Is it possible to have millet porridge for a one-year-old child: the pros and cons of cereals. Millet porridge for children Millet porridge for a baby 1 year old

Until the baby is 6 months old, his diet includes only mother's milk or an adapted mixture. Next, the crumbs begin to be introduced to new products, one of which is porridge. This dish is prepared from different cereals. All of them are useful for the body of growing babies, but the introduction of some cereals has its limitations, so parents should know in advance when to start giving this or that cereal dish.

And if cereals such as buckwheat or rice do not raise questions and are among the first to be cooked for babies, then doubts arise regarding other cereals. Is it possible for children to cook millet and from how many months is it permissible to cook millet porridge for a toddler? What are the beneficial properties and contraindications of this cereal? Let's figure it out.


Millet is millet grains that have had their shells removed. Usually they are simply ground, but sometimes they are also crushed. The resulting grain is rich in amino acids, starch and fiber.

Millet also has the following useful qualities:

  • Such cereals contain beta-carotene, B vitamins, as well as vitamins E and A.
  • From millet porridge, the child will receive a lot of calcium, potassium, zinc, chromium, sulfur, copper and other trace elements.
  • Since there is no gluten in millet, porridge from it is allowed for feeding children with intolerance to this protein.
  • Millet has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart, hematopoiesis and liver function.
  • In millet porridge, the ability to accelerate the excretion of toxic substances from the body is noted. For this reason, millet porridge is advised to eat after a course of antibiotics.
  • This dish improves digestive function and helps to normalize the composition of the intestinal microflora. As for whether this porridge strengthens or weakens the stool, it all depends on the recipe, for example, porridge with the addition of an apple or prunes will weaken.


  • Some babies may be allergic to millet porridge, although it is extremely rare, since millet is called a hypoallergenic product.
  • It is necessary to spend time preparing millet for cooking. The cereal should be washed in hot water several times until the drained liquid is clear. Further, millet before cooking is recommended to soak for 1 hour in water at room temperature.
  • If you cook porridge from "old" millet, such a dish will be bitter.

Digesting whole grains of millet at an early age is difficult, so children under one year old are advised to grind millet into flour before making porridge. To do this, the cereals need to be washed, dried and ground with a coffee grinder.

At what age can you give millet porridge to a child?

Porridge from such cereals usually begins to be boiled in water for children who, from the age of 7 months, have become acquainted with rice, buckwheat and corn porridge.

For babies aged 8-10 months, millet should be ground to a state of flour, and then boiled porridge. To prepare porridge for a 10-11-month-old child, millet grinding may already be coarser. Whole grains are not cooked for children under 1-1.5 years old.

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How to feed

The first millet porridge for children under one year old should be liquid and boiled in water. You can add a little women's milk or a mixture familiar to the child. First, the crumbs are offered a small portion of porridge, for example, 1 teaspoon. This is usually done for breakfast, so that by the evening it will be clear if the baby has allergies. With normal tolerance, the next time the portion is doubled until the volume of the entire dish is brought to the age limit.

To diversify the taste of porridge, instead of water, you can take a vegetable or fruit broth. If the child has already tried milk porridge, millet can be boiled in milk. Ready porridge can be mixed with fruit purees, and children over 1.5 years old can add pieces of fruit and berries. A child who is 3-4 years old can make sweet casseroles from millet.

The recipe for the first millet porridge

To prepare a liquid porridge, take 10 g of millet flour and 100-150 ml of water. Bring the water to a boil and then add flour to it. While stirring, cook the porridge for about 3-5 minutes. Before serving, add butter or fruit puree to it, which is already included in your baby's complementary foods.

How to cook porridge with milk?

For children over one year old, take 1/2 cup of millet and 200-250 ml of milk. Pour the grits into the boiled milk and cook over low heat until the millet is soft. Add sugar to your taste. If the dish is intended for a one-year-old child, fruit puree can also be added to such a porridge. For children over 1.5 years old, porridge can be served with pumpkin, pieces of fruit, steamed raisins or berries.

You can also cook milk millet porridge in a slow cooker. Depending on the volume of milk, the dish may turn out to be liquid, viscous or crumbly. When cooking in such a device, milk does not “run away”, and the finished porridge can be kept warm for the required time. Washed millet is poured into a multicooker bowl, poured with milk and salt or sugar is added to taste. Next, select the "cooking" mode and the "porridge" product. When the dish is ready, the multicooker will notify you with a sound signal.

