How many carbs are in cheese. Russian cheese: composition, bju, production technology. Russian cheese in cooking

There is an opinion among gourmets that the most delicious and healthy delicacy that can be seen on our table every day is cheese. The BJU in it depends on the production technology of the popular fermented milk product and the ingredients used in this. Cheeses are prepared by curdling milk, adding substances that contribute to its coagulation (lactic acid bacteria and enzymes).

At the end of the process, excess moisture is removed from the resulting mass by draining and pressing, then it is salted and sent for maturation.

Types of cheese

Thanks to various manufacturing technologies for such a popular fermented milk product as cheese (BJU and calories are indicated per 100 g), it can be: mature or hard (Parmesan, Emmental, Swiss, Maasdam, Gruyère, Cheddar and others) with a fat content of 28 -35 g, proteins 25-33 g and calorie content 350-425 kcal; semi-solid (Russian, Dutch, creamy, gouda, Lithuanian and others), which contains 25-30 g of fat, 23-28 g of protein, and calorie content varies in the corridor of 320-350 kcal; pickled (mozzarella and suluguni, Adyghe and feta, cheese and others), in which there is less fat than the rest - from 18 to 25 g, proteins - 18-25 g, and its energy value can be found on the label (approximately 210-310 kcal); soft - all mold varieties - roquefort, brie, camembert, gorgonzola and others, in which there are 30 g of fat, 20 g of proteins, and the calorie content is on average 355-410 kcal; as well as melted.

The last type of product is high-calorie cheese, BJU in it depends on the nutritional value of the components used in its manufacture. It can be milk, butter, cottage cheese and many other ingredients (sugar, flavorings). The main claim of nutritionists to this product is the presence of a large amount of carbohydrates in it, so it is not recommended to use it for people who are overweight. Other varieties of cheese, except for processed cheese, contain a small amount of carbohydrates or they are absent.

Is cheese a fatty food?

Those who care about their figure often have to deny themselves the pleasure of eating cheese, as it is considered an extremely fatty food. However, you should not do it when you meet cheese with a fat content of 45, 50 and 60% on store shelves. These figures are given by manufacturers to determine the concentration of fat on a dry matter basis. At the same time, the amount of fat in a full-fledged fermented milk product is no more than 20-30%. In addition, dietary varieties of cheese with a mass fraction of fat in dry matter in the range of 18-25% can be found on sale.

Low-fat types of cheeses differ in color - they are much lighter than varieties made from whole milk with the addition of cream. The described product is a leader in calcium content: 100 g contains 1300 mg of an important trace element, which corresponds to 130% of the required amount per day. It is absorbed only with fat-soluble vitamin D, so cheese (the BJU contained in it are ideal for saturating the body in the first half of the day) brings so much calcium to the human body, as well as vitamins B, A, E and D, minerals and amino acids. As for the milk fats present in cheese, they are rich in phosphatides - components that help to digest and assimilate food by 90%, ensure the proper metabolism of fats in the body. In addition, milk fat has a low melting point, which further facilitates its absorption.

Nutritional table for hard cheeses

This type of fermented milk product differs from others in its low moisture content (not more than 55%) and increased hardness. These qualities of cheese are obtained through: heat treatment, pressure and salt, which contribute to the appearance of a specific hard crust on the surface of the product; as well as a long ripening period (from two to three months to three years). Some gourmet varieties can harden for up to ten years. Rossiyskiy cheese also has a strong taste and strong aroma inherent in all hard varieties. BJU in it correspond to the level of 24.1 g / 29.5 g / 0.3 g, which is confirmed by the table of nutritional value of the described variety and others:

Types of cheeses and calories per 100 g

(in grams)


Cheese "Russian"

50% fat -

Cheese "Russian"

45% fat -

Cheese "Komo" (Russian) -

Cheese "Swiss" - 396 kcal

Cheese "Soviet" -

The delicate aroma and characteristic pattern of the Russian cheese, called "fine lace", makes it easy to distinguish it from others on store shelves in Russia and neighboring countries.

It is prepared using pasteurized cow's milk, sourdough containing mesophilic lactic acid bacteria, and rennet, which promotes clotting of the mass. The resulting Russian cheese is aged for 70 days, and then goes on sale. Housewives use hard varieties of cheese both for sandwiches and for sprinkling a variety of dishes.

