How to cook porcini mushrooms for the winter. How to pickle porcini mushroom at home? Preparing mushrooms for pickling

Autumn is the time to think about how to make blanks from mushrooms and other gifts of nature. Mushrooms for the winter can be prepared in a variety of ways. The most common methods for harvesting mushrooms for future use are: dry, roll pickled mushrooms in jars, pickle in a barrel or pan, or simply freeze. In winter, from such preparations, you can cook delicious mushroom soup, salad, gravy for a side dish and other yummy. The most popular, simple and detailed recipes for mushroom blanks, accompanied by step-by-step photographs, are collected in this section of the site. Follow them and be sure that delicious snacks and mushroom dishes will delight you all year round!

The best recipes with photos

The last notes

In the season of "silent hunting", many are wondering how to save the entire harvest of mushrooms. Freezing is a great way to do this. You can freeze both forest mushrooms and those that you purchased in a store or on the market. After all, everyone knows that in the summer the price of mushrooms is much lower.

Winter preparations are a great way to diversify the hostess's festive table. There are many recipes using white mushrooms, but pickling them is especially tasty and traditional for the winter holiday table. The main stage of this method is the selection of high-quality fresh products and their proper preparation.

Selection and preparation of white mushrooms

Firstly, mushrooms should not be wormy and strong enough.

Secondly, porcini mushrooms can be cooked both with caps and legs, as well as whole, if they are small in size.

Thirdly, attention is paid to the place where these products are collected. They absorb toxic waste well, so it is forbidden to collect them near the city and roads. If you buy on the market, then you must be sure of the seller.

Before pickling directly, it is necessary to prepare porcini mushrooms. To begin with, rinse in cool water, clean from dirt. Then cut off the wormy parts.

Next, we bring to your attention popular recipes for pickling porcini mushrooms at home.

A simple recipe for pickled white mushrooms

This cooking method is considered the most popular among housewives. All components of the marinade are indicated in approximate quantities, as they depend on the individual preferences of the hostess.


In order for the dish to turn out delicious, you should devote at least 60 minutes to this recipe.

Marinating porcini mushrooms at home according to a simple recipe in stages:

Marinated porcini mushrooms: a quick recipe

For those who have little free time, but want to pamper themselves with preparations in winter, a quick cooking method will be an excellent option, where there is no need to cook several times. A similar recipe will take about 40 minutes from an experienced hostess.


Cooking at home step by step:

Marinating white mushrooms for the winter


Cooking porcini mushrooms for the winter:

Marinated porcini mushrooms with onions

To get a richer taste, in addition to the main product, various vegetables are added to the marinade. Onion will help to bring a pleasant shade.


Cooking delicious pickled mushrooms with onions looks like this:

Marinate with vegetables


Marinating porcini mushrooms with vegetables at home in steps:

Recipe without vinegar

If you belong to the category of people who are forbidden to eat dishes with vinegar, then there is a marinade option without using it.


Cooking homemade pickled mushrooms without the use of vinegar:

In addition to the recipes discussed, there are many other equally interesting and tasty ways to cook white mushrooms in marinade. The following additives will perfectly diversify your dish: dry white wine, garlic, nutmeg and many other seasonings. You can also combine them with boletus.

It is important not only to cook the mushrooms, but also to properly sterilize the jars. The most common methods are steam sterilization or boiling.

If you are worried about the quality of the mushrooms and are afraid of poisoning, then before you put the snack on the table, you can process it again. This can be done in the following way:

  • Put mushrooms out of the jar, marinade into a container, pour a little water, put to boil;
  • Cook for half an hour;
  • At the end of cooking, add vinegar, salt and oil.

After processing, pickled mushrooms can be served on the table, but it is worth considering that this product can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days.

To create truly delicious pickled white mushrooms, it is necessary to consider, in addition to the main points in storage and preparation, the following:

  1. Store blanks in a cool dark room;
  2. You can eat pickled mushrooms after 20-30 days from the date of preparation;
  3. Do not roll this dish with metal lids;
  4. Any pickled mushrooms should be stored for no more than 12 months;
  5. After you close the jars, they must be turned over and wrapped in a warm cloth until they cool completely.

Pickled porcini mushrooms, cooked by hand at home, will not leave the household indifferent, will be an excellent addition to fried or boiled potatoes and many other dishes, and will also be a great alternative to meat.

In the next video - another option for harvesting porcini mushrooms.

