Go why with double consonants. double consonants. Words with double consonants. Differences of words with different number of consonants

Words with double consonants are among the most difficult in terms of spelling. The thing is that these letters are not pronounced as a pair. As a rule, only one sound sounds in their place. Hence the difficulty - the inability to notice the spelling. That is why the spelling of words with double consonants starts from elementary school and ends only in the 7th grade. There are a lot of rules governing this spelling: they relate to the spelling of various parts of the word. Particular attention should be paid to those words where doubled consonants are at the junction of morphemes.


Words with in the root, as a rule, belong to the category of vocabulary words (their spelling should be remembered). In Russian, this combination LJ and ss.

So, the words "burning", as well as "reins" or "yeast" must be remembered - they do not obey any rule. Here you need to be especially careful and keep in mind that consonants - zg(d)/-zzh-, with prolonged pronunciation [g], you should still write [zzh]. For example: squeals(im. p., singular) - you squeal[lj] and.

As for the combination - ss-, then it is used in the word "quarrel" and words derived from it ( quarrel). You should also write - ss- fundamentally - ross-: Russia, Western Russian, Little Russia.

It should be remembered that - rus- should be written with one With- if there is no suffix after - sk-: rusologist, but Russian. Exception - Belarus.

Don't forget about numbers. So, in the word "eleven" in the root is written twice n. The thing is that the lexeme came from the phrase eleven(ten).

At the junction of prefix and root

Words with double consonants at the junction of a prefix and a root are quite numerous in Russian. There are a few rules to keep in mind here.

Firstly, if the first sound of the root is voiced, at the end of the prefix it is necessary to use a letter denoting a voiced sound: starless, provoke, threshold.

Here, too, alternation plays an important role, so, in the word "heartburn" will not be written double and(although it is heard), because there is a special alternation.

And the exact opposite principle: a double deaf consonant is used if the root begins with a deaf: b essonist,disperse, unscrupulous, dry out. It is important to adhere to the basic principle of the use of double consonants: they can only be used in pairs, in no case in triples. If it provides for a confluence of three identical letters side by side, one of them is truncated.

Let's take an example: quarreled. This word is derived from the verb quarreled using an attachment race-. Accordingly, there should be three in a row With: two from the root argue and one from the console race-. However, according to the well-known spelling principle, one of them is truncated.

It should be remembered that in the word "calculation" one is written With. The same rule is preserved in derivative words, for example: prudent, calculated.

In suffix

Words with double consonants in the suffix are adjectives and participles. So, words like provocative or cranberry will be written with double n. It's all about suffixes - enn- and - he N-.

Let's give an example of 3 more words with double consonants in the suffix: constitutional, positional, revolutionary. Note that all these adjectives are formed from from nouns to - tion: constitution, position, revolution.

Two -n- have three exception words in the suffix: glass, pewter, wood.

In adjectives on - forged/-forged and derivatives from them (for example, adverbs) is also written double - n-(exclusion words - forged, chewed): stuffed, pampered, uprooted, excited (excitedly),

As for participles, in these parts of speech there is a suffix -nn-. It takes place if we have a standing in the past tense. This rule is often confused, because data is distinguished from verbal adjectives, which have one letter n.

Let's analyze similar words with double consonants. Examples are: read book book read all evening(participle) - finished book(participle). Another example: wounded soldier(verbal adjective) - heavily wounded soldier(participle) - wounded soldier.

Looking at these examples, it is easy to conclude that the participle with a double -n- in the suffix is ​​distinguished by the presence of dependent words or prefixes. These signs can be present both collectively and separately: heavily wounded soldier.

On the border of the root and suffix

Words with double consonants may have them at the junction of the root and suffix. This applies, first of all, to adjectives and adverbs formed from them. Teachers say that students are most often confused in this rule.

For example, let's analyze word-formation chains: fog - foggy - foggy. As you can see, the adjective foggy is formed from a noun whose stem ends in -n-. hence - a double consonant in the word, which remains in the adverb formed from the adjective - foggy.

sleep - sleepy - sleepy- here also takes place the formation of an adjective from a noun with a basis on -n- with the same suffix ( sleepy). Moreover, double n present in the adverb.

