Divination online for big money. Tarot layout for money - what awaits in the field of finance. Divination for money with water

There are a great many varieties of divination methods for money and wealth. All fortune-telling for money is different and equally true, we will give several ways of fortune-telling for money and wealth on ordinary playing cards, and you will choose the one that you like best.

On water, coins and banknotes, look at another page.

It will complement your fortune-telling on the cards, help clarify the financial situation and the prospect of cash receipts.

To find out.

Fortune telling on cards for money and success

This simple and effective fortune-telling for money will quickly give an answer to the question of the receipt of money in the near future. It is carried out on a standard deck of 36 divination cards. The income of money will depend on your success in the near future.

Focus on your money problems and mentally ask the cards the question: “Will I have money and success in the near future?”. For fortune-telling on cards for money and success, shuffle the deck and randomly draw nine cards from the deck. Arrange 9 cards face down on the table from left to right in one row. Then turn over the cards one by one. The answer to your question will be the predominant card suit. Look and count which cards of what suit fell out the most. This will be a general description of your financial situation, a general answer to the question of whether there will be money and success soon.

If more crosses (clubs) fell out, which traditionally mean money, then things will go with success and the money will arrive soon. You will have money, and you can think about how to spend it.

If spades cards (blame) fell out in a larger number, then in the near future you will not see success, money will flow through your fingers and it is worth seriously reducing costs, you should not plan large purchases.

If more cards of red suits fell out, then this promises a quick change in the current situation for the better, things will go well, money will come from different sources.

On this, fortune-telling on cards for money and success can be completed, or you can clarify what awaits you soon, tell fortunes on cards for money and wealth.

Fortune-telling for money and success can be continued and you can find out how things will be with money and wealth in more detail. You have already made a spread of 9 cards by choosing them randomly from the deck. After that, the layout of 9 cards can be looked at more closely and the meaning of the cards can be explained more specifically, depending on which cards fell out. Fortune telling on cards for money and wealth will be a continuation of your first scenario. In divination for money and wealth, each card has its own meaning, look at the meanings of your cards and you will find out what they prophesied for you.

It should be noted that the word “wealth” is very conditional here, it means a certain amount for everyone, for some it is millions, but for most fortunetellers it is a free amount of money over which you can think about how to spend it and what you can get for this money.

Meaning of cards by suit

Heart suit:

Ace- soon a profitable business offer awaits you, agree, in the future it will bring a lot of money and wealth;

King- soon a reliable partner will appear in your life, which will help improve your financial situation, the appearance of money;

Lady- during the coming week, contracts with women will not lead to the appearance of money and an improvement in their financial situation, it is not recommended to start business relationships and conclude deals with women;

Jack- you are getting a promotion and an increase in cash receipts, there will be more money, but it is still far from wealth;

Ten- in the near future, do not rush to invest, monetary losses are possible, your wealth will quickly melt;

Nine- soon one of your relatives will want to borrow money from you, think carefully whether you can do without them, whether your wealth is enough to finance your loved ones;

Eight- you will have a money trip, which will significantly improve your financial situation, free money will appear;

Seven- in the near future, you need to be more careful with expenses, financial troubles and loss of money are possible, hopes for wealth will begin to melt;

Six- on a business trip you will meet a useful person who will help improve your situation, tell you options for obtaining money, and possibly help you in their implementation.

Diamond suit:

Ace- you will soon receive news related to financial transactions and accounts, accounts can be unpleasantly large, money will be spent;

King- in difficult times, turn to a faithful friend, he will help you pay off your debts;

Lady- a situation will soon arise when you want to become generous, spend some money on your beloved (beloved);

Jack- in the near future, relatives will ask for a loan of a large amount of money, this may worsen your situation;

Ten- soon a large amount of money awaits you in the form of a gift, this will not lead to wealth, but your situation will improve significantly;

Nine- in the near future, an unexpected obstacle will arise on the path to wealth and financial flows;

Eight- they will soon ask for money in debt, think over the request well, you will have to say goodbye to this money, they will not be given back, do not lend money;

Seven- you will be allowed to breathe freely, creditors will defer payment of the debt for a while, it will be possible to find money;

Six- you are fabulously lucky, for a small service you will receive a monetary reward, unexpected money will please you.

