Applying feng shui practices depending on the date of birth. Oriental calendar: how to find out your element by date of birth Feng shui horoscope how to determine who you are

The Five Elements system, or elements, is one of the main foundations in the practice of Feng Shui. It is believed that the interaction of Yin-Yang allows the energy of Qi to exist in different forms. And they are called the five elements - Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water. All objects, natural phenomena, and even we ourselves are made up of the Five Elements! If you delve into the essence of this theory, learn to understand and apply it, you can achieve amazing results.

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How to determine your element in Feng Shui

If your birthday is after February 20, then look at the last digit of the year of your birth, and see the designation in the table.

If your birthday is from January 1 to February 20, then look at the last digit of the previous year, your birth.

For example:

  • if you were born on May 27, 1986, then your element is fire;
  • if you were born on February 11, 1986, then your element is also fire;
  • if you were born on February 8, 1986, then your element is a tree, since the Chinese New Year (in our year 1986) was celebrated on February 9 - it was 4684 in China.

Also, keep in mind that:

An even year is a Yang-type of a person, an odd year is a Yin-type of a person.

Yang-type is an extrovert, prefers to live in a darkened, cool house,

Yin-type is an introvert, he likes spacious, bright, warm houses.

Feng Shui elements and their influence on character

Element Fire

Item Specifications: represents summer, heat, fire. Bestows light, happiness and warmth, but has destructive power, is associated with explosions and fires. On the positive side, this is sincerity and honesty, on the negative side, aggression, war.

Associations: candles, sun, lamps, lamps, triangle, red color, image of fire and sun, artificial materials.

A man - constantly needs adventures, excitement from surprises and loves to take risks. A rather demanding leader, he loves active actions, infects others with energy, as well as enthusiasm, carries him along. They do not obey the rules, do not tolerate restrictions, are inventive and have a great sense of humor. Needs constant intimate relationships. She loves to play in relationships, which should be considered by all women. However, he does not like commitment. He prefers not to solve problems, but to run away from them. This is a man of action, for whom the result is not as important as the constant movement forward.

Woman - repeats some of the features of men and brings to them a special note characteristic of the female sex. Shows activity, swiftness, inexhaustible energy, can be impulsive. Men call such a woman fatal. She easily drives you crazy. But if she finds one and only love, she is faithful to the grave. The masculine manifestation in character is expressed in prudence, the desire to win in everything.

Element Water

Item Specifications: is water in all forms and manifestations. It can be a pleasant rain or a tsunami. Reflects the inner "I" of a person, beauty and art. On the positive side - sympathetic support, nutrition in a broad sense, on the negative side - fear, stress, anxiety.

Associations: streams, rivers, blue and black colors, glass and mirrors, pools, fountains, aquariums, images of water.

Man - they tend to desire feminine and beautiful women. Such womanizers are fickle and cunning. Possess the gift of diplomacy, persuasion. Able to listen carefully, able to conduct excellent negotiations. They perceive the world holistically in all its fullness and diversity. They are open to the sensations of other people, they may seem bright and charming, but they are unlikely to let you into the depths of your soul. In life, they show flexibility, which largely contributes to the achievement of the intended.

A woman has a capricious character, as well as a cunning in her eyes. Easily captivates and drives you crazy. It is difficult for her to convince others of her own loyalty. He has an amazing imagination and perfectly feels the world around him and people. Her unique ability to communicate sometimes leads her to adventurous situations. Nevertheless, she strives for constancy with all her lightness and airiness. Avoids conflict.

Element Earth

Item Specifications: it is a nutrient medium from which seeds grow, all living things arise, grow up and everything returns to it. Supports other elements, gives them nourishment. On the positive side - wisdom, sincerity, intuition, on the negative side - empty anxieties, tense expectation, nervousness.

Associations: brick, clay, terracotta, cement, stone, yellow square, colors orange and brown.

A man is a calm, balanced person who does not do hasty or adventurous things. He prefers thoroughness, deliberation. A simple example: he will not chase a rabbit on a hunt, but smoke it out of a cozy hole. Prefers to enjoy life. You can rely on them, they are faithful, not prone to recklessness, have great inner strength, and are stable in a critical situation. The uniqueness of the character is that even in the worst situation, he will claim that everything is fine, will not give up and will bring everything to the end. As a person has adapted to the elements of the earth, so he will live.

A woman has a high sensuality, a natural desire for harmony with the outside world. She is distinguished by femininity, charm, a sense of individuality, style, image. However, it has a developed sense of ownership. She only has to decide that this is mine - and she can no longer be persuaded. It is difficult for her to give her partner freedom in terms of relationships, hence a strong feeling of jealousy arises. Women of this element are not inclined to risk, but they can take it.

Element Metal

Item Specifications: represents strength and autumn, hardness, the ability to serve as a container for objects, conducts electricity. On the positive side - communication, interesting ideas, justice, on the negative side - danger, destruction, sadness. The metal is used in the manufacture of jewelry and weapons.

Associations: with all metals, round shapes, metal objects, kitchen utensils, gray and white colors, watches, coins.

A man is able to sacredly believe in his own rightness and convince others of this. He is not just impudent, but confident in his own infallibility and uniqueness. It is distinguished by ambition, which sometimes manifests itself in the form of ruthlessness. They often succeed in their life path. However, he is deprived of the ability to enjoy what he has achieved. This distinguishes him from other elements.

Woman - they say about such a woman that she is a "magnetic person." It can charm and frighten with this, because it shows feelings very strongly. He knows how to compete hard, but expresses anger sparingly, because he does not know how to do this. Able to conquer peak after peak and not only in terms of relationships. She manages to do this in almost any business. The need to strive for perfection in everything is one of the main features of a Metal woman.

Element Wood

Item Specifications: represents vegetation, spring, growth. In the form of Yin it is malleable and flexible, in the form of Yang it has a firm and durable nature. In a positive way, it is used as a staff, in a negative way - a spear. It has the qualities of growth, fruiting, versatility.

Associations: with plants, wooden furniture, paper, green color, columns, room decoration, painting.

The man is very emotional. Strive to achieve universal love. In the world around them, they are capable of social altruism, but only if the people they help share their views. They prefer to manage relationships rather than be managed. If something goes wrong, they quickly lose interest in the situation and tend to run away. Friendship and the commonality of ideals in relationships, friendly, social or love, are very important.

Woman - in general, we can say that there are three main characteristics: honesty, beauty and truthfulness. Knows how to be attractive and quirky, has an independent spirit and a desire for freedom. Intimate relationships are easy for her, but she tries to keep silent about her needs, she can only open up to her closest ones. Not the owner and does not like to be someone's property.

