The script of the holiday in the style of the pioneers. Pioneer party: fly up the bonfires, gray everyday life! Initiation into pioneers

March 17, 2016

- Are you ready for an incendiary party?

− Always ready!

Welcome to the annual retro party in the Soviet style - Pioneer! It is she who will take you to the era of red ties and caps. Despite all sorts of prohibitions and the suppression of freedom of morals, Soviet youth knew how to have fun.

Be ready! A pioneer-style party will be appropriate for celebrating a birthday, corporate events, student's day and many other events. Or maybe you just want to break away from everyday worries for one evening and return to a carefree past? Then this themed event will come in handy. Let's run through the scenario.

1. Venue

Pioneer party is best held outdoors. It can be a forest zone or a river bank. A country cottage or cottage is well suited, then all the amenities are at hand, as they say: "The sun, air and water multiply strength for work!". But at the same time, we do not forget that only sex and indifference strengthen the body!

If this is not possible, you can organize a holiday in a bar, cafe, nightclub, and even at home. If the budget allows, invite the presenter and musicians. If not, you will have to convene a council of the pioneer detachment and choose its chairman - responsible for the party.

2. Invitations

In those days, communication through ordinary letters was very common (regular letters are those without @). What an exciting moment of opening the envelope. Inspire your guests with the right atmosphere, and for whom even nostalgia at the invitation stage. Print out old postcards, you can use different drawings for all your friends.
On the reverse side, in beautiful calligraphic handwriting or under a stencil with the alphabet, write the text: “Dear comrade! I solemnly invite you to attend the meeting of the pioneers!”

Be sure to indicate the place and time of the party. On a separate sheet, you can write individual wishes for each guest and indicate that there will be a dress code. Fold the postcard with the letter into an envelope and mail it. But do it in advance: jokes about the Russian Post did not just appear out of the blue.

3. Decorating a themed party

If you chose an open space as the venue for the pioneer party, arrange for transportation of guests to old bus decorated with red flags and balloons. Choose a site in nature surrounded by trees, this gives a special comfort, and also take care of the opportunity to make a fire.

It is important to style the holiday in red - the main distinctive and generalizing color of the Soviet boy scout movement. But don't overdo it, it can get annoying.

Dilute the color scheme with yellow and white tones. Use paper flags and balloons of all colors for decoration. The pioneer banner should be mandatory. Posters and slogans will fully convey the character of the distant socialist past.

Don't forget simple attributes.

And here are the most famous slogans of the pioneer movement, which will help you design posters yourself or find the right pictures to print on a color printer:

  • "Be ready! - Always ready!".
  • "Create, invent, try!".
  • "A pioneer grows bold and is not afraid of difficulties!".
  • “We can do everything ourselves, we help our mother!”
  • “A Pioneer is a good comrade, takes care of the younger ones, helps the older ones!”
  • "The Pioneer is friends with children from all countries of the world!".

Don't forget about honor roll, on which you place a photo of the invitees (add characteristic caps and ties to everyone in Photoshop). It is better if these are children's pictures - guess who is where. And then take a photo next to it in real time.

Get old Soviet attributes (balconies, pantries and attics of grandmothers will help you). It could be drum, bugle, Soviet satchel, school books, wooden abacus, record player, burning machine and everything that every child had at that time. Can't do without olympic bear- a symbol of victories and great achievements. There is no way to get such things? Then just print the photo with the attributes on the posters, you will get an interesting exhibition "Born in the USSR".

4. Dress code

A pioneer party cannot do without appropriate costumes. The main attributes in the clothes of "translators of grandmothers across the road":

  • Pioneer tie . You can find an old one or just cut it out of red fabric.
  • Cap.
  • White shirt with short or long sleeves, there is, probably, everyone.
  • Soviet school uniform . Finding it is real. Then it can come in handy for nightly role-playing games, if you know what I mean 😉
  • Shorts, pants and skirts only in limited colors: blue, black and brown.
  • Jeans are allowed, but without fashionable additions. Remember that everything was corny simple.
  • T-shirt with olympic bear .

