Vladimir Poselagin - gavrosh. "Gavrosh" Vladimir Poselyagin Gavrosh Poselyagin full version

Gavroche Vladimir Poselyagin

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Title: Gavroche

About the book "Gavroche" Vladimir Poselyagin

The ability to survive in any situation is the main feature of Eduard Gavroshev. An absurd death on his native Earth gave him a new life and new opportunities in another world. A junkyard planet and abandoned cities of a space civilization, the remnants of survivors, and it seems that there is no chance of getting up to the little tinker named Zak On. He wants to conquer the expanses of space, but first he needs to escape from the closed world.

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After the simulator, I worked with the capsule, rebuilding it for myself, took things and part of the food, climbed out of the bunker, checked myself, and cooked a stew in my basement. I wanted to eat, the stomach is completely empty. It's funny to say, I didn't eat anything for fourteen days, the capsules fed me.

After eating, he hid some of the things, loaded himself with valuable metals, which the blacksmiths especially willingly bought, and headed for the highway, it ran ten kilometers away, it was on it that the village stood, one might say, fed from it. By evening I was there. True, what I managed to see in the village, I did not quite like it. Apparently, there was a migration of a small youth gang of tinsmiths, and not lawless people, if they were let in for the defensive tyn of the village. It’s not worth going there now, they will notice, they can try to recruit them. Naturally, this will not succeed, but I did not want to heat up the situation and arouse suspicion. It was evening, I think they will move on in the morning, so we'll wait. A grove approached the village on one side, and I disguised myself at the edge of it. Putting the load aside, he began to settle down for the night. Autumn was approaching, it was no longer so pleasant to sleep on the bare ground, but I did not grab a blanket, I thought I would spend the night in the village. Bummer-s. After looking around, I pulled out a knife and went to chop spruce branches. I will sleep on it. By the way, you will need to buy a warm fur jacket or a vest for the basement in the village. It's still too cold in my clothes downstairs. And a couple of blankets wouldn't hurt either.

As I thought, the tinsmiths moved on in the morning. The couple ran to my grove, went under the trees about fifty meters away, took two heavy backpacks - well, yes, the villagers with such a load would not let them into the village - and began to catch up with their own. I waited a couple of minutes until the gang of tinsmiths retired a sufficient distance and disappeared into the lowland. Previously, there was a highway on the site of this tract. Yes, despite the large number of flying vehicles, the former inhabitants of this planet also had ground equipment in their hands. For two hundred years, the highway has noticeably fallen into decay, but in some places the fence is still preserved. Where the blacksmith's helpers didn't tear it out of the ground. True, this was not particularly useful, the metal was not suitable for blacksmiths, so they did not touch the fence anymore.

So, I just got up to pick up a backpack full of metal and head across the highway to the village, when I heard the noise of motors, so I fell where I was standing. Perhaps in vain, but I did not want to risk it. Three cars, two security buggies and a powerful middle-class army truck with a serious bump stop in front, swept along the highway. But not a hover, that one is also intended for water barriers, and this is purely a cargo vehicle. The truck was not worn out, apparently, the searchers found somewhere a warehouse with these machines. The emblems on all three were familiar, they were the guys from the largest gang of tinkers in the metropolis where I had lived for the last three and a half years. The remaining six months, that is, from the middle of spring, I traveled around the planet, so I did not know what was happening in the metropolis. But as far as I was aware, such convoys are a common thing, I have already met them on different roads. By the way, this same gang was the oldest on the planet. There are three of them in total - three enclaves that have existed since the Great Trouble, which happened two hundred years ago. A gang of tinkerers was created by a former police captain. As far as I know, it was now run by his youngest son. A retired army colonel gathered around him many survivors and created an agrarian community, so that several large villages near the metropolis are all his, or rather his family. The colonel's children are in charge there. A lot of time has passed, he died a long time ago. I won't say anything about the third enclave. He is on another continent, but he also seems to be tinsmiths. If they had those serious characters, they would have taken power into their own hands at the beginning, and there would not have been so many victims, but they decided to act alone and reign on their own, and that's what happened. It's my personal opinion.

The convoy dived into the lowlands and soon appeared further, climbing the slope, but then disappeared behind the hill. The convoys used to stop in the villages, but the villagers asked everything that they had a taboo to leave outside, providing shelter and food. They lived on this, fed from the tract. The convoy, apparently, got up for the night somewhere else, so the village flew by on the move. She didn't interest him. So there used to be a tavern in the village, it was on the edge of a grove, it was surrounded by a palisade, and it was there that travelers lived and dined, but it seems that not so long ago it burned down, I saw the ashes, so the villagers were forced to receive travelers in their village. True, I did not notice any work on the construction of a new tavern. Perhaps they left it for the spring, for example, they will store the material in the winter.

Picking up a heavy backpack - almost seven kilos - I hung it on one shoulder and, leaning on one side, trotted towards the village. It was not possible to take wider steps. I started to wobble. The gates were closed, but they were immediately closed, as the tinsmiths left, but the observer was in place, they are always in place, it depends on them whether the inhabitants live or die - whether they will have time to notice the attack. So when I approached the tynu, they opened the gate for me and let me inside. I've been here before. Nodding to the guard, he changed his shoulder and trotted off towards the headman's house. He was in charge of trading. The village children had already told Tom that I was coming, so he was waiting for me behind the counter. When the inn burned down, and he also commanded there, the headman rebuilt his house a little. On the ground floor there is a kitchen and a large dining room, upstairs living rooms. He himself and his family moved to a neighboring house, rented one half of the building from the widow. I learned this from the local kids during my last visit.

“I thought you were going to be with us again,” he said as I dumped my backpack next to the counter. - I have already called the blacksmith, now he will come and evaluate what you have brought.

