Sports nutrition what and why. Everything you wanted to know about sports nutrition. Sports nutrition for burning fat

Sports nutrition is a group of food products intended for people who lead an active lifestyle, do a lot of sports, work on improving physical fitness, and therefore cannot get enough nutrients from ordinary food.

Main types

Each type of sports nutrition has its purpose.


Protein is a supplement made on the basis of highly concentrated protein mixtures. is the basis for muscle growth, therefore it is one of the key components of sports nutrition.

The functions of the protein are varied: it performs both a “building” function, acting as the main “building material” for increasing the volume of muscle fibers, and is involved in digestive processes as an enzyme.

In sports nutrition, protein can be used for various purposes:

  • acceleration of muscle growth;
  • maintaining good physical shape;
  • support when using creatine and other supplements.


Gainer is a protein-carbohydrate mixture. Often available in combination with other supplements such as creatine, vitamins, amino acids or trace elements. In some cases, it is additionally saturated with fats. This is due to the main task of the gainer, which is to quickly increase weight and restore the energy spent during training.

The effectiveness of gainers has been proven in numerous studies. The main condition for success is the choice of a high-quality and balanced product, which contains purified protein, carbohydrates and other useful substances.

It is worth thinking about taking the supplement for thin people who do not have problem areas. Gainer is not recommended to be taken with a tendency to a rapid increase in the volume of adipose tissue. It can cause the unwanted effect of weight gain. In any case, taking a gainer requires adherence to a diet and careful planning of a training schedule.

Amino acids

Amino acids are the nutrients from which protein cells in our body are built. In sports nutrition, special attention is paid, since their intake can significantly accelerate the growth of muscle tissue.

In addition to muscle development, amino acids affect processes such as tissue repair, the production of hormones, antibodies, and enzymes. An additional intake of amino acids has a positive effect on the mental state, thought processes and accelerates the breakdown of fats.

Distinguish between essential and non-essential amino acids. The former are not able to be independently synthesized by our body in sufficient quantities, while the latter can be obtained from food.

There is also a special group of amino acids that is not included in the protein structure, but is actively involved in metabolism. Most often, athletes choose amino acid complexes, which they take in combination with protein and other supplements.


BCAA is a complex of three essential amino acids: leucine, isoleucine and valine. makes up one third of all amino acids in muscle. They participate in anabolic processes, restore the body and have an anti-catabolic effect.

BCAAs are not produced on their own, but come from food. For this reason, they are called essential amino acids. They are processed directly in the muscles and used by them as "fuel".

The complex is capable of:

  • improve sports performance;
  • improve overall well-being;
  • speed up post-workout recovery.

BCAAs are safe for health and approved for use by sports organizations.


Creatine is a supplement that is popular with both beginner athletes and professional bodybuilders. is a natural acid found in our muscles. With its additional intake, it gradually accumulates in the body and has a positive effect on sports success.

Studies have proven the effectiveness of creatine in the following areas:

  • providing additional energy during intense exercise;
  • increase in speed;
  • growth ;
  • improving the quality of muscle tissue;
  • lowering cholesterol;
  • normalization of well-being.

Complexes of vitamins and minerals

Vitamin-mineral complexes, also known as, are supplements that provide the body with the necessary substances. They are available in a variety of forms, from tablets to injectable solutions. Multivitamins are selected according to age, gender, type of activity and other factors.

It is more difficult for athletes to achieve serious success without the additional intake of multivitamins. They help to overcome the plateau effect, when progress in the development of muscle mass or reduction of body fat slows down. Very often, it is difficult to cope with this phenomenon even with ideal nutrition and regular training.

The use of vitamin and mineral complexes is relevant in the conditions of modern life, when preference is given to high-calorie foods that lack the necessary useful elements.

Choosing the right drug is by no means an easy task that requires care. Do not thoughtlessly trust a manufacturer who claims that his product is the best on the market. Carefully read the composition or consult a nutritionist before taking.

Fat burners

Fat burners are specialized drugs designed to reduce the amount of body fat. They help to improve problem areas and facilitate training.

Due to the fact that the drug releases energy from fat reserves, it helps to make the workout more intense and increases concentration when performing complex movements. Besides, :

  • stimulate metabolism;
  • reduce the absorption of fats and carbohydrates;
  • remove excess fluid;
  • accelerate the breakdown of fat cells.

In case of problems with being overweight, you should think about combining this drug with other types of sports nutrition. The right combination of supplements and intensive training will give a quick and lasting effect.

Testosterone Boosters

Testosterone boosters are a supplement aimed at stimulating muscle growth, increasing strength and libido. Also, the drug has found wide application in the field of correcting the level of male sex hormones. Their effectiveness is due to the ability to increase the production of natural testosterone. Usually boosters can be bought in pharmacies and specialized stores.