Cross suit:

Ace- things are bad, you will face bankruptcy, wealth is at risk;

King- do not trust unverified rumors, information about your upcoming income is greatly exaggerated, you should not wait for money yet;

Lady- you will be provided with financial assistance, ask for money from a woman you know;

Jack- be careful, a young man will try to drag you into a dubious adventure, you can lose money;

Ten- agree, in the near future someone will offer you additional income, money will appear;

Nine- your situation will improve slightly, a small amount of money will arrive;

Eight- your hopes will collapse, financial prospects will collapse, there will be no light, wealth does not shine;

Seven- expenses are coming soon, you will receive a receipt from the bank, which you will need to pay, look for money;

Six- in the near future there will be a waste of money that will not bring you any significant gain.

Peak suit:

Ace- you will receive unpleasant news that the company on which you had financial hopes will change its mind about concluding a profitable contract, wealth is not close;

King- look around, an enemy is waiting for you, who, in order to take money, wants to deceive you;

Lady- be careful in business relations with women, money may be lost, this week it is not recommended to enter into negotiations with them;

Jack- soon you will meet a young man who will bring you quick profits and wealth, be attentive to your surroundings;

Ten- in the near future, the illness of your business partner will break your plans for receiving money;

Nine- soon you will lose a business partner, and you will have to say goodbye to your joint plans and receiving money;

Eight- everything is completely bad, business partners can set you up, your financial situation will worsen, you will lose money;

Seven- Your quarrel with a financial partner will interfere with your future plans in money matters;

Six- in the near future there will be a useful business trip that will inspire you for grandiose plans and lead to an improvement in your financial condition, free money will appear.

Do you want to know the state of your finances in the near future? Will you receive a salary increase? In this article, you will learn the features of the Tarot layout for money and you will be able to get acquainted with the most popular, effective examples of divination. Enjoy reading!

Features of tarot layouts for money

Thanks to divination on Tarot cards, you can find out the full picture related to material well-being. The following examples of layouts will help the fortuneteller in this.

Note. To get a detailed prediction, Tarot cards need to formulate an exact question, consisting of one / two concise phrases.

Modern Tarot divination for money will help you find answers to the following questions:

  • Where and how to find a job
  • Why do I have a constant lack of finances
  • Who and how is preventing me from earning more

Note. Tarot cards will help to reveal the presence of a negative magical effect that prevents you from developing and earning. In addition, in the absence of the required amount of finance, the fortuneteller himself may be guilty. Restrictions, errors in the performance of official duties, conservative outlook on life are just some of these reasons.

To learn how to properly manage your finances and find out how to increase your existing income, sign up for courses with specialists from the Russian Tarot School.

Tarot layout for money "Full Bowl" (scheme, meaning of card positions)

Consider the scheme of the Tarot layout for money "Full Bowl". Details are below.

This type of divination will help in the following:

  • find the cause of financial difficulties
  • what steps should be taken to increase financial well-being
  • events, circumstances that contribute to the improvement of the material sphere of life

Note! Predictions that fall out according to this scheme will be valid for three months. Before the start of fortune-telling, it is recommended to set your own time period during which the predictions will remain valid.

Before starting the layout, carefully shuffle your deck, randomly lay out four cards according to the scheme below (in the form of a bowl).

The interpretation of the dropped positions is as follows.

  1. Indicates the root cause of financial difficulties. Please note that there may be several of them, the main thing is to see the main one. Turn on the objectivity of thinking
  2. Circumstances, events, situations that improve your financial well-being
  3. Actions, personal qualities of a fortuneteller necessary to increase material wealth
  4. What should be done to improve the financial flow

This type of alignment will help find the answer to the question about the current financial situation (if there are problems with money), indicate the main cause of financial difficulties at the current time. A detailed diagram, interpretation of the positions are given below.

The interpretation of the positions of the cards is as follows.

  1. What is the financial situation of the fortuneteller
  2. Presence/absence of blocking the money channel. The position will indicate the main reasons that prevent the free access of the financial flow to the life of the questioner
  3. Is the problem related to a karmic/psychological/generic criterion?
  4. Is the querent ready to receive money at the current time
  5. Is it possible to open access to the financial channel and how to do it. Position - advice to a fortuneteller

Consider the meaning of the cards of the Tarot layout for money "Money Tree" and the features of this fortune-telling. It is advisable to use the oracle Small Lenormand deck.

This type of alignment will indicate to the fortuneteller his financial prospects, which hinders / favors in the financial matter. Shuffle the cards, focus, draw five cards and arrange them according to the diagram below.

The interpretation of each position is as follows:

  1. The past is the root of the problem
  2. Present - trunk
  3. What solves problems is a fertile branch
  4. What prevents you from achieving your goals - a problematic branch
  5. Outcome - fruit

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the Tarot layout for money (Major Arcana) “Money Magnet”. Separate the Major Arcana from the working deck, focus, lay out the cards according to the diagram below.

