Jumping exercises in basketball. How to learn to jump high? Jump training. long jump training


The program was developed by TMT sports based on a very popular program, Air Alert II. The program has undergone many changes. Due to the new exercise and the increase in the course (15 weeks), the creators have reduced the frequency of doing the exercises to 3 days a week (except for the last, 15th week), but now it will have to be done on certain days of certain weeks! After completing the full course (15 weeks), you will increase your jump by 20-35 cm. During the 4 months of implementation, you should ensure that you have good sleep and nutrition.

High jump


Rises on toes

Execution: Stand on something so that the heels do not touch the floor (ladder, thick book). Rise on one leg as high as possible, then on the other leg.

Rest between sets: 25-30 seconds.


Execution: Place one foot on a solid platform (chair, bench) and push your supporting leg up. In the air, change the supporting leg and repeat the same.

Jumping on straight legs

Execution: Feet shoulder width apart. Perform high jumps without bending your knees. You need to jump as high as possible.

Rest between sets: 1 minute.

Note: The jump speed of the exercise is the most important. The point is to jump as fast as possible. The time spent on the ground should be equal to fractions of a second.


Execution: The exercise is so named because, if performed correctly, you will feel a burning sensation in the muscles of the legs. Standing in a semi-squat, rise on your toes and make a jump in this position without dropping to your heels. The main emphasis when doing this is on speed and be careful not to sink on your heels.

Jumping in full squat.

Full squat jumps are a new exercise. It should load the entire thigh and help increase its "explosive strength". It increases cardiovascular endurance, short distance speed and lateral speed.

So, the description of the exercise:

  • For balance, take the ball in your hands (optional).
  • Sit down. You should be sitting on your toes (heels up), your thighs should be parallel to the floor and your back should be perpendicular to the floor.
  • Jump 10-15 cm. Keep the floor and hips parallel.
  • After landing, push off again.
  • For the last time (example: fifteenth of 15 jumps), jump as high as you can (from a sitting up position).

This exercise gives a very large load on the muscles and therefore it needs to be performed only once a week, on Wednesdays. Increasing the frequency of the exercise will run the risk of overloading the muscles, increasing the recovery time and reducing the jumping tone of the legs for a long time. At the end of each set, you should jump up at the maximum, "explosive" pace and to the highest possible height. It is very important to jump out as quickly as possible. This will make the thigh muscles work, strengthen them and add another 3-5 cm to the jump for the entire course.


A week jumping
on socks
Step-ups jumping
on socks
Burnout jumping
in full squat
1 2×202×102×102×151×1004×15
2 3×202×152×152×201×2004×20
3 3×252×202×152×251x3004×20
4 3×302×252×202×302×2004×20
5 4×252×302×202×352×2504×25
6 2×502×352×252×402×3004×30
7 4×302×402×252×502×3505×25
8 3x502×452×302×604×2005×25
9 4×502×502×302×703×3005×30
10 5×402×552×352×804×2505×30
11 6×504×302×352×904×2755×30
12 4×754×352×402×1004×3006×30
13 The program is not running!
14 * 3×302×302×202×301×2504×20
15 ** 4×1004×502×502×1004×4005×50

Air Alert III must be performed 3 days a week and preferably at the same time. The program takes 15 weeks in total.

2x25 - means that you need to do two sets of 25 repetitions.

In the third version of the program, the rest between sets should not exceed 2 minutes, and there MUST NOT be a break between exercises! During a pause between sets, massage those muscle groups that have been loaded.

The 13th week requires complete rest. The program must be terminated!

14 * - this week is made to prepare for the last week. Therefore, the number of executions is reduced.

15 ** - exercises of the 15th week are performed on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. The last week maximally loads the muscles before the final recovery. Therefore, the number of repetitions is increased and classes are held for 4 days. Jumping will reach its maximum level 4-7 days after the end of the program.

Important! Air ALERT III has its own set schedule!

For even weeks (2,4…) the program runs on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.

For odd weeks, do the program on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

On days when you don't need to do AA3, you should still give your legs a normal jumping load. The best time to do this is during games. Come out and play! But try to do all the jumps as aggressively as possible. This will strengthen muscle memory.

If you wish, you can go through the program again, but:

  • the interval between executions should be at least a month;
  • doing it again will not give as good results as the first one.

air alert

1. High jump

Legs shoulder width apart. Jump straight up as far as you can. Once down, squat about a quarter - that's one jump.