The drug is used by men who want to build lean muscle mass. The supplement should not be taken before the age of 23. Until this time, the body is characterized by a mobile hormonal system, in which its own testosterone level is usually elevated. Not recommended for girls, as this can lead to the development of masculinization.

It is important to note that boosters only work during the reception.

Choice of additives

The maximum effect is achieved only if the supplements are taken in combination. The result will be visible if all drugs are of high quality and the right dosages. There are ready-made schemes for taking supplements, taking into account certain goals.

Usually additives are taken to solve such problems:

  • accelerated set of muscle mass;
  • growth of quality muscles;
  • weight loss;
  • creating a beautiful relief;
  • improve performance in boxing, tennis or running.

Possible side effects

Sports supplements are not considered drugs, so their correct use is safe and non-addictive. The correct combination of supplements and the correct dosage is a guarantee of the absence of side effects.

It is difficult to choose sports nutrition on your own and properly balance its intake. Today, many supplements are produced, of which only a part deserves attention. If you have any doubts that you have chosen the right scheme, get advice from an experienced trainer.

For all those who have just recently come to the gym and started exercising, professional trainers offer cocktails that are a kind of food substitutes. There is even a special menu for: three times a day you need to eat natural food and drink cocktails three times a day.

Sports nutrition necessarily includes foods rich in creatine (pork, beef, tuna, etc.). This chemical element is able to synthesize the protein necessary for muscle growth. In addition, it slows down the appearance of lactic acids in the body, thus significantly increasing the endurance of the body.

The use of this substance should be supervised by a doctor of the sports section in which you are engaged. For maximum benefit, creatine is taken in a biphasic regimen. To begin with, creatine is taken in small doses for about seven days, after a doctor's examination, a verdict is made on whether it is possible to continue taking it. The duration of this phase is two to three months, and gradually you will have to take less and less creatine. Then you need to take a break for two to three weeks in order for the body to rest from the substance. After consulting a doctor, you can again.

In addition to creatine, the nutrition of athletes necessarily includes protein, which is 90% protein, which has a positive effect on muscle growth in the body. It is present in large amounts in meat, eggs, milk, potatoes, cereals and vegetables. But when training, a special whey is most often used, consisting of protein and milk.

Only amino acids can compete in the rate of protein formation in the body. They, as a rule, can only be assigned to an athlete by a coach. You can buy them at any pharmacy, where they are sold in the form of capsules.

Sports nutrition also includes various complexes of vitamins and minerals. Of particular importance, according to trainers, should be given to vitamin C, since it acts not only as an immune-supporting substance, but also as a restorer of ligament and muscle tissues.

Advice 2: Sports nutrition: purpose and contraindications

All kinds of sports nutrition can confuse any beginner. What are the contraindications for sports nutrition, and how to use it correctly, without harming the body and achieving good results.

The first supplements to enrich the daily diet of athletes were developed by the American scientist Carl Rehnborg in 1934. These were mixtures containing a complex of vitamins and elements. As a basis, plant components were taken that grow in rich soils with a large amount of minerals in the composition. Currently, sports nutrition is a whole separate niche of products, represented by a wide range of both manufacturers and supplements.

The type and composition is selected depending on the type of sport a person is engaged in, the intensity of the load, the frequency of training and the desired result. There are different types of nutrition - gainers, proteins, creatines and much more. Types of sports nutrition and their purpose Gainers are aimed at gaining muscle mass and are intended for people who do not have it by nature and cannot gain it using only exercise complexes and sports diets. This composition is a balanced protein-carbohydrate mixture. The richness in carbohydrates allows the body to better build muscles, recovering faster and being saturated with amino acids, the effect of this nutrition has a long-term effect. It is also recommended for people involved in active aerobic exercise or those who need to gain mass quickly, and at the same time some body fat will not harm them. It is not recommended to use this type of nutrition for people who are pursuing the goal of burning fat, for those who plan to stick to the existing muscle mass, as well as for athletes who are potentially inclined to be overweight. The mixture is diluted in water or low-fat milk and taken one hour before training and between meals. The results that the use of gainers in practice shows are 2-3 kilograms of muscle mass per month.

