Where in Feng Shui is the money zone in the apartment. How to attract money according to Feng Shui - we determine the wealth zone. Water is the main element for attracting money

03.03.2015 fortune

“Money can do anything: tear down rocks, dry up rivers. There is no peak where a donkey loaded with gold could not climb” Fernando de Rojas

Any house is a living, breathing organism, according to Feng Shui. He may be in harmony with his masters, or may not be friends with them. Our housing has areas of space, each of which is responsible for the well-being of a particular area of ​​the owner's life. When something goes wrong, it is quite possible that some sector in the apartment is incorrectly decorated and deactivated. This also applies to money.

Looking for the money sector

The area of ​​wealth in an apartment according to Feng Shui is the southeast. Finding this part of the house is easy. You can use a compass or a Ba Gua grid. Or make it even easier: to determine the southeast in any room, stand with your back to the front door - the far left corner is the southeast. There is a zone of wealth. Walk through this part of the apartment. Does extra furniture bother you? If it is difficult to move freely in this zone, there will be interference for the circulation of Qi energy.

Tidying up the money sector

The Feng Shui money zone in the apartment requires cleanliness. Free this place from excess rubbish, unnecessary things. Moreover, there should not be any debris, dust and dirt. Now we need to get rid of such items that can not only slow down monetary activity, but also destroy it. It is not recommended to place such things in the wealth zone:

  • Antique things. Every thing has its own energy field. Old objects that have been touched by many different hands can change the vibrational field and become a strong obstacle to the energy of money. Even if they are very attractive and fit perfectly into the surroundings of the house - remove them from the wealth zone.
  • Bin. This item has a very negative effect on the wealth zone. The garbage can creates a kind of vacuum in the energy field, where positive, dynamic energy is sucked in. Get her out of there immediately.
  • Broken items. Damaged things are surrounded by a kind of field of failure (after all, they suffered it in their existence, they broke). Such items can nullify all efforts to improve life. They have negative energy.
  • The same emitters of “dead”, destructive energy are dried flowers, withered, diseased plants and cacti. Be sure to get rid of such things in the wealth zone. And cacti that generate Sha energy are best placed in the work room (they will help you realize your plans and develop ideas).
  • Fridge. Although the refrigerator appeared much later than the teachings of Feng Shui, but modern experts argue that the financial sector should be free from such units. If this is not possible, secure the refrigerator. Just keep it clean, no ice. Store more fresh fruits and vegetables in it.
  • Fireplace. It creates comfort and warmth in the apartment. But if the southeast, where the money sector is located, is decorated with a fireplace that is directly related to fire, then the cash flow can simply burn out. Fire has a very negative effect on this zone. It is not necessary to throw away the fireplace - you can neutralize it. Put a small aquarium on it or hang a picture with the water element.

Waking up the money sector

This part of the apartment should be well lit. Then the money will not get lost in the dark, and you will go to success along the bright path and successfully bypass all obstacles, bypassing dead ends, noticing the dangers in time.

What if the sector of wealth is a bathroom?

Of course, it is problematic to move the bath and toilet. But in the teachings of Feng Shui, nothing is impossible. In this case, hang mirrors on the doors of these rooms.

Make sure that the mirrors do not reflect the front door and do not "stab" the tops of the people living in this house.

It will be very effective if you place bells in such rooms. Put red rugs in front of the doors, and tie the pipes in the bathroom with red ribbons.

In case the bedroom is in the wealth zone, we do nothing. After all, the energy of Yin circulates in the rest room. If Qi energy is added to it, they will interfere with each other and the inhabitant of this room may get stressed. There is no need to activate such a southeast. You are already automatically becoming the master of the money zone.

The most ideal room for a wealth zone in an apartment is the living room. In this case, you need to activate this area.

How to activate the money zone according to all the rules?

Feng Shui suggests using various symbols, colors and objects for this, which are ideal for the wealth sector and effectively make it work.

Interior color scheme

Ideal colors to attract money are green, purple, navy blue, gold, purple and black. Unlimited creativity awaits you. You can decorate the southeast of the room with various decor items of these colors. The right color scheme will push to activate the two most important elements of the wealth sector: wood and water.


