Love horoscope for Libra for November. Love horoscope for the Libra sign for November November month Libra year

Libra horoscope for November 2016. In November 2016, Libra will need healthy lungs, or a small compressor!!! After all, you will always inflate from the "molehill - elephant" !!! In principle, Libra also likes to exaggerate everything in other months of his life, and because of a broken nail, or the game of his favorite football team, make a tragedy. But, in November 2016, you will focus too much on “flies”, trifles and various trifles. Of course, only people who take all the trifles to heart are most capable of sincere love, and most of all this applies to Libra. But, you don’t need to make a “fetish” out of your “manes” and take them to the extreme. Well, if you think your girlfriend (friend) has a cooler phone than you - it doesn't mean that he (she) is better in sex than you? Therefore, in November 2016, try to take care of yourself, your thoughts, and try to think globally, and not about trifles. Even if this little thing is very expensive. It is not for nothing that smart people say that it is not difficult to unlearn swearing. But how to stop thinking obscenely - this is a dilemma !!! So, in November 2016, Libra is unlearning not only to swear, but also to think obscenely, and most importantly, to think obscenely - for nothing !!!

Back in November 2016 Libra will need to turn something on in their life. Either new acquaintances, or new friends, maybe a new job or relationship. Or maybe just try not to pay attention to trifles and add more light and optimism to your life. In other words, charm and a smile should be part of your brand in November 2016. As the horoscope shows, you will have plenty of reasons for this next month. But Libra needs to start November with a gradual analysis that has accumulated over the fall and has not been resolved in October 2016. Up to cleaning the house, desktop and even relationships. And then it is quite possible that when sorting out clothes at home, you will find a chair, sorting through old papers, you will find money, and sorting out people - Love! This is especially true for Libra, given that the birthday has already passed, and there is time to think about plans for the future.

As the horoscope shows, next month you will find support for any of your undertakings, actions and deeds. And although Libra never refuses help and support, November 2016 is not the best month for this. In November 2016, you need to try to do as much as possible yourself. But if they offer to help, don't refuse. But, do not ask yourself, as you love it and are used to it. But, and do not refuse the offered help, try to do it as simply and with dignity as smart and well-mannered children do. And not the way you are used to - as if everyone owes you. Yes, and many other things in November 2016 Libra is better to look with childish delight, with a childish smile, spontaneity and honesty. Watch your own speedometer of "importance" and "importance", and look in the "rear-view mirror" more often. It is possible that those who are “behind” you are just waiting for your glance to wink reassuringly from the back seat. And if it is believed that from a certain moment a person’s soul becomes of an indefinite age, then in November 2016 this state will be visited by many representatives of your Zodiac sign, so try to take advantage of this. And yet, as the horoscope tells you, at the end of Autumn, you can "swing" at something new and big. The main thing is not to make a standard mistake, as those who do not achieve what they want do, and strenuously pretend that they wanted what was achieved, but try again, but in a different way in November 2016, the Stars may give you several attempts. In general, as the horoscope for November 2016 Libra shows, the next month will be very similar for you to ... night - a time of stupid thoughts, but also amazing ideas! Therefore, when in November 2016 thoughts will creep into your head, and like at night, rustle there with a plastic bag preventing you from sleeping - pick them up like the wind empty bags! Even if it really will be at night, and will interfere with your sleep! There is a very high probability that this rattling bag of thoughts is not empty!

Horoscope for November 2016 Libra favorable days - 2, 15, 19, 20 and 30.

Horoscope for November 2016 Libra unfavorable days - The World would not have been created if its CREATOR thought, no matter how disturbing anyone, or that there would be unfavorable days in this World.

Horoscope for November 2016 Libra career, work and business. To work always means to move something. But, in November 2016, Libra will need to move not only ... oops, but also brains. And besides, as the horoscope shows, next month it will also mean for you - doubly move. Because, in November 2016, it’s better for Libra to be octopuses and sometimes grab onto several things at once, or at least make an appropriate appearance. But even in this situation, try to bring things to the end.

