Steppe zone download presentation. Summary of the lesson on the world around the topic "steppe zone". Natural zones of the steppes

The steppe is a flat landscape zone located in the temperate and subtropical zones of the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. Steppes are distributed on all continents, with the exception of Antarctica.

Unfortunately, this kind of natural landscape is gradually disappearing from the face of the earth. There are many reasons: plowing the land, poaching, intensive grazing, fires.

General characteristics of the steppe

The steppes are characterized by the almost complete absence of trees. Exceptions are artificial plantations along paved roads and forest belts near water bodies. But in the steppe grows a large number of herbaceous plants and shrubs.

However, it is worth remembering that the flat treeless space with a humid climate is no longer a steppe. This is a zone of swampy meadows, and in the north, under such conditions, tundra is formed.

Natural zones of the steppes

The steppe natural zone is located between the forest-steppe and the semi-desert. The steppe is a treeless expanse, completely covered with grasses. Grasses form an almost closed carpet.

Steppe plants are distinguished by their ability to endure drought and heat. As a rule, the leaves of steppe plants are small, grayish or bluish-green. Many plants have the ability to fold their leaves during times of drought to prevent evaporation.

Since the steppes occupy vast areas, plant species are very diverse. Of great importance for humans are, first of all, fodder plants: clover, alfalfa, corn, sunflower, Jerusalem artichoke. Beets, potatoes, as well as cereals: oats, barley, millet.

Medicinal herbs and honey plants are also distinguished among steppe plants.

Steppe animals are not much different from the fauna of deserts and semi-deserts. They also have to adapt to hot summers and freezing winters. Of the ungulates, antelopes and saigas are most common, of predators - foxes, wolves and manuls. There are many rodents (ground squirrels, jerboas, marmots), reptiles and insects. Steppe eagles, bustards, larks, and harriers are commonly found among steppe birds. Most representatives of birds fly away to warmer climes in winter.

Many steppe animals and birds are on the verge of extinction and are listed in the Red Book.

Steppe types

Types of steppes are distinguished depending on the ratio of cereal and herbaceous plants.

. Mountain- characterized by lush forbs. An example is the mountain steppes of the Caucasus and Crimea.

. Meadow, or mixed herbs - the largest number of species of steppe plants grows here. Meadow steppes are in contact with forests, and their soils are rich in chernozem. This species includes most of the steppes of the European part of Russia and Western Siberia.

. xerophilic- with an abundance of turf grasses, mainly feather grass. This type of steppe is often called feather grass. For example, the southern steppes in the Orenburg region.

. Desert, or deserted. There are most of all wormwood, tumbleweed, prutnyak and ephemera. Such were the once rich, herbal steppes of Kalmykia, which, as a result of human activity, are gradually turning into deserts.

Steppe climate

The main feature of all steppes is aridity. The type of climate is from temperate continental to sharply continental. The average annual rainfall rarely exceeds 400 mm. Windy weather prevails in the steppes, and summer is characterized by a large number of sunny days. Winters are not snowy, but snowstorms and blizzards are frequent.

Another feature of the steppes is a sharp drop in day and night temperatures, since at night the temperature can drop by 15-20ºC. These conditions make steppes related to deserts.

Dust storms often occur in the steppes, which affect soil erosion and lead to the formation of gullies and ravines.

The soils of the steppes located in the temperate climate zone are very fertile and are actively used in agriculture. Chernozem is the basis, chestnut soils are found only closer to the southern latitudes.

In different countries, the steppes have their own name. In Australia and Africa it is the savanna, in South America it is the llanos and the pampas, or pampas, in North America it is the prairie, and in New Zealand it is the Tussoki.

In Europe, the steppes have been preserved mainly in protected areas. But in Siberia there are still virgin steppes - Kurai, Chui.

For 1 sq. km of steppe space inhabited by more insects than people in the whole world.

The largest birds live in the steppes. In Russia - bustards, and in Africa - ostriches.

The lesson of the environment. 4th grade.

Theme: Steppe zone.

Target: to create conditions for getting acquainted with the geographical location of the steppe zone, its features, flora and fauna, the role of man, to promote the formation of students' ideas about the natural zone of the steppes, to develop the ability to work with a map, thinking, coherent speech. to teach children to observe, reason, draw conclusions, evaluate their activities in the lesson and the activities of classmates, instill a respect for nature.