Of course, we will not plant a forest there. But to use some items symbolic of the tree - this is please. The greatest effect will give indoor plants in pots. A well-groomed, blooming one will bring maximum benefit in the wealth sector. If you are a fierce opponent of living flowers, you can replace them with drawings, photographs, paintings depicting forests, individual trees or flowers.


Do you love aquarium fish? An aquarium with goldfish is the most ideal option. Just learn how to properly care for them, clean the walls of the aquarium in time, renew the water so that the wealth zone is successful. The aquarium itself in the apartment should not be too large.

By the way, if your fish suddenly die - do not panic! Feng Shui says that a dead aquarium fish is a ransom with which you take trouble away from yourself. There should be nine fish (according to Feng Shui rules). Diversify the golden kingdom of fish with one black one - for protection.

Don't want to mess around with fish? It doesn't matter, a container of water will do. And if it is also silver, then in combination with water, silver will turn into a powerful magnet for money. You can buy a home fountain. Well, or just hang pictures or photographs depicting the water element in the wealth sector. But not a stagnant pond (water should move slowly). Busting in the form of a tsunami, a violent storm is also not needed. Beautiful waterfalls, quiet seas, gentle rivers - this will do.

Feng Shui literally means "wind and water" in Chinese. This ancient Taoist practice has been helping people for centuries to arrange everything around them, from personal and work space inside the house, to choosing the location of the site where this house should be built.

It is believed that a feng shui master can predict events that may occur at different times, but they will be associated with the place where the measurements were taken. The master will be able to understand this through "Qi" - the energy of life that moves through space, like the wind blows or water flows.

This energy permeates everything around - people, animals, trees, objects, it cannot be influenced, it cannot be stopped, it can only be measured - to determine the presence in a particular place. In the same way, it is impossible to influence the "harmful Qi", which behaves more aggressively than the useful "Qi" - even their movements in space occur differently - "Qi" moves like creative elements, and the harmful "Qi" looks like a predatory one. a beast that hunts from ambush and attacks in a jump.

Finding the wealth zone

Thanks to the art of Feng Shui, we know that any room is divided into zones of "love", "family", "health", "wealth". It is the zone of wealth that is most interesting - it needs careful care and close attention, because if there is not much health and love, then it is very important to maintain harmony in wealth. In order not to overdo it, you need to follow some simple tips, because one of the main tasks of feng shui is to attract money:

  • In the area of ​​​​the room, which corresponds to wealth, and the strongest influence occurs in the final extreme left corner, you should always keep clean. This basic rule is to avoid clutter, because garbage leads to stagnation, and where there is stagnation, instead of useful Qi, harmful Qi appears. Instead of profit, they are expenses, and you need to raise money.
  • In this zone, it is best to place wooden furniture, bouquets of fresh flowers and indoor plants in round clay and wooden pots. Also, paintings depicting water and a mill are well suited here - it will be not only beautiful, but also useful. Also, grapes, symbolizing prosperity, green, which symbolizes life itself, and purple, a color that means prosperity, will have a special symbolic meaning in such a corner.
  • It is very important that there is no excess water in the zone of wealth, otherwise all wealth will be washed away, as in a flood. Images with calm water are perfect - they will not only decorate the interior, but also create beneficial flows of "Qi". But on this, it is better to stop and not place images with too stormy waters, for example, a waterfall can break the harmonious harmony, like muddy or stagnant water.
  • Banknotes that will always be in this zone will be of great benefit. They denote generosity - always be generous with people and it will come back to you. If you do not give part of your wealth to others, this will lead to stagnation. Remember - greed is the worst enemy of wealth.

Items to help raise money

In order to attract money into the house, it is not enough just to believe that they will come by themselves. You still need to make some efforts to achieve the desired result - you need to choose the right items for the wealth zone.

chalice of abundance

  1. This is a ritual object and at the same time a symbol that is of key importance for the harmony of prosperity. This bowl is the energy center of the wealth zone - and the main thing about it is that you will create it yourself from the right materials. For the bowl itself, you need to use a crystal, metal or ceramic container, of a squat rounded shape. In no case is it recommended to use glass, especially the use of plastic is contraindicated.
  2. A handful of Chinese coins, fastened with a red ribbon to a bundle of happiness, should be added to the selected container. To them you need to add a handful of earth taken from a successful person and a twig of a young plant. They must be hidden in a bag. Further, money must be present in the vessel, so that the numbers of their denominations add up to the number 998. This combination is considered the most successful from the point of view of Feng Shui.
  3. To achieve the best effect, figurines of fish or horses should be added to the vessel. The composition can be embellished with symbolic images of heaven and infinity. You can choose them at your discretion - a picture of the sky is perfect for this.


