Homemade condensed milk in a slow cooker. Delicious homemade condensed milk in a slow cooker Condensed milk in a slow cooker recipe

Husband, daughter, including me, just love condensed milk. We eat it for breakfast, spreading it on bread or on croutons. One jar of this yummy is enough for us for two, and sometimes even three days. More recently, I noticed what this goodies are made of, and was a little upset. On reflection, I came to the conclusion that you need to learn how to make it yourself, and besides, from natural products. In the vastness of the World Wide Web, I found how condensed milk is prepared in a slow cooker, I liked the recipe without powdered milk.

The result is excellent. In order to prepare this delicacy, you do not need to have special skills. All you need is to set the desired program on the slow cooker, pour milk into it and add sugar, and then stir occasionally.

Another condition is that the lid in the multicooker must be open. So the milk will decrease and condensed milk will come out of it. If you close the lid, then you will get just fresh milk, which, by the way, is also quite tasty and somewhat reminiscent of fermented baked milk.

Required components:

  • 1 liter of homemade milk (or store-bought with the highest percentage of fat),
  • 375 grams of granulated sugar.

How to cook condensed milk in a slow cooker

Place the bowl immediately into the slow cooker. Pour milk into it carefully.

Then add sugar.

Set the steam program on the display. Cooking time - 20 minutes. As I wrote above, the multicooker lid must always be open. When the milk becomes warm, mix it well with a special spoon. Sugar should be completely dissolved.

After 20 minutes, when the multicooker beeps about the end of work, set the "Extinguishing" program. Cooking time - 1 hour 30 minutes.

Now just stir the condensed milk occasionally. In time, it can be cooked a little less, but, in this case, it will come out more rare.

Now it has become fashionable to cook homemade condensed milk from fresh milk. Moreover, it is really convenient to do this in a slow cooker - the “thickener” does not burn, does not boil away, it can gurgle for at least several hours in a row, and at the same time you do not have to stand next to the ladle. But if a task suddenly happens - to cook condensed milk in an iron can, as everyone did once in childhood with their mother, many are afraid to put a tin in a "cartoon". After all, who knows if it will work; besides, there are rumors that banks sometimes explode ...

And indeed it is. When I, the author of these lines, about eleven years ago came to study at a university and settled in a hostel, the senior girls, conducting a tour of the building, did not forget to take me to the kitchen and show me a huge stain of brown splashes, located directly above the stove. It served them as a kind of monument to housekeeping, and every year it was shown to all the new girls. His story was simple: once a freshman decided to cook herself a "condenser", put a jar in a saucepan on the stove, poured water, and disappeared for a long time. The condensed milk was boiled for itself, the water boiled away ... and everything boiled away, and nearby, as if to evil (albeit a hostel), there was no one who would have guessed to add water. So the bank exploded. And, since repairs are made very, very rarely in dormitories, this stain on the ceiling survived, for nothing, that no one even remembered the name of that girl.

So yes, banks do explode. But! Only when the water in the pan runs out completely (although the alarm bell is already the presence of only half of the filled water). If this is the situation that happened to you, then, as the half-forgotten advertisement of the 90s was sung, “just add water!” And not simple, but hot, better - boiling water, so that nothing happens to the jar from the temperature difference ...

And one more BUT! And it is the most important!
When cooking in a slow cooker, the water will not run out. She does not boil away as intensely as on the stove! So, you have absolutely nothing to be afraid of, putting your yummy to cook.

Still wondering how to do it?

  1. Place the jar in the slow cooker, fill the bowl with water. It is desirable for the jar to be completely covered (so it is better not to put it on the bottom, but put it on the barrel). The only thing is that the water does not need to exceed the extreme mark.
  2. Turn on the fast mode for boiling water (this is not a prerequisite, but simply speeds up the process). For example, "Boiling".
  3. When the water boils, switch the slow cooker to a quieter mode - say, "Extinguishing", for 2-3 hours.

Do not open the finished condensed milk immediately, let it cool.

In the photo - the result of two hours of cooking. And by the way, my water after these hours remained at the top mark.
Good luck!


With the advent of the multicooker, the process of preparing many dishes has become a real pleasure. This miracle assistant will cope with almost any culinary task. Today we will cook condensed milk in a slow cooker. It's easy, believe me!

Condensed milk at home in a slow cooker

Let's start with the traditional way of making condensed milk. We need only two ingredients - milk and granulated sugar. And the slow cooker will do most of the work for us.


  • 2 liters of milk;
  • 700 g of granulated sugar.

Advice! Choose fresh homemade milk. If this is not possible, buy a pasteurized product with a high percentage of fat content.


  1. Pour milk into a multi-cooker container.
  2. Add granulated sugar, stir.
  3. We activate the option "Steam", select the type of product - "Vegetables".
  4. Without closing the lid, wait until the milk mixture boils. Stir it periodically.
  5. When the milk comes to a boil, we will transfer the multicooker to the “Extinguishing” program.
  6. Set the type of product - "Meat". You can use the "Multi-cook" mode by setting the temperature threshold to 100 °.
  7. Cooking for 1 hour 30 minutes. Periodically, the mass must be mixed!
  8. During this time, the milk mixture will boil down. Let's cool her down.
  9. Condensed milk is ready!

