Have 200 ruble banknotes been issued?

Economist. Experience in leadership positions in the manufacturing industry. Date: January 10, 2017. Reading time 3 min.

For the first time in the last decade, the issue of new banknotes was raised. It took less than a year to resolve issues related to the choice of cities that will be depicted on banknotes and to determine the real time to enter the market with minimal risks to the economy.

The money supply is updated regularly. But there must be good reasons for issuing new banknotes. The last novelty that the Russians saw was the 5,000 ruble banknote, issued in 2006. Only 10 years later, an economically justified opportunity and the need to update with new signs appeared.

Rationale for issuing new banknotes

Until today, economically justified banknotes were issued in Russia with the usual denomination of 100, 500,1000 and 5000 rubles. To make cash payments more convenient, the Bank of Russia decides in April 2016 to start developing new banknotes of 200 and 2000 rubles.

Economically, such a decision is justified when inflation does not exceed 4-6%. According to the Central Bank, according to the RBC resource, by the end of 2017 this figure will fall to the line of 4%.

In addition, the novelties will allow to push the monetary units of 100, 500 and 1000, 5000 rubles, as they are issued as intermediate ones. This will help make cash payments more convenient by optimizing the volume of banknotes in circulation.

Date of issue of new banknotes of 200 and 2000 rubles

The period from the beginning of the development of banknotes to the launch of their production usually takes about two years. Having announced the release of banknotes in early 2016, the Central Bank immediately announced that it would be possible to see them live by the end of 2017.

The final design of banknotes will be developed by April 2017.

Project "People's Banknote"

Traditionally, it was decided to choose the image of Russian cities for banknotes. To make a decision, a competition "People's banknote" was announced.

As part of this competition, anyone could vote on the Your Russia portal for a city worthy of being featured on new money news. The popular vote started on June 28.

The final stage was held from September 5 to October 7, 2016 online, as well as during the open day of the Central Bank. There were 10 nominations for the final vote. The final decision was influenced by SMS voting during the TV broadcast, where the head of the Central Bank, Elvira Nabiullina, spoke.

From the views of Sevastopol, the money got a monument in honor of the sunken ships, as well as Tauric Chersonesus.

Two new banknotes, denominations of 200 and 2000 rubles, entered the monetary and commodity circulation of Russia. Banknotes are very different from current banknotes, both in design and in the degree of protection against counterfeiting. Holding new banknotes in our hands, the feeling of something alien, not ours, did not leave us. In appearance, they correspond to the current fashion trend in all areas. In this regard, distrust of new banknotes will exist for a long time. Just like scammers with counterfeit banknotes will appear. Let's see what the new Russian money looks like, how they are protected from counterfeiting and what cities are depicted on them.

How to distinguish 2000 rubles from a fake + photo

It is expected that this will be the most popular banknote in the commodity-money circulation on the territory of the Russian Federation. By open voting, the inhabitants of Russia chose an image for 200 rubles - the attributes of the city of the hero Sevastopol.
On the main side they painted a monument to sunken ships:

Photo of a 200 ruble banknote.

On the main side, a QR code appeared, when you scan it, you will get to the website of the Central Bank of Russia.
On the other side is an ancient view of the ruins of Chersonese:

The reverse side of the new banknote of 200 rubles, 2017 issue.

The color scheme is based on green shades. There are no usual white margins along the edges of the bill. With its appearance, the 200 ruble bill screams that it is new. That it does not look like previously issued money, nothing at all.

Banknote, denomination of 2000 rubles + photo

Two-thousand banknotes are printed in blue shades, and images of the Far East won.
On the main side they printed - a bridge across the strait connecting the city of Vladivostok with a cape on Russky Island:

What does the new banknote, with a face value of 2000 rubles, look like.

On the 2000 ruble bill, a QR code is also printed and a hologram from fakes is applied. The symbol of the Central Bank disappeared from the banknotes, instead the coat of arms of the Russian Federation is printed - a double-headed eagle (upper left corner).
On the back they printed the first Russian cosmodrome - Vostochny, which was built in April 2016, near the city of Tsiolkovsky, in the Amur Region:

New banknote of 2000 rubles, reverse side.

To increase wear resistance, new money is printed on cotton paper with polymer additives.

How to check banknotes for authenticity

In mass use, new banknotes will arrive on New Year's holidays, by the same time, according to law enforcement agencies, counterfeiters and simple scammers should become more active.

Two schemes of deception will prevail:

How to distinguish 200 rubles from a fake

Table of embedded anti-counterfeit protections in the 200 ruble banknote (click to open the table in a new window):

Distinctive features of the new banknote, denomination of 200 rubles.