Semi-hard cheeses

In a whole group of varieties of fermented milk product, which includes: Kostroma, Edamsky, Poshekhonsky, Lithuanian, Gouda, Estonian and Dutch cheese, BJU are distributed as follows:

Cheese varieties

(in grams)

(in grams)


(in grams)

"Dutch" 352 kcal






Semi-hard cheeses - Dutch, Maasdam and others - have an average calorie content (from 280 to 350 kcal), while 100 g of parmesan, cheddar and Swiss cheese give the human body more than 380-400 kcal.

Nutritional value of pickled cheeses: table

Mediterranean, Italian and Caucasian cheeses ripening in brine - mozzarella, suluguni, brynza, chechil, Adyghe - are extremely loved by most of our compatriots. The technology of their preparation gives them a pronounced layering and a piquant salty taste.

The Bavarian mozzarella producer Paladin (Germany) produces a product with a mild creamy taste, which contains 153 kcal: 18 g of proteins, 18.5 g of fat and 1.5 g of carbohydrates, while the low-calorie variety from the Italian company Galbani (cheese Mozzarella") BJU correspond to 17.5 g-20g / 9-13.5 g / 0.4-1 g.

Types of cheese

(in grams)

(in grams)


(in grams)

Brynza (from cow/sheep milk) 260/298 kcal

Mozzarella 240 kcal

Chechil 140 kcal

Suluguni 290 kcal

Feta 290 kcal

Sirtaki 227 kcal

Adyghe 240 kcal

Ossetian 356 kcal

Pickled cheeses are great for baking and salads, making rolls. The most delicious dishes are obtained if you use exclusively fresh cheese, which smells like milk, cream, mushrooms.

Diet menu and cheese: BJU, calories, consumption rate

Fat-free cheeses are the main component of many low-calorie diets. One of the most popular curd cheeses, reminiscent of unsalted and low-fat cheese, is tofu with a fat content of 1-4%. Produced on the basis of soy milk, it is rich in high-quality amino acids that can successfully replace meat products. Tofu contains less than 100 kcal per 100 g, making it ideal for people who are losing weight or suffering from cardiovascular ailments.

Another dietary product is country cheese or cottage cheese with a fat content of 5%. It is mixed with cream (fresh, lightly salted). In 100 g of granular or Lithuanian cottage cheese (the name of the same village cheese) there are 85 kcal and 19 g of protein. Of the low-fat cheeses, the following are in demand: Gaudette (with a fat content of 7%), dietary Chechil, Fitness, Grünlander (5-10%), Ricotta (13%) - its slice contains 4 g of fat and 50 kcal.

In light cheese and feta-light versions, the fat content varies between 5 and 15%. Such cheese is made from goat's milk, it contains no more than 30% fat, while traditional feta from contains about 60% fat.

Nutritionists do not advise to abuse any kind of cheese, a couple of slices before lunch (30-50 g) is enough. They can be chopped into a salad, eaten alone, or used with thin toasted toast. Pickled cheeses must first be soaked in water or fresh milk for an hour.

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Cheese - everyone's favorite product sometimes undeservedly moves into the far corner of the refrigerator as extremely fatty and harmful to the figure ... Do you know that cheese is the leader in calcium content! So, 100 grams of hard cheese contains 1300 mg of calcium, which is 130% of the daily requirement. And unlike milk, this product is absorbed by 90%! But cheese is 50% fat – you might say…. So let's figure out what is cheese?

Cheese is made from milk, special lactic bacteria (sourdough) and rennet. Butter is also added to some cheeses. It turns out that cheese is a protein product with a decent fat content. And processed cheeses are very fatty, but more on them later.

Cheese is a fatty product ... or is it not?

As a rule, there are cheeses 60, 50, 45 and 25% fat. Most often on store shelves we see two numbers: 60% and 50%. And it seems to us that these are just crazy numbers, because you don’t want to eat extra fat! And for those who are on a diet, such fats seem sky-high at all. However, do not rush to draw conclusions. Manufacturers indicate the percentage of fat in dry matter, and in the finished product this fat content is reduced to 20-30%. And if you try and find cheese, in which the percentage of fat in dry matter is 25%, then this is an extremely dietary product. But even here there are pitfalls!

