Structural horoscope from lyudmila golovkova. Virtual signs - knight What kind of person Aries Dog: character traits, behavior and lifestyle

The question of the number of structures of the most multi-structural horoscope is closed. And this discovery (or maybe closing?) again occurred at the junction of seemingly very different sections of theory.

Let's start with a few memories. At the beginning (1985) the ideological structure was described (four-year periodicity). Then (1986) a psychological structure appeared (four three-year periods). To identify the 12 signs of the annual horoscope, these two structures were completely sufficient. A four-digit code was even developed for each sign. However, despite the sufficiency appeared (1988) so-called. social structure (three-year periodicity). There was already an excess in this, but some explanations for this excess were then found. At some point there was a lull. Thunder struck in 1993, when quite unexpectedly, without any order, an energy structure “opened” (three in five years). There was no talk of an excessive number of structures. The question was formulated differently - how many more structures will be able to open and whether this process will be put to an end.

Soon enough (1995), by way of a somewhat non-obvious theoretical passage (the structures were divided into pairs: psychological - energy, ideological - fate, and in these pairs the Horse changed places with the Rat, and the Cat with the Rooster), the fifth straight line was predicted and almost immediately described structure - the structure of fate (three in two years).

But in addition to five direct structures, there was also a vector ring. Sometimes an age horoscope (age structure) was also attributed to the structures, but in the end it was possible to prove that this was not legitimate, because the age sequence is equivalent to the horoscopic sequence, so its rank is higher than the rank of a simple structure, it is a synthesis of structures.

On this volitional effort, the search for structures was stopped. Intuitively, I understood that there would be no more structures. But why? In the framework of the then theory, there was no proof.

Now it is clear that the proof was nearby and it was the simplest. Three through one - a psychological structure, three through two - the structure of fate, four (?) through three - a social structure, three through four - an ideological structure, three through five - an energy structure.

However, real support came from a completely different direction - from the growing power of the system of combining horoscopes.

A combination was created in the same years. For 10 years (1991-2001) there was a struggle to combine the eastern and zodiac horoscopes, and for all ten years two approaches to deciphering this horoscope competed with each other. The first (structural) was full of meaning, but mathematically led to a dead end, gave rise to a situation from which there was no way out. The second approach (the so-called “plus or minus”) had no independent meaning, but was mathematically flawless. Ultimately, the second approach seems to have won, but in fact the resulting Seven-shot horoscope has become synthetic, taking the mathematical key from the second approach, and the position on the structural curator should demonstrate this synthesis from the first.

So it was precisely the “plus-minus” system from the combination of horoscopes that became the decisive proof that there will be exactly five direct structures, and not six, eight or twelve.

We are approaching the curators. Here the main focus is that three stories are connected together at once. The first story is the history of naming structures. When there was no talk of any professions and sciences. The second story is actually the humanities - such as psychology, sociology, philosophy, which, in fact, have never been sciences. Finally, the third story is about living people with specific horoscopes who have chosen specific humanitarian professions.

Now about curators. First, about those that have long been obvious. Big Square. (Horse - Capricorn, Cancer, Goat - Aquarius, Taurus, Leo, Monkey - Pisces, Gemini, Rooster - Aries, Libra, Dog - Leo, Scorpio, Boar - Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Rat - Capricorn, Cancer, Ox - Leo , Scorpio, Tiger - Pisces, Virgo, Sagittarius, Cat - Aries, Libra, Dragon - Aquarius, Taurus, Scorpio, Snake - Pisces, Gemini. Total - 28.) Here the structural approach celebrated its first and only unconditional victory. The fact is that according to the plus-minus system, two different signs are combined here - plus-minus three and plus-minus six. Be that as it may, the structural curator, the social structure laid the foundations for the formation of the meaning of the sign, as a universal favorite, as a sign in need of constant attention and love from society.

Social structure directly indicates spatial and social orientation. And therefore B.K. among other things, the best specialist in orientation in space (driver? pilot? cosmonaut?), and of course an excellent sociologist, connoisseur of the masses, the idol of the public. The more people in his environment, the more B.K. better, the more significant and steeper it is. His business is large collectives, large gatherings of the masses. Isn't that why B.K is the best actors, both cinematic and theatrical.

Internal vector. (Horse-Pisces, Aries, Goat - Gemini, Virgo, Monkey - Aries, Virgo, Rooster - Aquarius, Cancer, Dog - Capricorn, Taurus, Boar - Leo, Libra, Rat - Libra, Sagittarius, Ox - Aquarius, Gemini, Tiger - Taurus, Scorpio, Cat - Capricorn, Leo, Dragon - Pisces, Cancer, Snake - Scorpio, Sagittarius. Total - 24.) Structural curator - Vector ring. Hence the unpredictability of all Vectors. Some of them are violent, others are quiet, some are inhumanly beautiful, others are just as inhumanly frightening. In any case, these people always represent the element of temptation. Always with them is the sweetest bait, which is so difficult to refuse.

The profession arising from the structural curator is a psychiatrist, a specialist in any direction in creativity that is on the verge and beyond the norm. All kinds of absurdity, different super-realistic and anti-realistic biases there. There is no doubt that there are enough Vectors among both doctors and patients of psychiatric hospitals.

Boredom, Rationalist. (Horse - Aquarius, Gemini, Goat - Pisces, Cancer, Monkey - Leo, Rooster - Taurus, Virgo, Dog - Gemini, Libra, Boar - Cancer, Scorpio, Rat - Leo, Ox - Capricorn, Virgo, Tiger - Aquarius, Libra , Cat - Pisces, Scorpio, Dragon - Aries, Sagittarius, Snake - Capricorn, Taurus. Total - 22.) The structural curator of the sign is the most powerful and heavy of all structures - ideological. Its significance in the structural horoscope, and what is there in the horoscope, in life is grandiose, because with its help a person determines the main thing, his type of thinking, type of perception of life, determines the entire strategy of walking through life. Whom should he be - a warrior, a ruler, a contemplator, a doer, and so on ...

