Carrie Bradshaw quotes about the man of her dreams. What women talk about: quotes from the series “Sex and the City. Beauty Quotes from Carrie Bradshaw

"I don't believe in e-mail. I stick to old traditions. I prefer to call and hang up."

"We talk for four hours, but it seems like fifteen minutes have passed. We part for two days, but it seems like a year has passed. I realized that Einstein's theory of relativity needs serious revision, taking into account one important effect - the effect of falling in love."

"Love is the only label that never goes out of style."

"The only thing I've been able to do in the kitchen so far is a mess and a few small fires."

"We were happy until we decided to live happily ever after."

"Why is it that every time I'm going to be happy, you show up and ruin everything!?"

"It was like a Donna Karan dress: you know it's not your style, but you try it on. Just in case."

"He fully met her rule of three "p": positive, attractive and solvent."

"In a society of excited young people, the idea of ​​monogamy somehow disappeared by itself."

"Handsome men are bad lovers! They don't need to strain!"

"I "traveled" him so that some soulless doll would ride on him?!"

"I gladly plunged into the world of a proud single woman and disposable men."

"Best the enemy of the good!"

"It is sometimes not so easy for an unmarried woman to go through life, so you need to be very careful when choosing shoes. After all, they help us brighten up this difficult path."

"To confess your love is very simple, it is much more difficult to prove it every day!"

It's hard to believe, but not so long ago Sarah Jessica Parker celebrated its 51st birthday. On this occasion, why not remember the best aphorisms of the heroine of the Sex and the City series - Carrie Bradshaw, loved by all for its subtle humor, charm and sophisticated style.

“When I first moved to New York, I was very depressed. Often, I bought Vogue instead of dinner, I think the magazine brought me more pleasure.

“I don't believe in email. I adhere to old traditions - I prefer to call and hang up.

"The only thing I've been able to do in the kitchen so far is a mess and a few small fires."

“Rules are rules, but I always follow my heart.”

About loneliness

“People are used to explaining loneliness by the fact that nobody needs you. But now it means that you are independent and make decisions on how you want to live your life, and most importantly, with whom.”

The prince didn't jump. So Snow White spit out the apple, woke up, went to work, got insurance, and made a test tube baby."

“But, ironically, in a big city it is very easy to meet a man who broke your heart. It's even easier to meet him when you don't look good."

“Maybe our mistakes are what we use to write our destiny? What would our life look like without them? Perhaps if we had never moved off the intended course, then we would never know love or give birth to children, or not be who we are now at all? However, everything is changing. People come and go. But it's nice to know that those you love remain forever in your heart.

“It’s all about Valentine’s Day. Hundreds and hundreds of postcards with the declaration "You are the only one!". Hundreds and hundreds of phone calls with the same obsession, but the problems are wider than love. We spend our whole lives searching for what makes our life perfect: the perfect job, the perfect family. Maybe you shouldn't waste your life on empty waiting?

“Sometimes you need to hear the opinion of a professional: it happens with health, with property and with men.”

About friendship

“They say nothing lasts forever: dreams change, fashion comes and goes, but what about friends, they will always be in trend!”

“Main rule of breaking up: It doesn’t matter who broke your heart this time, you can’t get through this without your friends.”

“Declaring love is very simple, it is much more difficult to prove it every day!”

“If two people inspire each other so much, lying in different beds, then in the same bed they will definitely be able to agree.”

"He fully met her rule of three "p": positive, attractive and solvent."

"He's not a prince on a white horse, but his BMW has a heater."


"Shopping helps a woman unleash her creativity."

"Shopping is the best medicine for the heart."

“I love it when I can see my money, namely: in my wardrobe!”

