Is everything serious? Which monitor to buy in a year

In everyday work, I like to use the browser as a player, snapping it to the left side of the screen, and leaving space on the right side of the VS Code, since new versions of Windows perfectly manage window snapping. Unfortunately, even the screen space of a 27-inch monitor is catastrophically small for all "wishlists", so I want to buy a second monitor more and more.
My main browser is Vivaldi and it's good for everything, except that it uses absolutely disgusting, thick scrollbars straight from the past by default. The screen is already small, and then there are scrollbars 15 pixels thick. Fortunately, fixing this problem is easy and you don't even have to resort to the Google Chrome extension store.
You can install modern scrollbars directly from the browser by enabling a special flag in the experimental settings.

To do this, enter in the search bar vivaldi://flags and find through the search "Overlay Scrollbars". After that, we transfer it to the Enabled state. After restarting the browser, you will see a really modern scrollbar that only appears when using scrolling and is hidden the rest of the time.
And I also want to recommend a little-known extension for Chrome browsers from Google itself, which allows you to unpin videos from YouTube and watch it even on the desktop like in a miniplayer or as it happens in MacOS with video.

June 24, 2019

In my personal life, I suddenly had a sufficient amount of free time and, observing the extremely sad state of industry in the Russian Federation, I decided to fulfill my old dream - to master web developer profession in order to be able to work in the future freelance. Having closely come into contact with the topic of web development, I realized that there simply would not be, and the Internet over these ten years (it was then that I was fully trying to self-teach design and layout of sites) has come an incredible way.
Millennials have come up with new trendy names for web developers: front-end and back-end. The front-ender typesets the site from a layout drawn by a professional designer, adds various simple javascript scripts (so you need to know how to program), and possibly screwing the layout into the CMS. The backender is responsible for the site engine and working with databases, and he also turns up his nose and considers himself a real programmer, and not like these "form slaps". If 5 years ago it was possible to learn HTML5 layout and learn CSS in order to be proudly called a layout designer, now these are basic skills that cannot be found in any web studio, because very few people need layout by itself. The stack of technologies necessary for modern website development has grown incredibly and the layout designer is now a bit of a programmer, and the programmer, if necessary, can make layout from the layout and make the interface himself. But in our time it was possible to "cut" the site and make it up on tables ...

Here is a short extract knowledge and tips that I learned in a month of hard home study:

  1. now the most popular code editor that covers 90% of the tasks of all front-end developers. atom not popular due to its buggy and slowness, on Sublime Text only old web developers who just got used to this "notepad" over the years of use are sitting.
  2. Without the hated Adobe Photoshop, when working with layouts, nowhere. This is the de facto industry standard. Yes, there are some very cool alternatives like paid online services like Avocode, Zeppelin or Figma, but they are more focused on rapid development of mobile interfaces and not on website layouts. And although they declare support psd, with more or less complex layouts there will definitely be problems. Not to mention that they misread text layer options and don't show/disable superimposed effects. The guys who created Sketch for Mac OS blew a huge market by not wanting to port their product to the web or to Windows. Where can I get photoshop? Unfortunately, Adobe's pricing policy leaves few options for newbies like me. Although for students they give discounts and long trial periods.
  3. The Internet we now have is very vector and hypertext, so the vector graphics format SVG used everywhere. It's good practice to have an open vector graphics editor in conjunction with Photoshop, Inkscape, to open and edit such files. Well, or draw a couple of arrows, if nothing beautiful is alien to you.
  4. Professional training in online courses is quite expensive: from 12,000 - 20,000 rubles and more, I generally keep quiet about the advanced level of knowledge (for which companies usually pay, and not the programmer himself). You can say that I will download any lectures on torrents (and this is true, they are there), any books and I will study myself. In courses, you pay not for the lectures themselves (instead of them you can read a bunch of articles on the topic for free), but for the work of mentors with you, for working on mistakes and assessing your real knowledge. I do not urge anyone to run and enroll in any courses, but by studying on your own, you will not gain some knowledge. Not to mention the possibility of unknowingly gaining "incorrect knowledge and training in bad practices."
  5. The human brain is able to adequately perceive new information for no more than 4 hours, then a sharp drop in efficiency begins.
  6. Without practices your knowledge is worth nothing. 80% of your training should be practice, and 20% theory and lectures. This is the most valuable thing in online courses that you can’t download on torrents: there you will be kicked in every possible way, given and checked homework, indicated where to improve your knowledge.
  7. Be prepared for the fact that website development technologies change every 2 years: old browsers die off, new frameworks and layout methods appear. Be ready to learn new things. Oh, but I really remember those times when the pages were made up with tables and just switched to "divas". And now people who make up only "divas" will look askance - now flexboxes are in vogue.
  8. There are many free psd templates on the Internet that you can download, make up and make a portfolio of them. And of course, Chrome DevTools (which opens with F12) and a similar developer tool in Firefox are cool things: constantly look at the code of sites that interest you in order to understand how this or that thing is done, or where the coders screwed up (childish mistakes are often found).
    Beginner Developer Page
  9. It is extremely difficult for a beginner to find a job on freelance exchanges. As I already said, they rarely order layout, and if they do, then these simple orders are intercepted by craftsmen, who naturally will do it very quickly and efficiently. There are exchanges for perfect beginners like Work Zilla, but if you read the reviews, there will be a lot of negative ones. In addition, this exchange takes 15% from the completed order, imposes a limit on the withdrawal of money and requires a subscription payment every month. It also resets your rating over time. In general, there you will literally work for food for inadequate customers who want a full-fledged website for 1000 rubles. Used to be foreign Upwork, but it is now paid, and even there you can’t get through because of the Indians.
  10. I learned cool concepts: semantic layout, adaptive layout, flexbox, grids, pixel perfect, cross-browser compatibility. Without real knowledge of these things, they will not even talk to you like a layout designer.
  11. You will be surprised, but Internet Explorer is not dead yet. The 11th version of this "wonderful" browser, which the creators of Microsoft themselves buried, is still alive and is included in the concept called "cross-browser compatibility" (and sometimes it is required to ensure that the layout matches and the site works in Chinese mobile browsers and Opera Mini, where half of modern web technologies). And IE 11 will definitely break your layout, because it is different from Chromium and Gecko (Firefox) browsers.
    Once you start typing, you will soon want to install a second monitor. It's a work necessity
  12. Soft Skills work as before (since Neanderthals). Namely: the ability to communicate with the customer, advertise yourself, look for customers where your many competitors do not think of - all this will help you find a job and receive a stable income. Well, or it will help to ask for money for food near the church with the help of "selling texts" on a cardboard (sad joke).
  13. All relevant and high-quality information on HTML and CSS technologies is only in English, so basic English is a must (to be honest, I have not yet met a developer who would not understand English from the word at all - some use online dictionaries at the learning stage, professionals teaching with tutors). This information is often (badly) translated and posted on the Medium blogging platform, and then all sorts of YouTubers steal, which I don’t recommend watching (there are not very many good front-end bloggers among Russian-speaking bloggers). Oh yes, never watch Gosha Dudar's videos - this is such Timur Sidelnikov from the world of programming. Freelancers are very fond of running YouTube channels, as it is a great advertisement for their skills, but whether they teach the right things ... is a big question. For many things that they easily show in their videos, team leads in web studios will scold you.
  14. In the provinces, there is very little work for web developers and the niche is occupied by long-running web studios of various calibers (I saw a studio of one person and three people who can pull the design on Wordpress and work with jQuery as much as possible).
  15. By the way, if you learn how to "pull design" on Wordpress, ModX, Joomla and other popular CMS, you may not die of hunger, because the demand for such work is very high. The share of sites on Wordpress in the world is constantly falling, but they are still about 40%.
  16. The vast majority of web developers (as well as users) are sitting on Windows and do not have cool 4K monitors, so Retina and layout for Safari are hardly needed exotics. But the share of users who access the site from mobile devices can be more than 60%, so your site must work correctly and look good on smartphones and tablets.
  17. Time! Some believe that layout can be thoroughly studied in 2 months and even before six months spent on learning the basics of javascript, automation tools and a popular framework. In any case, it is crazy to think that now you will quickly learn and go to earn money with your knowledge. The amount of material for obtaining the status of "junior web developer" - 2000 hours of lectures and practice.
  18. Professional programmers love mechanical keyboards, but how loud they are at night (I have cherry mx black)! Take the keyboard cherry mx red to be a little quieter. I don’t know how much you can trust all the top keyboards on the Internet, but most often the Cooler Master Storm QuickFire Rapid is recommended as the first mechanical keyboard. True, this is not a very cool brand among keyboards and the lack of a numeric keypad is annoying (and front-enders need to enter numbers often), but this is a rather old keyboard model and can be found in Russia at a price 4500 rubles. However, for 5000 rubles you can already pick up a normal keyboard on your favorite switches.