Are fatty dairy products higher in calcium, or are they not?

If you are told that fatty dairy products are healthier because they have more calcium, this is not entirely true. Calcium and fat are not interconnected, it even happens the other way around, manufacturers reduce the fat content of dairy products, but artificially enrich them with calcium. But don't fall for this trick!

The thing is that calcium is absorbed together with vitamin D. And this very vitamin D is absorbed with fats. Therefore, cheese (a product containing fat) brings so much calcium to our body, and at the same time vitamins A, E, D, B1, B12, essential amino acids and minerals!

The rate of consumption of cheese

And yet you should not abuse cheese, as well as any other products. 30-50 grams of cheese per day is more than enough. And it is better if you eat it separately from bread, and not as you are used to: in combination with sausage and a thick piece of loaf.

So what is the harm of your favorite cheese?

Everything is trite: there is a lot of salt in the cheese. Yes, cheese is extremely salty. It is salt that spoils it, but, unfortunately, this product is not prepared without salt. The only thing you can do is soak the cheese before eating. It is enough to hold it in fresh milk or water for an hour so that some part of the salt comes out. This also applies to other pickled cheeses.

Types of cheese

Cheeses are divided into the following types (fats, proteins and kcal per 100g):

Hard cheeses: parmesan and its types, Swiss, cheddar, maasdam, emmental, gruyère, etc. (fat - 28-35 g; proteins - 23-33; kcal: 340-420)

Semi-hard cheeses : Russian, Lithuanian, creamy, Dutch, Gouda, etc. (fat - 22-30 g; proteins -22-28; kcal - 330-350)

Pickled cheeses : suluguni, cheese, feta, Adyghe, mozzarella, etc. (fats -18-25; proteins - 17-25; kcal: 215-300)

Soft cheeses: all blue cheeses: camembert, brie, gorgonzola, roquefort, etc. (fats - 30; proteins - 20; kcal - 350-400)

Processed cheeses : processed cheeses are made from milk, butter, cottage cheese and any other ingredients. As a rule, these are quite high-calorie cheeses. Their main danger is that in addition to proteins and fat, they often contain carbohydrates (sweet cheeses, or with various additives). That is why processed cheeses are not recommended for overweight people. Processed cheese for a figure is harmful.

One of the most popular types of dairy products is Russian cheese. Its calorie content is very high, but universal love and affection is due not only to this, but also to a large number of other reasons. I would like to note the fact that this variety is one of the most basic and constantly existing on store shelves. But it’s true, as long as you can remember, you see this cheese on the market for so long. Starting from the times of the USSR and ending with our days. Also worth attention is a large assortment of this type, depending on its manufacturer (in which there is no shortage at the moment).

Product Features

Cheese "Russian", the calorie content of which is quite high, has some taste difference from other types, which can be aimed exclusively at a narrow circle of consumers (for example, with mold). It has a fairly pronounced sour, but traditionally recognizable taste. Plus, its cost is at a democratic level, thanks to which everyone can afford to pamper themselves, which has been quite relevant lately.

This type of dairy products is produced in Russia and in some CIS countries. Pasteurized milk is taken as the initial raw material for its preparation. It is classified as a semi-hard rennet cheese. This enzyme is added to cow's milk along with a special starter that contains lactic acid bacteria. Cheese "Rossiyskiy", the calorie content of which rises several times at the end of production, is also distinguished by its yellowish color, and on the cut you can see small eyes and white lace.

Despite the high level of fat content, this product is in no way inferior in taste to other varieties. As for cooking and preparing various dishes, it is even more popular than other cheeses. Of particular relevance can be emphasized for the preparation of casseroles, salads, pizza, hot dishes and snacks.

Composition, vitamins, minerals

One of the most useful products can be called Russian cheese. Its calorie content is very high, since a third of this product is pure protein. On the other hand, thanks to this, it can be used instead of meat products in some vegetarian dishes. This cheese has one necessary element, which is called milk fat, which is very well accepted by the body. Despite the fact that there are practically no carbohydrates in this product, it has a fairly large and impressive list of vitamins B 12, B 6, B9, C, PP, A. And due to the fact that cheese contains vitamin B 12, it helps during the treatment of diseases, associated with hepatitis, anemia and anemia. It should be noted the positive effect of the product on men's health due to the zinc content. Naturally, calcium and phosphorus are present, as in other dairy products, which is important for bone structure. Therefore, cheese is recommended for those patients who have had joint diseases. Thus, the product has become not only tasty, but also useful, having a sufficiently large mineral and vitamin composition, due to which it is recommended for inclusion in the diet.