  1. A very important part of the sphere of wealth. Feng Shui masters recommend placing natural wooden furniture in the appropriate corner. It is worth noting that a living tree is also well suited. It must be planted in a wooden or ceramic pot.
  2. Under it, it is recommended to keep coins of different denominations and different countries of the world so that Feng Shui works for money from foreign countries.

dragon figurine

  1. It symbolizes the protection and forces of nature. A small figurine will serve you as a protector from everyday troubles and a keeper of money. For this, a dragon with outstretched wings is suitable. But too big, especially a huge figurine will not bring anything good. In addition, his influence can be so strong that it does not last long and before troubles in the family. Therefore, when choosing such a decoration, be attentive to the details.
  2. In addition to the dragon, a lion figurine will be good for good luck and useful for profit. The lion symbolizes strength and confidence, so it will perfectly complement the dragon. But the best option would be a yellow, golden lion, which means the element of fire. It will help protect your privacy, as well as ward off envious people, liars and ill-wishers. Also, the lion is perfect for those who want to climb the career ladder.

Affirmations to attract money

An affirmation is a short phrase that affects your state on a subconscious level. There is a small set of rules according to which they should be put into practice - using them, you can attract money at home, doing only self-development and caring for the well-being zone. These rules should be followed if you want to achieve the maximum effect:

Be sure that your ideas will help increase your wealth and affirmations will help you in this matter. You need to understand the meaning of money for yourself, to understand what you will get by having a profit. And when you realize that you think differently, here are some examples of affirmations that will help you become richer:

  1. I have already made a lot of money. I live easily and comfortably.
  2. My business is making a lot of money.
  3. Wealth is a natural state.
  4. My ideas work for my wealth.
  5. I am a money magnet.
  6. Every day I become richer - spiritually and materially.
  7. I consciously chose happiness and wealth.
  8. Earning more and more is easier and more enjoyable.
  9. I am provided with everything necessary.
  10. I can afford everything that I can have.
  11. I live richly and every day I become richer.
  12. I live luxuriously and every day I feel better.

Remember also, two very important things. The first is that the subconscious does not perceive denial. Everything that you think should be a statement, only in this way you can manage your life and enjoy it. Second, you must believe in what you are doing. Then no failures will stop you on your way to wealth.

Feng Shui is an amazing science. If not magical. Masters of the whole world claim that Feng Shui can radically change your whole life, turn it upside down. Yes, we are not sealed. From head to toe, because standing on your head is not as comfortable and physiological as standing on your feet *wink*

And feng shui is downright a very logical, convenient and organic science that calls for the harmonization of this world. Well, or, at worst, your home (read, your life!). Just a lifesaver, not science. Well, how else to call the doctrine of the mysterious forces of the earth, providing a person with health, good luck and prosperity?

We will not bore you with stories about what Feng Shui is. We are sure that you have already familiarized yourself with such a vital (and necessary) aspect earlier. Rather, let's discuss how this Chinese panacea for all ills can significantly improve our destiny.

Today we will talk about the wealth zone, because we understand that in the context of the global crisis, this sector is more relevant than ever. Well, not only in times of crisis, of course. Suddenly you decided to get rich right now, and here we immediately give you a hot tip: what, how, where and where *victory*

What is the feng shui wealth sector?

The sector of wealth, or in other words, the Feng Shui money zone is responsible for financial well-being in a person’s life. This miracle zone is located in the SOUTH-EAST part of the room. The compass and the Bagua grid will help you most accurately in the calculations. Read more in our article.

How to find the wealth zone in the house?

Yes, if you want to get serious about identifying “magic” Feng Shui zones in an apartment, then you can’t do without a simple compass. Moreover, the more accurately you “take evidence”, the more favorable these “testimonies” will be reflected in your life.