Note: The jump speed of the exercise is the most important. The point is to jump as fast as possible. The time spent on the ground should be equal to fractions of a second.

2. Rises on toes

Stand on something so that your heels do not touch the floor (ladder, thick book). Rise on one leg as high as possible, then on the other leg.

3. Step-ups

Place one foot on a solid platform (chair, bench) and push your supporting leg up. In the air, change the supporting leg and repeat the same.

4. Jumping in a semi-squat

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and bring your knees together. Now jump into this pose using only your calves (without extending your legs).

Note #1: Jump speed is the most important thing when performing an exercise. The point is to jump as fast as possible. The time spent on the ground should be equal to fractions of a second.

Note #2: Another variation of this exercise is jumping with straight legs. One way or another, the main task is to jump using only the calf muscles. In this situation, as a rule, it is very difficult to get off the ground by more than 10-15 centimeters.

5. Burnout

The exercise is named so because, if performed correctly, you will feel a burning sensation in the muscles of the legs. Standing again in a semi-squat, rise on your toes and jump in this position without sinking to your heels. The main emphasis when doing this is on speed and be careful not to sink on your heels.

Order of execution:

  1. Warm up (jumping rope, running in place)
  2. Stretching
  3. High jump
  4. Rises on toes
  5. Step-ups
  6. Jumping in a semi-squat
  7. Burnout
  8. Relaxation (stretching)

Air Alert must be performed 5 days a week. The program takes 12 weeks in total.

A week jumping
on socks
Step-ups jumping
in a semi-squat
1 2×252×102x102×151×100
2 1×502×202×152×201×200
3 1×752×252×152×251×300
4 1×752×302×202×301×400
5 2×502×352×202×351×500
6 1×1002×402×252×401×600
7 1×1252×452×252×501×700
8 2×752×502×302×601×800
9 2×1002×552×302×701×900
10 2×1252×602×352×801×1000
11 2×1502×652×352×901×1100
12 2×2002×702×402×1001×1200


The program was developed by TMT sports. This is one of the most popular jump increase programs today. The program requires a serious approach and attitude to the exercises. After completing the full course (12 weeks), you will increase your jump by 20-30 cm. During the 3 months of implementation, you should ensure yourself good sleep and nutrition. Order of execution:

1. Warm up

Jumping rope, running in place for 3-5 minutes.

2. Stretch

Before performing, it is necessary to stretch all muscle groups that participate in the program. The calves are stretched with exercises similar to step-ups (put your foot on a book, a ladder and try to reach the floor with your heel). To stretch the anterior femoral muscle, place your foot on a chair or table and tilt your torso toward that leg. The hamstring muscle is stretched with simple tilts.

3. High jump

Legs shoulder width apart. Jump straight up as far as you can. Once down, squat about a quarter - that's one jump.

Note: The speed of the jump during the exercise is the most important. The point is to jump as fast as possible. The time spent on the ground should be equal to fractions of a second. Note: You should feel that the anterior thigh muscle is tightening more than the calves. Rest between sets: 3-4 minutes

4. Rises on toes

Stand on something so that your heels do not touch the floor (ladder, ~10cm thick book). Raise as high on one leg as possible using only the calves, then on the other leg Rest between sets: 25 seconds

5. Step-ups

Place one foot on a solid platform (chair, bench) and push your supporting leg up. In the air, change the supporting leg and repeat the same. Rest between sets: 3-4 minutes

6. Jumping on toes

Stand on both feet and push off as hard as you can using only your calves. The point of the exercise is to jump as high as possible and "stop on the ground" as little as possible (the faster you jump out after landing, the better)

Note number 1: make sure that when performing the exercise, the legs do not bend at the knees.

Note #2: 1 minute break between sets

7. Burnout

The exercise is named so because, if performed correctly, you will feel a burning sensation in the muscles of the legs. The technique is about the same as in the previous exercise. Standing on two legs, you need to jump out, using only calves. Here you need to jump only 1-1.5 cm, and the main emphasis should be on the speed of execution and be careful not to sink on your heels.

8. Relaxation (stretching)

Air Alert II must be performed 5 days a week and preferably at the same time. The program takes 12 weeks in total.

It is best to perform the program at 13-15 o'clock in the afternoon (peak muscle work).

Legend: 2x25 means that you need to do two sets of 25 repetitions.

