I want likes on youtube. How to wind up likes on YouTube and comments: free and paid ways to cheat. How to see who disliked on youtube

On the Internet, YouTube is the first and, perhaps, the only service that allows you to upload your videos to the network. On the pages of the site, you can view videos of various topics, here many bloggers find their purpose. The main indicator of the quality of the video and its usefulness is the like. The more likes on YouTube, the more desirable the video becomes in the eyes of the user.

Likes on youtube and their number directly determine the rating of the channel and its popularity. In this article, we will consider in detail not only the concept of youtube likes , but also how to get likes on YouTube for free, is it safe and much more.

Cheat Likes on Youtube (Youtube)

For any person, whether he is a professional blogger or just an amateur, it is very important that his video is viewed by as many users as possible. By shooting a video and posting it on YouTube, on your channel, everyone dreams of getting recognition.

youtube likes boost This is an opportunity to get the recognition of millions. If you are a beginner and started your channel, put up a video, it makes no sense to sit and wait for fans. Many novice video bloggers, not seeing likes, comments and other interest on their channel, stop doing their job. Our service will allow you to get likes on youtube without spending a penny.

If your goals are serious, and you really want to create an interesting channel of thousands of audiences, we will help and tell you how to get likes on YouTube for free.

Cheat likes on YouTube for free

If you think that you can’t get likes on YouTube for free, we are in a hurry to disappoint you ..

In fact, we offer two packages of services: free and paid. You can choose a more convenient option yourself. But let's not deviate from the topic and continue the conversation about the free cheat likes on YouTube.

How does this happen? It's simple, in order to create a task for users, you need to earn the internal currency of our site. This is done elementarily. You, performing similar tasks of other users, receive points on your account. In the future, they will help you create your own task.

Let's look at how to get likes on YouTube using our service .. Let's move on to the next stage of cheating.

The service will give you the opportunity to earn internal currency by completing simple tasks of other users. To do this, select the "Earn" section and the required category, for example, "YouTube Likes". Next, you need to like the video of other users or subscribe to the group. As soon as you accumulate enough points on your account, you can proceed to the main process.

Create a task to get likes on YouTube, because that's what you came to us for. Select the tab "Cheat" - "Youtube" - "Likes. Don't forget to add the required number of likes and a link to your video. It remains to safely press the "Order" button and the mechanism is launched. It's so simple and elementary on our service that thousands of video bloggers get likes on youtube.

We promised to tell you about all the cheating methods available on our service, the turn of paid cheating has come. For a small fee, you will instantly receive the required number of points to create your assignment. And we, in turn, will help you get likes on YouTube honestly and efficiently.

Why Youtube likes are needed

What are youtube likes for? Let's try to understand and understand.

First and most important boost likes on youtube raises popularity. Agree, the user who drives a query into the search bar wants to see the video. Which video will he choose? Naturally with a lot of likes.

YouTube is a unique site that allows users of its network to become not only famous, but also to promote their business, to achieve certain success. Having likes on YouTube, you can talk about your activities, attract potential customers and find investors.

Is it safe to get likes on YouTube?

Cheat likes on YouTube with our service is absolutely safe. Ordinary people, just like you, will like you. We do not use any programs and bots, we work transparently and honestly. It follows from this that likes on YouTube are put by real people, they will be interested in your video. They will recommend it for viewing to friends and acquaintances. Thus, you will remain doubly in the black, attracting people from the outside as well.

Advantages of the site service

We offer high-quality services for boosting your videos on YouTube. Huge work experience allows us to declare to everyone that our promotion is the best. We will fulfill your order in a short time, and at the same time, the cost of our services will pleasantly surprise you.

We guarantee the user compliance with all deadlines, confidentiality. With us you will get an explosive boost of likes on your channel. Only we have a user-friendly interface, clear online ordering and a large number of payment methods!

If you want your videos to be very popular, promote your channel and become a famous video blogger, come to us. Our service has no competitors!!

How fast do you get likes on Youtube?

Our service uses a points system. The more points you put for completing the task to get Youtube likes, the higher it will be in the list of performers. Thus, you can choose the desired execution speed.

As a rule, likes on YouTube begin to appear immediately after the creation of the task. Thus, you can quickly wind up thousands of likes on YouTube for any video.

Many users who shoot videos on YouTube and not only often wonder how to see who liked on YouTube, and in some situations, how to find out who disliked on YouTube. At the same time, they are guided by completely different emotions and motives, which is probably why the YouTube administration did not provide for the built-in ability to see such information.