Note! The first two positions - subconscious / conscious attitude to finance .

The interpretation of the dropped positions is carried out according to the following points:

Note! If the Power, Moon, Death, Devil, Magician cards fell out in the fifth position, you should be on your guard - you have monetary damage or other types of negative magical effects on financial well-being.

Let this information help you normalize and / or increase the flow of funds! Stay tuned for more updates and more interesting information. Good luck!

Attracting money is a new fortune-telling online to attract money luck into your life. This alignment for money combines the diagnostic, predictive, corrective and modeling capabilities of the tarot system.

1. Internal influences: what is not realized in the handling of money. 2. External influences: coincidence, human factor. 3. Your financial situation now: 4. Financial situation in the future: 5. What benefits do you get from life for nothing? 6. What do you need to give, what to share? 7. What will make you a money magnet?

  • Internal influences: what is not realized in the handling of money.
  • External influences: coincidence, human factor.
  • Your financial position now.
  • financial situation in the future.
  • What benefits do you get from life just like that?
  • What do you need to give, what to share?
  • What will make you a money magnet?
Click on the cards to complete the layout

Click on the cards to find out the meaning

How to read the layout

Diagnostic aspect of divination:

The first two points are the unconscious and conscious attitude towards money. Often we use the opportunity to blame the state, employer, partner, loved one for the lack of the amount of finance that we dream of. But the reasons most often have an internal nature.

Point 1 - will show how your unconscious attitude towards money. What you really feel about money, not what you would like to feel or show off to others.

Point 2 - will describe how the circumstances for the extraction of funds are developing around you. If it is positive - and point 1 is negative - then the cause is within you. It is worth working with your beliefs (paragraphs 6.7). If point 2 is negative, you should pay attention to the environment or context.

Predictive aspect of divination:

Point 3 will show what is now or very close in time regarding your financial situation.

Point 4 - forecast of your financial situation in the future.

Corrective aspect of divination:

Item 5: what you get just like that in material terms.

If the Moon, Devil, Death, partly Strength, High Priestess, Mage cards fell out in this position - with a general negative picture of the alignment, they can talk about monetary damage or negative magical influences on your well-being, which can be expressed in the fact that money is not kept in your wallet , in permanent debts, losses.

If negative minor arcana cards with swords fell out there - disruption of the financial flow due to struggle, bad thoughts and intentions, if cards with cups (chalices) - due to a bad emotional background, personal or contextual, etc.

A positive or neutral card will describe what you get for nothing - this is your material (or intangible) luck. Perhaps you should realize in this case that you are already the owner of goods, but have not yet thanked the universe for this.

Modeling aspect of divination:

Item 7: What will make you a money magnet. Mini-strategy to attract money. I recommend doing meditation on this card. Well, act according to what it means. Suddenly, a negative lasso fell out in this position, do not rush to get upset - there are no bad tarot cards: there are destructive ones.

Only through the destruction of the old fragile foundations of your personality is the next revival in a better quality possible. Therefore, be aware of the negative card, how could it be useful to you? After all, the knife may also end up in the hand of a surgeon who transplants a healthy heart to replace the patient.

This item will help to form a new attitude towards the material side of your life. Do you know how to do meditation? Forward. But before that, 5-10 deep breaths, relaxing the body, letting go of thoughts - concentrating on the picture in position 7 - just go inside, learn how you can and feel the wisdom of tarot.

Attracting money is not guessing how and how much, and when - it is a lifestyle that you learn and follow constantly, then it can be considered effective. The best material wealth!

Coming soon new project!

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Who can ask you to make a Tarot layout for money? The one who has money, as well as the one who does not have money. In the first case, you will most likely have to ask what to do to increase the income of money, and in the second - the reasons for which there are problems with money.

Case 1

If everything is more or less stable with finances

But let's sort it out in order. Let's take the case of an entrepreneur, not in a prosperous, not a crisis time for him, who is interested in forecasting his income, as well as in how to increase profits.

For such a person, the layouts for money can be something like this:

Financial forecast for the year. For the Tarot layout for 12 months for money, the scheme is very simple: from a full deck of cards for each month, starting from the current one, it is drawn along the card and so on for 12 months (card for June, July, etc.). Naturally, before pulling a card out of the deck, mentally or aloud, you need to designate a month for yourself. Then you analyze the dropped cards and see if there are places that attract your attention - with big profits or vice versa, if there are periods in which there will be difficulties with income.

