A strong conspiracy for monthly blood. Love spell on monthly blood and its consequences. Ritual with the connection of photos

To love and be loved is a desire that every woman realizes sooner or later. However, love, sympathy, attraction are not always mutual. Therefore, the relationship between the fair and strong sexes very often become the scope of various magical rites. Rituals involve the use of special items, the performance of certain actions, the pronunciation of verbal formulas. A conspiracy for menstruation is one of the most common.

Features of the results and consequences of a conspiracy for menstruation

A conspiracy for menstruation is considered a very strong procedure of black magic, it has a strong effect, thanks to the energy of menstrual blood. It is worth thinking very carefully before deciding to intervene in the fate of your own and another person in this way. A ritual can have negative consequences for both a man and a woman, and it can be quite difficult to remove a conspiracy. The consequences for a husband are often more devastating than for a woman, the psyche of men is weaker.

The effect of rituals on menstrual blood extends mainly to the sexual sphere. They awaken a strong attraction for men, but do not guarantee devoted and eternal love.

You will observe the expected effect within a month, then the strength of the impact will gradually weaken. Some sorcerers guarantee the effectiveness of a love spell for up to three years. However, after the onset of pregnancy, all magic will disappear.

You can extend and strengthen the effect of the conspiracy, thanks to the following recommendations of magicians:

  • use fresh menstrual blood collected on the second or third day after menstruation has begun;
  • cast spells at night without rearranging the words;
  • it is impossible to perform the ceremony with a delay or heavy painful menstruation.

Magical rites based on a conspiracy

The intended result of magical actions determines their form. If any troubles arise in the relationship of the spouses, it is enough to cast certain spells from time to time. Modern magicians and healers, for example, Natalya Stepanova, offer thousands of verbal formulas based on prayer, ancient village conspiracies for all occasions.

A conspiracy on menstruation is most often part of a prisushka, binding or love spell.

  1. Prushka (prisuha) helps to attract the attention of a man, gives the opportunity to evoke a deep feeling based on a fleeting passion. You can dry it with the help of photos, personal items, but the most reliable way is on menstruation. The rite is carried out 1-2 times, it does not have a long-term effect and serious side effects.
  2. Binding is a ritual that aims to increase physical attraction. The results are stored for 3-6 months, after which the magical actions must be repeated.
  3. A love spell carries the greatest energy. Sorcerers compare it with damage, since there is a complete suppression of the will of the chosen one. A person loses the ability to influence his life, strives only for what is determined by magical influence.

However, not all magicians and healers are guided by such a classification of rituals. Most offer to conduct a love spell with a conspiracy on menstrual blood.

How to achieve results with menstruation spells

Conspiracies and rituals with the use of monthly blood have a special power because this is the impact of the strongest female energy. But for the ritual to work, you need to know how to properly use the blood:

Spells for food and drinks

The greatest power is a love spell, in which blood is added to food or drink. A woman needs to cook a delicious treat herself and, in the process of cooking, think about the desired man, try to clearly imagine a love relationship. Then add a few drops of blood to the cooked dish and cast the spell:

“My blood has departed, I don’t need it, but my dear beloved servant of God (name) needs it.”

Drinks speak in a similar way. The most suitable is red wine, since it has long been attributed a sacred meaning. In Christian ritualism, it symbolizes blood. Your chosen one should be happy to eat or drink everything spoken.

Sweet love spell on blood

The reviews of those who did confirm the effectiveness of the sugar conspiracy. For him, you need to purchase a church candle.

The ritual is carried out in complete silence so that you are not distracted from what was planned. At midnight, light a candle, put a few drops of your menstrual blood on a piece of sugar.

Then say a prayer:

“As my blood is dear to me, so I (name) will be dear to you (name). Amen!".

While the candle is burning, you need to clearly imagine the pictures of a happy life with your chosen one. It is important to remember: without filling the ceremony with your positive energy, the result will not be effective.

A week later, sugar is broken into three parts and put into tea or coffee for three days in a row. Usually after a week the magic takes effect.

If the chosen one is far away

If the chosen one is at a distance, they make a conspiracy with a needle. For him you need:

  • candles;
  • photograph of a man;
  • gypsy needle;
  • monthly blood.

At midnight, arrange 6 candles in a circle, put a photo in the center. Lower the needle into a small narrow vessel with collected blood, and then pierce the image in the genital area with it and read the spell.

For "remote" magic to work, you need to fix it with a special drink. The composition includes:

  • 50 grams of vodka;
  • green sweet pepper (3 grains);
  • monthly blood (5 drops).

All ingredients are mixed, and the drink is placed in a dark place for 30 days. According to those who did it, a month later the desired man appeared on the threshold of the house.

Under any pretext, he must be invited to the table and treated with dishes with the addition of cooked tincture (five drops are enough). You need to do this with each arrival of the chosen one, and the result will not be slow to appear.

Love spell with blood for 14 candles

For another spell, you need to prepare:

  • 14 candles;
  • 7 liters of water;
  • 7 spoons of salt.

It is impossible to do without a photograph of a loved one.

  1. Arrange candles (7 pieces each) in the kitchen and bathroom, attach the card to the mirror in the bathroom.
  2. Boil water, add salt and 7 drops of blood.
  3. Then it is poured into a sink with a closed drain and a special verbal formula is pronounced over the water, holding hands over the sink.
  4. At the end of the manipulations, the water is drained.

Another ritual to attract a distant lover to you. Before going to bed, you need to place a drop of blood on your forehead and clearly imagine the man of your dreams, feel the joy of communicating with him. Then read:

"As blood is on me, so are you with me."

Magic actions must be repeated daily for three days. You can use another option: on a moonlit night, draw crosses on your wrists with menstrual blood, pronounce a conspiracy and go to bed naked. In the morning, wipe off the traces with a piece of linen cloth.

Conspiracies of blood on her husband

When family relationships are in crisis, a ritual can be performed using a small valuable item donated by a spouse. The pendant or earring must be dipped in the collected menstrual blood and a conspiracy pronounced.

Then, without wiping, put it in a cloth bag and hide it so that it does not catch the eye of your husband. After a while, everything that you wished will come true.

