Night show for adults. Shocking Asia: adult-only show. Video "Nightlife Pattaya"

I was drawn to something on piquant topics lately. And it all started with. In general, Thailand is a Mecca for all sorts of perverts, what is there to hide. But if you go to relax, swim, sunbathe, look at another culture, eat Thai cuisine, then you will never come across something unusual or dirty.
And my husband and I, once in Bangkok, decided to go to a Thai show for adults, which friends told us about. The mood was courageous, the blood got hot under the Thai sun, and after the Thai rum, and why not?

pussy show

We went outside, stopped a taxi right outside the hotel and uttered the cherished phrase “pussy show”. The taxi driver nodded and promised to bring where necessary. And brought. Some inconspicuous courtyard, where a bunch of foreigners and Thais crowded. We went inside, paid for a ticket somewhere around 500 baht for one, and they let us into a rather cramped, smoky, crowded hall. In the middle of the hall there was a round stage with a pole on which a naked Thai girl danced.

She didn't just dance though. And suddenly she began to get from the place where children usually appear, a long thread with dangerous razors. The devil knows how they fit in there. Another participant in the adult show jumped out next and began to show a trick with opening a bottle of Coca-Cola with vaginal muscles. What the hell were they doing there! And the balls were pierced with arrows that were fired from intimate places, and the candles were blown out, and a huge number of satin ribbons were pulled out, and needles ... You can’t remember everything.

Beer and other liquor were sold in a nearby bar, very frivolously dressed girls immediately walked around and sat on their knees to male spectators. The men in this room were the vast majority, of course. But there were also curious fools like me.

adult show climax

The apogee of all this bacchanalia was a show with a blond guy. Well, yes, there was also a guy, by the way, of European appearance. He went out to the spot with a pole in all its glory, hiding nothing from the public. And there a red-haired girl was already waiting for him. Somersaults they got up such that not every yogi will do. I, having lived for so many years, did not even suspect that such poses existed.

The girls sitting in the hall looked up at the ceiling, some squinted at the bar, diligently averting their eyes from the place where the so-called “show” took place. Well, somehow it was impossible to contemplate this horror. Constantly I had to stumble upon a Thai woman who dutifully endured everything that the blond sex giant did to her. She had the tired and sad expression of Eeyore on her face. The face of her uh-uh-uh... partner didn't express anything at all - pure Terminator.

My husband and I sobered up on this adult show quickly. And they retreated quickly, without waiting for the end. We sat in a taxi, which was a bunch near the courtyard and told to quickly get out of here. The taxi driver, seeing our knocked faces, began to warmly offer us to go to the ladyboy show, they say, we have not seen this before! “NOOOOOOO!” My husband and I yelled in unison. We've had enough of the show for tonight, to the hotel, chief, to the hotel!


Of course, I’m not Little Red Riding Hood, and my husband is not a gentle boy, but we are no longer goers to such shows. It can only be summed up in one word - disgusting. Nothing exciting or exciting. It is disgusting and disgusting, and causes only one burning desire - to quickly get out of there and wash properly. And the workers of this show feel sorry. It's like life has to muzzle on the asphalt in order to decide on such a job.

We decided to send parents to the most depraved sex X-SHOW 69 in the world. To make the parents' emotions real, we decided to install hidden cameras, let's see what they have to say about the adult show in Pattaya! Learning to work on the Internet from scratch: reviews, results. Our Vkontakte group: Subscribe: Friends, you can help the Eternal Summer channel financially: Sberbank: 4276 5600 1533 8967 Yandex.Money: 410011708453038 WebMoney: R212136770394 PayPal: [email protected] Sveta VKontakte: Sasha VKontakte: INSTAGRAM: COOPERATION: [email protected] All the places where we were on Google map: CHANNEL LIGHTS: SASHI'S CHANNEL: ALSO SEE: TIGER ZOO WITH PARENTS KAYAKING WITH PARENTS PARENTS AT KHAO KHEOW ZOO WHAT TO SEE IN PATTAYA ON YOUR OWN A little about us: We are from Russia, we moved to Thailand for permanent residence more than a year ago, during this time we managed to visit Chiang Mai, Phuket, Bangkok, we live in Pattaya. In the future, we plan to visit the following places in Thailand: Krabi, Hua Hin, Koh Samui, Koh Phangan, Koh Chang and Samet. We love travel and the exotic, although we are not averse to staying at home! We love to try Thai cuisine and fruits, and also tell you which are the best to choose flights, excursions, tours and trips for a successful holiday. Sometimes we shoot real estate reviews in Pattaya, hotels, apartments, condominiums, villas. We try to make as many videos about Thailand as possible so that everyone can find out how life is here. We shoot video on GoPro 4 Black, Canon 70D, Samsung S3. Editing in Adobe Premiere Pro. A little about us: Hey guys! We are from Russia. We emigrated to Thailand more than one year ago. In the meantime we were able to visit Chang Mai, Phuket, Bangkok and now we live in Pattaya. In the future, we are going to visit the following places in Thailand: Krabi, Hua Hin, Koh Samui, Koh Phangan, Koh Chang and Koh Samet. We love to travel but we are not averse to sit at home! We like to taste a Thai food and fruits. We can also recommend where you can buy air tickets, tours and excursions for your trip. Sometimes we make the videos how to buy or rent flats in Pattaya, make the brief review about condominiums, hotels and villas. In our videos we try to give a lot of information about life in the Kingdom of Thailand. We hope you will be able to see that Thai life is beautiful and colorful!

