Seed roasting oven. Industrial roasting of seeds: methods and benefits. Used in equipment

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Continuous drum type furnace PP-01 designed for drying and frying bulk products (sunflower seeds, peanuts, cereals, grains, crackers, coffee, etc.) with a fraction of 2 to 20 mm.
Automatic maintenance of the set temperature in the range of 25 - 200 ºС. The speed of rotation of the frying drum is 2.2 - 4.5 revolutions per minute.

Description of the installation.
The product (seeds, coffee, nuts, etc.) is poured into the receiving hopper of the oven, from where, by means of an auger, it is fed into the frying drum. The drum is located horizontally, during the operation of the furnace, it rotates around its axis.
The product inside, due to the design of the drum, is mixed during the frying process and gradually shifts to the exit. On the output tray you get the fried product.

Technical details:

  • The productivity of the finished product in combination with the MS-02M plant is up to 200 kg per hour. Productivity when roasting a dry product is higher (depending on its initial moisture content).
  • The oven is designed for continuous operation.
  • Mains supply 380 V 50 Hz. Power consumption - up to 40 kW / h (average - 10 kW / h).
  • Dimensions 2500x1000x1300 mm; weight 500 kg. Execution of installation - floor.

Brief description of the oven for frying bulk products model PP-01

The oven for roasting sunflower seeds and other bulk products is a continuous installation, which implies the constant presence of the product in the hopper of the oven for its efficient use.
The product (seeds, coffee, nuts, etc.) is poured into the receiving hopper of the oven, from where, by means of an auger, it is fed into the frying drum. The drum is located horizontally, during the operation of the furnace, it rotates around its axis. The product inside, due to the design of the drum, is mixed during the frying process and gradually shifts to the exit. On the output tray, a fried product is obtained.
The speed of rotation of the feeding auger, drum, as well as the frying temperature are adjustable. Adjustment of these parameters allows fine-tuning the furnace to provide the required technological regime.
Such a continuous method of frying is more efficient than the accepted method, which involves loading and unloading before and after frying a certain amount of product.
The oven for frying PP-01 is reliable and easy to use.
The PP-01 oven, complete with the installation for washing sunflower seeds and other bulk products MS-02M, can be used as part of automatic lines for the production of roasted sunflower seeds, peanuts, etc.


BREEZE OVEN provides the right balance of degree and speed of roasting

If you can balance the degree and speed of roasting, the beans will have an evenly colored matte surface.

BREEZE-MINI fries evenly

Roasting should occur evenly, and for this it is necessary to mix the grains all the time. In this case, the fluidized bed technology is the most technologically advanced. Usually in roasters, upon contact with a hot surface, coffee beans are instantly charred.

The automatic oven BREEZE-MINI roasts coffee beans for a strictly designated period of time by the technologist

…. During roasting, under the influence of high temperature, complex chemical processes occur in coffee beans, the secrets of which have not yet been fully disclosed. Some chemicals are destroyed and replaced by new ones. The grains become brown as a result of caramelization of sugar, but excessive roasting leads to carbonization, charring ... The weaker the roast, the lighter the grains, the more sour they are, since the natural taste of the grain is revealed, and, accordingly, the acidity is greater. During this stage of roasting, oxides are formed, which are then destroyed by increasing the temperature. Coffee beans should darken not only outside, but also inside. Heating too long will lose the oil that creates the taste of the drink, but too pale grains will also not give the desired taste.

BREEZE MINI provides the right roasting speed

The speed of frying is also important. If it is produced too quickly, fat will appear on the surface of the grains, and the inside of them may remain underdone. A slower roasting rate produces less aromatic coffee: instead of undergoing miraculous transformations, the beans are simply dried. Extract - the most important quality of coffee, it turns out low, the taste of the drink is bad.

Rapid cooling is the advantage of BRIZ ovens

After roasting, coffee beans must be cooled quickly. Since the cooler is located inside the BRIZ ovens, the speed of this technological process qualitatively distinguishes BRIZ roasters from all others.

Cleaning, frying and cooling in the BREEZE roaster - three in one!