Another case where a double consonant stands at the junction of a root and a suffix is ​​a word with a root -sk-. Only in this version will be written -ss-. For example: Odessa - Odessa(third -With- truncated according to the principle of the impossibility of confluence of three identical consonants); Gudermes - Gudermes; Rus - Russian, Kotlas - Kotlas. As you can see, the rule applies to all kinds of toponyms.

Dictionary loanwords

Dictionary words with double consonants, as a rule, belong to the category of foreign languages. It should be remembered that the doubled letter remains in the derivatives of these lexemes.

Here are some examples:

- group - group;

- compromise - compromise;

- score - ten points;

- ton - two-ton;

- corrosion - anticorrosive;

- mass - massive.

Algorithm for writing and transferring

To correctly write a word with a double vowel, you must:

  1. Determine what part of the word it is in.
  2. Find out how the word is formed.
  3. Check if the consonant is at the junction of morphemes.
  4. Determine the part of speech (participle or verbal adjective).
  5. Find out the lexical meaning. The fact is that there are words, a double consonant at the junction of the root and the prefix, which depends on the meaning. These are, for example: fake(copy) - and craft(handmade product). In the first case, two letters d at the junction of morphemes, and in the second - the prefix on-. Another example: run around(run several times) - run around(be in several places in a short time). Prefix in the first word about-, in the second - about-

The hyphenation of words with double consonants obeys the following rule: one letter remains on the line, the second goes to the next one: morning, dedicated, foggy, get angry.

Place in school

In the school course, the topic of doubled consonants is introduced gradually: in elementary school, children are introduced to dictionary words and their derivatives, such as "group", "gram". Also, younger students learn the rules of their transfer.

Further, in secondary school, when studying morphology, the topic is introduced when studying the spelling of one or another part of speech. In grades 8-9, the studied material is consolidated, it is systematized (for example, the topic “Н and НН in various parts of speech”), knowledge is deepened (analysis of the most difficult cases).

It should be noted that in the GIA and USE tests, one of the questions is always devoted to this topic.

1. Replace the phrase with one word.

* Making drawings from glued or sewn pieces

paper, fabric.

* Device, technical device.

* Great desire to eat.

* Belts, ropes for driving horses.

* Substance from microscopic fungi that causes fermentation.

Words are helpers: a……etit, in……and, a……arat, dro……and, a……lication.

2. Read the words. Write them down alphabetically, separating them for transfer. How do you understand the expression "fresh press"?

Application, trolleybus, press, hippopotamus, tennis, score, commentary, metals, shelving.

3. Read and guess the riddle.

Warm water splashing

in cast iron shores.

Guess, remember:

What kind of sea is in the room? (B__ __ ___a,)

Write down the riddle and the answer. A word with a double consonant is stripped for hyphenation.

Gru pp ah, gri pp, a pp arat, and pp lication, and pp etit, Fili pp.

Ho kk her, and kk urate, and kk ord.

Dro LJ and, in LJ and, zhu LJ ahh, mo LJ evelnik.

Co. ll active, and ll ya, Kiri ll, BUT ll a, E ll a, ta ll in, mi ll ion, ko ll section, and ll justice, and ll yumination, meta ll, tro ll heibus, brie ll Iant, Chipo ll ino, mi ll meter, wi ll a, ba ll he.

gra mm atika, telegra mm ah, su mm ah, kilogram mm, gra mm, E mm a, ri mm a.

That nn a, wa nn and those nn is, A nn a, i nn a, but nn a, ja nn a, Suza nn a, ge nn ady, ra nn uh, length nn oh, morning nn oy, ose nn uh, weight nn uh, podoko nn ik, odi nn hell, foliage nn itza, colo nn a, ante nn a.

Ma ss a, ka ss And what ss e, cla ss, pa ss azhir, Komi ss and I, ss ora, ba ss ain, ra ss kaz, ra ss vet, cro ss, professional ss op, ru ss cue, cla ss ik, daffodils ss, suit ss yours, Ro ss ia, Novoro ss iysk, ode ss a, warm up ss, express ss, compressor ss, a ss istent, dir ss er, compromise ss, process ss.

Those pp history, ne pp he, those pp asa, ko pp respondent, who pp section, those pp op.

Su bb ota.

E ff ect, su ff X.

Sa centuries a.

Charlot tt a.