In Thailand, there are a lot of entertainments, as they say with pepper, from which the brave lieutenant Rzhevsky could have had a kondrash. Show 69 in Pattaya- one of them, although in different parts of the country it can be called the X-show or the Ping-Pong show.

The most interesting thing is that the Thais try to avoid these sex shows, but the Chinese and Japanese go to them almost in formation and to the drumbeat, taking binoculars with them! Among visitors sex show 69 in thailand many Americans and even stiff English. Recently, there have been many among the audience of this extreme show for adults.

X show 69 in Pattaya have already begun to include even tour operators in the "cultural program of the stay", although it is better to choose a spicy excursion right on the spot. It will cost less - 500 baht, of which 100 for delivery. They give this performance a couple of kilometers from, and if you live near this area, you can save money by renting a songthaew and getting to the show 69 for adults on your own. Immediately after the end of this event, you can visit the nearby ones, or spend time culturally in.

Advice! Do not take in head to take with yourself videocameras and cameras. Filming is prohibited there. One way or another, at your entrance, the guards will seize all photographic equipment until the very end of session 69. That is why we did not post photos in this article. this ugly event held in Pattaya :) And by the way, in order to find photos and videos of banned performances on the Internet, you will need incredible luck!

Extreme Sex Show Program 69 Pattaya

  1. Billiards. Perhaps you know the parable of the invention of the mortar on the billiard table? And how do you perceive the use of the male reproductive organ as a cue? At the adult sex show 69 in Pattaya, you will be shown a real tournament by two boys deftly driving balls into the pocket. Try not to envy their erections.
  2. Drumming. X-show 69 in Pattaya is a hard test for male vanity. Otherwise, how to perceive a real melody performed on a drum ... With what, with what - that's it for those who know so much. With all this, the music is quite rhythmic and pleasant.
  3. Striptease with rape. Three Thai graces, which you will dream about for a very long time, gracefully and slowly undressing, pull out the first tourist from the auditorium of the sex show 69, and then the main fun begins! Usually the subject has such an expression on his face that most of the men in the room are eager to change places with him.
  4. Striptease with a surprise. A tolerable number performed at the 69 adult show in Pattaya, performed by three seductive girls who, along the way, throw items of women's toilet into the hall, after which only plumes of feathers remain on them. The action takes place in a semi-dark hall under color music. The light goes out for a second, then flashes at full power. Spectators are out. The “girls” have such personal belongings hanging between their legs that even a horse will envy. That is, at the end of the number on this show, the girls become typical.
  5. We pull, we pull. She is dimensionless! How do you like the offer to hold on to the rope that the girl takes out ... Well, yes, from that "creation of nature, it is also a symbol of being." And do you know how long that rope is? Yes, twenty meters! How did she fit in there?
  6. Hold a candle. The action begins with rough sex of a girl and a guy on the stage of X-show 69 for adults in Pattaya. After a couple of frictions, they get bored, and they go to continue the work in the hall. Going is putting it mildly. She does not get off him (or he does not take it out). One of the spectators, usually a man, is chosen as the place of the estate. And the assistants are women (yes, they also go to the banned sex show 69 in Pattaya), who are invited to correct the prolapsed member and send it where it should be. Well, don't get him otherwise!
  7. Bisexual number. The next number in the show 69 for adults in Pattaya is an extreme, from which an unprepared public can have erectile dysfunction. During traditional sex with a girl, another man comes out and plants her partner “to the very tomatoes”. The bisexual act on the stage of this X-show is accompanied by acrobatic exercises. How they manage not to break anything remains a mystery.

Everyone who has a fine mental organization, strong moral principles and religious principles, as well as people with an unstable psyche on X-show 69 in Thailand better not to go.

Thailand, Pattaya

Show for adults

Thailand is known to be the mecca of sex tourism. Here, each person can give free rein to his “dark” side: try out all fantasies, realize all the most secret and, finally, give complete freedom to his libido. Are you not interested? Do you know that in such situations you can be squeamish and impressionable? In this case, you should stay away from Walking Street. After all, it is there that the concentration of sex shows is higher than ever.

go-go show. On them, as a rule, there is only a warm-up before outright debauchery. Although for some, a warm-up may be enough! Girls here smoke, throw darts and play musical instruments. Yes, but they do it in a very unusual way - not with their hands, and not even with their feet. The unusual use of the genitals here strikes the imagination of even the most notorious "dreamers".

