Questionnaire for a visa to Greece sample. Registration of a visa to Greece, the rules for obtaining visas and entering the country. What to write in the application for a visa to Greece

Instructions for filling out the application form for a Schengen visa


1. The questionnaire is printed on two sheets (double-sided printing) and filled in by the agency on the basis of the documents provided by the tourist and the questionnaire.

2. The questionnaire must be completed in legible block letters of the Latin alphabet, with a blue pen.

It is possible to fill out the Questionnaire electronically.

To do this, you must use the Questionnaire in WORD format.

Before printing, it is necessary to check that during filling, the questionnaire does not stretch for more than 4 sheets.

3. One correction is allowed in the questionnaire

(cover it with a proofreader, write the correct option on top of the previous one).

Use the sample form to fill out.


Detailed instructions for filling out the questionnaire:

The questionnaire is filled in with capital letters of the Latin alphabet!

Item #1 Surname- from a foreign passport

Item #2 Surname at birth– maiden/previous surname (for women)

If there was no change of surname - the item is not filled;

Item #3 Name- from a foreign passport;

Item #4 Date of Birth– (DD.MM.YYYY);

Item #5 Place of Birth- from a foreign passport;

Item #6 Country of birth

USSR, if born in the USSR,

Item #7 Citizenship at presentRF

Item #8 Floor- mark with a cross

Item #9 Family status- mark with a cross. If the tourist is married, you must specify the name and surname of the spouse, date of birth.

Paragraph No. 10 For minors: Surname, First name, Address (if different from the address of the applicant) and citizenship of the person with the authority of the parent / legal representative - for example, if the child's registration address differs from the father's address and matches the mother's registration address, then write:


Item #11 An identification number- is not filled;

Item #12 Travel document type– regular passport;

Item #13 Travel document number- the number of the foreign passport;

Item #14 date of issue- (DD.MM.YYYY) from a foreign passport;

Item #15 Valid until– (DD.MM.YYYY) from the OZP;

Item #16 Issued by- enter the authority that issued the passport.

Item #17 Home address- information from the passport of the Russian Federation

Phone number- cell phone number

Item No. 18 of the column is NOT filled out for citizens of Russia;

Item #19 Current professional activity

you must indicate the position, as in the certificate of employment.

Writing in Latin letters.

pensioner - PENSIONER,

student - STUDENT,

schoolboy - PUPIL,

preschooler - PRESCHOOL CHILD,

a housewife - HOUSEWIFE,

not working - DOES NOT WORK.

Item #20 Employer; employer's address and phone number.

For students, schoolchildren - the name and address of the educational institution.

Information about the employer or educational institution is written off from the details specified in the certificate from the place of work/study.

This column is NOT filled in for non-working citizens, pensioners and housewives!

Item #21 Main purpose of the trip– tick Tourism.

Item #22 Destination countrySPAIN.

Item #23 Country of first entrySPAIN BARCELONA

Item #24 Number of entries– mark with a cross “Single entry”.

Item #25 Intended duration of stay or transit– the number of days of the confirmed tour, including the day of arrival and departure.

Item #26 Schengen visas issued within the last three years

For example: 12.06.2ITA

Information is debited from a valid foreign passport, or a recently canceled one.

Item #27 Fingerprints provided earlier when applying for a Schengen visa– it is necessary to mark with a cross No.

Item #28 Permission to enter the country of final destination, if necessary- not filled!

Item #29 Intended date of entry into the Schengen area.

Item #30 Estimated date of departure from the Schengen area.

Must be specified in accordance with the dates of the confirmed tour.

Item #31 The name of the hotel. Address. Phone and fax– name, address, phone and fax of the confirmed hotel in Latin letters. Information can be found online or on the Coral Travel website. If you find it difficult, do not fill out.

Item #32 The name of the inviting company. Address. Telephone.

- not filled!

Item #33 Travel and accommodation expenses are covered by- mark with a cross

The applicant himself


Prepaid accommodation


Items No. 34, 35 - to be completed only by a family member of an EU or EEA citizen;

Item #36 Place and date- fill only space EKATERINBURG.

Similarly, in the last column write EKATERINBURG.