To do this, you need to determine the cardinal points several times, from different, let's say, angles. Always remember that the presence of massive iron objects (for example, an iron front door or an iron fireplace, etc.) in the room can distort the results. And the Bagua grid can always be printed and superimposed on the dwelling plan (for visuals).

Zone elements

It is worth remembering a small rule of this sector:

  • main element is Wood
  • generative - Water

That is why green, purple, dark blue and blue are the main colors of wealth in Feng Shui.

  • the weakening element of the sector is Fire
  • destructive - Metal

Therefore, there should not be any fiery shades, as well as silver ones. By the way, this also applies to metal figurines and furniture. Hard taboo. Place wooden furniture - it will not only ensure the freedom of movement of qi energy, but activate the money sector.

How to Activate the Feng Shui Wealth Zone

To activate the money zone, you need to place symbols of wealth in it. Masters suggest placing a plant in the southeastern part of the apartment (office or any other room). Namely, a plant with a rounded shape of leaves resembling coins. The so-called money tree is ideal.

Just don't forget to water. Don't use cacti. Yes, they are green. Yes, they are small. Yes, they are round. BUT! They are prickly. You remember the symbolic background in the details, don't you? Then you will have “prickly money” in every sense. And understand how you want.

Allergic to flowers? Then you can hang pictures with images of nature, only in wooden frames. Well, or glass. Just don’t hang up the image of the desert))) Again, you know, it’s extremely symbolic.

Water is the main element for attracting money

Don't forget that water is the generative element in the wealth zone. Therefore, it is important to take into account the presence of "water" in this zone. By the way, water in the Chinese teachings of Feng Shui symbolizes money. And not only, apparently, in Chinese.

Remember our Russian “money is like water through your fingers”, “money flows like water”. Therefore, we agree with the Chinese: let water flow rather than money. Therefore, put a fountain - and the money in the house, and some kind of humidifier. True, experts in the field of Feng Shui say that the fountain must work smoothly, otherwise there will be no sense from it. By the way, why a fountain, and not a glass of water?

A glass of water is also suitable, but in the glass the water is “stagnant”, “stagnant”, and in the fountain it is “moving”, that is, “working”. Again, symbols and metaphors. BUT! It is worth getting fish in this glass of water and - Oh, magic! - from "stagnant" water, it turns into "living". And that means "working". Here are some tricks.

Our advice to you: if you still want to start a fish instead of a fountain, then think in advance who you will put in your “glass”. There are fish that can live without a special apparatus that saturates the water with oxygen (called a compressor), and there are those that cannot.

The consultant at the pet store will tell you. What are we for? And besides, dead fish in an aquarium (like dead wood in a flower pot) is a bad sign on the way to the desired wealth *unknw* Do not forget: metaphors are everything!

By the way, the image of water (preferably a fountain) is also suitable. Just don’t hang pictures of Niagara Falls on the walls in the hope that you will be crushed by a stormy stream of cash receipts: there should be a measure in everything! Well, a stagnant pond, however, will not add money to you either.

Money in the wealth zone

Masters also recommend keeping dollar bills in the wealth zone. As "bait" for your money. True, there is one more recommendation, but it’s up to you to decide: to scatter a trifle in all corners of the zone (or even the entire apartment) (why not banknotes?).

In our opinion, a bit of contradictory advice: firstly, it provokes a mess, because, as you know, the ideal order is the basic principle of Feng Shui to get rid of the old dead shi energy (we don’t even write about this, because you obviously know without us); secondly, coins are metal, and it has a destructive effect on the money zone. Unless, if the coins are golden ...

Symbols to attract money abundance

The money zone can also be supplemented with a fat Hotei, a Chinese money tree, various varieties (three-legged, with a coin in her mouth, sitting on a coin mountain, with an open mouth, with Hotei on her back, with a Bagua symbol, etc.). Glass or wooden fish will also bring monetary profit.

And yet, feng shui masters say that if you do not have an active desire to get rich (and here they are talking about laziness), then you are unlikely to be able to activate the wealth zone by 100 percent. The Chinese letter promises only the stimulation of a confluence of favorable circumstances through natural forces, and does not guarantee a one-time influx of all the material goods of the world to a specific person.