The front-end path is very difficult and thorny, knowledge becomes outdated and needs to be updated almost every year (with the release of a new version of the framework used). But personally, I like this occupation and it would be cool if the knowledge I received was also paid for, allowing me to change my current profession to a new one. The road will be mastered by the walking one.

June 10, 2019

A lot of good games were announced at the ongoing E3 exhibition, but the announcement caught my attention Microsoft Flight Simulator. The dead king of civil aviation flight sims is back to kick X plane and Prepar3D. I would very much like to see a triumphant return and there are hopes for this, even after the disastrous Microsoft Flight , which was a beautiful, but completely useless game for fans of simulators. It's scary to imagine, but a full-fledged licensed simulation part of the series (MS FS X - "ten") was released in 2006 - about 13 years ago.

There are no details about the game, but the trailer shows that this is the coolest graphics engine that provides an incredible degree of detail in the simulation of the game world. However, I suspect that, by tradition, most of the world will be flat and procedurally generated, and the United States will have beautifully detailed airports and cities. I really hope that Microsoft understands that without a community of modders, their game has no future, and they open up an API for creating missions, maps and aircraft. Many people now have a business built on this and a well-developed airport scenario or an aircraft for the previous version of the simulator can cost under $100 and they are willingly bought. If Microsoft wants to make money on this, well, organize the sale of add-ons for the game through your store, take a percentage. It will be better than releasing a "dead" game in which nothing can be changed and selling users endless paid DLCs (the way of some railway simulators).

Screenshot from version 10 with mods
I also hope that the game will have full built-in support. VR. This technology has been asking for a long time in flight simulators, and in MS FS, of course, enthusiasts tried to introduce it, but this did not receive much popularity.
The simulator will be released in 2020.

June 9, 2019

With the release of the penultimate update of Windows 10 and Nvidia drivers, I suffered a disgusting iron problem that is simply impossible to catch and fix - the monitor briefly turned off for 2-3 seconds when working from the displayport cable. As I later became convinced, the problem was not so much in the crooked Windows drivers from the "hot-loved" Nvidia, but rather the iron problem of the 2014 video card itself, the Chinese cable from Aliespress and the modern monitor from Dell for 35,000 rubles (which is pretty insulting).
Starting to google the problem, I realized that there are thousands of such sufferers all over the Internet (google for "nvidia displayport blackscreen problem")! On the Nvidia and Dell forums, people are trying to solve the problem with various shamanistic actions from reinstalling Windows, editing the registry, to disassembling the computer and replacing the power supply. I even updated the bios of my video card to the standard one, having found a bios file for the GPU in the bins of the Internet, which has not been on the manufacturer's website for a long time (maybe he is embarrassed by his products?). The problem goes away for a day or two, and then the screen starts to insidiously turn off again while playing games or when using the Chrome browser like mine. Working, constantly waiting for the monitor to turn off, is extremely uncomfortable psychologically (personally, I involuntarily swear and my eyes start to twitch).
I tried almost everything suggested on the Internet: I plugged the cable into another slot - it helps for a while, but the problem came back again and again! In addition, going into the BIOS and seeing how the screen twitches and turns off, I realized that this the problem is exclusively with the video card and the Chinese displayport cable and not the operating system. Thus, for myself, I radically solved this very unpleasant problem with turning off the monitor - ditched the displayport cable and connected a Dell monitor with 2K resolution via HDMI. Yes, the hdmi cable is also 100% Chinese and was bought for 400 rubles at the nearest store (when the displayport cable cost me more), but at least it is simpler and works without failures. I'm not a professional designer who needs a cable that supports specific color spaces, and I'm not a gamer with a 4K 144Hz monitor, but a regular computer user who needs the monitor not to suddenly turn off! And if you still need a displayport cable, then you should probably take care of buying a special expensive vesa-certified cable, but I'm afraid it won't cost 600 rubles.
So far I don’t know for sure who is to blame for the current problem: the manufacturer of the video card, the unknown manufacturer of the displayport cable (in his defense I’ll say that he worked perfectly for six months without any complaints) or me when I cleaned the computer from dust and accidentally touched something. Or maybe no one is particularly to blame, because in 2014 Nvidia supported displayport versions 1.3 and 1.4 for its video cards, without having an officially adopted specification and ended up doing it a little wrong, and when cables and monitors appeared in 2018, which require dp cables of new versions (monitors of high resolution and refresh rates of the screen), they began to rule this by flashing.
Nvidia even released a special utility that tries to patch the BIOS of video cards with this problem. But again, I don’t understand why the problem did not manifest itself in any way before, but has manifested itself recently?
Remembering all the jambs and troubles that video cards brought me Nvidia(three of them just burned out, the last two gave out a blue screen of death in games, scammers with 4 GB of memory, which are actually only 3.5), I'm thinking about switching to the camp AMD. Yes, the video cards of the "red" ones do not always shine with performance, game developers rarely optimize their games for them, some of the cards are pretty hot, but absolutely all the AMD cards I bought from me are still alive and working perfectly.