A week jumping
on socks
Step-ups jumping
in a semi-squat
1 1×502x102x102×151×50
2 1×1002×202×152×201×100
3 1×1252×252×152×251×150
4 1×1502×302×202×301×200
5 2×1002×352×202×351×250
6 2×1252×402×252×401×300
7 2×1502×452×252×451×350
8 2×2002×502×302×501×400
9 2×2502×552×302×551×450
10 2×3002×602×352×601×500
11 2×3502×652×352×651×550
12 2×4002×702×402×701×600

I advise you to keep track of your progress every week.

A week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
the date
  • What you need to do:
    • All exercises must be performed on the carpet.
    • The program must be performed in sneakers with FLAT RUBBER soles.
    • A chair or other object for step-ups with a book or something else for lifting on toes
    • The program does NOT require the use of weights of any type. The increase in the jump is only due to your weight!
  • Nutrition is an important part of the program.
    • A minimum of 2 meals a day is required.
    • You need to eat 1-2 hours before the performance
    • Don't overeat and good food is a must not only on performance days, but also on rest days.
    • The food should contain enough proteins, carbohydrates (fruits and vegetables) and calcium (milk).
# Quantity Description
1 10 times - 5 episodesJumping on one leg (we strive to press the leg in the air to the chest)
2 10 times - 5 episodesFrog (jump as far as possible)
3 30 meters - 15 timesAccelerations
4 80 timesJumping in place (press 2 legs to chest)
5 1 minute on each leg, then a minute on two - 3 setsWe jump on one leg due to the calves (we try to jump as often as possible)
6 10 min totalWe sit with our backs to the wall so that the legs are bent at the knee at 90 degrees
7 Jumping, jumping, jumpingJumping, jumping, jumping


jumping jacks. Mahi arms and legs. Very simple. Stand up straight and spread your legs in different directions, at the same time bring your hands over your head. Make swing movements with your arms and legs. At the moment when the arms are brought together above the head, the legs are spread apart and vice versa.

Kariokaes- snake run. Run sideways, alternating legs.

Toe jog- running with high hips.

Light stretch

Armless bounces- Put your hands on your head and jump straight up from two legs at once. When landing, bend the legs at the knees so that the knees touch each other (it turns out something like the letter Y in reverse). Then jump again. You have to jump fast.

In the rest of the exercises, you also need to jump quickly, unless otherwise stated. In addition, in this exercise, you must ensure that the heels do not touch the floor. Jumping only from socks.

Reverse 17"s– Process: take a low start and rush forward with all your might. We run the distance you have chosen (you can choose half of the site) and back forward. You can't relax. The exercise is done at maximum speed. After this, the exercise is repeated. The number of repetitions is eight and a half times.

Explosive step-ups- A high platform is taken, 40-50 centimeters. For example, a chair. The emphasis is on the right leg, the left is placed on a chair (it is possible vice versa, left-right). Then jump up, in the air we change legs and land so that the right one becomes the supporting one, and the left one is on the platform. We repeat the exercises with alternating legs.

You need to push off only with the foot that stands on the dais.

Slow calf-raises- slow rises on toes. Exercise to do on a raised platform, so that the heels fall quite low. Upon reaching the highest and lowest points, we linger for a few seconds.

pushups- push ups.

wall squats- lean back against the wall. Between the back and the wall, approximately at the level of the waist, we clamp the basketball. We perform squats without dropping the ball to the ground. When the thighs become parallel to the floor, we linger in this position for 5 seconds.

Get ups- jumping out of a chair We sit on a chair, then jumps up. After this, the exercise is repeated.

As usual, don't forget about speed. You need to jump out of a sitting position in one quick movement. Before jumping, hands should be kept straight in front of you (parallel to the floor!). At the moment of the jump, the arms are pulled up.

crunches- press. Emphasis lying on the back. The knees are bent. Hands on the head. At once, they huddled into a ball, trying to reach their knees with their heads.

heavy stretching- Stretching. See the individual static stretching program on our website.

1 leg knee-ups- stand at arm's length from the wall. Sideways to the wall. The hand was placed on the wall. The left leg must be bent and jump on the right straight up. The number of repetitions in the table. Then we turn the other side and jump on the other leg. If the number of repetitions is 10, this means that 10 jumps must be done on both legs.

And one more thing: at the moment of jumping from one leg, you need to lift the thigh of the second up as high as possible so that the angle between this thigh and the stomach is about 90 degrees.