From shoes fit shoes, sneakers in retro style, sandals and sandals.

Hair must be neat. Girls can braid pigtails, make two tails, and always with bows or colored ribbons, it’s easier for guys - a neat haircut.

Faceted glass - where without it? And who remembers heavy transparent glasses for draft draft kvass? Aluminum utensils in school canteens, gray plates with fairy tale characters. Nostalgia, in a word... or just a great idea for teleporting a modern person into the recent past!

The Soviet menu is quite simple, but appetizing.

On the table should be:

  • olivier salad,
  • herring under a fur coat,
  • jellied fish,
  • sausage cutting,
  • pancakes,
  • canned food,
  • Mashed potatoes,
  • pickles.

Sandwiches with sprats or red caviar will be a good snack.

The pioneers did not drink alcohol, so put labels of lemonade or soda on bottles of alcohol.

For dessert in the era of “developed socialism”, it was customary to serve custard cakes, jam buns, Eskimo ice cream, marshmallows, boxed chocolates, Golden Key toffee, cockerel on a stick, Pinocchio lemonade, dried fruit compote.

Do not prepare "new-fangled" dishes and presentations, and do not use products that were not available at that time. This will only overshadow the themed treats. Remember, everything should be simple!

6. Entertainment and competitions

The scenario of a pioneer party necessarily involves a ritual of initiation into pioneers. It was the most responsible and long-awaited moment for the Soviet guys. The leader says: “To the solemn promise quietly!” , after which he lists the duties of the guests for this evening:

Each promise begins with a loud and expressive expression: "I solemnly promise..."

There is a distribution of pioneer paraphernalia (ties, badges, ribbons). The invitees express their readiness and acceptance of the assigned obligations with the phrase: “Always ready!”, And with a pioneer salute - a symbol of readiness for active action. And the fun started!

Pioneer drum and horn are traditional musical instruments of the Soviet Boy Scouts. Use them during exciting moments and at the start of every competition.

And now the options for thematic contests and competitions.

"Get everything!"

The host chooses two or three applicants. If there are quite a lot of guests, you can choose a larger number of participants. It is necessary to prepare cards in advance with items of clothing, dishes, interior written on them ... Lay them on a table or tray with the inscription down. Pioneers draw a card at random and must get the object written on it. The one who brings more things in a certain time will be the winner. Card options: boot, stocking, women's shirt, men's T-shirt, bra, plate, glass, corkscrew, napkin, Soviet motivational poster.


It is a well-known and beloved game of many generations. One person comes to the center of the hall, and the counselor asks him the word that needs to be shown without uttering a single sound. The pioneer who first guesses the given word becomes the next one to show the word. Determine how many words you need to show so that the game does not turn out to be too long. The winner is the best guesser.


All those gathered give the leader one of their little things, pointing to its owner. For example, a watch, jewelry, lipstick, hairpin, lighter, napkin with a name. You can't give away pioneer ties and caps! Next, the host comes up with a task and randomly pulls out the things received from the guests. The owner of this item is obliged to complete the task, because he made a solemn pioneer promise . Come up with simple but fun tasks. This game will be able to liberate all party participants in a special way. See the article on this for options for tasks for phantoms.

Team games

If you can’t think of it, here are the most famous pioneer chants:

  • Not a step back, not a step in place, but only forward, and only all together!
  • Who walks together in a row? Our pioneer squad! Strong, brave. Clever, skillful!
  • Be ready always ready! Be healthy - always healthy!
  • We are loud, we are swirling, we do not need peace of mind!
    We are romantics, we are dreamers, a pioneer fighting squad!


Team relay. A common basket with washed fruits and vegetables is placed in front of the competitors. Do not take exotic ones, because in the Soviet Union it was such a rarity. The task of the pioneers, without using their hands (they can be tied from behind), is to bring as much harvest as possible from the total to the team basket.