Item #37 Signature– the original signature of the tourist is required in 4 places:

1. in paragraph 37

2. after the words “I am informed that in case of refusal to obtain a visa, the visa fee is not refundable”,

3 - after the words “I am informed that for my first stay and subsequent visits to the territory of the participating countries, appropriate medical insurance is required” (sheet 3),

4 in paragraph - signature (sheet 4).

One of the parents signs for minors.

At the bottom of the first page, be sure to indicate the dates of the tour,

The questionnaire for a foreigner serves as the main document in the general package of official papers. It reflects the full portrait of the applicant, contains both personal and secondary data about the traveler.

The general rules for completing the questionnaire include:

  • Entering information is acceptable in a virtual format or by hand.
  • The electronic application form is not sent to the embassy, ​​it is printed and signed by the applicant.
  • When filling out through a computer, it is not recommended to leave the keyboard for more than 20 minutes. Otherwise, the entered data may be erased when the page is refreshed.
  • Before entering the data at hand, you must have foreign and domestic passports.
  • Filling in by hand is done with a black or blue pen, you can not put blots, flourishes.
  • In case of an error, a new form should be printed out and the old one should be disposed of.
  • Children and adolescents under 18 years of age are not allowed to enter information on their profile. Their parents and guardians do it for them.

For more rules that will help prevent mistakes when filling out a Schengen visa application form, check with lawyers.

Greece visa application form 2020

The European Union has simplified the entry for Russian tourists already by the fact that questions in the questionnaire are translated into Russian. But it is not recommended to enter answers in Russian.

Last resort Latin is allowed and transliteration method. The most likely to successfully and quickly issue a visa for applicants who know English.

You can download the application form for review on the official website of the Greek Embassy in Russia. An example of filling out should be requested from accredited lawyers.

If the application is submitted through a broker, it is allowed to enter data into the questionnaire by a lawyer according to the applicant. The questionnaire is signed on 3 pages personally by the applicant. The use of an electronic digital signature is not allowed.

Application for a visa to Greece - how to fill out the form

In paper form, the questionnaire is placed on 4 sheets of A4 format, it consists of several blocks, all the applicant needs fill in 37 different boxes.

At the very end of the document, information is indicated on:

  • irrevocable transfer,
  • the need for formalization
  • privacy and non-disclosure policy.

At the end of sheet 4 indicate the place where the questionnaire was filled out, the date.

On the right side of the document is signed by hand. On the right side of the first sheet there are frames for pasting photos and notes of officers.

You do not need to attach a photo to the application form. Enough to attach pictures in duplicate to .

  • The first part of the document contains individual information about the applicant.
  • It is obligatory to indicate the surname and name in Latin, as in a foreign passport.
  • The following are indicated:
  1. citizenship,
  2. Date and place of birth,
  3. marital status,
  4. an identification number.
  • For persons born before 1992, the USSR is prescribed as the place of birth.
  • Personal information should also include contact information. An e-mail address is needed for feedback, forwarding a notification about the readiness of a visa. The contact phone number will be checked by the embassy staff.
  • The second part contains information about the travel document.
  • It indicates not only the type of form, but also its:
  1. room,
  2. date of issue,
  3. best before date,
  4. place and name of the issuing organization.
  • There is a separate block for citizens of the CIS and other states temporarily residing on the territory of the Russian Federation.
  • When attaching documents to the questionnaire in Kazakh, Ukrainian, Belarusian and other languages, they must be translated.
  • The third part is a small block where you need to talk about your own:
  1. work,
  2. positions,
  3. indicate the contact details of the legal entity that provided the employment.
  • The fourth block is necessary to determine the purpose of entry, need, timing.

At the end, information about:

  1. social status
  2. financial position,
  3. having a travel sponsor.

Questionnaire for a visa to Greece for a child, features of filling

Especially for minors There are several columns in the questionnaire:

  • Item 10 required to specify:
  1. surnames,
  2. name and address of the child,
  3. some information about the accompanying person.
  • 19 and 20 paragraphs should reflect information about the educational institution in which the teenager is studying. You should write down not only the name of the school, kindergarten or college, but also provide contact information for the leadership.
  • If the trip is carried out during school hours, written permission from the principal of the school or college, drawn up on letterhead with seals and signatures, is required.
  • 27 paragraph indicates past biometric submission procedures. Adolescents under 12 years of age are exempted from this process, so a dash is put in their questionnaires.
  • At the end of the document, the parent or guardian puts his signature.