Honor Band 4 I decided to start with a simple one: giving up flour and running in the morning, and to make running not so boring, I decided to buy a fitness bracelet that is fashionable this season, since the Chinese industry produces them in incredible quantities and you can find simple models from 800 rubles to 2000 rubles for new models with an excellent screen.
Xiaomi Mi Band 3
At the moment, two devices are bestsellers: fancy Huawei Honor Band 4 with a bright AMOLED screen and a bunch of features, and more budget and simple Xiaomi Mi Band 3 with a simple non-color screen (the new 4th version with a high-quality screen is just on the way). It is also worth paying attention to the products of the Amazfit brand - people praise, but their price is 3000 rubles. Honor Band 4 has more features and types of workouts (ha, it even has Chinese gymnastics), but it also costs more, and besides, you have to pay for the ability to see a beautiful and bright screen with increased battery consumption. However, fitness bracelets consume little energy, so it’s okay if you charge your bracelet not once a month, but once every 2 weeks, especially since the Honor Band’s charging process is very simple - using a small docking station that connects from below . But charging from Xiaomi is not very convenient: you need to pick it out of the strap.
There are a lot of videos on YouTube comparing the Honor Band 4 and Mi Band 3, but most reviewers come to the conclusion that the Honor Band 4 is naturally better. In the pros of the Xiaomi fitness bracelet, only the price: you can take it for 1800 rubles with delivery from China. I took Honor Band 4 for 2200 rubles from a store that has a warehouse in Russia, so it was delivered to me in just a week by courier. Do not try to take Honor Band 4 from the official Russian store Huawei: they are completely insolent and tear up 4,500 rubles for this popular device. I think that 1000-2000 rubles is the amount that you can pay for a fitness bracelet and this will not hit your wallet too hard.
Made Huawei Honor Band 4 perfectly, there are no complaints about the assembly. I decided to play it safe and stuck a film on the protective glass, which was sent by the Chinese seller in the kit (two small strips cost me an additional 100 rubles to the final price). With the inclusion and updating of the device, I figured it out immediately and without any instructions. This is not so difficult if the device has only one button (and a touch screen, of course). For pairing, I used a proprietary application Huawei Health, which detected the bracelet using the included bluetooth and offered to update it, after which it uploaded a new firmware for 20 minutes (it was extremely necessary to do this, because the bracelet worked so-so on the old firmware). During the connection process, the application honestly admitted that it would send data to the PRC servers.
The bracelet is controlled by scrolling through the screens and pressing the screen. To stop or interrupt the workout, you need to press the menu button on the bracelet for 3 seconds. The bracelet can constantly measure the pulse, as well as monitor sleep, but I personally feel uncomfortable sleeping with it, and there are people who do not take it off around the clock and even in the shower, since it is waterproof. Another problem with a bracelet (and a watch, for a person who stopped wearing them) is that you constantly, out of habit, hit all sorts of things with it, doors, tables, and so on.
Naturally, the bracelet is perfectly friendly with your phone and it can send you notifications (rather strong vibration), SMS, messages from programs like Twitter, weather, and so on. In addition, you have the ability to enable unlocking the phone with a bracelet when they are nearby, and the bracelet has the "Where is my phone?" function, after which the phone starts yelling in English in a female voice "I'm here!". Another cool feature is switching music tracks on your phone by turning your wrist with a bracelet. The bracelet itself does not have the ability to track GPS coordinates (this requires devices such as Huawei Band 3 Pro, which are more expensive - prices start at 2800 rubles), but if you run with your phone, the Health app can link your coordinates to the map and save tracks. Personally, I wouldn’t run around with my phone, but for cyclists and tourists, that’s it.
Both Huawei and Xiaomi have lightweight budget versions of their fitness bracelets that you should not take. At a price they are cheaper by 1000 rubles, but unable to measure heart rate. Honor has a version of Honor Band 4 Running Edition, which can only count steps. For me personally (an overweight person), a constant measurement of the pulse is important. And for ordinary runners during training, it is important not to keep the heart rate high in order to avoid muscle pain.
Thus, the prices for fitness bracelets have now fallen to an acceptable psychological level. I hope this purchase motivates someone for daily sports.