They can be of two types:

  • If everything is fine, and the person who came to you is interested in how to increase profits. You can do the "Five" layout. With a request before the alignment “What should So-and-so do in order for his financial situation to improve?”. The first card will be the main one, two cards below it explaining the first one, the fourth card is also an addition to the first one, and the last card is the so-called card of higher meaning. This layout is not positional, so all cards are read together. The advantage of this alignment is that you can look at the situation in a complex way, and also you will not be limited to any particular position in the layout, therefore, you will be able to turn around in your comments. But in the need to synthesize the meaning of several cards, the complexity of this layout is also.
  • If you see that there are problem areas in the layout, then you, firstly, must warn the person about this, and secondly, make the “Five” layout (or any other that you like) in order to take care of that to avoid an unpleasant financial situation. The alignment you should do with the request: "What to do to avoid an unpleasant financial situation?" and issue recommendations based on the alignment. Or, if the person does not understand what it is connected with, you can do the same layout before that with the request: “What is the reason for this situation?”.

Case 2

If finances are so-so

In this case, of course, you can also start with the "Financial forecast for the year" layout. But it would be more expedient to start fortune telling on Tarot cards for money by finding out the reasons why the money does not go to your client.

  • You can start by asking “What is the cause of money problems?”. And make the same "Five".
  • You can, if it’s hard to interpret the Five, make a positional Tarot layout for money “”. The positions in the layout will be as follows:
  1. The main cause of money problems at the moment.
  2. What situations, circumstances or events will help you improve your financial situation?
  3. What personal qualities do you need to have in order to improve your financial situation?
  4. What do you need to do to improve the financial situation, what actions to take?
  • And in order to understand what is the cause of problems with finances at a subtle level, you can make a universal alignment for money. It is done on a full deck, but you can also do this Tarot deal for money exclusively on the Major Arcana. It will allow you to determine which body a person should work with to neutralize problems with money. You should pay attention to negative cards, they will fall on problematic "bodies".

The positions in the layout will be as follows:

The layout of "7 bodies"
  1. The problems are in how a person spends the money that comes to him, as well as in the arrangement of his life.
  2. So-called energy pollution
  3. Wrong emotional reaction to money. This will include all kinds of fears and unpleasant associative connections on the topic of money.
  4. Wrong income and investment strategy.
  5. The problems are related to the sense of time. For example, a person does something at the wrong time, untimely implements a project that could bring him good money. And also connects with the wrong people.
  6. Problems with motivations and life values
  7. This position is a general characteristic of relations with finances.

The value of the cards in the layouts for money

Of course, it is important, when making Tarot layouts for money, to understand the meanings of money cards. You can add to this list with your own interpretations. You should especially pay attention to these cards in all kinds of forecasts.

Negative cards

  • Death - there is no money, transformation is needed in order for them to appear
  • Devil - Debts
  • Hermit - little money
  • - a certain karmic situation associated with money, fraught with losses. But if there are positive cards around, it can mean inheritance
  • Moon - indicates the presence of many fears related to the topic of money during this period
  • Hanged Man - financial loss
  • - also monetary losses
  • Seven of Swords - risk of losing money
  • Eight of Swords - financial losses associated with conflicts, betrayal
  • Ten of Swords - loss of a source of income or a conscious rejection of money
  • - limited funds, constrained financial circumstances

positive cards

  • - a good card that promises big profits
  • - income is related to the family, the receipt of money from the family, from the husband, and possibly the income is related to the family business
  • The star is a positive card, but does not promise profit only after a long time. On the Star - the right direction
  • Sun - everything is fine with income, they are from their favorite business
  • - good financial situation
  • - transition to a new level of income
  • The jester is a positive card, it can talk about big, crazy, unexpected money, however, who came on this card, they tend to leave as quickly as they came
  • - excellent financial situation, perhaps a reward for past work if there was a Star in front of him
  • - good financial situation
  • - money brings joy

"12 houses of the horoscope" for money

This large alignment is suitable for us in order to understand how various areas of life affect a person’s financial situation - where money can come from and where it goes, in which areas it is better to make money, and also from which areas to take motivation for making money.

Spread technique: it is done on a full deck, you lay out 12 cards in turn on each of the houses.