If the trip is planned with only one of the parents, the second requires written permission for the child to cross the border.

In the absence of one of the parents on a permanent basis, it is necessary to provide information about divorce, death, and other circumstances.

A few tips before you start filling out a Greek visa application and preparing a list of documents:

Never provide false information about yourself, places of residence and route to the embassy or visa center.
Greece must be the main host country (finding the maximum number of days in the trip). Otherwise, you risk being rejected.

Instructions for filling out the questionnaire

The questionnaire is filled in Latin letters and signed by the applicant himself. If your children are included in the passport, a separate questionnaire is filled out for them!

To be filled in case of name change. First, the surname at birth is written, then, in brackets, the subsequent ones, if any.

Be sure to write a middle name. The Greeks, unlike other Schengen countries, require this.

Despite the image of the questionnaire common on the network, some items are written incorrectly.
Write the date in this paragraph according to the standard: 12-03-1975.

Place of birth indicate the city in transliteration or in English.

We enter the country of birth as in the passport. If you are from the USSR, write USSR.

Correctly write in the questionnaire - Russian Federation.

Unlike the German questionnaire, there are only two genders - male and female. If you haven't decided yet, now is the time.

Living in a civil marriage - indicate "Single / Not married".

To be completed only if the applicant is a minor.

The Greeks mean an ordinary passport of the Russian Federation as an ordinary passport.

13, 14,15, 16
The passport number is entered without spaces, hyphens, service marks, type No. The date of issue and expiration of the passport is written through dots.
We look at the issuing authority according to the passport, write it down in transliteration.

In this paragraph, we indicate the address of residence, not registration. The city can be written both in English and in Russian in Latin letters.
The words "street", "house", "apartment", to save space, can be skipped. However, if the address of residence and the email address do not fit on one line, write in two, three in small handwriting.

Please provide a contact phone number. Those. the one where you can be reached. The ideal option is a mobile number.

Why might the embassy call you? The visa officer may have questions about the documents or the purpose of the visit (the most common question).
These days, we strongly advise you to answer calls from unknown numbers. Because The Greeks will not call back - it is easier for them to put a refusal with the wording "the purpose of the visit is not clear."

One of the most difficult items in the questionnaire. If you are a manager (and professions from a salesman to a manager can get here) - there are no questions, if you are unemployed, a housewife or a pensioner - there are questions.
We give a table of the most common professions for registration in the questionnaire.

Table of translations of professions (professional activity)

Your place of work. We fill in Latin letters. It can be as in the picture or as it is correct:

We indicate the number at which there will be a person who can answer the questions of the visa officer. Moreover, the purpose of the call, as a rule, is to make sure that the applicant works in this company and the company is located at the specified address.

Do not overdo it! Even when you go to visit friends - write "Tourism" in order to avoid additional questions and doubts from the inspector.

22, 23
These points are often confused. The country of first entry may not be Greece. The country where you will cross the border of the Schengen zone is recorded.
This happens when flying with transfers or when you enter Greece from another Schengen country.

We mark "Multiple Entry".

Here we enter the period of stay in Schengen for a trip for which a Greek visa is requested. The easiest way to mark dates on air tickets.
Specify the number of days "90".

This figure has nothing to do with the period of travel and indicates the maximum number of days spent in the Schengen area for a short-stay visa.

If you have more past visas than places in this window, write how many will fit.

29, 30
Do not be seduced by the word “estimated date” - we indicate exactly the dates that are written on the tickets.

Despite its apparent simplicity, this item often raises questions and errors in filling.
If you will be staying in Greece in several hotels, write the name, address and phone number of the first hotel only.

If on a trip you first visit another country, and then go to Greece, indicate the Greek hotel in the questionnaire.
It is better to write off the address and phone number from the printout of the reservation or voucher.