Consequences of the blood ritual

Before you decide to use magic to change your personal and family life, you need to learn about the possible consequences.

Period love spells can affect the participants' physical and mental health. Already in the first time after the procedure (especially if menstrual blood was supposed to be taken orally), a man may experience nausea, diarrhea, and stomach pain. In the future, chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are often detected.

Due to the strong energy impact of conspiracies, the chosen one may eventually become nervous and aggressive. Outbursts of rage are often accompanied by the use of force in relation to the woman he loves. The weak point of bewitched men is the tendency to develop addictions (alcohol, drugs). There are frequent cases of sexual weakness.

Dangerous love spells and the possibility of a rollback for a woman:

  • the genitourinary system suffers; interference in subtle spheres with the help of magic can even cause infertility;
  • Love spell on food. How to marry your loved one.

    love spell is the most real and working - for blood from a finger or monthly

    how to make a love spell based on a photo of a loved one

    To remove a love spell cast on your husband by another woman, you must first of all determine who did it and prevent the ritual from repeating. For forty days, a man should be given holy water on an empty stomach, while it is necessary to refrain from drinking alcohol. At the end of such a fast, one must confess and take communion.

    If complex rituals have been performed, it is impossible to stop the conspiracy without calling an experienced magician or sorceress. But they are not always able to remove the love spell.

    Everything in our life has a price, and only we determine whether it is worth paying. It is hardly necessary to turn to magic unless absolutely necessary.

Menstrual blood is a powerful tool used in magical activities. Most often it is used to create a love spell. This is one of the most popular reasons why women turn to magic and magicians. After all, almost everyone dreams of getting a beloved man in their bed and their home. And not always there is a person who shares these desires. Men do not have a great need to marry at all, and life itself rarely presents gifts in the form of mutual feelings. Therefore, women have to take control of the situation, using all means, including a love spell.

In this thread:

Everyone who has done this notes that such a love spell "works" only for members of the opposite sex. So homosexual relations cannot be strengthened in this way. But to bind a loved one of the opposite sex to yourself in this way can be very strong. But not always a strong passion on the part of another person brings only pleasure.

This often creates a lot of problems, so before doing a love spell for menstruation, you need to think carefully about the consequences. In addition, an illiterate ritual will harm the object of influence. A disease may begin, health may worsen, sometimes problems appear in all spheres of life.

Features of a conspiracy for menstrual blood

Menstruation, as the basis of a conspiracy, makes drastic changes in the sexual relationships of people, all other aspects of interaction fade into the background. Financial problems, everyday difficulties cease to have a dominant value, sexual activity, on the contrary, increases. This is the general opinion of those who have already done such love spells.

This conspiracy has another feature. The strength of its impact is limited to a period of one month. Subsequently, every day it will only weaken. So you have to decide what to do. Either repeat the conspiracy, or take its weakening for granted. Here we must remember that each new repetition of the ritual worsens the condition of the man. This can lead to complete impotence, aggressive outbreaks, and gastrointestinal diseases.

In some sources, it is noted that the power of a love spell extends throughout life. Sometimes a figure from one to three years is noted. Such discrepancies are associated with the different strength of the impact of a particular love spell. Many magicians agree that after childbirth, the power of a love spell for menstruation is completely lost. This is due to the spilled blood, which will wash away all previous traces. So after the birth of the baby, the chances of remaining alone in women who did a love spell and who did not do it are evened out.

In order for the conspiracy to last longer, you must adhere to certain rules:

  • collect blood when menstruation goes on the second or third day;
  • conspiracy pronounces in the dark;
  • the ritual is performed on the growing moon.

There are several options for a love spell for menstruation. Below are some of them.

Love spell without conspiracy

A conspiracy in this rite is not needed, but everyone who did it believes that the result is no worse than others. It can be felt immediately after its execution. For the ceremony, a drop of blood is needed, which is applied to a piece of white cloth.

Fresh blood is needed, so this ritual is performed on the days when menstruation occurs. You should take only natural fabric, cotton is better. This fabric must be dried and burned. The remaining ashes are crushed and put into coffee a little bit. The effect can be felt immediately.

Conspiracy for products

The essence of this love spell comes down to the need to add a few drops of your menstrual blood to the food of your loved one. They say the following words:

“My blood has departed, I don’t need it anymore, but my dear and beloved servant of God (name) needs it.”

Food with such blood should be eaten completely and with pleasure, so you have to try and cook an excellent dish that your lover likes. Otherwise, all efforts will go to waste and a strong effect will not work. In addition, a man should not notice anything, this is an indispensable condition for success. Only in the event that a man does not notice that someone has done a love spell against him, magical actions fully work.

If the relationship has shaken in the family and you need to return the husband to harmony, they also make a love spell for menstruation. This ritual requires effort and a lot of time, but according to those who did it, the result is reliable. First, prepare vodka (0.5 liters), a curl, a nail cut from the ring finger, blood. A nail, hair are placed in a container with vodka, a few drops of blood are added. During these actions, the following conspiracy is pronounced:

“(Name), I conjure your heart and soul! I conjure with my blood and my life! Love me forever and live with me forever. My spell is so strong that even my death is powerless to remove it! Amen".

A container with vodka and added ingredients is placed in a secluded dark place. So she must stand for 40 days. After this period, the resulting potion is added to the food one tablespoon (tablespoon). With regular use, relationships in the family are getting better pretty quickly. There are very few reviews of those who did it and did not get the desired result. Their failure can be explained by non-compliance with all conditions.

If the husband left the family or is going to do this, you can return everything to normal with the help of a love spell on cereals. For this, any grains (three pieces) are suitable, you will also need red wine and, of course, monthly discharge (3 drops). All of the above is placed in wine, while pronouncing:

“I will take three grains, seal them with three drops of blood, and fall in love, and return my dear. Now he is only with me and not a step away from me.

The resulting composition is given to a husband or lover to drink, and then they wait a couple of days. The composition does not act immediately and not always for a long time, but the return of the husband is guaranteed. This is confirmed by the reviews of those ladies who have already made a similar conspiracy.

