Banquet halls for the anniversary. Banquet halls for the anniversary Where to celebrate the anniversary of 60 years for a woman

Not at home in the circle of relatives and relatives, but on a grand scale in a restaurant. It is best if children take care of the organization in order to protect the birthday boy from unnecessary trouble. In addition, it can be a bright and enchanting surprise.

It is worth inviting as many guests as possible, among which there may be colleagues from both current and past jobs, classmates and even close neighbors, old and new acquaintances, best friends and just friends. The more guests there are, the more fun it will be. Moreover, a person will feel his significance and the importance of his lived years, because he managed to gather so many good people around him.

It is worth decorating a banquet hall brightly, because older people equate minimalism with poverty, but splendor speaks of wealth. Let there be vases of flowers on the tables, the walls are decorated with greeting cards, wall newspapers, posters with the inscriptions "60 years!".

There should be plenty of food, mostly meat and vegetables. But it is worth considering the age of the hero of the day and making the usual dishes as useful as possible. It is better to reduce the amount of oil, mayonnaise, spicy, fatty and heavy foods. This should be taken care of by talking with the chef.

Order the services of a toastmaster for the holiday, and she will professionally arrange a fun show for all participants of the anniversary. Contests, dances, funny ditties performed in turn or in chorus are required. An erotic subtext is possible, especially if the hero of the occasion is a man.

It is important that the mood of the holiday was as positive as possible. To maintain the mood, various playful congratulations are suitable, for example, a handout with a funny text inside. The guest actors will delight, playing, for example, the roles of presidents of different countries, who congratulate the hero of the day, each in their own way. All this will give unforgettable impressions and good mood for the whole evening.

But do not forget about serious, sincere congratulations, when you can express all your heartfelt gratitude to the person who is celebrating anniversary. Let there be numerous merits, stories from life, sad and funny, but always those that will make you feel the depth of the years you have lived.

Invite a professional photographer so that he can leave memories of the anniversary not only in the hearts, but also in the photo album. This is also important because it is rare for a simple amateur to take beautiful pictures from feasts, especially when older people are participants in it. But a professional will cope with this task and give you a separate story on photo paper.

Most importantly, the hero of the day should feel constant attention and warmth from those around him. They should not forget about him and every minute show that everyone has gathered here only for his sake. In this case, the birthday boy, as well as everyone else, will receive a huge boost of vivacity and energy from the holiday, which may last until the next anniversary.

4000 ₽ for 1 hour

The loft space is divided into several separate zones. One of them is a spacious and equipped kitchen, where you can prepare a festive dinner with your family. When the culinary part of the evening is over, you can move to the relaxation area on soft sofas. Around the large table it will be convenient to accommodate the whole company: chat, play board games or smoke a hookah.

Things to do?

Cooking dishes for the festive table under the guidance of an experienced chef will truly unite family members for a common activity.

Approximate cost:

  • Loft rental for 6 hours - 21.000 rubles;
  • Services of a chief instructor - from 7,000 rubles;
  • Food and drinks for 10-15 persons - from 15.000 rubles;

Total: from 43.000 rubles.

A loft with a stage for concerts and a space equipped for an audience hall will become that rare place in Moscow where you can celebrate an anniversary on a grand scale - quite inexpensively. Powerful club equipment in the rental price is an indisputable plus of your choice.

Things to do?

Arrange a stand-up roast for your favorite birthday prankster - these are performances where episodes from the biography of the “victim” are served in a spicy humorous form. One of the guests will act as a host, while others will become participants in this talent show. If there are no comedians among your relatives, invite a professional who will arrange a stand-up comedy according to all the rules of the genre.

Approximate cost:

  • Loft rental for 6 hours - 30.000 rubles;
  • Buffet provided by the site administrator for 20 persons - 14.000;
  • Services of a stand-up host - from 25,000 rubles. or 0 rub., if on your own;

Total: from 69.000 rubles.