Coffee beans must be cleaned before roasting. Breeze ovens have one working component - air is used to clean, roast and cool coffee.

Our company has developed automatic equipment for roasting seeds (roasting oven) seeds, nuts: from sesame seeds (seeds) to hazelnuts.

What is the difference between the method offered by our company and the alternative ones. We have been engaged in mechanical engineering for many years, and when life, represented by a number of our customers, set us the task of creating a machine for roasting sunflower seeds or kernels of sunflower seeds (seeds), as they are also called, we set ourselves the task of creating a machine that solves the following problem. We decided to create a machine that would make it possible to obtain a product, in particular roasted seeds, of the same quality throughout the entire production batch. Thus, the core of each seed must be roasted in the same way as all the others.

Having studied this issue, we came to the unequivocal conclusion that in order to achieve a stable result when roasting seeds, nuts and other things, it is necessary to exclude the human factor from the process. The quality and benefits of roasted sunflower seeds directly depend on the technology used in the roasting equipment. Of course, 100% elimination of a person is not possible, but if the quality control of the product is entrusted to the machine, and the person is left to service the electronics and mechanics, then we get an excellent result. Which is what we eventually achieved. The result of our work was an automatic line for frying sunflower seeds, nuts, sesame seeds, as well as any other seeds (seeds).

The composition of the line may vary based on the tasks of a particular production. A 300 kg per hour line consisting of a packaging machine with three ovens has become a classic. USZh 100 connected by a system of conveyors. The peculiarity of this line is that the washing process is replaced by polishing (during frying in the air flow, the seeds rub and collide with others in the frying chamber, and the air flow takes the debris into the filter collector), and we get three in one: cleaning ( from dirt and debris), frying, cooling. After that, it remains to deliver the chilled product from the oven to the packaging complex and receive the finished product for sale. Options for additional cooling are possible, but practical experience shows that in most cases the product has the temperature of the room in which it is packaged, thus, getting into the package of a hot product is excluded.

Additionally, let's dwell on the quality of the resulting product. One of the results of using our USZh 100, USZh 200 ovens is that the finished product does not get fingers dirty at the exit from the oven, which is important for potential buyers. You can see for yourself that the seed at the output of the line is clean.

You cannot buy such equipment in the online store. Delivery is carried out from hand to hand. For more information, please contact our staff.

For the last couple of years, we have been experiencing a boom in sales of packaged sunflower seeds. If even 5 years ago you could buy 200 grams of seeds only from street vendors, now in every supermarket, shop or kiosk you can find a multi-colored bag with the coveted inscription.

Moreover, there are bags of these for different tastes: white, yellow, black, transparent, 100 grams, 200, 500 - choose whatever your heart desires. And what is surprising, despite such a plentiful supply, the demand does not fall: bags diverge with enviable constancy, and in return, like mushrooms after rain, new manufacturers and new packaging appear.

Seeing such a hype, only the lazy did not think about starting the production of packaged roasted seeds on their own. But how to fry it on an industrial scale? In fact, everything is quite simple.

Methods for roasting seeds

The seeds are roasted in special roasting ovens, which are of two types: batch and continuous. Accordingly, there are only two ways to fry seeds. Some still, however, rank among the methods of frying options for heating frying ovens, such as: gas, electric heating elements or microwave ovens. But, in our opinion, these are just heating options that may affect the speed of frying and its economy, but not the method of obtaining the finished product.

Periodic loading of seeds

This method involves frying seeds according to the principle of a frying pan, i.e. fell asleep in the oven, stirred, fried, tried, poured out of the oven. Naturally, this method of frying seeds, as in the situation with a household frying pan, requires maximum human participation. The operator must pour the seeds into the oven, and this, as a rule, is several tens of kilograms or a couple of bags, constantly monitor the process of roasting the seeds, tasting it, and, having reached the desired quality, pour the seeds out of the oven. If a person relaxes his vigilance, it is possible to spoil the entire loaded batch of the product.

