Download minecraft mobile version on pc. Download minecraft for android: all versions. Installation via Droid4X emulator

Minecraft is an open world survival sandbox game that took the world by storm. Everyone plays it - from young to old, experienced players and those who are just starting to discover the world of video games. A world full of creative fantasies, a world where you can build and create almost anything your heart desires. It is clear that the adaptation of Minecraft for mobile devices was only a matter of time and it was indeed ported to Android in the Minecraft Pocket Edition format. Android devices. Of course, the mobile version cannot match the PC version in terms of features, but it does not lose its charm in any way.

The Minecraft PE start menu is simple and concise - from here you can start a new game, join an existing one, or go to the settings menu. Each world when creating a game is marked with an icon and a small caption. Controls in Minecraft Pocket Edition differ from the PC version - there is a special "joystick" in the corner of the screen with a jump button in the middle. All other controls are intuitive and easy to understand. For example, to change the viewing angle, it is enough to lightly swipe the screen in the desired direction. To install a block, you must first select it from the menu located at the bottom of the screen. If you need to destroy a block, just press and hold your finger on it.

A special “thank you” should be said to the developers for trying to transfer the original features of the “big” Minecraft to mobile devices to the maximum. At first glance, the world in the "pocket version" is almost no different from the PC version. Here, as in the desktop version, there are many blocks for building and crafting, there are dangerous monsters, and a fairly large area for exploration. Players have the ability to control the character in both first and third person. The authors of minecraft did not forget about the multiplayer mode - if the mobile device is connected to the Internet, then you can share your adventures with friends and acquaintances.

Of course, Minecraft PE is not all the same as the PC version. For example, there are still not so many mobs and animals in the game, and the game world itself is limited in area. On the other hand, playing on the portable version also has a number of advantages - there is a somewhat simplified crafting mode, many online worlds, graphics look better ... Considering this, Minecraft Pocket Edition leaves only positive emotions and feelings. If you loved the PC version of Minecraft so much, then the mobile version of Minecraft Pocket Edition, albeit with its own features, will definitely please you.

Changes in the latest version of Minecraft

  • Fixed some bugs and other improvements.

Minecraft's entry into the mobile industry was obvious, because many fans do not want to part with the opportunity to survive and build a house, even when they are not near the computer. This is how the Pocket Edition version appeared, in which the developers tried to put their whole soul into it, just like in the PC version.

Minecraft Pocket Edition 1.11 Download

Minecraft Pocket Edition 1.11 - the famous development of villages continues, in this version they added an interesting mini-game and created an interface for some blocks. Forward!

Minecraft Pocket Edition 1.10 Download

Minecraft Pocket Edition v1.10 - new version, new villages, new events. The developers of the Mojang company are trying to surprise us with something new every time, and this time it is a global update of villages with residents.

Minecraft Pocket Edition 1.9 Download

Minecraft Pocket Edition v1.9 - the new version of Minecraft has already been released, which means it's time for us to consider all its secrets and enjoy the updates!

Minecraft Pocket Edition 1.8 Download

Minecraft Pocket Edition v1.8 - the new version of the pocket edition has already won my heart, now it's time to tell you what's new.

Minecraft Pocket Edition 1.7 Download

Minecraft Pocket Edition 1.7 - the new version of the pocket edition never ceases to please us. In this version, many bugs and errors have been fixed, some textures have been replaced, and it has also become possible in the beta version to create an account on Xbox Live for free! As Mojang told us, the next update will be related to the caves. Of course, we will be looking forward to it!

Minecraft Pocket Edition 1.6 Download

This update cannot boast of a huge number of changes, everything is quite simple: a couple of blocks and one mob, plus a couple of items. Although of course, it's much better than just a couple of bug fixes.

Minecraft Pocket Edition 1.5.3 Download

The second part of the update "Update Aquatic" is already available for mobile devices, in the new Minecraft 1.5 you are waiting for changes in the marine environment, including a new mob - a turtle, as well as items related to it.

