expression similar to the Russian "everything is in chocolate." And always its meaning is "everything is fine."
  6. The properties of cocoa powder as an aphrodisiac were known even by the ancient South American Indians. The product contains phenamine - a psychotropic compound, under the influence of which the brain gives a signal about the appearance of a feeling of love, high spirits. It is no wonder that young girls are so fond of delicacy.
  7. Professional chocolatiers are able to distinguish up to 400 varieties of cocoa by aroma.
  8. The amount spent by humanity on the purchase of chocolate for the year is 20 billion dollars. Every year, consumers around the world eat more than 600 thousand tons of various chocolate products.
  9. The manufacturer of the most expensive chocolate products is the American company Fritz Knipschildt. For half a kilo of truffles covered in gourmet chocolate, the manufacturer asks for $2,600. The dessert is prepared by hand, using the most expensive French-made Valhrona Ganache chocolate. The recipe is kept in the strictest confidence.
  10. There are chocolate museums in many countries. There are three of them in Russia - in Pokrov, Moscow, St. Petersburg.

A chocolate holiday is a wonderful occasion to get together with a friendly or family company, cook delicious treats: cakes, sweets, mousses, ice cream. If someone close to you works at a confectionery factory, then you should congratulate him. If you wish, you can go to the city of Pokrov, visit the local museum. Or you can just have fun at home, enjoy plenty of chocolate goodies.

The authorship of the celebration of the sweetest day in the calendar belongs to the French. It was they who first celebrated the chocolate celebration on a grand scale in 1995. And although they were not the pioneers of "chocolate happiness", their many years of devoted love for a wonderful confectionery dessert is beyond doubt. So, back in the 18th century, about 500 establishments were opened in France, the menu of which included exclusively “chocolate items”. Then the baton of the holiday was picked up by Europeans and Americans. The average annual consumption of a resident of the United States is more than 13 kilograms.

The history of impeccable delicacy

Invented chocolate drink, according to one version, the Aztecs. They consumed it in huge quantities - several cups a day. But we owe the large-scale planting of cocoa plantations to the Mexicans. However, neither of them thought to add sugar cane to the drink. Enterprising Spaniards began to add cinnamon, nutmeg to it and gave it sweetness. They kept their recipe in the strictest confidence for more than 50 years.

However, smugglers have established European channels and transported the miracle drink there. It was an unaffordable luxury due to the incredibly high price, so only aristocratic families could taste it. By order of Anna of Austria, boxes of cocoa beans were delivered to France, and a virtuoso chocolatier was hired. Noble ladies believed that chocolate is a powerful aphrodisiac. Madame Pompadour herself called him nothing more than a burning source of love passions.

In the 16th century, Belgian pharmacists began to brew a special medicinal chocolate. It included medicinal herbs, oils and flowers. The traditional hard bar was first produced by the British in the 1850s, while milk and white chocolate were invented by the Swiss. But the price for it was still prohibitively high, and only in the 20th century did chocolate become available to wide social circles.

In the Soviet Union, chocolate was long condemned and classified as a bourgeois dessert. The merchant Abrikosov managed to establish mass production, who came up with chocolate collections with images of famous artists, as well as sweets in funny wrappers, and the legendary chocolate Santa Clauses and hares. The first truly folk chocolate was "Alenka".

Interesting Facts

Chocolate ingredients promote relaxation and psychological relaxation. They trigger the release of endorphins and dramatically improve mood. There is an opinion that chocolate slows down the aging process. Despite the calorie content, even nutritionists recommend it, however, in moderation.

In most countries, the expression "everything in chocolate" means that life is good, everything turned out in the best possible way. The taste of chocolate, due to the presence of a strong stimulant phenamine, causes an indescribable feeling, identical to falling in love. The most unusual is Chicago chocolate. There are varieties with the taste of hot pepper, bacon and mushrooms. Famous chocolatiers have unique skills - they are able to recognize more than 400 cocoa flavors.

Holiday traditions

On Chocolate Day, sales volumes of the most delicious dessert increase significantly. On the holiday, it is customary to hold festivals, fairs, tastings, master classes, competitions with prizes and treats. Factories and confectioneries organize Open Days, where they talk about the mysteries of making sweets and demonstrate how a “real miracle” is born from milk, cocoa and berry fillings.

On this day, grandiose cocoa parties are often held with cascades of sweets, chocolate desserts and fondue. Girls are offered chocolate spa wraps, massages and baths. Thematic holidays and chocolate quests are organized for children with the search for treasures in the form of delicious gold coins. Another popular format is chocolate body art, when people paint each other with chocolate icing, and then hold a fashion show where the jury rewards models with the most interesting body art.

In Russia, chocolate museums located in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Pokrov are becoming a platform for large-scale celebrations. In the Vladimir region, there was even a grand opening of the chocolate monument. Russians also host chocolate parties, fashion runways displaying chocolate-colored clothes, and “edible displays” with chocolate cities—precise sculptures of people, models of houses, and vehicles.