Monitor choice 2017: how price affects performance

Despite pessimistic forecasts, different types of computers have not supplanted each other. Tablets, laptops and desktop PCs have divided the audience, and the latter account for not so few users. And since desktop computers are in demand, monitors are in demand. It cannot be said that this segment of the market is now on horseback, but you cannot call it completely abandoned and backward either. New models appear, developments continue, and technologies are gradually getting cheaper. What used to be only for cool models, the price of which is scary to name aloud, today it is moving into the budget, well, or middle segment. And this is despite the fact that the jump in the ruble exchange rate hit the monitors very hard. What characteristics you can count on when buying a monitor in different budgets, we tell in this material. Prices, as always, are taken from the site catalog

4500-6000 rubles

Prices for monitors today start at 4500 rubles. For this money, you can count on a device with a diagonal of 18.5 inches and a resolution of 1366x768 pixels. You don’t have to wait for something from a monitor for such an amount, because it will be equipped with a simple one, which is even more or less suitable for games due to the high response speed, but will ruthlessly distort colors and fade at any angle except 90 degrees; in addition, many models have modest contrast and brightness values ​​(also a typical scourge of TN matrices), which obviously will not please the owner. The unhappy picture is completed by a modest choice of interfaces for connection - usually this is only one port for VGA, the signal transmission through which does not differ in special quality. If you only work with text and do not use computer capabilities in terms of multimedia, then this may be a rational choice, because such models are cheap, but relevant, probably only for offices, and for home use, with films, photos and games, it is better to look after something other.

I noticed an interesting fact. Even the cheapest monitor models are represented by well-known manufacturers -,. Almost the same list of companies is found in more expensive segments. Monitors have almost no division into A- and B-brands, but even the cheapest models, although they do not shine with characteristics, are usually very hopeful and do not present many surprises in terms of operation. This allows you to treat the initial models without the neglect that may arise when studying the market for smartphones and tablets, although, of course, we would not recommend buying such cheap monitors.

6000-8000 rubles

If you increase the budget to this amount, then the choice becomes more extensive, and the characteristics of the models improve. First, the screen diagonal grows. In this segment, there are mainly options for 19.5 and 21.5 inches. Secondly, the resolution is growing: here it ranges from 1600x900 pixels (for those monitors whose cost is closer to 6,000 rubles) to full-fledged Full HD (this is closer to 8,000 rubles). Thirdly, the brightness / contrast indicators are noticeably improved, and the quality of the picture as a whole. At the same time, however, the main type of matrix remains TN, with an acceptable response speed, but not with very correct color reproduction. Fourthly, in addition to the analog VGA port, it becomes possible to connect via a digital DVI input, which has a positive effect on the picture quality.

A typical representative of the segment -

Perhaps, the monitors of this segment can be called a reasonable choice for a computer without additional tasks and users without specific requirements. True, these are monitors from the “just to show” series, without claims for special quality.

8000-10 000 rubles

Choosing a monitor in this price range is very difficult due to the fact that it has a wide range of different models. Here there are options with a large diagonal (up to 24 inches), and with, and with a cool picture, and with modern connectors - in general, many features of advanced monitors are presented. However, the problem is that in this price group they are found in different devices and you have to choose what to bet on. That is, if you want a large monitor for the money - please, but on a TN-matrix, if you want IPS - settle for a smaller diagonal.

Also in this price segment, monitors appear in the price lists, which combine the advantages and disadvantages of both TN and IPS. In particular, these matrices usually have good brightness / contrast (in these parameters they are usually even better than IPS) and decent viewing angles, however, the problem of VA is a very long response time (in some models it reaches a giant 12 ms, although not all such matrices everything is so bad) and inaccurate color reproduction. These monitors are very well suited for working with text, drawings and other documents where color is not important, but you need to consider a lot of small details. VA technology is undeniable, but for some categories of users it can be an excellent choice.

A typical representative of the segment -

Also in the price group from 8 to 10 thousand, the main number of offers of the endangered family of “square” monitors is concentrated (in fact, they have an aspect ratio of 4: 3, but in contrast to widescreen monitors they are often called that way). Even 6-7 years ago, all monitors were like that, but then the 16:9 aspect ratio won, and the offer among the “square” models shrank to a dozen. But it still exists. A pair of models costs a little less than 8 thousand, a pair a little more than 10 thousand, but the main choice is here. However, you don't have to choose much. You only need to decide on the diagonal (17 or 19 inches) and the type of matrix (TN and IPS), the resolution is the same for everyone - 1280x1080 pixels. Who needs a "square" monitor now? People who are used to them or, oddly enough, designers with a limited budget. In height, a 19-inch 4:3 roughly corresponds to a 24-inch 16:9, for a designer who works with vertical layouts, height is more important than width, and a decent 4:3 in the picture in this comparison will cost less than a similar level 16:9 .

10,000-14,000 rubles

Having crossed the mark of 10 thousand rubles, you can no longer deny yourself diagonally. Most of the models found in this segment have a screen diagonal of 23-24 inches (21.5 inches is an exception). The resolution is exclusively Full HD, while IPS is gradually replacing TN matrices, although they are fighting desperately and sometimes go deep into the depths of price lists. Naturally, these are the best representatives of TN, whose response time can even reach 1 ms - a gamer's dream. Photographers are better off choosing IPS, especially since there are more than enough options at this price point. You can even start evaluating the design when buying, which almost did not make sense in cheaper models.

Typical representative of the segment - XU2390HS-B1

From 10 thousand rubles, many (but not all) monitors begin to provide additional features. For example, built-in speakers or USB hubs. Holders become more customizable. Many models are already compatible with wall brackets, almost all have the ability to connect via HDMI for maximum picture quality, Display port is less common, although there are models with both of these types of interfaces.

14,000-19,000 rubles

While there is still a wide range of choices at this budget, both in terms of size and type of matrix, the era of large 27-inch monitors is starting in this segment. Basically, these are IPS models, although TN is also found for connoisseurs. True, there is an opinion that cheap models of this size (and this is just the segment of 14-19 thousand) is not worth buying because of the low resolution. It will have no alternative to Full HD, which on such a screen leads to a large pixel size. This is a disadvantage, which, however, may go unnoticed by the user. Everything is very individual here: someone works quite calmly with large pixels, someone installs the monitor far away from themselves and the problem does not even arise. But this point still needs to be kept in mind.

A typical representative of the segment -

The simplest models with a resolution of 2560x1080 pixels are estimated at about 16-17 thousand rubles. These are specific gaming monitors with an aspect ratio of 21:9 (diagonals are found from 25 to 29 inches). It makes sense to think about buying them only if you have a great love for computer games, because in other areas they are not very convenient due to their elongation and TN matrix.

19,000-25,000 rubles

Despite the fact that the bulk of manufacturers even in this segment continue to squeeze the maximum out of traditional models, there is not much point in buying them, because they will not be able to give a big increase in quality compared to monitors in the previous price group. With such a budget, you can and should look at unusual offers.