The next variety is creatines, which are also a protein mixture, but with different purposes. This composition increases the overall endurance of the body and the ability to carry out heavy loads. Designed for people who prefer heavy but short loads - swimming at speed, running short distances,. Prevents too rapid formation of lactic acid. It is also recommended for active elderly people, due to the decrease in protein content in the body with age, and for vegetarians who do not receive enough protein compounds in their daily diet. With active training, creatine allows you to quickly burn fat mass, converting it into muscle. Creatine is a sports nutrition that can only show up when used by people with kidney failure, asthma or diabetes. Also, the drug contributes to some water retention in the body, due to its special protein composition. Creatine is consumed from one to three servings per day, diluted in water. There is such a type of nutrition as proteins - the composition is almost completely absent of fats and carbohydrates, but the protein content is increased. This composition is used for an active set of muscle mass, without the appearance of a fatty layer. It is taken 2-3 times a day, on a training day - 1 hour before and 30 minutes after class. There are only two cases where the protein can pose a real danger to the health of the body - in people suffering from kidney failure or intolerance to protein ingredients. Since protein blends are made from organic, purified protein, there is simply no age limit for their use. Also absolutely unjustified are the allegations that the use of such mixtures harms the kidneys and liver, unless, of course, disturbances in their work were caused by any other reasons. Another interesting special food is sports chocolate. Such a bar is quite capable of replacing one full meal during the day. A variety of compositions and the ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, sugars and sugar substitutes allow you to choose from this range something suitable for each individual athlete. This is the kind of sports nutrition, the use of which is simply not contraindicated, it can be used in any training, it remains only to choose the right composition, and, of course, do not neglect good nutrition. There is also such a category as isotonic drinks. This type of sports composition is presented even in ordinary supermarkets, but, of course, this kind of it does not have much effect. A professional isotonic drink quickly replenishes the water-salt balance of the body, energizes during the training itself and allows the body to recover faster after it is completed. The composition contains salts, glucose polymers, aromatic and flavoring substances. This type of additive is presented both in finished form and in the form of concentrates and powders.

Separately, it is necessary to highlight drugs intended for comprehensive strengthening - these are all kinds of immunomodulators, mixtures that strengthen the liver, normalize digestion, improve sleep, brain activity, virility and much, much more. The range of such products is constantly expanding, sports nutrition companies are trying to cover all existing areas of the body's activity - from the smallest to life-supporting ones. It is imperative to note the existence of compounds designed to strengthen and prevent injuries to the joints, muscles, ligaments. The composition of these supplements includes a large number of balanced trace elements, which is very important for serious athletes and people who carefully monitor their appearance and health. Thus, it becomes clear that modern sports nutrition manufacturers have tried to cover all the problems that arise both for novice athletes and for sharks of all kinds of heavy loads. Contraindications, which can often be heard from the uninitiated, turn out to be completely unjustified, as proven by professionals from their own experience. It remains only to choose the right type of food for the expected result and strictly adhere to the rules of use described on the packaging and official websites of manufacturers.

Proper nutrition that promotes muscle growth is a very important step on the path to success in building a beautiful, toned body. Protein is a nutritional supplement that accelerates muscle growth and is included in the mandatory diet of many athletes.

Most of the inhabitants believe that this dietary supplement is no different from anabolic steroids, which negatively affect the kidneys, liver, potency and provoke the manifestation of various diseases. In fact, this is an erroneous opinion, protein is a dietary supplement, nothing more.

What is protein

A protein is essentially a protein - a high-molecular organic substance consisting of amino acids connected in a chain by a peptide bond. In other words, protein is the second meaning of protein, which is known to be the "building material" for the body. Therefore, sports nutrition contains a huge amount of protein protein of natural origin, which contributes to a rapid set of muscle mass.

The only difference between proteins and proteins that are ingested with food is the degree of processing of nutrients. For the production of protein food, only natural natural products are used - milk, eggs, soybeans, etc. With special purification, the protein is freed from fats and carbohydrates, only protein remains, which is split for better absorption.

Possible side effects

Since protein, by definition, is an excellent breeding ground for microorganisms, protein can cause indigestion and gastrointestinal disturbances, with dysbacteriosis and insufficient amounts of food enzymes. If there is a pathogenic microflora in the body, a large amount of protein food in the intestine contributes to the growth of the number of bacteria. As a result, poor health can develop, resembling food poisoning, accompanied by diarrhea, flatulence and stomach pain. In this case, you should reduce the dosage of protein nutrition and start taking enzyme preparations.

In addition, like any other food product, protein can cause allergic manifestations in people with intolerance to this type of food.

Recent studies have shown that the intake of protein foods in recommended doses in a healthy person does not cause kidney damage. Only in cases where kidney disease is already present and asymptomatic, protein intake can trigger symptoms of kidney failure.

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Tip 4: Sports nutrition: effectiveness and side effects

Sports nutrition is a special group of products used by people who play sports and lead an active lifestyle. Its effectiveness depends on the intensity of the load, the frequency of training and the characteristics of the body. Since some sports nutrition drugs can cause side effects in the human body, they should be taken according to special rules. Sports supplements are an addition to the main diet, and not a replacement for natural products.