Silently nodding, I began to spread the prey on the counter, looking around lazily. The hall was almost empty, a guard was sitting at one table. Security in the village on duty. He was on duty for a day, and for three days he was again the most ordinary peasant. The harvest was already over, so all the people here are on the account, but no one was removed from the guard, in the village now it’s mostly only them from adult men, everyone else is in the field.

- What will you do?

- I want to eat. What do you have for breakfast?

- Omelet with tomatoes.

“Fine,” I agreed, swallowing involuntarily, I really wanted to eat.

The blacksmith was delayed, so I stepped aside and settled down at the nearest table, dropping my empty backpack on a nearby bench. The headman's wife brought out a plate and a piece of bread, as well as a hot herbal drink like tea. To him a vase with jam. I didn’t have time to eat, I had barely mastered the omelet to half, although I ate quickly, I was very hungry, when the blacksmith came. I also knew him, he always acted as an appraiser. If you think that I immediately ran to track how he would check the goods, then in vain, in principle, I was not needed there, although it was worth checking, but I did it from the outside. He finished just as I finished my omelet, so he grabbed a mug of infusion and a bowl of jam and walked over to the counter.

“Good goods, excellent even,” boomed the blacksmith. – Copper is now rare, prices have risen.

He was tall, I think, the tallest man in the village, but at the same time he had broad shoulders, as in principle, all blacksmiths, and a large chic beard. He didn't even take off his leather apron, which was marked with hot metal.

- I have about a hundred more kilos of this metal, but at the ruins. I will not convey all this, but I am ready to sell on the spot. Interesting?

“If the rest of the goods are of such quality, then more than,” the blacksmith answered and, looking at the headman, nodded to him.

He apparently understood what he was hinted at, so he looked at me thoughtfully and said:

– Carriage rental…

- I can bring everything myself, it will just take a long time, and I will distract you. I will wear a hundred kilos for a long time, twenty times I will have to run away, five kilos each. What I brought, I just wanted to show what I have.

Vladimir Gennadievich Poselyagin

Vladimir Gennadievich Poselyagin

Fantasy-worldGavrosh #1
The ability to survive in any situation is the main feature of Eduard Gavroshev. An absurd death on his native Earth gave him a new life and new opportunities in another world. A junkyard planet and abandoned cities of a space civilization, the remnants of survivors, and it seems that there is no chance of getting up to the little tinker named Zak On. He wants to conquer the expanses of space, but first he needs to escape from the closed world.

Vladimir Poselyagin

© Vladimir Poselyagin, 2017

© AST Publishing House LLC, 2017

Coughing, I shuddered all over. With a jerk of his hand, he pulled off some kind of chlamys like a blanket. The body was sticky with sweat, wet, and it clearly gave off heat. I could not be mistaken, because now it was my body, all sensitivity was available to me.

In whom I got, I realized immediately. Not in the sense of where and where, but in whom. No kidding. It was unrealistic to survive when an old concrete slab in a German bunker collapsed on you, but I could not get out. I even managed to feel a slight pain on contact with the stove, until I was smeared. They say that then there is a bright tunnel and raises to heaven. Nothing like this happened to me. I remember that I hung in the dark, not for long, I didn’t even have time to swear normally, noted that there was no echo, as almost immediately I was quickly carried somewhere, and realized myself in this body, and this dry cough torn my lungs. The difference between the bodies was significant, you can't go wrong. I got a new body. I immediately checked this by stretching my hand out from under the dirty and torn blanket. The body is not mine. A small, dirty and scratched child's hand in various unexpected places. The body of a boy. Small at all. I don't think it's even five years old. This pleases, he threw thirty years off his shoulders according to approximate estimates. My personality is formed, I will try not to do stupid things. Did you get a second chance, what did you deserve? But the fact that they put me in a sick body is no longer happy.

He rubbed his eyes with the back of his hand - tears and some kind of sticky dirt that prevented him from blinking prevented him from looking, the eyelids stuck together. I looked around to figure out where I was. At the same time, he noted in a detached way that the palisade of teeth in my mouth was unusual for me, and judging by the gaps, I still had a lack of them. True, judging by the swelling in the gums, new ones will soon grow, one has already hatched. The inspection gave me a rough idea of ​​where I am. Through the gap in the ceiling, daylight was visible, but the sun's rays did not reach it from the outside, most importantly, it was clear that it was day. The basement of some dilapidated building, debris everywhere. It seems to be concrete, but it seems not, something similar. Everything is somehow familiar, from the casemate of the bunker back to the concrete basement. In the corner stood a massive idol with several manipulators on the sides and on a caterpillar platform. Only after looking at this freak, although I, on the contrary, liked his appearance, there was something so beautiful and bewitching in him, I realized: anywhere, but I'm not on Earth. We did not have such equipment, and this is clearly not a manual assembly, but a conveyor. There was such an awareness at the first glance.

At this time, a noise was heard from outside - the creak of debris under someone's soles and voices. The first to jump into the gap was a short, swarthy, black-haired boy of about twelve years old. He immediately rushed to me and spoke something soothingly - I did not know this language - after which he pressed a small black box to his neck, and it rattled, and a series of injections pierced my neck with a slight pain. Feeling that the fever began to subside and the condition quickly returned to normal, I peered into the boy's face, trying to remember it, when I was suddenly knocked out. At the same time, before losing consciousness, he noted by the edge that six more had jumped into the basement, these were already adults - a couple of guys in their twenties, the rest were older. Something in them was not right, but what, I did not understand, I had lost consciousness before.