5. Write the words in alphabetical order: first proper names, and then the rest of the words. Underline double consonants and spelling - a capital letter in proper names.

Perron, Inna, class, Alla, alley, Cyril, neat, Anna, Philip, hockey.

6. Stripped for transfer.

Alley, program, cavalry, highway, passenger, application, buzzing, yeast, cashier, grammar, apparatus.

7. Read. What is the theme of these words? Compose and write down 3 sentences on the topic "At the station". Pick out the double consonant.

Saturday, class, excursion, museum, station, ticket office, platform, tickets, electric train, carriages, passengers..

8. Selective dictation. Write the words with double consonants. Highlight them.

At the Russian language lesson, teacher Alla Sergeevna dictates words with doubled consonants. The guys write: balloon, certificate, collection, attraction. After the Russian lesson there will be a physical education lesson. The children will run cross-country along the school alley.

(According to A. Foroshchuk).

9. Underline double consonants. Form and write the words that answer the questions which? which? which? which?

Early - …………………, …………………., ……………….. .

Morning - …………………., …………………., ……………….. .

Spring - …………………., …………………., ……………….. .

1. Early spring has come.

2. Saturday is a day off.

3. Anna has a good collection of butterflies.

4. In the morning they brought a telegram.

5. A group of guys from our class visited the museum.

10. Write off the text, inserting the consonants H or HH where necessary.

Weight has come ... ah. There were snowdrops and other ra ... ... weights ... .. flowers. The summer will pass. Ra will come ... .. the golden autumn ... b. Affectionately the wasp will still shine ... .. its sun. But every day it will be colder, the first mornings will begin ... .. frosts.

Underline double consonants.

11. Read. Make the right combinations of words, write down. Underline the double consonants.

class urgent

spelling friendly

complex alley

shady program

familiar telegram.

Name the words in which the common element is "gram". What does it mean? What other words with this element do you know?

12. Insert the consonants PP, KK, LJ.

Gru……ah, dro……and, ho……hey, gri……, zhu……at, ah……arat, ah……urate, ah……lication, ah……horde, mo……evelnik, ah ……etit, in……and, Fili…….

13. Insert the consonants LL, MM, NN.

Long……oy, gra……atika, wa……ah, ah……ee, Ri……ah, te……is, Kiri……, su……ah, A……ah, Ta……in, Ge ……ady, But……a, mi……ion, I……a, co……section, Zha……a, A……a, E……a, Suza……a, and……yustration, odi ……hell, telegram……a, meta……, autumn……th, gri……, tro…eibus, then……a, and……jumination, weight……th, kilo……, morning……th, co……active, ra……th.

14. Insert the consonants SS, PP, BB, FF, TT, BB.

Ma……a, ka……a, sho……e, Ode……a, cla……, pa……azhir, Sa……a, Komi…….iya, ra……vet, ……ora, su ……x, ba……ein, ra……kaz, te……asa, cro……, prof……or, te……itoria, e……ekt, ru……cue, cla……ik, claim… …you, su……ota, daffodils……, Ro……iya, Novoro……ijsk, Charlot……ah, ne……he.

15. Guess riddles, write riddles.

* As always, needle and green,

I am quite similar to the Christmas tree.

But relatives, in fact,

Cypress and thuja for me.

(M - - - - - - - - - - - .)

* There is no fire on the river,

Burning over the river……. .

(R - - - - - -)

* What kind of room is this -

Very bright, big

School desks in even rows,

And behind the desks - we ourselves?

16. Vocabulary dictation.

Anna, bath, sum, mass, class, Russia, Russian, Alla, alley, group.

Cool, early, autumn, spring, morning, slow.

17. Write down in one word.

1. Room in the school (class).

2. Day of the week (Saturday).

3. One of the types of ball games (tennis).

4. Ice skating (hockey).

5. The place where they sell tickets (ticket office).

6. Road with rows of trees on the sides (alley).

7. Road covered with asphalt (highway).

8. Women's names (Alla, Anna, Rimma, Zhanna, Inna).

18. Vocabulary dictation.

Autumn day, spring wind, morning frost, early vegetables, Russian language, class magazine, Saturday evening, eleven years old.

19. Selective dictations.

1. In the younger group, the jokes subsided,

Lost appetite.