Sports nutrition is a balanced complex of vitamins and microelements necessary for an athlete. These substances quickly restore and replenish the energy reserves spent during training. Sports nutrition is based on the results of the latest scientific achievements in the field of nutrition.

The effectiveness of sports nutrition

Sports supplements consist of biologically active substances that are useful not only for the training body, but also. They help in the shortest possible time to gain muscle mass.

Gainers contain a lot of carbohydrates that the body needs during exercise. They quickly eliminate energy hunger and promote optimal protein absorption. Gainers are necessary during the period of weight gain, as they raise the calorie content of the diet to a new level. Gainers are indicated for individuals who are unable to gain muscle mass through conventional diets and exercise.

Proteins consist entirely of concentrated protein and are necessary for athletes to gain muscle mass. The protein contains nonessential and irreplaceable amino acids, and also vitamins.

Vitamin complex is a supplement designed not only for gaining muscle mass. Vitamins should always be taken. Athletes are recommended to take not ordinary vitamin complexes, but highly concentrated ones.

Creatine is a non-steroidal drug that promotes muscle gain by burning fat quickly and retaining water in the tissues. This protein blend increases the body's stamina and ability to perform heavy loads.

All four drugs are quite effective in sports nutrition. They really work and help to build muscle mass in a short time.

Side effects

Sports nutrition is contraindicated for people who are overweight or who want to get rid of body fat, as well as athletes who are prone to overweight. Supplement abuse can disrupt the proper functioning of the kidneys, liver, and entire digestive system.

Some gainers that have a creatine supplement in their composition retain water in the body, which can lead to the development of edema. The use of such drugs is contraindicated in hypertensive patients. Side effects from the use of gainers are more likely to develop in people with diabetes, blood clotting disorders, as well as in people who are prone to allergic reactions.

Protein mixtures are contraindicated in persons with intolerance to the protein or its components and suffering from renal insufficiency.

Nutritional supplements that supplement the basic diet of people who are actively involved in sports are called sports nutrition. These include food products, united in one special group, the action of which affects the improvement of results in sports: health promotion; improved metabolism; increase in muscle volume; endurance; achieving the desired body weight.

These are biologically active additives (BAA), which are a mixture of basic food elements, their absorption by the body takes many times less time than the assimilation of food familiar to all.

Sports nutrition includes:

1- Amino acids. They are made up of muscles. Serve to increase muscle growth and for their recovery. Available in various forms: liquid, capsules, tablets, powder.

2- Concentrated protein. Another name for it is protein. Proteins are used to build muscle mass and to maintain them during weight loss. Quite easily satisfy the feeling of hunger.

3- Gainers. This is a mixture of carbohydrates and proteins, where the leading position is occupied by the amount of carbohydrates. Serves as an assistant to restore energy in the muscles.

4- Creatine. The use of creatine slows down muscle fatigue during training, adds strength and increases the endurance of the trainee.

5- Fat burners. These are drugs that reduce the amount of fat under the skin by oxidizing fat cells. When choosing them, you should pay attention that they are classified into light, serious and professional.

6- Minerals and vitamins. This is a complex of drugs that is able to replenish the amount of nutrients in the body.

7- Drugs that increase the amount of testosterone in the body.

8- Drugs, the action of which is aimed at strengthening the ligaments and joints, include collagen, chondroitin sulfate, glucosamine.

All these substances are biologically active food supplements and, if used correctly, are not capable of harming the body. Like all drugs, they should be taken only after consulting a specialist who will select the necessary dietary supplement for this case and tell you about its dosage. It should also be remembered that they are not capable of completely replacing the usual diet.

Not every one of us can boast of an impeccable figure with ideal parameters. And even those whom nature did not deprive often find certain flaws in themselves, trying to correct them with the help of physical exertion and, thus, bring their body to perfection.

This applies to both women and men. But, if the beautiful half of humanity is chasing a slender body and toned forms, then the strong half is after sports performance: increasing strength, building muscle mass.

Sports nutrition preparations

To achieve them, people regularly go in for sports, lead an active lifestyle, monitor their diet. In addition, specially for these purposes, specialists have developed sports nutrition preparations that are equivalent to dietary supplements and are designed to improve all physical indicators. They lead to the normalization of metabolism, strengthening the immune system, more effective muscle building. At the same time, these drugs do not cause any harm to the body, lead to a better and longer standard of living.

This group of drugs is being developed by leading experts in the field of nutrition and physiology, before the release of each type of sports nutrition, thorough medical tests and scientific research are carried out so that each component is selected most accurately and in the best way combined with the rest of the components. At the same time, these preparations are made only from natural ingredients and using innovative technological equipment.