About four years later. same planet

Sitting down on a large piece of foam concrete, I stretched out my legs, buzzing with fatigue, and slightly worked my shoulders, dispersing the blood. Yes, I had to work today, but the exhaust was very interesting. Moreover, I realized that today I pulled out a golden ticket, something that will allow you to escape from rags to riches, as they say on our distant Earth. Yes, it is even strange to realize that I am in the Commonwealth, on the planet of one of the states. I read books on Earth, I know the topic. Was a fan of this genre. Now I am already firmly aware that my soul has moved, and at first I really thought that everything around was a figment of my imagination on the topic of my favorite genre in literature. Commonwealth, neural networks, knowledge bases and spaceships - all this was, but there are differences. They were enough. And it's so funny, in a past life I was a digger, we are also called black archaeologists, and here I went along the same path. Yes, and there was no other way out, everyone here is doing it, everyone who survived after the virus released into the atmosphere of this planet by one mad scientist, and for two hundred years the planet has been completely closed to the public. This is facilitated by eighteen orbital defensive fortresses in the system, and of the fleet of the state that controlled the system on the borders. That virus is too terrible, so they took such measures so that it would not spread to other planets of the kingdom. Managed to respond and close the system. The fortresses were later dragged partly by tugs, partly they themselves left the hyper. Some were self-propelled. And before that, gunnery operators on warships and patrol ships went berserk, shooting down thousands of ships full of people trying to take off from the planet. Crowded with civilians, women and children. There were eight hundred million people on the planet. At the moment, no one will say how much is left. I don't think it's more than a couple of million. Everywhere I went, I saw one thing: there were no bones, bones and bones that had escaped from him. The virus killed everyone, but not quite. Approximately five percent of the inhabitants locked on the planet turned out to be immune to it. They survived as best they could. Almost immediately anarchy began, every man for himself, and no order. Over the two hundred years of the closure of the system, their own ways and orders have already developed. It's not hard for me to tell. Everything is very simple. There are tinsmiths - these are residents of former megacities who lived by digging in basements, as well as villagers. These have rejected everything that was in the past. They lived on their own farm, sewed and wove their own clothes, and everyone who came into contact with the mechanisms of the past was called wicked. I think it is understandable that until recently there was a continuous enmity between these two strata of society, which has lasted for several decades. The tinsmiths, on the other hand, wanted to eat, women, so they raided the settlements of the peasants. Those, of course, were fortified, but it happened, and did not hold back the adversary. Not so long ago, a truce was concluded, and the battles began to subside, but scumbags met on both sides.

Naturally, I belonged to the tinkers, anyone could have guessed it. I would wake up in the body of a child of some peasant, I would live there, but I was from a squad of a small gang of tinsmiths. True, at the time of my transfer, two people remained from the gang - this is me, or rather the four-year-old kid Zack On, and the assistant to the leader of the gang, as well as Zack's brother, Sean On. They cut out the youngsters, only Sean and his brother escaped, holed up on the lower floors of the already cleaned bunker. It was cold there, so Zach got sick. Sean had to sell for half the price he accidentally found in a closed room on the upper levels of the average loader of one of the older gangs. In this way, he bought the first-aid kit, and then he pressed it to my neck. Pulled out, in a word. He saved me, and I could not help but understand this, so I continued to try to help Sean in everything, in this world he was the closest person to me.

“Oh, Sean,” I sighed, looking around. It's a pity you didn't make it to this point.

Sean was killed six months ago, during another raid on one of the small settlements of peasants. How I tried to dissuade him, not to convey, but he acted in his own way. There was an ambush, no one returned. The peasants did not take the frostbitten tinsmiths prisoner, they always finished them off, they had such laws, but I did not feel anger and hatred towards them, I understood their feelings. Even when he looked at Sean's head, impaled on a pike. The peasants always cut them down and planted them, it has been customary for a long time. So, with a sigh, he turned around and headed back to the metropolis. During the attack, barely a third of the tinsmiths survived, who managed to retreat, carrying away the wounded, but I did not join them, fell down unnoticed.

I think, while I am resting, it is worth briefly, but more fully, to tell how I lived before the transfer, because I took this body and survived. You can’t say otherwise, it seems to me that tinsmiths all survive, this is the very essence of their life. Survival. They even look good. If they can find them, overalls, strong and reliable clothes, and mostly flaws, but most importantly, among fanatics there is simply a manic passion for artifacts, especially working ones, they almost pray to them. I myself saw some of the altars. I don’t quite understand how it is possible to degrade like that in two hundred years of blockade. They even implant part of the glands and circuits into the body. Not always fortunate, infection and death are common in these cases. That's exactly the six I saw when Sean sold the loader and brought them to us, he then saved me with the first-aid kit he bought. I will always remember this. I myself tried to look normal: ordinary clothes bartered from the villagers - despite the enmity, trade takes place, shops and bars in the metropolis are replenished at the expense of them. It is only wild tinkerers, or lawless men, as they are also called, who attack the villages. They are shot, and always. It is a pity that Sean contacted Remus and he knocked him into this case, I kept him as best I could, but it didn’t work out. Sean was sixteen, he thought of getting married, he didn’t need dirty tinsmiths. I decided to get myself a clean peasant woman. I remember how I looked at his head on the tyne of the village from the side. Got married.

So, let's go back a little. I was thirty-three years old, the age of Christ, as they say, when the unrest began in Ukraine. I didn’t listen to the dregs from the TV, and I didn’t have it either, I was constantly on the road, I already realized that the nationalists and Bandera had taken power. They had it before, during the Orange Revolution they were slowly promoting their people to important positions, and then they came out of the shadows. I lived in Kyiv and, realizing what would happen soon, I decided to leave the country. I did not have time for a bit, although I took part in the massacre against Berkut. Rather, I was just for the guys. I’m a digger, in my garage, in addition to the old Niva left from my father, there was a small warehouse of restored weapons. I shot from the MG from the heart, shot the car with Bandera, and natural ones, I had to track down for a long time. I managed to swindle her and dump her before the guys from the Berkut showed up. There were snipers in the car. Different sources did not lie, that's who shot the guys. There were six of them in a minibus with tinted windows, all without documents. All and put. Collected trophies and dumped in a stolen car. Elle left. In principle, this was my only action. A couple of times, with a titanium folding baton, he split the shards of the most ardent activists from Blakit, but this is so, it took away the soul more. So there is nothing to talk about.