Planned results:

personal: have motivation for learning activities,


regulatory: understand and accept the learning task, plan the necessary actions to solve it in cooperation with the teacher,

communicative: ask questions, listen and answer the questions of others, express and justify your point of view, build a coherent statement,

cognitive: find the necessary information using various sources, analyze, compare and generalize.

Subject results: they will have the opportunity to learn how to work with a textbook, a map, various sources of information.

The type of lesson is the lesson of discovering new knowledge.

Equipment: textbook, map of natural areas, presentation (ICT), explanatory dictionary, atlas - determinant.

During the classes.

    Organizing time.

    Updating of basic knowledge.

What natural areas did we meet? Show on the map each natural area.

What natural area did we explore in the last lesson?

Let's do some test work.

1. Find the wrong statement.

    The forest is home to plants, animals and fungi.

    The forest is the source of timber.

    The forest is a place for the disposal of human waste.

2. Indicate why the forest is called the "lungs of the planet."

    For the protection of water bodies

    For the protection of the soil

    For air purification

3. Why are trees planted along the roads?

    To keep the driver from going astray

    To purify the air along the roads

    To make it beautiful along the roads

    So that you can pick mushrooms along the roads

4. Grow in the taiga

    Fir, spruce, larch

    Oaks, pines, firs,

    Birches, lindens, larches

5. Forest animals are listed in the Red Book of Russia

    Walrus, pink gull, musk ox

    Siberian Crane, Gyrfalcon, Peregrine Falcon

    Bison, Amur tiger, stag beetle

6. Broad-leaved forests are represented by plants

    Fir, cedar pine, spruce

    Oak, maple, ash, elm

7. What reserve is located in the forest zone?



    Far Eastern

8. Write down the meaning of the forest in human life, continuing the sentences

Home for _____________________________________________________________

Defender ____________________________________________________

The place for _____________________________________________________

Source _____________________________________________________

9. Choose the correct statements.

Environmental problems of the forest:

    Excessive hunting, poaching, logging,

    Adverse weather conditions

    Forest fires

10. In what weather you can’t make a fire

  • Into the cold

Work in pairs. Peer review, peer review. (Question 8 -2b. for the correct answer, 1 - a mistake was made)

Now check out the answers. Have you assessed correctly? (11 b. -5, 1-2 errors -4, 3-4 errors -3, more than -2).

Look at the map. What natural zone is located south of the forest zone? (forest-steppe, steppe. That's right. Show on the map.

Derivation of the topic of the lesson and goal setting.

So what is the topic of our today's lesson? (Steppe zone). What goals will we set for ourselves in order to explore a new natural area? (we will determine the location of the natural zone on the map, study the climate, flora and fauna, learn environmental problems).

    Learning new material.

As we have already said, the steppe zone is located south of the forest zone. Will it affect the climate? How? (children's guesses).

To the south of the forest zones, there is even more heat, but less precipitation. Due to the lack of moisture, it is difficult for trees to grow. Therefore, forests increasingly alternate with treeless areas, and then completely disappear. So gradually the forests are replaced by the forest-steppe, and then - the steppe zone. Summer in the steppes is longer than in the forest zone. The average temperature in summer is 22-24 degrees, in July it can rise up to 40 degrees above zero. Summer is warm and dry. Hot dry winds often blow - dry winds, which can turn into dust storms. Rains are rare, they are torrential in nature. Water flows into the lowlands, not having time to water the soil, evaporates. There is not enough moisture in the soil, so trees do not grow in the steppes. Winter in the steppe is shorter and warmer than in the forest zone. But quite cold, with frosts up to 20-30 degrees. Snow cover is small.


But how the climate will affect the flora and fauna you explore on your own. Let's divide into groups: a group of biologists, a group of zoologists, a group of ecologists.

group of biologists will study the plant world according to the plan (a card is given):

Consider the diversity of the plant world,

Plant adaptations to life in the steppe

group of zoologists will study the animal world according to the plan (a card is given):

Consider the diversity of the animal world,

Adaptations of animals to life in the steppe

Group of environmentalists defines:

How a person uses the steppes.

environmental problems in this area.

Why is it necessary to preserve the preserved areas of the steppes? How to do it?