To be filled in only if visiting Greece at the invitation of a company or individual.

If you are traveling on your own, without a sponsor or invitation, check the options on the left side of the questionnaire.
We put ticks or crosses on all the options that you will use on your trip.
A credit card means any bank card, including a debit card.

In conclusion, you personally sign the questionnaire and mark the place and date of filling.
Pay attention to the last line in the questionnaire about
Often they forget about it as soon as they get a visa.

The border officer may require you to show travel insurance on any of your subsequent trips to Europe. In the absence of such, you face the annulment of your visa and deportation to your homeland.

You put the last signature under the information that the visa allows entry into the Schengen zone, but not a guarantee.
Let's take a closer look at medical travel insurance.

Choosing Greek visa insurance

As a rule, the Greeks issue multiple visas for a period of six months or more. We advise you to buy insurance for at least 180 days.

If you apply for a long visa and attach insurance to the documents for 7 days or for the first trip, it will look at least strange.

But, since it is not known for how long you will receive a visa, we advise you to buy travel insurance for six months with a coverage of 30 days and a coverage amount of 35,000 euros.

Where to buy insurance

In the visa center of Greece, they will sell it to you expensively and with pleasure. Overpay, approximately, twice.
For example, annual insurance with a coverage of 60 days at the visa center costs 4,400 rubles per person, when buying online, you will pay 2,600 rubles for it.

Where is the best place to buy insurance for a visa online? Of course, we will recommend our good partner. 15 insurance companies whose policies are accepted at Greek embassies and visa centers in Russia.
Additional insurance options (non-departure, loss of luggage, etc.). The policy will be in your email in 2 minutes. Prices from 230 rubles.

You can read more about travel insurance in our article.
Approximate prices for a weekly insurance per person:

8. Air tickets are not included in the required package, but if you have already purchased them, attach them.

9. For minor applicants, an original and a copy of the birth certificate will be required. If the child is traveling with one of the parents - a notarized consent to the departure of the child of the second parent and a copy of the completed pages with the personal data of his Russian passport.

10. For a tourist visa, you will additionally need hotel reservations or proof of accommodation. It is enough to print out an e-mail with the data of the people living in the room.

If you are renting an apartment or house from a private person, you will need a copy of the lease agreement, a copy of the landlord's ID, and proof of payment.

Have a good travel!

Other profiles

To travel to Greece in 2020, Russians will need a Schengen visa. It allows you to stay in Greece and 25 other Schengen countries for up to 90 days in half a year. Here is how to apply for a visa yourself through a consulate or an official visa center.

Select the purpose of the trip to find out the list of documents for a visa

List of documents for a tourist visa

    Greece visa application

    It is filled in English, Greek or Russian, but in Latin letters. You can fill it out online on the official website of the Visa Application Center, or you can download it to your computer and fill it out using the free Adobe Reader program or by hand in block letters. For each person it is filled out separately, even for children.

    For an additional fee, the Visa Application Center will help you complete the application form. The application form can be obtained free of charge at the visa center or downloaded and printed by yourself. To download the form, right-click on the link → "Save link as ...".

    2 color photographs 35×45 mm

    Not older than six months, on a light background. The face should take up about 70-80% of the photo. One photo must be attached to the application form.

    international passport

    Original + copies of all completed pages. Passport must contain at least two blank pages and must be issued within the last 10 years. Valid for at least three months from the date of return. If you have two valid foreign passports, you must provide both.

    Old passports

    Canceled or expired passport for the last two years, you can copy. It is best to bring photocopies of all Schengen visas you have ever received. If the canceled passport was issued for a different surname, you will need documents confirming the change of surname - for example, a marriage certificate.

    RF passport

    Copies of the first page and pages with registration, marital status and marks on issued passports.

    Medical insurance

    The insurance policy must be valid throughout the entire trip within the Schengen countries or worldwide. If you are requesting a multi-visa, insurance for the dates of the first trip is sufficient. The minimum sum insured is 30,000 euros.

    Transport Confirmation

    Attach your round-trip ticket reservation. If you are traveling by car, please provide originals and photocopies of your title, driver's license and international auto insurance (Green Card). If the car is rented, please provide the rental agreement. If you want to visit several Schengen countries or decide to act according to the situation, please provide a description of the planned route.