Feng Shui elements and color

In addition to the interior, the colors in feng shui cover the person himself. Each of us has a particular color or set of colors. They not only help to live harmoniously, but also bring good luck, wealth, family well-being and well-being into our lives.

When choosing colors, many are guided by intuition. You should not discard this factor if you can choose the combination that has a positive effect on mood. It is possible that you intuitively chose the color that just matches your feng shui type. And each color has its own element. In Feng Shui, everything is interconnected. Knowing your element helps you choose your own style.

If you have already decided which element you are, then you will be interested to know that:

People of Water harmoniously fit: black, blue, cyan.

Earth - brown, yellow, beige.

Fire - red, orange.

Metal - gray, silver.

Trees - lettuce, green.

feng shui elements and money

Water. The most changeable and mysterious element. She is responsible for our thoughts, which are then transformed into actions. If you are used to considering money as something dirty, say that they spoil people, then you yourself are unlikely to get rich. Think about money with respect. Imagine that you already have the required amount. Start feeling like a white person. For example, sometimes take a taxi instead of the bus. Buy expensive perfume. etc. Try at least once in a while to live beyond your means. And do not torture yourself with thoughts, and how much money you have spent. What is done is done. Your purchases are your good mood. No wonder they say money to money.

Earth. Motto - Favorite thing. The element of stability and confidence. Responsible for our past, future and present. Her possessions are the ways in which money flows into your life. Don't limit your luck to pessimism that you'll never be lucky, you won't have enough connections, you won't get a good job. Optimism receives material support from life more often, even the one who blocks the cash flow with negative thoughts and words. Remember that your favorite business will bring the most profit. Forces invested with soul always return in the form of a solid material reward.

Fire. The motto is to spend. Uncontrolled active element, powerful energy. The wisdom of Fire consists in the ability to love passionately and passionately, and to spend money intuitively, under the influence of a momentary mood. Allow yourself to buy things on impulse. If you constantly save, then slow down the flow of monetary energy, which does not like stagnation. The material energy must be constantly renewed. Remember that money spent will be replaced by new money. Love others and yourself! The energy of money and feelings are two components of one whole. When the heart is filled with love, the mechanisms that attract money into our lives turn on. There is even a pattern, if your life has not had sex for a long time, then your financial condition will not grow. And if you have a lot of debtors, this indicates that you refuse to accept someone's love. If you often become a debtor yourself, then you do not give people the love that you are capable of.

Metal. The motto is enough of everything and a lot. It symbolizes firmness, confidence, endurance, purposefulness. Responsible for niche immediate plans and long-term goals. If you manage to tie money to specific goals, their energy will begin to work for you and feed your desires. You need to clearly see the goal and specifically know how much money you need for this. Sometimes people want to have a lot of money without specifying how much. For one, a thousand is a lot, for another, a million. If you agree to a small amount, then you will get it. Humility is out of place here. Do not be afraid to raise the bar, want more, do not limit yourself. Plan your expenses. Life needs to be easier.

Wood. The motto is not to trifle. This is the element of order and strength. It helps us preserve capital. To attract money, fold them neatly paper to paper. Scattered money around the house and stuffed into pockets is a sure sign of destroying your well-being. Keep large bills in your wallet. A pack of tens is an illusion of wealth. Accustom your mind to large bills. Ideally, have a large banknote with you.

Elemental Compatibility in Love and Marriage

Fire+Fire Relationships

Two fires excite in each other strength, optimism and energy, the desire for creativity and unusual solutions. The union here promises to be long and strong. Because the parties do not get bored with each other's company.

Representatives of this elemental sign are very optimistic and enthusiastic. Combinations of two people belonging to the element of fire. Together they can be very strong. They are able to bring to life the best features of the element of Fire, strengthening it with themselves from two sides.

A couple consisting of two people of Fire will be together for a long time, as they do not get tired of each other. At the same time, they experience rather pleasant and even warm feelings for each other, and moreover, they can also be a spark for their partner if he starts to get tired of the relationship.

Fire + Earth relationship

Here there is stimulation, excitation of each other's potencies. The creative imagination of fire is perfectly combined with the sensuality and intuition of the earth, their unity fixes the relationship of such people for a long time and in all possible manifestations.

This is a rather harmonious and at the same time beautiful combination. People who will be in such a relationship will simultaneously act for their partner as an exciting and stimulating phenomenon.

An interesting fact is that the imagination and enthusiasm of Fire can be very beautifully combined with the sensuality of people who belong to the elements of the Earth. It is these two qualities that will be dominant in such a union of two people, which will complement the relationship and develop them in such a way that they are as harmonious and beautiful as possible.

Relations Fire + Metal

Fire and metal are opposing elements, and fire suppresses - melts and destroys - metal. Metal, on the other hand, is trying to subjugate to its will and impose its opinion on fire, which results in a sharp conflict. However, the sense of humor inherent in both signs can soften the situation. To harmonize relations, a softening mediator is needed - the earth. Earth elements must be in the house.

As you know, fire melts metal. This can significantly complicate the relationship in a couple. People who can be classified as metal will try to impose a personal opinion on their partner, which is fraught with a break in relations and simply unpleasant or even catastrophic consequences.

The fire will gradually destroy the metal, thereby provoking a fight within the couple, which may not be very good for the relationship. But a positive feature can be called the fact that people within such a pair will be able to normally evaluate the actions of other people from the point of view of expediency and will pass all of them through the prism of healthy humor, which is inherent in both representatives of fire and representatives of metal.

Sometimes it’s better to laugh at your partner’s actions than to take them with hostility and thereby aggravate relations within a couple.

If you plan to build a fire-metal relationship, then you can only advise to keep something at home that symbolizes the earth. This will help to significantly weaken the negative impact of fire on the metal, as a result of which relations will become more harmonious and well-established, but it will still be quite difficult to call them ideal.

Relations Fire + Water

These relationships are not the best, because water has the ability to extinguish fire. Nonetheless. It is able to bring creative force into the activity and enterprise of fire, which, in turn, also nourishes the forces of water. But, despite the natural inclination to communicate, people born under the signs of water and fire cannot understand each other's feelings. To harmonize relationships, they should have something from the element of wood at home. It will weaken the negative interaction of fire and water.

It is believed that this combination is not safe, since water is able to extinguish the fire. However, water, in addition to its destructive effect on fire, can bring a creative moment and energy into its life. At the same time, the nature of fire, and usually it is energetic and enterprising, can bring a healthy share of inspiration into the life of representatives of water.

Despite the fact that both people of water and people of fire are capable of constructive dialogue and communication, it will be very difficult for them to convey their point of view and their thoughts to each other. Moreover, it will be problematic for them to show their feelings in such a way that they are accepted by the second partner and correctly understood.

