The goddess of the morning dawn drove away the darkness with her divine hand - the dawn has come! In Roman mythology, the goddess of the morning dawn, Aurora, the goddess of the morning dawn in Roman

The Greeks believed that the goddess of the dawn is very windy and loving. She was depicted in different ways - both with wings, and in a chariot drawn by horses, and with a torch in her hand, symbolizing the first morning rays, and with a halo around her head. That was the name of the goddess of dawn, but among the Romans. Aurora is the Goddess of the dawn. She brings daylight to the gods and people. Many poets dedicated poems to this goddess. Aurora was the daughter of Hyperion and Thea, the wife of the titan Astrea.

Ariadne, in ancient Greek mythology, a priestess from the island of Naxos. In Attica, the priestesses of the goddess put on a bearskin when performing rituals. According to some researchers, in ancient myths, the image of the goddess was correlated with the goddesses Selene and Hekate. Diana, in Roman mythology, the goddess of nature and hunting, was considered the personification of the moon, just as her brother Apollo was identified with the sun in late Roman antiquity. She helped Prometheus steal the divine fire, defended the Achaean Greeks during the Trojan War; she is the patroness of potters, weavers and needlewomen. Hecate, in ancient Greek mythology, the goddess of the night, the ruler of darkness. Hecate ruled over all ghosts and monsters, night visions and sorcery.

Myths and Legends * Eos (Aurora)

According to another version, her mother was Hyperion's sister Eirifaessa. In Homer, Eos is described as "pink-fingered", daily leading Helios to heaven, leaving her beloved Titon still sleeping. Cephalus was already married to Procris when he attracted the favorable attention of the goddess. According to this story, the passion for Cephalus is the strongest in Eos. The fact that he rejected her caused Eos to neglect his daily duty, to bring Helios to heaven. In another interpretation, Cephalus is on a chariot, still trying to reject Aurora's embrace, while old Tethon lies nearby and sleeps, unaware of what is happening.

Eos - `HwV - in Greek mythology, the goddess (personification) of the dawn. Titanide of the second generation: daughter of the Titan Hyperion and the Titanides Theia, sister of Helios and Selene. According to another version, her mother was Hyperion's sister Eirifaessa. Given that during the revolt of the giants, Zeus temporarily forbade both Selene and Helios and Eos to shine, she, along with her relatives, is a bearer of light.

Married to the giant Astrea, Aurora gave birth to Boreas, Note and Zephyr, the Morning Star (Venus), and, according to many, all other stars in heaven. The fact that Eos was born by all the winds, except for the eastern one (which itself was considered fertile), suggests its close connection or identity with Astrea [GRMG 40 3]. During the rebellion of the titans, Astraeus rebelled against Zeus and was thrown into Tartarus - this happened before or after the numerous love interests of Eos is not known for certain (???).

In Homer, Eos is described as "pink-fingered", daily leading Helios to heaven, leaving her beloved Titon still sleeping. On Greek vases, she is depicted as winged, often riding a chariot drawn by four horses (quadriga). It was believed that she lives in Ethiopia and travels to heaven through the silver gate. She is wearing a saffron robe, and the stallions Lamp and Phaeton are harnessed to the chariot. Painting the sky pink and sending its rays first to Olympus and then to the earth to wake people up, Dawn announces the approach of Helios. With its appearance, it becomes Eos Hemera * (Day) and accompanies the sun all the way, finally turning into Hespera (Evening) on ​​the western shore of the Ocean. Here is how the appearance of Dawn in an Orphic hymn is described:

Listen, goddess, for mortals leading a luminous day,
Brightly burning Eos that will make the world blush!
Bright you portend Titan, the great god,
You direct the path of the impenetrable night into the underground depths,
Away with her, gloomy, you send when you rise to heaven.
You are a conductor in business, a head in human life,
You are a joy for mortals: no one seeks to avoid
The highest eye of the Dawn at its appearance in the sky, -
No, but when you drive away a sweet dream from your dreams,
The human race is glad, and the peoples of animals are glad,
The feathered birds and the whole population of the sea are glad,
For those who live in the world you grant the field of life.

Now, in the mysts, increase the burning of the holy light!
Eos is also known for her eternal and insatiable passion for mortal youths. Aphrodite instilled this desire in her in revenge for the fact that Eos shared a bed with Ares. Since then, she, shy and hiding, seduces them one by one. Her lovers were: Orion, Cephalus, grandson of Melampus Clitus. Graves [GRMG], however, considers the love affairs of Eos only an allegory: with the dawn, erotic passion returns to lovers, and men usually become attracted.

Falling in love with Orion, Eos persuaded her brother Helios to restore his sight. After this they shared a bed on the sacred island of Delos; "due to this shamelessness, Dawn blushed, and remained crimson" [GRMG 41 d].

Cephalus was already married to Procris when he attracted the favorable attention of the goddess. Eos revealed herself to him, but he politely refused her on the grounds that he could not deceive Procris, with whom he was bound by an oath of eternal allegiance. Eos protested that she would easily break her oath in exchange for gold. To convince Cephalus, she made him look like a certain Pteleon and advised him to seduce Procris, promising a golden crown. When this was easily accomplished, Cephalus without remorse became the lover of Eos, who aroused morbid jealousy in Procris.