One pioneer from each group is selected and the leader blindfolds them. Selected competitors are taken to a sufficiently large distance from their teams. Many obstacles are placed between the pioneers and their squads, such as bottles, chairs, tables, it all depends on how much space and themed accessories allow. Using the tips of his team (forward step, left, right three steps), the participant seeks to overcome the given path as quickly as possible. Distracting and confusing an opponent is not prohibited. No sharp and dangerous obstacles, hold the competition only at the beginning of the holiday, while everyone is still relatively sober - zavodila. com for a safe holiday!

"Tug of war»

Only men participate in this competition. They stand on both sides of the rope and, resting their feet on the floor, try to pull it to their side. If there are more than two teams, then each team must fight all opponents. Girls, in turn, do not stand still, but support the guys of their team or distract opponents, you can use their boobs!

"Bag Run"

Since the male contingent has already participated, invite the fine half of the troops to this battle. Choose not a very long distance, it's still a party, not a physical education lesson. The girl climbs into the bag to the waist, runs to the leader as quickly as possible and receives from him a balloon, the thread from which she clamps with her teeth. Returning to his squad, he passes the bag to the next participant, it is important not to lose the ball along the way. The team that completes the run the fastest wins.

Incentive gifts.

And, of course, do not forget about the awards of the winners. Prizes and promotional gifts can be very diverse, but they must be themed - toffees, candies, red stars, badges, postcards or stamps.

And finally, to the drum roll, solemnly hand over commemorative certificates and awards to everyone! Sign the diplomas in a cool way: “Awarded for being always ready!”, Or “Winner in the nomination 50 shades of red.”

7. Musical accompaniment

Songs and dances by the fire! No party should be complete without incendiary music! Have fun with your favorite modern songs, diluting them a little with hits from the 80s and 90s. In moments of a protracted feast, be sure to turn on well-known and pleasantly exciting melodies. Here is a small selection of popular and favorite songs for a pioneer style party:

  • Mark Bernes - "Where the Motherland Begins"
  • Yuri Antonov and the group "Arakas" - "I remember."
  • Igor Sarukhanov - "Masquerade".
  • Merry Guys - "I won't come to you."
  • Gems - "I have everything in life."
  • Zhanna Aguzarova - "Yellow Shoes".
  • Blue Bird - "I don't dream of you."
  • Igor Ivanov - "Student Song".
  • Lev Leshchenko - "Not a moment of peace."
  • Mikhail Boyarsky - "Song of the Musketeers".
  • Alice - "Bad Rock 'n' Roll".
  • Valery Leontiev - Hang Gliding.
  • Underwood - "I really want to go to the Soviet Union."
  • Earthlings - "Grass near the house."
  • Flowers - "We wish you happiness."

Note! In the fight against bourgeois ideology, the Soviet government actively banned Western music, but this did not prevent Soviet youth from falling in love with Western musicians. Be sure to include banned but popular foreign music in your repertoire: TheBeatles, PinkFloyd, OzzyOsbourne, BoneyM and AC/DC.

Karaoke will complement the musical part of the holiday well. Already warmed up and liberated guests will happily remember their favorite songs.

And do not forget to collect scrap metal, glass containers and waste paper after you, you are always mine!

Tired of modern parties and want something fresh, but so dear? So, let's remember those holy times when a popsicle cost 4 kopecks, and for 5 rubles a girl could be fed in a decent cafeteria?)))

Let your friends feel like they are in an indescribable environment. Pioneers, ties, foreign music from under the floor and, of course, Pinocchio lemonade!! You guessed it - it's a pioneer-style party !

Pioneer party in the style of the USSR: scenario, dress code, menu

So, we gather people according to a strict dress code. Only light shirts, scarlet ties and caps are allowed in the permitted clothes. Sexy girls in school uniform are allowed, which can dilute the strict Soviet censorship.

Celebrating a friend's birthday last year in the USSR style, I borrowed a cool T-shirt with an Olympic bear from a friend, bought, by the way, in one of the nicest stores in our city. Therefore, the Soviet party is not always grandmother's dresses and moldy shirts :). Get creative and I'm sure your outfit will be very themed!!

My friend put on wonderful shorts and a T-shirt and instantly became a diligent girl from the 8th detachment of a prestigious pioneer camp!