Judging by the horoscope, in November, Libra can be offered new career directions, projects, or some other career changes. Try to make the content of your work, first of all, pragmatic, and not expensive, and that your work should be more efficient, rather than sophistication and "show-offs". It is even possible in something, stepping over yourself, try to meet the wishes from the outside. In November, Libra at work will need your ability to determine what is good and what is bad. And this applies to both people and ideas. Think of your favorite principle for determining whether a person is good or not. If you like it, it means it's good, if you don't like it, it means it's bad. In November, this strange method will work in the professional field.

The horoscope advises Libra businessmen and leaders to take advantage of the opportunity to expand their business and customer base. The investments made during this period will very quickly bring a return in the form of brand new banknotes with large numbers.

Horoscope for November 2016 Libra Finance. Almost the whole of November, Libra will receive offers to “be friends” with money, so put money on as many “likes” as possible and they will gladly respond to your friendship. Correctly plan your expenses at the end of the month.

Love horoscope for November 2016 Libra. Horoscope for November 2016 Libra Love. In the amorous realm of Libra, changes can also occur. In November, Libra in a long-term relationship can enter a new “level” or a new page in their life. Whether it will be thoughts of marriage or living together depends on the specific circumstances. It's just that the circumstances will be favorable for this, and mutual understanding with your partner will be almost complete. In principle, the same applies to family Libra, with the only difference being that you stop following your “authority” in relationships and then in November your “authority” will return to you under the covers. Do not forget Libra for the sake of those who mean something to you, sometimes you need to forget about your pride, principles, character and self-esteem, because why is it all - if no one but you needs it?

And as the astrologer of the site site says - something that is not in demand is very difficult to sell, and it is not possible to fall in love

Lonely Libra horoscope for november 2016 advised not to rush. Do not rush, translate new acquaintances into new relationships. There are many amazing things in life, but if you rush, you may not notice anything, and most importantly, miss something that will really make your eyes shine again. Yes, and Life is too short to waste it on short relationships.

At the end of the horoscope for November 2016, Libra, once again tells you that in the next month you should forget about trifles, trifles and nonsense in minutes. As in childhood, when after a minute of resentment, they are replaced by joyful laughter. Moreover, November 2016 for many Libras will really look like childhood. And childhood is like being forever drunk: everyone remembers what you did, except you. Therefore, try to remember about you in November, only good, funny and cheerful!

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The horoscope for November 2016 Libra indicates that this month you will be in anticipation of exciting experiences and be inspired by every change. But the current circumstances will make you think, look at many things not only from the outside, but also from the depths of the subconscious, and make a self-assessment. You will try to "see the underside of things", your secret enemies, in order to consciously respond to the underlying factors that determine the current situation, and control the "mechanism" of what is happening. If you profess spiritual principles, you will be able, through your experience, to take advantage of favorable factors that other people are not even aware of. You will be happy with the changes you can make and the opportunity to "test the strength" of certain things. The horoscope for November 2016 Libra indicates that by your actions you can charm people and act encouragingly on them. If you are an atheist or an adherent of material goods, then more than anyone, you will depend on your changeable moods, in relation to people to show inconstancy, excessive suspicion and cruelty. You will not have real friends ready to give advice. And in your actions, you can embark on ill-conceived adventures, because of which you can end up in a hospital, prison or debt "slavery", contact a criminal group.

Marriage horoscope

You will want to win the attention, location and love of others. Therefore, you will strive to spend weekends or holidays in the company of friends or colleagues. Be careful and attentive to the feelings of your chosen one or chosen one. Don't give rise to jealousy.

No truly great deed can be accomplished without faith in oneself and one's own strengths. Or others must feed this confidence of yours with their own faith in you.