Useful properties of "Russian" cheese

Many doctors and nutritionists say that one of the most useful is cheese "Russian" 50%. Calorie content may indicate its satiety, but at the same time it contributes to:

  1. Strengthen teeth, bones, hair and nails.
  2. Improving energy balance.
  3. Improving metabolism.
  4. Activates the brain.
  5. Quickly restores strength not only after mental, but also after physical exertion.
  6. Promotes proportional development and growth of the body.

Cheese "Russian": calories per 100 grams

  • Proteins: 23.2 g
  • Fat: 29.5 g
  • Carbohydrates: 0 g.

Russian cheese is incredibly nutritious (calories / proteins / fats / carbohydrates: 364 kcal / 25% / 73% / 0%), so you need to watch the amount that you eat. Since everything is good in moderation and it is not worth abusing it. Naturally, for real connoisseurs, these words mean nothing.

Cheese harm

With all the positive qualities of this product, there are still a few negative points that need to be mentioned, because this can cause problems in the future. Due to the fact that this cheese has a very high percentage of fat and calories, it is still worth refusing to use it for those categories of people who have some problems with overweight and obesity, and those who have been prescribed a low-fat light diet. If you follow all the recommendations and common sense, do not overeat it, then the product will only benefit.

Naturally, improper storage of cheese can cause a lot of harm, in which case diarrhea is not the worst option. Some consumers continue to use the product even after the mold crust appears on it, thinking that there is nothing wrong with it, but in fact it can create many problems.

Also, due to the diuretic effect inherent in cheese, people who suffer from urolithiasis may experience discomfort.


It is difficult to argue with the fact that the high calorie content of Rossiysky cheese (50% fat content) comes to the fore. This makes you cautious about adding it to various dishes. This is due to the fact that any salad or snack in which it is used becomes a third of the calories. At the same time, there is a certain circle of nutritionists who still oppose the mass production of cheeses, where pasteurized milk is taken as the basis. The described type, in fact, is produced in this way. This is due to the fact that such a product does not contain even a small fraction of what such cheeses should actually contain (we are talking about useful properties). Due to the maximum amount of saturated fatty acids, coconut and palm oil, it is so harmful to the body that it is quite capable of causing Alzheimer's disease. This applies only to those species in which traces of vegetable fats have been found. As for the rest, this issue is not even discussed, only reasonable use leads only to a positive effect.

Table of composition (proteins, fats, carbohydrates) and caloric content of products


For reference. Caloric content is the amount of energy received by a person as a result of the absorption of a particular product. The number of calories a person needs depends on the work performed, physical activity, gender, age, geographic latitude (cold or hot climate). Like any fuel, food, burning in the furnace of the body, releases energy. Therefore, food has a certain energy value that can be measured (for example, in kilocalories or joules). Therefore, another name for the energy value of foods is caloric content. Each of us has repeatedly seen on the factory packaging of products purchased in the store a figure that corresponds to the energy value of 100 g of this product. Anyone can calculate how much energy his body will receive after eating a certain amount of a product.

Knowing the daily diet of someone, that is, the amount of food eaten per day, including drinks, and their energy value, it is easy to calculate the amount of energy received - the calorie content of the daily diet. Biochemists and nutritionists have long calculated the calorie content and composition of almost all food products.

It is simply impossible to foresee all the variety of food. However, taking into account the information placed on the labels of food products, the calculation of the calorie content of the daily diet does not present serious difficulties.