One of the important attributes, without which a good Soviet party would not work, is the interior. It will be easier for people to perceive thematic contests, phrases, songs and even food if there is a real atmosphere of that time around. Therefore, I propose to hang propaganda posters around the house. Comrade "Lenin" in turn "shone" at our party.

However, you can use a lot of other ideas!

It is also worth worrying about how to entertain guests. You can take advantage of the contests from our article "". In addition, it would be a great idea to organize an entertainer or a good old pioneer leader at the holiday. It can be you or any guest at the party who has studied the scenario of the USSR party in advance .

Clothing for a pioneer leader should be appropriately strict. The same should be the face :). It is this young lady who will dedicate those present to the pioneers, hold competitions for ingenuity or pioneering prowess :).

By the way, the menu is the most simple and easy-to-prepare item at the party:

  • Herring under a Fur Coat
  • Boiled potatoes in uniforms
  • Olivier is an indispensable friend of any feast
  • Boiled sausage in the form of sandwiches
  • Herring
  • Soviet champagne
  • Vodka "Capital"
  • Lemonade "Pinocchio"

No foreign pizzas and shrimp salads - everything should be as similar as possible.

From music, you can use the well-known pioneer songs like "Rise in the bonfires of the blue nights." There are enough tracks on the Internet and VKontakte that fit the definition of "pioneer songs". Also, you can beat the fact that your parents brought scarce and banned records from the mega-popular Beatles from abroad.

Revisit the movie "Dandies" - this is a great example of THOSE times. You can use the songs that sound in this interesting film. Also, some of the guests can be dressed like dudes, which will perfectly dilute the society of "boring" schoolchildren :).

I am sure that you will have a great party in the Soviet style !

Do you miss the past? Or do you want to "try on" the childhood of mothers-grandmothers for yourself? Pioneer party is an original way to celebrate an anniversary, birthday or other holiday together, brightly and cheerfully! All the components of an unforgettable party are available: recognizable decorations, an unbroken theme, active entertainment.


Pioneer party embodies memories. For adults, this is, above all, a nostalgic mood. Treat the preparation like a pioneer, responsibly, with all diligence. Carefully draw and trace the letters, carefully cut and glue - without carelessness. Especially if it's an anniversary or other important date.

It is advisable to get real attributes - on the mezzanines of acquaintances, in the archives of the Palace of Culture (rent), they are sold through the Network. Much is easy to do with your own hands, but, again, not just somehow, but as realistic as possible.

In realism, the secret of mood: guests can easily get into the spirit of the theme if you take a little more time to prepare. If not, many will feel embarrassed as participants in a mediocre parody.

Be careful with humor. For example, often pioneer posters and mottos are remade in such a way that the meaning is grossly trivialized. The older generation will almost certainly not appreciate such creativity. Humor is welcome at the party, just match its nature with the temperament of the audience.

But for young people / children, such retro themes are just a fun way to have fun. In this case, you can think through the details a little less carefully, use jokes / caricatures more freely, make small inaccuracies (they won’t be noticed anyway).


If this is a party in the style of a pioneer summer or camp, it is advisable to hold it in nature: a forest glade, a beach, a spacious yard. Then you don't have to puzzle over the content.

Mandatory morning exercises and a healthy breakfast at Dawn, cheerful mass Zarnitsy on holidays. Camping trips with campfire songs, baked potatoes and endless funny stories. Sports competitions, military training, all kinds of ball games. These are almost ready-made ideas for the scenario of a pioneer party organized in nature.

Indoor party contests will have to be adapted to the limited space. Below we will consider both options for decorating and hosting a pioneer-style party.


  • determine where the tents will be. You can fake ones, but then put tables nearby for personal belongings of members of the "detachments";
  • clear and mark the area for games, competitions;

  • beautifully lay the stones for the fire. Bring a fire extinguisher, a bucket of sand. You can build a fire shield, real or fake;
  • hang signs on the bins/boxes "garbage organic", "glass", "metal", "other garbage";
  • arrange sun loungers, tourist chairs or wicker chairs in the recreation area;
  • in addition to the table with treats, put the table of the pioneer leader. There will be pioneer attributes, inventory for competitions. A long tablecloth will hide the musical installation from the eyes;

  • fasten decorations, if possible, so as not to harm nature (without nails, etc.).