A person experiences indescribable happiness and bliss after biting off a piece of delicious chocolate. Endorphins, splashed out thanks to a sweet bar, give us these moments of euphoria. Well, how can you not worship chocolate? This is a real miracle, a gift of nature to man. The intricate, romantic French first celebrated Chocolate Day in 1995. This wonderful tradition was picked up by other countries. Russia is no exception. July 11 is now World Chocolate Day!

Sweet tooth holiday

Where chocolate came from is not really known. The most common version says that the Aztecs created this recipe, and the enterprising Spaniards brought sweetness to Europe. At first, only aristocrats could enjoy such a delicacy. Some ladies considered chocolate an aphrodisiac and stuffed it into themselves in kilograms. A few decades later, the production of chocolate was put on stream, and then any hard worker could already enjoy this wonderful taste.

Data from scientists

A lot of controversy and research concerns chocolate. Scientists have proven that it contributes to raising the mood and acquiring psychological calmness. But its nutritional properties leave much to be desired. Chocolate lovers gain weight very quickly! There are hypotheses that chocolate is a cure for cancer. Although they have not yet been substantiated.

Have fun soul and body

World Chocolate Day is a favorite holiday for children and adults. It is on this beautiful day that you can heartily sip your favorite treat. Fairs, festivities, concerts are held in all cities. The people are having fun! Cheerful music sounds everywhere, producers hold tastings of sweet new products! No one will miss this holiday. It is not easy for the organizers. Every year you need to come up with something new for World Chocolate Day. The scenario is thought out for a whole year, because the holiday should be unique.

Plants and factories

Such a grandiose holiday is a whole event for chocolate producers. Plants and factories arrange an open day, invite everyone to look at the process of creating chocolate goodies. It does not do without tasting products, so the tour groups are simply overcrowded. July 11 - World Chocolate Day. Even kids remember this date!

Chocolatier - this is the name of professionals in their field. To master the art of creating chocolate, you need to know a lot and constantly improve your skills. Initially, chocolate was a drink, and only after centuries it turned into smooth tiles. But liquid chocolate is back at the peak of popularity. Confectioners make beautiful fountains of chocolate, prepare hot drinks with fruits and spices. Confectioners demonstrate their masterpieces on World Chocolate Day and arrange master classes.


On this wonderful holiday, people congratulate each other, give small gifts, postcards, compose poems. You can present surprises on this day not only to confectioners and people somehow connected with chocolate, but also to all your loved ones. Show attention to the elderly - the holiday is never superfluous! You can give anything: sets of sweets, clothes with the image of chocolate, a photo frame imitating a chocolate bar, delicious tiles, postcards. World Chocolate Day is a great occasion to confess your love, make a marriage proposal. After all, it exudes romance and tenderness from him.

Children are especially happy with chocolate gifts. For them, you can come up with delicious compositions. Any child will love the original box filled with chocolate eggs with a surprise inside. You can give the kids chocolate figurines of their favorite characters. If you started celebrating World Chocolate Day at home, the script is a must. Pick up interesting contests for children, a win-win lottery for adults, quizzes with tricky questions about the history of chocolate. The prizes, of course, are delicious sweets!

Delicious Variety

Originally made chocolate possessed bitterness. Therefore, not everyone liked it. But now your attention is offered a sweet, wonderful product with a variety of additives. Everything is used: cookies, nuts, dried fruits, even salted crackers. Diet chocolate has not yet been invented, but science has everything ahead. You should not get carried away with this delicacy, only if on this wonderful holiday!

Beauty with taste

World Chocolate Day is now celebrated with pleasure in beauty salons. After all, they use it there completely for other purposes! Chocolate wraps quickly burst into our lives and won the hearts of beauties. The skin after such a procedure becomes unrecognizable: silky, smooth, sweet, with a pleasant aroma! Visitors to the salons simply storm wrapping specialists, there is no end to clients. Be sure to give yourself these moments of bliss.

On this wonderful holiday - World Chocolate Day - congratulations should be special. The first thing everyone wishes for each other is that life be as sweet as the hero of the occasion!

Who doesn't love chocolate?

Everyone is happy with such a miracle!

Brains work faster

And you are prettier in front of your eyes.

Sweet tooth, take care of your teeth,

And take care of your figure!

Happy holiday to you all, sweeties!

Such a congratulation can be written in a beautiful postcard and attached to a chocolate bar.


On July 11, you should not sit at home - go to the holiday, you can see a lot of interesting things there. Festivals, fairs, master classes, concerts - all this is dedicated to chocolate. At fairs, you can buy excellent quality chocolate directly from manufacturers at very attractive prices! In some cities there are parades of baby carriages, competitions for the best chocolate costume!

World Chocolate Day is a great holiday that everyone will enjoy. In the cities there are entertainments for every taste! Be sure to pamper yourself and your loved ones with desserts, cakes, chic cakes with chocolate! Indeed, in moderation, it is very useful!