  1. Self-presentation, self-knowledge. How important are these topics for improving the financial situation. If important, perhaps you should think about how to better present yourself.
  2. Proper distribution of income and balance between income and expenses. Are you allocating your resources correctly? In the case of bad cards, most likely, you are spending money irrationally.
  3. Close circle, relatives, neighbors. How interaction with this resource can improve your financial situation.
  4. Family Children. And how important this resource is for the money to appear (as a motivation for earning money or just a successful marriage that improved the financial situation).
  5. Creativity - perhaps it will bring you income. Or the inspiration from the creative process will give you a fortune that will help you make more money.
  6. Health. And how important it is to deal with them in order for the financial situation to improve. And also - can you make money on sports.
  7. Partnership. Is it promising to earn money together or is it better to be alone?
  8. Other means. Is it possible to make money by managing other people's funds. And also this house can talk about the connection between sexuality and financial flows (not always, even more rarely than often, it's about making money through sex, rather about open sexuality, which can contribute to the fact that money will come). What exactly in your case means the card lying on the 8th house can always be found on "Daat".
  9. Traveling, do you need to travel more so that money comes into your life, as well as about learning - as your own, in order to get a new profession with the help of new knowledge that will bring you a good income. And how promising is it to train someone so that the money comes.
  10. All sorts of structures, corporations, large organizations in which it is desirable to build a career or somehow interact with them if positive cards fall out in this position.
  11. Like-minded people, political activity - how important it is for financial well-being.
  12. Meditations and spiritual practices. Do they affect money in your case, is it worth doing them in order to improve your financial situation?

Having made this alignment, you will understand which areas to pay attention to in order to improve the financial situation. Notice which areas stand out from the rest, both positively and negatively. Pay special attention to the Major Arcana. Pay attention to whether there are good cards - the resources of these areas will help you.

As you can see, the topic of money is very extensive and there are plenty of layout options that can fully reveal it. I hope the spreads given here will help you and your clients deal with the topic of finance and improve their financial situation.

How do you know if your business is profitable? When will I become rich? What can enrich me? Divination for money will help answer all these questions. Financial issues have always worried people. To satisfy their curiosity, they used to go to sorcerers and magicians. Nowadays, you can do it yourself, at home. So, how do you find out about your future financial situation?

There are many money divination on playing cards. The first fortune-telling will reveal to you the truth about your financial situation in the near future. Take a deck of 36 cards, shuffle and lay out a row of nine cards. Take cards from the deck in random order. After that, look at what fell out. Or rather, on the suit of the cards drawn. If most of them are clubs, then expect significant profits in the near future. If there are a lot of spade cards, then an addition to the wallet is not expected. Moreover, be careful with your money, it is likely that expenses and losses await you. If a lot of hearts have fallen, your financial situation will remain the same, nothing will change in the near future. A lot of cards of a diamond suit are a sign that both losses and acquisitions await you ahead.

The next fortune-telling will reveal to you the secrets of your future financial situation. Take several coins of different denominations: 10 and 50 kopecks, 1, 2, 5, 10 rubles. Dip them in a bag full of any cereal. There should be enough cereal so that it completely covers all the coins. Shake the contents of the bag thoroughly and place it under your bed. This divination is best done before going to bed. The next morning, remove the bag from under the bed and, with your eyes closed, take a full handful of cereal from there with your left hand. Look what you got along with the grits. The coin that you pulled out will reveal the secret of your future financial situation.

10 kopecks means that in the near future you should not expect profit. Moreover, it is likely that the wallet can be empty from unforeseen expenses. Be more careful with your money and try to spend less.

50 kopecks is a sign that soon you will have to help someone close financially. Be prepared for this, do not refuse the needy in difficult times.

1 ruble is a sign that very soon a very large acquisition awaits you, which you have been planning for a long time.

2 rubles is a sign that you will receive unexpected profits. It won't be that big, but it will be nice. It is possible that you will be repaid debts or you will accidentally find money.

5 rubles - a harbinger of the fact that in the near future you will be very lucky. You will attract money. Expect an increase in your income. Most likely, this will be associated with a promotion, opening your own business, winning the lottery or selling real estate.

10 rubles is the most favorable outcome of divination for future profits. If you got this coin, then in the near future you will be able to increase your income, and they will continue to grow rapidly. The business from which you expect profit will go smoothly.

If you did not draw a single coin, do not be upset. It is possible that your financial situation will not change in the near future. In this case, try to repeat this divination in a week or a month.

There are many other fortune-telling for money. You can find out about the probability of making a profit in different ways: with the help of fortune telling on runes or fortune telling on Tarot. In order to find out the truth about the future, divination methods are not particularly important. More important is the attitude and focus on the process. This is the most important guarantee of accurate prediction.