The flu happened to Mishutka -

The doctor threatens to vaccinate.

2. Inna got up slowly,

Hearing the early bird call.

I yawned eleven times

Sleepily rubbed her eyes,

After taking a bath.

And of course I was late.

For a spring morning.

3. Saturday Shady Park

went to Alla Kirill, carried


He viewed the collection.

gently in the morning

brought them back in the spring.

20. Visual dictations.

1. The autumn wind rises in the forests,

It is noisy in the thickets.

(I. Bunin)

2. Made a gray bunny

Ears too long.

(A. Barto)

3. Comfortable, spacious classroom

There is silence in the morning.

4. The day was cheerful

Early spring.

5. On the wire lady

It goes like a telegram.

6. Lots of fun on the road

A seven year old passenger...

7. The autumn moon is bright,

Alley slumbers lacy.

8. The school is quiet and bright

At this early hour.

Through the window glass

The branches look straight into the classroom.

(S. Marshak)

21. Creative dictations.

I. Compose with these words and write down a story of 4-5 sentences.


Saturday, a group of children, class, museum, ticket office, cashier, tickets;

tour guide, interesting story;

rich collection.

O r o d.

Spring day; seedling; long beds; excellent harvest.

III. Form other words from these words so that they contain -НН-.

Autumn - autumn, spring, antiquity, length, stone, lemon, dream, window, desert, horse.

22 Form and write down adjectives.

Co……section, graphic……atika, co……ektiv, tro……eibus, mi……ion.

23 Replace the phrase with one word.

* Acute viral illness.

* The person is executive, observing order in everything.

* Multiple objects or people close by

apart or connected together.

* Combination of several musical sounds of different pitches

* Produce a monotonous rattling sound, whistling noise.

Words are helpers: а……kuratny, gri……, а……horde, zhu……at, grue……а.

24. Guess the riddles of Anatoly Arsyria. Speak the words of the riddle in syllables, write it down. Define the spelling. Divide the words - clues for transfer. Make sentences with one of them and write them down.

1. I have two to, Do not forget,

like me, always be:

I am accurate, clean, and tidy,

in other words, ……………..

2. He is always at the station,

trains come to him,

double R it contains

and is called ……………. .

3. Simple riddle and easy:

I write every two to ;

hit the ball and the puck with a club,

and my name is …………..

25. Read the titles of the books. Do you know their authors? Which of these books are you already familiar with? Write down the titles of the books (they are written in quotation marks), underline the doubled consonants.


"Pippi Longstocking",

"Winnie the Pooh and everything - everything - everything",

"The Adventures of Cipollino".

Hint: Rudyard Kipling, Astrid Lingren, Alan Milne, Gianni Rodari.

26. Insert double consonants.

Long……th, ro……ijskoe, va……chka, ma……new, a……horde, ho……eyny, morning……her, su……otnik, ra……ayay, a……etitny, gra…… atic, grunge……and, for e……ekta, cla……eco, osse….y, weight……yay, ka……ovy, sho……einaya, pa……azhirskoe, ra……kaz , A .... point.

27. Write down the words. Explain the spelling of one and two letters n.

Spring - spring, autumn - autumn, length - long, early - early, stone - stone, lemon - lemon, sleep - sleepy, telephone - telephone, window - window, fog - foggy, nebula.

28. Highlight the root and suffix. Explain the spelling of one and two letters n.

At the horse, the desert, to the eggplant, behind the long one, spring, along the wagon, in the stone, with the suitcase, spring, pasta, to the suitcase, from the balcony, lawn, in the booth, balcony.

29. Expand the brackets. Explain the spelling of one and or two n.

Beto (n, nn) ​​oh, cards (n, nn) ​​ka, empty (n, nn) ​​th, balo (n, nn) ​​th, ko (n, nn) ​​b, telephone (n, nn), ra (n , nn) ​​him, weight (n, nn) ​​them, with diva (n, nn) ​​s, makaro (n, nn) ​​s, axis (n, nn) ​​b, ra (n, nn) ​​o, baraba (n, nn) th, with limo (n, nn) ​​th, in the kame (n, nn) ​​ohm, balcony (n, nn) ​​chik, at the weight (n, nn) ​​of it.