    Proof of residence

    Hotel reservation, rental agreement, title deed or invitation/proof of sponsorship from a relative. If you are going to stay, for example, at a campsite and do not book a hotel, you can replace it with an appropriate description of the planned trip.
    If a relative invites, then you need a document confirming the relationship.
    If you intend to visit other Schengen countries during your trip, you must confirm your residence in all countries.

    Financial guarantees

    A certificate from the place of work on company letterhead with the address and telephone number of the employer, salary, full name and position of the responsible person is suitable. The certificate is valid for 1 month. If such a certificate is not available, other documents can be provided: for example, a pension certificate, a three-month bank statement, confirmation of the presence of real estate or a car in Russia, or a sponsorship letter from a close relative with his financial guarantees attached.
    Relevance of financial statements - 1 month.

    Consent to the processing of personal data

    Since 2011, a law has been in force in the Russian Federation, according to which the applicant is obliged to confirm the processing of personal data with a signature. Consent is required for the visa center. Each applicant signs it, for children - parents or legal representative. The form can be obtained on site or downloaded online, filled out on a computer or by hand.

What amount needs to be confirmed in financial guarantees?

Calculated from the minimum The exchange rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on 03/28/2020" data-html="true">50 euros (4,286.9 ₽)

for each day of stay in the country per person and not less The exchange rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on 03/28/2020" data-html="true">300 euros (25,721.7 ₽) for a stay of up to five days.

If you are traveling for 10 days, you must have The exchange rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on 03/28/2020"data-html="true">500 euros (42,869.5 ₽).

For children, the required amount is reduced by 50%.

Additional documents for children

Children are issued a separate visa. They need to collect a separate package of documents, insurance, photos. Both parents sign the form. In addition to the main documents, you need to provide:

    Birth certificate, original + copy

    Copy of a valid Schengen visa of the parent(s) traveling with the minor

    If a visa for a child is requested separately.

    Permission to leave the child abroad (consent of the parent or legal guardian)

    If the child is traveling with the father or mother and visa applications are submitted at the same time, or a copy of the parent's valid visa is provided, no exit permit is required.
    If the child is traveling alone or with an escort, the father or mother must make permission to leave at the notary. The permit must be issued no more than a year before the submission of documents, it indicates the countries and dates of travel. If one of the parents leaves the Schengen area earlier or arrives later, permission is also required. When applying for a multiple-entry visa, please note that the date/term of permission indicated on the consent form must correspond to the entire duration of the visa, not just the duration of the first stay.

    Registration cost

    Fees are paid in rubles at the exchange rate at the time of submission of documents and are not refundable in case of refusal. The consulate can only refund the fee if the visa application is not properly executed.

    You can pay the fees in cash in rubles at the visa center or with a bank card in case of online filling.

    Terms of registration

    A decision on a visa application is made, as a rule, within 10 calendar days from the date of receipt of the application at the Consulate. Maximum - up to 30 calendar days. An approximate decision date will be given to you when you submit your application.

    Documents can be submitted no earlier than 6 months and no later than 15 days before the trip. The optimal time for submission of documents is 3-4 weeks. When calculating the time for submitting an application, it is recommended to take into account the national holidays of both Russia and Greece - these days the Consulate is resting.

    During the application process, the Consulate may request additional documents or invite you for an interview, but such cases are rare.

    If you want to get a long-term visa, check the validity of your passport. The validity of the visa cannot be longer than the validity of the passport. If your passport expires soon, you can get a second one and put a visa in a new passport.

    Urgent visas

    An urgent visa can be issued if you have a good reason that you can prove with documents: for example, the illness of relatives living in Greece, the need for medical treatment, or an urgent business trip. Another reason for issuing an urgent visa is the purchase of a last-minute voucher. A standard package of documents is needed, they will make a visa within 1-3 working days, and its cost will be higher.

    Step by step instructions for registration

    Step 1 Determine the purpose of the trip. If you have already been in the Schengen area in the last 6 months, use the online calculator .

    Step 2 Prepare supporting documents, book tickets and accommodation.