The human factor is a key disadvantage of periodic loading. The advantages include the low cost of the frying oven, due to the simplicity of its design. Actually, due to their low cost, intermittent frying ovens retain their popularity - the consumer principle works: “simple, cheap, reliable”.

Passage method of frying seeds

The second method of roasting seeds minimizes human participation in the roasting process. The seeds are roasted in a special drum, on one side of which the original product is fed, and on the other side, the finished product is poured out. The seed, in fact, "passes" through the drum, roasting along the way, which is why the oven and the method are called walk-through.

Used in equipment:

Furnace frying electric walk-through PZHP-70
. Automated line for frying and packaging of seeds ALZHUS-70

In this case, the operator is only required to set the operation parameters once (product feed rate and frying temperature) and in the future, the oven can independently continue roasting the seeds. The human factor does not play such an important role as in periodic loading - the quality of frying is guaranteed not by the care of the operator, but by the immutability of the process.

But such obvious advantages are offset by the price: continuous-type furnaces are much more expensive than batch furnaces.

Our choice

After a long weighing of all the "pros" and "cons", in the end, we opted for the pass-through method - and for about 5 years we have been producing exclusively electric feed-through type frying ovens. We also recommend our customers, despite the price, to give preference to continuous-type furnaces. What is the reason for such a decision?

  1. Seed roasting speed. In batch ovens, the average seed frying speed is about 20-25 minutes, while in continuous-type ovens it is only 10. In addition to banal productivity, an increased seed frying speed has a number of advantages. Firstly, 20 minutes in the oven is no longer frying, but rather drying. Drying out, the seed, like any other product, loses its taste. This does not happen in continuous ovens and the seeds are really roasted, while maintaining the optimal taste. Secondly, 20 minutes of being in a hot environment leads to charring of the outer cover of the seed and the formation of ash, which then, when the seed is poured out, stains everything it touches: hands, clothes, packaging. And it gets dirty so that getting rid of black spots, sometimes, is quite difficult. In a continuous oven, the seed does not have time to char.
  2. Quality stability. The notorious human factor in batch ovens leads to the fact that simple inattention, fatigue or poor health of the operator entails damage to a significant amount of the product. Everything that was loaded into the oven can either be undercooked or overcooked. Therefore, the operator is forced to constantly taste the product and monitor its mixing and even roasting. In through-type ovens, the influence of the human factor is minimized - the seed passes through the drum at a given speed. It is enough for the operator to set the necessary parameters once in order to constantly receive the same fried product, without the risk of spoilage.
  3. cooling problem. Everyone who has ever fried seeds in a frying pan at home knows perfectly well that this product has the property of “reaching”. Those. continue to fry even when removed from the pan. To stop this process, the seed is cooled, as a rule, spreading it in a thin layer on a flat surface (table), where air circulation extinguishes the roasting process. If you neglect this moment and simply pour the seed into a pile, you can definitely get a burnt product. Now imagine that you are roasting a few bags of seeds in a batch oven. When all this mass is ready, it must be poured out and cooled. And cool everything at once, avoiding staying in the total mass. And at this time, you still need to pour a new portion into the oven (after all, the oven is working) and control its frying. In continuous ovens, the situation is simpler: the seed does not spill out in large volumes, but goes in a small constant stream, so to speak, in a “thin stream”, and therefore it is not difficult to cool it.
  4. Versatility. Passage ovens, due to the ability to independently support the frying process, seeds are easily integrated into automated lines for frying and packing seeds. These lines are capable, in the absence of direct human intervention, to provide a full cycle of packaging of roasted seeds: from the receipt of raw materials (calibrated seeds) to the issuance of portions packed in a separate package. For batch ovens, the question of inclusion in the line does not even rise: a solid share of manual labor makes it simply meaningless. Thus, through-type frying ovens are more versatile than batch ovens, and are able to function both independently and as part of production lines.

Used in equipment:

The above factors, in our opinion, are significant enough to justify the price of continuous furnaces and give preference to them. Moreover, having created our first line for roasting sunflower seeds in 2006, we decided that the design of continuous ovens was not quite optimal and worked on its modernization for several years.