Advantages of sports nutrition products

The advantages of sports nutrition preparations are their instant digestion and assimilation, high energy value and good health for many hours after ingestion. They are not drugs or chemical steroids, are not addictive and do not contain components harmful to the body. Also, they have nothing to do with the pharmacological agents taken by professional athletes, or any type of doping.

Another advantage of sports nutrition preparations is the ability to avoid overeating, and this, in turn, helps to get rid of unnecessary stress on the stomach.

Sports nutrition is a vitamin supplement that is beneficial for the body and can enrich the diet of each person. In other words, this is the usual healthy food, only in a concentrated form. At the same time, in no case should you completely replace ordinary meals with sports drugs, because their action is most effective when added to the main diet.

Categories of sports nutrition

There are many categories of sports nutrition. So, the most famous include:

Vitamin and mineral complexes;




Drugs designed to increase the level of testosterone in the blood;

Carbohydrate-protein mixtures;



Amino acids;



Protein, which is the best drug for gaining muscle mass, renews the amount of protein that is consumed during active physical exertion. This is the basic element of any complex of sports nutrition, designed to accelerate the set of muscle mass and restore it after training. Amino acids supplied by the protein are involved in the construction of all cells of the human body. Leads to the production of hemoglobin. Protein shakes are the most popular in sports nutrition. Whatever type of protein you choose - whey protein, casein, soy - any of them will charge the body with useful elements in the shortest possible time.

So, whey protein leads to the loss of extra pounds, lowers cholesterol, increases the efficiency of the body. Its positive results in the treatment of cancer are also known.

Soy protein is necessary for those athletes who prefer plant foods, as it is a supplier of an important and always necessary element for the human body - lecithin, which fights radionuclides.


Not a single complex for gaining muscle mass can do without creatine, since it gives the body strength and endurance. In athletes engaged in strength training, it increases the level of physical capabilities. To maximize the effectiveness of training in sports such as sprinting, martial arts, you should introduce creatine into your diet. At the same time, studies have shown that the younger the athlete, the better the absorption of creatine, and vice versa. An additional positive effect brings creatine to those individuals who do not eat animal fats. Its constant use leads to a decrease in effectiveness, so it is better to take it periodically.

Vitamin and mineral supplements


The purpose of gainers is to support the internal resources of the body, they are easily and quickly absorbed and contain many useful substances. They are also indispensable for gaining muscle mass.

Fat burners

To get rid of excess weight and draw muscle relief, fat burners are recommended for use. They qualitatively destroy fat cells, and help build lean muscle mass.


Caffeine is most needed by those athletes who are engaged in long exhausting workouts, since this supplement stimulates the central nervous system and increases mental activity. It must be taken with caution, as in some cases it can increase blood pressure.


Arginine is a useful and vital acid found in many foods. Its use improves blood flow, helps in the production of growth hormone. Its ability to regenerate new cells has been proven. It is recommended for use in those sports that are associated with minimal rest, as arginine instantly accelerates the blood and fills the body with additional energy.

Deanol - improves the mental abilities of the brain, helps its concentration. Restores body strength after training and increases endurance.

L-carnitine allows you to fight fatigue during physical exertion, gives a boost of energy and vigor, promotes muscle mass growth, and also helps fight liver diseases and viral infections.

It is important!

In order to correctly determine the required type of sports nutrition, it is better to contact a specialist who will help you choose the most balanced and in accordance with the training program the preparations. The human body is able to function smoothly with the right ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, an excess of any elements can lead to malfunctions of certain organs. The glycemic index of each product, the rate of its assimilation is also taken into account.

It is very important to adhere to the dosage indicated on each package of sports nutrition products, as its excess can lead to allergic reactions, cause insomnia, and increase blood pressure.

To get the maximum result, sports preparations should be taken in a complex. You can choose them yourself or with the help of a trainer, or you can purchase ready-made complex products that are ideal for certain purposes.

When choosing sports nutrition, it should be remembered that each organism is individual and may react differently to drugs. Therefore, you should start taking any type of sports nutrition very carefully, while monitoring the reaction of the body. If no side effects are found, the drug can be continued.

Myths and legends

Along with the growing popularity of sports nutrition, a huge number of myths have arisen. So, one of the most famous - sports nutrition drugs are harmful to human health. In reality, this is not so. Numerous studies do not confirm this fact even indirectly. And those who insist that they tested their negative actions on themselves, either used low-quality counterfeit drugs, or significantly violated the allowable intake rate.

Another persistent misconception is that this group of drugs can be taken without any physical exertion, the muscles will continuously grow on their own. This statement is fundamentally wrong, in itself, the use of sports nutrition preparations, not confirmed by physical exercises, will not make you a bodybuilder. The only thing that such a technique will lead to is a set of fat mass, which has nothing to do with impressive muscles.