How to see who likes a video on youtube

Likes are not only a good motivator for a video creator, but YouTube itself notices videos with a good like ratio and automatically promotes them. Users can also like the comment of the viewer or YouTuber they like or useful.

It should be noted right away that YouTube does not provide built-in capabilities for those users who want to see who liked it on YouTube. However, there are crude and laborious ways that may help. On each YouTube account, by default, a playlist is displayed called “Liked”. Here are collected all the videos that a particular user put their likes on. In addition, on the main page of the channel, the function of displaying the last few “liked” videos can also be enabled.

Most users do not hide their subscription information, which is also contained on their main page. Youtuber can click on the list of his subscribers to see all his subscribers who do not hide information about their subscriptions. Perhaps one of them does not hide information about likes either, but for this you will have to manually view the channel of each of them.

How to see who disliked on youtube

Contrary to popular belief that a large number of dislikes under a video worsens its position, this is actually not the case. The YouTube algorithms themselves consider likes and dislikes under one category, called video activity. That is why for them it is indifferent whether this assessment is positive or negative, since in any case it is a deliberate and conscious action of the viewer, his activity.

Dislikes play the role of assessing the attitude of the viewer to this video content. Some YouTubers find dislikes depressing and they want to know who put them, so they can do something similar in response. Others, channel owners, want to find the critic and find out what he did not like and what should be changed in this video or on the channel as a whole.

If the likes are rude and unlikely, but can be seen and calculated, then the situation with dislikes is even more complicated. The method presented below, most likely will not even provide the name or link to the account of the person who put the dislike, but, nevertheless, some information about this user can be obtained.

By following the path shown in the picture and entering a specific video of interest to the user in the search, you can get some information about those users who put the dislike. Among these information:

  • Regional data;
  • Age category and gender;
  • Subscriber or not;
  • The time and date when the dislike was placed, as well as the device.

This method is mainly suitable for those channels that have few subscribers, or viewers of about the same age, or for the most part from the same state. In this case, according to the data received, you can try to figure out who put the dislike.

Information about likes and dislikes on YouTube is private, but some data can still be obtained and used to calculate this person.

One of the fastest ways to promote videos on the Internet is to get Youtube likes. With an increase in the number of positive ratings, the credibility of the information presented in the video increases significantly. At the same time, the YouTube video ranking algorithm takes into account the number of likes as one of the main criteria for the popularity of a published video. Social activity under the video file indicates the relevance of the video for a large group of users. This is widely used in their work by Internet marketers who successfully convert users into regular customers.

Effective promotion of likes and subscriptions on Youtube is a technically complex process that requires certain knowledge and experience in specialized software. Thanks to the fast winding up of positive ratings of users and subscribers to the channel, you can significantly increase the monetization of the channel. Other positive aspects of cheating likes are: increasing the loyalty of the audience of viewers, forming a positive perception of the video among users, and improving the position of the video in the TOP YouTube.

Cheat likes on Youtube comments

Commenting under the video is one of the brightest manifestations of social activity. The presence of numerous likes under the comment significantly increases the level of trust in the author and his statements. Thanks to this, it becomes possible to form a positive or negative attitude towards statements of a different nature among the audience. Comments can be positive or negative about the product, service, company, brand or trade mark shown in the video. Such manipulations make it possible with a high degree of probability to form a public opinion regarding any subject of video filming.

Cheat likes and dislikes on Youtube allows you to achieve a positive result in the following cases:

  • Promotion of videos on the YouTube service in order to increase monetization.
  • Increasing the level of sales of goods and services that are described in the video.
  • Formation of loyalty among the audience that watches the video.

Boosting likes under comments significantly increases interest in watching videos and provokes viewers to like and dislike relevant reviews.

Sites to get likes on Youtube

Currently, there are a large number of sites on the Internet for boosting social activity on YouTube: likes, dislikes, comments, subscriptions, reposts, etc. But, ways to achieve your goals are not always acceptable. Most of them use prohibited methods, for which the Youtube administration can impose sanctions on the channel. For this reason, the use of such services should be treated with great caution.

One of the reliable and safe ways to cheat user actions on YouTube is a service site where you can order a wide range of services at an affordable price. Vast experience in the field of Internet marketing allows service specialists to increase the number of likes under videos of any content and format in a short time. Only allowed methods are used for cheating, so the increase in the number of likes occurs organically, which guarantees the absence of a ban. Cooperating with us on an ongoing basis, customers receive high quality services, complete confidentiality and affordable prices.

Probably, there are no people left in the civilized world who have not heard about YouTube. Every day there are more videos on the site, and the number of people who want to show their work is growing exponentially. How to become at least a little recognizable among such an array of videos, and if not repeat the success of the PSY record holder, then at least get closer to him?

