Extraordinary abilities. Andrey Solovyov's blog. Masutatsu Oyama: could knock down a bull with one blow

The EB-1A immigrant visa makes it possible to obtain a US Green Card for people with extraordinary ability in the sciences, arts, business or sports. Unlike the O-1 visa, this type of visa does not require an employer, but the applicant must prove that they have achieved the highest level of excellence in science, education, business, or sports and are among the small percentage of people in the world who have achieved this level of excellence.

Because the EB-1A is an immigrant visa, the applicant and family members (spouse and unmarried children under 21) are eligible for a permanent green card upon approval. In addition, applicants for this visa have the added benefit of not being required to have a job offer from a US employer; Subcategory EB-1A visa applicants only need to prove that they will continue to work in the same field in which they show their outstanding ability. It is also not supposed to pass any tests and checks as evidence of your abilities!

To obtain this immigrant visa must demonstrate excellence in the sciences, arts, education, business or sports through proven national or international recognition.

In order to prove your outstanding abilities in a certain area, there are 2 ways:

First way– the applicant must provide evidence of receiving an internationally recognized honorary award or prize (for example, receiving a Nobel or Pulitzer Prize, an Oscar, an Olympic medal)

Second way(most common) is the provision of supporting documents for any three (3) of the following categories:

  • The presence of national or internationally recognized prizes or awards for outstanding achievements in the field of the declared activity (but the significance of the awards may be lower than the awards indicated in the first method).
  • Membership in associations that require excellence in a particular field to join.
  • Printed material about the applicant in professional or trade publications or other mainstream media sources. The materials must be related to the applicant's professional field of activity.
  • Evidence of the applicant's participation as a judge (jury member) individually or as part of a judicial commission (jury) in the area of ​​his outstanding achievements.
  • Evidence of the applicant's significant contribution to the fields of science, education, arts, sports and business.
  • Proof that the applicant is the author of scientific articles published in professional or trade publications and other major media.
  • Evidence that the applicant's work has been presented at art exhibitions or screenings.
  • Evidence of a leading or leadership role in a distinguished organization with a high national or international reputation.
  • Evidence of the applicant's high salary or other high remuneration, significant in comparison with other persons working in the same field of activity.
  • Evidence of commercial success in the performing arts, supported by evidence of box office, disc, cassette, or video product sales.
  • Claims of extraordinary ability may also be supported and proven by the demonstration of "comparable" evidence. This evidence does not strictly fall into one of the above categories, but demonstrates the applicant's outstanding ability.

Below we provide a rough list of professions that have been recognized by the immigration service as eligible for the EB-1A visa:

– Medicine: cardiologist (cardiology studies in pediatrics)

– Science: Biophysicist (radiation expert), nanotechnologist, market researcher

– Art: acrobat (composition of Cirque de Soleil), blues musician, violinist, photographer

– Business: journalist, distributor of rare wines

– Sports: judo coach, hockey player, runner, swimming coach (for people with disabilities) ***

*** The list of professions is not exhaustive and is provided for reference only.

Who said that people with superpowers can only be found in movies, cartoons and comics?

With this selection, I want to prove to you that such people can be found in the real world. Of course, they do not fly like birds and are not able to move at the speed of light, but each of them has extraordinary abilities and talents that science will not be able to explain for a long time.

Gino Martino: Anvil Man

Gino Martino is an American professional wrestler and entertainer who shocks audiences with his incredible ability to break hard objects with his head, including iron bars, baseball bats, and concrete blocks. His skull even withstood bowling balls falling from a height of five meters. According to doctors, this unusual physical ability of Gino is due to the fact that he naturally has a super-strong skull. For this he was nicknamed the Anvil Man.

Tim Cridland: Torture King

Tim Cridland, performing under the stage name "Zamora - King of Torture", for decades has demonstrated to the world his unique ability - exceptional tolerance for pain. He stabbed himself with swords, swallowed fire and swords, lay down on nails - and this is just a small part of those dangerous tricks that he did throughout his career. Tim is a Guinness World Record holder.