That is, in simple words: "water does not flow under a lying stone." Chinese advice, of course, is advice, but if you want to get rich, then you still have to tear your butt off the couch. Well, how did we want something, Russian people? *wink*

Chest of coins

Who among us does not dream of wealth? Most likely, there are very few such people. Therefore, today our topic is the Feng Shui Wealth Zone. We will talk about how to activate this zone and what should not be in it.

The Wealth Zone is the southeastern part of the house. Take a look, what's in there? Is there anything superfluous there, such as garbage or unnecessary things? If there are, then throw them away immediately. The Wealth Zone should be filled with symbols of abundance, it should "know" about your aspirations. Thus, you will attract Qi energy to the house, which will bring with it material values: money, expensive things, etc. By learning how to treat aristocrat Qi with subtlety, you will receive fabulous gifts, Madame Qi knows how to be grateful.

Activate the Wealth Zone

Based on Chinese philosophy, the southeast of the house is ruled by the Wood elements. And this means that first of all we need to place the element of Water in the sector. Water directly affects the growth of the Tree, and therefore the growth of your well-being. It can be a small fountain or an aquarium with fish. It is desirable that the fish were nine to eight gold and one black, for protection.

  • Plants
You will not find anything more suitable for activating the wealth sector than a green plant. In this case, it is worth giving preference to the so-called "" with round leaves. But if you put your favorite cactus here, then remove it immediately! Cacti with their thorns spread harmful doses of negative Sha energy, which will prevent you from strengthening the Money, Wealth and Prosperity zone.

Care must be taken to ensure that your tree is always healthy and has a juicy, flowering appearance. At the first sign of fading, replace it with a new one. Your wealth needs growth, not a sluggish decline.

  • Colors

Violet and lilac are considered universal colors of prosperity. You will never go wrong if you put an amethyst in this zone. The stone will actively attract Qi energy to this sector. Turn on your creativity, decorate the area with purple curtains, beautiful purple napkins, etc. And the violet blooming in a pot is just aerobatics!

Let's not forget the green color. Cut green figures from colored paper and stick them on the walls behind the furniture. They will work even if they are not visible!

What should not be in this zone?

Toilet and bathroom in the southeast of the house. This is a very serious problem. If the southeastern sector of the apartment is “amazed” by the bathroom located there, then all your money is simply washed off into the sewer. If this is your case, don't despair: there are always a couple of ways to stop the wealth drain. To do this, we have a serious arsenal of means.

Painting "Sakura blossom"

Hang a large mirror on the bathroom or toilet door. Thus, these premises will symbolically disappear. But make sure that the mirrors are not reflected, in this case, the Qi energy will be reflected from the house and will not bring any benefit.

If it is impossible to install mirrors, for example, they reflect the front door, then there is another way. Place pictures of flowering trees or any other plants on the bathroom or toilet door. The energy of growth that these paintings will give is exactly what we need.

It is impossible to activate the energy of wealth in the bedroom, here the Yin energy dominates, which is necessary for a good rest and full restoration of vitality. The energy of money is influenced by Yang energy, and the mixing of these forces will lead to stress and poor health. You will become nervous and irritable.

In the event that the bedroom is located in the southeastern part of the dwelling, keep in mind that this is very good. This means that you are the master of your wealth. Decorate your bed, let it become a royal bed, but never put an aquarium, figurines and other attributes of wealth in the bedroom, this is not necessary here.

Other items in this area

Fireplaces have become a common attribute of modern life. However, if the fireplace in your home is located in the southeast sector, there is a serious danger to such an attribute of well-being as a tree. The tree is on fire! To eliminate such a danger, use Water. It can be a fountain installed above the fireplace, a mirror or a picture with a water landscape.

Remove dead or dry flowers in time and monitor the health of other plants. Withering plants spread yin energy, and you don't need it here.

Following Feng Shui traditions, the Wealth Zone should be perfectly clean. If there is a trash can in the area and you cannot remove it from here, then get a bucket with a tight-fitting lid, be sure to tie a red ribbon around the bucket or just draw a strip of red paint on it, you can use nail polish. This will help you conserve your Qi energy.

An abundance of fruits in the kitchen

Wealth implies that all the objects that surround you are working properly. Repair everything that needs repair, and discard those things that have already served their time.