By that time I had already sold the apartment inherited from my parents, I was delayed due to the fact that the garage and the car were selling. And then, after shooting, he decided to lie low. When the unrest began to come to an end, and the war was already in full swing in the Donbass, I sold everything, the weapons went well, but not as expensive as we wanted, now there were a lot of them around the country. Here sniper rifles left quickly and for a good price. So, having taken all the memorabilia, I moved to Russia. I didn’t have any relatives left - so, a couple of distant aunts, about whom I hadn’t heard anything for a long time, lived by their own mind. I had about twenty dollars of personal savings, well, everything that I sold gave a solid amount of one hundred and fifty thousand. We had a three-ruble note in the center, an expensive area. Moreover, he sold the apartment before the price jump.

I crossed the border calmly, declared the money, so I immediately went to the relevant ministry and applied for a change of citizenship. I'm Russian, I've never been Ukrainian, that's fine. Things were moving slowly, I myself lived in the suburbs of Moscow, it was cheaper that way. I had to grease one official, then everything started to spin. I finally turned in my passport with that damn trident I really didn't like and got a Russian passport. I had the opportunity to settle down in Moscow, but I did not do this and moved to the Black Sea. Not to the Crimea, which was going to join us, I already considered myself a Russian. I drove through the resort towns and stopped at Gelendzhik. I bought a good three-ruble note five minutes from the sea, I bought a garage and a car. I took the UAZ-Patriot, and in a rare pickup version. Well, and a good two-ton trailer. I did not regret it, the car was a year old, but over the next three years it never let me down. I put what was left on the account for interest, bought a metal detector, everything that would be useful for excavations, but I didn’t want to give up this business, and moved towards the battlefields, trying to get into the farthest corners where no human foot had set foot for a long time .

That's how he lived, that's how he ate. All summer at the excavations, I rented an apartment, and in the winter I rested in a quiet town by the sea, I liked it. Wherever I have been, wherever I have to step, I even worked at sea. True, then I had to recruit a team, rent a ship with a lift. But not in vain, a barge with three tanks was found not far from the coast. I managed to pick them up and sell them in shells. On this, the client insisted that he took all three Lend-Lease cars, saying that he would restore it himself. We then raised so much that I could not work all my life, my share was half of the total - my find, and I was in charge, but my soul demanded, so again the search. If he found his own, he tried to pass on mortal medallions and awards with marks where he found them, but the awards of the Germans and everything that he found from them went on sale. There was a shop in Ukraine, I sold everything there, my huckster is quite reliable. And then I sold everything myself. The Internet is everything. I even learned a little German. The main buyers were from there.

I did not find this bunker, the surrounding residents knew about it, they say, a headquarters bunker, but flooded since the war. Ours seemed to go down to the lower floors in scuba gear, even under the Union, and there was no one else there. However, when I examined it, I found that the water level had dropped noticeably. So I decided to examine those two floors that appeared from under the water. I will not explain how it happened with the destruction. So many years have passed, the moisture has done its job. At first the staircase began to collapse, and then it reached the ceiling, but I could not get out. The breakthrough to the exit did not work out, several tons of old concrete collapsed on me. That's how I ended up in the body of Zach On.

Now for my second life, I must say, no less interesting and stormy. I woke up practically healthy, I don’t know where the gang of the chieftain Techno got cartridges for first-aid kits, but they cost prohibitively, but they gave it to Sean. He pulled me out from behind the edge. So, waking up almost healthy, I decided to get used to the local reality. Sean, of course, was surprised that I stopped understanding him and talking in an incomprehensible language, but still I was able to find a way out. Not everyone on the planet fell into savagery, there were specialists. For example, old man Oud. He caught the moment when the virus began to act, a young boy, a cadet of one of the star academies on the planet. In general, he lived these two hundred years, and I saw him with my own eyes. You heard right, he lived just that much, the locals turned out to be long-livers, the average age is just these same two hundred years, some live up to two hundred and fifty, but this is quite rare. Although rejuvenation happens, I was told about it, but there the rejuvenation procedure is prohibitive in price. Almost a hundred million, but you can live another two hundred years.

Sean tried to communicate with me for two weeks, but even with gestures it was difficult. So he took me to old man Udu. We were met by an ancient old man with a long gray beard and bald head. He put me in a chair and put some kind of pot entangled with wires on my head. Then it was like a bomb exploded in my head and I lost consciousness. Not for long, about twenty minutes, but when I woke up, to my surprise, I began to understand what those around me were saying. Too bad for the old man. He lived two years after that our meeting. They didn’t kill him, they guarded and cherished him, he himself died, the old one was already there. He and I have been in close contact these two years, so I really felt sad for him. Good old man, rare among tinkers to find good people, they walk over corpses to the light, but I was lucky to meet such people twice - Sean and Ood.

I did not hide it, and Sean immediately found out who I was and where I came from. He thought for a moment, sighed and clapped me on the shoulder:

“You are still my brother, the closest person to me, Gavroche.

Gavroche is my nickname. By last name. I am Gavroshev Eduard Vladimirovich. He described who it was and why they called me that, so that my brother often began to call me Gavroche. I immediately attended to education, I needed to know not only the language, but also writing. Unfortunately, when transferring the language, such a skill was not introduced to me. Sean did not become greedy and paid for the services of old man Ood. True, I had to study live, with notes and notebooks. They were replaced by boards on which I wrote with charcoal. The old man did not have the necessary hypnogram, and this was sad. However, I more or less mastered writing and counting in a year. Yes, and Sean pulled up, he also could not read or write. I lived in this new world for four years, I just turned eight the other day, Sean knew when I was born.

