Event for children about bread. Scenario of a thematic holiday about bread in the preparatory group “Bread is the head of everything. Equipment and decoration

Nomination: The best development of extracurricular activities of GEF IEO

Topic: Bread is the head of everything!

Nikiforova Alevtina Valentinovna, primary school teacher, municipal budgetary educational institution "Savgachev secondary school"
Event scenario Target: Formation of moral value orientations in the course of joint cognitive activity.Tasks:
1. Introduce students to the stages of bread production.
2. Learn about the professions of people who help get bread on the table;

3. To instill in students a careful attitude to bread;

4. To cultivate respect for the work of grain growers;

5. Tell about the blockade of Leningrad, about the daily norm of bread.
6. Development of creative and musical abilities of schoolchildren.
7. Assistance in strengthening friendly relations between junior and senior students.

Class equipment and decoration : the loaf is depicted on the board on a beautiful embroidered towel, it is decorated with ears of wheat and wild flowers; posters with proverbs about bread; exhibition of books about bread; on the table, covered with an embroidered towel - "loaf", - an exhibition of bakery products.

Holiday progress:

Teacher: Guys, please guess the riddle:
A bowl of soup between the elbows
And he is in the hands of everyone in chunks.

Without it, apparently

Not tasty and not satisfying!
Students: This is bread. (Slide 1)
Teacher: Yes, you guessed it right, today we will talk about bread.It is on our table every day. Neither breakfast nor lunch is complete without it. He accompanies us throughout our lives. Every day, sitting at the table for breakfast, lunch, dinner, my mother cuts and puts on the table slices of delicious, ruddy bread with a beautiful crispy crust. We pronounce the word bread with love and warmth.

"Bread" - Olga Stratonovich
It's not hard to live without cutlets,
Kissel is not often needed,
But it's bad if there is no bread
For lunch, breakfast, dinner.
He is the king of food, even though he looks modest.
From antiquity to the present
Among the dishes of various bread stands
Honored in the middle.
He is tens of thousands of years old.
People fought for centuries
Until our bread has become like this,
What lies on the dish.
You will find it on the table
Romans and Greeks
In the war, in the time of fierce troubles,
Saved man's bread.
And now he feeds people's bread -
Doctors, soldiers, workers.
And this gift of his land
We must take great care!

Teacher. We all eat bread every day. Many of you love drying, rolls, gingerbread, various cookies, cakes. How many of you know what all this is made of? (Children's answers.)

What is flour? What is it obtained from? (Children answer.)

Wheat flour is obtained from wheat grains, and rye flour is obtained from rye grains. To get flour from grains, you need to spend a lot of work: first grow rye and wheat, then harvest. This is what farmers do. Guys, do you want to know what kind of work this is?

Students . Yes!

Teacher . First, the growers prepare the soil for sowing. In autumn, they fertilize the fields using special spreaders. (Slide 2) Then the tractors plow the land, mixing fertilizer with the ground. At the same time, the soil is loosened with harrows so that there are no lumps. In the spring, as soon as the earth dries out, tractors come out into the field. Who is driving the tractor? (Slide 3)

Students . The tractor is driven by a tractor driver.

Teacher . The tractor pulls an iron plow behind it, which plows the ground deep.

Tractors go out into the steppe,

Pull plows on a trailer.

Cut with a plow like a knife

Fat, juicy black soil. (S. Pogorelovskiy)

presenter . And then the earth became soft, loose. You can start sowing! Special seeders are attached to tractors. From them, even, neat rows of grain fall into the ground. (Slide 4)


Golden grains will fall into the soil,

Stems will rise above the black arable land.

And the sun warms up,

And the earth will turn green.

Wheat under spring rain

It will grow and thrive. (M. Poznanskaya)

Teacher . So the wheat has risen. (Slide 5) After the spring, summer will come, and the ear will pour imperceptibly. Grains in ears ripen all summer. But now the grains are ripe. (Slide 6) Harvest begins. Combines go into the field. (Slide 7) Who works on the combine?

Students. A harvester is working on a harvester.

Teacher . The harvester cuts the ears and grinds the grains out of them. These grains are poured into trucks along a special long sleeve. (Slide 8)


The bread is ripe, but to our table

Didn't come straight from the field.

From the field even to the shops

Bread is too early to go.

He got into cars

And hurries to the elevator. (P. Sinyavsky)

Teacher. To get bread and other bakery products, grain is transported from elevators to flour mills or mills. There it is ground into flour. (Slide 9) So they brought flour to the bakery. There, delicious, fragrant bread, buns, loaves, bagels are baked from it, everything that no breakfast, lunch or dinner can do without. (Slide 10)

Teacher. In order for bread to come to our table, many people of different professions must work hard. What are these professions? (Mechanic operators, tractor operators, combine operators, cooks, agronomists, millers, drivers, bakers, confectioners, sellers.)
Teacher.Now I invite you to become bakers, and you will find out what bakery products you need to bake by taking part in the relay game.
A game is being held - a relay race: "What have we baked?".
The students are divided into groups. The task is given: to collect a word from the letters and guess the name of the bakery product. (Kalach, pie, bun, bread, long loaf, loaf, Easter cake, bun)

The most delicious, incomparable,
Everyone knows from childhood -
This is our ordinary
And my favorite Russian bread:
Loaf odorous, noble,
pretzels and rolls,
Fragrant bagel with poppy seeds,
And Easter cakes.
Can be eaten with honey and butter
With cheese, fish, ham
And with caviar, a circle of sausage
White bread or rye.
Pies are special bread,
They are served for the holiday
And they cook everything with muffin
And they bake with stuffing.
Donuts, donuts, cheesecakes
They want to jump off the baking sheet -
These are bread toys
On holiday, joy for the guys.
Or gingerbread, cookies -
What mom bakes
Food for kids
Open your mouth wide! (I. Konkov)

Teacher. And now, please, listen carefully to the lines of the poem "Crackers", which the 7th grade students will read to us.
And my grandmother dried crackers,
And I understood that it is not necessary to dry.
But there was a blockade behind her back,
And my grandmother dried crackers.
And often laughed at myself:
After all, there is no war, what happiness it is,
And a bakery nearby, right around the corner…
But at night she only dreamed of one thing -
As the sun over her land eclipsed,
And grief, without knocking, burst into the house.
Blockade wind tore terribly,
And the “burzhuyka” cooled down in my memory ...