However, in November 2016, Libra will have to go through the exact opposite situation. Oddly enough, Libra will be able to achieve something now only if they constantly doubt everything. Including in yourself. The horoscope for 2016 Libra says that it is constant doubts and fears about the result that will not allow you to celebrate the victory ahead of time. Therefore, it would be better if the people who will surround you will not even think about what you have in mind. For example, if you intend to win some competition, let everyone think that you are not even interested in this issue. Libra will need support only at the last stage. In November 2016, Libra should initiate others into their plans only when they have already done everything that depended on them to achieve their goal.

Favorable numbers of November - 1, 3, 12, 16, 19, 23.

Unfavorable numbers of November - 5, 8, 14, 18, 25, 26.

Love horoscope for November 2016 Libra

In November 2016, Libra should be exactly what the partner wants to see them. This applies to absolutely everything, starting from appearance. However, there may be some disagreement here. For example, your significant other will count. That you can’t wear such a washed sweater when going to visit. Scales should have a significant margin of time in order. to resolve all issues and only then leave the house.

The horoscope for 2016 Libra advises you now not to resort to any experiments, but to adhere to strictly established customs and traditions. This applies not only to love relationships, but also to issues of ordinary everyday life. For example, you love to eat junk food - keep doing it.

In November 2016, Libra may not adapt to their partner, especially if their romance has just begun. Much better if they behave naturally, Libra will be able to achieve much more with this.

Financial and career horoscope for November 2016 Libra

The main principle that Libra must adhere to in November 2016 is not to rush. Right now it is important not to miss anything and take into account all possible nuances. Only after that Libra can get down to business. And it does not matter if in November 2016 Libra does not arrive where they are moving first, it is much more important that the problems and costs of this path are not too big. The horoscope for 2016 Libra advises those representatives of this sign who work individually to show perseverance and be sure to do all the work that they have outlined for themselves for the day. Otherwise, the lost will be very difficult to catch up.

In November 2016, Libra should not get involved in the fight against competitors or take part in any tenders. It's not that Libra now has a slow reaction, it's just that now they are too dependent on how circumstances will develop. As for the financial sector, in November 2016, Libra may face a shortage of funds, as their expenses will now increase, while incomes, on the contrary, will decrease. At the same time, Libra will not be able to sacrifice anything.

Health Horoscope for November 2016 Libra

This month is perfect for treating old chronic ailments. The horoscope for 2016 Libra says that it is in November that their treatment, as well as the prevention of exacerbations, can be especially successful. Libras will be able to solve many problems that have been bothering them for quite some time. Of course, in the event that in November 2016 Libra will strictly adhere to all the recommendations that doctors will give them.

Another problem this month for Libra may be stone formation. If, as a result of an examination in November 2016, Libra is diagnosed with a similar diagnosis, then treatment should by no means be postponed.

Libra activity in November is enough for two. The zodiac sign will be so energetic and positive that it will start to inspire others. The love horoscope for November Libra advises the sign not to rush things. Many lovers of Libra are already ripe for meeting the parents of the second half, but everything has its time. The ability to wait will allow you to get what you want. Lonely constellations will have to show their talents and develop a strategy to conquer the object they like.


In pursuit of the status of a woman, Libra can lose the location of a truly worthy partner. In early November, a reliable and kind guy will appear on the horizon of bachelors, who will try in every possible way to win over. The love horoscope says that it is worth trying to pay attention to the gentleman. The first days of November will be busy for married women. Libra will have to skillfully combine both duties at work and household chores. The horoscope advises asking for help from a partner and then unnecessary overstrain can be avoided.

Excessive satellite initiative will annoy air women in mid-November. The horoscope advises you to try to figure out your true desires and not repel your loved one with rude remarks. If a man shows his love impulse excessively in November, then it is worth hinting to him correctly that the constellation needs more freedom. Free women in mid-November have a good chance of falling in love. This month is suitable for love conquests and strategies, however, everything must be done wisely.

A mismatch of views on life at the end of November will lead to quarrels with your loved one. Women will have to learn to behave tactfully and wisely so as not to aggravate the situation even more. Unmarried women at the end of the month are waiting for memorable love dates. The horoscope tells Libra that they do not need to be afraid to take the initiative and invite the chosen one to the place where they have long wanted to visit. It will be useful for free women to take care of their appearance. A visit to the pool, self-development courses, going to the hairdresser - all this will make you feel more confident. Already in December, single women expect pleasant meetings and acquaintances.