Minecraft Pocket Edition 1.4.4 Download

It is identical to Minecraft 1.13's "Update Aquatic" which adds many new features to the marine environment. Including new items, blocks, mobs and biomes. Dolphins, fish, corals, sunken ships and much more await you. Version 1.4 is the first part of the "Update Aquatic" update!

Minecraft Pocket Edition Download

This is not to say that this update is big, but we got several new items, blocks and mobs from the PC and a bunch of bug fixes. After all, it was really necessary to fix a lot of problems from the previous version 1.1, when they added a lot of blocks, and objects, and mobs!

Minecraft Pocket Edition Download

The version of Minecraft PE 1.1 can be said to be catching up and overtaking the version for computers, due to the blocks and items introduced in this version. The fact is that some of them were introduced earlier - in Minecraft 1.11, and some only in Minecraft 1.12, which is already later than PE.

No one wants to say that the mobile version of Minecraft completely copies its original to computers, because at least touch control does not allow avid gamers to feel at ease, although over time it gets used and everything falls into place.

But still, first you need to install the game itself on your phone, so we created this category, in which you can download Minecraft for Android, here you will find different versions - from the oldest to the latest, and of course you can do it for free! Go to any page with the version of the game and click on the download button, you will already have Minecraft in just a couple of minutes!

I would like to mention a little about the Pocket Edition versions, since the game is developing and you constantly need to warm up the interest of people, the developers release new updates quite often. They need to be reinstalled by downloading the version and reinstalling it on the phone. Usually every month you can expect an update, although it will be mainly with bug fixes. Major innovations happen less frequently, somewhere within two or three months. Therefore, visit the category more often and follow the news.

You may be wondering if you download Minecraft PE from this site, will everything be fine. We can authoritatively assure you that all our files are absolutely safe on the site! If you are already using our TLauncher, then you definitely understand our true goals - to give every person the opportunity to play such a famous toy.

After launching the application, you will find yourself in the main menu, from where you can go to the world creation tab and start real survival. In the beginning, you won’t even have anything in your backpack, you will have to get everything with your own labor and then. Get some wood and in your inventory, use the built-in workbench to make boards from them. With their help, you can already make a good workbench, without which it will not be possible to make other items.

Further, having made the necessary tools for ore mining, you have to go to the mine in order to extract valuable resources for further development and construction of various buildings. This world draws the player in very easily, so you may not even notice how time flies in real life. The game is really worth it, so we recommend Download Minecraft Pocket Edition and spend at least a couple of game days in order to appreciate the whole atmosphere!

Minecraft - at one time the game appeared on computers and instantly gained immense popularity. So transferring it to a mobile platform was just a matter of time, which was not long in coming. Here in front of you is a mobile version of the famous game, which has retained all its features and advantages, including in mobile form. The only major difference from the computer version will be the interface, which is maximally simplified for smartphones. Moreover, despite the simplification, it turned out to be quite functional, so you are completely calm, you can perform any task assigned to you, as you progress.

Starting to play, you will get the opportunity to create a new world from scratch. Or download an existing one in order to play in it. In any case, no matter what you choose, you will have a really big and completely open world in front of you. In which you can have fun as you want. You can explore the world around you, and if there is such a desire, you can build grandiose and amazing structures. Agree, already solely for the sake of such opportunities, download minecraft for android is simply a must. The game should please both the old fans who still played it on computers. So are new players who are just planning to start playing.

The game has fairly simple graphics, which came to us as if from the 90s. But at the same time, it is in this case that this is not a problem, the gameplay here is much more important than a rather mediocre picture. In addition, I must add that thanks to not particularly high-quality graphics, the game turned out to be completely undemanding to your device, so it should run on most smartphones without any really significant problems. At the same time, although the picture is rather weak, the soundtrack turned out to be worthy. Almost every action you take will be accompanied by its original sound. Well, of course, do not forget about crafting itself, the game has an incredibly large number of blocks, from which, as you progress, you can literally create anything. In addition, the game boasts a really high-quality translation, thanks to which you can quickly understand everything that is happening.