According to the conclusion about the humanitarian inclination, the Bores should be ideologues, that is, people who form a certain pool of fundamental ideas. Maybe it is. But then it is necessary to recognize Trotsky (Cat, Scorpio) not as a violent revolutionary, but precisely as an ideologist, the creator of the ideology of permanent revolution. Also, Gorbachev (Goat, Pisces) should be recognized as the ideologist of Perestroika, and by no means Yakovlev.

Now for the main surprise. Jesters. (Horse - Virgo, Scorpio, Goat - Libra, Sagittarius, Monkey - Scorpio, Capricorn, Rooster - Sagittarius, Dog - Pisces, Boar - Aquarius, Aries, Rat - Pisces, Taurus, Ox - Aries, Tiger - Cancer, Cat - Gemini , Dragon - Virgo, Snake - Leo, Libra. Total - 18.) Here, as already mentioned, a surprise awaits us, the Jester is supervised by a psychological structure. It turns out Jesters are great psychologists. And why, in fact, not, because in order to parody someone, you must first figure it out. In addition, playing the fool, the Jester provokes the experimental subject to some manifestations of true psychology. In short, as it should be in a good fairy tale, the fool turns out to be, if not the most intelligent, then at least the most insightful character.

Real psychology, as a theoretical science, is unlikely to give many chances to Jesters, but practical psychologists, including astrologers, palmists, nominalists, very often turn out to be Jesters. However, Lev Semenovich Vygotsky (Monkey, Scorpio) seems to have been a good psychologist.

Now we turn to non-existent professions, strange curators. Knight. (Horse - Leo, Sagittarius, Goat - Capricorn, Monkey - Libra, Aquarius, Rooster - Scorpio, Pisces, Dog - Sagittarius, Aries, Boar - Capricorn, Taurus, Rat - Aquarius, Gemini, Bull - Pisces, Cancer, Tiger - Aries , Leo, Cat - Taurus, Virgo, Dragon - Gemini, Libra, Snake - Cancer. Total - 22.) The structural curator of the Knight is a mysterious and powerful structure of fate. She distributes the signs according to the dioceses of their interaction with fate, with fate, who dares, who stupidly guards luck, who has fun building their own destiny, who is sad to read the book of fate. So the Knight, in his interaction with fortune, is somehow painfully ossified. There is some kind of vitreousness in the Knights, that is, glazedness. As for the humanitarian profession, so far there is no such word as a fateologist in the registers. Maybe fortunetellers, soothsayers, marriage and other consultants, who are gaining power, will organize the future army of fateologists.

And again non-existent professions and again surprises. It's about the Leader. (Horse - Taurus, Goat - Aries, Monkey - Taurus, Cancer, Rooster - Gemini, Leo, Dog - Cancer, Virgo, Rat - Virgo, Scorpio, Bull - Libra, Sagittarius, Tiger - Capricorn, Cat - Sagittarius, Aquarius, Dragon - Capricorn, Snake - Aquarius, Aries. Total - 18). Structural curator - energy structure. What follows from this is not entirely clear. Maybe Leaders are good physiologists? Or maybe sexologists?

We have one more sign left - the King, and the structures, that is, the curators, have already run out. So - their majesty ... (Horse - Libra, Goat - Scorpio, Monkey - Sagittarius, Rooster - Capricorn, Dog - Aquarius, Boar - Pisces, Rat - Aries, Bull - Taurus, Tiger - Gemini, Cat - Cancer, Dragon - Leo, Snake - Virgo. Total - 12). The King does not have a personal structural curator, or to put it another way, he has structural curators for all five direct structures (only a vector ring is missing). That is, the King can choose any image for himself, he can be a rationalist, emotional, a leader, an eccentric, and especially a jester. The only image that is not available to him is the villainous image of Vector. The King is originally a symbol of Good. If we take the register of the humanities, then the King got philosophy. What is philosophy - no one knows, but it is a royal business, not fussy. From the real army of philosophers, we will select only three - Baruch Spinoza (Monkey, Sagittarius), Peter Chaadaev (Tiger, Gemini), Ludwig Wittgenstein (Bull, Taurus). But is it really about those who called themselves philosophers. It is much more important who, with his life, with his labors, approved true wisdom. We are talking about such titans as Johann Goethe (Snake, Virgo), Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky (Boar, Pisces).

Are you or someone close to you an Aries Dog? Then we propose to find out what are the characteristics of men, women and children of this sign according to the combined (double) horoscope, how their life and relationships with other people usually develop.

Aries A dog man and woman is Aries born in 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018.

What kind of person is Aries Dog: character traits, behaviors and lifestyle

Take one generous portion of good nature, diligence and faith, add a cup of goodwill, 200 grams of anxiety and a few tons of tactlessness - and you have a "recipe" according to which Aries Dogs are born.

Both Aries and Dog are naive by nature. The former also possesses the traits of a soldier. This is a scout and a pioneer - and as a scout and a pioneer, he is very trusting: he himself is a decent person, so why shouldn't others be no less decent people too? The dog is nervous and skeptical, but he, like Aries, believes in the virtue of the human race. And if the latter wants to devote himself to something, he never backs down.

The union of these two signs of the western and eastern horoscopes gives rise to people with unbreakable faith. Inborn abilities and predilections are combined in Lamb with a “dog-like” well-developed sense of realism. Aries would like to believe in goodness and truth, but the skeptic Dog does not allow him to. She wants to fight windmills, but a more realistic Aries holds back her impulses. So what happens in the end? The Aries dog chooses the "middle" path - he uses his abilities, but at the same time is content with what life brings him.