The male

In early November, married men will have a crisis in love relationships. An accurate horoscope advises not to lose heart and try to correct the situation. If Libra decides to spend the weekend alone with his wife or go on a date, then this will quickly fix the problem. In November, it is very important not to forget to pay attention to your state of mind. If a loved one causes a rarefaction in men, then it's time to sign up for yoga or do jogging in the morning. Free men will have to face the refusal of beauties, however, you should not lose heart.

“An interesting fact is that the influence of Uranus will cause in men an irresistible desire in mid-November to “conquer the whole world.” The love horoscope says that those born during this period will be ready in November to prove to their partner that they are ready for anything for the sake of it. The stars recommend not to forget about common sense. Love horoscope for November Libra must study and understand that no sacrifices need to be made. If a girl clearly makes it clear that she is not on her way with an airy man, then it is better to let her go. It will be enough for married men to give their beloved a bouquet of flowers to prove their love.

The end of November will require from Libra the ability to adapt to the situation. The stars say that the beloved will be out of sorts during this period, so it’s better not to disturb her once again over trifles. If a woman directs her love impulse in the wrong direction, then men should gently correct their partner. Caress, support and compliments will quickly bring the mood of the companion back to normal. A lonely sign at the end of the month will bathe in the attention of girls. Stormy nights and unforgettable dates - all this awaits bachelors at the end of the month.


The charm of Libra will conquer the opposite sex at the beginning of the year. Many compliments and confessions of sympathy await the constellation. The love horoscope for 2017 advises not to abuse your position and weed out unnecessary acquaintances. Such tactics will allow you to save the current love relationship and not destroy the marriage. Free men and women have a great danger in the first decade of contacting family partners. The horoscope advises to deny yourself such a connection and pay attention to free acquaintances.

In the middle of 2017, the following events await representatives of the element Air:

  • Unmarried men can count on a marriage proposal. The second half will be so convincing that the constellation will not be able to resist for a long time;
  • Married Libras will have to work on mutual understanding as a couple. The love horoscope warns that the spouses have long ceased to talk heart to heart and share the innermost - it's time to change the situation in the family;
  • Free representatives of the element Air should be more active. Attending social events and going to parties - all this will speed up the dating process.

The most intense events will occur in the life of Libra at the end of the year. The craving for adventure, according to the stars, will be a priority for single signs. Some men and women will even run several novels at the same time. November 2017 will be the perfect time for couples to diversify their love relationships. According to the love horoscope, it will be useful for spouses to be like a date and suddenly fall in love with a friend again. Unmarried (unmarried) signs must decide in what way their relationship will develop. By the end of 2017, the partner expects specifics from them.


In solving everyday issues at the beginning of 2018, many signs will forget about love and romance. Libra should take the love horoscope as a basis for action and try to diversify family life. Breakfast in bed, romantic dinners and declarations of love - all this is missing in their marriage. Those who are not yet married will also have to work on love relationships. The horoscope advises in the first decade of 2018 not to forget about optimism and diversity in communication with a partner. If you remove unnecessary seriousness and stop thinking about the future, then mutual understanding will improve.

The second decade will be promising for single men and women. The stars will present a gift in the form of an unexpected acquaintance, so the main thing is to doubt less and act more. Excessive jealousy on the part of family Libra can lead to quarrels in mid-2018. The horoscope advises you to learn to trust your loved one and not worry about the little things.

By the end of 2018, Libra will have a great opportunity to close all outstanding issues. In November, it will be possible to complete repairs in the apartment and, finally, equip the family nest. Free representatives of the element Air November 2018 will provide an opportunity to overcome their fears and gain popularity with the opposite sex. With the help of a love horoscope for the upcoming November, Libra will be able to understand that a little confidence can not hurt. The influence of Jupiter will make the people of Air charming and sociable, so the opposite sex will be drawn to them.