How to get likes on a comment on YouTube

Likes on YouTube comments are earned to promote your post - the more people rated the post, the higher it is in the review feed and the more users will pay attention to it. The links provided in the comments also work effectively - a popular way to attract potential customers or readers to your site.

There are several online services that allow you to do this, both for a fee and for free. For example, like4u.ru gets likes only on posts, and for free. As for paid services, you can not only order likes there, but also the text of the comment itself, for 1 publication, depending on the number of characters in it, you will have to pay from 10 rubles.

Not everyone knows how to shoot high-quality videos, and not everyone likes it. There is an opportunity to "advance" at the expense of other well-known channels. It is necessary to write your comment under a popular video, by the way, this is often done without a semantic link to the video.

Free likes on youtube

The administration of the video site stops excessive activity and very quickly calculates bots. There are cases when a large number of likes appeared in just one minute.

If the user is not a well-known blogger and the creator of an interesting channel, there is an option designed specifically to promote beginners - free cheating on YouTube with the help of intermediaries. There are many services that help share video files and likes between users.

  • The owner of the video is registered on one of the intermediary sites (there are a lot of them now, for example, fastfreelikes.com, bosslike.ru, socgain.com).
  • Likes are collected according to the netting scheme: the user puts likes or performs other actions (for example,), for which he is awarded points.
  • When a sufficient number of points is accumulated, a link to your video is indicated and others put likes on the video. The process is fast and in half a day there is every chance to get into the TOPs.

This method of promotion is very popular, and most importantly - legal. Likes are put by real people, everything turns out honestly and transparently, and the result is not long in coming.

Paid cheat likes on YouTube videos

Not everyone has the opportunity to devote a large amount of time, being online all the time. Many choose an easier way - to pay the service, thus ordering the necessary actions.

All intermediaries work according to approximately the same algorithm.

  • Registration as a customer on the site.
  • Creating a task for the performer and selecting a specific set of actions. For example, a like with a video repost or the need to pre-register on the site will cost more. The well-known qcomment.ru exchange also offers customers an additional subscription to the channel, voting, and watching a video.
  • The customer's account must have enough money to pay for the project, which is transferred to the contractor after completion.

A large number of sites are engaged in paid promotion, their prices and packages of possible actions differ significantly. So, the mentioned exchange qcomment.ru sets the minimum price for a like - 1 ruble. At the same time, the lesser-known intermediary fastfreelikes.com charges only 5 rubles for a hundred ratings. Moreover, newcomers receive 100 free likes upon registration and 25 likes every day!

How to get dislikes

This possibility also exists. The service is ordered in order to “lower” a competitor or to anti-PR their video, because you can become famous in this way. Wind up dislikes in the same way as likes.

Promoting your video or comment is a great opportunity to become popular and recognizable on the web, to advertise yourself, your brand or website. Cheating likes is perhaps not the most honest way, but, as they say, "all means are good in war."

Usually, with the growth of popularity and an increase in the number of subscribers, this method is abandoned, because if people watch videos, why not contact them directly in the video, as all bloggers do? Everyone chooses the easiest way to succeed, and the above is not the worst of them.

2) How to get likes on YouTube for free - effective solutions;

3) How can I order likes on YouTube without cheating on the part of the service;

4) Is it possible with the help of likes on YouTube to go into trends in the first place;

5) How to get likes on YouTube with a large number, but safely.

At what price can you buy likes on YouTube

You will not find almost any video hosted on the popular video hosting YouTube, which would not have a call to like this video. At the same time, not only beginners with a small audience ask for such a favor, but also eminent video bloggers, popular throughout the country. What does this mean? The thing is that likes in this social network are an extremely influential tool in the development and promotion of content. Accordingly, everyone strives to earn as many of these endorsements as possible.

Since the competition on YouTube is extremely high, and channels are created in batches every day, users have to take various measures to quickly increase resources, including likes. Accordingly, many of them most often try to get “thumbs up” on various commercial sites in order to take a leading position in the tops as quickly as possible. But in order to use this method to the fullest, you must first make sure that it does not require exorbitant investments that will not pay off in the future. Therefore, it is worth finding out how much are the likes on YouTube that provide sites and services?