Anti-counterfeit protection table for 2000 ruble banknote (click to open the table in a new window):

Distinctive features of the new banknote, denomination of 2000 rubles.
  • As the banknote is tilted, the sun moves from edge to edge on a brilliant hologram.
  • A dropsy sign appears, in the light, in the form of the number 2000 above the bridge, and an inscription appears on the security thread - the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.
  • When the banknote is tilted, the number 2000 appears on the protective strip, and the ruble symbol appears at an acute angle - ₽.
  • With UV luminescence, only the sign of the ruble in the red circle appears.

When will the new banknotes appear?

They have already appeared in Moscow, the Far East and the Crimea. The appearance of new banknotes throughout Russia will begin closer to the new year 2017 - 2018. Together with the advent of new money, 100 ruble and 1000 ruble banknotes will disappear from circulation. This was done to prevent rising inflation.

200 and 2000 rubles - a new decoration for the consumer's purse.

Before sighing with joy, squeezing Goznak's masterpiece of design thought in a fist, it is necessary to carefully study the design of banknotes, solidify visual and tactile identification features, remember the number of sheets for change from a five thousandth banknote.

The evolution of cash

Chairman of the Central Bank Elvira Sakhipzadovna Nabiullina brought to the consciousness of Russian citizens that not only movable and immovable property is subject to planned modernization, but also means of payment for goods and services. To protect against counterfeiting, international practice recommends changing the design of money every 5-7 years, and after 15-20 years, changing the appearance of money altogether. The last modification was carried out in 2011. And the series now in circulation has been operating for 22 years. Therefore, new banknotes are introduced into circulation.

Travelers' club

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the young Republic began to issue money of its own design. Since history in the country is unpredictable, and it is impossible to predict who this or that historical figure will be announced in the morning, the decision on the external attributes of money has matured immediately and for a long time. The banknotes were decorated with views and landscapes of Russian cities.

A politically literate move solved two problems at once:

  1. He prevented debates and rallies about the interpretation of the role and importance of citizens, which served as a model for decorating the front side of money.
  2. He allowed the weakly protected sections of the federation's citizens to travel around the country "without leaving their wallets": you look at landscapes and landscapes on a banknote, you are filled with impressions, and you don't have to go anywhere, and spend money on a trip.

A competition was held among creative people. The jury examined six thousand proposals. For the final stage, 76 works depicting the sights of 49 regions were selected. We settled on such cities as Vladivostok and Sevastopol.

Design as the fruit of the work of the subconscious

Many copies have been broken in the controversy about the reasons that prompted the development of the Far East region and the disputed peninsula.

The jury assessed the competitive works of adults, and the composition was attended by connoisseurs and fans of the Mumiy Troll group. Ilya Lagutenko's masterpiece "Vladivostok 2000" inspired artists and was supported by bankers.

The peninsula is placed on a small 200-ruble cash as a notice: Crimea is Russian territory.

The artist of Goznak, now retired, Yuri Koverdyaev, shared his impressions of the developments. The ex-employee, relying on many years of experience, believes that money has "lost face" and has become similar to foreign currency means of payment.

Maybe men don't need a unique look. But women will understand the author. It doesn’t inspire when you come to work, to the cinema or to the beach, and there four more “mymrs” came in exactly the same dress or swimsuit. Day down the drain.

Rationale for the release

But if the Chairman of the Central Bank, rated, by the way, as the Best Chairman of the Central Bank at the end of 2016, opted for the now approved design, then let's put up with someone else's taste and consider fresh money in more detail.

The release of new banknotes of 200 and 2000 rubles is planned in three stages:

  1. Product presentation.
  2. Initial placement in three regions.
  3. Mass emission.

The presentation of Russian cash took place on October 12, 2017. At the event, the reason was announced not for the simultaneous placement in circulation in Russia, but only in the capital, in the Crimea and the Far East: "to resist counterfeiters." Moreover, the mass transfer to people's wallets and ATMs will take place as early as December 2017.

It is not known how the masters “draw a ten in half an hour” will have time to turn around. But in social networks there were announcements “I will sell a new 200 ruble for 300”.

It was impossible to take a photo of the new banknotes of 200 and 2000 rubles at the presentation. Spectators were invited to watch and take pictures of colorful visual aids.