Recipes for other dishes with millet for children

Millet soup with prunes (from 1.5 years old)

Take 500 ml of water, 40 g of millet, 120 g of prunes and a tablespoon of sugar. Sort and rinse the cereal, soaking it for 1-2 hours. Bring water to a boil and put the cereal in it, then boil until tender.

Prunes soaked for several hours are pitted and boiled in a small amount of water, where sugar should be added. Grind the finished prunes through a sieve, add to the boiled millet, pouring in the broth as well. Boil the dish for a few minutes and remove from heat. Serve such a soup is advised chilled, adding a spoonful of sour cream to it.

Millet casserole with raisins (from 3 years old)

For such a dish you will need 100 g of millet, 400 ml of milk, 20 g of raisins, one egg, 2 teaspoons of sugar and 1 teaspoon of sour cream. Cook porridge from millet and milk until tender. Let it cool a little, add a raw egg, sugar and washed raisins. After mixing the ingredients, put them in a greased mold. Lubricate the future casserole with sour cream on top and put in the oven until golden brown.

How to choose millet for baby food?

When buying millet, from which porridge for a child will be cooked, you should carefully examine the grains and ask about expiration dates. It is advisable to buy millet for children in a transparent package, since cereals by weight are exposed to various external factors, which can deteriorate or lose nutrients. Choose millet with a matte finish, bright yellow color, and no debris.

It is not recommended to store millet at home for a long time, because due to the oxidation of fats, stale cereals begin to taste bitter. Store beans in an airtight container in a cool place away from sources of moisture.

For more information about the benefits of millet and millet porridge, see the following video.

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Why is millet porridge useful for a 1 year old child? Millet is a product of the processing of millet grains by a special cleaning method. The beneficial properties of cereal have been known since ancient times, and in Russia this porridge was very popular.

Millet is useful for the rapid growth of the child. The fluorine contained in the structure of the grains favorably affects the growth and formation of the skeletal system. Silicon strengthens the bones, and manganese ensures the functioning of the metabolism. Millet also contains:

  • two types of fiber;
  • folic acid;
  • essential amino acids;
  • carbohydrates and vegetable fats.

Millet porridge can be given to improve the functions of the gastrointestinal tract, it normalizes the microflora and accelerates intestinal motility. The ability to remove toxins from the body and the remains of antibiotics puts millet on the level of therapeutic and preventive nutrition.

A contraindication to feeding a baby with millet is an individual intolerance to cereals, which practically does not occur. Another contraindication may be a poorly formed digestive system of the baby. The question of whether it is possible to give the baby millet in this case will be decided by your pediatrician.

When to introduce complementary foods with millet

When can you give your child millet porridge?

From the age of 8-9 months, it is recommended to introduce complementary foods only from millet flour, and the flour should be of varying degrees of grinding, depending on the age of the baby. An eight-month-old child should cook porridge from grains of the finest grinding. Millet is washed, dried and ground in a coffee grinder. A portion of the finished flour can be stored in a sterilized jar with a lid.

When the baby is one year old, you can feed porridge from coarser grains, and from a year and a half - cook porridge from whole grains.

Introduce complementary foods to a child in a year should be very careful. Start with one coffee spoon and watch carefully for:

  • allergy;
  • constipation;
  • stool disorder.

If everything went well, the portion of the porridge for the child is increased by a spoon per day, gradually bringing it up to a volume of 150-200 grams.

porridge serving size

What should be the correct portion of porridge for a baby? Pediatricians recommend following this scheme:

  • 150 grams - at 6 months;
  • 180 grams - at 8 months;
  • 200 grams - per year;
  • 250 grams - over a year old.

You should start complementary foods with a new type of cereal with one tea or coffee spoon, carefully observing the reaction of the baby to complementary foods. If there is a disorder of the stool or rashes on the face, millet should be removed from the diet. The baby may have intolerance to the constituent components of the grain.

An upset stool (constipation) can be triggered by an imperfection of the digestive system, which is unable to absorb this type of cereal. Also, a negative reaction can be caused by improper grinding of flour - for the initial intake of porridge from millet, cereals must be ground very finely.

How to feed the baby with a new porridge? To do this, you need to add a spoon or two of millet to a serving of the usual food. The next day, the baby is already given 3-4 tablespoons of millet to the main portion of breakfast. So they gradually replace the already familiar porridge with millet, bringing it to the required volume.