Wim Hof: Iceman

Dutchman Wim Hof ​​has an amazing ability to withstand extremely low temperatures. He ran marathons barefoot in the snow, plunged into cold water and set a world record for staying in an ice bath - 1 hour 52 minutes. In addition, Wim Hof ​​climbed Mount Kilimanjaro wearing nothing but shorts, earning him the nickname "The Iceman". The man claims that he has reached a state in which he absolutely does not feel cold, solely due to meditation. Researchers have confirmed that Wim is indeed able to consciously control his autonomic nervous system and immune system responses.

Masutatsu Oyama: could knock down a bull with one blow

Masutatsu Oyama (1923-1994) was a martial artist and champion that no one could beat. They say that in three days he fought with various opponents in a hundred fights lasting no more than two minutes and emerged victorious from each. Masutatsu Oyama also became famous for fighting angry bulls with his bare hands and could knock them down with just one blow.

Tibetan monks practicing tummo: able to generate a huge amount of heat with their own body

Buddhist monks who practice tummo (inner fire yoga) are known to be able to increase their own body temperature to incredibly high levels without a single movement of a muscle. To demonstrate their extraordinary abilities, they put large towels soaked in ice water on their shoulders, and within an hour after deep meditation they become completely dry. The ability of a person to consciously raise the temperature of his own body has not yet been explained by science.

Master Zhou: "The Pearl of China"

Master Zhou is a healer and master of Taijiquan, Kung Fu and Qigong. "Qi" in the word "qigong" is translated as "heat"; this is precisely the extraordinary ability of Master Zhou: he has a rare gift with his own hands to heat objects. He demonstrated his outstanding talent by drying clay and bringing water to a boil. Master Zhou also uses his unique ability to cure tumors, body pain, and a variety of other ailments that plague the common people. Among his patients were such famous personalities as the Dalai Lama and members of the Los Angeles Lakers basketball team. For his exceptional gift, Master Zhou was nicknamed the "Pearl of China". He claims that the appearance of “chi” energy in his hands is the result of constant meditation.

Michel Lotito: "Monsieur will eat everything"

The Frenchman Michel Lotito (1950-2007) was not without reason called ‘Monsieur Mangetout’ in his homeland, which in Russian sounds like “Misier will eat everything”. Between 1959 and 1997, he literally swallowed about nine tons of metal objects, including an airplane, seven televisions, 18 bicycles, 15 shopping carts, a coffin and part of the Eiffel Tower. What is the reason for the manifestation of such a shocking ability in Lotito? This rare phenomenon in science and medicine is known as "picacism" - an eating disorder that is expressed in cravings for inedible substances. It, along with an unusually thick gastric mucosa, allowed Lotito to consume a huge amount of metal, which, by the way, he cut into small pieces, poured vegetable oil on and swallowed with water. Michel Lotito died, oddly enough, of natural causes.

Isao Machii: Super Samurai

Isao Machii stuns audiences with his incredible swordsmanship, able to cut in half a plastic bullet fired from an airgun that travels at over 320 km/h.

Ben Andenrvud: navigated in space with the help of sounds

Ben Andenrwood was born in 1992; At the age of three, he underwent a complex operation, during which both eyes were removed. But Ben was significantly different from other visually impaired people: he did not need a cane or a guide dog, but all because he learned to navigate in space with the help of sounds. By the age of five, Ben had developed echolocation, a skill that allows him to "see" the surrounding objects through the perception of sound signals reflected from them. Thanks to this, he, like all normal children, could ride a skateboard, play football, defend himself from hooligans, and so on. Unfortunately, Ben could not overcome the disease that led him to complete blindness. He died in 2009 at the age of 16.