All people born in this year of the Eastern calendar experience some anxiety. But it seems that Aries, who was born in the year of the Dog, hides his anxiety better than other people. Aries is a person full of movement and life. When the Dog falls into his paranoid mood and fears that every person he meets wants to take his job, his wife or rob him to the skin, an energetic Aries appears on the stage and tells him: “Calm down, doggie! Now is the time to have lunch - let's go and buy ourselves a delicious huge sandwich. Activity saves the "dog" personality. You will never meet an Aries who would lie down on downy featherbeds, eat sweets one after another and read penny novels.

The characteristic of the sign Aries the Dog includes such an interesting feature. This person does not care too much about his own comfort, but often finds it necessary to grumble that he was treated badly in this or that situation. He likes to complain that others got more than him, that he was unlucky. In general, he does not mind facing obstacles - he just wants to be remembered, noticed and paid attention to the fact that he is not lucky. This note of pity for one's own fate often mobilizes the Aries Dog to better cope with troubles and obstacles. Moreover, it seems that Aries, which is a Dog according to the Chinese horoscope, often looks for obstacles and provokes difficult situations. Such people do not like peace, they like to fight, and they are happy when they have to confront the aggression of others. They themselves then become almost aggressive as well.

Aries Dog woman and Dog Aries man love to seek in others the virtues that are inherent in themselves. In every person, in every situation, they always try to see only their best sides. What is curious, when trying to find the good in people, they really often find it.

The nature of the Aries Dog implies a certain penchant for moralizing, and no one likes this. People of this sign of the combined western and eastern horoscopes are happy to tell others what they think is right and what is wrong. Not all - remember this, Aries of the Year of the Dog! - want to know about it. Sometimes people are really bad to the core. Some people are drawn to evil as well as good to you. So do not put up with villains and bandits! They take advantage of your good nature, and before you know it, you will be destroyed.

Dog Aries woman and Dog Aries man: characteristic in love

On the threshold of adulthood, the Aries Dog girl and the Aries Dog guy often go overboard when it comes to the need to tell the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. And the fact that love adventures acquire taste only when accompanied by all kinds of games from beginning to end, the Lamb Dog is seriously annoying. He not only censors the “unscrupulous” partner, but is even ready to do away with him and break off relations in which the truth is not given the most important place.

As the Aries Dog woman and Aries Dog man get older (or smarter?), they stop demanding from others such sincerity, which only they are capable of. These people suffer from the dullness of life and abandon their childhood ideals of pure love.

Aries A dog of any age - perhaps without realizing it - knows how to win hearts. The speed and ease with which they strike up novels seems strange to people who are less successful in this matter. The Aries woman, born in the year of the Dog, is often criticized for being overly concerned about her attractiveness. Indeed, representatives of this sign of the combined western and eastern horoscopes feel an urgent need to be noticed.

With all this, the woman and man Aries Dog in love are constant, they do not like serious changes in their personal lives. Most people of this sign calm down and choose one partner for life, enter into an official marriage. But it will take quite a long time before this person decides to take the last step.

Relations with other signs of the zodiac and the eastern horoscope

The compatibility of the Aries Dog man and woman is such that they can find happiness in marriage with a Gemini man - a Rabbit or a Tiger. You can also try to win the feelings of the generous Leo Horse or Tiger. Rabbits and Tigers born under the sign of Sagittarius will be nice to Aries Dogs. But, for your Spartan taste, they are somewhat intrusive. Aquarius-Tigers will excite Dog-Lamb, but not for long. And who does not suit the Aries of the year of the Dog of both sexes? It is necessary to avoid Cancer - Rooster, Dragon and Sheep. Libra-Goat will annoy them with their tricks. Capricorn Dragons will compete with them in intelligence, and their zodiac brothers or sisters born in the year of the Goat will test how far the boundaries of "dog" kindness stretch.

home and family

According to the double horoscope, the Aries Dog knows by heart every centimeter of his house and himself is engaged in its design and maintenance of order in the home. This person never complains about the conditions, as long as there is enough space for the family and a little space for himself and his belongings. Such representatives of the Western and Eastern horoscopes are not born for luxury. They love convenience, but they think soberly and know that wealth must be paid a high price, because it brings worries and even troubles.

Characteristics of the man and woman of the zodiac sign Aries Dog in family life, of course, will be incomplete without mentioning the "dark sides" of nature. The main disadvantage of such a person is that he inadvertently hurts people, including loved ones, with his remarks. All those born in this year of the Chinese calendar have a similar unpleasant feature, but Aries differ even more in this regard. They do not feel the need to filter their words through a sieve of tact, they always say what they think. At heart, Aries Dogs are sensitive people, but they can, for example, blurt out without thinking something like “You have a fat ass” or “Judging by your hairstyle, there is a hurricane outside today.” This lack of them adversely affects family relationships and can lead to bad consequences. Therefore, advice to people of your sign: often keep your mouth shut!

In general, as the horoscope shows, the Aries Dog, whether a man or a woman, is generous and knows how to take good care of the family. They feel out of place if they don't spend enough time with their children or spouses.

Aries child born in the year of the Dog

Girl and boy Aries The dog knows how to truly love and at the same time is smart enough to worry about people who just want to take advantage of their kindness. They need real love, not its imitation. Even though these children have a certain innate tendency to panic, they should be given a chance to show their courage. Child Dog Aries often shows a craving for sports and adventure - adults should allow it to be realized. Regardless of their personal preferences, these boys and girls should be encouraged to act spontaneously and prevented from indulging in rude, even if seemingly joking, comments and other remarks.

Work, career

The combination of Aries and Dogs in one person gives birth to a professional who can be equally good as a boss and a subordinate. And in one, and in another role, he will always be successful. If the boss does not expel such an employee from work earlier because of remarks about his hairstyle, then in his person he will find a devoted and capable employee who can be trusted in everything. If he heads some structural unit, then it must be borne in mind that, as the head of Aries, the Dog is able to speak (often completely without a second thought) to his subordinates, barbs and the most unpleasant things, while, however, generally referring to them very loyal and friendly.