30. Remember all the passed words with doubled consonants LL, MM. Open parenthesis.

Co (l, ll) ective, gra (m, mm) atika, a (l, ll) oe, a (l, ll) ee, Kiri (l, ll), po (l, ll) kovnik, telegra (m , mm) a, A (l, ll) a, co (l, ll) section, co (l, ll) onka, ki (ll, l) o (m, mm) meters, tra (mm, m) wai , Pu(m,mm)a, Di(mm,m)a.

31. Creative work.

Think up and write down the text of the telegram (1-2 sentences), include 1-2 words with doubled consonants in the root.

32. Read the names and surnames of famous foreign authors of literary fairy tales. Name the famous fairy tales that these authors wrote. Write down, underline doubled consonants and spelling - a capital letter in proper names and surnames.

Brothers Grimm (Wilhelm and Jacob), Charles Perrault, Selma Ottilie Lagerlöf, Joel Harris.

33. Fill in the missing letters.

Swimming pool…..ein, huge the……history, and……additions to the fairy tale, collection of stamps, friendly team…….

34. Write out words with doubled consonants from S. Bondarenko's couplet.

1. If there is a lot of rubbish in the house,

A quarrel may break out in the house.

2. Salt and cereals are needed,

To cook porridge for the group.

3. Today there will be a "cinema panorama".

What an interesting program!

4. It is more pleasant to find a mushroom under the tree,

How to get a sore throat or flu.

Separate words with doubled consonants for hyphenation. In which couplets did you hear the same-sounding words? How will you write them down? Explain.

35. Expand the brackets.

Cla (s, ss), ve (s, ss) on, pa (s, ss) azhir, mi (s, ss) iya, beach (s, ss) ka, co (s, ss) on, ba (s , ss) ein, (s, ss) ofa, ra (s, ss) kaz, o (s, ss) en, ru (s, ss) cue, pro (s, ss) op, but (s, ss) ok, ka (s, ss) ka, ka (s, ss) a, try (s, ss) ka, sho (s, ss) e, narci (s, ss), Novoro (s, ss) iysk, Ro (s, ss) iya, Mo (s, ss) qua, anana (s, ss).

36. Form and write down adjectives.

Dro……and, gro……ah, ho……hey, ah……ugly.

Replace phrases with one word.

A person with a great internal culture.

An urgent message sent by telegraph.

Explanatory drawing.

Mass units.

Decorative lighting of parks, streets, on the occasion of some kind of celebration.

Helper words: kilogra…., gra……., then…..a, telegra……a, and……jumination, inte…..agent, and…….yustration.

37. Creative dictations.

Class, excursion, group, autumn leaves, collection, story

Anna, telegram, cash desk, visiting, spring flowers.

Make up sentences from these words.

38. Educational dictations.

Yesterday our class was in the park. Beautiful autumn park! The children were collecting autumn leaves. At the lesson of the Russian language, they made up a story about autumn. (23 words)

Our class.

I am in the second grade. We have a friendly team. On Saturday, a group of children had a matinee. They wrote a story about it in a class newspaper. (24 words)

39. Preventive dictation with visual preparation.

Read. Which words have double consonants? ? Underline these consonants. What other spellings did you see? Label them. Take dictation.

1. Sharks in Africa, gorillas in Africa, big evil crocodiles in Africa…. (K. Chukovsky)

2. Here's a telegram from a hippopotamus! (K. Chukovsky)

3. We have four Asya, four Vasya, five Marus and two Petrovs in the class. (A. Barto)

Open the book, check yourself.

40. Take dictation. Underline the double consonants.

The hippopotamus is a powerful animal.

His body weight is over two tons.

And in one ton - a thousand kilograms.

And with such a weight, the hippopotamus is very fast

swims and dives well!

41. Explain the spelling of one and two letters.

He succumbed to his sister - went to the mountains, hold a hammer - support a friend, forge a document - do gymnastics, turn up the heat - submit an idea.

42. Open the brackets. Explain the spelling of one or two letters.

Be (z, zz) working, be (z, zz) vocal, ra (s, ss) pad, (s, ss) ode, by (d, dd) removable, ra (z, zz) adore, ra (s , ss) kaz, without (z, zz) bottom, (s, ss) ora, by (d, dd) arit, ra (s, ss) olnik, o (t, tt) opt, s (t, tt) ashil, ra (z, zz) burn, ra (s, ss) twisted, o (t, tt) ayat, be (s, ss) fateful.