Game Features:

  • A really big world that can be explored for a long time;
  • A huge set of things that can be created during the passage;
  • Decent soundtrack, the sounds here are always on topic;
  • Extremely convenient control.

Or you can download Minecraft from

Minecraft for Android version of Pocket Edition is a popular mobile game in retro style with cubes, which is no different from a computer assembly. Here, "cool" gameplay is more important than high-tech graphics.

In Minecraft, the user builds his own digital world using blocks and simple elements, which makes the game process interesting. Each installed brick performs its function and is endowed with specific properties.

What can you build in the world of Minecraft for Android Pocket Edition

Apply bricks to build:

  • castles and palaces;
  • roads, bridges and interchanges;
  • stadiums, other sports complexes, etc.

Minecraft does not have music accompanying the gameplay, but any action taken, for example, walking, is fully voiced.

Control the joystick located on the left side, and you can look around by moving your finger in one direction or another across the screen. You can install a block by selecting it in the Menu below and touching a place on the screen. Destroying cubes is even easier: just hold down with a long press.

The latest version has acquired multiplayer over the Internet and Wi-Fi. It is enough to download the latest version of Minecraft for Android for free and get access to a free server over the network to play with friends on any device.

Gameplay to choose from:

  1. you can play in creative mode with unlimited resources;
  2. survival mode where you need to produce weapons and armor to protect and fight mobs.

Useful game advice! Do you know how to make an egg farm (chicken farm)?

Build a room with 7 by 7 walls, you get a 5 by 5 room inside:

  • make the entrance two blocks high (1 by 1 by 2);
  • raise the walls by 6;
  • at the level of the first cubes at the far corners from the door, pour 2 sources of water;
  • at the height of the third block, make a ceiling from the plates;
  • pour water into the corners at level four;
  • run the birds on into the water on the signs.

We will end up with a farm where birds will flounder at a height of 4-5 cubes and carry eggs that fall on the lower water and flow out of the room through the door.

A build is available to download and install that supports free Xbox Live accounts to play online with many friends.

Download pixel sandbox game Minecraft on your Android smartphone or tablet absolutely free by direct APK file or via Google store.

On Android:

- Works Xbox Live.

(downloads: 34398)

- Works Xbox Live.

(downloads: 12861)

- Works Xbox Live.

(downloads: 9786)

On iOS (iPhone, iPad...):
(Paid! )

(are at the end of the news!)

What is this version of the game, this question immediately arises after reading the title of this news. Now we will explain what Minecraft Pocket Edition is (Briefly Minecraft PE). Literal translation - Minecraft Pocket Edition. From this name it is clear that the game can be somehow carried in your pocket, namely through your phone. Today we are posting this edition on android phones. Be careful - only Android and iOS!

And now we will delve a little more into the new world on your smartphones. But it’s better to download the game before reading, because we can download Minecraft Pocket Edition 1.15 without any nonsense. After pressing the Play button, the creation of a new world begins, the loading screen looks almost like this on a PC:

But this is not very important to us, what difference does it make what is there on this loading screen, right?

Therefore, we go immediately after loading the new world, and this is what we see:

Since the screen is touch-sensitive, that is, without buttons, the control is carried out using special arrows on the phone screen. Everything is clear with these arrows, with the help of the top one you can go forward, with the help of the bottom you can go back and so on. Jump on the button between the given arrows. Management is quite acceptable, there are just games where it is just terrible. But this is not the case, here you can quickly get used to it.

I would like to immediately point out one unpleasant detail, that there is a big lag in updates compared to the PC version (By the way, the version is already available on your computers). For example, in Pocket Edition there is no food intake indicator, that is, you can live without constantly eating food. And you just need to use food to restore health, as before, by the way, it was in the old version of the game on the PC.