X show- there you will definitely find something to surprise you. Vigilance will be calmed by poles and dancers on stage - after an unusual go-go show, it may seem that you have come to an ordinary strip bar. But this is for the time being - until the dancers begin to extract razors, needles and much more from the genitals. At this time, there is usually only one question in my head - “how did it all fit there?”.

But this is far from the most “brutal” part of the show: you just have to see a sex orchestra, where the drummer knocks on an instrument far from sticks, an exciting ping-pong game, which again will take place without rackets, and finally, a Thai couple without a twinge of conscience will demonstrate a kind of "sex yoga" - everything that the human body is capable of.

These shows usually last about an hour and a half, and cost 500-800 baht. It is worth mentioning that it is better to leave all electronic devices, including cameras and photo cameras, in the room or the tourist bus, otherwise you will be asked to hand them in at the entrance anyway. Filming of such shows is strictly prohibited.
If you do not want to participate in the show, it is better not to sit in the front rows. Otherwise, you may be asked to hold the very drum mentioned above, and a seductive tay can easily sit down on men’s knees, which, in fact, will turn out to be a ladyboy. If you do not want such exoticism, we advise you to take seats in the middle of the hall.

The leader of sex tourism, Thailand, from year to year attracts fans of the forbidden and unusual spectacle in other countries. And, putting aside the twinges of conscience and embarrassment, we can admit that there really is something to see. Those who conscience and moral principles do not allow to attend such a show - pay attention to the harmless "Tiffany" and "Alcazar".

Video "Nightlife Pattaya"


  • Safari World (Bangkok) + Lunch

    Safari Park (by bus and a little on foot). A real safari where you will see wild animals in their natural habitat. Feed the giraffes. See the show of dolphins, elephants, fur seals.

Personally, I love Thailand because this country surprises me all the time. Each time from my travels I bring new impressions and understanding that there is still a lot to be learned. But once I was so surprised that it took me a long time to come to my senses.

Easythai administration warns: reading the text is not recommended for persons under the age of 18, especially impressionable people and pregnant women!

It was in Pattaya, and my husband and I, leaving our daughter in the care of "babudeds" at home, came off in full. Together with friends from the very first day we made an excursion plan, and we traveled around the neighborhood without a break. After a week of such an active pastime, we decided to take a short break and, for once, stayed in the hotel for the day.

True, by lunchtime we were completely stupefied from the beach doing nothing and frantically came up with something to do for the evening. And then, like a devil from a snuffbox, Taras appeared before us. We used to buy a couple of excursions from him and often chatted in a friendly way when we met. He sat down at our table, and we complained to him that our evening was turning sour. To which he, picking his teeth with a toothpick, said that he just had a worthy adventure for our fifth points. Say, there is a certain show that is not for everyone, and this is a must-see for exotic lovers like us. At this time, the phone rang and I had to leave for a while. When I returned, Taras was no longer there, and my husband, kissing me on the nose, said that everything had been decided, and tonight we were going to the X show. Even then I thought that there would be something in the spirit of secret materials, who would have known! But I didn't elaborate.

We spent the rest of the day on the beach, and for dinner we decided to evaluate the skills of the local bartender. His cocktails were excellent, and if Taras hadn't come for us, we would definitely have gotten drunk. Being in a hooligan mood, our company loaded into the car and drove along the streets of Pattaya, colored with night lights.

Having passed the rumbling Walking street, after some time the car turned into an inconspicuous street, then another one and ended up in some gateway. In slight confusion, we trudged in single file after Taras, who led us to a small building. After paying the entrance to the guards, we went inside. Having passed through a dark corridor, our company found itself in the twilight of a room resembling a nightclub. Half the room was occupied by a stage lit by neon decorations, tables stood around it, dance music played, and a little further, behind the bar, a sleepy Thai mixed drinks.

There were not very many visitors, and they were all predominantly the sons of India. Considering that there were no more Slavic-looking persons in the room besides us, everyone looked at us like a flock of white crows. At this time, Taras secured seats for us in front of the stage, and, jumping up and down with impatience, fussily invited us to sit down.

We passed some Indian guys who kept their eyes on us and shook their heads from side to side. I also decided to shake my head in response, which caused an explosion of emotions among the Indians. They quickly mumbled something in Hindi, shaking their heads even more intensely and smiling "in full growth." Suddenly, the music got louder and we had to break off our exchange of pleasantries with our table neighbors.