And my grandmother told me
How she burned with joyvictory
Warrior jokingly called grandfather,
Who was a sapper in the war.
And the grandfather was angry: “Dries crackers!
And puts it in a white pillowcase.
When will I make you conscious?”
And my grandmother dried crackers.
She left in the cold winter.
Blockade wind flew through the years.
Bad weather went hungry crying
Above the white and frozen ground.
“Under ninety, whatever you say.
And so much to endure, and so much to endure.
Did not raise a hand to take out of the house
Heavy rye crackers.
(Ian Brushtein)

Teacher. Our grandparents, who survived the famine of war, know the real price of bread.For 900 days, Leningraders lived under the blockade. (Slide 11) At this time, the workers received 250 g of bread per day, and the inhabitants of the city - 125 g.

To the sound of a metronome, a student carries 125 g of black bread on a tray through the whole class, and the teacher reads the memoir of a nurse from kindergarten No. 5, Otradnoye, Leningrad Region, V.I. Bogdanova. “I remember a dark sticky little piece of bread. Only one piece! For all adults and children. All day. And my mother slowly cuts it into identical cubes ... I remember how I crawled on my knees on the floor, hoping to find at least some crumb of bread. I remember my grandmother, old, thin. She often gave us children her rations. I remember my mother, sick, exhausted, who, along with other women, was dragging a plow across collective farm arable land in the Vologda Oblast. And this memory burns my heart with hatred for the war all the years.

The diary of Tanya Savicheva is kept in the Leningrad Museum of History. Here is a page from it (reads): “Zhenya died on December 28 at 12 o’clock in the morning, 1941. Grandmother died on January 25 at 3 o’clock in the afternoon, 1942. Lena died on March 17 at 5 o’clock in the morning, 1942. Uncle Vasya died on April 13 at 2 o’clock nights of 1942. Uncle Lesha died on May 10 at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, 1942. Mom - on May 13 at 7:30 in the morning, 1942. The Savichevs died. All died. Only Tanya remained. Tanya was taken to the village of Shatki in the Gorky region, but the girl, exhausted by hunger, died.

Teacher . None of us remains indifferent to historical documents that speak of the fate of people who lacked a crumb of bread and died. And in our time we cherish and appreciate bread?
But there are such children who commit rash acts, do not think about the value and importance of bread, about the need to protect and appreciate it. And now, grade 4 students will read us a poem by S. Mikhalkov "Bulka".
Three boys down the alley
Like playing football
Back and forth they drove a bun
And they scored a goal with it.
An unfamiliar uncle walked by,
Stopped and sighed
And, almost without looking at the guys,
He extended his hand to that bun.
Then, frowning angrily,
He blew the dust off her for a long time
And suddenly calmly and openly
Kissed her in front of everyone.
“Who are you?” the children asked.
Forget about football for a while.
- I'm a baker! - the man replied
And with a bun, he slowly left.
And that word smelled like bread
And that special warmth
Which are poured under the sky
Seas of golden wheat

Guys, how do you handle bread? (Answers of children). A raid was carried out in our school cafeteria: how do the children of our school feel about bread? He will tell you about the results of our raid... How should we all handle bread?“Take bread for dinner in moderation. Bread is a treasure, don’t litter it. ”(Slide 12) Handle bread with care, never throw it away. Remember that bread does not lose its taste even after a few days. Take as much bread as you can eat, and if you haven’t eaten, dry it and drink tea with crackers. They can also be eaten with first courses.

Guys, I think you understand how much human labor, sometimes even at the risk of life, how much love, patience, care people put into growing bread. And we must appreciate, cherish and respect their work, treat bread with care.

Teacher. Bread is one of the most amazing products of human labor. No wonder the people created the proverbs “Earth is mother, and bread is father”, “Bread is life”, “Bread is the breadwinner”, “You will live without gold, but not without bread”.(Slide 13) . An abundance of bread is the cherished dream of millions of people. We sometimes forget about the true price of bread, about the fact that relatively inexpensive rolls, loaves have absorbed the great work of not one person, the work of many people. Thousands of people work to grow grain, harvest, thresh, grind, and finally bake bread. After all, the grains did not immediately become Bread, that which is on the table, People long and hard. Work hard on the ground!Teacher: And in conclusion of our holiday, I would like to say these words:
Remember how two and two
Folk wisdom words:
Who does not value bread,
He will run past life.
Will you remember my words
Waking up in the morning at dawn.
After all, there is nothing more precious in life,
Than fresh bread in this wide world.
And, if each of you is not deaf, not blind.
Appreciate native folk bread.
After all, the baker was right - a wise man -
There is no more expensive bread in life! (Slide 14)

(Children perform "The Song of Bread" (music by V. Vitlin, lyrics by P. Kaganova).)

And now help yourself, take dryers, cookies, gingerbread. Eat, do not be shy, gain health and thank those who baked them! (Tea drinking.)

List of used literature.

    L. S. Beskorovaynaya, O. V. Perekatieva, S. A. Shin “Scenarios of school holidays, competitions, quizzes, games”.

    M.Yu.Zhenilo "Scenarios of holidays, competitions, quizzes, games for students in grades 4."

    V. Datskevich "From grain to loaf".

    Internet resources


"Bread is the head of everything."





To the sounds of the song "Russian Field" a student enters the hallAND AND LINE UP ON THE STAGE.

Leading: Dear guests, dear children! We have gathered here today to talk about the miracle - the earth, the miracle of human labor - bread.

All: Glory to peace on earth!

Glory to the bread on the table!

1: Hearing the good news

Seeing the strength of the country

Bread we honor by honor

You must bow.

2: We need both meat and fruits.

However, if strictly judge.

You can live without many foods...

You can't live without bread forever.

3: Everything is the head and foundation,

It contains the work of a grain grower, their sweat.

And bread - an affectionate word -

People often call him.

What is a feast without bread?

Ever since the dawn of time

Not in vain in Russia with bread and salt

Welcome guests.

4: Lush, soft, baked,

slightly browned,

Bread with golden crust

Came to you from afar.

Leading: How did you come to people, bread?

1st spike: Here, listen to the story.