A new type of food should not be introduced into the baby's diet if he feels unwell, is naughty, or is recovering from an illness. Also, you can not feed the baby with new food after preventive vaccination.

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millet porridge recipe

Millet porridge for children is a valuable food product that gives energy for vigorous activity. In a year, the baby actively explores the world, is interested in everything and spends a lot of kilocalories on movement. Porridge is able to provide the growing body of the baby with everything necessary for growth and development.

Millet should be chosen very carefully. It is necessary to focus not only on the bright color of the grains, but also on the date of packaging of the product. Old millet is bitter and will discourage a child's desire for food.

Until the baby is one year old, the porridge is boiled in a liquid consistency. To do this, 10 grams of flour is diluted in one hundred grams of water and boiled for 3-5 minutes over low heat. Make sure that the porridge does not burn - constantly stir with a spoon.

After the baby is one year old, you can cook porridge at the rate of half a glass of flour per 200 grams of water. If the baby is used to eating porridge with milk, you can dilute the water with milk. To improve the taste, fruit or vegetable puree, a spoonful of melted butter are added to the finished dish.

wheat porridge recipe

Wheat groats are no less valuable and useful for a baby who is one year old. Wheat porridge replenishes energy consumption, and there is much more iron and phosphorus in it than in millet. Cooking wheat porridge for a child up to a year is necessary in the same way as millet.

First, the cereal should be washed and dried, then grind in a coffee grinder. For babies older than a year, we use a coarser grinding of flour, and a one and a half year old baby can cook porridge already from whole washed cereals.

If the baby refuses porridge, do not force feed. Gradually accustom to new food so that a negative reaction to food intake is not developed. Try adding breast milk or formula to your cereal: the familiar taste will help you adapt to new taste sensations.

Important! You should not offer your baby food cooked yesterday or the day before. All meals must be freshly cooked.

Ingredients for making porridge:

  • 3 tablespoons of millet per one and a half liters of water,
  • half a glass of milk
  • 1 teaspoon butter.

Millet porridge is one of the most popular dishes on our tables and the tables of our ancestors. Millet is in all stores, and is an affordable product. In the old days, millet replaced dishes from potatoes and legumes; in terms of its energy value, it is very high. Millet porridge is very tasty, light and appetizing in appearance.

There are three main ways to process millet:

  • Wheat millet is whole grains, peeled from flower films. Porridge made from such millet is coarser and darker, takes longer to cook and is less digestible.
  • The second way to process millet is grinding, here the porridge is lighter and softer.
  • There is also crushed millet. It cooks the fastest and the porridge from it turns out to be viscous.

Millet porridge is very useful for those living in large cities. When it is used, toxins and heavy metals are released from the body. Despite the fact that millet porridge is very low in calories and is suitable for overweight children, it serves as a cellular tissue restorer and gives strength to a young body.

Millet porridge - mashed potatoes (in milk). Cooking:

Before you cook millet for your baby, it must be sorted out and washed at least five times. It often happens that millet is contaminated, so you need to rinse it until the water becomes clear.

First, millet is released into a large amount of boiling water and boiled until half cooked for 15 minutes. Then the water is drained and milk is poured into the pan. The fire is made minimal and boiled until tender, until the millet is completely boiled. If you take more milk, then the cooking time of porridge will increase and the porridge will be tastier.

At the end of cooking add butter and a bit of sugar.

If the child is still very small and does not chew, then the porridge can be passed through a sieve or ground in a blender. You can also add chopped fruits, such as an apple, pear or banana.

Millet porridge, often referred to simply as millet, is healthy and nutritious. It is usually boiled in milk and served with butter, fruit or stewed vegetables. Millet porridge for children is prepared a little differently.

The dish should be available for assimilation by the baby's digestive tract. Recipes for babies and older children will help not to make a mistake in proportions.

Millet, which after processing becomes millet groats, contains minerals necessary for a person - copper, magnesium, iron, fluorine, manganese, silicon. Also includes:

  • gluten;
  • starch;
  • protein;
  • vitamins PP, A, E and group B;
  • amino acids;
  • fats;
  • nitrogen substances.

Millet porridge for a child is, first of all, a high-calorie dish that promotes growth. The minerals contained in it strengthen the skeletal system and stimulate brain activity. Fiber normalizes metabolism, improves microflora and intestinal motility.