In order not to repeat ourselves twice, we will talk about the scenery below. Almost all of them are suitable for decorating outdoor spaces.

In room

  • hide modern technology behind decorations or drapery, try to remove everything that does not fit;

  • traditionally a pioneer themed party is decorated in red, yellow and white shades. You can add blue and black for deep accents. Emphasis on the scarlet color of the banner, but without busting - too many red decorations are annoying;
  • balloons will fill the space with color and celebration. On the red ones, paint with white paint a sickle and a hammer or the letters of the USSR, leave the yellow ones without embellishments. With the help of long balls, it is easy to assemble a figure of a little man: white top, blue bottom, put on a cap, tie a tie - the pioneer is ready;
  • hang paper garlands of red and yellow triangles. You can collect garlands from red ribbons tied in a knot on a yellow rope. Or make from printed "old" candy wrappers, labels "sprat in tomato", "condensed milk", "popsicle";

  • hang pennants here and there: cardboard base + prints on both sides + yellow piping, fringe or tassel at the bottom (buy at a sewing store). The inscriptions can be real, with humor, for rewarding for victories in competitions (according to the script). If this is a pioneer birthday party, make a pennant with wishes or with the inscription "To the best mom", "To the best manager", etc .;
  • print authentic or humorous posters with slogans covering the days of the pioneers. Topics of health, education, mutual assistance, honor and conscience, sports. Posters will enhance the thematic atmosphere, and it is also easy to cover up interior details that do not quite fit into them;
  • think about the motto of the party. Write it on a large banner, hang it at the entrance. “Giving a shock party!”, “Pioneer, drank - have a bite!”, On the anniversary of “50 years of shock work!”, “The 40th All-Union Pioneer Gathering is open!”;
  • Pioneer and Soviet attributes are indispensable for decoration - flags, a horn, a drum, images and busts of leaders, a pioneer banner. Musical instruments can be made. Cardboard horn - cut out, paint with gold paint, tie a red cord or pennant. Drum from a can or plastic bucket: cut to the desired length, glue yellow or white paper over the lid, red in height;

  • make a scoreboard. Use photos of friends - you can draw cap ties in FS, take children's pictures and then guess who is depicted on them. Come up with funny captions, mini-stories: “Petya handed over a record amount of copper!”, “Olya moved 31 grandmothers across the road this month!”;
  • use the printed old newspapers "Trud", "Pravda", "Soviet Patriot" and others in compositions, just lay them out here and there. And also the books of our classics, battered by time. And about Timur with his brave team, of course - the most beloved pioneer book;
  • look for items from that era. Grandma's suitcase, school bag, radio or record player, wooden abacus and old textbooks, a few toys. You can rent a machine with soda, beer, kvass.

All these things are not directly related to the pioneers, but they will recreate the atmosphere of the past. If there are few suitable attributes, organize a photo exhibition on a long stand. Glue labels-explanations under each photo (what is shown, year). Get atmospheric!

photo zone

  • Pioneer banner, flag of the USSR;

  • A banner consisting of many posters or "scribbled" with slogans, mottos, slogans;
  • Tantamaresque with a thematic plot (pioneers surrounded Lenin, hand over scrap metal, lined up on a ruler).


Of course, in the spirit of that time - a ticket to a summer camp, the same pennant or banner, a stylized poster. It will be fun to send real postcards through the mail. True, you need to take care of this in advance, at least three weeks in advance (so that the letter does not arrive at the last moment).

Or have invitations delivered directly to your home. The boy and the girl, both serious, “in uniform”, check the folder: “Comrade Marina Sidorenko? Sign! Hold. Have a nice evening!". Surely the children of acquaintances will not refuse to play so wonderfully for a chocolate bar.