Such problems can be solved as follows: you need to keep something in the house that should symbolize a tree. At the same time, it is able to effectively neutralize the negative effects of water. At the same time, the influence of the man of fire in the house will increase.

Fire+Wood relationship

Such a combination is considered good: the tree calms the overly impulsive and momentary fire, and the fire gives the tree the strength to carry out the most daring projects. Both are united by a love for everything new, interesting and unexplored.

This combination can be called harmonious enough to start building long-term relationships. Tree people can give greater stability to impulsive representatives of fire, and at the same time, the very energy of the latter can encourage their partner in such a pair to strive for greater achievements than those that he has already achieved or would have achieved alone.

A good role in such a pair is played by the fact that both fire and wood are optimists. They can quite accurately predict certain events, but fire and wood can also do it looking at things sensibly!

Water+Water relationship

A wonderful union, where the parties deeply feel each other on an intuitive level, guess the needs and requirements of the partner. Internal affinity strengthens their determination and protects them from negative external influences and influences. Two waters gain strength and confidence in each other.

It seems to many that the relationship with water people is ideal. Both partners will feel complete unity and kinship, literally intuitively guessing what their partner wants. Each of them will easily understand what kind of help the second needs.

But keep in mind that such an alliance will be doomed to an exceptionally honest and truthful relationship, because otherwise the partner who is being deceived will understand this very quickly.

But for those people who are not afraid of such trifles, only one thing can be said: such an alliance will bring an excellent opportunity for both partners to become better and more confident in themselves, especially since such a relationship will not resemble the relationship of two people, but the actions of one organism.

Water+Wood relationship

Here the partners help each other a lot. Therefore, such an alliance is favorable for both. Water nourishes the tree, gives it the energy of growth and flowering, and the tree brings to the water a sense of stability and clarity of purpose. Water softens, brings the ability to empathy and compassion, promotes self-expression. The tree brings strength and stability to water, strengthens water prone to frequent mood swings. Their connection is built on the intuitive, subtle closeness of souls and minds, so over time their union only grows stronger.

It is believed that this combination is quite successful. All this is possible due to the fact that water nourishes the tree, which helps it grow and bloom. The tree, in turn, will help the water become more stable and static, the tree will indicate the purpose of the water.

At the same time, water will give the tree the opportunity to express itself and begin to perceive the world around it a little more vividly. The tree will give strength to the water, which is often prone to changes in its mood.

Both partners are very honest in such a relationship, and a kind of intuitive connection is formed between them, which helps them feel much closer to each other. And over time, this connection only strengthens.

Relations Tree+Tree

This is a creative union of two active natures. The tree loves variety, change, different activities. Two trees reinforce these inclinations in each other - each, in addition to their own hobbies and diverse hobbies, also have common interests. However, they do not get tired of partners, but on the contrary, they really flourish. They are tolerant, tend to give in and help each other.

It is believed that this combination is very harmonious and active. People who belong to the element of wood are prone to various types of activities and tend to take on everything.

At the moment when relations begin to be built between two people of this element, in addition to their own career, each of them has a lot of their own personal hobbies. At the same time, due to the abundance of their hobbies, they will certainly find common ground.

It may seem to some that such a union is very exhausting, but at the same time, both people of the elements of the tree can not only not notice this, but also flourish. These people can be considered patient, trusting, ready to help each other and at least open to dialogue and requests.

Of course, these descriptions do not always correspond to the true inner world of a person, but after all, every person can find in himself character traits and problems of other elements, not only those to which they relate.

Earth+Earth Relations

Such an alliance is considered very good. Two people of the earth sign are caring towards each other and everyone tries to be on top in the eyes of a partner. At first glance, restrained, their feelings are actually deep and passionate. However, the people of the earth are very stubborn and this can cause conflicts. But if the mutual affection is strong enough. Then all these problems will easily go aside.

This combination can be considered very good in the sense that both partners will take care of each other in the best possible way. Sometimes from the outside it may seem that such a relationship is a bit boring, but in fact this impression arises solely due to the fact that the people of the earth strive to make it deeper and more passionate without making it public.

The only case in which a big problem can arise in such a relationship is the mutual stubbornness of both partners.

But in the event that both representatives of the earth show a good and warm attitude towards their partner, they will receive really good and harmonious relations.

Also, such people sometimes tend to overstep their principles so that the partner gets a little more in the relationship than the first partner can give him. Thanks to such concessions, relations can be built much better.

Earth + Metal Relations

One of the best combinations. Here, partners will find help, respect and support in each other, they will admire each other. Earth is slow, but metal is patient. At the same time, the earth supports the ambitions of the metal, which helps it to carry out its bold projects. He. In turn, it helps the earth to expand its horizons, to be bold and expressive.

At the same time, both partners will love each other wholeheartedly and even admire each other. An additional factor can be called the fact that the people of the earth are rather slow and stable people, and the people of metal are just patient, which is very good in such a relationship.

And each of the partners will receive exactly what he needs, on the one hand, the people of metal will be able to feel that they are doing something for the partner, and the people of the earth will receive care and understanding, as well as the patience of the partner.

In turn, the earth will be able to satisfy the financial ambitions of the metal, which is very important in harmonious relations, and the metal itself will show the representatives of the earth possible development options and more profitable and useful prospects for the couple.

Earth + Water Relations

It will be difficult for such a couple, because both are too sensitive and vulnerable. The earth is secure and stable, but stubborn. The stubbornness of the earth touches the more vulnerable water. In a practical sense, the union of earth and water is quite effective. Water is creative. And the land is practical, it shows common sense in everything. Metal must be present in their home to soften the poignant moments.

This is a rather complicated union, because both parties can hurt each other emotionally very much. The earth in such a relationship will provide stability, which is so lacking in the representatives of water. However, the stubbornness inherent in the representatives of the Earth can cause very strong irritation of their sensitive partner.

But such relationships can be very high quality in terms of business relationships. The creativity of the people of water can be very well combined with the common sense and practicality of the representatives of the earth.

Feng Shui masters believe that such a combination should bring unprecedented success. If you want to build relationships between people belonging to such elements, you should put something symbolizing metal in their house in order to remove problems in the relationship. This will help not only neutralize conflicts within the couple, but also prevent their occurrence.

Relations Earth + Wood

Wood and earth have opposite qualities: the earth is conservative, the tree is progressive, mobile. At the same time, the tree dries up the earth. However, their union can be good if they try to support each other, and not offend. To build relationships in the house, you need the attributes of the elements of fire.