43. Write root words with one letter n

Early - ………, spring - …………, autumn - …………,

long - …………., foggy - …………….

44. Vowels “ran away” from the words. Restore the words.

PP - gr ... pp ..., gr ... pp, ... pp ... r ... t, ... ppl ... k ... c ..., ... pp ... t ... t, Fi ... l ... pp.

KK - x ... kk ... d, ... kk ... r ... tn ... d, ... kk ... rd.

LJ - other ... LJ ..., in ... LJ ..., well ... LJ ... t, m ... LJ ... in ... flax ... k.

LL - to ... ll ... kt ... in, ... ll ... ..., K ... r ... ll, ... ll ..., T ... ll ... n, m ... ll ... ... n, k ... ll ... kts ... …, ...ll…str…c……. .

MM - gr…mm, t…l…gr…mm…, s…mm…, k…l…gr…mm, R…mm….

BB - C ... cc ... .

TT - Sh ... rl ... tt ... .

45. Selective dictation with preparation. Read. Fill in the missing letters, open the brackets. Mark spellings, explain spellings, write only words with a double consonant.

Dre (ss, s) maker and le ...

“What a meek one: (without) a command - a step ....

That's how I tamed him, b.. money!

So dre (ss, s) the worker (by) thought about l..ve

Le ... reasoned, by the way, like this:

“What a brave man! Don't b...it, h...yes...

If he had not been so dexterous and bold,

I would definitely have it ... but with ... eat it!

(A. Shibaev)

46. ​​Page - test. Expand the brackets.

Cla (s, ss), weight (nn, n) ya, pa (s, ss) fat, ka (s, ss) a, ose (nn) ya, a (l, ll) ee, tro (ll, l )eibus, do(k,kk)tor, balaga(nn,n), ra(n,nn)iy, ra(n,nn)ka, ko(l,ll)jection, ra(z,zz) loaded, Ro (s, ss) iya, years (nn,) ii, (s, ss) ora, Ode (s, ss) a,

kame (n, nn) ​​oh, makaro (n, nn) ​​th.

47. Warning dictation with continuation. visual preparation. Read the text. Find words with a double consonant at the root of the word. What other spellings did you find in the text? Explain the spelling.

In one zoo, a small gorilla refused food. The director of the zoo volunteered to save the animal.

Every day in front of the cage, he ate a delicious lunch with appetite. Soon the monkey began to imitate the man.

And the director is losing weight now.

(Based on the materials of the Klepa magazine)

Write down the text from dictation. List all familiar spellings. Think of a continuation of the text from 1-2 sentences. Include the word kilogram. Check what you wrote.

48. Dictation - text.

in sous bb otu ra nn im a morning a ll and Kiri ll ova walked along a narrow path near a kk urate green fence. Behind the bushes LJ evelnik could see the meta ll ic roof of a country house. Coming soon A ll and married those pp the history of the village of Chashniki and went along the banks of the Smorodinka River. Ma grew up in the meadow ss but flowers. Zhu LJ ali bees. The meadow looked beautiful pp lication or colorful and ll yustration from a children's book. There was a group by the water pp and weeping willows with long nn th flexible branches. BUT ll and dived into the water. Rose mi ll splash ion. Good morning nn no swimming! (72 words)

If the student made mistakes in the highlighted spellings, then there are gaps in the study of the topic “Double consonants”. To eliminate them, it is necessary to continue the exercises on this topic.

49. Guess riddles and write riddles.

Christmas tree or not Christmas tree?

green needle,

And not a prick at all! (L - - - - - - - - - - .)

I become myself in the captivity of fire.

There would be no world without me

No bicycles, no machines,

No cars, no skates. (M - - - - - .)

A climber stands on the roof

And catches the news for us. (BUT - - - - - - .)

This eye is a special eye

He quickly looks at you -

And will be born

The most accurate portrait of you. (F - - - - - - - - - - .)

50. Replace the words with opposite words with a double consonant.

Sloppy, tasteless, evening, sunset, late.

Words are helpers: morning .... th, a ... .. urate, ra ... .. th, a ... .. etitny, ra ... .. vet.