Write an invitation to a pioneer party concisely, with a bit of patriotism and a bit of humor. For example:

“Dear friend Petya! I invite you to the annual pioneer meeting.
Fun starts, a buffet with drinks and loyal comrades are waiting for you! Do not let me down!
Bring a tie and a cap, a strong spirit and a good mood!”

"Comrade Pioneer! On 17.17.17 at 17-00 you must come to the anniversary rally always ready! Cultural events are planned, discussion of the results of the last five years, festive tea drinking and more. Venue: XXX Appearance: XXX.


A white top in any design and a denim bottom are the easiest version of costumes for a pioneer party. Guests do not have to rack their brains over the choice of clothes, and all the attributes will be handed to them on the spot.

If the guests buy/sew accessories themselves, it will almost certainly turn out to be a mess with shapes and shades. Therefore, it is better for someone to sew cap ties and make badges (or buy in one place, for the whole company).

  • Pioneer tie: a triangle of fairly dense red fabric with a base of 100 and a height of 30 cm. It is not necessary to burn the edges or somehow process them, because the ties will last only an evening. Hang instructions at the entrance so that party guests do not have to rack their brains over the “tricky” knot.
  • Pioneer cap- sew two rectangles together, you can without lining. If you have time, take measurements from everyone. If not, sew the average male and female. Buy invisibility, distribute to guests (so that the cap does not fall off your head).

  • Icons: print out the pictures, cut out the cardboard bases. Glue the pictures to the bases. The pioneer badge will be attached with a safety pin. It needs to be unfastened and taped to the base with tape. Wrap around the entire badge, and then cut the tape and carefully fold the edges to the back side, to the pin.

If you're planning a pioneering party for a big birthday or anniversary, dress up a bit more. Although in this case, the costumes are simple. Girls: white shirt/blouse + blue pleated skirt or brown school uniform with smart lace apron. Pioneers in "boyish" trouser shorts look funny.

The shirt can be tied with a hooligan knot under the chest. Braid braids or make ponytails. Buy a pair of large holiday bows and snow-white stockings. Make a light, barely noticeable makeup.

men– blue/brown suit or trousers only, no jacket. And that white shirt. If it is not a pity to spoil it, replace the ordinary buttons with "golden" metal ones. The belt is leather, with a "gilded" plaque. Grown-up guys in short pants/shorts are sure to bring smiles.

For a party in the style of a pioneer camp (summer outdoors), it is better to choose shirts with short sleeves. If the holiday takes place near the water, grab closed swimsuits (at least not the most revealing ones). Make some guests armbands, you can with humor (on duty for vodka, for shish kebab).

Menu, serving

Canteen food, when prepared by a good chef, is tasty, healthy and brings back memories of childhood. Organize a “dispensing window”: the pioneers come in line, the portly cook generously lays the first and second with aluminum ladles. And next to it is a barricade of faceted glasses of compote and jelly.

The decoration of the "dining room" for the party is also in the pioneer style - snow-white tablecloths, simple dishes, posters on the walls, carnations in modest vases. Advertising posters are appropriate - sausages, canned snacks, mayonnaise.

  • if you are planning a buffet, starters should not be overly delicacy by the standards of a bygone era. Choose simple recipes for sandwiches, kebabs and canapes;
  • for entourage, put sprats, sprats, cod liver and other snacks on the table, the labels of which have hardly changed in recent decades;
  • make some traditional dishes and salads - mimosa, Russian salad, herring under a fur coat. What we are accustomed to from childhood;

  • for the sweet tooth - USSR candies, curd desserts, eclairs, protein cakes, muffins, popsicles and ice cream balls in vases;
  • drinks for adults are not quite on topic, so it's better to seal the labels with bright "lemonade" pictures.


Appropriate music will stir up memories and add entourage to the scenario of a pioneer party. Download several compositions of popular Soviet performers of the 60-80s, songs from cult films of that era. Dilute the track list with pioneer songs: “Fly up the bonfires”, “When my friends are with me”, “The solar circle, the sky is around”, etc.