Sugar is also used to perform a magical ritual. In this case, in addition to sugar and blood, a candle is prepared from the church. To perform the ritual, complete silence is needed so that it is possible to renounce everything and think exclusively about the beloved man. At midnight, they light a candle and begin to mentally imagine how good it will be for you with your loved one, all images should be bright, joyful, only positive energy should be supported. They drip blood on sugar and say the following conspiracy:

“As my blood is dear to me, so I (name) will be dear to you (name). Amen".

Then, until the end of burning, the candles continue to represent a joyful relationship with a beloved man, dream of happiness with him. After the ritual, they wait a week, then break the sugar into 3 pieces. Each piece should be put in a man's tea, coffee or other drink. This must be done once a day. Thus, after three days, the sugar pieces will run out. And that's when it starts.

Conspiracy for drinks

You can do a love spell not only on food, but also on drinks. In this case, they take blood when menstruation occurs, drip into the drink, mix the contents. At this moment, the following conspiracy is pronounced:

“In the veins of the slave (name) my blood dries, the slave (name) dries like my blood. I will not turn back, I will not renounce my words, I will not take blood from a slave (name).

It is necessary to make sure that the man drank absolutely everything.

There is another conspiracy that is pronounced for a low-alcohol drink, for example, for wine. Such actions reinforce the fading passion, help restore the freshness and sharpness of the relationship. They drip blood into a glass of wine and say: “As this blood was in me, so are you to me.” The result will make itself felt quite quickly, literally in a matter of hours.

Love spells without the use of blood inside

If a woman is visiting her beloved man, but cannot get him completely, she can use the following method. When menstruation comes, you need to come to visit him, go to the bathroom, put a dot on the mirror with your menstrual blood. Then, looking in the mirror, say the following:

“I mark the fate of the slave (name) next to me. I put a strong seal with blood, I close the words with blood. The seal dries quickly, like a slave (name) will love me forever. I mark with red, speak with white, conjure with black.

Then you need to take the man to the bathroom and make him look in the mirror. Moreover, there is no need to waste time and leave it all out of control. Suddenly someone else will look in the mirror, then you will not achieve your goal and get a lot of problems. But before you resort to such a conspiracy, you need to carefully weigh everything and analyze the consequences.

Spells that work at a distance

Not always a woman has the opportunity to mix her blood into the food and drink of a loved one. Not everyone visits the object of their passion. Therefore, there are rituals for which all this is not necessary. One of these rituals is based on the use of photography. Pre-cook 7 liters of water, 7 tablespoons of salt.

A photo of a loved one is attached to the mirror in the bathroom above the sink. This conspiracy is pronounced by the light of 14 candles (7 of them are burning in the bathroom, 7 in the kitchen). Measured water is brought to a boil on the stove, salted, then it is poured into the sink, the drain hole of which is tightly closed. Menstrual blood (7 drops) is dripped into this hot water. Then they bring their hands to this water, turning them down with their palms, and say these words:

“Always be only with me, and don’t touch the other, miss me, remember me day and night, think about me, desire me and my body.”

While pronouncing these words, one must clearly imagine a loved one, drawing his image. When you manage to feel unity with your beloved, the cork is removed and the water is drained. Those ladies who have already done the described manipulations note that the desired mood does not come immediately. Leaking water will carry magical power to the object of your passion.

There is an easier option. At night, when the moon rises in the sky, you need to draw crosses on your wrists with the help of your blood, taken when menstruation is on the second day. Put one dot on the left chest. These actions should be accompanied by the following words:

“I’ll twist the red veins with crosses, exhaust, dry. I call a slave (name) to myself, melt with my heart, languish with my eyes. As my blood dries on me, so the slave (name) dries up without me, dries up, goes crazy.

Then it is necessary, as usual, to go to bed, only you need to be completely naked. With the onset of morning, the bloody marks are wiped with a linen shred. This completes the ritual. Other options suggest applying blood only to the forehead. Moreover, it is recommended to repeat these actions three days in a row.

Thus, there are different ways to bewitch a man who is next to you, as well as someone with whom a woman is separated by a certain distance. According to those who have already used such advice and performed such rituals, the result is not long in coming. But unfortunately, it does not always turn out exactly as expected, so you should be extremely careful with your desires.

Rites with the use of blood are considered very strong and effective. A love spell for menstruation is carried out very quickly, since blood is the most powerful energy manipulator.

Since ancient times, magic has helped a person in solving various problems.
Drought, epidemic, disease are just some of the causes that could be solved using magical rites. From time immemorial, women have used love spells and conspiracies to attract a man they like.

There are different and in strength and purpose magical rites. Some allow a guy to like you, others - push him to a responsible step or return her husband to the family.

Love spell on monthly blood

Love spell for menstruation is one of the most powerful and effective rituals. The binding of the guy is carried out at the physiological level. And since the energy of blood has a huge potential, a strong connection is created between the one who does the ceremony and the man who needs to bewitched. Some magicians attribute this rite to a specific type of damage. The will of even a very strong person breaks down and there is complete submission.

This type of magical effect is very simple to perform, and therefore its popularity is growing. However, before you decide to use this rite, you need to consider all the possible consequences, pros and cons. The love spell begins to act almost immediately after entering the body of a guy. The effect can be seen in a couple of hours, less often - a few days.

As a rule, the impact exerted affects passion, lust, revealing the most hidden desires of a person. Sometimes perverted or sadistic tendencies appear. Even if the girl used to be unpleasant to the young man, everything will change after the ceremony. The action of magic manifests itself at the level of instincts. However, you need to remember that the spell is only valid for one month, after which the attitude towards you can change dramatically.

The most important point before the final choice of a magical rite to bewitch a guy is to familiarize yourself with the possible consequences of a love spell. This rite belongs to the category of very strong rituals. But this power also has a downside, which is expressed in consequences and side effects.

Let's consider them in order:

Problems with the gastrointestinal tract (GIT)
This is the smallest problem that can happen to a man immediately after your blood enters his body. As a rule, malaise, nausea, and less often vomiting occur immediately. If your young man has chronic diseases associated with digestion, then it is better to choose a different ritual. Since the guy can have a serious exacerbation.