Another easy recipe

Condensed milk in the Redmond multicooker and other models of appliances is prepared in the same way. The time can only change depending on the power of your miracle helper. Add just one ingredient to condensed milk, and the delicacy will acquire a new bright taste.


  • 200 ml of milk;
  • 0.2 kg of granulated sugar;
  • 35 g soft butter.


Recipe with powdered milk

Consider how to cook condensed milk in a slow cooker with the addition of milk powder. Attention: you need milk, not its substitute!


  • 1 st. milk;
  • 1 st. dry milk;
  • 1 st. granulated sugar.


  1. Combine milk with dry powder and granulated sugar, mix well until a homogeneous structure.
  2. Pour the resulting mixture into a multicooker container, close the appliance.
  3. Activate the "Extinguishing" option. Cooking for one hour. Periodically stir the mass.
  4. Pour the condensed milk into a bowl. Let's cool her down. She must thicken.

Advice! If you need boiled condensed milk, increase the cooking time to two hours.

delicious toffee

Have you decided to cook condensed milk yourself? A slow cooker is ideal for this purpose. Shall we try?


  • 1 b. condensed milk.


As you can see, everything ingenious is simple! Without much worries, you can cook homemade condensed milk, which is both tasty and healthy! Cook with pleasure and bon appetit!

Good afternoon visitors of the culinary blog! I want to suggest you cook condensed milk in a slow cooker.

Recipe for making condensed milk in a slow cooker

Required for cooking:

  • 2 liters of pasteurized milk (fat content should be taken as high as possible);
  • granulated sugar 750 grams.

Cooking condensed milk in a slow cooker + photo:

1. Pour milk (only fresh) into the multicooker bowl, add granulated sugar, observe the necessary proportions of 5:2. That is, for 5 parts of milk you need 2 parts of sugar. Stir the mixture well so that the sugar dissolves in the milk. The dish will be prepared with the multicooker lid open.

2. We select the “Steam cooking” mode; time does not matter now, because. We will start counting the cooking time when the multicooker is fully heated. Press "Start" and be sure to stir the milk from time to time.

3. After about 18-20 minutes, the milk boils and you need to turn off the “Steaming” mode. As soon as the milk boils, we select the “Extinguishing” program of 100 degrees, set the time for an hour and a half, but it all depends on the milk (fat content, etc.). We press "Start".

4. It has already been 45 minutes, the color of the milk gradually changes its color and takes on the color of baked milk. The consistency is slightly thicker than regular milk. Don't forget to stir occasionally.

5. After an hour, we see that the color has become darker, the milk becomes thicker and decreases in volume. We cook further. After 1 hour 20 minutes, the condensed milk began to foam strongly and boil down, the consistency is liquid because The mixture is hot - when it cools, it will thicken.

6. The cooking time of condensed milk depends very much on its fat content and quality, i.e. 1.5 hours plus or minus 10-15 minutes. Turn off the multicooker and pour it to cool down. From two liters of milk, approximately a little more than 1 liter of condensed milk is obtained. It is better to store in closed jars with a lid. Treat your loved ones with the extraordinary taste of homemade condensed milk in a slow cooker.

Most of the products we usually buy ready-made. Condensed milk also belongs to this category. We remember her taste from childhood. But now, unfortunately, it is already difficult to find a quality one. Therefore, you can cook the real condensed milk yourself, especially if the house has such a kitchen appliance as a slow cooker. Then the process of creating a favorite children's treat is simplified several times.

The classic cooking

Of course, dishes and desserts prepared at home are many times tastier and healthier than those sold in the store. Therefore, we will now tell you how condensed milk is prepared in a slow cooker.

To do this, you will need (for 200 grams of the finished product):

  • sugar - 250 grams and the same amount of milk;
  • dry milk - 250 grams.


  1. Pour sugar into a separate container, add dry milk. Stir.
  2. Then gradually pour in the milk in a thin stream.
  3. Then beat thoroughly and mix the composition with a whisk. You can also use a blender.
  4. After the sugar dissolves in milk, pour the whipped mixture into the multicooker container, turn on the “Extinguishing” mode for an hour.
  5. Fifteen minutes after starting it is necessary to stir the contents. Then, during the cooking process, the mixture should be stirred several more times.
  6. It sometimes happens that during the cooking process, the milk curdles. Therefore, you can add a third of a teaspoon of soda to the contents.
  7. After cooking condensed milk, let it cool down a bit. Then pour it into a jar. Then the cooked condensed milk in the slow cooker should stand for an hour in the refrigerator. So it will become thicker. After it can be used.


We offer you another recipe for condensed milk in a slow cooker, which turns out no worse than the first, and maybe much better. Its delicate taste will not leave anyone indifferent.

For cooking you will need:

  • sugar, milk powder, cow's milk (5% fat) - two glasses of each ingredient;
  • vanilla - 15 grams.