When planning entertainment, taking into account the age of the guests. If the holiday is for adults, it is unlikely that the 50-year-old hero of the day and his friends will be delighted with an endless series of active games. It is better to choose competitions for a pioneer party so that their meaning reflects (with humor) the life of Soviet schoolchildren: harvesting, waste paper and scrap metal, helping the elderly, sports, military training.

For a pioneer summer/camp style party, a scenario in the form of a friendly competition of two squads (or more) for the title of the best is perfect. Traditionally: divide into teams, come up with a name and slogan, choose a captain.

If there are not enough guests to divide into teams, let it be a joint training before the upcoming competitions (in the camp, Zarnitsa, sports rally). And at the end, announce that all the good fellows, everyone is ready to win in any competition - both sports and those invented to test the spirit of the naughty Fate.

Meeting with guests

To start a pioneer party noisy and fun, ask guests to take an oath. This process can take longer if the company is large. You can do this: the host reads out, and the guests shout in chorus “I solemnly swear!” after each line:

  • have fun to the fullest, be active, strive for victories in competitions;
  • not to get completely drunk for the first half hour, even if the lemonade turns out to be very tasty;
  • do not feel below the waist of other people's pioneers / pioneers.

After the oath, distribute ties, caps and other attributes to everyone.

United Spirit

Start-finish, you can sketch out obstacles. The guests line up. Their legs are tied: the right leg of one guest with the left leg of the other, and so on for everyone. The goal is to run (hobble?) to the finish line faster than the rivals. If there is not enough space, let the squads run in turn, and the leader will time the passage of the route.

Death to the Nazis

Fascist target (print a picture or dress up a cardboard full-length silhouette), bananas. The first participants come out, peel the banana, eat it and throw the peel at the enemy. Quit? You run into formation, and the next “pioneer” runs out to the position. The winner is the squad, all members of which coped with the task faster.

Let's turn the world

Let the squads choose one hardy "pioneer" per team. These fellows will "transport" all of their own in turn, holding them by the legs. The rest need to quickly "run" to the finish line on their hands.

Prepare household gloves with pimples (so that your hands do not get dirty) and family underpants (girls in skirts will thank you). The squad will win, all members of which "ran" to the finish line faster.

By bullseye

The goal is to transfer as many apples as possible from the common box to your basket in a minute without the help of hands. Hint to the guests that they can act as they please, but do not touch the crop with their hands. Let them be creative! At the end, count the fruits in the squads' baskets.

Breaking records

This competition is more suitable for a pioneer party in nature, but you can also build obstacles indoors (scatter large toys, put stools, etc.). Two participants from the squads, lots or captains appoint. The rest prompt (more to the right, behind).

The goal is to blindfold collect more garbage from the "clearing" than a squad of rivals. Metal - cutlery, waste paper - scraps of newspapers. “Garbage” must be put in your box in time (write “Reception Point” on them). At the end, count in whose box there are more units of "garbage".

With a ball

Volleyball, football, pioneer ball, sniper (bouncers). In nature, you can play any of them, and somehow beat them indoors:

  • bouncers with a plush ball;
  • football with the middle and index fingers, instead of the gate - a glass on its side, the ball is a grape;
  • a common box filled with crumpled paper. Two laundry baskets. Together they throw the paper into their "team" baskets. Whoever fills it up first wins.

Creative games, quizzes

  • continue the words of a song or a famous quote from a movie (of course, our Soviet ones). You can write several on pieces of paper, cut in half, mix. Issue to the detachments (to each his own, 15-20 quotes / lines of the song). Let them glue the “imperishable” with adhesive tape for speed;
  • race to glue the feeder from cardboard parts;

  • all together to draw a wall newspaper. Whatman, guest photos. Each under his photo leaves a birthday wish, in a pioneer style;
  • compose a poetic toast to the hero of the day (hero of the occasion). This is a reference to the radio program "Pioneer Dawn", the broadcast of which was largely based on poems and stories sent by the guys;
  • answer thematic questions / choose the correct answer from three.

And you can also run in bags and perform forfeits, play bottle and crocodile, sing songs in chorus and arrange dance competitions. The more of our games, familiar to the aching feeling in the chest, the better! This is a retro theme, you should not invent something fundamentally new.