We often hear that taking this group of drugs is fraught with multiple side effects and complications in the work of various body systems. In practice, these statements are in no way confirmed. After all, each person daily, along with food, takes a variety of vitamins and minerals in various doses, they are an integral part of the body. The same supplements contain sports nutrition preparations, the only difference is that the latter are absorbed and digested much faster and more efficiently. The only possible side effect is individual intolerance to one or another component.

You should not believe the opinion that athletes do not need additional protein, since a lot of it has already been accumulated in the body. The thing is that if an additional portion of protein is not supplied to the body, it will actively consume the available reserves, only in this case the muscles will also leave, and no increase in muscle mass will be observed.
The same applies to the conclusion that athletes do not need drugs that burn fat. This idea is only partly true: people with increased metabolism and reduced body weight, they really do not need it. But if you have even a few extra pounds, the above-mentioned drugs help burn excess fat and at the same time achieve maximum efficiency from loads.

The next myth concerns whey protein. There was an erroneous opinion that its use leads to obesity. In practice, this thesis is not confirmed. When taken properly, this supplement promotes optimal muscle building.

There is also an opinion that with proper and balanced nutrition, the body does not need any additional supplements. One can only partially agree with this statement, since even the system of the most proper and healthy diet, taking into account all the vitamins and elements that the body needs, cannot provide it with the right amount of amino acids, especially during daily workouts. The body should be additionally nourished with sports drugs to make up for the costs.
You should not believe the statement that more expensive drugs are identical in composition to cheap ones, but we overpay for the brand and advertising. Remember that any high-quality sports supplement cannot be cheap a priori, any decrease in cost leads to the use of poor quality raw materials. But after all, health and results are much more important, so you should be very careful when purchasing nutritional supplements.

The best drugs

Recently, according to the results of sales of sports nutrition products, a ranking of the best drugs was developed to help you in choosing them. It looks like this. In the first place - delicious and nutritious protein - chocolate 100% Whey Gold Standard - the standard of a pleasant rich taste and excellent quality.

It is followed by the Animal Pak multivitamin complex, widely used by bodybuilders, as it gives the body strength and vigor, the result is noticeable from the first days of use. Contains more than 50 components.

The honorable third place in the ranking was taken by the SYNTHA-6 protein, which, according to consumer reviews, has a wonderful aroma and delicious taste. Suitable for use during the day. It contains six types of protein. One serving is enough for up to 8 hours.

The next position is occupied by nitric oxide Jack3d, capable of charging the body with energy and endurance, giving it maximum strength and stamina. The best pre-workout complex, according to users.

It was followed by Matrix 5.0 protein, which has a good taste and is easy to use. It is completely soluble in the drink and contains a combination of three of the highest quality and most effective proteins.

Neighboring levels of the hierarchy were occupied by the SmartShake shaker, the Xtend training complex, the OxyELITE Pro fat burner, Opti-Men vitamins, and the Up Your Mass gainer.

Protect your health and longevity by keeping your body in good physical shape. And to make the result more perfect, take sports nutrition preparations aimed at restoring strength after training, increasing the level of endurance and stamina, filling the body with all the necessary trace elements. But do not expect miraculous results from sports supplements. They are effective only with a proper and balanced diet and constant physical activity.

The importance of a healthy lifestyle, regular exercise, and a balanced diet goes without saying. But not everyone manages to deal with some subtleties. For example, with those related to sports nutrition - not many people understand what it is, and therefore they often treat it negatively. Is sports nutrition for you steroids and chemical additives? Protein - an incomprehensible powder? Our guide will help you figure this out.

Sports nutrition - what is it?

Contrary to popular belief, sports nutrition is not limited to products for quickly gaining muscle mass and achieving superhuman results in competitions. First of all, sports nutrition is the same substances that we get with food, but in a more accessible form.

For example, to get 24 g of protein, you need to eat 100 g of chicken breast, while meat protein will only be absorbed by 80%. On the other hand, the same dose of protein can be obtained from a portion of a protein shake, which is absorbed by 90-95%.

Of course, with a balanced diet, absolutely all the substances necessary for the body can be obtained from ordinary food. However, for those who exercise frequently and intensely, nutrient requirements increase. In particular, they need more protein for muscle recovery and growth, more vitamins and minerals, protein, fiber. It is difficult for an athlete to gain the right amount of nutrients from traditional dishes without exceeding the daily allowance of calories and fat. Moreover, a person, even with excellent appetite, is not able to consume, for example, 7 kg of food, which contains the substances he needs!

Sports nutrition is divided into several main categories:

  • protein and carbohydrate mixtures;
  • amino acids;
  • fat burning drugs;
  • vitamin and mineral complexes;
  • special preparations.

Let's consider each of them in more detail.