An active and restless Dog in alliance with a strong-willed Aries becomes more restrained and self-confident. Although he continues to be an excessively honest and devoted being, he does not fight so zealously for justice, sacrificing his own interests for the sake of others. The Aries Dog does not like to lie and dodge - this is contrary to her truthful nature. At the same time, he behaves politely and tactfully in relation to others, respects the limits of decency, in spite of any circumstances. According to the combined horoscope, the Dog-Aries is a complex and contradictory nature. This is a kind-hearted person with a strong character. Although he is inclined to idealize people, he will not allow anyone to manipulate him. Clever, insightful, easily recognizes falsehood and deceit.

Characteristics of Aries Dog

This person has a strong intuition, he does not have to torment himself with doubts and worries: he sees things in their true light. Perhaps that is why he is so soft and kind-hearted. Aries-Dog takes pity on people, takes their suffering to heart. Although he does not consider it necessary to hide the truth, he spares the feelings of others. He has the talent to build good-hearted relationships with a variety of people. He always knows what words are best to choose in order to console the interlocutor. Cautious and very perceptive: acts correctly and unerringly. The Aries Dog will try to express his opinion in such a soft and tactful way that not only will he not offend the interlocutor, but he will also find a true friend for many years to come. He prefers to surround himself only with proven, congenial people.

An inquisitive Aries Dog is open to new knowledge. It is in her nature to get involved in something especially interesting and unusual. Does not tolerate inactivity, always ready to learn new things, easily absorbs knowledge. He is looking for like-minded people, in a society far from science, people begin to get bored. With all its friendliness and sincerity, Aries-Dog is a cautious person. He tries not to approach unfamiliar people. But he communicates very warmly with old friends, he is ready for any sacrifice for them. This is the most devoted friend, good adviser and faithful comrade. The Aries dog does not like fuss, she is not characterized by excitement. Diligently avoids any risky situations, but will never pass by blatant injustice.

Charming Dog-Aries knows how to please people: sweet, calm, friendly. At the same time, she is shrewd and smart, has an amazing instinct for profitable deals. Always knows how to act in a given situation. Her ability to profitably conclude deals can only be envied. People around not only admire this talent, but are often interested in her opinion. Aries-Dog gives the right advice and helps with specific deeds. The word of this person can be trusted, and his spiritual sensitivity is known to everyone around. People are drawn to him, looking for his participation. A distinctive feature of the Aries-Dog sign is reliability. He will never betray the one who trusted him. Let him act to his own detriment, but he will certainly fulfill the promise.

Aries Dog Compatibility

Sensitive, compassionate Aries-Dog is afraid to hurt anyone. Especially kind to the opposite sex. From the first minutes of acquaintance, he counts on beautiful courtship - these are his ideas about romantic relationships. According to the love horoscope, Aries-Dog is a sincere, cordial and devoted person to his soul mate. However, even strong love does not deprive him of insight. He perfectly feels the true attitude towards himself and suffers greatly if he is deceived in a loved one.

The main secret of love compatibility with the Aries-Dog: understanding and support. If he sees that they do not believe in him, and even worse - they laugh, he becomes withdrawn and unsociable. By nature, Aries-Dog is not a very gullible person, and betrayal only exacerbates the situation. But his union with a responsive, understanding partner will be extremely strong. Aries-Dog remains true to his choice throughout life. His soulmate can be calm: this is the perfect family man.

Aries Dog Career

Friendly, non-confrontational Aries-Dog knows how to get along with people. He will be able to build a brilliant career if he does not refuse the help of others: he enjoys the trust of colleagues and superiors. In addition, he has an excellent flair for profitable deals. It is quite capable of becoming a successful businessman, if only the work will bring him pleasure. The main thing for Aries-Dog is moral satisfaction, not material wealth. Therefore, quite often he is engaged in, if not profitable, but his favorite thing.

Aries-Dog knows how to be content with what he has. He does not feel envy of more successful people, he understands perfectly well that ups follow the fall. When choosing a profession, follow the dictates of the heart. He does not rush about in search of a better life, but simply works honestly, and in any position. Aries-Dog is not afraid to embody his fantasies in a creative field, while easily coping with work that requires perseverance. He is so hardworking and executive that he can do any task.

Aries Dog Man

The Aries-Dog man is a strong-willed person who firmly follows his convictions. Above all, he values ​​honesty and loyalty. He is devoted not only to friends, family, common cause, but first of all to his ideals. This is a brave fighter: there are no such obstacles that he could not overcome in the name of justice. But such decisiveness is manifested only in extreme cases, mostly the Aries-Dog man is a calm, even shy person. His benevolent attitude towards people around him is just a tribute to courtesy, he carefully protects his life from prying eyes. There are only a few people he can trust, of course, the woman he loves is one of them. In a love relationship, he seeks peace, not passion, he needs a reliable, faithful companion.

Aries Dog Woman

The contradictory nature of the Aries-Dog woman creates significant difficulties in her personal life. Strives to create a strong family, but does not want to sacrifice his hobbies for her. This woman has a fairly strong character, but does not always have a clear idea of ​​what business she likes best. He has many talents, tries to find his calling, passionately wants to take place in the profession. Therefore, he tries to put the solution of all domestic problems on the partner. She will be happy with a man who will allow her to lead herself. Can be overly emotional, does not know how to pretend and always says only what she thinks. But she does not need to be controlled: a sensual woman finds the strength to be honest with her partner, is not prone to flirting and betrayal.