Figure 8 crunches. Emphasis lying on the back. The head is slightly raised. They took a basketball in their hand, raised their left foot, held it under the left foot, lowered the left - raised it with the right, brought it under the right. In a word, we write out a figure eight between the legs with a ball. We do it for as long as possible.

Explosive calf raises- quick rises on toes.

square jumps- imagined a square on the floor. Point #1 is the starting point. Jump forward - to point #2. Jump sideways to point #3. Jump back to point #4. Jump sideways to point #1. How many repetitions in the table, so many squares you have to jump.

The distance between the points is about one and a half meters. You need to jump from point to point quickly.

Clap pushups- push-ups with a clap of hands.

1-1-2 bounding- push off from one leg forward and up, land, push off quickly from the other leg in the same direction, land, push off from two legs. We jump, roughly, through the entire gym.

High knee skips- forward jumps with high hips.

Depth jumps- (depth jumps). We get up on a chair. We jump from it and instantly, as if on a spring, we jump up. We repeat the process.

After jumping off the hill on two legs, you need to push off not only perpendicular to the floor up, but also forward. Although, of course, the main emphasis is on the jump up.

Reverse depth jumps- the same as depth jumps, only we jump from a chair backwards.

1 leg depth jump- depth jumps on one leg. 10 reps per set means 10 jumps from each leg.

After jumping from the platform to one of the legs, at the moment of repulsion from the ground, the thigh of the second leg must be lifted up in the same way as in 1 leg knee ups so that the thigh is perpendicular to the stomach. Don't forget to jump forward a little, like in depth jumps.

How to increase jump height? How to start jumping higher?
Such questions visit the minds of many young and not very athletes: basketball players, volleyball players, track and field athletes...

In order to competently deal with this issue, one must begin with an understanding of the mechanics of the process in order to know what and how to pump.

jump starts from grouping stage- a person bends his knees and tilts his body forward - (as if charging for a jump). The second stage, they enter into action muscles of the lower back, latissimus dorsi, and trapezius (muscles of the upper back), their task is to quickly straighten the upper body to give it a powerful upward impulse. Start working at the same time quadriceps (muscles of the anterior thigh), unbending the leg, they give the body acceleration.
In the last stage, the legs are fully extended, calf muscles (gambocnemius, soleus and small muscles of the foot) bend the foot.

The sequence BACK-HIP-CALVES is clearly visible.
And it is these muscles that need to be trained, coordination and the absence of excess weight are still needed)

Upper body muscles
Arms-shoulders-back-chest-press. It is necessary to develop, coordination and sharpness of movements improve.
It should be noted that it is still necessary to increase the mass very carefully. For example, 1.5-2 kg increase will not reduce your jump, but coordination will improve clearly (and the appearance will become more serious.
For those who do not want to increase their weight much, but want to become stronger and more coordinated, there are 2 wonderful complex exercises. These are the most common push-ups (loads the triceps and chest) and pull-ups (loads the biceps and back). If you have time, do them every other day for 4-5 sets to failure until you reach 50-70 push-ups and 20-30 pull-ups. (even if these exercises are tight, this result can be achieved in 3 months, and usually even faster) This will allow you to have a very decent muscle tone.
For those who are more serious, we can recommend the gym twice a week. The program is not very tense - we are still not pitching. For example: bench press, wide grip pull-ups (or rows on a vertical block), barbell biceps, sitting behind the head press. All for 5 sets of 8-10 times per set, this will take a maximum of an hour.

The most massive and powerful muscles in the body. Usually hip training is the fastest way to increase your jump. People now sit a lot (work, study, etc.), respectively, the hip does not receive proper stimulation and atrophies. Training with a barbell (in its initial stage) increases the muscles to NORMAL SIZES (the first month of training). Further mass gain up to a certain limit is also very useful. Where is this limit? for squats, this is 130-150% of their weight (i.e., a 70 kg guy should increase weight in squats to (maximum) 95-105 kg, and 80 kg to 110-120).

By technique:
1) It is best to do semi-squats (up to the position when the thigh becomes parallel to the floor), if you do it lower, the load on the knees increases - you can damage the meniscus.
2) Warm up before training! A dozen simple squats, running in place, bending over to stretch your back. This is very important, especially during the cold season.
3) When the weights become more or less serious, you can also get bandages for the knees and a belt for the back, the risk of injury in this case becomes very low. Squats are best done in 4-5 sets of 10-12 times.