If a download minecraft on mobile, then you can see fun facts, but the fact is that in this version there are items that are not in the full version on the computer. There are not many of them, but still: Nether Reactor Core, Burning Obsidian, Blue Flower, Invisible Bedrock, Stonecutter. By the way, the blue flower can be seen below:

I would like to highlight one more detail, namely, that you can write to the chat in foreign and in Russian.

Getting Started in Pocket Edition

As soon as you have appeared in a new unknown world, you need to immediately start extracting resources. Just like in the normal version, you need to get some wood first, because without it there is nothing to do. And at night you will be pursued by various creatures, such as zombies:

Therefore, if you have nothing to eat, then you will be devoured by these freaks. Well, we approach any tree and hold down one point on the trunk, a circle will appear that will be filled, after it is completely filled, the block will fall out.

The next step is to craft some planks and sticks to make tools for yourself in the future. Here the crafting system is slightly different from the one in the full version. And for the better, because now you don’t need to learn the whole craft. What it looks like:

As mentioned a little earlier, you need to make tools, for starters - a wooden pick:

Using it, we extract some stone, and immediately make an improved pickaxe - Stone pickaxe:

Next, you need to quickly run into the mine and mine coal, without which it is also impossible to live.

Then try to figure it out yourself, then it will go better. I hope you will like it Minecraft PE for Android Free.

Trailer for this version of Minecraft:

List of changes:

- New mobs: Llamas, Shulkers...
- Forest mansions;
- Concrete.
- Added all mobs, objects and structures of the End (Ender Dragon, etc.).

- Error correction.

- Error correction.

- A new set of skins "Villains", which contains 17 skins designed for evil.
- Error correction.

- Fixed issues with horses.
- Improved some worlds.
- Small tweaks in management.
- Fixed problems with the invitation to multiplayer.

- Realms;
- New mobs: Horse, Wither.
- Blocks: Pistons.
- Items: Raw Lamb, Horse Summon Egg;

- 24 new skins!
- Various bug fixes.

- New inventory button.
- Lava has a new animation.
- New loading screen when joining a server.
- Brick voids now have a brighter texture.

- New skins.
- Fixed bugs.

0.14.0.b1 Beta:
- Boilers;
- Maps;
- distributors;
- Witches;
- Repeaters and Comparators;
- Red Sandstone.

0.13.1 Release:
- New holiday skins.
- Correction of various errors.

0.13.0 Release:
- Added the ability to use a red stone in the form of a wire;
- New items: Lamp, lever, red torch, pressure plates;
- Rabbits;
- Improved Nether Graphics:
- New types of doors;
- New boats from different types of wood;
- Light sensor;

0.13.0 b1-5:
- Bug fixes.

- Redstone schemes: wires, torches, levers;
- Bug fixes.

- Bug fixes.

- The underworld with its creatures.
- Cross platform game using PE and Windows 10 (Up to 5 players).
- Ability to use the controller.
- Improved weather conditions (Snow accumulation)
- Ocelots.

Old versions of the game:

Minecraft Pocket Edition
- Works Xbox Live.

(downloads: 2370)

Minecraft Pocket Edition
- Works Xbox Live.

(downloads: 722)

Minecraft Pocket Edition (x86):
- Works Xbox Live.

(downloads: 378)

Minecraft Pocket Edition
- Works Xbox Live.

(downloads: 410)

Minecraft Pocket Edition (x86):
- Works Xbox Live.

(downloads: 208)

Minecraft Pocket Edition
- Works Xbox Live.

(downloads: 221)

Minecraft Pocket Edition (x86):
- Works Xbox Live.

(downloads: 191)

Minecraft Pocket Edition
- Works Xbox Live.

(downloads: 2492)

Minecraft Pocket Edition (x86):
- Works Xbox Live.

(downloads: 683)

Minecraft Pocket Edition
- Works Xbox Live.

(downloads: 593)

Minecraft Pocket Edition (x86):
- Works Xbox Live.

(downloads: 330)

Minecraft Pocket Edition
- Works Xbox Live.