Product Water, g Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g kcal
eggplant 91,0 0,6 0,1 5,5 24
Swede 87,5 1,2 0,1 8,1 37
Green peas 80,0 5,0 0,2 13,3 72
Zucchini 93,0 0,6 0,3 5,7 27
White cabbage 90,0 1,8 - 5,4 28
red cabbage 90,0 1,8 - 6,1 31
Cauliflower 90,9 2,5 - 4,9 29
Potato 76,0 2,0 0,1 19,7 83
Green onion (feather) 92,5 1,3 - 4,3 22
Leek 87,0 3,0 - 7,3 40
Onion 86,0 1,7 - 9,5 43
red carrot 88,5 1,3 0,1 7,0 33
ground cucumbers 95,0 0,8 - 3,0 15
greenhouse cucumbers 96,5 0,7 - 1,8 10
Sweet green pepper 92,0 1,3 - 4,7 23
red sweet pepper 91,0 1,3 - 5,7 27
Parsley (greens) 85,0 3,7 - 8,1 45
Parsley (root) 85,0 1,5 - 11,0 47
Rhubarb (petiole) 94,5 0,7 - 2,9 16
Radish 93,0 1,2 - 4,1 20
radish 88,6 1,9 - 7,0 34
Turnip 90,5 1,5 - 5,9 28
Salad 95,0 1,5 - 2,2 14
Beet 86,5 1,7 - 10,8 48
Tomatoes (ground) 93,5 0,6 - 4,2 19
Tomatoes (greenhouse) 94,6 0,6 - 2,9 14
Green beans (pod) 90,0 4,0 - 4,3 32
Horseradish 77,0 2,5 - 16,3 71
Cheremsha 89,0 2,4 - 6,5 34
Garlic 70,0 6,5 - 21,2 106
Spinach 91,2 2,9 - 2,3 21
Sorrel 90,0 1,5 - 5,3 28

Fruits and berries

Product Water, g Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g kcal
apricots 86,0 0,9 - 10,5 46
Quince 87,5 0,6 - 8,9 38
cherry plum 89,0 0,2 - 7,4 34
A pineapple 86,0 0,4 - 11,8 48
Bananas 74,0 1,5 - 22,4 91
Cherry 85,5 0,8 - 11,3 49
Pomegranate 85,0 0,9 - 11,8 52
Pear 87,5 0,4 - 10,7 42
figs 83,0 0,7 - 13,9 56
Dogwood 85,0 1,0 - 9,7 45
Peaches 86,5 0,9 - 10,4 44
Rowan garden 81,0 1,4 - 12,5 58
Rowan chokeberry 80,5 1,5 - 12,0 54
garden plum 87,0 0,8 - 9,9 43
Dates 20,0 2,5 - 72,1 281
Persimmon 81,5 0,5 - 15,9 62
Sweet cherry 85,0 1,1 - 12,3 52
Mulberry 82,7 0,7 - 12,7 53
Apples 86,5 0,4 - 11,3 46
Orange 87,5 0,9 - 8,4 38
Grapefruit 89,0 0,9 - 7,3 35
Lemon 87,7 0,9 - 3,6 31
Mandarin 88,5 0,8 - 8,6 38
Cowberry 87,0 0,7 - 8,6 40
Grape 80,2 0,4 - 17,5 69
Blueberry 88,2 1,0 - 7,7 37
Blackberry 88,0 2,0 - 5,3 33
strawberries 84,5 1,8 - 8,1 41
Cranberry 89,5 0,5 - 4,8 28
Gooseberry 85,0 0,7 - 9,9 44
Raspberry 87,0 0,8 - 9,0 41
Cloudberry 83,3 0,8 - 6,8 31
Sea ​​buckthorn 75,0 0,9 - 5,5 30
White currant 86,0 0,3 - 8,7 39
Red currants 85,4 0,6 - 8,0 38
Black currant 85,0 1,0 - 8,0 40
Blueberry 86,5 1,1 - 8,6 40
Rosehip fresh 66,0 1,6 - 24,0 101
Dried rosehip 14,0 4,0 - 60,0 253

Dried fruits

Product Water, g Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g kcal
Dried apricots 18,0 5,0 - 67,5 278
Dried apricots 20,2 5,2 - 65,9 272
Raisins with a stone 19,0 1,8 - 70,9 276
Raisin kishmish 18,0 2,3 - 71,2 279
Cherry 18,0 1,5 - 73,0 292
Pear 24,0 2,3 - 62,1 246
Peaches 18,0 3,0 - 68,5 275
Prunes 25,0 2,3 - 65,6 264
Apples 20,0 3,2 - 68,0 273