From 2000 to 15000 ₽ for 1 hour

If up to this point you have been lost in options where it is better to celebrate the anniversary of a loved one, then spending time with your family in a loft-cinema with a powerful projector and a spacious auditorium will touch the birthday man to the core. You will appreciate the author's interiors of the site - the atmosphere of not just a cinema hall will reign around, but a real Oscar award with a birthday ceremony, gifts and applause. There is so much space on the site that the red carpet, and a personal photographer, and a luxurious buffet area will fit.

Things to do?

Shoot a film about the life of the hero of the day on 70mm film and celebrate the holiday like a movie premiere in one of the art clusters in Moscow.

Approximate cost:

  • Loft rental for 6 hours - 12.000 rubles;
  • Services of a videographer and editor - 25.000 rubles;
  • Photographer services for 3 hours - from 4.500 rubles;
  • Services of a sound engineer for 3 hours from the site - 3,000 rubles;
  • Catering and drinks for 25 persons - 17.500 rubles;
  • Decorative figurines "Oscar" - 2.000 rubles;

Total: from 64.000 rubles.

Places to celebrate an anniversary with friends or colleagues


Celebrating an anniversary in nature, no matter in a forest chalet or in a modest pavilion by the lake, is a win-win choice, but not original. Without an entertainment program, guests can get bored.

For example, order a bar on wheels. His idea was born in the Netherlands: he moves like a bicycle and is a bar with a craft pin and pedals.

In Russia, miracle bars are forbidden to move in traffic. So they made an attraction out of it, which will charge any company of colleagues or friends with the spirit of competition, and can also be used as a unique serving of drinks.

Approximate cost:

  • Rent a "bar on wheels" - 275 euros;
  • Skittles and snacks for 15 people - 90 euros;
  • Rent a "beer bike" - 12.000 rubles;
  • Animator-instructor for 3 hours - 3000 rubles;
  • Barbecue set - 7.500 rubles;
  • Rent a gazebo outside the Moscow Ring Road - 6.000 rubles;

Total: from 28.500 rubles.

From 1500 to 6000 ₽ for 1 hour

Now barbecue lovers are not tormented by the question "where to spend the anniversary." There is always an opportunity to demonstrate your culinary skills even in bad weather by renting a loft with a covered veranda. The site has all the necessary equipment for grilling, hammocks on the terrace in natural greenery and a play area for kids.

Things to do?

Show your colleagues and friends how delicious you can cook meat on coals, and you can complement the “dacha” atmosphere of the holiday by launching paper lanterns or fireworks.

Approximate cost:

  • Loft rental for 6 hours - 36.000 rubles. with the possibility of a discount;
  • Ready-made barbecue set for 30 people - from 18.000 rubles;
  • Alcoholic drinks - from 12.000 rubles;
  • DJ - 8.000 rubles;

Total: from 74.000 rubles.

At any age, ladies care about preserving their beauty. Where to celebrate the anniversary of a woman, say, even at the age of 80, if not in a SPA and wellness center? Rather than splurge on alcohol, it's better to invest in health or beauty treatments. Friends will definitely appreciate this wise decision.

Approximate cost:

  • Wellness complex for 5 people - 50.500 rubles;
  • Festive dinner in a restaurant - 15.000 rubles;

Total: 65.500 rubles.

Places for celebrating an anniversary with a big and noisy company

From 1300 to 4500 ₽ for 1 hour

The unique author's interiors of this site will decorate every photo from the anniversary, and the owner of the loft will be happy to recommend decorators, a catering company and photographers. Relaxed music from a modern stereo system, local lighting of Edison lamps, the clink of glasses with sparkling wine and fruit on skewers invite you to a conversation on the sidelines of the loft.

Things to do?

A new trend in the organization of celebrations - fondue-style parties. This format is ideal for a birthday party where you invited strangers to each other. Guests can't help but chat, gathering at the fountains with chocolate.

From 5000 to 7000 ₽ for 1 hour

This trendy and spacious loft is an ideal choice in terms of zoning and the number of places to relax, and from the stage you can “spell stories” from the life of the hero of the day and make him blush a little! It will be more comfortable for guests to sit on sofas than at a festive table, where their social circle will be limited to a neighbor on the right and left.