This price segment is interesting because monitors with a 16:10 aspect ratio are starting to appear in it. Such models will primarily be of interest to graphic designers and architects. The resolution of these monitors is 1920x1200 pixels, which allows you to comfortably work with vertical layouts, while 16:9 has a lower resolution, and the scale of the layout is less convenient. Not surprisingly, all monitors with this aspect ratio are made on an IPS matrix and are adapted to work with color and graphics. To be honest, the price of such monitors seems somewhat overpriced compared to 16:9, they are not fundamentally better in quality, just more convenient. But when it comes to professional use, you can overpay for convenience.

A couple of rounded models with a diagonal of more than 30 inches fit into this price. Without rounded corners, it is uncomfortable to work with such dimensions, because the distance from the eyes to different points of the screen is very different. "Curved" corners correct this problem. Technology is getting cheaper, and what used to be very expensive, today you can buy for 20 thousand rubles. True, the simplest curved models have a resolution of 1920x1080 pixels and a simple PV matrix, which is a kind of compromise. But they are stylish and technologically advanced, and no one has yet canceled the wow effect.

Typical representative of the segment - -P

Fans of high resolution with a budget of just over 20 thousand rubles also have something to look at, because the cost of 4K monitors starts at this border. What good is the resolution of 3840x2160 pixels, it makes no sense to tell. True, when buying such a monitor, you need to take into account many nuances regarding the computer. The system unit must be powerful and have a modern video card with HDMI output version 2.0. Only then it will be possible to get the maximum quality from the monitor, otherwise it is money down the drain.

More than 25,000 rubles

Monitors more expensive than 25 thousand rubles are already difficult to group - each model has individual features and can differ significantly from competitors. Someone relies on the screen size, directly competing with TVs, someone develops the UHD theme, someone improves and increases the diagonal of curved monitors (there is still work from manufacturers, there is no end to it), and so on. New classes are also emerging, such as professional monitors with a 21:9 aspect ratio and a diagonal of 30-32 inches. On such monitors it is convenient to work in several windows at once, although this is very specific.

Separately, many manufacturers make an aspect on additional image enhancement technologies. We will not describe them within the framework of this material, because there are many of them. In general, they bear fruit in one way or another, although the price of the device is raised inhumanely.

A typical representative of the segment -

In ultra-expensive models (above 50 thousand rubles), you can find very different and even strange functions at first glance. For example, built-in Bluetooth. Why is he on the monitor? It may come in handy for the operation of wireless acoustics or support for wireless keyboards and mice. It is clear that these are not mass and not popular models, but there are such proposals.


If you do not start from the budget, then choosing a monitor is very simple - having defined the range of tasks, stop at a certain type of matrix (TN and PV - games, movies, office, IPS - photos, graphics, expensive versions of IPS are universal), according to your own preferences choose a diagonal and select the necessary interfaces for good compatibility with a computer. Alas, but often this method can lead to results that go beyond the maximum budget. If you start from the budget, then you can often face the problem of choice when you can afford either a certain matrix or a diagonal, and a device that satisfies both parameters can be too expensive. Here you have to give up something.

At the same time, monitors, like no other, have a noticeable tendency to increase prices with the addition of minor improvements. So, we would call the optimal budget for a purchase an amount from 10 to 20 thousand rubles - everything that is cheaper is too small, and everything that is more expensive, although it allows you to get a small increase in image quality, is already too expensive.

Whether you use your computer for graphics editing, gaming, media streaming, business applications, or just everyday use, you won't find a lack of monitor options for every need. In this article, we will tell you about The best monitors of 2017 years and their functions, features when choosing.

The best monitors of 2017

By the way, we have already talked about . It might also be interesting for you to read. You can go to the link above.

Start researching the different types of monitors on the market and you'll find that there are many more than meets the eye. And there are many things to think about what you are looking for in one such as screen size, resolution, refresh rate, response time, contrast and brightness to name a few. To help destroy endless options, we've put together a list of nine of the best monitors in 2017 for gamers, graphics pros, those on a tight budget, and more.

Best Overall: Samsung U28E590D 28" UHD LED Monitor

The Samsung U28E590D offers support for up to 3840 x 2160 (four times HD) at 60Hz. There is support for a palette of one billion colors, that is, movies, graphics and games are detailed, natural and realistic. For gamers with an AMD graphics card, AMD Freesync is supported with a 1ms refresh rate.

As you understand, we will start our list about the Best monitors of 2017 with a gaming option that is suitable for most demanding gamers.

There is the possibility of connecting UHD-compatible devices (for example, future game consoles), two HDMI inputs and one DisplayPort. The 60Hz refresh rate reproduces 4K content without any lag. Eye Saver Mode reduces eyestrain by reducing blue light emissions and flicker, allowing you to play games, watch movies or view documents comfortably for longer periods of time.

This monitor includes a base that makes it suitable for surface use, but it is not VESA compatible, meaning it cannot be wall-mounted.

This monitor is priced in the mid-range, but it includes many of the high-quality features found on more expensive models. It offers crisp, crisp, vibrant images, and the picture-in-image technology eliminates the need for a second monitor for multitasking.

Best Budget: HP Pavilion 22cwa

If you're on a budget for a computer monitor, there's no better choice than the HP Pavilion 22cwa. This 21.5" ultra-thin monitor checks out all the essential needs of desktop users without breaking the bank. First, it has excellent video and picture performance thanks to its full HD 1080p resolution, LED backlighting and ultra-wide IPS technology.

The Pavilion 22cwa also features an amazing 8,000.00:1 dynamic contrast ratio that delivers rich colors, anti-glare, and a thin bezel that keeps your attention on the display, not the monitor's design. Connectivity is based on VGA and HDMI inputs, but this will satisfy most computer owners.