Problems with the genitourinary system
A very unpleasant consequence can be impotence, in the case when the love spell is done several times.

If your boyfriend has a strong and strong-willed character, then the effect of magic can cause such side effects as alcoholism.

Increased aggressiveness
If you succeed in bewitching a guy, then his character can change for the worse. Possible manifestations of aggression, rudeness and assault. These are just some of the side effects of a magical rite using blood.

Suppression of the will
It often happens that a woman is in love with a strong and strong-willed man, and after the binding is made, the guy changes. Instead of a decisive person, you have an insecure and lack of initiative weakling, for whom you have to decide and do everything.

Back kick
If you decide to rollback this rite, then the consequences may affect both you and the guy. The consequences are expressed in this case in problems with the genitourinary system. In some cases, this is premature aging, severe illness and the inability to procreate.

Only after familiarizing yourself with all the consequences and weighing all the pros and cons, you can decide whether or not to do a love spell. Remember that you can bewitch a man in different ways, and you should resort to this type of love spells only as a last resort.

Love spell on bread

Even our great-grandmothers and great-great-grandmothers used magical rites with menstrual blood. One of the most ancient rituals to bewitch a man is a love spell on a bread cake. It is done in the following way. A thing stained with menstrual blood is rinsed in water. And from this water later a bread cake is made. The beloved must then completely eat this cake.

It is advisable to do this love spell only once and use the blood taken on the second or third day of menstruation. You can bewitch a man using a love spell for menstruation very quickly. The result will be noticeable immediately after he eats the cake.

Love spell on wine

To make a guy fall in love with you, you can use a love spell with blood and wine. For its color and consistency, wine is considered an ideal drink for use in magic.

To do this, add blood to a glass of wine with the words:

“As the blood was in me, so are you now with me!

After reading the plot, the beloved must drink a drink. You can use another drink, but give preference to something not very alcoholic. Beer, champagne, liquor will do. In order to bewitch a guy, your thoughts must be pure, without a desire to take revenge or harm. Tune in to a wave of happiness and everything will definitely work out.

Spell for menstruation on food

This love spell will help to return either a husband or a lover. To do this, you need to invite him to visit and cook a delicious dinner, adding menstrual blood to the guy’s favorite dishes. It is collected on the second or third day of menstruation and should be used within the next three days.

So, blood is added to the finished dish with the words:

“My blood, enter the servant of God (name).
Let him burn with love and passion for me as a servant of God (name) and only dream of me.
My word is law!

Feed your man with charmed food and the effect will be noticeable almost immediately. It will turn out to bewitch within a few hours. Please note that the bewitched person should not hate you. Indeed, after a month after the ceremony, all negative feelings can become very aggravated.

Rite of binding

The following love spell has a strong impact on the willpower of a man. The blood collected on the second or third day of menstruation should be added to the man's tea and coffee for three days in a row with the words:

“As soon as you drink my blood, you will immediately give me your will.
Now I'm the only one that matters to you!"

The effect of this rite is expressed in the complete subordination of a man to a woman. To bewitch a guy, you need to strictly follow the instructions and do the ceremony for three days in a row without any passes.

Love spell on blood and sugar

To make this love spell, you will need your menstrual blood (a few drops) and a teaspoon of sugar. Blood is mixed with sugar and at this moment a plot is read:

“Blood and sugar will help me bewitch my beloved, the servant of God (name).
So that he could not live without me, did not dream.

Now you need to add charmed sugar when cooking or in a drink, which the man will then eat or drink. The power of a love spell lies in the contrasting mixing of the properties and characteristics of the components. The result may be noticeable in a few days. The man will wake up feelings for you and will have a passionate desire to be only with you.

Love spell on fabric

This spell for menstruation is done at midnight. For it, you will need the following components: a few drops of menstrual blood, a piece of white cloth and a candle. A piece of cloth stained with your blood must be burned by setting it on fire from a candle.

“As this blood was with me, so now you are also only with me.

The ashes will need to be added a little bit to the man's food during the week. To bewitch a lover, patience is needed, and since both blood and fire were used, the result of the rite will be strong. In addition, the duration of this ritual is not limited to one month.

A love spell for menstruation is a very strong and dangerous rite. In no case do not do it just out of curiosity, as you will not be able to bewitch the guy. You can also harm very seriously both yourself and the young man.

If you responsibly and consciously chose magical rites and rituals, then clearly follow all the instructions. Positive emotions and no doubts - and you will definitely succeed in bewitching your lover.

Magical rites aimed at connecting the hearts of two people have been used for a long time. There are a huge number of different rituals, differing in the strength of their impact. But at all times, a love spell on monthly blood was especially popular among women seeking to bewitch a man forever.

This rite is easy to carry out on your own, so few women think about the fact that it belongs to black magic and is therefore very dangerous. Most sorcerers call this effect damage, which is very difficult to remove and the consequences remain for life. Therefore, before resorting to this method, one should weigh the pros and cons, since the negative consequences can affect not only the bewitched man, but also the woman.

A love spell for menstruation is effective only if the couple is fully compatible at the energy level. And only a professional magician can determine this. He will scan the energy field of partners and decide whether this magical effect can be applied.

But if, nevertheless, it was decided to carry out a love spell using monthly blood on your own, you must at least listen to your inner voice in order to understand how much you love a person in order to bind him to you forever.

If in doubt, you can not resort to serious actions at first, but try to drip menstrual blood on a man’s clothes or shoes. This is not a love spell yet, but a certain magical step with which you can try to draw attention to yourself. If your part is constantly near the guy’s body, then he will remember you on a subconscious level, but for this you need to strive to catch his eye more often.

A love spell on monthly blood refers to strong and dangerous effects. It can cause serious harm to the bewitched man. Such a ritual is especially dangerous if you seek to attract the love of a person with strong natural energy with its help. The subconscious resistance of a man to foreign influences can lead to premature aging and disruption of the work of many internal organs that are important for the life of the body. In addition, alien blood is the strongest energy manipulator. It will contribute to changes not only in the love sphere, but will change the fate of a person as a whole, and sometimes will affect his descendants.