Cooking process:

  1. In a separate bowl, mix milk powder and sugar.
  2. Then mix dry ingredients with cow's milk. Beat thoroughly with a whisk until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  3. Next, pour the resulting mixture into the multicooker container and turn on the "Soup" mode for ten minutes. During the cooking process, stir the composition several times in order to avoid the appearance of lumps.
  4. After ten minutes, activate the slow cooker by selecting the "Extinguishing" mode for twenty minutes.
  5. Wait until the mixture begins to thicken. Then pour the hot milk into a blender and whisk (for five minutes).
  6. After the cooked condensed milk in the slow cooker acquires the desired consistency, it is poured into another container for complete cooling. You can use it in small portions. Best served with tea or coffee. You can also spread it on waffles, it will be delicious.

Delicate condensed milk in a slow cooker: photo and description of cooking

This dessert tastes like candy "Korovka" or "Iriska". For cooking you will need:

  • milk - liter;
  • sugar - half a kilogram;
  • soda - 1/3 teaspoon.


It is best to use fresh milk to prepare such condensed milk.

  1. So, first pour milk into the container, add sugar. Stir until the second component is completely dissolved.
  2. Add soda there, mix, activate the “Extinguishing” mode in the slow cooker for fifteen minutes. Stir after boiling.
  3. Next, activate the "Extinguishing" mode again, but for half an hour. Stir the mixture every five minutes.
  4. When the condensed milk is cooked, it will acquire a yellowish tint. After the end of the extinguishing, leave the mass in the container until it cools completely.


Now we will tell you how chocolate boiled condensed milk is prepared in a slow cooker. Having prepared such a delicacy, you are unlikely to want to go for a store counterpart. The secret to cooking at home lies in one important ingredient. Now we are talking about cocoa, thanks to which chocolate condensed milk is obtained in a slow cooker.

For cooking you will need:

  • sugar - half a kilogram;
  • water -0.75 ml;
  • milk (preferably with a fat content of 3.2%) - 1 liter;
  • cocoa - a glass.


  1. First, mix water and sugar in a bowl. Next, turn on the “Frying” mode for 10 minutes. Stirring constantly, bring the syrup to a boil.
  2. Then pour in milk in a thin stream, then mix until smooth.
  3. Through a fine sieve, add cocoa to the milk mixture. After that, mix everything and turn on the “Extinguishing” mode for half an hour.

Homemade condensed milk, cooked in a slow cooker, is stored in a glass container. You can only take it out with a clean spoon.


This recipe for condensed milk in a slow cooker is suitable for those who follow a diet or veganism.

For cooking you will need:

  • vanillin extract - a teaspoon;
  • coconut milk - 400 ml (one can);
  • sugar syrup - 125 ml.

Cooking condensed milk at home:

  1. First, pour milk into the multicooker container, activate the “Soup” mode for 10 minutes. When it boils, stir the contents.
  2. Then turn on the "Extinguishing" mode for forty minutes.
  3. The milk needs to be reduced by half. Use a cocktail straw to test.
  4. Then add sugar syrup to the milk and continue to cook in the same mode (“Stewing”) for exactly one hour. Stir occasionally.
  5. When the condensed milk is cooked in a slow cooker, add vanilla extract and mix.

It should be stored in a glass container in a cool place for no more than seven days.


Now we offer you the option of preparing condensed milk for a child, which is called "Children's". To prepare treats you will need:

  • butter - 25 grams;
  • powdered sugar and milk - two hundred grams each.

Cooking "Children's" condensed milk in a slow cooker:

  1. First, pour milk into a saucepan, add powder, mix.
  2. Next, put butter in the same place, turn on the slow cooker, selecting the “Extinguishing” mode for ten minutes.
  3. When the mixture foams, stir it so that the foam does not spread.
  4. After boiling, cook condensed milk for another twenty minutes in the same mode. Then let the finished product cool and pour into a glass container.

Creamy condensed milk for gourmets

Such condensed milk will have a creamy taste, and the aroma will resemble baked milk.

For cooking you need:

  • butter - forty grams;
  • powdered sugar - half a kilogram;
  • milk (whole) - 375 grams.

The process of making condensed milk at home in a slow cooker:

  1. Pour milk into a bowl, add powder. Stir, as a result, the mixture should become homogeneous.
  2. Add butter (softened) and turn on the "Soup" mode for ten minutes. The mixture should be stirred periodically.
  3. When the contents boil, turn on the “Extinguishing” mode for twenty minutes.
  4. Then pour the condensed milk into a glass container and refrigerate for eight hours to thicken. After the time has passed, you can enjoy your own dessert with tea or coffee. It can be used to create various delicious cakes and pies. Homemade condensed milk will make such desserts not only more original, but also healthier, because there are no preservatives in the composition of such a product.

A small conclusion

Now you know how condensed milk is made at home in a slow cooker, recipes with photos are presented in the article. We hope that by following the instructions, you will prepare a delicious children's treat. We wish you good luck in your culinary endeavors.