The average price range for such a service looks like this: from 500 to 2500 rubles. for 1000 likes. You can order 1000 views on YouTube at a price of 75 to 500 rubles. At the same time, you can spend a sufficient amount of time looking for approximately the same prices on various sites, but most likely you will not be able to find anything. The fact is that almost every service uses its own approach to the implementation of this service. In this regard, it is worth finding out what factors can affect the increase or decrease in prices for such services:

    The quality of accounts that put likes. It may seem to many that this moment certainly cannot affect the operation of the service, since the pages of users who have rated the video are not shown. However, this is a direct fallacy. The fact is that the user will not be able to see the accounts, but the system clearly determines where this or that like came from. Accordingly, the higher the quality of the material purchased by the service, the more expensive it can be estimated;

    The initial price of a like on YouTube. Since each site purchases material from wholesale services that work only with resellers, likes already have a price. Therefore, depending on which service was chosen by the seller, the final cost of the service will depend, along with a small price increase to make a profit;

    The rate at which material enters the channel. This is also an important factor in the evaluation of the service of its work. Every organization that gets the job done faster than the others tries to raise the cost of its services for speed;

    Seller advertising expenses. Unfortunately, not every company can afford to allocate a budget for promotion and PR in the media and the Internet. It turns out that all the costs associated with these events are somehow reflected in the overall price tag for services.

Here are just a few of the main nuances that can affect how much likes on YouTube cost. This means only one thing: not always the lowest price can mean a successful outcome of the acquisition, and the overpriced price tag does not always correspond to the quality of the added material.

How to get likes on YouTube on your own - effective solutions

Not always the paid purchase of likes may be the only right option when solving problems with their lack on the channel. The fact is that newcomers to YouTube should not resort to buying resources at all, since this is directly related to the security of the channel. Because you have only recently signed up to this network, your analytics are clean and easily viewed by the system. Accordingly, in case of any violation of the network rules, including an artificial increase in counters, you run the risk of getting banned and being left without a channel at all. That is why it will be useful for many to learn about additional methods that can be used to attract the right resource to your channel, namely: how to get YouTube likes on your own and, preferably, for free. Let's look at the most effective of these methods:

    Be on the wave. No matter how trite it may sound, but you must create interesting videos that can interest users. And no matter how gentlemen YouTubers fight for quality content, users prefer to watch what they like. Therefore, feel free to “hype” by covering popular news and events. Record letsplays or reactions - whatever you can do best. This is how you can attract the first wave of audience. And then it will already be possible to navigate by the ratio of likes and dislikes, which is the best for users;

    Talk about yourself. Be sure to share links to your videos wherever you can. You can write comments and reviews in social media communities or on other YouTube channels, create your own text versions of the videos you shot in any printed blog. The main thing is to let as many people as possible know about yourself;

    Try collaborating with another equally well-known blogger. If you manage to shoot several videos on mutually beneficial PR, this will only contribute to the growth of likes under your videos, since this will allow you to unite several audiences at once. You may notice that most famous bloggers do just that;

    Do not forget about the banal request. In marketing, this is often referred to as a "call to action" or "call-to-action". Saying in every video that your subscribers and other viewers like you, you thereby encourage the user to take action, and most often it really works. You can also come up with an unusual request that will stick in the minds of the audience. So, for example, the notorious Stas Davydov from the channel “This is good” did the same, addressing subscribers: “Don't forget to put likes! It’s not difficult for you, it’s nice for me!”.

Here are some of the most effective options on how you can get YouTube likes in large numbers, and most importantly - completely free. At the same time, you can use these methods not only during your formation on video hosting, but also during the further development of the channel, combining them with paid methods.

How can I order likes on YouTube without cheating on services

If you still choose the paid development of your channel and the increase in likes on it in this way, you should remember that this process is often accompanied by certain risks in one way or another. And one of them is to get to scammers when choosing a service that can provide you with the required service. Unfortunately, this phenomenon is quite common on the web, and it can only be dealt with through personal analysis and comparison. Therefore, in order for you to be able to order likes on YouTube without getting into an unpleasant situation, we tried to find some useful tips for you on how to choose the right service:

    To get started, select for yourself a few of the most attractive and popular sites. Services that are not trustworthy rarely appear in the top ten search engine results;

    Next, try to find real customer reviews about each service. We understand that at the moment it is quite difficult to do this, since any opinion on the Internet can be bought. But you can find something useful on unpopular sites, such as forums or community discussions;

    The next parameter is the entrance to the internal pages of the site. We strongly do not recommend seeking help from those services that insist on registering or providing data from your personal account in any social network. Unfortunately, most often, this data can be used not for the most trustworthy purposes;

    Then go directly to the list of services and prices for them. At the same time, many services can be eliminated, because they do not fit your criteria, or it turns out that the price of a like on YouTube is too high for them. Carefully read the description of the services to understand what awaits you in the end;