Porcini mushrooms are those gifts of the forest that are not only attractive in appearance, but also have a truly pleasant taste and aroma. In addition, mushrooms contain a lot of useful substances, so they are often included in the diet menu. Porcini mushrooms are good in any form: fried, boiled, pickled or pickled. But since it is pickled mushrooms that serve as an excellent addition to the everyday and festive table, we will consider this method of harvesting in more detail.

The success of marinating porcini mushrooms directly depends on the marinade itself, which you will use for cooking. The quality of the mushrooms themselves also plays an equally important role, so they must be carefully sorted and cleaned before cooking.

Marinade for white mushrooms

There are a lot of ways to prepare a marinade for mushrooms. To do this, you can use any preservative available in your kitchen. For this purpose, vinegar, citric acid and ordinary salt will do just fine.

Note: Thanks to such a variety of marinades, you can easily prepare a tasty and healthy preparation in accordance with your preferences.

First of all, you should understand what the pickling process itself is. In fact, this is a preparation of mushrooms or any other product that is preserved with acetic or citric acid, and spices and salt provide a pleasant rich taste (Figure 1).

Marinade for mushrooms can be prepared in several ways. The first is to cook mushrooms directly in this liquid. In this case, both the taste of the product itself and the marinade for it turns out to be really rich and fragrant. However, the liquid itself is not very attractive in appearance. It is slightly cloudy and viscous, and inside there may be pieces that have fallen off during the cooking process.

Figure 1. Pickled mushrooms

The second option is suitable for those who appreciate not only the taste, but also the appearance of the dish. In the process of cooking, mushrooms are pre-boiled and dipped into a boiling marinade already ready. In this case, the liquid will be more transparent and beautiful, but its taste and aroma will not be as saturated as when prepared in the first way. Below we will give the most popular marinade recipes for porcini mushrooms, but before that, you need to pay attention to the mushrooms themselves, intended for canning.

How to choose porcini mushrooms for marinade

To make the preparation really tasty and healthy, you need to choose and prepare porcini mushrooms correctly (Figure 2).

Note: It is better to collect them yourself and in environmentally friendly places. When buying mushrooms on the market, you will not be completely sure that they do not contain radionuclides or heavy metals.

Figure 2. Choosing mushrooms for pickling

For this harvesting method, only high-quality young specimens are selected. They should have firm firm flesh, and there should be no sign of worminess in the stems and caps. As a rule, only caps are used for pickling, but if you have collected a lot of small mushrooms, you can cook them whole. Large specimens can also be marinated, but in this case, the caps must be separated from the legs and cut into pieces of approximately the same size.

Preparation of porcini mushrooms for pickling

It is important not only to choose mushrooms suitable for pickling, but also to properly prepare them for this process. Since this product spoils quickly, it is best to send it for recycling within a few hours of collection. If for some reason you were not able to process the mushrooms in time, transfer them to an enameled pan and place them on the top shelf of the refrigerator without covering them with a lid. In such a container, they can stand for another day, but at the same time they cannot be shifted or shaken so that the pulp does not lose density.

Naturally, mushrooms must be cleaned before pickling. To do this, remove all large debris from the hat and legs. Be sure to inspect the inside of the hat: this is where most of the debris accumulates. Next, it is enough to wipe the surface of the hat with a toothbrush or a damp towel to remove even the smallest particles of debris (Figure 3).

Figure 3. Preparatory stage

After that, you can start cleaning the legs. Its lower part is cut off to completely remove particles of earth and forest vegetation. The surface of the leg must be scraped with a knife to remove the thin skin. After that, they are washed under running water and thrown into a colander to allow the remaining moisture to drain.

Some people think that it is not necessary to wash mushrooms before cooking. This opinion is erroneous, since the fruiting bodies must be washed to remove dust particles and debris. Mushrooms are not washed only if they are intended for further drying. If you plan to pickle them, washing should be a mandatory step in preparation. Otherwise, particles of dust or earth may be felt in the already prepared workpiece, and the dish will be unfit for consumption.

Types of marinades for pickling porcini mushrooms

There are a lot of options for marinades for cooking delicious porcini mushrooms for the winter. We will give only the best and proven recipes that will help you prepare a truly delicious preparation.

The first recipe involves pickling mushrooms in citric acid, and vinegar is added at the very end of cooking. To prepare, you need to clean and, if necessary, cut, and then boil in lightly salted water (2 tablespoons of salt will be needed per 1 liter of water). In the process, foam will form, which must be removed with a slotted spoon. When the mushrooms are completely ready, they will sink to the bottom.