Natalia Demkina: X-ray vision

Natalia Demkina first discovered her unique ability to see through human skin at the age of ten and has been using it ever since to diagnose people who seek her help. To prove or disprove the girl's claims that she has x-ray vision, medical experts conducted a number of extensive studies with her participation.
In 2004, the Discovery Channel released a documentary about the extraordinary abilities of Natalia Demkina called "The Girl with X-Ray Eyes". During a study conducted by the Committee for Skeptical Research (CSR), Natasha was asked to determine the health status of six volunteers who had undergone surgery or had physical abnormalities. The girl examined the patients for four hours and was able to correctly diagnose four of them. Representatives of the CSI considered these results inconclusive, and the study ended there. Nevertheless, Natalia continues to help sick people to this day.

EB-1, the employment-based maximum preference category, is granted to individuals who are extremely gifted in the arts, sciences, education, business, or sports. There are three subcategories in this category: individuals with unique abilities (EB-1A), eminent professors or researchers (EB-1B), top managers or directors of multinational corporations (EB-1C).

The main advantage of applying under this category of immigration preferences is that you do not need to obtain a labor certificate, the purpose of which is to find out if there are free professionals in the United States who would like to get a job that an immigrant is applying for, which can be tedious and long process. In practice, this means that you can apply for a change of visa regime by filling out Form I-485 and receive a residence permit while your application for an EB-1 visa is pending.

  • Category EB-1A - Persons of Extraordinary Ability: The immigrant must be able to demonstrate excellence in the sciences, arts, education, business or sports through proven national or international recognition. It is necessary to have extensive documentation confirming the immigrant in the field of his activity. A job offer is not required. In order to prove excellence in a particular field, an applicant must either provide evidence of outstanding achievement (for example, winning a Pulitzer Prize, an Oscar, an Olympic medal) or meet three of the following ten criteria:
  • Evidence of lesser awards recognized nationally or internationally
  • Evidence of membership in associations related to the visa applicant's field of activity that require outstanding achievement from their members
  • Evidence of the existence of published material about the visa applicant in professional or specialized trade publications or other mainstream media
  • Evidence of participation in the evaluation of other people's work (individually or as part of a jury)
  • Evidence that the visa applicant has made scientific, creative, sports or business contributions of great importance to his field of activity
  • Evidence that scientific articles published in professional or specialized trade publications or other mainstream media belong to the applicant.
  • Evidence of demonstration of the applicant's work at art exhibitions or presentations
  • Evidence of the applicant's leadership or key role in well-known organizations
  • Evidence of a high level of salary or other significant remuneration of the visa applicant in comparison with other persons working in the same field of activity
  • Evidence of the commercial success of the applicant in the performing arts

In addition to the fact that an employment certificate is not required when applying for an EB-1 visa, EB-1A (Extraordinary Ability) visa applicants have the added benefit of not being required to have a special job offer from American employer; Subcategory EB-1A visa applicants only need to indicate that they will continue to work in the same field in which they demonstrate their outstanding abilities. In practical terms, this means that EB-1A sub-category visa applicants can apply on their own behalf and do not need a sponsorship from their employer. When applying for EB-1B and EB-1C visas, a permanent job offer is required and the US employer must petition on behalf of the candidate.

Despite the above advantages, it is very difficult to demonstrate "outstanding ability", and very few people have achieved sufficient heights for this in their field of activity.

  • Famous professors and researchers: An immigrant must demonstrate international recognition of outstanding achievements in a particular field of science. Applicant must have at least three years of experience in teaching or research in such a field of study and the purpose of their arrival in the United States must be to continue their profession, to engage in teaching under an indefinite contract, or comparable research work at a university or other institution of higher education . As evidence, the applicant must attach a job offer from a potential US employer. This may be a letter from the employer summarizing the main conditions of the applicant's work. In addition, the applicant must submit at least two of the following documents:
  • Evidence of significant/major awards for excellence
  • Evidence of membership in associations that require their members to demonstrate outstanding achievement
  • Evidence of the existence in professional publications of published material written by others about the applicant's work in the field of science.
  • Evidence of participation in the evaluation of the work of other people, personally or as part of a jury in the same or related field of science
  • Evidence of the scientific or research contribution of the visa applicant to the field of science in which he is engaged
  • Evidence of the applicant's authorship when writing scientific books or articles (in international scientific journals) in the field of science in which he is engaged

To obtain this visa category, your employer must file a Form I-140 (Petition to Engage a Foreign Worker) on your behalf. An EB-1B visa applicant cannot apply on his own. However, as with other EB-1 subcategories, a labor certification is not required.