Candy, sugar, chocolate

Product Water, g Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g kcal
Honey 17,2 0,8 0 80,3 308
Dragee fruit 7 3,7 10,2 73,1 384
Zephyr 20 0,8 0 78,3 299
Iris 6,5 3,3 7,5 81,8 387
Marmalade 21 0 0,1 77,7 296
Caramel (average) 4,4 0 0,1 77,7 296
Candies glazed with chocolate 7,9 2,9 10,7 76,6 396
Paste 18 0,5 0 80,4 305
Sugar 0,2 0,3 0 99,5 374
Halva tahini 3,9 12,7 29,9 50,6 510
Sunflower halva 2,9 11,6 29,7 54 516
Dark chocolate 0,8 5,4 35,3 52,6 540
milk chocolate 0,9 6,9 35,7 52,4 547

Cakes and other confectionery

Product Water, g Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g kcal
Wafers with fruit fillings 12 3,2 2,8 80,1 342
Wafers with fat fillings 1 3,4 30,2 64,7 530
Puff pastry with cream 9 5,4 38,6 46,4 544
Puff pastry with apple 13 5,7 25,6 52,7 454
Biscuit cake with fruit filling 21 4,7 9,3 84,4 344
Gingerbread 14,5 4,8 2,8 77,7 336
Sponge cake with fruit filling 25 4,7 20 49,8 386
Cake almond 9,3 6,6 35,8 46,8 524

Bread, bakery products, flour

Product Water, g Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g kcal
Rye bread 42,4 4,7 0,7 49,8 214
Wheat bread from flour I grade 34,3 7,7 2,4 53,4 254
Sweet pastries 26,1 7,6 4,5 60,0 297
Bagels 17,0 10,4 1,3 68,7 312
Drying 12,0 11,0 1,3 73,0 330
Wheat crackers 12,0 11,2 1,4 72,4 331
Cream crackers 8,0 8,5 10,6 71,3 397
Wheat flour of the highest grade 14,0 10,3 0,9 74,2 327
Wheat flour I grade 14,0 10,6 1,3 73,2 329
Wheat flour II grade 14,0 11,7 1,8 70,8 328
Rye flour 14,0 6,9 1,1 76,9 326


Product Water, g Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g kcal
Buckwheat 14,0 12,6 2,6 68,0 329
Buckwheat 14,0 9,5 1,9 72,2 326
semolina 14,0 11,3 0,7 73,3 326
oatmeal 12,0 11,9 5,8 65,4 345
Barley 14,0 9,3 1,1 73,7 324
Millet 14,0 12,0 2,9 69,3 334
Rice 14,0 7,0 0,6 73,7 323
Wheat "Poltava" 14,0 12,7 1,1 70,6 325
Oatmeal 10,0 12,2 5,8 68,3 357
barley 14,0 10,4 1,3 71,7 322
Hercules 12,0 13,1 6,2 65,7 355
corn 14,0 8,3 1,2 75,0 325


Product Water, g Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g kcal
beans 83,0 6,0 0,1 8,3 58
Peas shelled 14,0 23,0 1,6 57,7 323
Whole peas 14,0 23,0 1,2 53,3 303
Soya 12,0 34,9 17,3 26,5 395
Beans 14,0 22,3 1,7 54,5 309
Lentils 14,0 24,8 1,1 53,7 310


Product Water, g Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g kcal
White fresh 89,9 3,2 0,7 1,6 25
White dried 13,0 27,6 6,8 10,0 209
Boletus fresh 91,6 2,3 0,9 3,7 31
Boletus fresh 91,1 3,3 0,5 3,4 31
Fresh syroezhi 83,0 1,7 0,3 1,4 17

Meat, offal, poultry

Product Water, g Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g kcal
Mutton 67,6 16,3 15,3 0,0 203
Beef 67,7 18,9 12,4 0,0 187
horsemeat 72,5 20,2 7,0 0,0 143
Rabbit 65,3 20,7 12,9 0,0 199
Lean pork 54,8 16,4 27,8 0,0 316
Pork fat 38,7 11,4 49,3 0,0 489
Veal 78,0 19,7 1,2 0,0 90
Lamb Kidneys 79,7 13,6 2,5 0,0 77
Lamb Liver 71,2 18,7 2,9 0,0 101
Lamb Heart 78,5 13,5 2,5 0,0 82
Beef Brains 78,9 9,5 9,5 0,0 124
Beef liver 72,9 17,4 3,1 0,0 98
Beef Kidneys 82,7 12,5 1,8 0,0 66
beef udder 72,6 12,3 13,7 0,0 173
Beef Heart 79,0 15,0 3,0 0,0 87
beef tongue 71,2 13,6 12,1 0,0 163
Pork kidneys 80,1 13,0 3,1 0,0 80
Pork liver 71,4 18,8 3,6 0,0 108
Pig's heart 78,0 15,1 3,2 0,0 89
Pork tongue 66,1 14,2 16,8 0,0 208
geese 49,7 16,1 33,3 0,0 364
Turkey 64,5 21,6 12,0 0,8 197
chickens 68,9 20,8 8,8 0,6 165
chickens 71,3 18,7 7,8 0,4 156
ducks 51,5 16,5 61,2 0,0 346