Our innovations

Realizing that the only way to compete with cheap batch furnaces is by clearly superior quality and performance, we have tried hard, and are still trying, to improve the efficiency of the continuous furnace. As of the current moment, we can record the following achievements in this field as our asset.

  1. The design of the frying drum and heating elements has been changed, as a result of which the frying time has decreased (less than 10 minutes) and the efficiency has increased. This made it possible not only to increase productivity up to 70 kg per hour, but also to obtain the most optimal taste of roasted seeds. We can say that we have found the only case when, with an increase in productivity, the quality does not fall, but rather tends to perfection.
  2. Organized effective thermal insulation of the inner space of the drum, which reduced heat loss and reduced energy costs. In other words, we are gradually moving towards a highly efficient yet economical product.
  3. An uninterruptible power supply (UPS) has been introduced into the standard equipment of the frying oven, the task of which is not only to equalize the “jumping” voltage of the mains, but also to prevent the seed from burning out when the power is cut off. Those. in the event of a power outage, the UPS ensures the operation of the electric drive of the drum and allows the seeds poured into the drum to be roasted due to the residual heat and spill out of it.
  4. A frequency controller has been added to the design, allowing the operator to adjust the speed of rotation of the drum and, accordingly, the time of frying the seeds. This moment is important in the case of using raw materials of different moisture content or changing the product to be fried: for more moist (dense) products, you can increase the frying time, and for less humid ones, reduce it. Thus, we, in fact, made the oven even more versatile.
  5. A voltage feedback has been created for the vibrating feeder that feeds the seed into the drum, due to which it maintains a stable vibration amplitude during any “jumps” in voltage. The seed will always be fed in the same and uniform flow. In our opinion, this is especially true for manufacturers located outside the big cities.

But, probably, the most important thing is that when modernizing the furnace, we are constantly working on simplifying its design, eliminating unnecessary elements and optimizing the manufacture of parts. Thanks to this, we can afford to keep the prices of the furnace at least one third lower than those of competitors. And this despite the fact that the benefits listed above are included as standard, while competitors, at best, some of them are installed for a fee.

And finally, in the production of frying ovens, we are faced with another important point - the more expedient it is to heat the oven.

Electricity or gas?

As mentioned at the beginning of this material, there are at least three ways to heat a fryer: gas, electric heating and microwave. The first two are the most common, the third refers more to the exotic than to reality (although some consider it quite promising). Accordingly, there are two energy carriers suitable for heating the furnace: gas and electricity. Which one to choose and which one will be optimal?

In the race to increase demand, many manufacturers complete their furnaces with gas heating, motivating such a decision by the consumer's familiarity with this type of energy carrier, its availability and low cost. However, in our opinion, this is not entirely true and an attempt to get a cheap stove can have negative consequences.

Firstly, the availability of gas is a relative thing. It’s good when the production shops are already equipped with a gas main and the only question is to connect a separate installation, but if there is no gas supply to the room where the furnace is located, or gas is supplied for domestic needs, the economy loses all meaning. After all, the cost of the furnace is in no way comparable with the cost of the project and the physical connection of the industrial gas pipeline.

Secondly, the gas price is a variable value and very much depends on various conditions: on the political situation, quotations on world markets, limit overruns, etc. In this connection, its sharp and little predictable jumps are possible.

AND, third, sunflower seeds - a product prone to absorption. The seed, although not strongly, absorbs the products of gas combustion, which leads to a change in its taste characteristics and, perhaps, is not entirely beneficial for the end consumer. Absorption can be avoided by using a heat exchanger in the design of the furnace, but in this case the cost of the furnace increases greatly and the main advantage is lost - low cost.

Therefore, our ovens are exclusively electric. We do not strive for mythical cheapness and do not incline our customers to it, it is much more important for us to make a product of high quality and justified in price. Electricity is connected to almost every building, and if not, the connection cost is much lower than that of gas. The price of electricity consumption is more or less stable, and the combustion process, as such, is absent in principle - the seed simply has nothing to absorb.