Now, about the "explosive power". In general, it’s usually enough just to increase the strength of the legs, but as a polishing, you can also do jumps especially for the hips. I recommend starting all this after the mass of the thigh has been increased, and you are only supporting it.
There are many jumping exercises, but the most effective, of course, are “Frogs” (jumping from a full squat), Step-Ups (one foot on a chair, the other on the floor, we change legs in a jump) and sprints (accelerations of 30 meters back and forth, back and forth -here until you die. It is better to do all the jumps not by quantity, but to the stop, while you can. These exercises "accelerate" the hip, and, in principle, improve the jump, but doing them without first pumping up the legs is ineffective.

Calves belong to the so-called "stubborn muscles", i.e. it is difficult to increase their mass, but there is also a positive side, because. they recover very quickly, you can train them almost every day (jocks train calves 4-5 times a week).
The best exercise for calves is calf raises with weights. There are several options: on one leg, on two, with an elevation on which the toe is placed in order to lower the heel lower or just on the floor.

As for the explosive power of the calves, it is developed by ABSOLUTELY ANY jumping exercises, you just need to do them a lot. It is also useful to jump on one leg 100 times, this is quite a serious load.

Based on materials by Konstantin Nazarov (a.k.a De-Lux, a.k.a. Nateskillz)

Jumping is the main speed-strength quality for a volleyball player, because attacks and their reflections are performed “at the height”. Consider effective exercises that will help increase the high jump in volleyball and develop its strength. Training will contribute to the elasticity of the muscles and improve the speed of their contraction, teach you how to push off correctly, polish the technique of landing and flying. By correctly performing exercises to increase the jump in volleyball for 15-20 weeks, the parameters improve by 20-35 cm.

List of Effective Exercises to Improve Jump Height

For professionals and beginners, volleyball jump training begins with warming up and warming up the muscles. Further:

    1. Legs shoulder width apart. We jump up as quickly as possible as far as we have strength.
    2. Jumping with weights. We need a 15-20 kg bar. We hold the projectile on our shoulders. We carry out a quick repulsion. You need to try to jump out as quickly as possible. Having completed the correct jump up with weighting, we land as softly as possible on our toes.
    3. Jumping with pulling the knees to the chest. With both feet we push off the floor, jump up as much as possible, at the same time pulling our knees to our chest.

    1. Weight jumping. We need dumbbells of 5-10 kg each, a cabinet 45-60 cm high (with a minimum load and the height of the projectile, they are gradually increased). Taking dumbbells in hand, we jump onto the cabinet at the same time with both legs. So they work out both a high jump in volleyball and a landing technique.
    2. Jumping on a pedestal from 45 cm.

  1. Jumps on toes in place. We perform 2-4 jumps, and then the maximum jump up. Repeat 8 times.
  2. CrossFit. Need a ball. We perform its pushing into the support with bouncing. With this exercise, you can increase the jump in volleyball and develop speed and strength skills.
  3. Ball throws. We need a large ball weighing 8-12 kg. We perform throws of the projectile to the floor, raising it above the head. We do not bend our back, we jump.
  4. Final jumps. We make maximum jumps on one leg, then on both. We alternate, changing legs.

Upon completion of training, the height of the buckle, if the exercises were performed correctly, will increase by 20 cm. The principle of performing the exercises is 3-5 sets of 6-8 exercises (17-20 for easy tasks)

Jump technique training in Sunny Wind

Most exercises use weights. But when starting training, the athlete must remember that the proven jumping technique in volleyball is more important than the power load. It is used only to keep the muscles in good shape and allows you to increase the tension on them when performing a landing-repulsion. Also very important in training for the development of jumping with weighting are the last approaches. What is done with effort develops abilities.

Do you want to learn how to jump high in volleyball? Come to us - we will teach you! We offer affordable prices, experienced trainers, convenient schedule!

“Jumping after everything that happened… How is that possible?” , - American journalists asked Alexander Burt, who was Valery Brumel's coach for many years. Of course, all those trials that fell on the lot of the great athlete were meant. “He proved that you can jump, and jump high, no matter what,” Burt replied. “After all, it was you who taught him to take sky-high heights. How did you do that?" The Americans didn't budge. Burt, who loved paradoxes, remained true to himself: “I only made him an Olympic champion. He taught himself to jump. Jump and fight. With a bar, with you. ”

Technique and psychology of the winner

The instillation of skills that are commonly called motor skills is the basis of the training of any athlete. People who set themselves the task of learning high jumps and achieving results, initially need to learn a common truth: this can only be done through technology. Repeated repetition of exercises with an emphasis on technique leads to the fact that their implementation is already a reflex.