Further preparation of mushrooms according to this recipe includes the following steps:

  1. Throw the boiled mushrooms in a colander to remove excess moisture from the pulp.
  2. While the fruiting bodies are drying, wash and sterilize the jars of the required volume.
  3. Let's start cooking the marinade. To prepare it, you will need 400 ml of water, 6 black peppercorns, a teaspoon of salt, 3 grams of citric acid and spices. To add flavor, it is recommended to add 3 bay leaves, cloves and cinnamon.
  4. The marinade is boiled for 20-30 minutes over low heat. After that, it needs to be slightly cooled, add a third of a glass of 9 percent vinegar.

Mushrooms are laid out in jars and poured with marinade so that the liquid reaches the lower edge of the neck. After that, cover the containers with lids and send to sterilize for 40 minutes. Next, tightly cover the jars with lids and send them to be stored in a cold place.

There is also a classic version of the marinade, which is used by many housewives. With this method of preparation, mushrooms are first boiled for 20-25 minutes with bay leaves, allspice, cloves and cinnamon. When the mushrooms begin to settle to the bottom, 80% acetic acid, diluted 2-3 times with water, is added to the water. To make the workpiece acquire a pleasant golden hue, a little citric acid is added to it. 3 grams of this substance per 10 kg of mushrooms will be enough. Ready mushrooms are laid out in sterile jars and corked with plastic lids. It is better to store the workpiece in a cool place, for example, in a cellar, on a balcony or in a refrigerator.

Recipes for pickling porcini mushrooms

If you have harvested a rich crop of mushrooms and want to pickle them, we recommend using one of our recipes. They are quite diverse, and will appeal to every hostess.

For pickling with vinegar, you will need 1 kg of mushrooms, 70 ml of water, a heaping tablespoon of sugar, 10 grams of salt and 150 ml of nine percent vinegar. To make the preparation more fragrant, add a few bay leaves, a little cloves, 7 peas of allspice and 2 grams of citric acid (Figure 4).

Further preparation is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Pour water into the pan, add salt and vinegar, bring the mixture to a boil and immerse the peeled and chopped mushrooms in it.
  2. We cook the product over low heat, stirring constantly and removing the foam.
  3. When the marinade becomes transparent, add sugar, spices and citric acid to it and continue to cook over low heat until the liquid becomes completely transparent and the mushrooms sink to the bottom. Cooking time depends on the product itself. For example, hats are cooked for 25-30 minutes, and legs for about 20.

Figure 4. Vinegar pickling steps

During the cooking process, it is important to control the mushrooms so that they are fully cooked, but not overcooked. If the mushrooms are undercooked, the workpiece may deteriorate, and the overcooked ones will be too flabby, and the pulp will lose its dense texture and taste.

At the end of cooking, the mushrooms must be removed from the marinade, cool slightly and put into sterilized jars. Next, they should be poured with chilled marinade and closed with a plastic lid.

Note: It often happens that the marinade is not enough to completely fill the jar. In this case, the required amount of hot water can be added to the container.

The final stage of pickling according to this recipe will be sterilization. We place the containers with the workpiece in a large saucepan with warm water (about 70 degrees) and sterilize over low heat for half an hour. Store such a workpiece in a cool place.

The previous pickling recipe is quite laborious and time consuming. But, if you need to quickly process the crop, you can always use a quick recipe for pickling them (Figure 5).

Cooking porcini mushrooms in this way is carried out as follows:

  1. Peeled mushrooms are cut in advance into pieces of the right size and boiled in salted water (2 tablespoons of salt per 1 liter of water).
  2. Next, the product is thrown into a colander to remove excess moisture and the mushrooms are laid out in sterilized jars.
  3. After that, they are poured with a pre-prepared cold marinade. To prepare it for 1 kg of mushrooms, you will need a liter of water, 2 teaspoons of salt, 12 peas of allspice, 6 pieces of cloves, cinnamon and bay leaf. All components are mixed in an enamel pan and boiled for half an hour over low heat.

Figure 5. Quick marinade recipe

When the marinade is cooked and cooled, 70 grams of 8% vinegar must be added to it. This amount will be enough for 1 kg of mushrooms. Accordingly, if you use more of this product, the volume of vinegar increases proportionally.

When the jars are filled with mushrooms and marinade, they should be covered with plastic lids and stored in a cold place. When using this recipe, mushrooms need a certain time to absorb the spices, so the dish will be ready to eat in about a month.