"The darkness of low truths is dearer to us, the deceit that elevates us," and therefore only forward and upward. It is the noblest of the noble who lead the process of exaltation. Here are the combinations of their horoscope:

(Rooster, Scorpio), (Rooster, Pisces), (Dog, Sagittarius), (Dog, Aries), (Boar, Capricorn), (Boar, Taurus), (Rat, Aquarius), (Rat, Gemini), (Ox , Pisces), (Ox, Cancer), (Tiger, Aries), (Tiger, Leo), (Cat, Taurus), (Cat, Virgo), (Dragon, Gemini), (Dragon, Libra), (Snake, Cancer ), (Horse, Leo), (Horse, Sagittarius), (Goat, Capricorn), (Monkey, Libra), (Monkey, Aquarius). There are 22 combinations in total.


Among different peoples, the dream of him (her) lived, lives and will live. Here he comes, he will warm everyone, feed everyone, take pity on him, press him to his heart, protect him from the cold, enemies, injustice and all kinds of hardship. Enemies can sneer, laugh, compare the Knight with Mother Teresa, Papa Carlo, Robin Hood, Don Quixote, Joan of Arc or Blessed Xenia, and still the embodied image of kindness will remain the most sought after and loved.

And all because people in childhood did not get the warmth of their grandmothers and grandfathers, maternal affection and nanny care. In a word, we are people like people, only nurseries and kindergartens spoiled us.

Thus, the Knight is called upon to carry primordial kindness in the world of cold calculation and commercial grin and make up for the lack of warmth. How to portray this kindness and is it permissible to portray kindness? Well, I don't think there is a problem here. A huge number of overly benevolent doctrines call for all people to become kind, keep a smile, love everyone in a row, and so on. And therefore, there will be no trouble if we call on one of the seven signs to be an active carrier of goodness and affection, no matter what the hell is sitting inside him.

Give people affection, a smile, feed them pies, drink tea, wrap them in warm scarves, because your image is a nanny, a kind grandmother. Protect people, protect them from rash acts, for your image is a bodyguard, guardian of order and peace.

A certain obsession and importunity are included in the assortment of the image, although they do not always cause a proper assessment of people. Immediately, the Knight's love for small details and details, which sometimes gives rise to the pettiness of custody.

And one more thing: endless smiles, non-stop love cannot but lead the Knight to exhaustion. And then monstrous breakdowns are possible, the abyss opens, and our eternal good man shows the wrong side of the image - a terrible grin of equally eternal evil.


He called himself a Knight, be different from everyone else, separate yourself from the people, from the crowd. Knights cannot move in a herd, loneliness is their lot. Thus, the contradiction is obvious: on the one hand, you need to go to people to warm them up, on the other hand, you need to be lonely. However, the problem can be easily eliminated if the Knight is not afraid to actively violate social rules, to separate himself from the crowd by strange deeds, a strange appearance, unusual manners.

Thus, the Knight is simply obliged to put on something like that, nothing like it. Everyone will find a role model for himself (Don Quixote, Lancelot, Rumata…). It does not hurt to say some strange words and behave on the verge between the norm and pathology. Sometimes strangeness is born from the glassiness of the Knight, the famous knightly call of eternity.

The Knight is not an Aristocrat, he does not really need people's love. Here the game is reversed: the Knight brings love to the people, but does not collect the tribute of love from the people.

The emphasis on loneliness in the Knight occurs precisely because he himself is not too happy with loneliness and, as it were, suffers from it. This is the game of this image - do everything to achieve loneliness and then complain about your own loneliness. The immortal Macleod suffers from loneliness, the kindest Rumata remains alone, flies away on sheets without knowing the love of Remedios the Beautiful.

The desire for loneliness inevitably gives rise to certain communication problems. Sometimes knightly nobility is replaced by its opposite, a love of gossip, a thirst for complete control over the supervised person. The craving for peeping is exactly combined with a love for small details and detailed detail.


There is always room for achievement in life. In this we are not allowed to doubt the great Knights, real or bookish. Most often it is about the feat of self-sacrifice. For the sake of the family, for the sake of a loved one, for the sake of children, for the sake of the people or humanity, the noble representatives of the noble horoscope sacrifice their well-being, wealth and life itself. These are the rules of the game and do not expose these exploits too seriously, do not laugh at the attempts of the Knights to accomplish these feats. Let them... However, ridicule of the Knight is also part of the game, helping the Knight to establish himself in his loneliness, indirectly facilitating the path to self-sacrifice.

One of the greatest feats in human history is the feat of love. This feat is prescribed to the Knight as the most miraculous balm. Let the Knight fall in love with someone and he will become the happiest person on earth.

They love, put love above other things, think about the meaning of love. It is no coincidence that, being rather average artists, many Knights became very strong directors, the main theme of whose work was love.


A Knight cannot be evil or aggressive (like a Vector), cannot be dry and rational (like a Professor), cannot be refined (like an Aristocrat), and also noisy and fussy (like a Leader or a Jester).

In fact, the list of prohibitions is so large that it actually does not leave the Knight any freedom of action. Maybe that's why they are not great actors, there is nothing special to play.

And yet the main prohibitions are not those from other people's images, but their own tribal, knightly ones. It is necessary to hide explosions of negativism from the right people, it is necessary to hide frankly pathological deviations in the psyche, somehow restrain your obsession and try not to be too small in your actions. Long list. Well, those who came into the world to do good did not get the most favorable image.


Squeezed in the grip of figurative prohibitions, the Knight takes revenge in real affairs. This modest, thorough and obligatory sign is an excellent performer, a wonderful boss and a very good teacher. Therefore, with all the modesty of the image, the sign has excellent service prospects. Seeming mediocrity is easily compensated by stability and reliability. After all, the boss should not be the smartest, he should be the most fair, balanced and caring, in a word, "father".

The beauty of the situation is also in the fact that with a clear lag of the initial assessment from the final one, the Knight is practically doomed to move up unceasingly. And this is very good.

In marriage, the Knight is not so universal, there is only one purpose - a romantic marriage, which is so useful for long separations and is fully consistent with the inner loneliness of the Knight, his craving for a noble gesture and admiration for the ritual.