It is believed that such a combination cannot be called favorable, because the tree dries up the earth. Earth is a very stable element, whose representatives tend to show such character traits as caution and conservatism. The tree, on the contrary, is more progressive and sociable.

Such a couple has a chance for the future only if the partners strive not only to argue with each other and constantly prove their case, but to help each other. Also, you can’t hide your feelings in such a relationship, because it is the manifestation of emotions and feelings that should favorably affect the development of relationships and both partners.

In order to neutralize some of the negative aspects of this combination, it is worth keeping a symbol of fire at home. This will calm the tree and it will dry up the earth less, and it will also help the earth get what it lacks, namely, some craving for useful changes.

Relations Metal+Metal

Good relations between the same signs are due, first of all, to understanding. In this case, problems are possible, but everything is solved for the sake of a common cause. To others, their relationship may seem cool. This is due to the natural individualism and independence of metal people. In fact, their relationship tends to be deep and lasting.

This union can be considered quite successful from the point of view of the Feng Shui system. Both partners will get to know each other and understand with the help of intuition. Like other couples, they will have their ups and downs, but they will always find the strength in themselves to support each other for the good of the couple.

Sometimes from the outside it may seem that their relationship is too close, which often happens in reality, but you should not trust the first impression of such a couple, because their relationship is much deeper than it seems.

This impression is created due to the fact that metal people go their own way and do everything in their own way. But at the same time, they can wonderfully get along with other people of the same spontaneous group.

They seek to impose themselves, because it happens almost by itself. Relations in such couples develop warmly, they are very strong and at the same time they can last a very, very long time.

Relations Metal+Water

These two elements help each other to hold on in difficult situations, both have deep intuition and the ability to deeply understand and empathize. Metal teaches water not to fall under the influence of others, water helps metal to “float away” from the past and be less conservative, teaches it to express its feelings.

This union can also be considered very successful, because both sides support each other. Both partners will be guided by intuition, which is almost the most important way for them to know a partner, none of the participants in such an alliance will ever get tired of the second, because their relationship can be perfectly supported by each other's initiative.

Then, when one partner gets tired of taking the initiative, the second partner will be able to replace him. And the first of the partners will have time to rest and when the second one runs out of steam, replace him.

Relations Metal+Wood

The combination of these characters can lead to conflict. Since both tend to rule and make decisions. At the same time, a sociable tree will love company, while metal will prefer solitude. This will annoy each other. But the tree is more flexible. And, most likely, he will get used to the lack of communication of metal. Metal will suffer from the high demands of wood. But if the metal does not argue with its idealistic partner. They will succeed. For such a couple, the main thing is to be able to give in in time and compromise.

Such a couple may experience certain difficulties, because both partners will strive for power and supremacy. And each of them will insist on his own point of view. At the same time, wood people will strive for people, they will want to communicate, and metal people will feel great alone.

At the same time, the metal will wonder why the tree wants to leave its society, which is not right, because they just want to relax with friends and in company.

Also, the reaction of the people of the tree to the desire for the solitude of a partner can be extremely negative, because they will be annoyed by the desire of the people of the tree to retreat.

A positive feature of such a relationship is that both partners are very responsible. In the event that wood people accept the fact that metal sometimes needs to be alone, relations will normalize, but at the same time, metal people need to not only build relationships in a normal style, but make significant concessions for their partner.

In this case, the relationship will be just the kind that will suit both partners. But keep in mind that very often the character will need to be slightly changed in order for you and your partner to feel more comfortable in a relationship.

The fact that partners should not lose themselves with such changes in their character will play a rather important role. You need to remain yourself, but voluntarily and without any expectation of a response, make concessions. Such a scheme of relations is possible only from the mutual side.

Many people have heard that someone was born in the year of the Snake, Rooster, Monkey or, for example, in the year of the Ox. In the Eastern calendar, the element is of particular importance, since it also determines the character.

Eastern philosophy, as we know it now, has been building up for many thousands of years. In China and many other East Asian countries, it is believed that every person has a patron animal and a patron element. There are only 12 animals, and five elements. This suggests that most people have different patrons, which explains the variety of characters and types of temperament.

How to know your element and animal

To find out which animal is your patron, just pay attention to the diagram below. In accordance with it, you can easily determine your Sign according to the Eastern calendar.

It is the elements that are of particular importance for the analysis of a person's character. There are five of them: fire, metal, water, wood, earth. Each element rules the Earth for two years.

"Fiery" years of birth: 1906-1907, 1926-1927, 1936-1937, 1946-1947 and so on, that is, every sixth and seventh year in a decade is Fiery.

"Wooden" year of birth: 1904-1905, 1914-1915, 1924-1925 and so on. Every fourth and fifth year is Wood, that is, if you were born, for example, in 1984 or 85, then you, respectively, are either a Blue Wood Rat or a Blue Wood Ox. The color of each element is always the same and constant.

"Water" rules the world in every second and third year in a decade: 1902-1903, 1912-1913, 1922-1923, ..., 2002-2003, 2012-2013.

"Metal"- this is the element of each zero and first year: 1900-1901, 1910-1911, ..., 1990-1991, 2000-2001, 2010-2011.

"Earth" the eighth and ninth years depart: 1908-1909, 1918-1919, 1928-1929, ..., 1988-1989, 1998-1999, 2008-2009 and so on.

The element in the eastern horoscope is important, since it is it that determines our character and, in many respects, even our destiny. The animal is rather a talisman, although it is of great importance. For each element, there is a certain set of the most “suitable” characteristics that it is important to know about in order to correctly analyze people or effectively plan for yourself. It is on this that the eastern calendar as a whole relies, for its purpose is to describe a person’s capabilities, and not limitations. The Eastern peoples have a special zeal for introspection, so the study of the elements is especially scrupulous. Many people in these countries build their lives on the basis of the Eastern calendar and its postulates.

Elemental characteristics

Each element is unique. Do not underestimate the characteristics and capabilities of your element, as any of them have strengths that will help you reveal your talents and overcome weaknesses.

Fire. The name itself speaks for itself. These people are like an open flame - they burn, hurting, or, conversely, gently and gently warm with their warmth. Inside these people lives a storm of emotions that can break out at any moment. They are incredibly quick-tempered - by the type of temperament they are typical choleric. "Fiery" people can achieve excellent results in any of the areas of life, but they need faith in themselves more than anyone else. Without it, it will be difficult for them to love and look for a soul mate. In love, they understand better than anyone. They are caring, but can cause pain and suffering with their actions. It is better to forgive them right away, because they will never do something to spite you. For timely understanding, they will love you even more. That is why Fire always goes well with Earth. Wisdom is always needed by unbridled emotions and the desire to move forward. These people are beautiful, smart, determined. This gives them power over the opposite sex and good luck in business, love, work.