If the kitchen is located in the Wealth sector, then do everything to make it fragrant with abundance. An indispensable assistant in this will be bright, “ripe” tones, still lifes depicting products and juicy fruits, ideally oranges, and, of course, a large amount of food.

Your refrigerator can become a symbol of abundance. Keep it clean, both inside and out, fill it with only good products, get rid of stale products in time. Put a few pre-tied with a red ribbon on the bottom of the refrigerator, and you will always have money for food.

Following these tips, you will attract wealth and abundance to your home, prosperity will become your faithful companion, but remember that the main goal of Feng Shui philosophy is to achieve harmony in life. You will not be able to feel happy after earning a lot of money and not being able to maintain health, a full-fledged family and reputation.

A Brief Description of the Feng Shui Wealth Zone

Direction: southeast.

Element: Wood.

Green color.

The effect of activation: gaining a solid financial position and success in business.

Activating the Wealth Zone

First, make sure that the qi (positive energy) in this area circulates freely, without encountering obstacles in its path. To do this, starting from the door leading to the room, walk around the entire perimeter of the room. If during your “cruise” you did not come across corners, cabinets, chairs, unnecessary items, things thrown in a mess, then everything is in order and you can move on to the next item. If not, immediately remove it, because even with the correct activation of all other zones, they will bring chaos to the vibrational field of your home, and therefore, your success will be ephemeral and unstable.

Secondly, make sure that in the southeast zone are not:

  • broken items and non-functioning appliances. In the wealth zone, these are the number one enemies of success. According to Feng Shui, they nullify any of your attempts to change anything in your life, as they spread a field of failure around them. Any broken thing is a generator of negative energy, because integrity is broken in them. A broken or faulty thing is in a sense dead, and therefore, as a result, it creates a field around itself with necromantic information, simply speaking, it sows death around itself in every sense. Broken or defective things, like black holes, absorb the energies of good luck and success. In addition, they do not allow fresh qi to enter the zone;
  • used items (second-hand and antiques). The former bear the stamp of "poverty" and gradually form and then strengthen the worldview of the beggar. Finding luck is in some ways like fishing - what you fish for is what you catch. If you catch it on a "second hand", then the catch will be exactly the same. Like attracts like. It is impossible to succeed using things from the world of "beggars". Also, do not forget that used and antique items forever retain the vibrational field of their former owners and the premises where they were located. For this reason, there is a very high probability that, unnoticed by yourself, you will begin to do things that are completely unusual for you. But the most dangerous thing is that the energy field of such objects will constantly interfere with the qi flows of your apartment, changing them and directing them in the opposite direction, since they are already rigidly formed structures (especially antiques), and therefore affect the surrounding space only within its framework. What exactly does this mean for you? Imagine that you have thought out your actions well, mastered many techniques and methods for achieving success and began to implement them step by step, but ... all attempts fail, you always “step on the same rake”. It turns out that the energies attracted by you from space simply cannot go in the direction you need, because each time they slip onto the “beaten track”, that is, they begin to flow in the direction that the vibrational field of antiques or second-hand objects indicates to them;
  • cactus, withered plants and dead wood. They should not be in this zone for the same reason as broken objects and devices that have stopped working;
  • fireplace. In no case should he be present in this zone, since it is associated with the Wood element, that is, he will “burn” all your wealth;
  • bin. Its presence in the southeastern sector is dangerous. It creates a kind of vacuum around itself, an abyss into which energies that contribute to gaining success will go, therefore, all your material values ​​\u200b\u200b(actually money, successful projects), wealth will go to waste, and soon you will lose even what you had , not to mention the fact that you will achieve absolutely nothing. The space will decide that money is rubbish for you, and will not help you find it. For this reason, no compromises are acceptable here; if you dream of success - remove the trash can, do not turn the wealth zone into a waste dump;
  • fridge. Regarding the refrigerator in different schools of Feng Shui, there are different opinions. But they all agree that his presence in the wealth zone is undesirable. It is a "generator" of yin energies, which is useless in this zone. In addition, at a symbolic level, the refrigerator will freeze all your projects, that is, it will distribute the energies in such a way that you seem to hang between two extremes - nothing bad will happen, but nothing good will happen either. If in the kitchen now the refrigerator cannot be removed from this zone in any way, make sure that it is always clean in it, everything sparkles, and most importantly, glaciers do not freeze in the freezer, that is, its already Yin qualities do not increase. The refrigerator should also always have fresh vegetables and quality products. Then you will to some extent make it work for your success, the abundance of products in it will personify prosperity, and therefore, attract the necessary energies from space. But if the refrigerator is empty for a long time, blame yourself; in this case, all of its negative qualities "will work to the fullest." But the most optimal solution is to remove him from the southeastern zone. To paraphrase a well-known phrase - away from success!