It is very dangerous if a love spell on monthly blood is performed repeatedly. As a rule, this is resorted to by women who have not managed to attract the natural love of a man to themselves. Such a binding awakens aggressiveness in a man and can cause serious pathologies of the digestive system. In addition, the constant holding of a man near him with the help of a love spell on monthly blood can lead to his impotence.

The main feature of love spells of this type is that their action is manifested very quickly by the increased sexual activity of the victims. In this regard, it is very difficult not to notice that the rite was a success. Any love spell for menstruation works within a month after the ceremony. Then the force of influence gradually weakens, which is expressed by a decrease in the sexual activity of the victim.

Another way to get a guy's attention without consequences is a gift. To do this, you can purchase, for example, a pen, key chain, leather wallet, lighter or other trinket. On the eve of presenting a gift during menstruation, you need to conduct a simple ceremony.

It consists in the following actions:
  • Light candles in the house.
  • Collect some blood.
  • Dip your finger in blood and write your own initials on the gift.
  • Imagine the image of a loved one and say:
  • “Take my blood as your own. In you, let my passion flow and fill you. We will live together for a long time, do not grieve, love deeply. Key, mouth, lock. Amen."

  • Erase the letters with a cotton swab dipped in holy water.
  • After that, you will need to find time and give a gift.

Spell for food

Strong love spells that have a strong effect on a person are rituals with the addition of monthly blood to food.

They consist of doing the following:
  • On a piece of white cloth, you need to drip monthly blood and dry the stain. Then burn the fabric, and add the ashes to the man's drink.
  • You need to add a drop of monthly blood to food and say the words:
  • “You will drink my blood, you will give up your will. You will listen only to me, and you will do as I want. I am your mistress."

  • You should add droplets of monthly blood to the wine and say 7 times:
  • “As this blood is in me, so are you beloved, Servant of God (name of the beloved), come to me.”

Very often, wives use a love spell using monthly blood, who begin to understand that after many years spent together, the love of a spouse has cooled down, and family life has become a habit and filled with routine duties. It is a love spell for menstruation that allows you to awaken the former passion in a loved one, and, therefore, exclude possible treason.

This rite involves the use of a strong alcoholic drink, such as cognac or vodka. An alcoholic drink should be poured into a container convenient for infusion, a piece of the nail from the ring finger, a strand of one's own hair and a few drops of monthly blood should also be added there.

After that, the drink speaks with these words:

“My husband, the Servant of God (the name of the spouse), I conjure with the power of the magic word your heart and soul! I call on my own blood to help me! Love me, your wife, the Servant of God (proper name) forever and live with me in happiness and harmony. My spell has great power, so it is supported by my sincere love. No one will cancel or remove it! Amen".

After that, the container with the charmed alcoholic drink must be kept in a dark place for forty days. After this period, such a magic potion should be added to the spouse's food, one tablespoon at a time. It is advisable to do this every day until the first results are noticeable.

This rite came to the modern world from ancient times. It was used by women in pagan times to bewitch the man they liked. This rite does not require special closeness with the chosen one, the main thing is that you are just familiar with the person you plan to bewitch.

For the ceremony you will need to use:
  • Church candle;
  • A piece of sugar;
  • A few drops of monthly blood.

The rite is held at midnight, it is at this time that the effect is most powerful. It is important to minimize any extraneous noise and in order to avoid accidental sound interference during the ceremony, you must turn off all communication household appliances and remove pets from the room. Then you need to light a candle. For some time you need to sit in a relaxed state, focusing on the image of your beloved man. You need to remember all his traits and qualities of character that you like so much.

When you realize that you have completely managed to get rid of extraneous thoughts, you need to drop blood on a piece of sugar.

And say these magic words:

“As to me, the Servant of God (proper name), my blood is dear, so to you, the Servant of God, (the name of the bewitched person) I will be dear. Amen".

After that, you again need to sit in silence and wait until the church candle burns out. No other activities can be done during this time. It’s good if you manage to visualize scenes of a future happy life with your chosen one. Try to imagine how you laugh and rejoice together.

After the ritual, the charmed piece of sugar should be left to lie down for seven days. Then it should be divided into three parts and added one by one every day to the drink of the bewitched person. This is precisely the complexity of this ceremony, because in order to do this, you will need to find a reason, for example, for a joint tea party.

Remember that by making a love spell on monthly blood, you take responsibility for another person. From now on, you should completely manage your feelings so as not to harm yourself and your loved one.

The most complete description in all details is a love spell for menstruation and a photo with a fairly strong and safe magical effect.

Today you can often find offers to make a love spell. But what is it and how does it work? Is it possible to do a love spell or is it a mortal danger?

A love spell of a loved one at a distance is possible, which will not harm, but will only help you win the heart of your beloved person. It is impossible to create love, but to help kindle feelings and strengthen them is quite accessible to any woman.

You will need simple ingredients and your conscious desire. Be careful, because a love spell is not a toy or fun that you can forget about the next day. You call on powerful forces, jokes with them end badly.

If you decide - read the advice of practicing magicians that will help you navigate this new section of magic for you. Girls have long taken fate into their own hands - you will definitely need to have a photo of your lover to perform the ritual.

How love spell works

Girls and women have often thought about how to attract the attention of a loved one or person of interest. This is not so easy, especially if he himself is not very active. Then a love spell at a distance, which is done at home according to special rules, will help. There are several ways to make a spell. Among them, the most powerful are:

The blood of a person carries all the information about him, not only in the physical plane, but also in the subtle, energetic one. Such types of love spells and bindings also work at a distance, when it is not possible to touch a person, to transfer a charmed object to him. They establish a close connection with the object of desire, and the forces called to help you confirm this union, refer information to the object.

You cannot play with such things, do it just out of interest - love is involved here. There is no trial and error here, because you use your own blood. An energy union is being formed that cannot be broken. Doing everything yourself from start to finish is the best solution. The love spell will work if you did everything right - the ritual and the spoken conspiracy.