Before describing further our survival in this world, it is worth describing a little the difference with the literature I have read and what hypnograms are. No, neural networks and amplifying implants, and knowledge bases existed here. Indeed, it is difficult to manage various equipment without a neural network, but it is quite realistic, only in manual mode. Now I will explain what is the matter here. In the books that I read, children were left to their own devices before the installation of neural networks, and they were not taught. Like, they will install neural networks, and I will find out everything there. However, in this Commonwealth, this issue was taken more seriously, or rather, in that state, by the will of fate on one of the planets of which I ended up. By the way, the planet was called Aliya, it was the center of the scientific and advanced thought of the state, and it itself was called the kingdom of Bozat. In the Commonwealth itself, there were fifty-four states and various entities, another twelve states were not part of the Commonwealth and were considered independent, and therefore greatly degraded. Retarded, to put it simply.

So, in the kingdom for fifty years there was a program of teaching children through hypnograms. These are the same knowledge bases, but noticeably changed. They are pumped into the head through special training capsules. Old man Ud did not have such a capsule, so he made a replacement, that same chair with a cap. Such capsules can be bought and taught to a child at home. They basically did that. Or send it to a specialized educational institution, a close analogue - a school. Ten days in a capsule, and some of the learning material in the student's head. Then just consolidate the knowledge in the head with practice, for this you can work with your head or hands. Well, or a virtual capsule simulator. Old Man Oud said that their star academy trained future pilots, navigators, explorers and crews for ships. They recruited from the age of ten to the age of majority, and this is fifteen years, they taught. When they became adults, they were divided into units, the academy belonged to the fleet. Old Man Oud was to become a navigator, a related profession - a ship's technician. He had a year left until the end of the course, when the Big Trouble happened.

There were many researchers, scientists, and various specialists on the planet who developed new items. I think the king regretted that he gathered all the eggheads in one place. Nobody was released. All innovations and novelties in the field of education were passed through these academies, so the knowledge of the old man Uda at that time was the latest. That's it.

Why am I explaining this? Just at a depth of one hundred meters of one bunker, where I was currently sitting on a cobblestone at the edge of the blockage, there were four capsules, three training and one virtual training. The very ones. Yes, I knew where I was. Under the complex of buildings of one of the star academies. There were sixteen of them on the planet. This one is kind of weird. As soon as I found mention of it, it turns out that it is the seventeenth, although everyone knows that there are exactly sixteen academies on the planet. Not only children were taught here, and the children of wealthy and influential parents, but also retraining and advanced training of already established specialists took place here. By the way, the academy also worked in the direction of training space specialists, pilots, and the rest. Now I was sitting and looking at the capsules covered with dust, and my thoughts were far away.

Now it is worth describing how it happened that the planet was closed and massacre was staged in orbit. The security service of the kingdom was looking for one mad scientist, not only a chemist, but also a brilliant geneticist. They could not take him, but the family did. He got angry and activated the spraying of the virus on different parts of the planet on the air. An idiot, he himself died, and his family, who felt fine in prison, died. In terrible agony, the skin slipped, solid ulcers on the bodies.

The military reacted instantly - they closed the sector. Almost immediately, doctors confirmed that mass infections had begun, people were dying in terrible agony. Medcapsules did not save here, they only delayed the inevitable end. The reaction was quick, not only were they not allowed into the sector, but they were not allowed to leave the planet either. Thousands of people trying to escape were shot down, and ships fell to the planet. There was a massacre. Scientists have already determined what kind of virus it is - there was no antidote, it is impossible to cure. Then the military dragged the orbital fortresses and completely closed the sector. For a couple of years, scientists in high-defense suits descended to the planet, communicated with survivors, and, well, took tests. The virus was there. However, one hacker who ended up on Alia at that time and lost his entire family in the dungeons of the Security Council at the time of insanity, over the course of a couple of years, was able to break into sixteen of the eighteen orbital fortresses and transferred them to an offline mode. The AIs destroyed the crews and smashed two fortresses with their monstrous cannons that the hacker could not or perhaps did not have time to break into. Now no one could approach the planet, and it lasted those very two hundred years. Not only was the sector closed, but communications were jammed. What is happening in the kingdom, no one knew anything. The military, pulling up battleships and dreadnoughts, would have been able to bring down the fortresses, destroying them, but they, despite the losses, and the fortresses fired back at them, driving them to the borders of the sector, did not do anything, everything suited them, so there was a second belt of protection are naval.

Now the virus was no longer on the planet, it self-disintegrated - it lasted for twenty years. Already checked, everything was confirmed, but it did not become easier from this. The planet, as it was closed, remained the same, you couldn’t shout to the naval ones, there was no communication at all, even the hypertransmitters turned out to be powerless. Anarchy, banditry and everything related to this began, until the local way of life was formed, such as it is now. That's all I learned from Sean, old man Ood and from other sources.

How did we live? Yes, it’s poor, they studied and dug in basements, everything they found was carried to pawnshops on the outskirts of the metropolis. That's what they ate. In general, I was able to get involved in this new life. I myself looked a little like a tinsmith, more like a villager. The clothes are correct, strong, sewn by peasant women. They sometimes bring it for sale, leather shoes are also from a peasant shoemaker. I recently updated my wardrobe, otherwise the last one became small, and I’m tired of patching holes, but it’s normal. Pants, boots, shirt, jacket and hat with brim. Knapsack on the side, and home-made, he sewed himself, a backpack behind his back. These are all my things, I had nothing else. Well, except for what was in a knapsack, on a belt or in a backpack. I did not wear beads made of various iron around my neck, as others did, even Sean, I lived, trying to get into the general stream, but still with my own mind. How did he goof off like that? For several years we lived alone, without joining any gang, although we had to intersect with their search engines. How he fell for the sweet speeches of the recruiter of this gang, I don’t understand, but we joined it.