Protein and carbohydrate mixtures

Protein shakes

Protein is the most deficient nutrient in our diet: over 80% of the population is deficient in it! It turns out that getting the norm of protein intake is not easy even for those who lead a sedentary lifestyle. To do this, it is necessary to significantly increase the proportion of lean meat and fish, dairy products, low-calorie cheese and legumes in the diet. And for those who are actively involved in sports, the need for protein increases, so protein mixtures or cocktails come to their aid.

The most common type of sports protein is whey. It is made from whey and is currently the best protein in terms of amino acid composition for recovery and gaining muscle mass and fat burning. Soy protein is also used in sports nutrition. By properties, it is similar to meat, but does not contain cholesterol, fat, growth hormones and is rich in cholines, which are necessary for the renewal and restoration of brain cells and regeneration of the body.

Protein shake Formula 1 is ideal for muscle recovery after intense exercise. It is recommended to drink a shake of it after 10 minutes and no later than an hour after the end of the workout. In this case, proteins will quickly go to muscle recovery and growth, preventing catabolism (the process of muscle tissue destruction), and in the case of cardio training, they will also contribute to the fat burning process.

It should be borne in mind that the maximum single dose of protein intake is 30 grams. In addition, in order to avoid problems with the kidneys, it is important not to exceed the daily allowance: on average, it ranges from 1 to 1.5 grams per kilogram of weight, and for athletes when gaining muscle mass - 2 grams per 1 kg of weight.


Protein-carb mixtures are suitable for those who want to build muscle and quickly restore energy reserves after intense strength training. For example, the Herbalife24 Strength Shake provides 25g of protein and 18g of carbohydrates for fast recovery and muscle building, as well as 45% of the daily iron requirement for better tissue oxygenation. Gainers are high in calories, so those who just keep fit and do not intend to increase muscle mass should not include them in their diet.

carbohydrate energy

Fats and proteins are completely removed from these energy drinks. They consist of pure carbohydrates that are instantly absorbed into the bloodstream and provide a quick burst of energy. However, like gainers, carbohydrate energy drinks are very high in calories and without heavy strength training, they will only replenish fat reserves. By the way, such carbohydrate mixtures should not be confused with widely advertised energy drinks, which are based on caffeine and other central nervous system stimulants.

Amino acids

Proteins are made up of amino acids, and accordingly, in the process of digestion, they are also broken down into amino acid organic compounds.

In sports nutrition, amino acids perform the following functions:

  • serve as an additional source of energy;
  • stimulate the production of the hormone insulin, thus accelerating the synthesis of proteins;
  • prevent catabolic processes, that is, the destruction of muscle tissue.

Basically, such additives serve the purpose of preventing catabolism. This is due to the fact that protein can only be synthesized if there are free amino acids in the muscles. At rest and with strength training lasting up to 40-60 minutes, to satisfy the need for them, it is enough to take protein, which is gradually broken down in the body to the necessary amino acids. However, during and after a very intense workout, the amino acid supply is depleted, and the body has nothing to synthesize new proteins from. Then amino acids come to the rescue, ready for synthesis - for example, BCAAs. They contain 3 amino acids - leucine, isoleucine and valine, which make up 35% of our muscles.

Fat burning drugs

This type of sports nutrition helps to reduce body fat. There is a huge variety of fat burning drugs on the market with different principles of action.


They accelerate the lipolysis of fats, that is, their breakdown first to fatty acids, and then to glucose, which is subsequently used by the body as an energy source. Take these drugs only before cardio or strength training, during which you will use this additional amount of glucose. Otherwise, that is, without physical exertion, glucose will circulate through the body for some time and then replenish body fat again.

The most effective and safe lipotropic to date is L-carnitine. It is a natural substance that is synthesized in our body. However, it is not recommended to take it for a long time, so that the liver and kidneys do not stop producing their own carnitine.


This is another common type of sports supplement, accounting for a third of the money people spend on sports nutrition in the US. Thermogenics increase body temperature by 0.5-2 degrees, resulting in increased calorie consumption. The basic elements in thermogenics - for example, ephedrine or phenylethylamine - act on the central nervous system, increasing arousal and performance. They also increase muscle contraction, which leads to an increase in calorie consumption, that is, to a fat burning effect.

However, you need to stay away from such drugs. The fact is that ephedrine and phenylethylamine are psychostimulating substances that lead to overexcitation, sleep disturbance, and their derivatives generally belong to psychedelics. In Russia, ephedrine and phenylethylamine are classified as narcotic substances and are prohibited for distribution.

The effectiveness of other thermogenics - for example, based on caffeine - has not been scientifically proven. At best, they simply do not promote fat burning, and at worst, they are unsafe for health.