All groups use a textbook to find information, atlases - determinants.

Presentation by biologists.

Due to the lack of moisture, trees do not grow in the steppes, but there are many herbaceous plants. They are well adapted to drought. Some plants have leaves with a wax coating, others have narrow leaves that evaporate little moisture, and others have fleshy and juicy stems and leaves with a supply of moisture.

Some plants have roots that go deep into the ground to reach water, while others form tubers and bulbs.

Spring in the steppe begins early, in February-March the snow already melts and moisture accumulates in the soil. At this time, bulbous plants grow. In a month, these flowers have time to develop, bloom, bloom, give seeds, and their aerial part dries up. The bulbs accumulate a supply of nutrients and moisture. Tulips and irises are replaced by cereal plants (fescue, feather grass).

These plants have narrow leaves that evaporate moisture sparingly. Roots help the plant resist when dry winds blow.

By the end of summer - the beginning of autumn, the steppe almost completely burns out.

Presentation by zoologists.

Insects (fillies, grasshoppers), birds (steppe lark, gray partridge, belladonna crane, bustard), many rodents (ground squirrels, hamsters) live in the steppes. From heat and predators, they can hide only in holes, because. no trees. Birds of prey and animals feed on rodents. Bird nests are arranged right on the ground, in a carpet of grass.

Interesting reptiles live: lizards, steppe viper.

The coloring of the ground or vegetation helps steppe animals hide from predators and get their own food so that they are unnoticed.

Speech by environmentalists.

In the steppes, fertile soils are chernozem, so they are plowed up for crops. This is the main environmental problem. Cattle graze on unplowed areas. Sometimes in the same areas they graze for a long time, overgrazing occurs. This is the next environmental problem, because. the soil is destroyed, many plants disappear, wild animals suffer.

People go hunting in the steppe zone. Now there is a ban on hunting rare animals, but this ban is violated by poachers. Poaching is the next environmental problem.

The steppe world is amazing and rich. Therefore, it must be preserved, like everything else on our planet, for posterity. It is necessary to plow up the steppes for agricultural land in a smart way, to carry out planned grazing of livestock. To save the Demoiselle Crane, they were bred in nurseries. Reserves have been created in some parts of the steppes. For example, Rostov, Orenburg, Daursky.

What area do we live in? (in the steppe). Do we have nature reserves in the steppe zone? (Opuksky Reserve)

V. Summing up the lesson.

What natural area did we meet today? Show it on the map.

Does climate affect wildlife? How?

Restore the food chains (at the blackboard 2 students)

…..- filly - steppe lark - ………

Tipchak - ………- steppe viper - ………

Make your own food chain (at the board)

What was your mood during the lesson? (signal cards)

Homework. 1. For all - Page. 110-117, paraphrase.

2.For choice:

Draw a picture of any plant or animal that lives in the steppe,

Prepare a message about any plant or animal,

Prepare a message, a presentation about the Opuk Reserve.

slide 1

The lesson of the world around
4th grade
EMC "Perspective Primary School"

slide 2

EPIGRAPH “Nature is not a temple, but a workshop, and man is a worker in it” I. Turgenev

slide 3

"Journey through the natural areas of Russia"

slide 4

ice zone

slide 5


slide 6

forest zone

Slide 7

Slide 8

Slide 9

The purpose of the lesson: To learn the features of the natural zone of the STEPPE: to get acquainted with the climatic conditions, flora and fauna.

Slide 10

Natural area study plan
1. To study the steppe zone: 1) Location. 2) Climatic conditions. 3) Plants of the steppe. 4) Animals of the steppe. 2, Draw a conclusion. 3. Evaluate your work in the lesson.

slide 11

A distinctive feature of the steppe animals. Ways to adapt to life in the steppe.
General characteristic of plants. Adaptability to natural conditions.
The location of the steppe zone. Climatic conditions.

slide 12

Map of natural areas of Russia

slide 13

Summer in the steppes is longer than in the forest zone. The average July temperature is +22-27 degrees (the heat reaches +40 degrees in some places). The weather in summer is sunny and dry. The rains are torrential.