At the beginning of the year, it will seem to many that the second half encroaches on their freedom. Representatives of the element Air should not forget to defend their interests in the family and make sure that they are considered. According to the love horoscope, such a problem can be solved peacefully. In the first decade, bachelors and bachelors by date of birth will be able to find the perfect match for themselves. The horoscope says that it will be possible to build a happy love tandem with Leo, Aries and Cancer. Dating site will speed up the desired meeting

The middle of the year, as the horoscope for 2019 indicates, is a great time for family trips and pleasant evenings. Airy men and women will be drawn home, as peace and a friendly atmosphere will reign here. Those who are in search of their destiny should not count on a promising meeting during this period. The love horoscope advises to engage in self-development in the second decade: go to foreign language courses, enroll in a pool or yoga. Such a pastime will allow you to forget about loneliness.

The third decade is great for finding yourself. If the other half will support Libra in every possible way, then peace and harmony will reign in the pair. November 2019 will be a great time to relax. Regardless of their marital status, the zodiac sign will benefit from taking care of their health and peace of mind. A trip to a psychologist, massages, reading books - all this will allow Libra to feel in harmony with himself in November and December.

In November 2016, Libra will be helped to achieve success by the planet of happiness - Jupiter. Representatives of the Libra sign will feel happy people this month. A good mood and a wave of happiness will begin with the full moon, which will take place on November 13-14. These days, new prospects related to money may open up for Libra, which can be realized already in the period from November 22 to 25.

General horoscope for November 2016 Libra

Most likely, such important events will be connected with the house of Libra or with some fundamental values ​​of the representatives of the sign. Being self-confident, and also realizing that there are no unresolved issues left, Libra will be able to finally understand that they are happy!

Due to the fact that the planet Venus makes the transition into the sign of Capricorn on November 12, Libra will begin to lead a more homely lifestyle, deal with issues related to everyday life. Libra will be able to successfully complete all the accumulated household chores already in the period from November 22 to 25.

Career and money horoscope for November 2016 Libra

In November 2016, representatives of the sign of Libra may be influenced by the activities in which they were engaged before. In the period from November 13 to 22, Libra will spend a lot of time communicating with former colleagues or with people with whom they used to communicate a lot on work topics.

Most likely, on November 1 or 2, one of the former colleagues can offer Libra a new way of earning, which can be used as a part-time job without interrupting the main employment.

Libra in November 2016 should turn their attention to the period of influence of the Black Moon. So, there may be confusion in the financial documentation or it may turn out that the contract is signed, but there are no results on it.

Starting November 22, the Sun will be in the sign of Sagittarius. For Libra, this means a transition from work processes to rest. In the second half of November, Libra may have many new friends with whom they are pleased to communicate and spend time.

Favorable days for career and financial affairs in November 2016 for Libra: November 1, 2, 22 - 25.

Love horoscope for November 2016 Libra

Starting November 9, the planet Mars, which is the symbol of relationships, will make the transition into the sign of Aquarius. In this regard, Libra's love relationships can be free and very romantic.

The brightest events in November 2016 Libra will have on the days of November 10, 13, 15. 24 and 27 November.

Towards the end of the month, Libras may want to spend as much time as possible at home, to take care of household and other household issues, just to relax.

Unfortunately, the partner at this time can in any way try to get the representative of the Libra sign out of the house in order to attend some public event. In November 2016, Libra may be perplexed because of this: why does the partner not want to support him and stay at home together, does not want to support his desire to be in a calm home environment.

Auspicious days for love relationships in November 2016 for Libra: November 10, 13, 15, 24, 27.

Health Horoscope for November 2016 Libra

In November 2016, Libra should be careful about the days from November 10 to 24. Due to the fact that emotions can go off scale at this time, Libra can overwork and get some stress. Therefore, in November 2016, Libra should observe the regime of work and rest, the same applies to periods of fun.