If you have never pickled porcini mushrooms before and are afraid to spoil the workpiece, we recommend that you watch the video, the author of which describes this process in detail and demonstrates in practice all the stages of marinating mushrooms at home.

Mushrooms contain a lot of valuable protein, they rightfully take their place in the cuisines of different peoples of the world. There are several cooking methods: boiling, frying, freezing, salting, pickling. How to freeze and save porcini mushrooms will be described in this material.

Freezing is used in order to preserve the properties of mushrooms, to save them for the longest possible time. All known species can be subjected to this type of processing - boletus, boletus, chanterelles, mushrooms, and also white ones. Industrial freezing is used to extend the shelf life of oyster mushrooms and champignons, but the taste of mushrooms processed by oneself will be an order of magnitude higher.

Important. Frozen mushrooms are a long-term NC for making delicious soups, roasts, winter salads. The main thing is to carefully sort the collection before processing, removing spoiled, stale, too saturated with moisture legs and hats.

White mushroom is especially appreciated by connoisseurs for its delicate and rich taste, its meaty parts rich in protein are not inferior in energy value to meat. And if you properly preserve such a treasure, freeze it, then you can provide yourself with a tasty and healthy delicacy for a long time.

Selection and preparation of mushrooms before freezing

Experienced chefs place special emphasis on the process of preparing mushrooms for long-term storage. After all, it will depend on this whether they will lie in their original form for a long time or the whole idea with freezing will end in failure. So, for laying in the freezer, you need mushrooms:

  • fresh;
  • strong;
  • clean;
  • with minimal liquid content.

If you use mushrooms 2 or more days old, then after defrosting they will almost immediately become unusable. The same applies to heavily soaked in water, caps and legs that have gained moisture. It is imperative to clean the surfaces of mushrooms before cold packaging from debris, twigs, damaged areas. Whole, strong and fresh mushrooms will retain their taste for a long time, and the “old”, rumpled ones will immediately lose their shape after thawing, they will look very unappetizing, gray.

Ways to freeze porcini mushrooms for the winter

There are several classic options for freezing porcini mushrooms, the recipes for their preparation are quite simple: cooling raw or after pre-boiling. Which way to choose - everyone decides for himself.

"Raw" saves processing time for direct freezing, "boiled" allows you to quickly prepare a dish from a semi-finished product - soup or roast.

In no case should you mix different mushrooms. Firstly, each type has its own structure: there are mushrooms with a strong stem and a loose hat, very tender, quickly losing their presentation with careless handling, and others.

Secondly, such a "hodgepodge" will affect the taste of the product - you get some kind of average, similar at the same time to everything at once, a mushroom, as if extracted from the farthest refrigerator of an ordinary supermarket.

Such a product has no more advantages than a briquette of frozen champignons of an indefinite taste bought in a hurry. And our goal is to fully preserve all the notes of the exquisite taste coloring of the porcini mushroom.


This technique allows you to save as much as possible all the taste qualities of the fungus, to keep it in its original form. We need fresh, strong, not wormy and clean hare, so the issue of sorting is approached with all due diligence. All damaged, watery, too soft legs and hats are mercilessly rejected - they are not suitable for freezing.

Next, the fungi are processed whole or, after cutting, into slices - as it is more convenient for anyone. For freezing, it is good to use bags with a fastener made of dense polyethylene: they securely store the contents and are easy to open.


And this method will require mandatory heat treatment. It is also used when they are not sure (or are afraid) of raw mushrooms, although all mushroom pickers and culinary experts unanimously repeat: if you don’t know if your find is edible or not, it’s better not to take it. The method is well suited for preserving “substandard”: broken hats, damaged (but not rotten) legs, small mushrooms.

Boil the product before freezing for no more than 5 minutes, after cutting into slices or crumbling into cubes. They are immediately thrown into boiling water, then allowed to cool, filtered, left in a colander, and only then placed in a bag for preservation in the cold. You can use 1 large package or several small ones - whichever is more convenient for you, but the second option is preferable.

A small portion is immediately used, it is easy to make a pie or soup out of it, and a large package that has been started will then have to be re-frozen, which is not very good.


Another way to reduce the time spent on cooking the finished dish. Sorted, peeled and washed mushrooms are cut into small portions, then fried over low heat in vegetable oil (no longer than 20 minutes). The second way is to stew in the oven, on a baking sheet, in your own juice - this way the piquant sweetish taste of the mycelium is better preserved. The completely cooled product is laid out in bags and frozen.