A long time ago it was when people lived in tribes in caves and ate the meat of animals. It so happened that they destroyed all the animals, and there was nothing for them to eat. So they went in search of other places where they could feed themselves. They walked for a long time, many died of hunger. This is what happened to one person. He fell, losing consciousness from debilitating hunger. When he woke up, there was no one around him. And suddenly, over the failure, he saw an amazing plant, from which small pebbles rained down on him. He decided to try one of them, and suddenly a pleasant smell and taste revived him. He began to collect these pebbles, which turned out to be grains, and eat them. These grains acted on him like medicine. He got stronger and recovered, and he immediately wanted to tell people about it. He collected these grains and went to look for people. Seeing him alive and unharmed, people were surprised, and he told them about a miracle - a spikelet.

Since then, people began to eat a miracle - spikelets. Later, they began to crush the grains, dry them on stones, and feed on it.

The second spike enters.

2nd spike: And I want to give you a fairy tale. But this story is not simple! Do you want to listen and see it?

Once upon a time there lived the Sun, Earth and Labor. The Earth nourished every blade of grass, the Sun caressed, and Labor protected. But where not to come from ...

The Bum enters.

Trifle: Oh, I love messing around! Oh, I love! No wonder I'm called the Bum. Most of all I dislike work. Have you guys seen him?

Labor appears, in his hands he carries grain.

Work(looks at grain): How small you are, and how much goodness you have!

The trifle pounces on him from behind and tries to take away the seed.

Trifle: Anyway, I will become the mistress of the Earth!

Work: Labor will rule the world!

Trifle: Ha! Let's call a man. Let him decide whether to sweat himself or do nothing, lying in the shade ...

Work: As you wish. (A man appears.) Here's a handful of grain for you. If you manage to grow a good harvest, you will bring joy to everyone.

Trifle: And if you don’t grow up, if you want to (yawns) take a nap and relax (stretches) then we'll be friends.

Human (bows to Labor) : Thank you, Father Trud! I won't let you down.

Russian folk melody sounds. A man sows seeds to the music. At each wave of the hand, shoots run out and lead round dances.


Trifle: Well, you must! Labor takes over! Oh, it was, it wasn't! I'll call Frost, let him freeze the shoots. Hey you, fierce frosts! Here! Here!

Frosts fly in ("Red Nose" and "Blue Nose") and run around the hall.

Work: Guys! Trouble can happen! Rather in a circle! Let's not let the Frost destroy the green shoots of bread!

Children surround shoots.

Frost: I'm Frost - Red Nose! I'm Frost - Blue nose! Let's measure strength! If we pull the rope - our seedlings.

Tug of war game. Children win, Frosts run away.

Trifle: Oh, and loafers these Frosts! Well, yes, I still have dry winds in reserve! Winds! Dry winds! Respond! Show up!

The winds are blowing.

Well, sushi! Well, ruin!

Human: Our seedlings need moisture! Their salvation is in the water. There is a lake in the distance. It is necessary to deliver as much moisture as possible here! But dry winds will try to take over the water, so I need your help.

The game "Do not spill the water." In the middle of the room is a bowl of water. This lake. It is necessary to scoop up water with a spoon and quickly transfer it to a glass that stands at the seedlings, dry winds do the same, only they carry water in the opposite direction. Which glass will contain more water?

Shoots: Thanks guys for getting us drunk!

Trifle: Woe to me, woe! I'm leaving you! Ugh! What a disgusting story! And I didn't get to live here...

The third Spikelet appears.

3rd spike: Your fairy tale is good, brother Kolosok!

But grains did not immediately become

The bread that is on the table.

People long and hard

Work hard on the ground!

Leading: The work of a farmer is not easy. Bread is not created in a cozy room under a roof. To all winds and showers, to all the vagaries of nature, a wheat field is open. The one who grows bread will not leave a half-eaten piece anywhere. Do so too. From a young age, learn to appreciate the work of others.

The sacred work is to grow bread. From a grain of wheat, you can get about 20 milligrams of first grade flour. It takes 10,000 grains to bake one loaf! How much does it take to feed the people?

1st student: Loaf of earth and sky

On your table -

Nothing is stronger than bread

No on earth.

2nd student: In every little piece

grain fields,

And on each spike

The earth is holding.

3rd student: In a small grain of wheat

Summer and winter

The power of the sun is stored

And native land.

4th student: And grows under the bright sky

Slender and tall

Like the homeland of the immortal

Bread spikelet.

5th student: So that the ears could rise,

People need to bend over the arable land.

In the bread we smell the earth

And the perseverance of the work of the tiller.

Leading: Yes, adults, recalling the difficulties they had to experience in the fields, say:

Before this arable land, throw off your hat, son,

You see, the bread stalk breaks through,

How much work is invested in this grain,

Only the sun, the wind and the water know...

Song "Russian Field"

Field, Russian field...

The moon is shining or the snow is falling -

Happiness and pain with you

No, my heart will never forget you!

Russian field, Russian field...

How many roads I had to walk!

You are my youth, you are my will

What has come true, what has come true in life!

Can't compare to you

No forest, no sea

You are with me, my field

The wind is blowing in the temple.

Here is my Fatherland,

And I will say without melting:

Hello Russian field,

I am your thin spikelet.

Game "Helping the Harvest"

Leading: Bread! What a familiar and yet unusual word! He is famous for being the first on earth (on the table). "Sacred gift" - this is how bread was called in besieged Leningrad during the Great Patriotic War.

1st student: Bread was always held in high esteem in Russia -

Its open spaces are the main wealth,

Do you want to know its price? -

Leningraders can answer you.

2nd student: In the smoke of the Leningrad sky,

But worse than mortal wounds

Heavy bread, blockade bread

One hundred twenty-five grams.

3rd student: During the blockade of Leningrad, the norms for issuing bread to the inhabitants of the city had to be sharply reduced. Workers received 250 grams per day, and the rest of the inhabitants - 125 grams. This bread consisted of a small amount of flour, wood pulp, cake, bran and other impurities. And yet he helped the people of Leningrad survive.

4th student: 641,803 Leningraders died of starvation during the blockade. There are thousands of graves at the Piskarevsky cemetery. There are always a lot of people around one. They stand silently and cry. On the grave among the flowers lies a slice of black bread. And next to it is a note: “Daughter, if I could give it to you then ...”

Leading: Many people know the sad story of 11-year-old Leningrad schoolgirl Tanya Savicheva. The Museum of the History of St. Petersburg keeps her diary. It contains short tragic entries:

Uncle Lesha died on May 10 at 4 p.m. day 1942

The Savichevs are dead. All died. Only Tanya remained.