Fat blockers

This group of sports supplements prevents the body from absorbing fat molecules. In particular, supplements based on orlistat suppress the production of lipase, an enzyme responsible for the breakdown of fats. Without a sufficient amount of lipase, fats are not absorbed and are excreted from the body in its entirety.

In preparations based on chitosan, the active substance binds to fat molecules and thereby interferes with their absorption. It is better to use these fat burning drugs after consulting a doctor, as they can cause a number of side effects - for example, flatulence or poor absorption of calcium.

Carbohydrate Blockers

They work exactly on the same principle as fat blockers.

Vitamin and mineral complexes

In the process of intense training, the athlete, along with sweat, releases a lot of essential vitamins and minerals. In addition, physical activity requires more than usual intake of these substances (the need for some of them can increase up to 100%), so most athletes take vitamins and minerals periodically. One of the most complete courses is the Formula 2 Multivitamin Complex, which contains 39 substances necessary for the body.

Vitamins and minerals are selected depending on the type of training, diet, local conditions and, of course, individual characteristics. It is important to ensure that you do not exceed the daily intake of certain substances.

Special preparations

This group includes supplements that are used in bodybuilding and other sports disciplines. The most common of them is creatine, which increases endurance and strength, helps to increase muscle mass during intense anaerobic exercise. Beta-alanine protects muscle tissue from destruction, increases endurance and training intensity. There are also testosterone hormone stimulants and many other sports drugs that affect the results of strength training. However, keep in mind that many of them can have side effects, so you should consult your doctor before using them.

We looked at the main categories of sports nutrition. Of course, most of them are relevant only for those who build muscle mass and want to improve athletic performance. However, some types of sports nutrition are also suitable for those who simply want to keep fit and effectively reduce weight. For example, these are protein mixtures, L-carnitine, vitamin-mineral complexes. To include them in your diet or not - everyone decides for themselves, but in any case, the main thing is to combine sports nutrition with regular workouts and a balanced diet. Only then will they give the desired effect and allow you to quickly achieve ideal forms!

When a person decides to engage in fitness, as a rule, he pursues very specific goals. It can be weight loss, muscle building, shape correction or general strengthening of the body. To achieve a particular goal, only training is not enough, and (diet for athletes) plays an important role. So, if you don’t get enough of the right calories during physical activity, the body is depleted, and health problems begin. If you are losing weight, you should not be allowed to lose muscle tissue - for this you need protein. If you are building muscle mass, your body must consume more calories than it burns in order to have a reserve for building muscle. However, these must be the correct calories, otherwise fat on the abdomen will grow instead of muscle.

Naturally, not everyone can balance their diet so subtly. Many people prefer to eat enough 1-2 times a day, the rest of the time they have snacks, others do not find time to eat at all, going hungry until dinner. Such a diet will nullify any training. For this reason, sports nutrition is gaining popularity.

Professional athletes owe only 20% of their muscles to training, the remaining 80% is food and rest.


Sports nutrition is, in essence, active supplements to provide the body with all the necessary substances, subject to constant training. It does not replace normal nutrition, but only supplements it. Therefore, regular meals during the day should not leave your routine.


Gainer- a carbohydrate-protein mixture for building mass and restoring energy balance. It is used during active training, so that the muscles grow faster. And also a gainer is a great option for people who, despite regular training, have not developed a normal diet.


Protein products These are foods high in protein and almost zero in carbohydrates. Protein is the main builder and protector of muscle tissue. So, if you build muscle, without protein, they simply will not grow. When losing weight, the body can also lose muscle tissue instead of fat, and it is the protein that can ensure that the fat goes away and the muscles remain.

Remember, the norm for a training person is 2.5 grams of digested protein per 1 kilogram of body weight. For one meal, where the main dish is meat, the body absorbs only 30 grams of protein. You can calculate how much you need to eat per day to provide your muscles with the necessary amount of protein.


Amino acids- these are the building blocks that build our entire body: from muscles to the brain. They help to restore muscle tissue after training, thereby reducing pain and preparing the muscles for further stress.


Fat burners and in particular, help burn fat. They work only in the presence of physical exertion and help speed up the process of losing weight.


With enhanced training, when the body does not have time to restore strength, they enter the battle energy. They consist of fast carbohydrates and instantly fill the body with energy. It is the energy drinks in the gym that pumped-up guys drink during training.


Special sports vitamins designed to support the body with increased loads. They are drunk in courses, increase stamina and immunity.


Sports nutrition has nothing to do with doping, drugs and other illegal drugs, it is active supplements to fill the diet of a training person with the necessary amount of protein, amino acids, vitamins and carbohydrates. Of course, this is not a panacea, and there are those who achieve results only with the help of conventional products, building their diet. In this matter, everyone must make their own choice.