Titon (Typhon) is the most beautiful son of the Trojan king Laomedont (according to other versions - Tros or Ila) and brother of Priam. Eos kidnapped him and took him with her to Ethiopia, where she made him king and gave birth to Memnon from him. In another version, Titon was kidnapped by the goddess along with his brother Ganymede**, but Zeus took him away from her. In return, Eos begged him to grant immortality to Tithon, but forgot to ask for eternal youth (like Selene for Endemion). When Titon began to grow old, and Eos got tired of caring for him, she closed him in her bedroom, where he gradually dried up and turned into a cicada.
The abduction of Ganymede is considered by Graves as a misreading of the ancient image by a later mythographer who took the image of the bride in the scene of the sacred marriage with the new king as the image of Eos.

After the death of his son Memnon at the hands of Achilles, Eos mourns him every morning, and tears fall like morning dew.

The ancient Greeks called Aurora the ruddy dawn, the pink-fingered goddess Aurora. Aurora was the daughter of the titan Gipperion and Theia. From Astrea and Aurora came all the stars burning in the dark night sky, and all the winds: the stormy northern Boreas, the eastern Eurus, the humid southern Not and the gentle western wind Zephyr, which brings heavy rains.

Married to the giant Astrea, Aurora gave birth to Boreas, Note and Zephyr, the Morning Star, and, according to many, all other stars in heaven. The fact that Aurora is born of all winds, except for the easterly one, suggests its close connection or identity with Astrea. During the revolt of the titans, Astraeus rebelled against Zeus and was thrown into Tartarus - this happened before or after Aurora's numerous love interests is not known for certain.

Aurora is also known for her eternal and insatiable passion for mortal youths. Aphrodite instilled this desire in her in revenge for the fact that Aurora shared a bed with Ares. Since then, she, shy and hiding, seduces them one by one. Her lovers were: Orion, Cephalus, grandson of Melampus Clitus. Graves, however, considers Aurora's love affairs only an allegory: with the dawn, erotic passion returns to lovers, and men usually develop attraction.

Having fallen in love with Orion, Aurora persuaded her brother Helios to restore his sight. After this they shared a bed on the sacred island of Delos; from this shamelessness, Dawn was filled with a blush, and it remained crimson.

Cephalus was already married to Procris when he attracted the favorable attention of the goddess. Aurora opened up to him, but he politely refused her on the grounds that he could not deceive Procris, with whom he was bound by an oath of eternal allegiance. Aurora protested that she would easily break her oath in exchange for gold. To convince Cephalus, she made him look like a certain Pteleon and advised him to seduce Procris, promising a golden crown. When this was easily accomplished, Cephalus without remorse became the lover of Aurora, who aroused morbid jealousy in Procris.

Titon is the most beautiful son of the Trojan king Laomedont and brother of Priam. Aurora kidnapped him and took him with her to Ethiopia, where she made him king and gave birth to Memnon from him. In another version, Titon was kidnapped by the goddess along with his brother Ganymede, but Zeus took him away from her. In return, Aurora begged him to grant immortality to Titon, but forgot to ask for eternal youth. When Titon began to age, and Aurora got tired of looking after him, she closed him in her bedroom, where he gradually dried up and turned into cicada.

The abduction of Ganymede is considered by Graves as a misreading of the ancient image by a later mythographer who took the image of the bride in the scene of the sacred marriage with the new king as the image of Aurora.

Apollo's favorite assistant, who opened the high gates of his palace. After that, Aurora flew across the sky, announcing the approach of her master.

This gentle goddess fell in love with Typhon, the prince of Troy, and married him. She made sure that the gods granted him immortality, but - alas! - I forgot to ask for eternal youth for him, and her husband gradually grew old and finally became so decrepit that he turned into a burden for her. In the end, the goddess left him in one of the chambers and locked the door. He could only mutter some meaningless words. Along with the strength of his body, the strength of his mind also went away. He was literally skin and bones.


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Aurora I 1. Goddess of the dawn (in ancient Roman mythology). 2. Used as a poetic symbol of the dawn. II well. The name of the cruiser of the Baltic Fleet... Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova

  • AURORA - "AURORA" - cruiser of the Baltic Fleet. In service since 1903, participated in the Battle of Tsushima in 1905. On the evening of October 25 (7.11). Big encyclopedic dictionary
  • Aurora - AURORA, -s, f., own. The name of the pub near the Kakhovskaya metro station in Moscow. Through three pipes above the pub building; comic association with the cruiser Aurora. Explanatory Dictionary of Russian Argo
  • aurora - AURORA -s; and. [lat. Aurora]. [with a capital letter] 1. In ancient Roman mythology: the goddess of the dawn (depicted as a young winged girl emerging from the sea foam on a chariot; corresponds to the ancient Greek Eos). 2. In poetry of the 19th century: dawn. Explanatory Dictionary of Kuznetsov
  • AURORA - (lat. Aurora, from aura, lit. "pre-dawn breeze") in Roman mythology, the goddess of the dawn. Corresponds to the Greek Eos. Mythological Encyclopedia
  • aurora - Aurora / a (dawn). Morphemic spelling dictionary
  • Aurora - AURORA Figure of synchronized swimming, consists of the following main positions and movements: on the chest, horizontal angle, 1/4 turn forward around the transverse axis, upward angle with two in immersion, upward bending angle, turn by 180 degrees, crane, vertical. Glossary of sports terms
  • Aurora - AURORA - the goddess of the morning dawn among the ancient Romans (Greek Eos). Literary Encyclopedia
  • aurora - AVR'ORA, aurora, female (poet. obsolete). Morning dawn. “Olga to her, the aurora of the northern alley, and flies in easier than a swallow.” Pushkin. (After the name of the ancient Roman goddess of the dawn, Aurora.) Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov
  • Aurora - Aurora see Eos, Eos. Dictionary of Classical Antiquities
  • Aurora - Orph. I Aurora, -s (mifol.; name) and Aurora, -s (dawn; figure of synchronized swimming) II Aurora, female. name Lopatin's spelling dictionary
  • Aurora - I Aurora (Aurora) in ancient Roman mythology, the goddess of the dawn, bringing daylight to the gods and people. Corresponds to the goddess Eos in ancient Greek mythology. Great Soviet Encyclopedia
  • aurora - Golden-fingered (Saltykov-Shchedrin). Shy (Maikov). Dictionary of literary epithets
  • Aurora - Y, female Loans. Derivatives: Aurora; Ava; Macaw; Rora. Origin: (In ancient mythology: Aurora is the goddess of the morning dawn. The name became widespread in connection with the revolutionary events on the cruiser Aurora.) Name day: July 3 Dictionary of personal names
  • aurora - noun, number of synonyms: 10 asteroid 579 butterfly 201 goddess 346 city 2765 morning star 7 dawn 23 name 1104 ship of revolution 1 cruiser of revolution 1 eos 5 Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language
  • aurora - AURORA w. morning dawn, dawn, robin; squeamish, light, dawn, matinee, daylight, dosvet, dosvetki; || the scarlet and golden light is visible, along the close (horizon) before sunrise. Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary
  • aurora - AURORA s, f. Aurore< , лат. Aurora. 1. миф. Богиня утренней зари у римлян. На облаках едет Аврора или Зоря утренняя. Врата 1742 4. || В травест. поэзии. Dictionary of Russian Gallicisms
  • aura- "pre-dawn breeze"; from lat. aurum - "golden" Latin spelling: Aurora In other cultures: Eos, Dawn Floor: female Occupation: goddess of dawn Sphere of influence: Father: Hyperion Mother: Theia Brothers: Helios Sisters: Selena Spouse): Lua error in Module:Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value). Children: Zephyr, Borey, Not, Evre; Stars Lua error in Module:Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).

    From Astrea and Aurora came all the stars burning in the dark night sky, and all the winds: the stormy northern Boreas, the eastern Eurus, the humid southern Not and the gentle western Zephyr wind, which brings heavy rains. In Roman mythology, she is the goddess of the dawn, bringing daylight to gods and people.

    Usually she was depicted as winged, often on a chariot drawn by winged or unwinged horses, in a red-yellow robe, sometimes with a solar disk above her head, with a halo or a crown of rays around her forehead, or with a torch in her right hand, sometimes also with vessels (dew) in hand.

    The asteroid (94) Aurora, discovered in 1867, is named after Aurora.

    see also

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    • Aurora, in mythology // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.

    An excerpt characterizing Aurora (goddess)

    He was a very sad knight... Yes, yes, exactly a knight!.. And I was very surprised that even in this "other" world, where he could "put on" any energy parted with his severe knightly appearance, in which he apparently still remembered himself very well ... And for some reason I thought that he must have had some very serious reasons for this, even if after so many years he did not want to part with this appearance.
    Usually, when people die, for the first time after their death, their essences always look exactly as they looked at the moment of their physical death. Apparently, the huge shock and wild fear of the unknown is great enough not to add any more additional stress to this. When time passes (usually after a year), the essences of old and old people gradually begin to look young and become exactly the same as they were in the best years of their youth. Well, the untimely dead babies “grow up” sharply, as if “catching up” with their unlived years, and become something similar to their essence, as they were when they entered the bodies of these unfortunate ones who died too early, or from some kind of illness. untimely dead children, with the only difference being that some of them “add” a little in development, if they were lucky enough during their short years in the physical body ... And much later, each essence changes, depending on how She lives on in the "new" world.
    And high beings living on the mental level of the earth, unlike all the others, are even able to create their own “face” and “clothing” at their own will, because, having lived for a very long time (the higher the development of the essence, the less often it re-incarnates into a physical body) and having become sufficiently accustomed to that “other”, at first unfamiliar world, they themselves are already able to create and create a lot.