51. Dictation - preparation.

With l at h and y.

On a ll her in the bushes mo LJ an old pine tree has fallen down. How to remove it kk ugly? She has a length nn th trunk. She weighs more nn s. Ra nn im champ nn im morning kiri ll and Ge nn Adius took a saw and began to saw wood. In the meadow LJ or the first insects. By sho ss Rare cars passed by. Kiri ll and Ge nn ady sawed a tree and removed it from a ll ei. Remained ma ss and sawdust. sawyers a kk they rudely removed them pp history.

If the student made mistakes in the selected spelling, he needs to write out the words in which the mistakes were made and pick up the same-root ones for them.

52. Dictation - test.

Autumn time.

Days of Ra nn her autumn in ro ss ai are very beautiful. In the morning sometimes fog creeps over the nn oh valley. Ma ss and bright leaves cover the grass, paths, paths, and ll ee, sho ss e. mi ll leaf ions are still on the branches. In the rays of the sun nn ya foliage, how wonderful and ll yumination. Growing at the edge pp and green Christmas trees. YU nn ata e mm a, ja nn a, and sa centuries but on those pp history of the forest school kk hurricane leaves are removed. Kiri's friends on the court ll and Fili pp play those nn is. Length nn On winter evenings they will play ho kk her. (74 words)

If the student made more than four mistakes in spelling a double consonant, then it is necessary to repeat the rules and perform the exercises.

double consonants at the root are most often found in borrowed words, their presence is determined by the spelling dictionary:

Abbey, abbreviation, Abyssinians, aggression, acclimatize, accommodation, accompaniment, chord, accordion, letter of credit, accumulator, neat, allah, allegory, allegro, allergy, all eya, alligator, all iluya, all opat, all yur, amm iak, amm onal, amm ony, ann aly, ann exia, ann ibalova (oath), ann otation, ann ulirovat, app arat, appeal, app endicit, application, artillery, assembly, assessor, vacuum cleaner, assignation, assimilate, assistant, assonance, ass orty, association, atoll, attach asche, attachment estat, attraction, affect.

Bak ara, ball, ball of hell, ballast, ballistics, ballon, ballot, baroque, barrage, barricade, pool, bella adonna, bell aetristics, billion, biss ektrisa, gross o, buddhism , buff onada, bull eten.

In ann a, vass al.

Gallicism, galls, gall ucination, gamma a, hippopotamus, gram, grammatica, influenza, gross, grand meister, groups a.

Dilemma, distill, defamation, differential, diffusion, train.

Idillia, illusion, illuminator, illustration, indifferent, intellect, intellectual, intermezzo, hippodrome, irrigation.

Calligraphy, cassation, cassette, cashier, caisson, terminal a, collaborator, college, collective, collector, collection, colloid, colloquium, column, hell column, colossus, commerce , commuting voyager, commuting unique, commutator, communiqué, compressor, congress, concession, coral, corrective, correct, correlate, corrida, corrosion, corruption, coefficient, crystal.

Massage, mass, mission, exaggerate, mousse.

Narcissus, netto, nipple, short story, nullify.

About kk upation, opp position, opp onate, opp ortunism, otto omanka.

Parallel elepiped, passage, passive, platform, pessimism, press.

R essora, roll.

Satellite, setter, syllabic, syllogism, symmetry, ssora, ssud, streptococcus, shelving, sum a, surrogate.

Tennis, terrace, terr icons, terror, territory, troll heibus, tripper er.

X lorophyll.

C ell yulose.

Excess, ell ips, essence.

with one consonant words are written:

Acoustics, alogism, aluminum, ammunition, apatite, apathy, a priori, balustrade, barcarolle, blooming, veto, variety show, gallery, haberdashery, hypertension, humanism, landing, decibel, imitation, impresario, cavalry, calorie, caricature, clinic, Colosseum, corridor, midget, moroccan, freemason, mulatto, level, panorama, pilgrim, politeness, privilege, producer, race (racial, racist, racist), rococo, wolverine, Russianism, tome, elite.