Best Animals for Fire: Rat, Dragon and Monkey, since these are "open" Signs. Strong-willed Signs also go well with Fire: Dog, Horse and Tiger. The color of fire is red. Eastern sages advise using this color for protection, which is almost absent from Fire as such. Excessive aggressiveness is your worst enemy if you were born under the auspices of Fire. Learn self-control and endurance, which will help you maintain good luck and rationally spend energy and time.

Earth."Earthly" people are wise beyond their years. They are very careful, prudent and logical. For this they are often called bores, but the last to laugh, as a rule, are those who were born under the auspices of the Earth. Many people have a situation where they tell you that your actions can lead to problems. If this is what happens in the end, then most likely this “prediction” came from the lips of the man of the Earth. They will not just give you advice to show their superiority or impress. They don't need it. If they care about you, it means they love and appreciate you. These people are disciplined, but prone to hyperbole. They constantly make big problems out of little things. It is difficult for them to assess the situation sensibly because of the influx of uncertainty and doubt. They often lack spark, enthusiasm, adventurism. Because of this, they are often considered boring.

The unknown can lead the people of Earth into fear. Depression is their frequent companion, which is why they are so gloomy, gray and sad. The last thing to do is blame them for it. So you will only make it worse. It will be even worse if such a person withdraws into himself and becomes cruel to everyone without exception. They control their anger to the last, before they explode. The best patron animals for this element are the Snake, Ox and Rooster. They are in perfect harmony with the Earth.

Metal. The most powerful, impenetrable people are the people of Metal. Their character is hard to miss. They always strive for independence, power, wealth. Their energy is almost impossible to confuse with the energy of other elements. If you argue with them, you will lose. Don't waste time.

"Metal" people are the most successful businessmen, scientists, inventors. They achieve their goals no matter what. They just need to set a goal for themselves. They do not need support, because they do not succumb to difficulties. They love and know how to lead people, as they are born leaders from birth. No one knows how to guide subordinates along the right path like they do. Be prepared for their demands. They can be very difficult to get along with because they spend a lot of money, adore luxury and do not restrain their impulsiveness - sometimes they are more quick-tempered than "fiery" people. Tiger, Horse and Dog- these are animals that are ideal for people of the elements of Metal.

Water. Water people seem to dissolve in their familiar environment when they feel good. They find loopholes in communication with any person, so they always have the most friends and more chances than others to find their soul mate. It is impossible not to love them, because they are very kind, considerate and incredibly diplomatic. These are some of the most creative people on Earth, because Water is a symbol of art. Water is life, positive, good luck. They may have organizational issues, but overall, everything is fine on that front as well. People of Water are easier than others to learn foreign languages. They are not afraid to learn, improve their skills in any area.

Of course, Water can also be passive, indifferent. This cannot be avoided, because ideal people do not exist. You will never know the secrets of a person born in the year of Water. He knows how to keep not only his own, but also other people's secrets, therefore he enjoys the trust and respect of friends and relatives. To achieve their goals, "water" people can resort to the subtleties of psychology. They are excellent manipulators who can easily get you to take their side in an argument. The most creative animals in the Eastern calendar are Water's best friends: Rabbit, Goat, Pig. In some cases, still good for Water can be Serpent and Dragon.

Wood. Tree people are a prime example of how generous a person can be. They are wise, like the people of the Earth, but they do not have such isolation and depressiveness. They are generous not in terms of money, but in terms of spending their personal time. It is not difficult for them to help you if you need anything. Their hobbies are almost always connected with the knowledge of this world. They are wise beyond their years, so they can live independently from an early age. If desired, they can even manipulate people. You should be careful with them, as there may be personal motives behind external attractiveness. This is very rare, because the Tree does not make a person selfish.

The most successful animal patrons for the Tree are Tiger, Dog, Rooster, Pig and Rabbit. As the Eastern sages say, almost any animal can suit this element, because the people of the Tree always develop in different directions, they are smart and have great potential. The only problem is that it is often very difficult to unleash this potential to the fullest.

Whatever your native element is, it is important to consider what year is currently going on. A lot depends on the combination of your element and the patron element in each particular year. Obviously, if the year of the Earth Snake is in the yard, then those who were born in the year of the Earth will be lucky. Follow the Eastern calendar so that everything in your life is always the way you want.

By the sign of the zodiac, you can determine the traits of his character, find out the weaknesses and strengths, the compatibility of two people, and even predict someone's fate. How to calculate feng shui by date of birth, we will tell in the article.

yin and yang energies

According to Chinese philosophy, the basis of all existence is the energy of Qi. It consists of two absolutely opposite energies of Yin and Yang, each of which contains a small part of the other.

These two energies complement each other and create balance. Yin is feminine and Yang is masculine. The existence of one without the other is impossible.

Elements and their principles in feng shui

In Feng Shui, the importance of Yin and Yang energies plays a very important role. When compiling a horoscope (it is also sometimes called Juno or the Map of Fate), it is important not only which element corresponds to a certain person, but through what energy this element manifests itself.

In the practice of Feng Shui, there are five elements:

  • metal;
  • water;
  • wood;
  • the fire;
  • Earth;

How to determine your element

Feng Shui horoscope calculation is quite simple. You can calculate and determine the sign of your element by date of birth as follows:

  • If the year of birth ends with the number 0 or 1, then the element is metal.
  • If the number is 2 or 3, then - water.
  • If the number is 4 or 5, then it is a tree.
  • If on 6 or 7, then - fire.
  • If on 8 or 9, then - the earth.

If a person was born in an even year, then his element will manifest itself through the energy of Yang, and if in an odd year - Yin.

For those born in January and February, it is important to consider the date of the Chinese New Year. If someone was born in January 1990, then according to the Chinese calendar, it is considered that he was born in 1889. For example, the element of the year of birth 1998 is earth, but for those born in January or February of this year, the element will be fire.

With the help of the lunar calendar, you can determine the dates for important matters. According to the Chinese calendar, there are days of the growing moon - they are good for filling the wallet, new beginnings and making important decisions. On the days of the waning moon, it is customary to get rid of the negativity and pressure of the past.

Characteristics of each element

Each sign has its own characteristics and characteristics:

Element Metal

Element Description:

  • direction - West;
  • season - autumn;
  • planet - Venus;
  • White color.

Metal is a strong, stubborn and hard element in Feng Shui and is associated with weapons. These are cold and rather self-contained people who do not differ in particular friendliness and sociability. Personalities belonging to Metal often say everything they think, go to their goal, seeing no barriers, and tend to compete.