(downloads: 278)

Minecraft Pocket Edition (x86):
- Works Xbox Live.

(downloads: 195)

Minecraft Pocket Edition
- Works Xbox Live.

(downloads: 1349)

Minecraft Pocket Edition (x86):
- Works Xbox Live.

(downloads: 418)

Minecraft Pocket Edition
- Works Xbox Live.

(downloads: 277)

Minecraft Pocket Edition (x86):
- Works Xbox Live.

(downloads: 253)

Minecraft Pocket Edition
- Works Xbox Live.

(downloads: 315)

Minecraft Pocket Edition (x86):
- Works Xbox Live.

(downloads: 230)

Minecraft Pocket Edition
- Works Xbox Live.

(downloads: 218)

Minecraft Pocket Edition (x86):
- Works Xbox Live.

(downloads: 147)

Minecraft Pocket Edition
- Works Xbox Live.

(downloads: 167)

Minecraft Pocket Edition (x86):
- Works Xbox Live.

(downloads: 164)

Minecraft Pocket Edition
- Works Xbox Live.

(downloads: 278)

Minecraft Pocket Edition (x86):
- Works Xbox Live.

(downloads: 241)

Minecraft Pocket Edition
- Works Xbox Live.

(downloads: 2468)

Minecraft Pocket Edition (x86):
- Works Xbox Live.

(downloads: 828)

Minecraft Pocket Edition
- Works Xbox Live.

(downloads: 559)

Minecraft Pocket Edition (x86):
- Works Xbox Live.

(downloads: 337)

Minecraft Pocket Edition
- Works Xbox Live.

(downloads: 472)

Minecraft Pocket Edition
- Works Xbox Live.

(downloads: 509)

Minecraft Pocket Edition
- Works Xbox Live.

(downloads: 359)

Minecraft Pocket Edition
- Works Xbox Live.

(downloads: 260)

Minecraft Pocket Edition
- Works Xbox Live.

(downloads: 206)

Minecraft Pocket Edition
- Works Xbox Live.

(downloads: 310)

Minecraft Pocket Edition
- Works Xbox Live.

(downloads: 261)

Minecraft Pocket Edition
- Works Xbox Live.

(downloads: 749)

Minecraft Pocket Edition
- Works Xbox Live.

(downloads: 10476)

Minecraft Pocket Edition
- Works Xbox Live.

(downloads: 3887)

Minecraft Pocket Edition
- Works Xbox Live.

(downloads: 1851)

Minecraft Pocket Edition
- Works Xbox Live.

(downloads: 1619)

Minecraft Pocket Edition

(downloads: 729947)

Minecraft Pocket Edition (x86)

(downloads: 18278)

Minecraft Pocket Edition
- Unlocked premium skins.
- Unlocked premium textures.

(downloads: 4986)

Minecraft Pocket Edition
- Unlocked premium skins.
- Unlocked premium textures.

(downloads: 3125)

Minecraft Pocket Edition (x86)

(downloads: 1322)

Minecraft Pocket Edition
- Unlocked premium skins.
- Unlocked premium textures.

(downloads: 5279)

Minecraft Pocket Edition (x86)

(downloads: 1869)

Minecraft Pocket Edition
- Unlocked premium skins.
- Unlocked premium textures.

(downloads: 2578)

Minecraft Pocket Edition (x86)

(downloads: 1437)

Minecraft Pocket Edition
- Unlocked premium skins.
- Unlocked premium textures.

(downloads: 2143)

Minecraft Pocket Edition (x86)

(downloads: 1143)

Minecraft Pocket Edition
- Unlocked premium skins.
- Unlocked premium textures.

(downloads: 4353)

Minecraft Pocket Edition (x86)

(downloads: 1571)

Minecraft Pocket Edition
- Unlocked premium skins.
- Unlocked premium textures.

(downloads: 2173)

Minecraft Pocket Edition (x86)

(downloads: 1356)

Minecraft Pocket Edition
- Unlocked premium skins.
- Unlocked premium textures.