When Sean died, I left the metropolis, having escaped from the gang, they don’t just leave it, and went to roam the endless fields and forests. Four months wandered, almost all summer. In the forest, I found a downed, damaged boarding boat. Rummaging through it, I found an infocrystal. Moreover, having charged the tablet with the help of a solar battery - a gift from the old man Ood, looked through the information on it. There were the coordinates of one of the star academies, and for some reason in the wilderness. I knew nothing about her, so I moved there. From the bot to the academy it was three hundred kilometers in a straight line, I almost stopped my feet up to my ears, but I got there. On the way in one of the villages, I changed clothes, buying new ones, I had something to pay. The military kingdoms, in order to protect their secrets, in the first year launched orbital strikes on all centers of scientists, on industrial enterprises, well, they did not bypass the star academies. On the spot, it was a hundred kilometers to the nearest city, I found only fragments and dilapidated buildings. Slightly to one side were the hulks of shelled ships. I have no idea what these models are. I often met such parking lots near the metropolis, there were enough different burnt vehicles, but here the academy had only four skeletons. Apparently, the rest of the ships with cadets on board tried to take off, so they were knocked down. Next to the academy was a small town of about three thousand inhabitants. It has already been cleaned out, there was not even a gang of tinkers here. Empty. No one was interested in these ruins. And I became interested and began to look for the entrances to the bunker. Knew they were. There was this information on the info-crystal, that one belonged to the dean. I found the entrance, for two weeks I raked the rubble with my small forces and was able to dig out a gap. From her already began to study the underground levels. There are blockages everywhere, and on the fifth underground floor, having cleared the entrance from above, he entered this still unknown box. Catching his breath, he looked at the capsules in the dim light of a flashlight.

“I found it,” I sighed again and, not expecting such a thing from myself, smiled happily.

I will find hypnograms, energy, if I can launch the capsules, then I will try to get at least something from knowledge. True, it is recommended to study hypnograms at least nine years old, and I am eight, but I think I can draw it out, it is recommended - this is not prohibited.

Standing up, I took off my hard gloves, it was with them that I cleared the rubble so as not to injure my hands, and looked around more carefully, looking not only at the equipment, but also at the floor with the ceiling. There are unreliable, you need to immediately determine how to move around here. There is a reality of collapse or destruction, or not. Everything seems to be in order. I did not notice cracks and subsidence, but I still went along the wall to the capsules. And then I began to study what I found. There was a table, cabinets, even something like a safe, a digital lock, a serious one, and shelves with various items. By the way, behind the left wall of the cabinet, it was not visible from the blockage, a meddron hid. Approaching, I determined that he was standing in a niche on recharging. It looked whole, but there was probably no energy. After that, I began to carefully examine the racks and shelves of cabinets. If this is a training room, then the hypnograms must be around here somewhere. I found a lot of interesting things, mostly medical cartridges for capsules, but not a single plate with knowledge. There was a safe case made of metal. The last hope, I did not find hypnograms anywhere else. Although I managed to inspect three rooms and the equipment that was there. whole and not.

- How can I hack you? I muttered thoughtfully.

Then my stomach began to boil, hinting that it was time to refresh myself, so having figured out what tool I needed, I headed for the blockage. With difficulty, the gap was narrow, I got out into the corridor and there through the rubble, trying not to run into protruding pieces of iron, in half an hour I climbed out. Phew, it was much easier to breathe here, downstairs there were real problems with this. From the villagers - the village was about twelve kilometers from the territory of the academy - I have already bought food twice, there are still three days left, and again I will need to go to replenish supplies. I am not a hunter, I will not get game, although there was enough of it around. The virus did not touch the animal world, it was designed purely for humans.

Having looked around and not finding strangers, I made my way to one almost completely destroyed building and went down to its basement. This is where I lived these two weeks. Having poured water into the pot, the spring was not so far away, flowing on the outskirts of the town, kindled an equipped hearth and hung the pot to boil the water. I didn’t buy this pot from the villagers, their blacksmiths used to produce similar dishes, I just changed the suitable metal from the blacksmith for food or clothing, they didn’t favor the technique, they could burn it with me, but ordinary iron is fine, knives did, axes or dishes. The villagers had their own craftsmen, a whole caste of blacksmiths grew up in this business. However, the bowler hat is really my find in one of the basements of the metropolis where Sean and I lived. No, he is not from the time when the virus was released, just a local craft, he stumbled upon someone's cache. Judging by the footprints, he is twenty years old, so Sean and I took all the finds with a light soul, the owner obviously will not return. So I got a bowler hat, a mug, a plate and a spoon. They are with me now, the third year already. As is the blanket. The bed was close to the fire.

While the water was warming up, I went up to the attic of a neighboring building, where a third of the area was preserved, and looked around. I immediately chose this place to explore the surroundings. I don't want to be taken by surprise. As long as it's clean. That's how I looked around the neighborhood, I thought. Did I like it here? Yes, I was delighted, both then, after the resettlement, and now. If I had been given a choice, I would have agreed without hesitation. I liked the local life. There was a great hope that I would still get out into space and I would have my own ship. This is a real dream, one might say, a fixed idea. I was saddened by the death of Sean and the death of old man Oud, the only people close to me, but I have already come to terms with this, time heals, now I know for sure. So I live by my own mind, otherwise I had to keep an eye on Sean so that he didn’t do stupid things, but he overlooked it.