February 12, 2013, 04:32 PM

I envy women who can say: "Dear, everything was fine, you gave me so much, be happy with the other," but for some reason it breaks out from me: "Nothing happened, you're gone, you're gone." How much easier everything would be if people invented an easy surgical way to remove all mistakes and sad memories from memory, leaving only good and joyful ones. But until this happy day has come, what to do? To adopt the old tried-and-tested philosophy of “forgive and forget”? I have grown out of the men of my past, but have not yet matured into the men of my future. He is not a prince on a white horse, but his BMW has a heater. I am rather one of those people - "your problems - you decide."
To get rid of one pernicious passion, you need to switch to an even more pernicious one. When a man does a desperate act, he is usually considered romantic, when a woman does them, she is often considered desperate or crazy. The prince did not jump. Then Snow White spit out the apple, woke up, went to work, got insurance, and made a test tube baby. Do we really need distance to get closer? Why is it that every time I'm going to be happy, you show up and ruin everything?! I don't believe in email. I stick to old traditions. I prefer to call and hang up. Men who are perfect in all respects are the ultimate dream, but for some reason we always leave them for hot young guys on motorcycles without a cent in their pocket. If two people inspire each other so much, lying in different beds, then in the same bed they will definitely be able to agree. When a female gorilla is in love, she combs out fleas from her chosen one all day long, but in humans, the opposite is true: catching fleas can ruin even the strongest relationships. They say opposites attract, but no one knows for how long. Should lovers kindle the fire of passion by talking about work and friends, or should they be content with the embers of calm, silent communication? I thought, if two people have nothing in common, maybe the hottest love will turn to ice? It turned out that it was almost impossible to avoid a threesome, because even if you were alone in bed, someone was always there before you. And suddenly it dawned on me: the two decided to live life together, and I could not get the man to sign the card with me. I will never kiss another man except my husband, I will stop worrying about how we would not become a boring aging couple, because we will never be like that, and we will always be together!
Every day, millions of people suffer from the symptoms of monogamy. So far no one has found a cure. Girls in their twenties are beautiful until you see one of them next to the man who broke your heart. Maybe we subconsciously always get acquainted with the same person? If it's true that life is a theater and we are all actors in it, then today I had to play the role of a girl who is doing fine, just her beloved was knocked down by the flu. I can't get the man of my dreams out of my head, I always imagine us together, here in Paris! And these thoughts creep into my head every time I have a new novel, I compare everyone with it! Maybe we were right when we talked less and kissed more? Scientists have found that after sex in the body of a woman, hormones are produced that are responsible for attachment. The same hormone causes a bunch of different questions in the female head, and this is just after one time. He likes me? When will he call? And a classic of the genre: What will it all lead to? In New York, they will even come to the opening of the envelope if champagne is served there. - God, how I want to eat! There is no food here, only booze. - Then I'll have a martini and six olives! (Carrie and Samantha)
How many beautiful love stories began with sex on the first date! You just need to remember. No girlfriends, no lovers, no dates, not even erotic movies on TV. And I really wanted to call him, but we just broke up and my lips still hurt. I gladly plunged into the world of a proud single woman and disposable men. Some read by hand, Charlotte read by real estate. After what figure does the number of men become obscene?! You can eradicate the "shar-pei" from the penis, but never the dog from the man!!! It took four friends and three days to pack 20 years into 38 boxes.

"Sex and the City" is a real encyclopedia of the modern woman. Quotes about beauty, style, relationships are the same "salt" of the series, as well as outfits of his heroines. And the ironic Carrie Bradshaw, according to the script, pours out aphorisms no worse than Pascal or La Rochefoucauld once did.

Beauty Quotes from Carrie Bradshaw

Carrie Bradshaw. Age - a little over 30. Not married. Journalist-naturalist by profession. He writes a newspaper column called Sex and the City. "I'm something of a sexual anthropologist," defines Carrie Bradshaw as her specialty.

“What do I think of us and the models? I think it's unfortunate that four beautiful women give in at the sight of skeletons!"

“One day as a kid, I got mad at Barbie and shaved her.”

“It seemed to me that I had come to terms with my appearance when I turned 30. But then I realized that I no longer had the energy to portray myself.”

“I realized that being beautiful is like having an apartment overlooking the park. It's unfair and usually goes to the one who deserves it the least."

Carrie Bradshaw quotes about style and shopping

“I decided to test the theory for myself that shopping helps a woman unleash her creative potential.”

“I suffer from an incurable form of drug addiction: I love expensive shoes!”

Carrie Bradshaw Style Quotes

“I can only think of two occasions where a little black dress was appropriate. This is when you leave the party too late or too early, and to the other world.

“I had no doubt that today I would succeed: I was wearing a skirt that was tight around my hips.”

Carrie Bradshaw quotes about beauty, style and shoes

“It has been decided: in order to get rid of the pernicious passion for twenty-year-olds, you need to switch to an even more pernicious one - shoes!”

“It is sometimes not so easy for an unmarried woman to go through life, so you need to be very careful about choosing shoes: after all, they help us brighten up this difficult path.”