Slide 14

Drying winds are frequent in the steppe, after which a long drought begins and the local rivers dry up.

slide 15

Winter is shorter and warmer than in the forest zone, but quite cold, with frosts down to -20-30 degrees. Snow cover is very small. The second half of winter is characterized by wind intensification, sometimes up to storm force and strong snowstorms (blizzards).

slide 16


Slide 17

Root systems of steppe plants


Slide 18

Steppes are areas too dry for trees, but wet enough for grasses. Grasses growing in the steppe are able to tolerate drought and quickly recover from steppe fires.

Slide 19

All steppe plants are herbaceous, growing on fertile soil. Plants adapt to life in different ways.

Slide 20

Bulbous plants grow rapidly: tulips, irises, hyacinths.

slide 21

Soils rich in chernozem formed under the grasses. Chernozem soils and warm sunny summers make it possible to grow the most valuable crops. Wheat, corn, sugar beet and sunflower are grown in the steppe.

slide 22

flora of the steppes
common mullein
veronica gray-haired
feather grass

slide 23


slide 24


Slide 25

steppe lark
gray partridge
demoiselle crane
steppe eagle
steppe harrier

slide 26

The color of steppe animals often matches the color of vegetation.

Slide 27

Steppe animals are not large, their life is connected with the ground in which they make holes to hide from predators. In burrows, they make themselves stocks for the winter.
Vole mice

Slide 28

steppe viper

Slide 29

fauna of the steppes
steppe wolf
steppe eagle

slide 30

Alphabet at the round table

Slide 31

Endless Russia Like eternity on earth You go, you go, you go, you go, Days and miles are nothing! The steppe is wide in the expanse, Flies across and along, Like a sea of ​​fire It blazes and scorches with heat.

slide 32

Guys! Love and take care
nature of the country and native land!

Slide 33

slide 34

Slide 35

Group work
Geographical scientists Botanical scientists Zoological scientists
1. Where is the steppe zone located? 2. What seasons are expressed in the steppe zone? 3. What winter? What summer? (duration, temperature)? 1. General feature of plants. 2. How did the plants adapt to the living conditions in this zone? (on the example of different plants: root, stem, leaves) 1. A distinctive feature of steppe animals. 2. Ways of adapting to life in the steppe on the example of various animals (size, color, shape)

slide 36


Slide 37

Winter is shorter and warmer than in the forest zone, but quite cold, with frosts down to -20-30 C. Snow cover is very small.

Slide 38

Summer in the steppes is longer than in the forest zone. The average July temperature is +22-23.5 C. The weather in summer is dry and sunny. The rains are torrential. Drying winds are frequent in the steppe, after which a long drought begins.

Slide 39

There are no trees in the steppe, because they lack moisture. The climate in the steppes is quite warm: hot, dry summers with rare rains and moderately cold, wet winters.

Slide 40

Slide 41

1. Summer in the steppe zone:
Verification test
a) short, cold
b) long, dry
2. Where do some steppe plants accumulate nutrients:
a) at the roots
b) in bulbs
c) in the leaves
3. What animals make up the largest group of inhabitants of the steppe:
a) rodents
b) birds
4. Causes that can lead to the death of the nature of the steppes (choose a few):
a) excessive grazing
b) cold weather
c) excessive plowing of the steppes

Slide 42

Remember the location of the steppe zone on the map of Russia and select the correct characteristics of this natural zone
let's think!
General characteristics of the steppe zone
1. Steppe - these are large areas uncultivated by man, covered with woody vegetation
2. Steppe is an open treeless space covered with grassy vegetation.
3. The steppe zone is characterized by hot summers and cold winters.
4. Summer and winter in the steppe are warm
5. Strong winds often blow - dry winds and dust storms
6. Precipitation falls in the form of short but heavy showers.
7. Heavy and frequent rainfall

slide 43

Characteristics of the flora of the steppe zone
1. Vegetation is sparse, undersized, with a poorly developed root system
2. The steppe is characterized by an abundance of herbaceous plants, rare shrubs
3. Plants have a well-developed root system, bulbous plants are typical for the steppe
4. Predominate plants are warm and moisture-loving, tall, with strong succulent stems.
5. Many plants, due to the climate, have narrow, small leaves.

Slide 44

Slide 45

Fauna of the steppe zone

1. Characterized by a large number of animal species, many different types of predators
2. The fauna is very small, characterized by uneven distribution of animals across the territory.
3. The bulk of animals are terrestrial, undersized, living mainly in underground burrows. Lots of rodents.