Dense and empty

One of the reasons for issuing new banknotes of 200 and 2000 Russian rubles was the convenience of exchange for consumers' wallets. An example is given with When buying a product worth 100 rubles, change 4900 is required. In current banknotes, the options are assumed:

  • 4 for 1 thousand rubles and 9 for 100, total 13 bills;
  • 8 by 500 and again 9 by 100, for a total of 17 sheets;
  • 49 times 100; i.e. 49 sheets.

No wallet can withstand such volumes of paper.

But 2 times for two thousand, 4 times for 200 rubles and once for 100 - a total of 7 papers. A great relief to the wallet, cashiers and bank movers, shifting cash from the bag to the ATM.

You can, of course, talk:

  • on the number of residents of the country earning one and a half minimum wages;
  • on the amount of pensions and the subsistence minimum in the country;
  • about the menu of socially protected citizens and the cost of the budget menu.

It is unlikely that with a pension of 12 thousand rubles there are questions about the overcrowding of the purse with banknotes.

What do the heroes of the article look like?

Let's return to the appearance of the new Russian banknotes of 200 and 2000 rubles. The developers of the project took care of people with visual impairments.

  1. The colors are chosen bright, like on a candy wrapper. The dollar does not compete in richness of color. But the euro is reminded, the resemblance is irrefutable.
  2. The numbers denoting the denomination are made large and in relief. Even if the buyer does not make out the color and number of digits, a visually impaired person will determine by touch how many zeros are on the money and what is the first digit.

Finally, justice prevailed - the coat of arms of the Russian Federation appeared on the money instead of the emblem of the Bank of Russia.

Readers are used to the fact that the number is located on the front side of the money. On the presented Russian money, the numbers are located on the back side, and twice: on the long side and on the short side.

The number of digits in the number increased to nine. On previously issued money in denominations of five to five thousand rubles, the number consisted of seven digits. . The number of digits has changed to two characters.

Samples of 2017 are made of cotton fiber with the addition of plastic. According to the authors of the project, the composition of the material increases the service life.

Hidden images and watermarks

The photo shows new banknotes of 200 and 2000 rubles with explanations of where and which are hidden and located.

On the front side of the banknote of 200 rubles, a monument to sunken ships is imprinted. The composition is located in the hero city of Sevastopol. The same sculptural composition is used as a watermark. There is a QR code at the bottom right. Smartphone owners can enter the bank's website by code and read information about security signs. The rest should recognize the original by touch.

On the back side of the money in denominations of 200 rubles there is a view. Under the picture there is a repeating text "Tauric Chersonesos". The background of the horizontally applied banknote number is decorated with micro-images of the flora and fauna of the peninsula.

The front side of the paper in 2000 rubles is crossed by the bridge to Russky Island in Vladivostok. On the reverse side there is an image of the Vostochny cosmodrome in the Amur Region.

In addition to security features similar to those mentioned in the description of the 200-ruble note, the 2000-ruble note contains a special stripe on the left side margin of the front side. When the sheet is swayed, the inscription of the denomination and the symbol of the ruble is revealed, and all this is against a rainbow background. In the center of the banknote there is an optical security element, which acquires the form of a ring when the sheet is rocked.

QR code

This has not yet been applied to Russian rubles - the banknotes introduced in 2017 have a QR code. The quick response code, trademark, optical label are now also applied to the ruble. With the help of gadgets, a consumer can quickly scan a banknote and understand whether it is real or fake.

Buyers of super- and megamarkets will make life easier with cash registers equipped with code readers. People who are not armed with smartphones and other technology for remote access to information will have to rely on their own visual and tactile abilities.

Prospects for the Russian currency

The Central Bank assures that the appearance of banknotes put into circulation will not disperse inflation. Let's share the bankers' optimism. Positive prospects are pleasant.

But in 2018, for the World Cup, new cash will circulate in the country. Foreign fans occupy ATMs not only to buy the usual Big Mac and cola, as well as pay for hotel services, but also to take away a couple of banknotes in addition to matryoshka, vodka and balalaika as a keepsake. Russia will be flooded with dollars and euros. What will happen to the course?

To become a professional collector, you need to study all the subtleties and details of the direction. In this case, it is worth considering in detail the topic of bonistics, which is directly related to collecting rare and expensive banknotes of the world. The fact is that the market is constantly expanding, and the price is changing, so the price dynamics must be constantly monitored.

Not so long ago, information appeared that the Central Bank of Russia would introduce new banknotes. According to representatives of the regulator, this year there will be such banknotes as 200 and 2000 rubles. Experts believe that it will be easier for customers to pay for products in retail chains and stores. Now many people know that the new banknotes of 200 and 2000 rubles photo 2017 when they appear.