Over 1,700 Amazon reviewers have given this monitor an average rating of 4.5-out-of-5-star and have surprised many buyers with how well it searches for the price, so you can't go wrong with the HP Pavilion 22cwa. Not sure which budget monitor to pick. 03 of 09

Best for Movies: LG Electronics 34-inch LG 34UC98-W IPS Curved Monitor

With an impressively large screen and 21:9 aspect ratio, this LG monitor's slight curve allows for an immersive viewing experience for movies, games, graphics, or any other enjoyment. IPS technology provides an extended viewing range, and the 3440 x 1440 resolution gives you 2.4 times more visual information than a full HD monitor. This monitor offers over 99 percent sRBG coverage for full, rich colors - enough to meet the needs of photographers and graphic artists. Two internal 7w speakers with MaxxAudio technology deliver surround sound with deeper bass and crystal clear highs for superior sound quality.

Connectivity options include two HDMI ports, a USB 3.0 fast charging port, DisplayPort, and two Thunderbolt2 ports. Therefore, this monitor is compatible with both Windows and Mac. The contrast ratio is 1.1 million:1, giving you deep blacks, vibrant whites, and everything in between. There are many preset modes, including cinema, photo, reader, and games. You can also manually calibrate the monitor to your preferred settings.

This is a high quality monitor suitable for almost any use, but with its large widescreen format it is ideal for playing HD movies. This 34" monitor can be wall mounted with the purchase of a bracket.

Best for Gaming: ASUS ROG Swift PG279Q 27" Backlit Screen Monitor

From the ASUS Award Republic of Gamers ROG Swift comes out. While this excellent monitor is set to 144Hz right out of the box, it can actually break the 144Hz barrier with a 165Hz refresh rate for the smoothest gaming graphics you can imagine. If we talk about The best monitors of 2017 For gamers, this is a good choice.

It's also an IPS display, allowing the image to look the same from every angle. It features a full sRGB gamut for impressive color life, a wide viewing angle, and support for NVIDIA G-Sync technology designed to minimize tearing and lag when paired with a compatible NVIDIA GeForce graphics card.

The 27-inch screen supports a healthy resolution of 2560 x 1440 at 144Hz and has a 16:9 aspect ratio. Refresh time is 4ms.

Connectivity options include

Connectivity includes one DisplayPort, one HDMI port, and three USB 3.0 ports. It includes ULMB motion-blur reduction, GamePlus, a hotkey that allows you to switch frame rates on the fly, and various game-related picture modes.

It's worth noting that each monitor in this line is individually tested at the factory to ensure quality workmanship and that it actually works. If speed is your thing, this monitor can handle even the most demanding video games on the market, as long as your PC can keep up with it.

Best Ultrawide Freesync: LG Electronics 34-inch UM67 34UM67

This incredible LG ultra-wide monitor offers a whopping 2560 x 1080 resolution with a 21:9 aspect ratio and a stunning quad-screen feature that lets you split the screen into two or four customizable segments.

If we talk about The best monitors of 2017 then we were obliged to tell about this model of the device.

It also features Flicker Safe, designed to reduce eye fatigue by reducing flicker to almost zero. The sRGB coverage exceeds 99 percent for very accurate color and makes this monitor a great choice for graphic artists and photographers, as well as a great choice for serious gaming and outstanding multimedia experiences. It's an IPS display, which means you get sharp and crisp images that look the same from every angle. The Black Stabilizer feature senses dark images and helps brighten them up, ensuring you can see fine details even in the darkest.

Connectivity includes two HDMI ports and one DisplayPort. The refresh rate is 60Hz and includes Dynamic Action Sync technology so you can catch everything in real time.

Freesync support (only compatible with select AMD graphics cards) eliminates tearing and stuttering between your graphics card's frame rate and your monitor's refresh rate, allowing you to move your games smoothly. There are several preset gamer modes to enhance your gaming experience and two built-in seven-watt stereo speakers that provide excellent sound quality during games or movies.

This monitor is VESA compatible, meaning it can be wall-mounted with the purchase of a mounting bracket, or displayed on a flat surface with the base included.

Runner-Up, Best Overall: Dell Ultrasharp U2417HJ 23.8" LCD Monitor

Monitors are often considered as a basic computer accessory. Because they haven't made many innovations outside of improving image quality and pixel density. But the Dell Ultrasharp U2417HJ mixes those expectations up by adding a wireless charger to it. This makes a ton of sense because many people charge their phones while sitting at their computer.

Smartphones with Qi or PMA charging (such as most Android phones from Samsung) are supported, and many other phones are likely to include it in the future.

Outside of a healthy wireless charging pad, the monitor-based U2417HJ is a large full screen monitor with 1920 x 1080 resolution, 60Hz refresh rate which is very good. Also equipped with ports for DisplayPort / mini-DisplayPort, DisplayPort-out, HDMI, USB and audio output. It also swivels, tilts and adjusts so you can find the perfect angle to work on projects, watch movies or whatever.

Runner-Up, Best Budget: Acer R240HY 23.8-inch 1080p Widescreen Display

Also worth mentioning in the best budget category is the Acer R240HY widescreen display with a resolution of 1920 x 1080 pixels. This monitor has a 4ms response time, one VGA (cable included), one DVI and one HDMI input. It's an IPS panel so there's no image when viewed from any angle, it offers a 100,000,000:1 contrast ratio and images are sharp and vibrant.

This device occupies a good respect among users, and is certainly listed in our pro list. The best monitors of 2017.

Best Design: BenQ Ultra HD 4K Design Monitor

To be a successful designer (or photographer or video editor), you need your monitor to accurately reflect natural light. Apple monitors have long been the top choice, but the latest Thunderstruck won't be released until later this year. Up to this point, the BenQ Ultra HD 4K Design Monitor does everything an artist needs. Using color premier technology, this display delivers vivid and accurate color that will satisfy graphic design professionals.

The best monitors of 2017 on our list are great designs most of the time. But this one stands out for its interesting style.

The monitor comes with a commanding 10-bit 100 percent sRGB color gamut, faithfully recreating over one billion colors with optimal fidelity and unrivaled contrast. In-Plane Switching (IPS) technology allows you to see the color of the image from any angle, which is extremely useful for attention to detail. The full gamut of colors comes to you on a 27″ or 32″ screen in 3840×2160 Ultra HD 4K resolution, an astounding 8,294,400 pixels.

Designers will also appreciate the CAD/CAM mode, which provides unrivaled contrast on 3D lines to help reinforce model wireframes. The monitor also features an animation mode that manipulates lightness and shadow to add depth to your creations, and a picture-in-picture mode for video editing projects.