Things to do?

The birthday boy will be happy if all the people from his photo album - former classmates, childhood friends and even first love - come together in a creative space to congratulate him on his anniversary. Decorate the walls with clothespin photos of them together and set up a photo booth to take new ones.

Approximate cost:

  • Loft rental for 6 hours - 36.000 rubles;
  • Photo booth for the whole holiday - 17.000 rubles;
  • Catering and drinks for 30+ people - from 20.000 rubles;
  • Radio microphones - 1000 rubles;

Total: from 74.000 rubles.

This two-story loft is ideal for parties, and 120 m2 of space should be enough to set up a buffet and lounge area. The site manager will advise you on professional DJs and decorators, and you will receive powerful speakers and a mixer as a gift.

Things to do?

Sometimes it's hard to warm up the audience and having a guest DJ or host isn't enough, especially if it's your grandma's birthday. Set up a retro party scene by having your guests dress up as hippies, hippies, or Beatles and indulge in some familiar boogie-woogie sounds in a time-honored loft.

Approximate cost:

  • Loft rental for 6 hours (+1 hour for preparation as a gift) - 18.000 rubles;
  • DJ - from 8.000 rubles;
  • Catering for 30+ persons - from 20.000 rubles;
  • Cleaning after the event - 2500 rubles;
  • Room decor (flag garland 20 m, tantamareski 2 pcs.) - from 8.000 rubles;

Total: from 56.500 rubles.

On the waves

Celebrating an anniversary on a rented boat is much more affordable than it might seem at first glance. There will be no strangers on the ship, except for those invited to the celebration and members of the ship's crew. And what will the Instagram photos taken from the deck cost! The number of guests dictates the size of the vessel and catering costs. Not to do without an entertainment program. As a rule, the rent already includes everything you need for a comfortable stay: a bar, a kitchen, a stereo system, speakers, karaoke or a DJ console - it is better to clarify the details "ashore".

Approximate cost:

  • Rent of the motor ship "Bohemia" for 6 hours - 45.000 rubles;
  • Buffet for 25 people - 70.000 rubles;
  • Photographer services for 3 hours - 4.500 rubles;
  • Host services for 3 hours - 15.000 rubles;

Total: from 134.500 rubles.

In the article, we have made a selection of places where to celebrate an anniversary in Moscow for large and chamber companies - from luxurious celebrations on a yacht to a stand-up party in a concert loft. Take your festive mood with you, and we will help you choose the venue!

Good afternoon. We are glad to present to your attention a ready-made script for the 60th anniversary, which can be held both at home and in a cafe. Cool sketches, funny contests, unforgettable impressions - this is exactly what you will get!


You are sixty today
I want to raise a toast to this
You did a lot along the way
How much happiness in the middle
Your glorious anniversary!
I wish you everything:
Health, happiness and love
May cherished dreams come true
rise above others
And always live on "five"
Let fate bring joy
And all trouble passes by
And let today the laughter of friends and relatives
It went on all evening and did not calm down by night!

And we present our wonderful hero of the occasion with the medal "Happy 60th Anniversary".

Further toasts are proclaimed by relatives and friends. The host makes sure that everyone says congratulatory words to the birthday man.
You can't drag this out for long. You can take a break after 3-5 toasts and while everyone is still thinking and thinking, you can tell some interesting information.


Do you know the classification of age groups? Oh, this is very interesting. One of the latest looks like this:
Young people - up to 40 years old
Middle-aged people - 59
Aging citizens - 74
"Young" centenarians - 89
"Old" centenarians - more than 90 years
And only "old" centenarians have the right to sometimes feel sad with the poet:
Young days charm
Happiness timid light
Trembling, girlish breath.
Where is everyone? Was - no.
So let's drink to the fact that we too live to the age when it will be possible to feel sad!
The floor is given to several guests.