    Do not forget to also read the rules of the site or its service agreement. Perhaps some requirements do not suit you or do not like it at all. Many services present their own conditions that you must comply with before purchasing a particular resource;

    Another important advantage of any site is the availability of guarantees for customers. If you have found a similar section or item on the service, this means that the organization is confident that it will cope with the task and perform its work with high quality;

    It is also worth paying attention to which payment organizations the site cooperates with. If you see large systems that check services before starting to cooperate with them, this may indicate that your payments will definitely be safe and go to their destination;

    Well, the last thing you should do when choosing from the remaining sites is to conduct a test for the quality of the material. This is easy to do: you just need to purchase the minimum amount of the resource and evaluate it according to all the necessary parameters, for example, speed, quality and write-off percentage (if any after receiving the material).

Choosing in this way the necessary site smm , you can be sure that your decision will be correct and most profitable. On such a service, you can easily order likes on YouTube, suitable for all your requirements and parameters.

Is it possible with the help of likes on YouTube to go into trends for 1st place

Recently, on YouTube, there are more and more discussions of trends. And these are not the latest fashion trends or some popular events - this is a very real existing section of video hosting, where all users who want to increase the popularity of their channels strive to get. As you understand, due to the high competition, it is not so easy to do this. But some still found a way out of this situation, which is to acquire the required amount of missing resources such as likes, views, comments and even dislikes (here you can order live YouTube subscribers). In this regard, let's find out if the opportunity to buy YouTube likes can affect the appearance of your video in trends and how you can get there at all:

    To begin with, it is worth optimizing your video according to all the laws of SEO. That is, choose a name containing 1-2 key queries, make a spatial description, indicating links and possible authorship, and select all the necessary tags (no more than 10);

    After you publish your video on the network, it should collect as many views as possible in the first time, and it is the speed of their receipt that is important, which should be anywhere from 200 to 1000 views per minute. On our service, you can purchase YouTube video views at one of the cheapest prices in RuNet and Burzhnet;

    Also, don't forget about audience retention. That is, if a user starts watching your video, but immediately turns it off, the view will, of course, be counted, but the retention will remain zero. It is important that it is at least 90% of the duration of the entire video. That's why 30-second videos most often fall into trends (it's easier this way);

    Most of the audience watching your video must be from the country for which your video was filmed. That is, if you record a video in Russian without subtitles, then the audience should be mostly from Russia. Although, for sure, many people remember the scandal when videos from India, Iran, etc. leaked into Russian trends;

    And of course, along with views, the video must also gain a sufficient number of likes, namely: at least 1000 likes. Only in this way will your video be able to linger in the top in the leading places. Accordingly, in this case, you may just need the opportunity to buy YouTube likes, but you only need to do this on an already proven service, where both the quality and the speed of the resource are at their best.

If your video meets all the parameters, it will certainly fall into trends. However, remember that most of the actions associated with the artificial replenishment of counters will sooner or later be detected by vigilant bloggers. Accordingly, there is a chance to get a strike or video blocking for such events.

How to get likes on YouTube with a large number, but safely

In almost every previous section of this article, we somehow talked about the various risks that may relate to the paid purchase of likes using sites and services. This is true, since YouTube often checks users for violations of its rules and applies various penalties if such is found - from writing off added material to banning the entire channel. Accordingly, you need to be extremely careful when deciding to develop your channel in this way.

But this does not mean that you should completely abandon this idea. In this regard, we will share with you thoughts on how to get likes on YouTube in large numbers, while avoiding social network filters:

    And the first thing you should do for this is to choose a reliable and suitable site with which you will cooperate in the future. It is on how well the service will perform its work that the success of your entire event will depend;

    Do not immediately order the amount of likes that you need. Remember that you first need to test the service. Therefore, purchase a small amount of the resource and then, based on the result, determine whether you should buy the rest of the volume;

    Do not try to get a large number of likes at once, and even more so do not demand their arrival on the very first day after the order. The fact is that by buying likes in large portions, you attract the attention of YouTube filters, because your actions look unnatural;

    It is worth remembering that YouTube does not immediately display the correct number of likes received under the video. Most often, counters are updated within 72 hours. Therefore, if you have not seen the required number of likes during this time, after acquiring them, you should not panic and turn to other sites to complete this task. Then all the results are summed up and will result in an unnatural income of the resource;

    Do not use other actions that are contrary to the rules of hosting, for example, such as posting comments containing links or any other spam activities. It will also draw unhealthy attention to your person and, in particular, to the channel.

Here are the main recommendations on how to get likes on YouTube as safely as possible. By following these tips and putting them into practice, you can bypass unnecessary attention of filters and develop your channel in accordance with your goals.