Student 8 "B" class

Gorlanov Vladislav

slide 2

Steppes of Russia

Steppes are treeless spaces, they are located south of the forest zone in the European part of Russia, in the south of Western and Eastern Siberia, in the Far East.

slide 3

The steppes are located south of the forest zone, there is enough heat there. But it doesn't rain enough. Even if there are many of them, a significant part of them evaporates, the trees get little. Trees do not grow in the steppes because it is dry there.

slide 4

The length of the steppe from north to south in European Russia is about 200 km. Climatic conditions change when moving from west to east; Siberian steppes are characterized by dryness, harsh winters and a large temperature contrast compared to European ones.

slide 5

Humidification is insufficient and unstable. Representatives of the steppe fauna are distinguished by their adaptability to an arid climate.

Slide 7


Red poppies, dark crimson peonies, pink, white and red clover, blue-violet sage, blue violets, yellow tulips, white crocuses bloom.

In spring, the steppe resembles a colorful carpet.

Slide 8

  • The soil is very fertile. As a result of the activity of small rodents, insects, worms, a fertile layer is formed - humus.
  • In the southern steppe, the kingdom of feather grasses. They are adapted to drought conditions.
  • River valleys, slopes and the bottom of ravines in this natural area are covered with meadow grasses.
  • Slide 9

    Animal world

    • In the steppe zone, rodents predominate: hamsters, ground squirrels, mice, voles that feed on grain.
    • They live in minks hiding from predators: wolves, foxes, weasels, steppe ferrets.
  • Slide 10

    • Bustards and kulans are found in the steppe.
    • Bustards are listed in the Red Book.
    • Rodents are hunted down by birds of prey - steppe eagles and hawks.
    • Quails, partridges, and larks nest in the steppe grass.

    Animal world

    slide 13

    • To protect crops from strong winds, people plant protective forest belts in the steppes.
    • Watermelons, melons, pumpkins ripen on irrigated lands.
    • Rich harvests of apples, pears, plums, cherries, apricots are harvested in the orchards.


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    Slides captions:

    Natural zone STEPPE

    The steppe is an endless plain covered with grassy vegetation.

    Oh, you, the steppe is wide, The steppe is wide, You are wide, mother, Stretched ...

    Steppe, yes steppe all around. The path is far. In that deaf steppe The coachman froze ...

    Steppes of Russia

    In winter, the temperature drops to -20-30°. The snow cover is thin. Winds, blizzards.

    Spring is short with plenty of moisture in the soil. The steppe comes to life, covered with a carpet of tulips and irises.

    Summer is long and dry (+ 23-25) Dry wind - withering wind. It blows at a speed of 5 to 20 m/s (dust storms). Livni.

    Soils in the steppe are fertile, covered with chernozem

    Steppe plants iris sage tulip poppy

    Plants of the steppe stonecrop fescue sleep-grass wormwood

    Plants of the steppe feather grass kachim young bruise

    steppe animals

    Insects of the steppe butterflies horse beetles ladybug mosquitoes grasshopper ants locust botflies, horseflies dragonflies flies

    Steppe Kestrel Steppe Harrier Crane Demoiselle Bustard Bustard Steppe Eagle

    Spotted ground squirrel Gray hamster Steppe mouse Steppe marmot Steppe pika Jerboa

    Hedgehog Tour Steppe fox Saiga Steppe wolf Tarpan

    Predators Rodents Ungulates How did animals adapt to the harsh conditions of life in the steppe? Birds of prey running

    How did running birds adapt to the harsh conditions of life in the steppe? Sharp eyesight High stature Protective coloration Caution

    How have birds of prey adapted to the harsh conditions of life in the steppe? Sharp vision Powerful claws Broad wings Flight speed

    How did rodents adapt to the harsh conditions of life in the steppe? Coloniality Life in the underground layer Storage of food for the winter Winter hibernation

    How have ungulates adapted to the harsh conditions of life in the steppe? Camouflage coloring Fast running Herding

    How have predators adapted to the harsh conditions of life in the steppe? Camouflage painting to match the color of grass and earth

    Predators Rodents Ungulates Ability to go without drinking water for a long time Running birds Birds of prey

    Steppes and man

    Homework Use additional literature. Prepare messages about the reptiles of the steppe.

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