Andrei Martynov (Rooster, Scorpio) became famous for the role of foreman Vaskov ("The Dawns Here Are Quiet") - an apotheosis for the role of "native father". You will not find a more caring and kind character, literally dissolving in his wards.

The "Diamond Hand" performed by Nina Grebeshkova (Horse, Sagittarius) shows the most caring wife. In "Height" performed by Inna Makarova (Tiger, Lion), the most caring bride is revealed. In a more modern version, the same success fell to Tatyana Dogileva (Rooster, Pisces) in the film "Forgotten Melody for Flute". The role of a caring and dedicated nurse was the best in her career.

Closer in time is the title character played by Elena Yakovleva (Bull, Pisces) in the television series Kamenskaya. It is easy to see that her heroine is a very kind and caring woman.

As for strangeness and loneliness, here the standard is Ichthyander performed by Vladimir Korenev (Dragon, Gemini) in the film "Amphibian Man". He is lonely by definition, because he is not like everyone else physiologically, because he is almost a fish. But isn't the hero of Yevgeny Mironov (Horse, Sagittarius) in the film "Muslim" just as lonely. In "The Idiot" such facets of chivalry as inhuman kindness and psychological non-standard converged most accurately.

As for the image of a good-natured man, then the champion is Mikhail Derzhavin (Rat, Gemini). Maybe not the most brilliant actor, but certainly the champion in terms of the number of good-natured people played. So gentle, so caring.

We have a non-standard champion Alexei Petrenko (Tiger, Aries). He confidently plays a judge, a school principal, but you immediately forget about these human images after watching "Agony". His Rasputin - this is the very wrong side of the Knight - the black abyss.

In the West, all black is in great fashion. Christina Ricci (Monkey, Aquarius) in The Addams Family is very interesting.

In recent years, the screen has increasingly demanded the Knight. Alexander Baluev (Dog, Sagittarius), Vladislav Galkin (Boar, Capricorn) - both in the film "Beyond the Wolves". Evgeny Sidikhin (Dragon, Libra) - "Prorva". Knighthood of the highest order.


They come to perform a feat and accomplish it, which plunges other people into confusion, because others are not ready for feats and cannot believe in the sincerity of the Knight.


Father (Tiger, Aries). A knight in the classic version, silent, clad in armor, noble, always aloof from the crowd, from collective festivities. For me, he is always just a knight, standing up for the protection of the interests of the family.

Grandfather Joseph (Bull, Pisces). But Grandfather differed from his own son (my father) quite significantly. He never looked chained in armor, lonely and inaccessible. He represents another hypostasis of the sign - "dear father". In acquaintances and friends, he had a lot of people who walked in a continuous stream to our yard at Engels, 17. The gate slammed, another friend came in, discussed something with his grandfather, drank mineral water with him and left. Grandfather was a great sage, he could judge everyone, reconcile the warring, give important advice. He knew all the ins and outs in this life, saved his brother from prison, did many other things, provided his children with money, took his wife and grandchildren to resorts.

Brother Lenya (Bull, Pisces). Having inherited a horoscope from our grandfather, Lenchik is practically nothing like him. No stature, no power, no wisdom. Since childhood, he was a very strange boy, incessantly misbehaved, set fire to the neighboring yard, threw stones at his brother Edik. He did not make any career, he did not finish the institute, he did not acquire any special specialty, he lives in Brooklyn. And with all this, he remained, though closed, but a very pleasant person. So quiet, modest, with a shy smile, all in himself. His career is the creation of a strange and unknown inner world.

Sasha Rabovsky (Snake, Cancer). I never had and never will have a friend to whom I would treat with such sympathy. We studied on the same course, but agreed after graduating from the university, in the blessed summer of 1976. He managed to turn my mind over within one month, changing many life priorities to the opposite ones. At the same time, he remained infinitely friendly, cheerful, told me a thousand stories. He's just an incomparable joker. With outward clumsiness, he made an indelible impression on the girls ... however, he saved his family. Maybe this was his feat?

She (Rat, Gemini). The central girl of all life. I saw her 18 years old, more precisely, until 18 years old there was still a whole month. She struck me with a radiant smile, pure, bright. Further, it turned out that everything else in her fully corresponds to a smile - she was affectionate and kind. For several months I was at the highest level of some kind of euphoria unknown to me before, because such a girl in the world no longer existed. In her blissful smile, some hints of an unearthly origin were already implied. It didn’t frighten me, in those years (I’m -24) I was looking for an unearthly angel. In the future, I saw the other side of the angelic smile, in fits of anger, she could easily kill. But to the rest of the world, she kept smiling. Moreover, there was no double bottom - in its brilliant whiteness and in its terrible darkness it was surprisingly harmonious and whole.

Zhanna Akkuratova (Tiger, Lion). My co-author for eight years. At the moment of the highest enthusiasm for horoscopic research, she came and stood by, giving her outstanding intellect to the common cause. "Marriage Encyclopedia", "Search for Empire" we wrote together. She knew in advance that we would part, and if this is so, then her participation in the science I created cannot be called otherwise than a feat.

Vladimir Komendansky (Boar, Taurus). Quiet, calm, always skillfully emphasized his strangeness. However, all this was perceived precisely as a game, as a mask, realizing that inside he was completely different - alive, mobile. But it turned out that the mask was too attached to the face. And Volodya somehow withdrew from society.

Vitaly (Snake, Cancer). Invariably pleasant, reasonable, quick in speech, lightning fast in deeds. Maybe a little greedy, but for me personally, this sin is not one of the major ones. Since we are talking about personal impressions, and not an objective assessment, it is very, very pleasant. By the way, family life is surprisingly serious.