(downloads: 2061)

Minecraft Pocket Edition (x86)

(downloads: 904)

Minecraft Pocket Edition
- Unlocked premium skins.
- Unlocked premium textures.

(downloads: 14320)

Minecraft Pocket Edition (x86)

(downloads: 3623)

Minecraft Pocket Edition
- Unlocked premium skins.
- Unlocked premium textures.

(downloads: 4197)

Minecraft Pocket Edition (x86)

(downloads: 1959)

Minecraft Pocket Edition
- Unlocked premium skins.
- Unlocked premium textures.

(downloads: 13068)

Minecraft Pocket Edition (x86)

(downloads: 3680)

Minecraft Pocket Edition
- Unlocked premium skins.
- Unlocked premium textures.

(downloads: 4981)

Minecraft Pocket Edition (x86)

(downloads: 2751)

Minecraft Pocket Edition
- Unlocked premium skins.
- Unlocked premium textures.

(downloads: 3100)

Minecraft Pocket Edition (x86)

(downloads: 2004)

Minecraft Pocket Edition
- Unlocked premium skins.
- Unlocked premium textures.

(downloads: 22606)

Minecraft Pocket Edition (x86)

(downloads: 5525)

Minecraft Pocket Edition
- Unlocked premium skins.
- Unlocked premium textures.

(downloads: 5653)

Minecraft Pocket Edition (x86)

(downloads: 3059)

Minecraft Pocket Edition
- Unlocked premium skins.
- Unlocked premium textures.

(downloads: 11020)

Minecraft Pocket Edition (x86)

(downloads: 3975)

Minecraft Pocket Edition
- Unlocked premium skins.
- Unlocked premium textures.

(downloads: 5252)

Minecraft Pocket Edition (x86)

(downloads: 3149)

Minecraft Pocket Edition
- Unlocked premium skins.
- Unlocked premium textures.

(downloads: 3916)

Minecraft Pocket Edition (x86)

(downloads: 2135)

Minecraft Pocket Edition
- Unlocked premium skins.
- Unlocked premium textures.

(downloads: 15381)

Minecraft Pocket Edition (x86)

(downloads: 4510)

Minecraft Pocket Edition
- Unlocked premium skins.
- Unlocked premium textures.

(downloads: 1626)

Minecraft Pocket Edition (x86)

(downloads: 1114)

Minecraft Pocket Edition
- Unlocked premium skins.
- Unlocked premium textures.

(downloads: 3266)

Minecraft Pocket Edition (x86)

(downloads: 2118)

Minecraft Pocket Edition
- Unlocked premium skins.
- Unlocked premium textures.

(downloads: 21882)

Minecraft Pocket Edition (x86)

(downloads: 5899)

Minecraft Pocket Edition
- Unlocked premium skins.
- Unlocked premium textures.

(downloads: 10614)

Minecraft Pocket Edition (x86)

(downloads: 4232)

Minecraft Pocket Edition
- Unlocked premium skins.
- Unlocked premium textures.

(downloads: 20428)

Minecraft Pocket Edition (x86)

(downloads: 7164)

Minecraft Pocket Edition
- Unlocked premium skins.
- Unlocked premium textures.

(downloads: 6595)

Minecraft Pocket Edition (x86)

(downloads: 3885)

Minecraft Pocket Edition
- Unlocked premium skins.
- Unlocked premium textures.

(downloads: 16176)

Minecraft Pocket Edition (x86)

(downloads: 5229)

Minecraft Pocket Edition 1.2.8:
- Unlocked premium skins.
- Unlocked premium textures.

(downloads: 38713)

Minecraft Pocket Edition 1.2.8 (x86)

(downloads: 13584)

Minecraft Pocket Edition
- Unlocked premium skins.
- Unlocked premium textures.

(downloads: 23894)

Minecraft Pocket Edition (x86)

(downloads: 8133)

Minecraft Pocket Edition
- Unlocked premium skins.
- Unlocked premium textures.