A little more interesting information so that the brains do not relax, because there are many more surprises ahead of you!
So, among those who have long crossed the 80- and even 90-year mark and at this age have remained world-famous in their profession, one can cite the names of such long-lived giants as:
And many others, this list is very large.
But when some reporter once met the famous Rubenstein in the Bois de Boulogne near Paris, he did not apply to ask what the great pianist owes for such a long creative path. “I love life passionately,” the 90-year-old virtuoso replied and hurried to get ready for the evening's performance.
A person needs contact with the beautiful if he wants to live happily ever after.
So let's drink to the beautiful!

After the next toasts, pre-prepared guests or relatives (at your discretion) congratulate the birthday man with a song.

"Happiness suddenly in silence"

We knocked on your door in silence.
Are you waiting for us or not? We want to check.
The table is set and there are so many friends sitting here,
So, everything is fine, so away the anxiety.

Open the door on your birthday
How many friends are here, look.
Everyone came to congratulate you
From the heart, as before, loving.
Don't look at your age.
We are still ahead of us.
All meetings are ahead of us.
Happy Anniversary, (name)!

What do you want, we decided for a long time.
So that there is no sadness in your life,
So that happiness comes into your house more often,
So that there were as many friends at the table.

What to give you, we wondered for a long time.
We got you a lottery ticket.
Is there happiness in it, let fate judge
Let the gift from us not be in vain.

Guests continue to raise toasts to the birthday boy.


Now let's do a little math exercise. After all, you want to know how many years of life you can prolong yourself and, conversely, how many years are you stealing from yourself?
Factors affecting SW. years mind. years
life expectancy
accommodation in the city, - 5
countryside 5 -
live alone, without a partner - 5
each child 2 -
each kilogram of excess body weight - 3 months.
Increased blood fat:
women - 3
men - 3
All four of your ancestors lived to be 80 years old 4 -
Mother lived to 90 years 3 -
Father lived to age 90 4.5 -

We counted, and now let's drink to our hero of the day. May he live happily ever after!
And now let's hold a contest for our favorite hero of the day!

We put a certain number of potato tubers (5-7 pieces) on the chair and cover with material or newspaper. All this is done so that the birthday man does not see. After that, they invite the hero of the occasion, and invite him to sit on a newspaper under which there are potatoes on a chair, fidget while sitting and determine how many potato tubers are there. For this we award him the medal "Best Mathematician".


Let's compose a little for our hero of the day! But first, let's split into two teams.

Having divided the guests into 2 teams, we ask them a rhyme, to which they must come up with a rhyme, but characterize or congratulate the birthday man.

For example rhyme:
he always boldly runs forward
and never, like a hare, does not tremble!
Examples of rhymes for the competition:
First tour:
For the first team: sun, window
For the 2nd team: fate, trouble
Second round:
1k .: ceiling, son
2k: wreath, boot
Third round:
1k .: with you, with a mustache
2k .: Monomakh, scope

The team that came up with the most original and funny rhymes wins.


So as not to relax, let's train our brain convolutions a little more! Let's hold a ditty contest. The commands remain the same.
Each team is invited to come up with three ditties for the hero of the day and sing them. The winner is the team in which the ditties are the most cheerful and provocative! If team “A” won in the previous competition, then “B” won this one, so that there are no offenses.
So that the birthday man does not get bored at this time, he can be invited to write a poem or a ditty for dear guests who are trying so hard for him.
After this competition, a guest comes to us! A very mysterious lady, in an interesting hat, in a tailcoat.


Knowing that today we have a wonderful anniversary, a stranger came to us, this wonderful lady. But she is not simple, but able to read minds. And now, our dear guest, will tell us what and who thinks!


You're right, honey! Everything is true! Believe it or not, I can guess thoughts from a distance. I'll tell you the whole truth, who and what thinks ...

Approaches one of the guests, a representative of the older generation. And He speaks:

This young man, handsome and handsome, thinks about what a delicious salad the mistress of this house has prepared, and his wife will not be able to do this ...

Approaches another guest.

This young and ruddy man thinks about what a good man the owner is...

Approaches the third.

This lady thinks about how lucky her wife is to have such a husband as the owner of the house.

Coming to the fourth.

And this beauty thinks where the mistress of the house bought such a wonderful dress.

And so with all the guests. The more fun the better.