Sergei Petukhov (Horse, Lion). We started together. I pulled the structural horoscope to where it is now, Sergey insisted that he definitely get used to official science, connect to endocrinology, mathematical statistics, break into the world of scientific publications ("Nature"). It seems that my path turned out to be more correct, but there is no one to demonstrate victory. Serega is in the Czech Republic, doing some nonsense. What his feat, I have not yet understood. Something stuck in his life - chemistry, small business, a structural horoscope, translations from Czech into Russian. Where is the main road? I almost forgot ... - well, of course, the family, everything is in order with the family.

Yuri Alexandrovich, the main companion in the village (Cat, Taurus), a Knight by definition, a naval officer, a submariner, gallant from and to, caring to some very superfluous form, romantic, poet. His career is very successful, accepted everywhere, understood everywhere, solid, correct. Traveled half the world, in his field (reliability theory) in the first numbers of the world ranking. He may not have much money, but he is a person in the public service.


Filmed once in the program "Under the Sign of the Zodiac" with Oleg Marusev (Monkey, Libra). A man of a huge scale, I have never seen such fantastic cringing and reverence for the boss as in his film crew, but, in general, the sweetest person, so sweet, a friend to everyone. Once I met him at a New Year's party in the Central House of Arts. He met me like a father, introduced me as a great scientist, introduced me to everyone in the best possible way. Well, that's just great.

Elena Yakovleva (Bull, Pisces). Two performances in the program "What a Woman Wants", several conversations in pauses on the recording and even a small consultation with herself and the head of the program. The perfect match between the figurative sign and what I saw. Incredibly friendly, affectionate with everyone, no arrogance either hidden or open, and behind all this external softness there is a feeling of powerful inner strength. When I uttered the magic words "dear mother", Elena laughed for a very long time.

Dana Borisova (Dragon, Gemini). We met at the recording of "City of Women". Strange feeling. A mixture of naivete and grasp, sweet ladylike emptiness and magnificent verbal pressure. On television, she is not in vain, although the image of a clockwork doll is always with her.

Anton Zaitsev (Rooster, Pisces). Black Russian guy. Three hours live "NTV-morning". Very gentle. The feeling is very pleasant and warm.

Lyudmila Maksakova (Dragon, Libra). Before meeting her on the "Domino Principle" I thought she was a Snake (as it was written in encyclopedias). On the set of the program, no matter what nonsense I said about her, she met her with a storm of delight, and at the end of the shooting she even hugged me. I would like to hope that it was I who pleased her so much, but, most likely, she is like that in life, and therefore, she admires everyone and gratefully hugs everyone.

Pavel Globa (Snake, Cancer). The main astrologer in the Iranian-Russian history. Recently, Pasha began to stir up about the date of birth. Either he is a dog, or someone else. We ran into him quite a bit, but we really got in touch once, after the filming of The Trial. We exchanged books. I was expecting to see a strong fireman, but he turned out to be somehow lethargic, sluggish and lean. Maybe disguised, or just tired?


It's time to rename the Knight to the Composer, the list of composers of this sign is so impressive. Here are gathered those who are always put on the first two lines of any lists: Wolfgang Mozart (Rat, Aquarius) and Johann Bach (Bull, Pisces). Here are those who are considered to be their deputies. The Soviet Mozart is called Isaac Dunayevsky (Rat, Aquarius). Well, Bach's deputy remains Georg Handel (Bull, Pisces). Modernity is represented by Sergei Prokofiev (Cat, Taurus) and Alfred Schnittke (Dog, Sagittarius). The past is represented by the great Mikhail Glinka (Rat, Gemini).

Painting. Here again it is very dense, an excess of bright colors, a wealth of imagination, an absence of restraining rules. Francisco Goya (Tiger, Aries), Auguste Renoir (Bull, Pisces), Paul Cezanne (Boar, Capricorn), Albrecht Durer (Cat, Taurus). Energy, expression, fantasy and the promised riot of color.

Imagination and fantasy dominate the list of writers as well. The fantasy world was created by Hermann Hesse (Bull, Cancer). The best novels of Vladimir Nabokov (Boar, Taurus) are also full of fantastic circumstances. Pierre Augustin Beaumarchais (Rat, Aquarius) is also a great inventor. George Byron, Ernst Hoffmann, Anton Chekhov, Charles Dickens (all four - Monkey, Aquarius). Who can blame them for their lack of imagination? Mine Reed (Tiger, Aries), Jules Verne (Rat, Aquarius) worked in quite appropriate genres. The best Soviet writer Mikhail Bulgakov (Cat, Taurus) achieved the highest result by introducing fantastic circumstances into his literature. Nearby are such luminaries of literature as Mikhail Zoshchenko (Horse, Leo), Alexander Solzhenitsyn (Horse, Sagittarius), Nikolai Ostrovsky (Dragon, Libra). The last two are remarkably similar. Maybe its steel confidence and inflexibility? Add to the list of writers Friedrich Nietzsche (Dragon, Libra) and Nikolai Karamzin (Dog, Sagittarius).

Now about those who must fulfill the main, true purpose of this combination, about poets. A romantic combination is literally created for poets, and lyric poets, true dreamers. Anna Akhmatova (Bull, Cancer), Vladimir Mayakovsky (Snake, Cancer), Joseph Brodsky (Dragon, Gemini), Marina Tsvetaeva, John Lennon, Sasha Cherny, Samuel Coleridge (all four - Dragon, Libra), Nikolai Zabolotsky (Cat, Taurus ), Nikolai Gumilyov (Dog, Aries), Velemir Khlebnikov (Rooster, Scorpio). All this is the true center, the golden fund of poetry, the seal of chivalry and romanticism, which leads a person to compose poetry.

Would anyone be surprised to meet in this combination the two most famous occultists: Michel Nostradamus (Boar, Capricorn) and Carlos Castaneda (Goat, Capricorn).

The greatest scientists who created new sciences: cybernetics - Norbert Wiener (Horse, Sagittarius) and genetics - Gregor Mendel (Horse, Leo). Galileo Galilei (Rat, Aquarius) is no less great.