Women by the element of metal are proud. The attitude of this element to others is often quite arrogant. However, they are distinguished by good intelligence. The definition of such personalities is luxury jewelry.

Those born under the auspices of this element find themselves in professions where they can be in the center of everyone's attention. This is politics, show business and so on. They prefer to be among the elite and make acquaintances from which they can benefit.

Element Water

Water is a freedom-loving and changeable element. Item Description:

  • direction - north;
  • season - winter;
  • planet - Mercury;
  • black color.

Those belonging to the element of Water with Yang energy are very fond of unexpected changes in life and risks. They are very energetic and sociable, love to organize and easily adapt to any new environment. These are optimistic people who do not give up during setbacks and continue to move forward no matter what. The main drawback of these people is that they point blank do not see the desires of those around them, do not consider it necessary to take into account their needs, therefore they often seem to be selfish.

Yin water manifests itself in a person as vulnerability and sentimentality. Such people are acutely aware of other people's problems and often make decisions under the influence of emotions. They need independence in everything: relationships, work, hobbies.

Element Wood

Wood is a stubborn and strong element. Item Specifications:

  • direction - east;
  • season - spring;
  • planet - Jupiter;
  • element color is green.

The people of the Yang element stand their ground to the last. They skillfully hide their emotions, set goals and always achieve them. They like to engage in self-development and are very reliable in the family.

The tree in the female yin energy makes them soft and vulnerable. They look like flowers or grass. Such individuals always make decisions, weighing all the pros and cons. This is a strong element that adequately endures any difficulties. Such people are creative and well versed in art.

Element Fire

Fire people are impulsive and emotional people who cannot sit in one place for long. Item Feature:

  • direction - South;
  • time of year - summer;
  • the planet Mars;
  • color is red.

Fire elemental people with yang energy are often associated with the scorching sun. With their optimism and cheerfulness, they give hope to others. These are kind and sociable people who actively fight for justice. At times they are overly impulsive and quick-tempered, condemn lies in any of its manifestations.

Yin people born under the sign of Fire are the keepers of the hearth. They care for the needs of their loved ones, often forgetting their own desires and needs.

Element Earth

People of the elements of the Earth are reasonable and disciplined people who never make spontaneous decisions. They are distinguished by high intelligence and diligence. Item Feature:

  • has no direction, but is the center of all things;
  • characterized by the change of four seasons;
  • the planet Mars;
  • color is red.

In the masculine Yang energy, people are rough on the outside, but loyal and kind on the inside. Very stubborn and responsible.

Yin Earth is a soft and submissive element. They are easily influenced by the opinions of others, vulnerable and sensitive to harsh words and deeds. They love children very much and are happy to do housework, give everything to their family.

Ba Zi card: how to find out your fate? Astrology by date of birth. Everything about Feng Shui

What element do you belong to? | Way to yourself! Which verses refer to you?



You can find out the fate of a person thanks to the teachings of Feng Shui. The calculation of the elements by date of birth (Fate Card) occurs according to the last digit of his year of birth or the last digit of the previous year. By following our recommendations, you can easily do this.

People have long believed that there are higher powers that accompany everyone. When a person finds out which of the elements patronizes him, he will have information about his own character and about the ways of arranging life. Feng Shui is easy to determine by date of birth. Despite the fact that in our time the day of the birth of a person is only a personal holiday, this number is fraught with something more.

According to Feng Shui, the date of birth affects the entire future of the child. It determines the element to which a person belongs. The number of Gua also depends on it, having calculated which it will not be difficult to find answers to a variety of life questions. A person will know how to do the right thing, and this also applies to the arrangement of furniture in the room, and the profession, and the life path in general. You just need to follow certain rules, then all obstacles will disappear, and life will become easier.
The magic number is quite simple to calculate: you just need to choose a specific algorithm depending on gender.

  1. For men: add the last 2 digits of the year in which you were born. If you get a two-digit amount, then take only the last digit (for example, if you get 17, then you need to take only 7). Subtract the resulting number from 10.
  2. For women: also add the last 2 digits of the year of birth. If you get one of the numbers 6, 7, 8, or 9, then you need to subtract 5 from it. If the result of the addition is the number 1, 2, 3 or 4, then you need to add 5. If the sum is two-digit, then take into account only the last digit of the resulting numbers. Depending on what this number is, you need to add or subtract 5 (as described above).

The result obtained as a result of mathematical calculations will be the Gua number.

Depending on the number of Gua a person has, at birth he receives personality traits laid down by nature itself. If the magic number is:

  • 0, then a strong and powerful energy lies inside a person. These people are driven by a desire for justice. They don't like to be challenged or not followed through with their demands.
  • 1, then for this representative of humanity, beauty is above all. Their spiritual impulses are driven by the desire for beauty, and the aesthetic pleasure from this or that object will determine their mood for the whole day.
  • 2, then for these people the world will always be full of adventure. At any age, they are inquisitive, and the desire to explore everything around does not leave them.
  • 3, then for this person stress and depression will be a constant part of everyday life. However, it will be more difficult for them to endure life's difficulties than for others, since inside they are refined and sensitive.
  • 4, then the main personality traits will be uncompromising and adherence to principles. The main components of their success are stubbornness and following clear rules.
  • 5, then this is a kind, peaceful and sympathetic individual. He can justify the actions of anyone, but he will never forgive himself for evil.
  • 6, then these are energetic representatives of society. They can do everything, even after a busy work or school day, they will find strength for family and friends.
  • 7, then, most likely, for this person, life will be a constant tension. Such people live in anticipation of pain from the outside world, as they are sentimental and sensitive.
  • 8, then such men and women will get their way. No obstacle will stop them on their way to the goal.
  • 9, then such a person will stay with his parents for a long time. For them, the goal of life will be, and not success in any field of activity. They are grateful for life's difficulties and are often deeply religious.

Naturally, there are exceptions to any rule. A person can mix the signs of different Gua numbers in himself, or he can represent a complete correspondence to the characteristic.

Element Definition

What characteristics a person will have is also influenced by the element to which he belongs. In addition, it is this indicator that affects which people an individual can contact. Like the Gua number, the elements are determined by the date of birth. Each element is assigned a certain number. 0 and 1 - Metal, 2 and 3 - Water, 4 and 5 - Wood, 6 and 7 - Fire, 8 and 9 - Earth. To understand which element patronizes a person, you need to look at the last digit of the year of birth. It denotes the element to which the individual belongs. For example, if a person was born in 1986, then he belongs to the Fire group, if in 1991, then his element is Metal, and so on.

Feng Shui is an ancient teaching that people are becoming more and more convinced of. Having joined him, it is important to keep your faith for many years. If you plunge headlong into this current, then life will improve, and positive energy will fill everyday life.