Dying Tanya managed to be taken out with an orphanage to the village of Shatki, Gorky region. But exhausted by hunger, the girl died.

Sounds "Requiem" V.-A. Mozart.

4th student: In Leningrad - this was in the fifties - on Nevsky Prospekt, near the Moika, trams suddenly rang (they still ran on Nevsky Prospekt), cars honked, policemen whistled, and somehow all traffic suddenly stopped. An elderly woman was walking along the roadway with her hand outstretched. The drivers were cursing, the driver was shouting something, the crowd was noisy, but the woman was moving forward, blocking the way for transport. Then she picked up something and, clutching it to her chest, went back ... Approaching the noisy crowd, she extended her hand, and everyone saw a piece of mutilated bread, or rather, the remnants of what was bread. It is difficult to explain how he got on the carriageway. Apparently, someone too well fed, who did not survive the blockade, threw this piece of bread.

5th student: And then the following lines were born to the poet R. Rozhdestvensky:

Traffic on the Nevsky Prospekt has stopped...

Not at night, no, in broad daylight.

On the pavement, like a statue.

The figure of a woman is visible.

There, on the road, as in a dream,

The gray-haired woman stood

In her outstretched arms

The black humpback lay.

No, not a crust, but a piece,

Disfigured by heartlessness,

Crushed by many machines

And all forgotten indifference ...

And the woman was holding bread

This piece would then -

And I wouldn't lose my son.

This piece would then...

This piece would then...

Who defiled? Who forgot?

The blockades are terrible years ...

Who, throwing bread on the road,

Forgot how the neighbor died?

Children's hungry eyes

With frozen horror, in tears.

And who forgot Piskarevka?

There are no personal graves...

There is an eternal silent groan

It torments the memory of those times.

They didn't get that piece

Lying here at your feet.

A piece that did not give life ...

Who threw bread - he took life.

Who betrayed the bread?

Song "Crust of Bread"

6th student: You and everyone who ate bread today, who bought it, brought it home, -

look at the bread. Friend! You hold a treasure in your hands.

All: Bread must be saved!

7th student: Don't throw bread, don't trample it!

Don't brag that you're full!

The fact that you and others have bread today is not a personal merit, but the result of the efforts of the entire state, of the entire people, of all who lived on earth, who lives now.

Remember that bread does not lose its taste even after 2-3 days. Do not buy extra bread, but try to eat what you have bought. If there is a little bread left, cut it into thin slices and dry it in the oven. Tasty tea with such crackers. They can also be eaten with soup. If you skip the remaining dried pieces of bread through a meat grinder, you get breadcrumbs.

Leading: Remember: if each of us throws away half a slice of bread a day, then 7 kg, or 15 loaves, will be gained in a year. If we multiply them by the number of people living in our country, it will turn out that together we will throw away the bread that was grown by over 350 collective and state farms, 3.5 million people participated in the production of the bread we threw away. The state, because of our careless attitude to bread, suffered a loss of more than 97 million rubles. Think about these numbers.

If a loaf, a long loaf stale and they were thrown away, it means that the grain grower, flour miller worked in vain, the baker stood at the hot oven in vain ...

7th student: The grains of our days shine

Carved with gilding.

We say take care

Take care of your own bread!

We do not dream of a miracle -

To us fields live speech.

All: Take care of bread, you are people

Learn to save bread!

Song "Golden Grain"

The grain field is as big as the sea -

Do not count the ears of corn on it.

In friendly patrol, in honorary patrol

We treasure every grain.


grain, grain

golden drop,

Harvest drop.

We warm the grain with care

In the warm and kind palms of the fields.

The sun also has enough work

To ring the bread more cheerfully.


grain, grain

golden drop,

Harvest drop.

Bread grains are a fabulous treasure

They will hide in the ground and rise together.

The best award in the world

This is a living reward for work.


grain, grain

golden drop,

Harvest drop.

1st student: In the years of hardship and deprivation

The new world was masculine and crepe

The people walked in the fire of battles

For freedom and bread.

So the correct words are:

“Bread is the head of all life!”

2nd student: Eat it, grow and remember:

There is no greater work in the world

To come to your table

Fresh bread.

3rd student: When you guys are sitting at the table,

Then remember who created the bread for you.

student: Worker, oilman, builder,

Miner, machinist, metallurgist,


All: People!

Leading: Hey, girls - laughter,

Start singing ditties

Start having fun

To please guests.


1. We live in Tuchkovo,

Drying, chewing gingerbread.

We know a lot of ditties

And now for you

2. Printed gingerbread,

So elegant!

We won't eat them right away.

Let's take a look first.

3. But grains did not immediately become

The bread that is on the table,

People long and hard

Work hard on the ground.

4. He does not fall to us from the sky,

It doesn't appear all of a sudden.

To grow an ear of bread,

Dozens of hands are needed.

5. Rain, rain, water -

There will be a glorious harvest:

There will be white wheat

There will be rye and lentils.

6. I embrace with joyful eyes

Far from the endless fields.

Glory to those who love the earth!

To those who work on it!

4th student: If we want someone

Meet with honor and honor,

Meet generously, from the heart,

With great respect,

We meet such guests

Lush round loaf.

He is on a painted saucer,

With a white towel.

5th student: Here it is, fragrant bread,

With a crisp twisted crust,

Here it is - warm, golden -

Like sun-filled.

In every house, on every table

He complained - he came.

6th student: In it is our health, strength,

It has wonderful warmth.

How many hands raised him

Saved, saved!

7th student: In it is the earth's native juice,

The sun's light is merry in it.

Gobble up both cheeks

Grow rich.

8th student: We bring salt with a loaf,

Bowing, we ask you to taste:

Our dear guest and friend,

Take bread - salt from your hands!

(Each class is given on a tray with an embroidered towel CARAVAY)

Song "Spike"

1. Green rye sprout 2. Teach him to grow

Looks over the field. Any spring rain.

Funny and surprised, And every ray of sunshine

Like a first grader in the field. Warm and helpful.

Chorus: Chorus is the same.

Grow, spikelet - 2 times.

You just came out of the seed.

Grow, spikelet - 3 times.

Grow, spikelet to the sun.

9th student: Everything has to do with bread.