She told me everything, revealed all the secrets. I'll drink a glass and go on wandering.

The wanderer leaves, the guests see her off. The host continues the celebration.


And now it's time for the birthday man's wife. First of all, let's thank her for such an excellent holiday, for delicious food, which cannot be compared with any other restaurant. She did all this for her beloved and only husband.
And now it's time to find out how she sees her husband in reality. We will blindfold her, give her a felt-tip pen, (gives the name of the wife of the birthday man) she will have to draw a portrait of her beloved husband on a piece of paper.

The birthday man's wife draws a "portrait" of her husband. Upon graduation, she is awarded the medal "For Loyalty and Devotion to the Ideal".
The competition is held to the music and support of the guests. After the award ceremony, the guests applauded.


Yes, a good wife went to our dear hero of the day, attentive and faithful. And what about the birthday boy? How attentive is he to his wife? Now we will check it.

The host invites the hero of the day to go to the center of the room.

Let's blindfold today's birthday man, and let him find with his eyes closed among the five beautiful women the only one with whom he once decided to link his fate.

Five representatives of the fair sex line up in the center of the room. The hero of the day must take turns approaching each and guessing, without removing the bandages from his eyes, which of the women of his spouse. For the correct answer, the birthday man is awarded a prize - the medal "Best Husband of the Millennium".

The wife leaves and the host turns off the light. At this moment, the wife enters the room with a cake with burning candles. The cake is placed near the birthday person, who makes a wish and blows out the candles. We turn on the lights, we clap crackers.

An anniversary is an important event in the life of a person who has reached a significant date. But relatives, friends and colleagues are happy about this celebration no less than the hero of the holiday. Each of them wants to express their respect and love, to give gifts. And where to organize such a banquet, which will not be ashamed to invite dear guests? I would like the restaurant for the anniversary to correspond to this important event. Many Muscovites have already realized that there is simply no better place for holding a holiday than the estates near Moscow. The whole event is easy to arrange with appropriate aristocracy and pomposity to emphasize the significance of the moment. Any banquet hall for an anniversary in Moscow is at the service of the birthday man and his guests. The organizers will be happy to take on most of the work on the design of the premises, after which everything will breathe solemnity. Ordering a cafe for an anniversary is inexpensive, but a holiday that takes place in a large banquet hall will look much more solid. So all guests can comfortably sit at beautifully decorated tables, each of which will have a bouquet of fresh flowers. The host for the anniversary is very important, because you want the event to be remembered, everyone had fun, and pleasant memories remain. For this role, a professional toastmaster is perfect, who has many different scenarios for holding such holidays. A good banquet hall for an anniversary is necessarily equipped with all the necessary musical and lighting devices. So, if the budget allows, it is worth ordering a live musical ensemble or inviting a star. The celebrity who attended the anniversary banquet, a restaurant in the suburbs, as well as the enthusiasm and fun that she will bring, will probably be discussed by the guests for a long time. So that the guests do not get bored, it is better to come up with a script for the anniversary and discuss it in advance, and at the same time take into account the age of the main audience. A very important part of the event is the music for the anniversary, because it is it that creates the general mood. If, during the awarding of the hero of the day and the presentation of gifts, solemn marches or his favorite compositions are included, then what is happening will be perceived with great interest. If the hero of the occasion is an active person, and his guests are the same active people, then the restaurant for the anniversary can provide a separate dance floor equipped with light music. At the request of the guests, after the completion of the official part, a full-fledged disco can be arranged. And if the dances are planned in advance, then they can be held by a specially invited popular DJ. When ordering a restaurant for an anniversary, one of the most important points of the celebration, especially the banquet itself, is, of course, the menu. Sometimes thinking through and discussing the details can last more than one day. If you order a banquet for an anniversary in a serious suburban complex in Moscow, then the festive dinner will definitely contain delicacies that lovers of interesting and rare dishes will appreciate. The highlight of the table can be a miracle cake, a large stuffed fish or a fancifully decorated game. Here you can show your imagination. When ordering a country restaurant for an anniversary, you can inexpensively use the swimming pools, saunas, billiard rooms and other located on its territory. All guests will appreciate the opportunity to relax in an informal atmosphere at the end of the official part and dances. If the birthday person is a person with a sense of humor, then a banquet for the anniversary can be partially organized just in a bathhouse or sauna. When all the toasts have ended and the gifts have been handed over, it’s safe to change formal suits for towels and brooms. For a bath party, another leader can be chosen who will amuse and make people laugh. If you decide to rent a cafe for an anniversary outside the city, you should think about the comfortable accommodation of all guests in separate rooms. Because not everyone wants to get to the capital at night, at the end of the banquet. On the territory of some establishments there is a private pond, in which case the next day after the banquet you can arrange fishing with competitions. When an order is made for a restaurant for an anniversary, prices may vary depending on the number of guests and the list of all services provided. When making the final choice, you should prefer a restaurant for an anniversary with a well-groomed backyard area. If the park is beautifully decorated, the driveway and the trees are trimmed, then the photos against their background will turn out to be incredibly beautiful. But the birthday person will certainly want the banquet hall for the anniversary and the festive program to leave the most pleasant impressions. All participants at the end of the event can receive souvenirs in the form of postcards-photos, which will depict the hero of the day, guests and beautiful views of the nature of the Moscow region. Everyone, considering these small gifts, will also want to celebrate the anniversary in a restaurant in nature. And the birthday boy will have a whole album as a keepsake, which you can review and remember how beautifully everything was decorated, what gourmet dishes were served, what pleasant moments passed within the walls of a country club near Moscow. You can order a restaurant in Moscow for the anniversary, the prices will be high only because this institution is located within the city. At the same price, you can take all your relatives and friends to nature, so that after a great feast and incendiary dances, you can still go for a walk, breathe fresh air, admire the sky. If the banquet hall for the anniversary is located near the river, then everyone can easily get to the pier to make a trip on a comfortable steamer. For everyday affairs, there is simply no time and energy left for such joys. And the scenario of the anniversary may include a wide variety of entertainment events. Busy people will gladly change the situation in order to get closer to nature at least for a while.