Carrie Bradshaw quotes about beauty and lifestyle of the opposite sex

“Men in their early 20s always know who to be friends with: bartenders and bouncers. Plus, they have perky asses!”

"In a society of beautiful young people having fun, the idea of ​​​​monogamy fades by itself."

Carrie Bradshaw Relationship Quotes

“And then I thought: maybe all men are like a strong drug? Sometimes depression happens from them, and sometimes wings grow.

“When you live on such a tiny island like Manhattan, the chances of accidentally meeting someone who broke your heart are very high. And the chances of meeting him at the moment when you look terrible are even greater.

Quotes about beauty, style, relationships from Samantha Jones

Samantha Jones. Owner of a prestigious RP agency in Manhattan. Unmarried. Age at the start of Sex and the City is uncertain. Probably a little over 40. Carrie Bradshaw notes: "For as long as we can remember, Samantha has celebrated her 35th birthday every year." Samantha's priorities are luxury real estate and sex.

"Exploiting men is a holy cause."

“If you are a successful single woman, you have two options: bang your head against walls and try to find a husband, or enjoy sex like a man. In a sense, without experiencing emotions.

“He should have known that this ring was not my type. How can I marry a man who doesn't know my taste?"

Quotes about beauty, style, relationships from Miranda Hobbs

Miranda Hobbs. At the beginning of the series - 32 years old. Unmarried. By profession, he is a successful lawyer. She is sometimes mistaken for a lesbian. But Carrie Bradshaw says that Miranda is true to the principle "He who has a member - that and the cards in hand."

“It seems that there are only models in this club. Is there at least one woman, besides me, who weighs more than sixty kilograms?

"Marvelous! We can feel in perfect order and suddenly everything is down the drain, as soon as the guy does not justify our hopes.

“I will find the goddess in me, even if I die!”

Beauty, Style, Relationship Quotes from Charlotte York

Charlotte York. At the beginning of the series "Sex and the City" - 32 years old. Unmarried. By profession - an art dealer. Priorities are family and children. “Charlotte approached marriage with an almost religious awe,” notes Carrie Bradshaw. In choosing a partner, he is guided by the "rule of three" P ": positive, attractive, solvent.

“I do not suffer from complexes. But when I see Christy Turlington, I want to hang myself."

“If you take a man seriously, you have to keep him on a tight leash for at least five dates. The number of dates before the first sex is directly proportional to your age.

“When your girlfriends get married - the end of friendship. They are now wives, and we are enemies.

“Orgasm is an important part of a relationship, but not the only one. Orgasm can't send you a birthday card or hold your hand at the movies."

I think that most of the readers of the Vev site are fans of the cult series "Sex and the City" ("Sex and the City"). I consider myself one of them.

The series tells the story of four friends living in New York: Carrie Bradshaw, Miranda Hobbs, Charlotte York and Samantha Jones. Each of them is individual, charismatic, intelligent. And they all try to find their happiness, despite disappointments, painful partings with loved ones, betrayals.

The protagonist is Carrie Bradshaw, a writer who writes a column for The New York Star on gender relations. Throughout the television series, she has romances that are sometimes short-term, sometimes last for years and lead to a painful break or, conversely, to a happy reunion. All events in the life of Carrie Bradshaw, as well as her character and attitude to what is happening around, can be traced by reading her quotes.

Here is just a small selection of my favorite Carrie Bradshaw quotes:

I envy women who can say: "Dear, everything was fine, you gave me so much, be happy with the other," but for some reason it breaks out from me: "Nothing happened, you're gone, you're gone."

How much easier everything would be if people invented an easy surgical way to remove all mistakes and sad memories from memory, leaving only good and joyful ones. But until this happy day has come, what to do? To adopt the old tried-and-tested philosophy of “forgive and forget”?

I have grown out of the men of my past, but have not yet matured into the men of my future.

He is not a prince on a white horse, but his BMW has a heater.

I am rather one of those people - "your problems - you decide."

To get rid of one pernicious passion, you need to switch to an even more pernicious one.

When a man does a desperate act, he is usually considered romantic, when a woman does them, she is often considered desperate or crazy.

The prince did not jump. Then Snow White spit out the apple, woke up, went to work, got insurance, and made a test tube baby.

Do we really need distance to get closer?

Why is it that every time I'm going to be happy, you show up and ruin everything?!

I don't believe in email. I stick to old traditions. I prefer to call and hang up.