The human psyche is arranged in such a way that without an idea of ​​an action, he cannot perform this action. Most often, before the start, athletes draw their jump in their own imagination or even pronounce their actions. Imagination is a kind of program of action. A mistake in imagination will inevitably lead to a mistake in action.

This component of training is called ideomotor. Repeated mental representation and pronunciation of actions also stimulates the muscular and circulatory systems, as well as repeated repetition of physical exercises.

Thus, the training is based on work on the technique of jumping, work on the development of the ideomotor component and, of course, the psychological attitude: I can - I must - I will do it.

High jump, a multi-stage and multi-component sport, consists of several interrelated elements. It is customary to single out such elements: takeoff, push, complex flight process and, finally, technical landing. In the run-up, that energy is accumulated that will help the muscles make the jump. This energy at the beginning of the jump has a horizontal direction.

The kinetic energy of the push (repulsion) makes it possible for the accumulated horizontal energy to be concentrated in the vertical direction. The most difficult phase of a vertical jump is flight. The body in flight performs a complex of complex movements aimed at moving the center of mass of the body, overcoming the force of gravity and carrying the body and legs over the bar. Technically competent landing is necessary in order to avoid bruises and injuries.

Many experienced athletes have come to the conclusion, and beginners should immediately understand this, that training for the technical execution of these elements can be sequential. First, the run-up is trained, then the push, flight, landing.

At such trainings, work is being done on technique, building strength and muscle energy, and, of course, on the will and psychology of the winner. To solve these problems, tactics are chosen: a yearly, monthly, weekly cycle is determined, exercises are selected, results are planned.

Competitiveness, of course, is integral to perfection. But it is important to understand that the main rival is one's own personality, and the main victory is victory over oneself, over one's weaknesses and shortcomings. Psychology beats "physics" and, ultimately, beats "physics". If someone who wants to learn how to jump higher and higher has defeated himself and is approaching his cherished goal, albeit gradually and not too quickly, no opponent is afraid of him, because the main victory has already been achieved.

Vertical jump and biomechanics

An important component in the performance of a vertical jump, in accordance with the laws of biomechanics, is the position of the center of inertia (or ccm) in the human body. But much more important is the ability of the body to raise this center to the desired height. The higher you can raise this center, the higher the jump will become. Further, the location of this center in relation to the bar at the moment of the highest rise and its movement through the bar is taken into account.

This does not lead to the conclusion that the advantage in jumping is always obtained by those who have a naturally high location of the desired center. Rather, the conclusion will be as follows: the advantage is for those who are capable of the highest possible vertical rise relative to the bar.

Technique and motor muscles will ensure the rise of the GCM. Further, the developed vestibular apparatus “works”. All movements must be brought to the highest degree of automatism.

The position of the OCM is in direct proportion to the height of a person and the length of his legs. But the jumper has the opportunity to raise the GCM due to pushing efforts at the end of the run. It has also been noted that the GCM will take a higher place if, at the moment of jerking, the jumper simultaneously tries to raise the swing leg as high as he can.

In a jump, everything is interconnected. Lifting energy as a product of muscle strength and movement speed can be spent irrationally if the angle of rise is not taken into account and the time allotted for the push element is not minimized. In addition, the more the jumper bends the jogging leg at the moment of the push, the less push force he will receive. We also add that it is impossible to jump “without hands”, that is, not to raise your arms above the body when jumping.

Arguing formally, one can come to the conclusion that high and long-legged jumpers have an initial advantage over those who are shorter, due to the high location of the bcm. This statement is not always correct. Of course, for the sport of great achievements, coaches now prefer the long-legged and tall, but the first is not necessarily the one who is taller. So, this indicator is important, but not the only one.

Speed, explosive and power indicators and innate jumping ability are extremely important. And yet, no one undertakes to deny the assertion that everyone can learn to jump higher and higher. There are many cases when, due to persistent efforts, concentration and dedication, strong-willed people achieved noticeable results literally during the annual cycle of training. Note: in favor of not too high jumpers is the fact that the higher the growth, the lower the height of the intervertebral discs and, accordingly, the flexibility that is so necessary for the jumper. We add: growth will immediately affect body weight, and attempts to increase muscle strength will also increase this mass.

Jump components and training methodology

There is hardly a specialist today who will announce that he knows the universal universal training methodology. Rather, everyone will agree that each jumper needs his own individual technique. Although there are general, repeatedly tested and proven exercises.