Slowly shaking their hips, two half-naked maidens floated onto the stage and began to perform a striptease. I looked at Taras disappointedly - did he really lead us to an ordinary strip bar ?! However, the expression on his face, reminiscent of the devil, made me turn back to the performers. At this time, one of them, having got rid of the remnants of her clothes, nicely settled down on the stage right in front of our table, spreading her legs wide. I did not expect such revelations from her at all. My companions, apparently, too, because behind me I heard someone's sharp exhalation. Then, for the first time in my life, I realized that the hair on my head can actually move. With a little effort, this sweet girl vomited out either a rat or a mouse. “The queen gave birth in the night, either a son, or a daughter ...,” my husband whispered in my ear, and goosebumps ran down my back.

In the meantime, apparently having completely fulfilled her mission, the young mother, together with the "newborn", retired from the stage. To replace her, young acrobats jumped out, who had already prudently undressed. After what they saw, their nakedness did not bother us at all, but these beauties turned out to be not so simple either. After several acrobatic steps, finding small ropes between their legs and pulling them, they began to extract flower garlands from themselves, like those with which we decorate Christmas trees on New Year's Eve. One, after a little hesitation, came up to our table and asked for help to get this jewelry out of it. We all sat and looked at her, as if paralyzed, and she held out to us the end of the garland, which descended from her womb. We sat like idols, and she, shrugging her shoulders, went to the table of our Indian friends, and they, with great pleasure, helped her get rid of the five-meter garland. Another entertainer brought a bundle of blades to the stage, and when she, together with an assistant, began to extract it, all the men in the hall somehow strangely squeezed their legs and cringed. And my stomach twisted.

Then, holding darts and tubes in their hands, other girls appeared before us. We no longer harbored false illusions about what they would shoot, and as we thought, the girls showed a rare accuracy in shooting the vulva. Then the Voroshilov shooters decided to have a smoke break, and again they mixed everything up. Bringing the cigars to their crotch, they somehow intricately sucked in their stomachs and blew back gray clouds of smoke.

Meanwhile, Taras made an order at the bar. The waiter handed a glass bottle of cola to one of the artists, and she, shaking it to the beat of the music, began to approach our table. Approaching us, she deftly put it between her legs, wiggled her hips, and, voila, an open bottle with a foaming drink is on our table, and we, swallowing a tight lump in our throat, shy away from it like from a scorpion.

Seeing this trick, our Indian friends immediately felt an acute attack of thirst. Shaking their heads like dummies, they also made their order. After everyone had drunk, a strong young man with drums came on stage. Only now he forgot his sticks backstage. Not at all embarrassed, the guy found a way out of the situation in his pants. Taking out his huge instrument, he began to beat out a simple rhythm on the drums. Soon, a woman came out to him. I don’t know, maybe it was his wife, and she wanted to tell him that such a valuable copy of the male essence should be preserved, but the musician did not want to let up. Then the woman decided to go with trump cards and offered herself to him. The drummer obviously liked this idea, and with particular zeal he began to walk around his girlfriend.

The Indians at this time made an incredible noise. Each of them tried to give advice to a pair of lovers who were comfortably seated right on the stage. And the girl dutifully endured all the somersaults that they did with her. I want to say that there was little eroticism in this situation, I remember for a long time the eyes of this woman, who clearly dreamed of finishing all this faster. And then I also thought: “But didn’t she have a couple of blades lying around there?” She did not find any piercing and cutting objects, but soon, the guy, apparently remembering something, decided to stop for half an hour.

This show went around in circles, and the girl with the rat in her underpants came on stage again. We decided not to double our pleasure from the evening and on half-bent legs, along the wall, left the institution. Taras glowed with happiness, like a polished copper basin, and was clearly pleased that he was able to turn our evening, as he put it, "into something amazing." We silently walked towards the bar, feeling an urgent need to drink, but rather pour vodka on.

“What's more,” our guide did not let up, “tomorrow you can go to another show. There's a lot of non-traditional stuff in there. Terribly interesting!” We politely declined his offer, citing a planned trip to the River Kwai.

Then I remembered for a long time all these artists from the adult show. I felt sorry for these girls who, for the sake of earning money, so mocked their body and broke their psyche. Later, a Russian expat in Phuket tried to explain to me some of the features of raising girls in Thai families and their responsibilities towards their parents. It was very difficult for me, a person with a purely European way of thinking, to understand such a philosophy of life. But, in fact, this is not so important, because in the end, all over the world, the same paths lead to the bottom of society.

After some time, we again arrived in Thailand, and I saw a show for adults in the list of official tours of major travel companies. Then Taras led us to the performance, warning us in advance that it was illegal. Today, tourists are offered this along with the Nong Nooch Tropical Garden and the Khao Kheo Zoo. And isn't this a special cynicism?

About the author

I am a very big travel lover. I love discovering new countries and seeing how different people can be. Thailand won my heart in 2007 and since then I have been coming back again and again. My real passion is writing.

Anastasia Komarova