Russian bread is involved in everything:

To the friendship of nations, to the movement of satellites,

To peace, truth, to your happiness.

VED. : Let's remember the folk wisdom: "Bread is the head of all life."

And we will always remember the people who grow bread.

ALL: Glory to the bread and the hands that raised him!

Glory! Glory! Glory!


    Rope for the game.

    A bowl of water.

  1. 6 scarves for blindfolding.

    Bag for a person.


Whoever hopes for heaven sits without bread.

Without salt it is tasteless, but without bread it is insatiable.

If there is not a piece of bread, then there is longing in the tower.

Heads, and the student - from the "tail". Student ... Presenter 2: We love you everything we will teach and teach to be a student ...

Target: Formation of careful attitude to bread.


1. Deepen students' knowledge about bread.

2. To cultivate a sense of respect for the work of grain growers.

3. Develop logical thinking.

4. Develop fine motor skills of the hands.

5. Expand the knowledge that children have about the signs associated with bread.

6. Develop imagination.

Hall decoration: On the table - a loaf on a towel or a plate with sliced ​​​​bread, on the board - bundles of bagels, drawings depicting bread. If possible, you can put spikelets of wheat in a vase.


4 children.

Costume elements

Baker - cap, white coat, basket with bakery products.

Children are dressed in normal school clothes.


- "Buns" made of foam or foam rubber.

Several glasses of compote.

Drawings schematically depicting the stages of bread baking.

Salty dough.

The holiday begins with a scene. The bell rings.

1st child: Turn! More to the dining room!

Three or four people are seated at a table on the stage. On the table - "buns", compote in glasses. One child indulges in a bun: first he crumbles it, then he starts throwing it at the others.

2nd child: Enough! Gotta love bread!

3rd child: It's not funny to be naughty with bread!

4th child(the one who dabbled): It's funny to me alone!

1st child: This (points to the bun) is the head of everything!!! The children run away.

Enter a baker in a white cap. In his hands is a basket of bread - loaves, loaves, buns. On the neck - a bunch of dryers. Sings to the motive of the song “We are not stokers, not carpenters” (from the film “Height”):

We are not stokers, we are not carpenters,

But there are no bitter regrets...

We are workers of the bakery,

Greetings from the bakery!!!

Baker: Hello guys! I'm here straight from work. Straight from the bakery. I brought fresh baked goods. And you did a good job. Often children play with bread! Often! But aren't you?

Children: Not!

Baker: What do you think a baker does at a bakery?

Children: Bakes bread!

Baker: Right! But what a long way the loaf goes before being on the counter of the store! Let's see where the path of bread begins.

Game "Where does the bread come from"

Children are shown drawings depicting arable land, a mill, harvesting, sowing, a shop, a bakery. They need to be placed in the correct order.

For the correct sequence, the child is awarded drying.

Baker: Well done guys!!! Oh, we have a lot of work at the bakery. First, cars bring flour and it is stored in our cellars. Then it is sieved, salt, sugar, yeast, water are added and the dough is kneaded. And they don’t bake anything from dough - they cut it into pieces, squares, roll “sausages”, weave pigtails - real craftsmen work !!! But it all starts with a m-a-a-scarlet seed planted in the ground.

Reads the poem "About bread":

The peasants have solemn faces,

The field is lit up at dawn.

Into the ground behind the collective farm village

Bread grain is laid.

It sleeps in the Kuban cradle.

Like a father, bent over the grain

In a jacket altered from an overcoat,

Agronomist, pale with excitement.

Let the field thrive.

Will be full this fall

Our rye, our wheat

All granaries in the country.

People work day and night in the fields to grow and harvest wheat. Whatever the weather, rain, heat...

During the sowing period, grain growers face many difficulties - this is both drought and the scorching sun. This is how much work the villagers put in to get bread on the table!

Do you love bread?

Children: YES!!!

They sing a song to the tune of "Songs about Summer" (from the m / f "Santa Claus and Summer"):

Here it is, a crust of bread,

With an appetizing crunch, with a delicate taste...

And fried and fragrant,

There is nothing nicer...

La la la la la la,

Nothing tastes better!!!

The shop smells delicious

The baker bakes bread for us for dinner,

Every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday

And on all other days...

La la la la la la,

And on all other days.

For soup, goulash and semolina

Our crust is given at the table,

For tea, rolls, bagels, cheesecakes

And, of course, drying...

La la la la la la,

Bagels, cheesecakes, dryers...

Baker: Yes, it turned out to be a hymn to bread!!! I am satisfied!!! Only now they forgot about the pies ... But I will remind you now. And then drying, cheesecakes ...

The game "Mom bakes pies"

A poem is read, which is accompanied by appropriate actions.

This is how grandma spins

Mom bakes a cake

So the sister calls the chickens,

I got on the linden in the morning.

Grandfather chops firewood like this,

I carry them deep into the yard.

So the father is a planer - a plow,

I can do everything, my friend!

Baker: What good fellows you are! You all succeed!

Do you know that giving bread meant wishing prosperity and wealth? Since ancient times, bread and all bread plants were considered sacred. Bread was to be treated with special reverence. It was customary for our ancestors of the Slavs to keep a loaf of bread in a red corner. The bread lying in front of the icons symbolized the connection between people and God. Can you tell me any signs related to bread?

Children tell proverbs and sayings about bread that they have prepared in advance.

You can't cut bread without a knife.

Without salt it is not tasty, but without bread it is not satisfying.

Bread is not food without salt.

No salt, no bread - half a meal.

Without a piece of bread, longing is everywhere.

Without holy bread, everything will become boring.

Kalach will become boring, but never bread.

Everyone earns his own bread.

Work is bitter, but bread is sweet.

They reap at times, but they chew in the winter.

If you chase after a loaf, you will lose a loaf.

Baker: Since we are talking about loaves, I suggest you try to make a loaf yourself.

"Caravan Competition"

The baker takes out the salt dough.

Making it is very simple: 1 cup flour, 3/4 cup salt, 5 tablespoons vegetable oil, a little warm water, a little starch. For color, gouache can be added to the dough.

Children take a small piece and within 10-15 minutes sculpt small "loaves". Then the Baker arranges an exhibition of loaves.

It is desirable to reward all the "bakers".

Baker: How talented you are! You can already be taken to our factory - everyone has such wonderful loaves! In the meantime, the loaves are “baked” - they dry, I suggest you play the game again about pies.