There are periods of time during each day that can minimize the positive characteristics of the day or, conversely, add luck in business.

The destroying hour is a time that must be categorically avoided when planning important affairs and events.

The forecast indicates the time of the onset of the lunar day, corresponding to the time zone of Minsk.

An online lunar calendar for your city can be found at the links:,


Day of the Wood Ox

Day indicator: 11, "opening"

Constellation of the day: 12, "Danger"

storage star

Lunar day 28/29, 07.23

Moon in Pisces

Moon without a course 17.57-00.00

All the most important things aimed at long-term existence, postpone to Wednesday or Friday.

And today, despite the positive indicator of luck and the positive Star, it is better not to develop vigorous business activity.

Lunar parking, the name of which speaks for itself, warns against big deeds and undertakings. It indicates danger, physical harm, and health problems.

Rabbits can have the most problems on this day. Their warnings of today concern first of all.

Engage in current affairs, matters of medium importance, continue what you started earlier, fulfill your daily duties. Global changes and important undertakings will have to wait.

The lunar horoscope confirms that today is not the best day for a flurry of business activity and a lot of communication.

29 lunar days are considered the most difficult of the entire lunar cycle. They can provoke pessimism, aggression, dissatisfaction with themselves and their environment, bring unpleasant news.

It is necessary to communicate very selectively with people, to avoid situations that can cause emotional distress.

SUCCESSFUL SHOPPING under the sign of Pisces: works of art, interior items for comfort and beauty, clothes, perfumes, chemicals and medicines.

HAIRCUT on 29 lunar day: Haircuts and coloring are unfavorable. Health problems, loss of energy.

Fire Tiger Day

Day indicator: 12, "closing"

Constellation of the day: 13, "Chamber"

Lunar day 29/30/1, 07.38/12.28

Moon in Pisces/Aries, 03.57

Moon without course 00.00-03.57

Contradictory characteristics of the day.

Positive lunar parking - against the indicator of good luck that completes the 12-day cycle.

It is believed that on a day with the “closing” good luck indicator, it makes no sense to start big things, since the qi of the day is weak, yin, and such a day is more suitable for completing, finishing something.

It is better to limit yourself to ordinary daily activities and activities today. It is recommended to use such a day to complete business, parse correspondence, write letters, you can deal with advertising issues, send messages, put forward your requirements to partners, and announce intentions.

In conflict with the energies of the day - Monkeys. Their ban on new beginnings concerns in the first place.

Lunar horoscope.

The 30th lunar day is considered the day of summing up the results of the past lunar month, getting rid of debts of any kind, forgiveness and repentance.

At least mentally ask for forgiveness from those whom you think you offended. Thank those who seem to have offended you for the lessons and the opportunity to gain invaluable experience.

Forgive and thank yourself.

Well, with the advent of the new lunar month, do not forget to make plans for the coming month, imagining everything that you want to receive or writing it all down on paper. It is believed that everything that we conceive on this day tends to be attracted into our lives with little or no our intervention.

HAIRCUT on 30 lunar day: Haircuts and coloring are very unfavorable. They endanger life, shorten life.

HAIRCUT on 1 lunar day: haircuts are unfavorable, coloring is allowed with natural dyes. It is believed that a haircut on this day shortens life.

Fire Rabbit Day

Day indicator: 1, "setting"

Constellation of the day: 14, "The Wall"

Lunar day 1/2, 07.51

Moon in Aries

Auspicious day according to Eastern prognostic practices.

Lunar parking, one of the names of which is "The Wall", is considered a constellation of wealth and prosperity. “Opening new doors, physically and symbolically, brings great rewards. Weddings, opening a new business, signing contracts, entering a new service can be the beginning of future success and prosperity, ”the ancient texts describe the influence of this constellation on our luck.

The indicator of luck also brings good luck in opening and undertakings, trading, and it is especially good for planning and negotiations.

Be sure to take advantage of this day, as this combination of characteristics of the day does not occur often.

The only sign for which things can go wrong is Roosters. Days of the Rabbit bring them no luck.

Advice from the lunar horoscope.

Pay attention to the sensations that you have when interacting with others. Internal discomfort and unmotivated hostility will indicate with whom it is worth limiting communication in the near future. At the same time, inner feelings can tell you which companions to choose for joint activities, which of the people around you are friends and who are enemies.

SUCCESSFUL SHOPPING under the sign of Aries: appliances, cars, sports equipment, tools, jewelry, household items. Do not make spontaneous purchases!

HAIRCUT on 2 lunar day: haircuts are unfavorable, coloring is allowed with natural dyes. Haircuts on this day can attract quarrels and litigation into our lives.

Earth Dragon Day

Day indicator: 2, "delete"

Constellation of the day: 15, "Legs"

storage star

Lunar day 2/3, 08.05

Moon in Aries/Taurus, 16.36

Moon without course 10.16-16.36

Postpone important things and events for tomorrow.

The constellation ruling today does not bring good luck in business. It carries a ban on construction and earthworks, warns against lawsuits, clashes with the law, and the official opening of enterprises.

In general, this constellation does not support important undertakings and changes, and only allows you to travel and start repairs.

The indicator of luck also warns against stormy business activity. Under his influence, it is better to troubleshoot, fix, finish.

And the most unlucky sign today is the Dog. On the day of the Dragon, Dogs may have additional difficulties and obstacles.

Also, more attentive than usual should be people on whom the Moon has a strong influence. Almost the whole working day the Moon without a course. This can cause disruption of plans, making wrong decisions under the influence of other people and circumstances.

The 3rd lunar day puts forward those who are stronger and more assertive to the first positions. Therefore, it is very important to stand your ground on this day, if there is such a need, otherwise, during the entire upcoming lunar month, you will have to do what others need, but is not useful for us.

You need to have a clear plan of action for today and not deviate from your intentions to please other people.

SUCCESSFUL SHOPPING under the sign of Aries: appliances, cars, sports equipment, tools, jewelry, household items. Do not make spontaneous purchases!

HAIRCUT on 3 lunar day: haircuts are unfavorable, coloring is allowed. They can cause financial problems and poor health.

Earth Snake Day

Day indicator: 3, "completeness"

Constellation of the day: 16, "The Hill"

First sha of the year

Lunar day 3/4, 08.19

Moon in Taurus

A good day for undertakings and important things, provided that you were not born in the year of the Pig and are not going on long trips and travels.

Be active and active, as such a beneficial combination of the characteristics of the day does not occur often.

Lunar parking is one of the few of all 28 that does not have negative qualities and favors any business and events.