Love spell for menstruation

This type of love spell is considered the most powerful. Menstruation carries a very powerful energy that can firmly bind a person. Everything must be done quickly, without delay. You will need as much menstrual blood as possible, but it must be fresh. The main condition for working with this type of magic:

  • The object is familiar to you. The closer, the better.
  • You had contact (conversation, communication, meeting) within one lunar cycle, month.

If you have a photo - great, but if not - draw a figure of a man on a piece of paper, write his name, surname, date of birth.

  1. Place 5 candles around.
  2. Place the photo or portrait in the center of the circle.
  3. With your bloody finger, write your name over the top.
  4. Say:

“(Name), I conjure your heart and soul. I conjure with my blood and my life. Love me forever and live with me forever. My spell is so strong that even my death is powerless to remove it! Amen".

  • Extinguish the candles without blowing out.
  • Fold the portrait in half, put it under your bed.
  • On the very first night you will have a dream about this man. Be sure to remember it and then think about what the events in a dream can mean. If it was a pleasant dream, calm or even sexy - great, your menstruation love spell worked the way it should.

    Very soon, the man himself will manifest itself and will seek your attention. If the dream was bad, heavy - the love spell at a distance did not work. You may have done something wrong. Wait until the next period and repeat everything.

    A strong conspiracy in photography

    Love can be kindled like a fire, you just need to know where to start. If it is not possible to speak to a person herself, then with the help of his photo and your hair you can bewitch him and invite him. This is a strong love spell, because you will use another biomaterial - your hair.

    1. Take a photo of a person where he is alone.
    2. Cut a section of hair yourself.
    3. In a mortar, burn your hair, add black pepper and cinnamon, knead everything thoroughly until the consistency of flour.
    4. Say:

    “I knit a slave (name ...) to a slave (name ...) with inseparable bonds. Amen".

  • Add some water, use your finger to paint over the eyes and mouth of the man in the photo.
  • The photo must be carefully hidden in a dark place. It's simple, but the love spell is really very powerful - the ashes of your hair act as a link. He sees you, speaks about you and with you. It is not so difficult to do this, and the effect has been known for a long time - many women got their husband this way.

    By the way, if your husband is on a spree - in this way you can quickly return him home. This will restore love in your couple, normalize relationships. Girls so attract the attention of lovers and get great results.

    Love spell on blood

    A love spell at a distance can also be done on blood - if you are not afraid and endure a small cut, then everything will go well. This is a strong way that is practiced in the villages. You will need:

    • New sharp knife.
    • Photo, or you can make a portrait yourself.
    • Candle.
    • White natural matter.

    You only need a little of your own blood - you don't need a tablespoon or a glass. In magic, the presence of this substance is important, not its quantity. The knife should only be new, bought a day or two before the ritual.

    1. Light a candle.
    2. Put the photo in front of the candle.
    3. Say:

    “You drink my blood, you give me your will. Listen now only to me, do whatever I want. Only I am your mistress."

  • Draw three vertical lines with your blood on the portrait to form a grid.
  • Draw on them again with a knife.
  • The portrait should be wrapped in a white cloth and put under the bed for 3 days, and then wait for good news from your lover. Love will come to you and shine with all colors. This is a strong method using fresh blood.

    Never spend it if you are not sure that you need this particular man. A love spell at a distance with blood will work even when a person is in another city or you have not communicated for a long time. To love a guy at a distance, contact him more often.

    Restrictions for all spells

    There are also restrictions.

    • You need to make a love spell on your own - you do not need to contact a magician or another practitioner, this can give an unpredictable result.
    • Girls should only use their own blood. Such a love spell will not work if you do not know the person, do not communicate, do not intersect. There should be at least a little contact between you.
    • Everything must be kept secret.
    • Do not tell your man that you have bewitched him even after many years after that.
    • Always use disposable utensils and tools.
    • Take care of love - having received it once, do not lose it, do not play with it.

    Your loved one will not just pay attention to you - his heart will belong only to you. A strong love spell can be done with simple folk methods, which are no longer a secret today.

    It is almost impossible to remove a love spell for menstruation - it does amazing things, even if it is your husband who is on a spree. You can return it to the family simply and in one week. For a love spell of a man at a distance, very active measures are sometimes needed. Fast action and proven results - that's what a love spell is today. A love plot is carried out according to all the rules - do not deviate from what is written, do not invent your own rituals, it is very important to follow all the advice of a practicing magician.


    All love spells and homemade love spells for menstruation are magical rites of the category for harmonizing relationships. Independent ways to love a beloved man with monthly blood work even for novice magicians without magical conspiracies, but you still shouldn’t do it - just add blood to food or drink without specifying its effect.

    The witchcraft conspiracy clearly defines the program - how exactly a love spell on the blood of menstruation should work, made at a distance, what should be the impact. Without a love plot, a bewitched person receives a negative program, as a result of which destructive side effects occur, one of which, the most common, is the aggression of the victim against the background of uncontrolled jealousy. Therefore, at home doing self-love spell on the blood of menstruation, don't neglect the spell. If it happens that you don’t know the exact love plot for female blood, speak in your own words, but build a clear algorithm for linking a lover to blood. Next, I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will tell you in detail about how to do a love spell for menstruation at home.

    Pie on female blood - a very strong love spell on menstruation

    A strong way to bewitch a husband with the help of menstruation, which I want to offer you now, is one of the many droughts with female blood. Working, because you will give your blood to your beloved husband. This is where the connection comes in. You need to bake a cake with your own hands. Kneading the dough, reading the words of the conspiracy:

    Anoint the finished pie with your menstrual blood, and feed the man with that treat. The effect of a proven independent love spell of a loved one on monthly blood will be exactly as it is said: smooth, calm relationships, the desire of a young man to start a family with you. Not for ardent lust, not for jealousy, not for complete submission, but precisely for love and marriage, this effective one will work.

    Some practicing black magicians believe that female blood can be added when baking something - loaves, pies, cookies, etc. I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, categorically disagree with this position, and I do not recommend doing this.