  • Top managers or directors of multinational corporations: Visa applicants must have been employed outside the United States for at least one year within the three years prior to the application by the company or corporation, and the purpose of entry into the United States must be to continue working for that company or organization. One year may not be continuous, but the immigrant must hold an administrative or managerial position in the company of the same employer, its subsidiaries or divisions. The US employer must operate as a subsidiary, division, or similar corporation or other legal entity that has employed the visa applicant outside the US for at least 1 year.

When petitioning as a holder of a managerial position, the petitioner must be responsible for managing and making decisions on behalf of the organization. The visa applicant, in his capacity as an administrative officer, must be in charge of organizational and control management and be able to independently make decisions regarding operations and personnel.

As with EB-1B visas, the US employer must apply on behalf of the visa applicant. It is the employer who files the I-140 Alien Worker Petition. A labor certificate is not required.

Extraordinary as a quality of personality - the ability to vividly manifest the rarest qualities of a personality; to be an extraordinary, extremely original, phenomenal, exceptional and extraordinary person.

Extraordinary - extraordinary squared. An extraordinary person manifests itself in the ability to have his own face, possess a set of qualities that distinguish an object from the general mass, show rare personality traits, adhere to unusual thinking, views, behavior; to be independent of anyone, not like everyone else. All this must be raised to a power to get an extraordinary personality.

Extraordinary is revealed in a phenomenal, rare manifestation of any personality trait.

Next to the five with a plus in the diary entry: “Your son has outstanding, extraordinary abilities. He drew a banknote of 5000 rubles in half a lesson. Make sure that he does not miss drawing lessons in the future, the school has no money, and we need a computer class so vitally!

Take, for example, self-sacrifice, the ability to follow your husband wherever fate pleases. A woman shows extraordinaryness if she is able to be a faithful comrade-in-arms, friend and wife for her husband, and in poverty, and in illness, and in sorrow, and in disgrace.

Polina Gebble, Maria Volkonskaya, of course, were extraordinary women. Historian Anatoly Kotov tells how, after long months of investigation and hanging on the thresholds of authority in St. Petersburg, Maria Nikolaevna receives permission from Nicholas I to share the fate of her convict husband. And on December 22, 1826, leaving the child of her mother-in-law, she sets off into the unknown. And she was only twenty years old.

“I bought a wagon; I did it in one minute, took with me some linen and three dresses, and a cotton bonnet, which I put on. I saved the rest of my money for Siberia, sewing it into my dress. Before leaving, I knelt by my baby's cradle; I prayed for a long time. My sister, seeing that I was leaving without a fur coat, was frightened for me and, taking off her cloak with fur from her shoulders, put it on me. In addition, she provided me with books, wool for needlework and drawings ... ”- Maria Nikolaevna wrote in her diary.

On February 11, 1827, Maria gets to the Blagodatsky mine, where the demoted Prince Volkonsky extracts lead. Six thousand miles of the way, in severe frosts, under the whistle of a blizzard. And so they met - Sergei Grigoryevich, rattling his shackles, ran to his wife. “The appearance of his shackles,” recalled many years later Maria Nikolaevna , - so excited and touched me that I threw myself on my knees before him and kissed first his shackles, and then himself.