    Step 3 Fill out the form. To do this, download the form or fill out the form online on the website of the visa center.

    Step 4 Sign up for the submission of documents at the Consulate or Visa Application Center or arrange a trip through an accredited travel agency. At the Consulate reception of citizens from 10:30 to 13:00.

    Step 5 Pay the visa fees and submit your documents. Your fingerprints will be taken and a digital photograph will be taken at the time of application submission. Everything takes 20 minutes. Children under 12 do not need to be fingerprinted, parents can submit documents without their presence. Biometric data is stored in the database for 5 years. All Schengen countries have access to this database. If your fingerprints are in the database, a personal visit is not required - your documents can be transferred by close relatives or your representative by notarized power of attorney.

    Step 6 Get your passport with visa. You can track the status of the application on the website of the visa center, subject to submission through the visa center. Check all fields of the visa in the passport: personal data, dates of validity and entry.

    Transit through Greece

    A visa that allows you to cross the territory of Greece when moving to a third country without an open Schengen. For example, make a stop at the international airport of Greece. It is needed if there is no open Schengen and if:

    • During a transfer, you leave the transit area of ​​the airport, for example, you change the terminal, the airport, or if the transit area closes for the night.
    • Transit through Greece by land and water transport.
    • More than one transfer within the Schengen area.

    In other cases, a transit visa is not required. With this visa, you can spend a maximum of 5 days in the Schengen area in half a year.

    Where to apply for a visa?

    You can apply for a visa at the Consulate or at the Visa Application Centre.

    Consulates of Greece are in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Novorossiysk. In other cities there are official visa centers of Greece of the Global Visa Center World network.

    You must register online in advance at the Consulate. Registration is open for dates no earlier than 1.5 months in the high season and 2 weeks in the off-season. But it will be necessary to pay only the consular fee - it will be possible to save on a visa.

    At the visa center, you can go through the procedure faster and submit documents online. As an additional paid service, they offer the option “visa at home” - you don’t have to go to the visa center yourself. Even fingerprints can be taken from your home or office.

    To Greece Visa Application Centers in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Chelyabinsk and Yekaterinburg pre-registration is required.

    Print out the online booking sheet and submit it with the rest of the documents. To reduce the waiting time at the visa center, it is better to fill out an online visa application, print it out and take it with you. In the case of a family trip, one family member can visit the Greece Visa Application Center, but then a document confirming kinship with everyone who is applying for a visa is required.

    The Greek consulate and visa centers like to have the documents laid out in a strict order:

    Application form with 1 photo (the photo must be glued to the application form)

    Accommodation documents (hotel reservation / invitation)

    Transport documents (air tickets / railway tickets / itinerary / car documents)

    Financial documents (certificate of employment / bank statement / sponsorship letter)

    Copies of all completed pages of the passport

    Copies of old passports (first page + Schengen visas for the last 3 years)

    Copies of all completed pages of the civil passport

    Insurance policy

    Other documents related to the trip

How not to get rejected

According to statistics for 2018, Greece is in 4th place in terms of the number of Schengen visas issued. Submitted applications - 407 thousand. For residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg, the chance of obtaining multiple visas is approximately 90%, and the chance of being refused is only 1%.

In case of refusal, this is notified by an official letter indicating the reason. You can correct it, pay the fees again, and reapply.

You can still file an appeal - the Consulate will even tell you the competent organization through which this can be done. But the appeal is ineffective: it will be considered for at least a month. If not the Consulate made a mistake, but you, it is easier and faster to correct the mistake and resubmit the documents.

Possible reasons for refusal:

Not there. Greece should be the main country for the time of stay. If you are going to stay in several countries for an equal number of days, apply to the country through which you enter the Schengen area.

Purpose of the trip. Refusal with the wording "lack of confirmation of the purpose and conditions of the intended stay." This usually means that the Consulate did not have enough documents: collect the complete package and try to reapply for a visa. Remember that the package of documents should always correspond to the purpose of the trip: if you are going to a concert, you do not need to take an extract from the institute, and if you are going to visit relatives, do not forget the documents confirming kinship.