The indicator of luck also belongs to the category of positive, and implies the rapid growth, development and multiplication in the future of everything that is done on this day.

Good day for investment and shopping.

However, it is better not to use this day for weddings, especially for representatives of the Pig sign.

And advice from the lunar horoscope.

The symbol of the 4th lunar day is the Tree. This is a tree that grows different fruits. Which fruit to choose, everyone decides for himself. Circumstances and the people around us will present us with a choice today. You will have to choose between good and evil.

This is not a difficult choice when you know about the boomerang law, about the laws of cause and effect. Everything done in this life is returned, and today not only actions, but also words and thoughts should be kind.

SUCCESSFUL SHOPPING under the sign of Taurus: clothing, shoes, cosmetics, jewelry, fine home furnishings, furniture, pets, agricultural products. In general, a favorable time for most purchases.

HAIRCUT on 4 lunar day: Haircuts and coloring are unfavorable. It is believed that a haircut on such a day provokes depression, fears and negative emotions. Possible problems with the throat and oral cavity.

Metal Horse Day

Day indicator: 4, "balance"

Constellation of the day: 17, "bins"

Destroyer of the Year

Second sha of the year

Lunar day 4/5, 08.37

Moon in Taurus

An excellent combination of a good luck indicator and the constellation of the day, but it is better to limit yourself to matters of medium importance, performing your daily duties due to the influence of the destroyer of the year.

It is believed that everything that was started on the day under the control of the destroyer of the year and aimed at the long term, at best, will not bring the desired results, at worst, will bring loss and disappointment.

Everything that is connected with interaction with people of the opposite sex is especially unfavorable. The second sha of the year indicates that dating, contracting and other dealings with people of the wrong sex can subsequently lead to disappointment.

So the best thing to do today is to rest. You can invite guests, attend social events, plan a cultural program.

You can go shopping, buy clothes, cosmetics, useful things for the home. But it is better not to make large purchases.

In conflict with the energies of the day - Rats.

SUCCESSFUL SHOPPING under the sign of Taurus: clothing, shoes, cosmetics, jewelry, fine home furnishings, furniture, pets, agricultural products. In general, a favorable time for most purchases.

HAIRCUT on 5 lunar day: Haircuts and coloring are favorable. Attract financial luck, financial stability.


Metal Goat Day

Day indicator: 5, "stability"

Constellation of the day: 18, "Pleiades"

storage star

Third sha of the year

Lunar day 5/6, 08.58

Moon in Taurus/Gemini, 04.37

Moon without course 02.04-04.37

The indicator of luck "stability" is favorable for everything that implies long-term and stability. But the lunar station, which rules today, belongs to the category of negative ones. She warns against marriage, construction, funerals, litigation and is not used for everything that is "built to last."

You also need to take into account the impact of the third annual sha, which warns against real estate transactions and issues related to lending and loans.

It's time to relax, gain strength and positive emotions before the start of a new working week.

And the most unlucky today are Bulls. Their ban on big things concerns in the first place.

Tips from the lunar horoscope.

The Moon in Gemini makes it easy to communicate and make new acquaintances. People easily make contact and can tell much more than at other times. You can learn other people's secrets and mysteries. But during this period comes a lot of necessary and unnecessary information. Our task is not to rush to conclusions, to leave time for reflection and analysis of the information received.

HAIRCUT on 6 lunar day: Haircuts and coloring are unfavorable. Attract illnesses and ailments.


Water Monkey Day

Day indicator: 6, "hold"

Constellation of the day: 19, "Network"

First sha of the month

Prosperity Star

Lunar day 6/7, 09.25

Moon in Gemini

Moon without a course 18.10-00.00

The indicator of luck is considered neutral, and under its influence, you can do some important things, provided that other positive indicators are present.

The constellation of the day is considered lucky and suitable for many things. Under his influence, the work begun will lead to peaceful relations and a harmonious result. This day is especially good for weddings, construction, any earthworks.

The name of the Prosperity Star speaks for itself - today is a very good day for financial activity.

But the first sha of the month warns that long trips are unlikely to be successful and bring a satisfactory result. Under the influence of this sign, it is not recommended to start repairs, move to a new place of residence.

To the prohibitions of today, it is first of all recommended to listen to the Tigers. Monkey Day is a personal destroyer day for this horoscope sign.

Lunar horoscope.

You must always remember about the energy of the 7th lunar day. First, on this day, the foundations for obtaining results are laid. And secondly, this day is called the day of verbal magic. Any words today have the peculiarity of being embodied in reality. So be very careful what you say. Do not wish harm to anyone, do not scourge yourself, in no case do not lie, as any lie will become obvious very soon. Any curses go back to whoever said them.

Therefore, avoid unnecessary communication, it is better to be silent more or say only good things.

SUCCESSFUL SHOPPING under the sign of Gemini: printed materials, radio, audio, telephone, sportswear and footwear, sports equipment, children's things.

HAIRCUT on 7 lunar day: haircuts are unfavorable, coloring is allowed. Haircuts attract ailments and worsen relationships.

Water Rooster Day

Day indicator: 7, "destruction"

Constellation of the day: 20, "Turtle Beak"

Second sha of the month

Lunar day 7/8, 10.01

Moon in Gemini/Cancer, 14.43

Moon without course 00.00-14.43

An unfavorable day for vigorous business activity.

The indicator of luck "destruction" is considered the most unlucky.

Also, the events of the day are influenced by the 20th lunar parking, which is very short, but carries quite powerful energy. And if in these few hours you perform some wrong action, or send some unrighteous thought into the Universe, then you can get a very powerful, extremely negative response.

Therefore, today it is very important to monitor your thoughts and actions, flawlessly fulfill your duties, observe honesty and justice in deeds, in words, and in thoughts. Do not take risks, follow the instructions exactly, be careful in your behavior.

Try in all matters to avoid interaction with people of the opposite sex. The second sha indicates that this can lead to difficulties and trouble later.

In conflict with the energies of the day - Rabbits. Their warnings of this day concern in the first place.

And a few tips from the lunar horoscope.

The symbol of the 8th lunar day is the Phoenix bird, reborn from the ashes. This day is ideal for inner work on oneself, giving up bad habits, cleansing and repentance, starting life from scratch. Having cleansed ourselves of the mistakes of the past, having let go of all failures and resentments, we gain strength for rebirth, a new life.

Find time for reflection, meditation, special practices that cleanse the subconscious.

SUCCESSFUL SHOPPING under the sign of Cancer: real estate, any things for the house, finishing materials, antiques, second-hand things, food, drinks.

HAIRCUT on 8 lunar day: haircuts are favorable, coloring is unfavorable. Haircuts are good for relationships and health.