Fate did not spoil this beautiful, extraordinary woman. The most difficult were seven months in the Blagodatsky mine, then three years in the Chita prison. During this time, a lot happened: in January 1828, two-year-old Nikolenka Volkonsky died, left in the care of relatives, and in September 1829, his father, General Raevsky. And in August 1830, the daughter Sophia, who was born in Siberia and did not live a day, died out. On the deathbed, Marie's father, the old man Raevsky, could not stand it and forgave his daughter. Pointing to the portrait of Mary, he confessed to his relatives: “This is the most amazing woman I knew!”. Properties of extraordinary, creative people according to Howard Gardner, described in the book Extraordinary Minds.

The scientist formulated the typological characteristics of extraordinary personalities - creators: “- the creator is born in a geographical point remote from the centers of culture; - in the family of the future creator, strict order reigns, rigidly enforced discipline in the best traditions of a typical bourgeois family; - in youth, a creative person communicates with other kindred talents; - the choice of the future field is predetermined rather rigidly; - the "unshakable foundations" are called into question: either directly or gradually, works are created that run counter to what is considered generally accepted; - hard work in order to master the secrets of professional skills for 10 years is crowned with the first major success; - the understanding gradually matures that the prevailing dogmas and attitudes are vicious in their basis; - a special predilection for such objects, areas of study (peaks), which are considered dangerous and inaccessible; - isolation from the world, "rarefied" atmosphere of creativity; - the importance of supporting others when a "brainchild" hatched for years is born in agony.

A joke on the subject.

Extraordinary child. Peak hour. A mother and five-year-old daughter ride in a trolleybus. The mother takes out an orange, peels it, gives it to her daughter, and throws the skins out the open window. Passengers begin to resent. The child too: - Mom, what are you? Why are you throwing away the skins? Passengers approvingly pick up: - Such an ill-mannered mother has such a well-mannered child. And the child finishes the phrase: - They should be put in moonshine!

Petr Kovalev 2016

Society demonstrated walking barefoot on hot coals and voluntary movements of the smooth muscles of the internal organs. Among abilities which yogis usually demonstrate is lying on their back on broken glass, while on ... only 11.58% oxygen and a lethal dose of carbon dioxide (7.7%). There are many examples when such demonstrations able people who are not at all familiar with the yoga training system, but almost always, their “miracles” are based on a serious physical ...


Ability to clairvoyance is transmitted through the female line. TANYA Metodieva and Polya Ivanova, a mother and daughter living on the Black Sea coast of Bulgaria, see through ... This is my mother, she was also a “clairvoyant”, like her mother, sister, nieces ... In our family, this ability transmitted through the female line. POLYA: - My grandmother was not worried: she knew that I would return, that by the age of 30 I would find ability to see through walls, through space and time, and at 33 I will receive initiation. - How did it start? FIELDS...


Ability, to the question that has arisen, to find an answer that satisfies the inner determinant of truth is also possible when considering the knowledge that has arisen at a distance, in time and realizing its relativity, falsity, "childishness", ...


A paradoxical phenomenon when, with a further increase in knowledge, skills, and abilities, a relative slowdown in growth can occur. abilities children and their mental powers, especially in terms of generalization and application of knowledge in practice. Very ... independently solve various issues. And this should be done not only at school, but also at home. It is generally accepted that capabilities are formed in activity, it is in it that the child learns himself, his own capabilities, adapts his strength to its requirements, forms ...


The number of people with parapsychological qualities. So what is superman? Yes, a being is coming with unusual abilities observed in psychics, telepaths, sorcerers, shamans. Passed down from generation to generation, these qualities ... are carriers of new human properties. In the meantime, in the first period of the formation of a superman, the manifestation of extrasensory abilities in some people it is spontaneous, disorderly. While there is no sufficiently substantiated explanation of such ...


Known. There are good reasons to see absolute pitch as a typical example of "innate capabilities", i.e. capabilities, which is based on innate inclinations. However, it is also possible for people who do not have absolute ... they must say that for the successful implementation of any activity, not only giftedness is required, that is, the presence of an appropriate combination abilities but also the possession of the necessary skills and abilities. No matter how phenomenal and musical talent a person has, ...