Fried in the freezer

One of the most famous harvesting methods, which every experienced housewife is familiar with. Mushrooms are fried in vegetable or butter, then placed in glass jars of a suitable container and poured with the resulting juice. Roasting in pork lard is allowed - this applies to personal taste preferences. Thermally processed, fat-filled mushrooms can be stored for a long time, completely retaining all their taste.

A simple method for the "lazy" and those who pay tribute to their own products, and not to purchased semi-finished products. Prepared (clean and chopped) mushrooms are boiled with spices or just like that. The finished broth can be stored in several ways:

  1. In glass jars.
  2. food containers.
  3. Ordinary packaging bags.
  4. Divided into cubes.

Any of the above methods will allow you to quickly prepare a hearty lunch or dinner using pre-frozen rich mushroom broth.

How long can they be stored?

A reasonable question that arises among lovers of homemade preparations: how long are frozen mushrooms and semi-finished products from them stored? If the above conditions are observed (strong and fresh mushrooms, not damaged, without wormholes and rot), the product is stored in the freezer for a whole year. But for this we must not forget about a few simple rules.

Important. The lower the temperature, the longer the shelf life (the longest period is -18 ºС), and the mushrooms taken out of the cold are immediately used without residue - re-freezing is unacceptable.

How to defrost mushrooms?

Freezing and packing raw, boiled or fried mushrooms is half the battle. You still need to defrost them properly. In order for frozen foods to retain their taste and not lose them in a couple of minutes, it is recommended to transfer them from the freezer to the refrigerator before preparing the dish. Such an intermediate defrosting will allow the semi-finished product to smoothly gain temperature, at the same time without losing color and taste.

The method of forced defrosting in a microwave or oven, beloved by some housewives, will be harmful, not beneficial: instead of fragrant, tasty, as if picked yesterday in the forest, mushrooms will turn out to be an unappetizing grayish mess, which is scary to use for food.

Lovingly selected, carefully cleaned and properly frozen mushrooms (raw, boiled or stewed) will retain their delicate, unique taste for a long time, serving as a raw material for making soups, roasts or cold appetizers. This is extremely important for the royal, porcini mushroom - a recognized favorite among boletus, russula and oil.

Porcini mushrooms marinated according to our family recipe. The recipe is very quick and most importantly simple.

What you need to cook pickled white mushrooms

In order to quickly pickle mushrooms, we need the following products:

  • fresh porcini mushrooms
  • acetic acid
  • black peppercorns
  • Bay leaf
  • garlic
  • clove or cinnamon

I will not indicate the number of ingredients, as we always make by eye. And I advise you to do the same, because it is not the exact proportions that are important here, but the mood with which you cook!

How to cook porcini pickled mushrooms

Fresh mushrooms must first be thoroughly washed and cleaned. Cut off dirt from them and remove stuck needles and leaves.

Now large mushrooms need to be cut into several parts. We cut small mushrooms in half, and small ones can not be touched at all. Let them marinate whole, it will be prettier.

Place the sliced ​​mushrooms in a saucepan, cover with cold water, salt and put on fire.

Bring water with mushrooms to a boil, let it boil for five minutes and necessarily Drain the first water. She is dirty and not pretty. With it, all the harmful substances that may be in the mushrooms will go away.

Pour cold water over again and bring to a boil again. Let it boil again for 20-30 minutes and throw the porcini mushrooms into a colander.

Wash the mushrooms under running water and set aside.

We are preparing the marinade. Pour water into a saucepan. For one liter of water you need 1 tablespoon of salt (a little more can be), 1 tablespoon of sugar. We throw a few leaves of bay leaf, a few cloves of garlic.

At the end, add a little cloves or a couple of pieces of cinnamon bark. They are completely different flavors! I like both, and you choose what you like best.

Waiting for it to boil. Already in boiling water, add 1 tablespoon of acetic acid 70%.

And now we throw boiled porcini mushrooms into the boiling marinade. Quite a bit let the mushrooms boil in the marinade.

Remove from heat and lay out hot, you can even say pour it into clean sterilized jars.

Banks must be filled with mushrooms to the top. Pour the mushrooms with hot marinade so that just a little bit is not enough to the edge. Top with a little sunflower oil.

Cover hot jars with lids and set aside to cool. Store jars of pickled porcini mushrooms in a cool place, preferably in the refrigerator.

You can eat in a couple of days, especially impatient ones can immediately try those mushrooms that were not included in the jars.