It is best to start training with such a jumping component as a run. It is important to understand that the running technique affects the transition from horizontal to vertical energy. It is enough to take an odd number (from seven to nine) running steps at an average speed. Of these, 3-4 steps seem to mince, shortened, slightly bouncing. The next 3-4 are twice as long and springy. The last step will be one and a half times longer than the first, but shorter than the ones following them. This step is the fastest. The leg ends its movement with a sharp, as if braking or locking movement. This is done in order to immediately extinguish the horizontal speed and be able to turn it into a vertical one. Then the work of the push leg begins, which has already unbent due to a slightly elongated step so much that it can push the body of the jumper up.

There are a number of techniques that teach the jumper to the rhythm of the run. Here is one of them, consisting of several exercises:

  1. The push leg is in front, and the fly leg is behind. Repulsion after a three-step run - forward and up. Hands in a jump rise above the head and at the highest point bend at the elbows and rush sharply down.
  2. In an easy run, starting with the jogging leg, a repulsion is made at every even step and a landing on the jogging leg follows.
  3. Jump as in the first case, but with every fifth step.
  4. Jumping after a three-five-step run and touching an object hanging at a height with the toe of the fly leg, first bent, then straight.
  5. A five- or seven-step run - and a jump over the bar with pulling the knees to the chin, followed by straightening the legs.
  6. Standing sideways, with the fly leg to the bar, with the push leg in front, push off from the spot and transfer successively the fly and push legs.
  7. The same, but with one step.
  8. Jumping from a sitting position.

Repeat each exercise at first five to seven times.

There are other methods as well. They are designed for the jumper to learn the rhythm of steps and their number (even or odd) and will start both from the push leg and from the fly leg. Running is performed by the running step technique.

1st way:

  • working out a step in the sector for jumping or along the treadmill for the same distance;
  • working off a step at a distance of 20 (21) meters from a low start;
  • the same from a high start or from the move;
  • high jumps with a run, first shortened, then full;
  • running along the track, the push leg is higher;
  • same. Push leg lower.

2nd method: to the listed exercises is added:

  • running in an arc;
  • practicing a step in the sector for jumping with the addition of 3-4 steps;
  • a step in a sector with a light push and a low jump.

These and similar special trainings should be carried out in parallel with general strengthening exercises using light weights and running with periodic accelerations.

When transitioning to push-off training, many experts recommend doing very deep lunges.

Based on the fact that there are different styles and methods of vertical jumps, when training the run-up, you need to use both a direct movement at an angle approximately equal to 25-30 ° to the bar, and an arcuate movement at the same angle. It is better to start the arcuate movement with three steps of the running type at high speed, and then move on to a five-step run at a lower speed. With arcuate movement at high takeoff speeds, the body of the jumper is subject to the action of centrifugal forces that impede the push.

The decrease in speed is somewhat compensated by the tilt of the body forward and the use of springy, as if jumping steps.

The next component is repulsion.

Beginner jumpers may be advised to watch the position of the pelvis at this moment. This will come in handy for jumps called "fosbury". It is important to deduce how to push the pelvis in front of the body. Landing should be done only on the fly leg.

A set of exercises for training jumps can be as follows:

  1. Jump from a place on straight legs. Heels do not touch the floor. The hands are not involved. The body is pulled up. After landing - semi-squat. The body straightens very quickly for a new jump.
  2. Jumps alternately on the push and fly legs. The technique is the same.
  3. Raises on the toes of one leg. It’s better to start by putting your toe on a book, for example, then on a stair step. Heels do not touch the floor.
  4. High jumps on one leg. The second is pressed to the body. In a jump, the legs change places.
  5. Jumping on the toes of two legs to the maximum possible height without bending the legs at the knees. As in the first exercise, the main thing is the speed of the jump.
  6. In a semi-squat, rise on your toes and jump up. Landing - also on toes. We monitor the speed of execution.
  7. Similar jumps from a full squat.
  8. Jumping rope first to height, then to height and speed.
  9. Jumping on a chair and from a chair for speed. First on two legs, then on one.
  10. Jumping up. Push with the toes of both feet. At the top of the jump, the legs are pulled up to the body (but not vice versa!) and clasped with the arms.
  11. Lateral high jumps through the elevation. Legs are straight.
  12. Jumping from the position "legs no wider than shoulders, compress your knees."