    It’s one thing to add a drop of your menstrual blood to a ready-made dish or drink at home, and then on the condition that such a well-acting love spell on the monthly harmful, but native husband, lover or groom is objectively justified and has no contraindications. And it’s quite another thing to bake your own blood! You can make yourself a strong damage to oncology. This is me to the fact that even seemingly simple love spells of a loved one with the help of your blood during menstruation can be dangerous if you don’t understand what exactly you are doing and why.

    Love spell for menstruation at a distance done on Saturday

    It would be foolish to say that of the love ways to bewitch a husband with female blood, this is the most powerful love spell for menstruation, however, it works quite hard, leading the victim to submission and emotional attachment. It should be done on Saturday, the rite is not tied to the lunar phase. It is permissible to apply blood from the ring finger of the left hand. You should add your blood to a cool drink - 3 drops, no more, and read the words of the conspiracy 12 times so that your breath touches the liquid.

    According to the condition of the magical rite, blood is added to cold drinks, both alcoholic and non-alcoholic. However, many independent love spells for a guy on his period work well if blood is added to hot tea or soup. Spellbound blood does not lose its information.

    This rite works on the personal strength of the performer, and therefore a ransom is not needed. There is simply no one to carry it. Unless, of course, you did the invocation of Dark Spirits before the ceremony. In this case, the white love spell becomes demonic, and the devils at the crossroads should be thanked. In such a technically uncomplicated love spell of a guy, as an independent priushka for a monthly payoff is standard. This is an odd number of coins (not necessarily of the same value), vodka. Some practicing magicians carry cigarettes.

    Independent and free love spell of a husband for monthly blood

    This magical ritual of a love spell for a husband's love with the help of menstruation can be used to bind a beloved boyfriend, or to awaken a husband's faded love.

    • Blood is taken from the first day of menstruation.
    • The ceremony is carried out on the waxing moon.
    • Add blood to the drink that your lawful husband should drink.
    • It is permissible to add to dark juice, however, practice shows that opi on blood works better if blood is added to red wine.

    Since the conspiracy of an independent love spell of a husband on the blood of menstruation, which you will do at home, mentions the Dark Forces, you need a ransom, which is done according to the rules.

    On a drink, read the plot 3, 9, or 12 times:

    The effect of a love spell on the blood of menstruation at home

    There is an opinion, and I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, already mentioned this in the article, that supposedly under the influence of a hot liquid, the enchanted blood does not have the proper effect on the victim of a love spell. I note that the temperature of the liquid into which blood is added cannot affect practical magic in any way.

    An independent love spell of a loved one on monthly blood, made with hot coffee or tea, is no worse than using cold drinks. So, nothing is destroyed at high temperatures, and it happens that if you drink such a cup of tea together, it also binarite. And binarity, although it is a side effect, and very unpleasant, is still one of the indicators that a proven love spell through menstruation works on a young lover.

    The real love spells of a guy on the blood of menstruation, made at home, are untwisted quite quickly. Of course, a lot depends on the magician - the performer, but on average, after 2-3 weeks, changes occur in the behavior of the object and in its attitude. Activity on his part is noticeable, side effects may appear. The most striking of them is jealousy, since any version of a reliable love spell for a guy on monthly blood develops a very strong sexual attachment in a bewitched man. The sense of ownership increases so much that jealousy can go into the stage of paranoia. You can't fight it, you can only adapt, or shoot a self-made monthly love spell of a loved one a.

    How to make a love spell for a guy on his period from a distance

    It is not always possible to get your lover drunk on his period. However, in black love magic there is always a rite that suits your situation. At a distance, you can make a love spell for menstruation from the photo of your beloved man.

    If you don’t have a photo, it’s easy to get out of the situation by drawing a conditional portrait of a bewitched guy on a piece of paper. In addition, you need to write his full name, surname and preferably date of birth.

    A love spell for menstruation at a distance is performed independently like this.

    Place 5 candles on the ends of the pentagram. The pentagram can be imaginary, i.e. you don't even have to draw it. Put the photo in the center. Use your menstrual blood to write your name over the image in the photo. The plot can be any of those that are used in sexual love spells with menstrual blood. But, see the text of the conspiracy, how accurately it fits your intention. Put out the candles with your fingers, i.e. do not blow. If before love spell on the blood of menstruation at home you called on the Forces, or the devils were mentioned in the spell, you need a ransom. If you did it on your own strength, there is no need for you to go to the crossroads.

    A very powerful love spell of a married man for monthly blood, no matter how it is done, has power. This must be remembered. If the strongest love spell of a married guy lay crookedly, and the result is not at all what you wanted, the spell you made must be removed. You can repeat the ceremony in the next menstruation.

    How to bewitch a man with menstrual blood?

    The interweaving of the destinies of two people does not always happen by the will of Heaven. It happens that, faced with unrequited feelings, girls decide to independently achieve the location of a young man. Often such problems are eliminated with the help of magic. In particular, one of the most effective and effective methods is a love spell for menstruation (with candles, photos, etc.). It is possible to bewitch a young man using this method quite quickly, but it is not always easy, because these rituals have their own characteristics and consequences. Therefore, in this article, we decided to write how to correctly make a love spell for menstruation in order to get the expected result.

    For those who are seriously thinking about applying a love spell using monthly secretions, it is especially necessary to be aware of the consequences. If the components are not carefully used and the rules are not followed, it can turn out not only to bewitch a person, but also radically change lives (perhaps not only yours).

    Basic information to know

    For those girls and ladies who cannot imagine their future without a specific man, and therefore decide to turn to magic for help and make a love spell through the blood of menstruation, you need to know the basic information. This is a guarantee of a positive result after the author has done the ceremony.

    Firstly, rituals on blood (from a finger or monthly secretions) are a special kind of magic. It is considered not entirely harmless. Often, the consequences of such an energy impact and “programming” of a particular person can be:

    • health problems (impotence);
    • sudden addiction to alcohol;
    • premature aging, etc.

    Secondly, in order to enhance the magical effect, and the love spell with menstruation had a longer duration, you can accompany it with a special rite. Basically, for such rituals, you can also use:

    • wax candles bought in the church;
    • photo of the victim;
    • an alcoholic drink for making a love potion, etc.