(downloads: 5422)

Minecraft Pocket Edition (x86)

(downloads: 3087)

Minecraft Pocket Edition
- Unlocked premium skins.
- Unlocked premium textures.

(downloads: 3247)

Minecraft Pocket Edition (x86)

(downloads: 2357)

Minecraft Pocket Edition
- Unlocked premium skins.
- Unlocked premium textures.

(downloads: 147975)

Minecraft Pocket Edition (x86)

(downloads: 54168)

Minecraft Pocket Edition
- Unlocked premium skins.
- Unlocked premium textures.

(downloads: 52682)

Minecraft Pocket Edition (x86)

(downloads: 22163)

Minecraft Pocket Edition
- Unlocked premium skins.
- Unlocked premium textures.

(downloads: 7689)

Minecraft Pocket Edition (x86)

(downloads: 3642)

Minecraft Pocket Edition
- Unlocked premium skins.
- Unlocked premium textures.

(downloads: 4180)

Minecraft Pocket Edition (x86)

(downloads: 2870)

Minecraft Pocket Edition
- Unlocked premium skins.
- Unlocked premium textures.

(downloads: 3863)

Minecraft Pocket Edition (x86)

(downloads: 2584)

Minecraft Pocket Edition
- Unlocked premium skins.
- Unlocked premium textures.

(downloads: 2754)

Minecraft Pocket Edition (x86)

(downloads: 2135)

Minecraft Pocket Edition
- Unlocked premium skins.
- Unlocked premium textures.

(downloads: 2791)

Minecraft Pocket Edition (x86)

(downloads: 3036)

Minecraft Pocket Edition
- Unlocked premium skins.
- Unlocked premium textures.

(downloads: 191007)

Minecraft Pocket Edition (x86)

(downloads: 71249)

Minecraft Pocket Edition
- Unlocked premium skins.
- Unlocked premium textures.

(downloads: 202025)

Minecraft Pocket Edition (x86)

(downloads: 75282)

Minecraft Pocket Edition
- Unlocked premium skins.
- Unlocked premium textures.

(downloads: 21643)

Minecraft Pocket Edition (x86)

(downloads: 9314)

Minecraft Pocket Edition
- Unlocked premium skins.
- Unlocked premium textures.

(downloads: 46855)

Minecraft Pocket Edition (x86)

(downloads: 38450)

Minecraft Pocket Edition
- Unlocked premium skins.
- Unlocked premium textures.

(downloads: 18819)

Minecraft Pocket Edition (x86)

(downloads: 6197)

Minecraft Pocket Edition
- Unlocked premium skins.
- Unlocked premium textures.

(downloads: 67453)

Minecraft Pocket Edition (x86)

(downloads: 23167)

Minecraft Pocket Edition
- Unlocked premium skins.
- Unlocked premium textures.

(downloads: 8671)

Minecraft Pocket Edition (x86)

(downloads: 3534)

Minecraft Pocket Edition
- Unlocked premium skins.
- Unlocked premium textures.

(downloads: 8090)

Minecraft Pocket Edition (x86)

(downloads: 3175)

Minecraft Pocket Edition
- Unlocked premium skins.
- Unlocked premium textures.

(downloads: 3733)

Minecraft Pocket Edition (x86)

(downloads: 2625)

Minecraft Pocket Edition
- Unlocked premium skins.
- Unlocked premium textures.

(downloads: 266333)

Minecraft Pocket Edition (x86)

(downloads: 92915)

Minecraft Pocket Edition
- Unlocked premium skins.
- Unlocked premium textures.

(downloads: 28974)

Minecraft Pocket Edition (x86)

(downloads: 7772)

Minecraft Pocket Edition
- Unlocked premium skins.
- Unlocked premium textures.

(downloads: 6400)

Minecraft Pocket Edition (x86)

(downloads: 4036)

Minecraft Pocket Edition
- Unlocked premium skins.
- Unlocked premium textures.