Cyclic, systematic and constant training will sow its fruits, and very soon you will see that you have begun to jump higher and higher.

The task of increasing strength indicators is faced by many, both professional athletes and amateurs. In team sports, success largely depends on the strength and height of the jump. Therefore, a volleyball player, basketball player and even a gymnast sooner or later think about how to learn how to jump high.

In sports practice, there is a term "explosive power". It refers to the ability of a muscle to push your body weight to a certain height. In boxing, the explosive strength of the arms is developed, in breakdancing and gymnastics - arms and legs, in basketball - mainly legs. If your task is to develop jumping ability, you should pay attention to the development of explosive strength.

The high jump from a place is based on the power of the jerk that the body can make. To determine the exercise program, you should understand which muscle groups are involved during the jump. First of all, these are the legs, or rather the calf muscles and quadriceps.

The front of the thigh is the largest muscle group. She is responsible for extending the leg and, therefore, for pushing the body out of place. The calf muscle plays an equally important role in the jump. No wonder boxers train their calves, because the explosive power, the power of the blow depends on the strength of the legs. Pushing out occurs as if along a chain - ankle, shin, thigh. These muscle groups and ligaments should be developed first.

The main mistake of any athlete in trying to increase the height of the jump is the inattention to the stabilizer muscles. These are the muscles of the back and abdomen. In many manuals, you can find recommendations for training the abdominals. If your goal, as in this case, is to develop explosive muscle strength, daily exercises will not give visible results.

The necessary conditions

The best programs are offered by bodybuilders. Work out 3-4 times a week so that the muscles have time to recover. In this case, you get the maximum effect without overtraining, muscle tension and wear.

To make your highest high jump from a place, you have to pay close attention to this. Exercises for the development of jumping ability should be performed systematically, without omissions and without concessions. In athletics, there are several types of high jumps, different in technique, but the same in result.

If the question is: “How to increase the high jump in volleyball or basketball?”, track and field terms should be left aside. Consider the basic exercises for everyday life and team sports.

Basic exercises

When asked how to increase the high jump in basketball and any other sport, each coach will answer: "Improve overall physical condition." And it will be true. To guarantee success, an athlete needs to be hardy, strong, healthy. Against the background of general physiological well-being, exercises are needed to develop certain muscle groups.

jumping rope

They are the most popular exercise in many sports areas. In boxing, for example, the rope is the main tool for developing muscle strength. Basketball players, volleyball players and gymnasts must include jumping rope in their training program. This simple and accessible element allows you to most effectively develop the calf and soleus muscles. Jump rope for 15-20 minutes a day, gradually increasing this time to half an hour. After 2-4 weeks, you will notice significant improvements. To implement your plan to increase your jump height, push off the ground with both feet. Keep your ankles as close to each other as possible.


Squats are one of the main exercises in bodybuilding. Weighted squats develop all leg muscles, abdominals and lower back muscles. Thus, the only exercise allows you to strengthen all the muscle groups necessary for high jumps. Answering the question of how to jump higher in basketball, volleyball, gymnastics, we suggest diversifying regular squats with the same push-up exercise. Squat down to a parallel line with the floor and jump out of this position with force. The main condition is that the landing time should be as short as possible. A large squat amplitude will help to maximize the use of all muscle groups of the legs. Do 10-15 squats, then a break of 3-4 minutes.

Rises on toes

Calf raises strengthen the calf muscles. This exercise must be done until the calves are completely burned. Do 20-30 full reps. In the final phase of the exercise, you should be almost on your toes. Then slowly lower yourself onto your heels. Exercise should be done without jerking. As endurance increases, add weights. Take dumbbells in your hands or switch to calf jumps instead of regular lifts.

Decisive Factors

Strength training and a healthy lifestyle are the basis for increasing jump height.

If you are seriously thinking about how to develop jumping ability, then you must take into account all the components of the effectiveness of exercises:

  • Regular visits to the gym will help significantly improve performance.
  • Proper nutrition and healthy sleep are the basis for muscle recovery and strengthening.
  • Registration of progress. Mark the height of the jump once a month to evaluate the results of your work.

Most importantly, high jump exercises should be followed after a thorough warm-up and warm-up of the muscles. This is the only way to avoid injury. Take 10 to 20 minutes to warm up. Then the stretching of all muscle fibers should follow, and only then - the main training.

By doing this program 3-4 times a week without skipping or excuses, in a month you will notice significant progress and will be able to jump much higher than before.