The monitor for designers should be well designed. BenQ has equipped the 4K Design Monitor with a flexible and comfortable swivel so you can view your creation from any angle. The bevel itself is subtle and free of unnecessary lights, allowing you to seamlessly integrate two monitors into dual screen mode. It is rounded off with an anti-glare screen and low blue light to resist eye strain.

Runner-Up, Best for Gaming: Acer Predator XB271HK 27-inch

It's time to boost and improve your gaming experience with the Acer Predator and its features to reduce tearing in your gaming experience. It is equipped with NVIDIA G-Sync technology that eliminates screen tearing, providing gamers with epic gaming battles. It also features built-in eye protection to minimize the strain and fatigue that is critical for those who go into battle.

The native and maximum resolution of this monitor is an impressive 3840 x 2160 pixels, delivering ultra HD 16:9 graphics. The IPS panel delivers crisp, clear images from any angle.

Also what you should know about this model

There is a built-in stand that allows the monitor to swivel horizontally, tilt, pivot vertically and move up or down for a comfortable viewing angle. It is VESA compatible, allowing you to mount it on a wall with the purchase of a mounting bracket. In our list of the Best Monitors of 2017, we were obliged to talk about this model.

Connectivity options include one HDMI and one DisplayPort. Also four high speed USB 3.0 ports for mouse, keyboard, gaming headset and mobile devices.

NVIDIA G-Sync syncs your monitor's refresh rate with your GPU to eliminate screen tearing, display stuttering, and input lag so scenes appear instantly, objects look sharper, and games play smoothly.

Note. To use NVIDIA G-Sync technology, you must have an NVIDIA graphics card that supports G-Sync. NVIDIA's most powerful cards, such as the GTX 780 Ti, GTX Titan Black, and GTX 880M, are all G-Sync graphics cards, as well as the popular GTX 970, GTX 980, GTX 1070, and GTX 1080.

EyeProtect's Flicker-less ensures your eyes won't feel burned from those long gaming sessions. And two built-in speakers in 2w allow you to enjoy the sounds of crisp glass, whistling bullets and all those explosions.

Also, if you have your own model options that can expand our list of "Best Monitors 2017", then write to us about it in the comments on the site.

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I've been thinking about writing an article like this for a long time. Well, the confirmation that this is really worth doing was the repeated questions of our readers in the comments to the monitor reviews. Indeed, with such a variety of models on the market, it is very easy to make a mistake in choosing, and a direct comparison of the monitors you like in a head-to-head retail store is usually simply impossible - for a variety of reasons. Static or dynamic scenes on a dozen different displays (mostly, by the way, those that sell poorly) connected to one hub on the shelves of well-known chain stores make the buyer leave the premises as quickly as possible. In such a situation, making out who is better is an impossible task even for a professional.

So the buyer ends up on the Internet - Yandex.Market with its reviews and technical forums. But even here you need to strain, study the materiel, collect the information received together, separate the wheat from the chaff - and then make a choice. However, all people are busy, most are looking for ready-made solutions, and only a few can afford to delve into the study of a new topic.

Well, that’s what our test laboratory exists for, through which dozens of various displays have passed, but I myself have been setting up monitors for many years, so I have seen dozens of other models - about 500 in total. So in this material I I will go through each class of monitors and highlight the best solutions, based, among other things, on my experience.

Why buy: There is nowhere more accessible, BenQ's ability to squeeze all the juice out of *VA-matrices, a good factory setting.

What can stop: there are virtually no options for setting the stand - only tilt in a small range.

Alternative: the good old BenQ GW2760HS for 12,000 rubles - as the most hassle-free * VA Full HD solution with a screen diagonal increased to 27 inches. We will not recommend the new, but more problematic GC series for purchase. If you want to get a similar monitor with an ergonomic stand, then you should take a look at the XB series models manufactured by Iiyama.

Why buy: high quality.

What can stop: that much money for a 23-inch Full HD panel, plus a standard color gamut.

Alternative: recently reviewed by us for 19,000 rubles, which cannot boast of such capabilities as the NEC presented above, but it has a modern “frameless” design, small dimensions and an ample set of technologies and features typical of the Pro-solutions segment.

Why buy: among competitors, you can find a better monitor, but it will be much more expensive.

What can stop: simple design, body gets dirty quickly, limited stand ergonomics.

Alternative: Acer XF290Cbmjdprz for 24,000 rubles - if you want to get a practical matte case and an ergonomic stand. Or a 34-inch LG 34UM58 for 28,000 rubles - in case the “bold” pixel does not hurt your eyes and you want to get the largest possible computer monitor at the minimum allowable budget for this, without sacrificing quality.

⇡ For players

Working behind a monitor with a vertical refresh rate of 60 and 120 Hz is two big differences. Well, for those who mostly play at the computer - and even more so.

Applicant: LG 34UC79G.

The most real gaming solution in the segment of UWFHD solutions with almost the maximum diagonal for it - and just recently sold. The monitor is lost in a wide assortment of the manufacturer, little is said about it, but this does not make it lose its relevance. Compared to 35-inch *VA models with the same resolution, the IPS version from the Koreans, with a vertical refresh rate increased to 144 Hz and AMD FreeSync support, definitely outperforms them in speed, which you will also get without obvious artifacts Pictures.

Why buy: a huge, 34-inch curved handsome with a good gaming IPS panel, quality build, materials and support for AMD FreeSync.

What can stop: deep stand, low backlight uniformity on black.

Alternative: if you still really want a gaming A-MVA option for the sake of getting the deepest blacks with the same resolution, then you should take a look at the AOC C3583FQ for 42,000 rubles - among several identical monitors, this one has the most delicious price. But don't forget about artifacts on moving objects and other features of similar *VA matrices.

⇡ WQHD standard models (2560 × 1440 pixels)

Models of the WQHD standard, according to our observations and impressions, are beginning to take over from Full HD solutions. Moreover, they, firstly, have fallen in price - if you look at the rest of the market segments, and secondly, options with a diagonal other than 27 inches have appeared: you can find displays from 23.6 to 32 inches - for every taste.

Why buy: if you want to get your first WQHD monitor without paying extra for the name, better materials and design.

What can stop: brand, not the highest build quality - you should carefully choose a copy.