It is also known about the ability of millet to remove residual traces of antibiotics and toxic compounds from the body. Its regular use has a beneficial effect on the condition of the liver and circulatory system.

The potential harm of millet porridge is associated with rare cases of individual hypersensitivity. In this case, the child may appear or malfunction of the intestine.

In children under one year old, millet is sometimes observed after eating. Most often they are associated with the immaturity of the digestive system and improper grinding of cereals for porridge.

At what age can children eat millet porridge?

Millet porridge for babies is allowed only if it is made from cereals, ground to a state of flour. Such porridge is sold in baby food departments, it can also be prepared by washing, drying and grinding cereals in a coffee grinder.

Of course, for a newborn, it will be superfluous. For the first time, a baby can get acquainted with this dish at 8-9 months. Babies who are formula-fed and not breast-fed can be given complementary foods in the form of millet flour porridge as early as 7 months. In a year, you can switch to medium grinding grits.

It is not worth trying whole millet for a baby under 1.5 years old. But having reached this age, children can eat ordinary millet porridge cooked in a slow cooker or on the stove.

Feeding rules

Millet is introduced into complementary foods after rice and buckwheat. You can make changes to the child's menu only if he is healthy and feels good. In the period after, as well as for any ailments, it is not worth giving new dishes for the first time.

Millet porridge is boiled in a mixture familiar to the baby or water. It should be liquid.

For the first time, it is enough to give half a teaspoon. With each new feeding, the amount is doubled until the portion reaches the volume necessary to saturate the child. At 7 months, the baby usually eats 150-170 g at a time.

It is better to start introducing millet porridge into complementary foods in the morning in order to observe the reaction to a new product during the day. The appearance of constipation or an allergic rash is a reason to abandon millet, at least for the current period.

Recipes for children

Recipes for the baby should be chosen according to his age. Millet porridge for babies is made as simple and light as possible, for older children - with various additives.

Up to a year

If the baby is breastfed, millet is cooked in water. To do this, put 10 g of millet flour in 100 ml of boiling water and cook for 3 minutes, stirring.

Millet porridge for formula-fed babies is prepared in the same way, but after cooling to a temperature of 35-40 degrees, a dry mixture is added to it. The proportion is 1.5 scoops per 100 g of millet.

over a year old

Millet porridge for a one-year-old child can become thicker. Medium grinding groats (100 g) are mixed with a glass of boiling water and boiled until tender. It is allowed to add sugar, vegetable puree, berries or fruits that you have already introduced into complementary foods to the finished porridge.

For children over 1.5 years old, millet is given whole, prepared at the rate of 100 g of cereal per 250 ml of water. Millet is thoroughly washed, brought to a boil and boiled over low heat for about 20 minutes. Add sugar or a little salt to taste.

Other millet porridge recipes for children from 1.5 years old:

  • Classic with milk. Ingredients: millet - 200 g; water and milk - 0.4 l each; sugar - 2 tbsp. l.; a pinch of salt; butter - 25 g. The groats are poured with water and boiled until the liquid evaporates, then pre-boiled milk, sugar, salt are added and the porridge is kept on low heat until it thickens. Millet burns easily, so constant monitoring is needed. Oil is added to the finished dish.
  • In a multicooker. Millet porridge in a slow cooker for a child is cooked without much effort and does not require stirring. Proportions: 100 g of cereals, 1.5 measured multicooker glasses of milk and water. All ingredients are placed in a bowl and the Porridge mode is selected. Millet in a slow cooker is cooked from 30 minutes to 1 hour, depending on the model of the device. Salt or sugar is added at the end of the program.
  • With carrots and apples. Millet (100 g) is boiled in lightly salted water (200 ml) for half an hour. In the finished porridge add 1 tbsp. l. honey and vegetable oil, as well as 150 g of apple and 30 g of grated carrots.
  • With pumpkin. There are two versions of this recipe. The first is to add 300 g of peeled pumpkin to the classic millet in milk (cooked in the proportions indicated above). The vegetable is put at the initial stage, along with cereals. The second is cooking millet in a slow cooker. In this case, 150 g of pumpkin is placed in a removable double boiler (provided that it is included in the package), which is installed inside the bowl of the appliance. At the end of the program, pumpkin and millet porridge are combined.

Millet is a satisfying product, but it puts an increased burden on the digestive system. Therefore, adding this porridge to the child's diet, you need to take into account the age of the baby and adhere to the rules for the introduction of complementary foods.