Gathering a full chest of air, exhaled and began to descend, the water must have boiled, now we will cook the soup, and go down again. By the way, you need to charge the batteries of the flashlight. The old ones barely last three hours, although the new ones can work for a couple of months without recharging. The main thing here is that it exists at all. I don’t really want to work with a torch, as other search engines do. I was a little worried, such a find was worth a lot, so while I was preparing dinner, and it was lunchtime, I couldn’t find a place for myself, often got up, walked around the basement that I had cleaned and tidied up, rearranging things. Couldn't calm down at all. Golden find - that says it all. The chance that comes once in a lifetime. I've heard enough of these stories, but most of them were fiction. Although there were such finds, this fueled interest. The tinsmiths were looking for just such capsules and hypnograms. No one had neural networks. Everyone who had them has already died, there is nothing to put up, and nothing with. Moreover, neural networks were grown from the material of the client himself, that is, they took his cells and grew these implants from them. There was no such equipment left, it was destroyed. I think it is not worth explaining that no one but me should know about such a find. I will live exactly until the moment when information about the capsules goes to the side. This is my chance, and I was not going to miss it.

Trying to pull myself together, I checked how the porridge was getting, threw dried meat into it, a convenient thing for long trips, well, or for long-term storage, and, having prevented it, went to my backpack that lay at the head of the couch. On board the boat, which I got through the breach, I found little. Nothing, trash. It's not about time or nature, it just burned out all over, but next to it, under a layer of foliage, I found the remains of a person, the bones were still smashed by the roots of the bush. I killed a day in search and found an undamaged wardrobe trunk. It contains a dozen crystals. In addition to them, there is also an officer's needle case. Apparently, this man, when the bot collapsed, was thrown out through the gap, and there I found him. The needle case was damaged, just time tried not to restore it, and I don’t know how to do it. In these four years, the only thing I have learned to do is determine whether a find is valuable or not. True, he still carried it to the pawnshop and handed it over for food or something else. And so they lived.

There were no knowledge bases in boxing, purely working information, so on one crystal I found the entire scheme of the underground complex of this academy. Only for some reason, on the crystal, it was listed as a retraining center, a branch of one of the academies. It turned out that they planned to finish building it, to expand the underground levels, so all the information really was on the crystal. And I knew about the found premises. It was meant to be - a reserve training box. There were others, but the finds there were not encouraging. Lots of damaged equipment. Okay, at least I was able to make out the blockage down. For two weeks he was laying a tunnel, taking out small fragments of foam concrete outside or rolling out larger ones. Those that could not move, with the help of a strong stick, pushed aside. In general, the child will crawl down, it is unlikely that it is older. Made an entrance for myself. The walls and ceiling of the tunnel were reinforced downward with different materials.

I can’t say that Sean and I didn’t have any interesting finds. Once, the capsule of the cyberdoctor, unfortunately damaged, was pulled out from under the rubble. However, they sold very well. We bought it for parts. Specialists on them even now were available. Hypnograms are found, and the big gangs had capsules. Used to the limit, but they work, so there was a shortage of valuable personnel, but not critical. If necessary, a specialist could be found. I am not a technician, but I will try to somehow launch the found capsules. Or rather, one for now. But first I’ll find hypnograms, they should be here, any, without them I don’t need capsules in principle.

Taking out my tablet - the only electronic thing that works for me - I began to look through the diagram of the bunker from the info-crystal. I already know her almost by heart. But I still looked through, enlarging some sections, otherwise they were not visible in a wide format, it was necessary to zoom in on one or another sector in the diagram. The tablet is my find. The resellers were not interested in it, the screen cracked, because of which about a third did not work, and constant malfunctions made themselves felt, but for me the main thing is that it started up at all. Through times, but worked. I had the patience, and if it was required to wait half an hour for it to start, or wait for it to deploy the necessary information, then I waited. Where should I hurry?

Then I checked the needle case. No, a dead piece of metal and plastic, but it's still possible to sell it to some mug, so I won't throw it away. In vain, perhaps, I cleaned it and gave it a marketable appearance? Putting the tablet back into my backpack, I waited for the meat stew to cool down a bit, took a plate and, sitting aside, began to eat quickly. I managed to get hungry. He had already eaten almost everything, when he suddenly froze with a raised spoon, listening. Here again there was a rustle of crumbling small stones. Carefully putting the plate aside, I rushed to the couch and picked up the crossbow lying there, cocked it and applied the bolt. It was small, the smallest of those that the blacksmiths of the villagers produced, and I still had six bolts for it. But what it is, that is, it is quite lethal, especially if you know where to shoot. I knew. Of the weapons, I had only this crossbow and a hunting knife on my belt, I also had a small dinner knife, but I used it for cooking. That is, for the trip, in my opinion, I was well prepared. Yes, and from the metropolis dumped on time, managed to prepare. So after Sean's death, I almost immediately left and wandered until I got this exclusive information.

Coughing, I shuddered all over, twitching my hand, pulled off some kind of chlamys like a blanket. The body was sticky with sweat, wet, and it clearly gave off heat. I could not be mistaken, because now it was my body, all sensitivity was available to me.

Who I hit, I realized immediately. Not in the sense of where and where, but in whom. No kidding. It was unrealistic to survive when an old concrete slab in a German bunker collapsed on you, but I could not get out. I even managed to feel a slight pain, in contact with a concrete slab, until I was smeared. They say that then there is a bright tunnel, but it understands heaven. Nothing like this happened to me. I remember that I hung in the dark, not for long, I didn’t even have time to swear normally, noting that there was no echo, as almost immediately I was quickly carried somewhere, and I realized myself in this body, and this dry cough torn my lungs. The difference between the bodies was significant, make no mistake, I got a new body. I immediately confirmed this, stretching my hand out from under the dirty and torn blanket, the body is not mine. A small, dirty and scratched child's hand in various unexpected places. The body of a boy. Small at all. I don't think it's even five years old. This pleases, he threw thirty years off his shoulders according to approximate estimates. My personality is formed, I will try not to do stupid things. But the fact that they put me in a sick body is no longer happy.