This monitor has been tested in our lab and left a good impression. The model uses an A-MVA panel produced by AUO, which is successful from all points of view, the only drawback of which is the Black Crush effect inherited from *VA technology itself. This solution has a huge list of advantages and a very short list of disadvantages. In addition, at the moment it is almost the most affordable 32-inch WQHD of those that generally make sense to consider.

Why buy: a large diagonal, coupled with a resolution of 2560 × 1440 pixels for a possible minimum of money in this class.

What can stop: not the highest level of pixel density (ppi), appearance, workmanship.

Alternative: BenQ BL3200PT for 33,000 rubles, if you are not satisfied with the Philips design and want to get a monitor made from higher quality raw materials to higher standards.

⇡ For players (IPS-type)

The most interesting, from my point of view, class of monitors in 2016, and in 2017 too. In the last two years, its development was obviously hindered by the desire of manufacturers to get rich on such models as much as possible, which is why their prices still frighten Russian consumers, and sales on the general background do not exceed 1-2% of the market volume. Nevertheless, looking at the development of technology, one can come to the conclusion that someday a high frequency sweep will become the absolute norm. In the meantime, it remains the prerogative of game models.

Due to my kind of activity, I managed to get acquainted with all the gaming WQHD IPS-type models among those presented on the Moscow market, but none of them succeeded in surpassing the model from ASUS. The ROG PG279Q is the first in its class, and it's still the leader to this day. Yes, it is not cheap, but when it comes to 60-70 thousand rubles for a device that you will use for at least a couple of years, it seems to us that it is better to overpay than to bite your elbows later.

Why buy: high quality, the best that is on the market (provided that NVIDIA graphics cards are used in the PC).

What can stop: high price, low backlight uniformity on black in almost all specimens (the trouble with such monitors).

Alternative: in many ways similar to the above model ASUS MG279Q for 48,000 rubles - for owners and fans of GPUs from AMD, but with reduced opportunities to increase the smoothness of the picture (there is no ULMB mode).

⇡ For players (TN+Film)

Game TN + Film with WQHD resolution, in my opinion, the segment is very ambiguous. With not that much difference in price relative to IPS-type options, you get a slightly higher matrix speed, but lose in image quality and stability (we are talking about viewing angles). It is comfortable to play, but not so much to work. You can convince yourself for a long time that TN + Film panels have a tangible speed advantage, but in reality this is not the case for a long time, especially among WQHD models. But if you still want to save money and get at your disposal a large workspace, then there is a choice, albeit a small one.

The first Dell gaming monitor - and immediately a clear hit on the target. The company's engineers did their best, and the novelty came out without serious flaws. The manufacturer installed a high-speed, 144-Hz TN + Film-panel in a case familiar from other models, flavored all this with support for NVIDIA G-Sync technology and ULMB mode, as well as an excellent matrix overclocking setting. It turned out quite a decent display.

Why buy: I want to save money, but get a 27-inch WQHD gaming monitor.

What can stop: well-defined crystal effect, poor factory setting and average build quality.

Alternative: we dare to assume that only the BenQ ZOWIE XL2735 that appeared on sale for the same 42,000 rubles can be considered as an alternative. It does not support G-Sync adaptive sync technology, which is an obvious disadvantage compared to Dell. But you can hope for a high-quality factory setting and get light-protective curtains in the kit.

A year ago, we would never have thought that a product from BenQ could take this place, but the reality is that the new PV270 monitor won us over with its combination of features, build quality, settings and, of course, price. It may not compete on equal terms with alternative models, whose manufacturers are easy to guess even without our tips, but it earns every ruble invested in it and offers almost everything (or everything) that 99% of buyers of such displays require.

Why buy: you don't want to overpay for a brand.

What can stop: distrust of professional BenQ monitors, a real need for exclusive features of NEC and Eizo displays.

Alternative:"coffin" NEC MultiSync PA272W-SV2 for 85,000 rubles - with an ideal factory setting, an ambient light sensor and a license for SV2 software. Well, or Eizo ColorEdge CG277 for 180,000 rubles with a built-in colorimeter, an automatic calibration system and other amenities.

Extremely simplifying the principles of choosing a monitor for a PC in accordance with its main purpose, modern devices can be grouped into three categories:

  • On fast matrices TN + Film - for eSports;
  • With GB LED backlight and extended color gamut - for working with graphics;
  • Universal displays - with IPS or VA-type panels.

In this article, we will try to talk about the best computer monitors with a diagonal of 19, 24, 27, 32 and more inches.

Choosing the best type of matrix for the monitor

Sadly, no LCD monitor has yet been able to display all the variety of visual information equally well. There are three main types of liquid crystal displays:

The number of colors your monitor can display depends on matrix capacity. The simplest (6 bits) are capable of outputting 262,000 colors. Most modern models are equipped with 8 or 10-bit panels (respectively, 16 million and a billion colors). Naturally, the higher the bit depth, the more expensive the end device.

There are models in which a large color depth is achieved through cunning technical solutions. In particular, frame rate control(Frame Rate Control). In such cases, one speaks of pseudo-width (for example, 8 bits + FRC). From the point of view of the final number of shades, such monitors are “honest”, but sensitive eyes may react to the additional blinking of pixels.

Eye fatigue can also be caused by the pulse-width method of brightness control ( PWM). Please note that the term Flicker-Free can mean anything from different manufacturers. For example, PWM is used only for low brightness levels or high-frequency modulation is used. Unfortunately, it is extremely difficult to find out this point.

Diagonal Matters

The first mass-produced LCD monitors were just "ridiculous" by today's standards, diagonal. These days, buying even a 21-inch monitor involves force majeure. Of course, everyone has their own comfortable size, just like the screen resolution. As for the best combinations, they are approximately the following (for a 16:9 aspect ratio):

  • Full HD (1920×1080) - 24 inches;
  • 2K WQHD (2560×1440) - 27 inches;
  • 4K UHD (3840x2160) - 32" or larger.

Ultra widescreen monitors(21:9) are not small at all, and the acceptable pixel size starts with a diagonal of 29 inches. Well, we do not consider the diverse "exotic" in our rating. Our rating of the best monitors is based on customer and expert reviews and on an analysis of the technical characteristics of models popular in 2018 - early 2019.