The game "Zhok-zhok-zhok is a pie"

The baker reads the poem, and the children finish the last word in each line.

Zhok-zhok-zhok is (a pie).

Shki-shki-shki - mom fries (pies).

Shki-shki-shki - we love (pies).

Zhok-zhok-zhok - eat, Zhenya, (pie).

Ah-ah-ah - here (kalach).

Chi-chi-chi - baked in the oven (kalachi).

Chi-chi-chi - we love (kalachi).

Chi-chi-chi - there will be (kalachi) for the holiday.

Baker: Many poets glorify bread in their poems. Do you know poems about bread?

Children take turns reading lines from the poem:

Only the snow came down in April,

How the fields turned green.

We say: "Bread".

Boundless golden expanse,

Combine harvesters work there.

We say: "Bread".

Here the grain flows like a river,

To become flour.

We say: "Bread".

The dough is spinning in the kneader

Baked on fire.

We say: "Bread".

Eat it, grow and remember:

There is no greater work in the world

To come to your table

Fresh bread.

Baker: Yes, great work! You already understood it!!! Can you guess riddles on the “bread” topic?

Guess easily and quickly:

Soft, fluffy and fragrant,

He is black, he is white

And it gets burned. (Bread)

Bird Yuritsa looks at the wind,

She flaps her wings, she doesn't move. (Windmill)

At the cake, loaf, drying, buns, pie

From birth, a gray-haired mother named ... (Flour)

The ship-giant on the earth goes.

The field will pass - the harvest will be harvested. (Combine)

Grew up in a field house.

The house is full of grain.

The walls are gilded.

The shutters are boarded up. (Corn)

All riddles solved! Yes, bread is a gift from the earth. In the famine years, people had to save every crumb, because they received only one hundred grams of bread a day, a very small piece. And these crumbs helped them survive in that harsh time. Therefore, even now they are so reverent about bread.

The younger generation does not know what hunger is. Therefore, he has a completely different attitude to bread. We should be ashamed when we just throw away the unfinished pieces. You can’t do this with bread, because so much work has been invested in it. Tractor drivers, combine operators in the field, bakers at bakeries work sparing no effort so that each of us always has bread on the table. And we must respect their work. Bread must be eaten, and crumbs must be fed to the birds.

Bread must be saved!

Children take turns reading the lines of the poem:

Save our bread!

Don't waste bread!

Respect our bread!

Don't play with bread!

You can't throw away bread!

Take care of the bread, friends!

Baker: Well, guys, I have to go to the bakery. It is necessary to bake bread so that stores do not remain without a product that all people need.

Here it is, fragrant bread,

Here it is, warm and golden.

In every house, on every table

He complained, he came.

In it is our health, strength, in it is wonderful warmth.

How many hands raised him, protected him, took care of him.

In it - the earth's native juice,

The sun's light is cheerful in it ...

Gobble up both cheeks, grow up as a hero!

While reading the poem, the Baker distributes the buns from his basket to the children.

The baker leaves. Any song about bread sounds.

Topic:“The miracle of the earth is bread!”

Goals: to expand knowledge about the benefits of bread, about its value, about the hard work of a grain grower. To cultivate a sense of a thrifty attitude to bread, a respectful attitude towards the work of a machine operator, a baker, and love for the native land.

Hall decoration:

on the stage is a three-dimensional panel "Grain field". Above the stage is a poster: "The miracle of the earth is bread." There are posters in the hall: “Bread is the head of all life!” "A lot of snow - a lot of bread!". "He is famous for being the first on earth, he is famous for being the first on the table."
“A loaf of bread will not fall from the sky”, “Earth is mother, and bread is father”. Children's drawings on the topic: "Bread is the head of everything." Exhibition of books about bread. Sheaves of grain crops. The festive table is laid, on it are ruddy buns, pies, gingerbread, in the center - a loaf of bread on a towel.

Equipment: screen, video fragments, musical synthesizer, costumes of the "heroes" of the holiday, projector, slides.
To the sounds of the song "Russian Field" (music by Y. Frenkel, lyrics by I. Goff), the participants of the holiday in costumes enter the hall.

(The screen shows an enlarged poster on the topic “How bread came to you.”)

In order to prepare children for the perception of the material, it is advisable to start the holiday by reading a poem: There is a proverb among the people

"Bread is on the table, and the table blossomed."
But anyway, as it comes
Is this bread on your table?

Teacher: Dear Guys! As you may have guessed, we will talk about bread. We meet with bread every day. Neither a modest breakfast, nor an everyday lunch, nor a festive table can do without it. He accompanies us from birth to old age. Guys, in ancient times there was no bread like it is now, but the grain fields were already growing even then. However, the grains of wheat were different from ours, they were much smaller and different in taste. There is such a legend. It was a long time ago, during the Stone Age. When heavy rain and cold came to earth, the man had nothing to eat.
And then he first noticed a spikelet of wheat. To make the grains convenient to eat, they were moistened with water. Then man learned to grind grains into flour. And then one day in one of the stone caves a man left a pot of wheat porridge by the fire. The fire imperceptibly crept up to the pot. The pot could not stand the heat and burst. The noise woke the man. He ran to the fire and saw that his food had turned to stone. When the stone cooled down, the man began to clean it and suddenly felt an unfamiliar smell. Putting a piece in his mouth, the man closed his eyes in pleasure. So the night fire in the cave taught me how to bake bread.

The word "bread" first appeared in ancient Greece. There they used special-shaped pots for baking - “klibanos”. It is consonant with our word "bread".
Bread has no price. Its value cannot be measured in pennies.

After the intro, the song "Golden Seed", music by Y. Chichkov, lyrics by Sinyavsky.

To this song, ten girls in costumes (a green scarf with a yellow ear of wheat on their heads, white T-shirts, green skirts) perform the Golden Wheat dance.

1 student:

Rye, rye...
field road
It leads to no one knows where.
Hanging low over the field
The wires groan lazily.
Rye, rye - to the vault of blue.
You can hardly see somewhere in the distance
The horseman's hat dives,
The truck floats in the dust.

2 student:

Rye was born.
Deadlines are close.
Weighted to the edge
The whole field leaned towards the road,
Hung over - at least prop it up
Know, ear, tightly stuffed,
Tetrahedral, gold,
Tired of holding pounds, wagons,
Compositions of bread above ground.