Any birthday (and, especially, an anniversary) is a wonderful holiday that can only bring a smile to your face. However, the greater the age, the more terrible it becomes to celebrate it, and to a greater extent this applies to women. The 60th birthday can bring a lot of trouble to a woman, so the main goal is to organize everything so that the birthday girl feels as good and comfortable as possible on her own holiday. It is especially important that the atmosphere of love and significance of this holiday reign in the air.

Congratulations from children

Our dear mother, you are the brightest for us.
We wish you success in life!
From an early age you raised us, and did not give offense,
It is very difficult to convey to us all the love through words.
You do not grow old in our heart, there you are always young.
No wrinkles, no matter the age.
We are always ready to give you a helping hand,
You have always protected us, it's time to return the debt!
(Give a memento)

How much love, care
Give to your beloved
Through life, uniting, you go,
Forgetting insults.
So let's go dear
Let's not fall behind!
Not one line of beauty
We won't forget for sure!

(all the guests in a circle wish happiness to the birthday girl and praise her)

And now, friends, let's
Fill glasses!
For the health of the hero of the day,
You definitely need a drink!

(pause for a meal)

Competition "Knitted thread"

Are there handymen here?
I challenge you!
Grandma's contest now
I declare open!

Competition for all comers. Each participant receives a ball of thread and a pair of knitting needles. The task is to knit the maximum thread in 2 rows in 3 minutes. The one whose thread is longer wins. You can turn on moving music. The winner receives a large skein of good knitting thread.

While in the country such hard workers -
All troubles will bypass us.
For all the stress to disappear
Who will drink, dear guests, with me?

Competition "And the legs are torn to dance"

Leading: It's time to break the bones! I announce a competition for the best dancer. Everyone is welcome!

For this competition, several pairs are needed. Several melodies of different genres should be selected in advance: quadrille, lambada, hopak, waltz and others. Each couple dances to the music for several seconds, and when the break ends, you need to freeze in a beautiful pose suitable for the genre. Spectators appreciate the quality and enthusiasm of the dances and the beauty of the frozen couple. Based on the results, a couple of winners are determined. They receive the "Best Dancer" medals.