Against their background, the two best forwards of our time Ronaldo and Andrey Shevchenko (both Dragon, Libra) look very modest. Their predecessor is the universal genius Vsevolod Bobrov (Dog, Sagittarius).


Sergei Bondarchuk (Monkey, Libra). It is believed that he was the creator of cinematic gigantomania ("War and Peace", "Quiet Flows the Don"). However, through the smoke of battles, a romantic, chivalrous attitude towards a woman was always visible. No less devoted to the theme of love is Stanislav Rostotsky (Dog, Aries), who directed "It was in Penkovo". On his account "Let's Live Until Monday", "White Bim Black Ear", "The Dawns Here Are Quiet". All these films have become a hymn to purity, a chivalrous attitude to life. The best films of Alexander Zarkha (Monkey, Aquarius) continue the romantic, love line of our cinema: "Vysota", "Anna Karenina", "Twenty-six Days from the Life of Dostoevsky", "City and Year". Vladimir Menshov (Cat, Virgo) shoots very rarely, but he does not leave the theme of pure love. Reference sample - "Moscow does not believe in tears". In the same spirit "Love and doves".


Wonderful clerks, caring leaders of large and small teams. They are among the best in power.

Vladimir Putin (Dragon, Libra) - modest, painstaking, meticulous. After 36 years, he repeats the sign of the image of Leonid Brezhnev (Horse, Sagittarius). The so-called "dear father," Leonid Ilyich was very good at leading a large apparatus. He didn’t fire anyone in particular, he took care of everyone, but he didn’t forget anything, he saw everything.

Kind, even gentle, ready to pat on the head, hug, kiss. However, at no time will it occur to anyone to doubt the reality of their power, because the peculiarity of their handwriting of power is a fairly detailed knowledge of every little thing, a thorough study of all the details. A side effect is a love for knightly armor, aircraft, tanks, submarines, cars, guns, orders, medals, courageous sports.

And also Winston Churchill (Dog, Sagittarius), Cromwell (Boar, Taurus), Fidel Castro (Tiger, Lion), Josip Broz Tito (Dragon, Gemini), Che Guevara (Dragon, Gemini), Princess Diana (Bull, Cancer). And of course - Peter I (Rat, Gemini). "Dear Father" .. Lonely Alexander II (Tiger, Aries) was a true knight, he left the kindest memory of himself. Bush Sr. (Rat, Gemini) is a "father" of course for the American bureaucracy, and not for ours.

Aries, being frankly “punchy”, will receive many opportunities in 2019. And literally - in all directions, both in business and in the love sphere. Circumstances will turn out so well because Mars is the ruler of Aries, and its exaltant is the Sun, both planets dominate the celestial ribbon in this annual cycle. This means that energy reserves will be replenished at an unprecedented rate, the main thing is to have time to spend them, and preferably not only for what you want, but also for what you need. At this time, Aries will not need to calculate the situation far in advance, this is not the time for "subtle undercover games." There will also be no particularly large-scale internal thoughts and torments, Aries will focus purely on what is in front of him and what is not there, but should be. At the very beginning of the year, this sign (in many ways - intuitively) will set a goal for itself, and then it will systematically move towards it, overcoming one obstacle after another. That's right - it will only be obstacles, not obstacles or serious problems at all. And if it seems otherwise, the patron of the period recommends Aries to take a deep breath and take one more step forward.

Despite the fact that Aries belongs to the element of Fire, and 2019 is patronized by Water, in this situation this is only a plus. The clash of the elements will not give a negative result, on the contrary, it will spur on by circumstances. For example, a boss at work will load up with additional tasks, but in the end, he will appreciate Aries' performance and offer a new place. Or the “soulmate” will begin to “suspect something”, but after a couple of tantrums (not the most severe, I must say), they will make sure of the sincerity of Aries and the flame of passion will ignite in tandem with renewed vigor. In certain situations, the Sun will even fade into the background to give the practical Mars the opportunity to "roam" enough. At such moments, Aries should by no means relax, although he will frankly enjoy the situation and there will inevitably be a desire to let go of the reins for at least a couple of minutes, for example, to scratch his back. “Catching relaxation” ahead of time is not worth it, on the contrary, you need to stimulate the situation. Take more work, make business partners gather in some cafe and finally discuss the pressing difficulties. On the personal front, it’s worth arranging relaxing weekends for yourself more often, because the closer Aries is with his “darling”, the stronger the relationship will be and the more opportunities there will be for their development.

In 2019, Aries is not recommended to do only two things - worry (for any reason) and stop there. Any inhibition of the process will not allow to realize the situation in full. Aries will still win, one way or another, but soul-searching can deal a blow to health, and slowing down the process will not allow you to grab both birds with one stone by the tail. This will require self-confidence and the support of loved ones, which, given the help of the Sun, will be present in Aries' arsenal all year round. An unfriendly Mercury, of course, will try to strike a blow to health, but here it will be enough not to forget about yourself and the maximum that this cunning planet will get is to provide Aries with a runny nose, and that is unlikely. Another point - in no case should you succumb to negative emotions. If someone nearby is very angry, you need to try to calm him down, you can’t pass by, otherwise the energy of the Moon will increase the negative. In 2019, mutual assistance becomes almost a key aspect of any situation. Do not forget about it, under any circumstances. Aries is a leader by nature, which means that during this period he sets the pace.

Attention, the above horoscope for 2019 of the yellow Pig - describes only the general trends inherent in the owners of the zodiac sign Aries in the new 2019. Due to your uniqueness, the general horoscope for 2019 for the sign of Aries may not reflect real events. An accurate astrological prediction can only be obtained by compiling a personal horoscope for the upcoming 2019. You can get an accurate personal horoscope by clicking on the link below.

Other common horoscopes for 2019 Pig for zodiac signs:

  • zodiac horoscope for 2019 Aries