3 student:

In the world I saw bread
Not a lot.
Peasant woman him out of the oven
I took it out.
And put it on the table, overshadowing
He rested covered
There was a strong smell in the chamber
At the meal they ate it without
Not a crumb, not a crust -
Break to the end.


The museum of the history of St. Petersburg has a piece of moldy bread the size of a little finger. Such was the daily ration for the city besieged by the Germans during the winter months of the blockade. And people had to work, they had to live, they had to survive - in spite of the Nazis, in spite of the bombing and shelling.

4 student:

In the smoke of the Leningrad sky,
But worse than mortal wounds
Heavy bread, blockade bread
One hundred twenty-five grams.
In the years of hardship and deprivation
The new world grew stronger and stronger.
The people walked in the fire of battles
freedom and bread.
So the correct words are:

All children:

Bread is the head of all life!


The labor of a farmer is not easy. Not in a cozy room under the roof is created bread. To all winds and showers, to all the vagaries of nature, a wheat field is open. The one who grows bread will not leave a half-eaten piece anywhere. Do so too. From a young age, learn to appreciate the work of others. The sacred work is to grow bread. From a grain of wheat, you can get about 200 milligrams of flour of the first grade. It takes more than 10,000 grains to bake one loaf. How many grains do you need to feed the people? Grains of bread are collected in spikelets. Let's see them.
(spikelets are distributed to children).

5 student:

We are friends, inseparable,
Under blizzards and clouds.
We are pure flowing
We are golden grains
We are golden grains
We live in radiant light
We are blown by the wind
And illuminated by the sun
Hardy, friendly.
Separately, each is a grain
small, humble,
And together - bread, like the sun
The country of its vast.

6 student:

Loaf of earth and sky
On your table -
Nothing is stronger than bread
No on earth.
In every little piece
grain fields,
And on each spike
The earth is holding.

7 student:

In a small grain of wheat
Summer and winter
The power of the sun is stored
And native land.
And grows under the bright sky
Slender and tall
Like the homeland is immortal
Bread spikelet.

8 student:

Go out into the field outside the village,
Gray haze swirls ...
Hears a sensitive neighborhood
The rumble of motors day-to-day,
And the earth rages under the plow,
Hears a sensitive district
The rumble of motors day - day
And the earth is seething under the plow
Like a high shaft of the sea.
Not nature itself
Like a high shaft of the sea.
Not nature itself
How much care does it take
Mother earth for the whole year

Serving bread on a platter

9 student:

steppe machines
They don't know peace.
hot water
The motors are chugging.
hot sun,
heated air,
And rise at night
hot stars.

10 student:

But the wind brings
Through the bitterness of wormwood,
Through the smell of gasoline
In a hot cab
Through the hum of threshers
heart fluttering,
Hot, savory
Bread breath.


We do not dream of a miracle
Live speech fields to us:
Take care of the bread, you people!
Learn to save bread!

Teacher's story:

Bread has never been given to people for free. After all, even in paradise, as a parting word to Adam who sinned, it was said: “You will earn bread in the sweat of your face.” In Russia, bread has always been treated with reverence, even the custom of honored guests to meet with bread and salt has been preserved. Look at the table.
Why is one bread black and the other white? (Wheat and rye flour. During the Great Patriotic War, one could come across the slogan: “Peace to the peoples, bread to the hungry.” The ration in besieged Leningrad was as follows: an employee -125 g of bread, a worker - 200 g (show a piece of 125 g) And more 3 pasta, the length of a notebook, gray, clayey, but desirable for every person, because it was necessary to work.

11 student:

Military bread.
I remember bread
military, bitter,
He is almost all quinoa.
In it, in every crumb,
In every crust
There was a bitter taste of human misfortune.
Cool is involved in that trouble
Hard bread of hard days
But how sweet was the moment
When a piece is in my hand
Sprinkled with a pinch of salt
Seasoned with mother's tears.
I wanted to eat, and my mother was in pain
She averted her gaze.
How grief was a frequent guest
(They were full of childhood days),
I especially remember that fortunately
Was equal to the bitter bread of war.

Leader's word: Bread is one of the most amazing products of human labor. No wonder the people created proverbs: “The earth is mother, and bread is father”, “You will live without gold, but not without bread”.

What proverbs do you know?

(“Lunch is thin when there is no bread”, “Not a piece of bread, and longing in the upper room”, “Bread - grandfather’s roll”, “Bread and water - well done food” “There is no bread - and crust in honor”, ​​“Without salt not tasty, but without bread it’s not satisfying.”, “Whoever has bread, he has happiness.”)

An abundance of bread is the cherished dream of millions of people. We sometimes forget about the true price of bread, that relatively inexpensive rolls, loaves have absorbed the great work of not one person, but the work of many people. Thousands of people work to grow grain, harvest, thresh, grind and finally bake bread.

After all, grains did not immediately become
The bread that is on the table
People long and hard
Work hard on the ground!

That is why adults remember the glorious city of the virgin region of Tselinograd. He grew up on the site of the first tents. Now it is a beautiful and big city of Astana. The virgin lands had their own songs (the verse of the song sounds to the music of E. Rodygin, the words of N. Solokhina “New settlers are coming”)

12 student:

Before this arable land, throw off your hat, son,
You see, the bread stalk breaks through.
How much work is invested in this grain,
Only the sun, the wind and the water know...
For him, for the seed, across the country
Komsomol members went to live in the virgin lands.


Day and night - and in the scorching heat, and in the rain - there is a battle for the harvest. True grain growers are constantly in anxiety for him. The harvest is always gained by grain growers, won - both in alliance and in confrontation with nature.

1 student:

Here he is fragrant bread
Crunchy, twisted crust
Here it is ... warm, golden,
Like sun-drenched
In it is health, our strength,
It has wonderful warmth.
How many hands raised him
Protected, protected.

2 student

After all, grains did not immediately become
The bread that is on the table
People long and hard
Work hard on the ground.
That's just about it
The story begins.
Tractor drivers got up
Washed clean

3 student:

To the spring steppe in the morning
They took out the tractor
The story goes on
Our harvest is ripe.
Float out into the open
The wind sings songs to them
combine captains
Look ahead from the bridges

4 student.