Sausage and sausage products

Product Water, g Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g kcal
Boiled Sausage Diabetic 62,4 12,1 22,8 0 254
Boiled sausage Dietary 71,6 12,1 13,5 0 170
Boiled sausage Doktorskaya 60,8 13,7 22,8 0 260
Boiled sausage 57,0 12,2 28,0 0 301
Boiled Sausage Dairy 62,8 11,7 22,8 0 252
Boiled sausage Separate 64,8 10,1 20,1 1,8 228
Boiled veal sausage 55,0 12,5 29,6 0 316
Sausages Pork 53,7 10,1 31,6 1,9 332
Dairy sausages 60,0 12,3 25,3 0 277
Sausages Russian 66,2 12,0 19,1 0 220
Sausages Pork 54,8 11,8 30,8 0 324
Boiled-smoked Amateur 39,1 17,3 39,0 0 420
Boiled-smoked Servelat 39,6 28,2 27,5 0 360
Semi-smoked Krakow 34,6 16,2 44,6 0 466
Semi-smoked Minsk 52,0 23,0 17,4 2,7 259
Semi-smoked Poltava 39,8 16,4 39,0 0 417
Semi-smoked Ukrainian 44,4 16,5 34,4 0 376
Raw-smoked Amateur 25,2 20,9 47,8 0 514
Raw-smoked Moscow 27,6 24,8 41,5 0 473

Canned and smoked meats

Product Water, g Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g kcal
Beef stew 63,0 16,8 18,3 0 232
Tourist breakfast (beef) 66,9 20,5 10,4 0 176
Tourist breakfast (pork) 65,6 16,9 15,4 0 206
sausage mince 63,2 15,2 15,7 2,8 213
Pork stew 51,1 14,9 32,2 0 349
Raw smoked brisket 21,0 7,6 66,8 0 632
Raw smoked loin 37,3 10,5 47,2 0 467
Ham 53,5 22,6 20,9 0 279

Fats, margarine, butter

Product Water, g Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g kcal
Fat lamb or beef rendered 0,3 0 99,7 0 897
Pork bacon (without skin) 5,7 1,4 92,8 0 816
Milk margarine 15,9 0,3 82,3 1 746
Margarine sandwich 15,8 0,5 82 1,2 744
Mayonnaise 25 3,1 67 2,6 627
Vegetable oil 0,1 0 99,9 0 899
Butter 15,8 0,6 82,5 0,9 748
Ghee butter 1 0,3 98 0,6 887

Milk and dairy products

Product Water, g Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g kcal
Cheese from cow's milk 52,0 17,9 20,1 0,0 260
Yogurt natural 1.5% fat 88,0 5,0 1,5 3,5 51
Kefir low fat 91,4 3,0 0,1 3,8 30
Kefir fat 88,3 2,8 3,2 4,1 59
Milk 88,5 2,8 3,2 4,7 58
Milk acidophilus 81,7 2,8 3,2 10,8 83
Whole milk powder 4,0 25,6 25,0 39,4 475
Condensed milk 74,1 7,0 7,9 9,5 135
Condensed milk with sugar 26,5 7,2 8,5 56,0 315
curdled milk 88,4 2,8 3,2 4,1 58
Ryazhenka 85,3 3,0 6,0 4,1 85
Cream 10% 82,2 3,0 10,0 4,0 118
Cream 20% 72,9 2,8 20,0 3,6 205
Sour cream 10% 82,7 3,0 10,0 2,9 116
Sour cream 20% 72,7 2,8 20,0 3,2 206
Curds and special curd mass 41,0 7,1 23,0 27,5 340
Russian cheese 40,0 23,4 30,0 0,0 371
Dutch cheese 38,8 26,8 27,3 0,0 361
Swiss cheese 36,4 24,9 31,8 0,0 396
Poshekhonskiy cheese 41,0 26,0 26,5 0,0 334
Processed cheese 55,0 24,0 13,5 0,0 226
Fat cottage cheese 64,7 14,0 18,0 1,3 226
Bold cottage cheese 71,0 16,7 9,0 1,3 156
Low-fat cottage cheese 77,7 18,0 0,6 1,5 86