Fake references. Refusal with the wording "Submission of false, false or forged documents." This is a dangerous point: if you get caught on a fake, they can not only refuse, but also blacklist. All supporting documents must be real. You should not ask friends or, moreover, pay agencies to fake a certificate of employment or reservation. The consulate can call the office or the hotel, check the ticket reservation for more information. Certificates from the bank and from work must be on company letterhead.

Lack of insurance. Without an insurance policy for the entire duration of the trip, a visa will not be issued.

No money for the trip. If you do not provide financial guarantees, the consulate will think that you do not have money for a trip or to return to your homeland. If personal income is not enough, ask a relative to write a sponsorship letter.

Visa violations. Not only in Greece and the Schengen countries, but also in England, the USA and Canada. If there were such episodes, try to attach as much evidence as possible that this will not happen again - for example, a certificate from work. You can also attach a personal letter to the Consul in English or Italian.

Violation of the term of stay in the Schengen area. If you have already spent 3 of the last 6 months in European countries and at the same time apply for a visa for dates that fall within a 6-month period of time, a visa will not be issued under any circumstances.

Greece has long attracted many travelers with its amazing color, ancient sights and a variety of opportunities for a quality and interesting holiday. However, everyone who is going to go to one of the sunny Greek coasts should not forget that the country is a member of the Schengen Agreement, and therefore the process of submitting documents is particularly rigorous and high requirements. Therefore, first of all, at the initial stage, the application form for a visa to Greece in 2020 requires special attention. The conditions for submitting and filling it out should be studied and completed with great care. Since an incorrectly completed one can lead to a refusal or suspension of the process of obtaining an entry permit.

Types of questionnaires

The application for a visa to Greece is submitted depending on what type of visa will be issued. It should always be remembered that this is an important component of the package of documents, because the attention of the consulate is drawn to it first of all.

  1. If the requested Schengen visa is short-term, then regardless of what type it is, a single entry or a multivisa, the sample of filling out an application for a visa to Greece will be the same with the form corresponding to the Visa Code, unified columns and a standard list of questions.
  2. For those who apply for a long-term visa to Greece, the questionnaire will differ in the category requested, the period and purpose of the trip. The application will require personal presence and prior appointment directly at the Consulate General of Greece. This category of visa clearance through the Visa Application Centers is not considered.

Filling out a visa application

You can enter data into the questionnaire both by hand and using a computer, you can fill it in a word document using an editor, then print it and sign it.

There are a few more important nuances when filling out:

  • Filling font - Latin.
  • Language - English or Greek.
  • must match the data specified in the passport.
  • Items of the application, which are intended to be filled in by the consular staff, must be left blank.


  • 1. Surname.
  • 2. Previous surnames.
  • 3. Name.
  • 4. Date of birth.
  • 5. Place of birth.
  • 6. Country of birth.
  • 7. Citizenship - also indicate if there was a change.
  • 11. Internal passport number.
  • 12. Passport type.
  • 13. Passport number.
  • 14. Date when the passport was issued.
  • 15. Date until which the passport is valid.
  • 16. Which authority issued the document.
  • 17. Address of actual residence.
  • 18. To be filled in only by foreign citizens who do not have citizenship of the country from which the request is made - the document on the basis of which the applicant is in the country is indicated.
  • 19 Information about labor activity.
  • 20. Contacts of the company - employer or educational institution.
  • 21. What is the purpose of the trip.
  • 22. Country of arrival.
  • 23. Country of entry to the Schengen area.
  • 24. The desired number of entries for a visa is a very important point. If you want to receive - you need to check the appropriate box in this paragraph.
  • 25. Planned number of days in the country.
  • 26. Schengen visas for the last three years.
  • 27. Data on the passage of biometrics for previous Schengen visas.
  • 28. For applicants who will be in Greece in transit - admission to enter the country of final destination.
  • 29. Number of arrival in the country.
  • 30. Estimated date of departure.
  • 31. Information about the host citizen.
  • 32. For applicants requesting business, study or treatment visas - contacts of the inviting organization.
  • 33. Details of the person paying the expenses.
  • 34. For applicants who are related to an EU citizen.
  • 35. Degree of relationship.