Thirdly, in order to maximize the energies of this area, Feng Shui advises to place here:

  • articles made of precious stones and metals. They will help to attract the necessary energies to achieve success. By placing such objects or their images in this sector, you, as it were, tell space and the entire Universe what you want, that is, you clearly and clearly define your goal;
  • silver vessel with water. Water in combination with silver is a very powerful “magnet” that attracts positive qi to itself and straightens its flow throughout the apartment or house;
  • aquarium with goldfish. It will help you keep cash flowing. It is especially favorable to install an aquarium on the first lunar day. Be sure to keep the water in the aquarium clean. Dirty, stagnant water brings financial problems. If one or two fish suddenly die, don't panic. According to Chinese belief, a dead fish is taken as a ransom for averting misfortune that could have happened to you. In this situation, just hurry up to get a few new fish, and bury the dead, but not in your house, otherwise you will not only bring misfortune back, but also reliably “bury” it in your home, thereby complicating the problem and depriving yourself of the opportunity for a long time. resolve it. Also remember that you should not start an overly large aquarium - an excess amount of water can “flood” your “wealth tree”;
  • small indoor fountain. Constantly running water will attract from space the vibrations necessary to adequately respond to changes in the material sphere, that is, learn to seize your chance;
  • electrical appliances. They are in a sense a symbol of prosperity and success;
  • Chinese coins. Coins, of course, are generators of a vibrational field that sets your mind to look for new solutions to translate your ideas into a material form, that is, into a tangible fee. Place them on a windowsill or designated area;
  • tubular bells. They attract energies with a yang characteristic;
  • plants. Feng Shui masters believe that the more plant and pot under it in this area, the more success you will achieve. In addition, to enhance the influence of the plant on the energy structure of the surrounding space, it is recommended to put several coins wrapped in red paper under the pot. When caring for a plant, do not forget to cut off dead leaves and water them on time.

Fourth, plant a "money" tree in this sector. As it grows, so will your success. Give preference to fruit trees, but in no case should poplar, willow and spruce play this role. These are vampire trees, on the contrary, they will change the direction of positive energy in a negative direction, and this will certainly negatively affect your well-being. If you live in an apartment, then you can use any plant with a strong trunk as a "money tree". For example, palm, lemon, ficus, etc.

Fifthly, make sure that in this area there is always perfect order and fresh air all the time. To do this, ventilate the room at least twice a day. This will allow new energies to constantly renew the energy structure of your home, which will naturally attract success to you.

Sixth, the zone of wealth at any time of the day should be well lit. This will make your path to success bright, you will always see the direction of your development and will never find yourself in a "dead end" situation.

Seventh, pay attention to whether the zone of wealth is in contact with the toilet and bathroom. If so, then make every effort to neutralize the influence of their negative qi. For example, put up some figurines of guardian deities or hang a bunch of small bells so that you constantly hit them and they ring. Their sound will clear the space all the time.

Another way to neutralize negative qi is to hang a mirror on the door of the bathroom or toilet so that the room symbolically disappears, but at the same time make sure that it does not “cut off” the crown of the tallest member of the family and does not reflect the front door in it.
If this is not done, then the wealth zone will be "hit" by the toilet or bathroom, which means that your money is constantly "flushed" through the pipes into the sewer.

Eighth, if suddenly the zone of wealth falls on the bedroom, then in no case should it be activated there. This is due to the fact that the Feng Shui bedroom is dominated by the Yin energies necessary for a good rest and recuperation. Mixing these energies can lead to stress and inadequate rest.

Ninth, keep your savings in this zone, especially the fund with current expenses.