With the back of my hand, rubbing my eyes, tears and some kind of dirt prevented me from blinking, my eyelids stuck together, I looked around to determine where I was. At the same time, he noted in a detached way that the palisade of teeth in my mouth was unusual for me, and judging by the gaps, I still had a lack of them. True, judging by the swelling in the gums, new ones will soon grow, one has already hatched. And so the inspection gave me a rough idea of ​​where I am. Through the gap in the ceiling, daylight was visible, but the sun's rays did not reach it from the outside, the main thing is clear that it is day. The basement of some dilapidated building, debris everywhere. It seems to be concrete, but it seems not, something similar. Everything is somehow familiar, from the casemate of the bunker back to the concrete basement. In the corner stood a massive idol with several manipulators on the sides and on a caterpillar platform. Only after looking at this freak, although I liked his appearance on the contrary, there was something so beautiful and bewitching in him, I realized that anywhere, but I'm not on Earth. We did not have such equipment, and this is clearly not a manual assembly, but a conveyor. There was such an awareness from the very first glance at him.

At this time, a noise was heard from outside, the creak of debris under someone's soles and voices. The first to jump into the gap was a short, swarthy dark-haired boy of about twelve years old. He immediately rushed to me and spoke something soothingly, I did not know this language, after which he pressed a small black box to my neck, and it rattled, and a series of injections pierced my neck with a slight pain. Feeling that the fever began to subside, and the condition quickly returned to normal, I peered into the boy's face, trying to remember it, when I was suddenly knocked out. At the same time, before losing consciousness, out of the corner of his consciousness he noted that six more had jumped into the basement, they were already adults, a couple of guys about twenty, the rest were older. There was something wrong with them, and what I did not understand, I lost consciousness earlier.

Sitting on a large piece of foam concrete, I stretched out my legs, buzzing with fatigue, and slightly worked my shoulders, dispersing the blood. Yes, I had to work today, but the exhaust was very interesting. Not even that interesting, I realized that today I pulled out a golden ticket, something that will allow me to escape from rags to riches, as they say on our distant Earth. Yes, it is even strange to realize that I am in the Commonwealth, on one of the planets of the state that is part of it. I read books on Earth, I know the topic. Was a fan of this genre. Now I am already firmly aware that my soul has moved, and at first I really thought that everything around was a figment of my imagination on the topic of my favorite topic in literature. Commonwealths, neural networks, knowledge bases and spaceships. All this was, but there are differences. They were enough. And it's so funny, in a past life I was a digger, we are also called black archaeologists, and here I went along the same path. Yes, and there was no other way out, everyone here is doing it, everyone who survived after the virus was released into the atmosphere of this planet by one mad scientist, and for the past two hundred years it has been completely closed to the public. This is facilitated by eighteen orbital defensive fortresses in the system and the fleet of the state that controlled the system on the borders. This thing is too terrible, that virus, so they took such measures so that it would not spread to other planets of the kingdom. Managed to respond and close the system. The fortresses were later dragged partly by tugs, partly they themselves left the hyper. Some were self-propelled. And before that, the artillery operators of the combat and patrol ships went crazy, shooting down thousands of ships full of people trying to take off from the planet. Crowded with civilians, women and children. There were eight hundred million people on the planet. At the moment, no one will say how much is left. I don't think more than a couple million. Everywhere where I would not climb bones, bones and bones, there were no escaped from him. The virus killed everyone, but not quite everyone. Approximately five percent of the inhabitants locked up on the planet turned out to be immune to it. They survived as best they could. Almost immediately anarchy began, every man for himself and no order. Over the two hundred years of the closure of the system, their own ways and orders have already developed. It's not hard for me to tell. Everything is very simple. There are tinsmiths, these are residents of former megacities who lived by digging in cities and basements, as well as villagers. These have rejected everything that was in the past. They lived on their own farm, sewed and wove their own clothes, and everyone who came into contact with the mechanisms of the past was called wicked. I think it will become clear that between these two strata of society there was until recently an uninterrupted enmity that has lasted for several decades. The tinsmiths, on the other hand, wanted to eat, women, so they raided the settlements of the peasants. Those, of course, were fortified, but it happened that they did not hold back the adversary. Not so long ago, a truce was made, and the battles began to subside, but scumbags met on both sides.

Vladimir Poselyagin's novel "Gavroche" opens a new fantastic series of the writer. A new character, a new, no less interesting story and exciting adventures on an unfamiliar planet. The first book turned out more like a preface. Readers gradually get acquainted with the personality of the protagonist, learn about his past life, and then about the present, which is very different. Little by little, the hero of the novel adapts to the surrounding reality, slowly telling his story. One gets the feeling that the most interesting and exciting is yet to come.

Eduard Gavroshev has always been distinguished by his ability to survive even in the most difficult conditions. He had to sell his apartment and everything else in order to move from Ukraine to Russia. When everything worked out, he began to excavate, looking for valuable things. But an accident buried him under tons of old concrete.

Upon regaining consciousness, Gavroche immediately realized that he had fallen into someone else's body. Moreover, he could not survive under concrete slabs. And sure enough, he ended up in the body of a boy on another planet. As if fate had given him a second chance. Once upon a time, many people lived here, but then a virus came that killed most of the population. This planet is closed from others, you cannot leave it, so as not to transfer the virus to other inhabitants of the Universe. Gavroche now has the name Zach On, he is a tinker, that is, he lives off what he can find. For several years of life on this planet, he managed to understand what is what here. And although he wants to go to outer space, first he will have to find a way out of this planet.

The work was published in 2017 by AST. The book is part of the Gavroche series. On our site you can download the book "Gavroche" in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format or read online. The rating of the book is 3.5 out of 5. Here, before reading, you can also refer to the reviews of readers who are already familiar with the book and find out their opinion. In the online store of our partner you can buy and read the book in paper form.