It is not recommended to determine the double consonant in a borrowed word by comparing it with the word of the original language, since during the assimilation of foreign vocabulary, the second consonant in Russian may be lost:

Aggregate (lat. agg regatus), address (fr. adress e), apartments (fr. app artement), approbation (lat. app robatio), at aka (lat. att aque), attribute (lat. att ributum), scam (fr. aff aire), af isha (fr. aff iche), business (eng. business) - therefore business men, but: congress men, cross men; buffer (eng. buffer), vernis already (fr. vemiss age), vignette ka (fr. vignett e), vol eyball (eng. voll eyball), biscuit a (fr. galett e), dessert (fr. dess ert), canonada (French cann onade), officer (German Off izier), pudding (English pudd ing), resources (French ress ourees), trot war (French trott oir).

Double consonants at the junction of significant parts of the word

In three adjectives - wooden, pewter and glassy - the suffix -yann- stands out, which is written with a double n.

With one n, the adjective suffix -in (yy), for example: nightingale, chicken, mouse, living room (gostiny dvor); the same in nouns living room, hotel(but compare the adjective living room, see § 95).

Note. The spelling of the following adjectives is determined in dictionary order: with one n are written smart, wise; with twon -exhausted, exhausted, pompous, slow, desperate.

In nouns with the suffix -ennik, a double n is written, for example: traveler (from travel), predecessor
(to precede), relative (property), compatriot (fatherland), like-minded person (thought, to think), malefactor, accomplice (intention), drowned man (to drown himself), protege (set), number (number), noodles (noodles).

However, one n is written in the words student (from learn (sya), worker (work), martyr, unmercenary, silver(name of the coin), dumpling.

Note. For double consonants in borrowed (foreign) noun suffixes, see § 108.

Double n and one n in the suffixes of passive past participles and adjectives correlative with them

Full Forms

Note. Such adjectives are few; the vast majority of correlative adjectives with participles in -ny have no qualitative value; these are boiled, boiled, soaked, dried, chiseled etc.

Double n and one n in words formed from adjectives and participles

A hyphen (also called a dash) is a non-alphabetic spelling mark that is used in various functions. It is used in the rules for continuous, hyphenated and separated writing (see § 117-156), as a hyphen (see

Spelling of consonants in the root includes three types of rules:

1) spelling of voiced / deaf consonants;
2) spelling of unpronounceable consonants;
3) double consonants.

Rules 1 and 2 are considered by us in paragraph 1.14. Changes in consonants in speech, p. 1.15. Spelling of consonants. In this paragraph, we will dwell in more detail on spelling. double consonants in the root.

On the spelling of double consonants at the junction of morphemes, in suffixes, prefixes, see paragraph 2.5. Prefixes, p. 2.7. Suffixes. Postfixes.

1. At the root of the word, double consonants are usually written in borrowed words.

Alley, assembly, ballad, column, correspondent, repression, tennis, tone, terrace, effect.

    Word score matter:

    1. "a unit of assessment of the degree of something" ( wind force six);
    2. "assessment in school, in sports, etc." ( passing score).

    Word ball means "big dance party" ( prom).

2. In the roots of Russian words, two identical consonants are written in the following cases:

3. Root double consonants are preserved in derived words.

Wed: program - programming - software - program, Cannes - Cannes.

4. Exceptions:

One consonant is written Double consonant written
1. In the first part of compound words: com party (Communist Party), core item (correspondent point).
2. In diminutive forms of personal names with the suffix -k-, compare: All a - Al ka, Ann a - An ka, Cyril - Kiril ka, Rimma a - Rim ka, Savv a - Sav ka. In other cases, a double consonant is written - All points, Ann ushka.
3. In some derivatives of the word crystal (if after l is written b): crystal, crystal, crystal, crystal. In other derivatives, a double consonant is written: crystal ic, crystal ir and etc.
4. In some derivatives of the word column: column, columnar, columnar, columnar. In other words, a double consonant is written: columned, columns of hell, columns-shaped and etc.
5. In some derivatives of the word operetta: operetta ka, full-time operetta, full-time operetta.
6. In some derivatives of the word finn: Finnish, Finland, Finnish. But: Finn O-Ugric.
7. In one of the derivatives of individual words, cf.: antenna - antenna, ton - three-ton, five-ton. But: point antennas, antennae.
But: tons already and etc.

Exercises for the topic “2.4. Spelling of consonants in the root "

  • 2.4. Spelling of consonants in the root