    When resorting to love magic for help, you need to be fully aware of the ritual. For the sake of experiments, it is better not to do a love spell on monthly blood, since in this way you can radically change the fate and life of not only the victim of the conspiracy, but also his (your) heirs. Because love spells using the blood of menstruation differ from other magical effects and have great potential, it is compared with a conspiracy for male sperm. Both a conspiracy through sperm and a love spell with menstruation bind people through sexual binding. Therefore, if you want to bewitch a specific person through your monthly blood, be prepared that an intimate relationship may occur in the first days after the ritual.

    There are a lot of love rituals using the blood of menstruation. Each of them must be done on certain days and under certain circumstances. And if you are interested in how to do a love spell on monthly blood, below we give different options for rituals.

    The easiest way to bind

    The easiest way to bewitch a particular man, guy is that you need a minimum set of attributes. In addition, to do this rite, you will need the blood of secretions from the second or third day. Anyone who used this particular ritual and did a love spell for menstruation could be convinced of its simplicity and effectiveness.

    The rite should begin with preparation. The first position in the list of necessary components is occupied by menstrual blood. In the second position - a piece of white cotton fabric. First, with an odd number of drops of your menstrual blood, you need to soak the matter. After that, it should be set aside until completely dry. Only then can the ritual continue. With the help of matches, it is worth setting fire to a fabric piece. After waiting for it to burn completely, you need to collect the ashes. Those who did this ritual prepared a small vessel with a lid for the ashes beforehand.

    In order for this love spell on monthly blood to start working, it will be necessary to gradually pour the ashes into the beloved’s drink. It is advisable to use a dark drink (tea, coffee), the taste of which would not allow detecting a foreign additive. As you can see, doing such a rite is easy. The result will be noticeable very quickly.

    We speak a treat for the victim

    Among those who did various love spells on the blood of menstruation, the following is popular. It can be done even if you don't have a photo of your lover. In addition, this love spell on monthly blood is very practical to perform, as it can be performed at home, like the whole ritual.

    “My blood has left me, I don’t need it anymore. She needs my beloved, the servant of God (his name), so that he feels my love. Whatever he does, let him only think of me and only desire me, day and night.”

    Now serve the portion to the young man. As soon as he tries the treat, the love spell on menstruation will immediately begin to act. You will be able to notice signs of magical influence on the same evening. Among others, a young man must eat the entire portion intended for him without fail with pleasure.

    Making a blood potion

    One of the most powerful rituals is the transfer of love energy through menstrual blood, fire, a photo of the victim, etc. However, a love spell with menstruation and alcohol is no less effective. That is exactly what this one is.

    To bewitch a man, you need to prepare a magic potion with menstrual blood and an alcoholic drink. It is best to use red wine for these purposes. Those who did such a love spell with the use of stronger alcohol faced the occurrence of adverse consequences (aggression of the object, its attachment to addictions).

    Having prepared a bottle of red wine, invite your lover to a romantic dinner. Filling the glass intended for the guy, add an odd number of drops of your menstrual blood to the vessel. As in the previous method, this should be done as discreetly as possible for the partner. When you serve a glass to a man, and he begins to drink the contents, whisper the love words in a whisper:

    “You, my dear (boyfriend’s name), drink my blood and give your heart and will to me. Whatever you do, wherever you are, from now on you will only think about me, desire my flesh, listen to my speeches. What I command you to do, you will do it, because from now on and forever - I am more important to you than the rest.

    If you are not familiar with the victim, but want to make this love spell with menstruation, you can use another case. So that an invitation to a romantic dinner does not seem suspicious, you can add your own menstrual blood to the victim’s glass at a party or during a feast. The main thing is that no one else, except for the bewitched person, should drink from the same glass.

    Love spell, which requires a personal item of a man

    Like the previous method, this love spell on menstrual blood does not involve the use of a photo of the victim. To perform a magical rite, you only need:

    • a personal thing of a lover, which during the day he wears longer than others;
    • a few drops of your monthly blood.

    Those who have already done such a ceremony are advised to use underwear or home trousers, men's shorts. The clothes must be dark in color so that the red droplet is invisible against its background. When you have one of the wardrobe items of your beloved, you can start doing a love spell with menstruation. Drop menstruation on the inside seam of the thing so that the blood comes into direct contact with the skin of the victim. This will guarantee the effectiveness of the ritual. The longer the trace of menstruation will be on the clothes, and the closer it will be to the human body, the stronger the magical effect will be. Thus, you will be able to bewitch a person without making any effort and without using the photo of the victim.

    Ritual with the connection of photos

    Among those who made a love binding, a love spell for menstruation with a combination of a photo of the author and the victim became famous for its effectiveness and strong effect. In order to bewitch a young man, you will need to do the following.

    Take a photo of the young man. The picture must be "fresh" (maximum six months ago). On the card, except for the victim, no one should be imprinted. In addition, you cannot crop a picture by cutting out an object from a general photo. Ideally, apply a card with an even background, like on documents. The same goes for your photo. Having prepared two shots, take your menstrual blood. About a dozen drops are enough for a love spell with menstruation to work.

    Also, get:

    First you need to make blood smears on the front side of the photo of the guy. It is better to smear the monthly finger on the front side. Then put your own picture on top of the image of the man so that the images are face to face. In this case, blood can not only play the role of glue, but also help to establish a high energy connection between people. Having combined both photos, you need to flash the edges with a needle and thread. It is desirable to make stitches of medium length, coarse. During the execution of the last stitches, you need to say a special love spell on menstrual blood. Its text reads like this:

    “Face to face, blood to blood, flesh to flesh. From now on, you will do what I say. May all your thoughts be filled with me, may your flesh desire mine uncontrollably and passionately. From now on, love for me will be in your heart, no matter what you do.

    Menstrual photos stitched and sealed with blood should be placed in the most secluded place. No one should find, much less separate the pictures, so that the love spell with menstruation is successful.

    Rite with blood, photograph of the victim and salt

    There is another effective method by which you can bewitch a young man. In order for this love spell to have the desired effect on menstruation, prepare for it.