The soul shines with joy and joy,
When we are spinning in a waltz, we are slowly!
So that dancing always fills our lives,
I suggest drinking immediately!

Competition "Song-anti-song"

Leading: Do you love to sing? I'm sure you love it. Today you can showcase your talent!

All comers are divided into two teams. The first recalls a song and sings a few lines from it. The second team is trying to find a song that is opposite in meaning to the composition of the first team, and also sing a few lines. small", "male/female" and so on).
The heart dances and sings
Hearing these songs.
So that we sing all year round,
Let's drink together!

Competition "Catching fish"

Leading: Let's keep moving! I invite several couples to compete in dexterity!
Everyone is welcome. The fish, which should be cut out of paper or cardboard in advance, are tied by ropes to the partner's belt so that the fish lies on the floor. As the music starts, the couples dance around, but that's not the only challenge. The partner must step on someone else's fish and cut it off, while protecting his own fish along the way. You can cut out figures from different colors so as not to get confused. The last couple left wins. They receive a package of fish cookies and a Brave Fisherman medal.

There is no doubt
In this glorious victory.
For many such victories,
Please raise your glass!

Game "Treasure hunter"

Want to earn crisp banknotes?
Rather, all in a circle, wealth awaits you!
Trust your quick hands
They will serve you honestly!
Fun, joy and excitement,
Now they tell you to strain
Let the perky laughter sound
There is enough wealth for everyone!

Those who wish sit in a circle and receive a prize wrapped in several layers of paper. Then they pass it in a circle to the cheerful music. When the music stops, the person holding the prize unfolds one layer of paper and takes the banknote hiding underneath. Then everything repeats until the layers of paper run out. Those who have banknotes receive medals "Treasure hunter"

Many of you have become richer
Let it be like this every hour!
Not only a wallet, but also
Each soul will be rich.
For this we need to drink
And the hero of the day, and the guests!

Competition "True or not?"

Leading: And now let's see who knows our hero of the occasion better.

Applicants should be divided into 2 groups. 2 chairs are placed in front of the groups, one says "True", the other says "False". In advance, you need to prepare several proposals regarding the biography of the hero of the occasion. Half of them must be true and half must be false. Participants are divided in such a way that in each pair there is a person from the first team and a person from the second. Next, one of the prepared sentences is pronounced. The participants of each pair, relying on the prompts of their teams, try to sit on the “True” chair if the sentence is true, or on the “False” chair if not. Whoever manages to do it earlier gets one point. The team with the most points wins.
It is immediately clear that they have gathered
Close friends only!
We learned the truth with you
You can't say better!

Competition "Buryonka"

It's time for us to bring in the cake,
It is delicious and beautiful.
But from whose milk
Have we made cream?
Who gave us milk
So that the holiday goes well?
It's a very simple question
Of course, COW!

Leading: Before you try a cake, you have to earn it. Probably many of you have been to the village. So, they saw cows there and, for sure, dreamed of milking them. Today your dreams will come true! For this competition I need a man and a woman.

The condition of the competition: to milk milk from rubber gloves in a minute. Whoever has more milk at the end of the competition wins.

What technique, yes for this
Of course there is a reward!
Now you have to think with your head
Cut off a big piece!

(They bring in a birthday cake, pause for a meal)

Competition "Inconvenient treat"

How grandmothers cook
All of us know.
Here is our ... (name)
Show class!
Eat up, darlings
Today the feast is a mountain!
But we forgot the plugs
Bad luck, oh!

4 people take part, each is given a plate with an ordinary pie. As soon as the host gives the go-ahead, the participants begin to eat their pies, but this must be done without the help of hands. The winner is the first to complete the task, he gets a big donut.

Leading: So our amazing holiday, filled with ringing laughter, the clink of glasses and wonderful songs, is coming to an end. Let's finally drink to ensure that the holiday in the soul of our hero of the day never ends!