As from a tight ear
The grain is knocked out
How, please - ready,
It falls into the box.
Here is the wheat in the mill
This is what's going on with her.
They take it into circulation
It will be ground into powder.
At the big bakery
You will become a test, flour.
The dough is tight, there is little space,
"Oh, let me go!" whispers dough
Okay, let's go, let's go into the oven
Dressed up loaf.


Bread! What a familiar and yet unusual word. In fact - think about it! The word "bread" refers to plants, grain, flour, flour products that are not similar to each other.

5 student:

Only bread came down in April
How the fields turned green.
We say: "Bread".
Boundless golden expanse,
Combine harvesters work there.
We say: "Bread".
Here the grain flows like a river,
To become flour
We say: "Bread".

The dough is spinning in the kneader
Baked on fire.
We say: "Bread".
Eat it, grow and remember:
Eat it, grow and remember:
To come to your table
Fresh bread.

(during the performance, footage dedicated to spring sowing, harvesting at Bulanihinskoye LLC, excursions to the mechanized current, to the bakery are shown on the screen)

6 student:

Bread is born in grooves.
Look at the fields
After all, the earth is not just earth,
And the breadwinner is the earth!
The shoots are turning green.
Take a look, you'll see here
The most important work of the people,
The most important work in the world.
The bread is ripe.
Motors in the fieldsThe harvest song was started.
Grain growers lead out into the steppe
Field ships.

7 student:

A river flows from cars
To the collective farm threshing floor
Our gold is wheat
Golden grain.
The windmill has become no longer suitable -
Old and small.
Replaced it today
Flour mill.
You will go through the shops - the order is:
Bins full of flour
Grains grind machines -
Very smart machines.
The machine will knead the dough
The machine will hang the dough,
The machine will cut the dough
And send the dough to the oven.

8 student:

Bread is not an easy way,
To get to your table.
And in every piece of bread
You will always feel
The warmth of the native sky,
The taste of good work.

Teacher .

In order for a delicious loaf to be on our table every day, we must define clear rules for ourselves:

Take as much bread as you can eat.
- Learn to cook various dishes from stale bread.

And also remember:

Never take bread with dirty hands.
- Don't wrap bread in newspaper.
- Do not put bread in a bag with vegetables, exposing yourself to the risk of getting sick.

These rules were taught to me as a child, I follow them always.


I will read you a fairy tale about Stobed, and you listen carefully.
Stobed ​​became more obedient when I scolded him. But it always annoyed me how he handled the bread, crumbled it, bit it. Left and threw it at us. I strictly forbade him to do this. "I won't," Stobed ​​promised.
Time passed, and I never once saw a piece left on the table, I was satisfied. But one Sunday morning, there was a knock at the door. It was our neighbor Ivan Fomich. He was a kind old man, and he always gave gifts to children. This time he also held in his hands, some kind of bag. And when he opened the bag, I saw that it was not a gift, but how many pieces of bread soaked, soiled with earth. “It was thrown out of your window,” he said. Stobed ​​blushed and silently hid in a corner, and everything became clear to me. "I messed up, don't hide. Come out and apologize to Ivan Fomich,” I said. "You don't have to apologize to me," he said. “That boy offended a lot of people, not me.”
- Guys, why did Ivan Fomich say so? Where can you get bread before you put it on the table? If you look at a field of wheat, it looks like a golden sea. First, it is mowed and threshed, all this is done by a combine, then the grain is taken to the current. Guys, what are they doing on the current?

Quiz "Brainstorm"

Quiz questions:

  1. What is the difference between winter and spring wheat? (Spring is sown in spring, winter - in autumn, in winter)
  2. Where is the grain taken after harvesting? (On the elevator - storage for grain.)
  3. Where is grain turned into flour? (At the mill.)
  4. What is sourdough? (Wooden tub for dough, or yeast dough)
  5. What is also called yeast, fermented dough? (Opara)


And now, guys, let's try to answer the question together with you: why is bread called the miracle of the earth? Why does he have such an important place in life?
human? Let's remember the people who grow wheat, make flour from grains,
Flour bread, buns, confectionery, and bow low to them.

9 student:

Honor and honor to you, grain growers!
For your wonderful harvest!
For what you gave to the Motherland
Fragrant loaf of bread!

10 student:

If we want to meet someone with honor and honor,
To meet generously, from the heart, with great respect,
We meet such guests with a magnificent round loaf.
He is on a painted platter with a snow-white towel!

(the student brings a delicious loaf of bread on a towel to the guests, and also invites all the guests to the table).

Scenario Bread Festival
A fragment of the song “Bread is the head of everything” performed by O. Voronets sounds. Children sit on chairs.
Host: Hello kids! Hello dear guests! We met with you at the time of crimson, autumn. The people say: "Golden autumn - spiked bread!" Today our holiday is dedicated to bread.
A girl and a boy come out in Russian national costumes. The girl has a loaf of bread on a tray with a towel.
Boy: We are celebrating the holiday of bread
Round lush loaf,
He is on a painted platter
With a white towel.
Girl: If we want someone
Meet honestly and with honor,
Meet generously, from the heart,
With great respect,
We bring the loaf to him,
Bowing, we ask you to taste:
Together: - Our dear guest and friend,
Take bread and salt from your hands!
Host: Here it is, fragrant bread,
With a crisp twisted crust,
Here it is warm, golden,
Like sun-filled.
It has long been a custom among the Slavs: dear guests are greeted with bread and salt. Therefore, they say that Russian people are hospitable - hospitable. However, not every guest knows that the loaf needs to be broken, tasted and distributed to people, as custom dictates. Not everyone knows that, taking bread and salt on a towel, bread should be kissed. People who broke bread, i.e. those who share it with each other become lifelong friends. Bread is an ambassador of peace and friendship between different peoples. Life is changing, but bread-father, bread-breadwinner remains the greatest value. Why do you think? (reasoning of children).
Yes, bread is worth a lot of work. The weather also throws up quite a few surprises. Either strong dry, then prolonged rains. It happens that pests of the fields encroach on the crop. In a word, seven sweats will come down from the farmer before the grains are in the bins. The field does not tolerate idlers, bread does not like idlers.
This is what happened in my land.
From year to year, from generation to generation, for centuries
The bread that is on the table in every house,
He was warmed by human hands.
He does not fall to us from the sky,
It doesn't appear all of a sudden.
To grow an ear of bread
Dozens of hands are needed.