Official Information

In the spring of 2017, the Russian media published an official statement by Nabiullina Elvira. She reported on the most popular banknotes of Russians. It turns out that buyers most often pay with banknotes such as 100-500 rubles and 1000-5000 rubles. In this regard, experts concluded that Russian consumers need intermediate denominations.

The head of the Bank of Russia also said that inflation is now unstable, so the issuance of new banknotes is justified. This solution is economically viable. However, issuing new money will not improve the situation. After all, the regulator has a goal - to reduce the inflation rate to a minimum of four percent. Nevertheless, banknotes will play their positive role in achieving the set goals. When will the new banknotes of 200 and 2000 rubles appear? It is known that the Central Bank intends to issue them in mid-2017.


When will the new banknotes of 200 and 2000 rubles go into circulation? According to the leaders of the Bank of Russia, new banknotes will be issued gradually. Before this information appeared in the media, the regulator's board members voted in favor of issuing additional money. Many financiers believe that this event will be a landmark, since such innovations are rare in the country. Recall that a similar situation has already been in modern Russia, in 2009 a new ten-ruble coin was launched. And earlier in the Russian Federation they issued a banknote with a face value of 5,000 rubles. This banknote depicts a bridge across the Amur River. But if you remember, in the early 2000s, the government produced another banknote for the Russians - 1000 rubles, which depicts the majestic city of Yaroslavl.

Despite all the excitement around the new banknotes, this topic has been raised more than once in the government. For example, after the reunification of Crimea with the Russian Federation, the winemakers of the peninsula have already asked the Central Bank to introduce a banknote with a face value of 200 rubles. At the same time, bunches of grapes, Crimean wines and Mount Ayu-Dag (a local landmark) should have been depicted on the banknote. A few years later, businessmen from Primorsky Krai responded with a proposal to create paper money with the image of Vladivostok. Entrepreneurs not only announced their intention, but also filed an official petition on the portal. But, unfortunately, several thousand votes were not enough to implement the idea. Also, the topic of new banknotes was raised by Vladimir Zhirinovsky, who is the leader of the political organization "Liberal Democratic Party". He submitted for consideration the creation of a banknote of 10,000 rubles with the image of the Crimea. However, the government of the Russian Federation did its own thing: a commemorative hundred-ruble note was issued.

Soon the whole country started talking about new currencies, the population approved the issue of banknotes. The representative of the Republic of Chechnya, Alvi Akhmadovich Karimov, also supported this initiative. Recall that Karimov is the press secretary of Ramzan Kadyrov. He stated that the region deserved to be depicted on paper money. In particular, he offered to capture Grozny, which has a unique history.

Work on the layout

With the advent of the first information that the new banknotes of 200 and 2000 rubles were chosen, the design of banknotes began to be posted on the Internet. However, at that time there were no ready-made layouts, and no one officially presented future copies.

But still, some details were known - the symbols of the regions of Russia. Then it was decided to organize a competition for the image of banknotes. The Russians had to choose the symbol and the city of the Russian Federation. To do this, the government created a platform where people could express their opinion and vote. This will select the appearance of the instance.

New denominations

When talks about new banknotes began, an acute shortage of intermediate banknotes began in the country. Then a dilemma arose before the Central Bank: 200 or 300 rubles.

According to many experts, banknotes will make it possible to significantly save time on calculations for products. Although specialists will need additional time for the following things:

  1. Development of layouts.
  2. Analysis of public opinion.
  3. Issue of new banknotes.
  4. Putting money into circulation.

It is expected that citizens of the Russian Federation can receive the first banknotes only in the middle of this year. The introduction of funds will be gradual, in some regions they may appear by the end of 2017.

As for the exchange of unusable banknotes, they can be exchanged free of charge at banking institutions. Most Russian citizens prefer to do this at Sberbank.

It is worth noting that the head of the Central Bank of Russia recently held a press conference, where she announced the latest steps in approving the design. Around mid-July, the regulator will present the final and improved version of banknotes. New banknotes of 200 and 2000 rubles photo 2017 which city? On a denomination of 200 rubles, the sights of Crimea, in particular, the surroundings of Sevastopol, will be demonstrated. But on a banknote with a face value of 2000 rubles, it will display the Russky Island as a symbol of the Far East.

When will the new banknotes of 200 and 2000 rubles come out? This will be known as soon as possible. According to representatives of the Bank of Russia, the release date of the 200 and 2000 ruble notes will be printed in a specialized publication. In any case, collectors are already waiting for the appearance of new banknotes.