Product Water, g Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g kcal
Chicken egg 74,0 12,7 11,5 0,7 157
Egg powder 6,8 45 37,3 7,1 542
Dry protein 12,1 73,3 1,8 7 336
Dry yolk 5,4 34,2 52,2 4,4 623
quail egg 73,3 11,9 13,1 0,6 168

Fish and seafood

Product Water, g Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g kcal
Gobies 70,8 12,8 8,1 5,2 145
Pink salmon 70,5 21 7 0 147
Flounder 79,5 16,1 2,6 0 88
carp 78,9 17,7 1,8 0 87
Carp 79.1 16 3.6 0 96
Keta 71.3 22 5.6 0 138
Smelt 79.8 15.5 3.2 0 91
Icy 81.8 15.5 1.4 0 75
Bream 77.7 17.1 4.1 0 105
Salmon 62.9 20.8 15.1 0 219
Makrurus 85 13.2 0.8 0 60
Lamprey 75 14.7 11.9 0 166
Pollock 80.1 15.9 0.7 0 70
capelin 75 13.4 11.5 0 157
Navaga 81.1 16.1 1 0 73
Burbot 79.3 18.8 0.6 0 81
Notothenia marble 73.4 14.8 10.7 0 156
sea ​​bass 75.4 17.6 5.2 0 117
river perch 79.2 18.5 0.9 0 82
Sturgeon 71.4 16.4 10.9 0 164
Halibut 76.9 18.9 3 0 103
Blue whiting 81.3 16.1 0.9 0 72
saber fish 75.2 20.3 3.2 0 110
Rybets Caspian 77 19.2 2.4 0 98
Carp 75.3 18.4 5.3 0 121
saury large 59.8 18.6 20.8 0 262
small saury 71.3 20.4 0.8 0 143
herring 75.4 17.3 5.6 0 121
Herring 62.7 17.7 19.5 0 242
Whitefish 72.3 19 7.5 0 144
Mackerel 71.8 18 9 0 153
catfish 75 16.8 8.5 0 144
Horse mackerel 74.9 18.5 5 0 119
Sterlet 74.9 17 6.1 0 320
Zander 78.9 19 0.8 0 83
Cod 80.7 17.5 0.6 0 75
Tuna 74 22,7 0,7 0 96
coal fish 71.5 13.2 11.6 0 158
sea ​​eel 77.5 19.1 1.9 0 94
Acne 53.5 14.5 30.5 0 333
Hake 79.9 16.6 2.2 0 86
Pike 70.4 18.8 0.7 0 82
Ide 80.1 18.2 0.3 0 117
Far Eastern shrimp 64,8 28,7 1,2 0 134
Cod liver 26,4 4,2 65,7 0 613
Squid 80,3 18 0,3 0 75
Crab 81,5 16 0,5 0 69
Shrimp 77,5 18 0,8 0 83
sea ​​kale 88 0,9 0,2 3,0 5
Pasta "Ocean" 72,2 18,9 6,8 0 137
Trepang 89,4 7,3 0,6 0 35


Product Water, g Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g kcal
Chum salmon granular 46,9 31,6 13,8 0 251
Bream breakdown 58 24,7 4,8 0 142
pollock breakdown 63,2 28,4 1,9 0 131
Sturgeon granular 58 28,9 9,7 0 203
Sturgeon breakdown 39,5 36 10,2 0 123


Product Water, g Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g kcal
Hazelnut 4,8 16,1 66,9 9,9 704
Almond 4 18,6 57,7 13,6 645
Walnut 5 13,8 61,3 10,2 648
Peanut 10 26,3 45,2 9,7 548
sunflower seed 8 20,7 52,9 5 578

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