At the end of the scenario, give all the pioneers commemorative certificates and vouchers. Where? Of course, a better life! Beautifully decorated, retro-like (there are samples of Artekovsky on the net, for example). If you are in nature, the soulful finale of the party will be the “Royal Night” with songs accompanied by a guitar and a traditional pioneer bonfire.

We dress the hero of the day (woman) in a pioneer or October costume (at your discretion), all guests also follow this dress code.

It is desirable to celebrate the anniversary in the village. It is necessary to purchase (buy, sew, rent) pioneer ties for all guests.

The beginning of the holiday.
The holiday begins with formation under a hymn of pioneers. All guests take an oath of pioneers

Guests :
I (Name, Surname), joining the ranks of the All-Union Pioneer Organization named after F.I. About the hero of the day, in the face of my comrades, I solemnly promise: to love my hero of the day passionately. Live, study and fight as the great Lenin bequeathed, as the Communist Party teaches. It is holy to observe the Laws of the Pioneers of the Soviet Union.

(Then, they are tied with ties.)

Everyone sits down at the table, congratulates the hero of the day, gives their pre-prepared gifts. While the guests are talking, having fun, we find 2 active (perhaps the youngest people) and give them the task to run through the village and the forest and scatter notes and tasks. For the game - something between lightning and orienteering.

Competition number 1.
Without what pioneers are not pioneers?

Guests :
Of course, without the pioneer banner.

Reads the first clue: run into the forest, to a tree with bananas (you need to hang bananas in advance)

Then all the guests run to this tree. Completing tasks and guessing riddles, the guests had to reach the goal - to find the pioneer banner. I advise you to arrange tasks and notes so that the competitions are varied, so that guests have to look for blindfolded clues in oatmeal, water, grass. Provide each other with first aid - put a splint, bandage a leg and transport the "injured" girls in their arms, jump rope, look for notes, decipher messages, ride an "elephant" and solve puzzles. After the guests find the banner, they must hoist it on the highest building (for this, everything must be prepared).

Preparation for the competition number 2.
At this time, while the guests are completing tasks, the hero of the day is kidnapped (hidden), and the guests face a new task to find the woman for whom they have gathered here. I propose to hide the hero of the day in the same building where the banner was hoisted.

So we hoisted the banner, but trouble happened - our birthday girl was stolen, let's find her all together.

(Gives a personal item to the hero of the day.)

Search for the Anniversary.
To facilitate the search for the hero of the day, again scatter notes, put people who will play the role of villains who stole our birthday girl.

Continuation of the banquet.
After the guests find the hero of the day, I propose to continue celebrating the holiday.

Competition number 3. Quiz.
The host asks questions, the guests answer.
1. When is Pioneer Day celebrated?
(May 19)

2. Whose name was the All-Union Pioneer Organization until 1924?

4. What do the three ends of the pioneer tie symbolize?
(Link of generations: communists, Komsomol members and pioneers)

5. What were the pioneers who helped the elderly and the disabled called?

6. What was the name of the military sports game of the pioneers?

7. The symbol of the famous pioneer camp "Artek" is Mount Ayu-Dag. What is another name for this mountain?
(Bear Mountain)

8. What was the name of the All-Union Children's Radio Newspaper?
("Pioneer Dawn")

9. Pioneers wore a pioneer tie. And what was the hallmark of October?
(October badge)

10. Which of the following is not true of pioneer bugle signals?

End of the Jubilee.
Toward the end of the evening, you can arrange a pioneer bonfire, at which each of the guests will be able to make a wish, and wish the Anniversary whatever he wants. The hero of the day, in turn, can thank her guests for coming with good jokes, toasts, anecdotes, etc. By the fire, you definitely need a person who can play the guitar Turn on songs that were modern at that time. I think both the guests and the Anniversary herself will like it. On the guitar, you can play the song Eaglet, popular at that time:
"Eaglet, eaglet, fly higher than the sun
And look at the steppes from above.
Forever silent merry lads
I'm the only one left alive..."

Props: (Red caps, red tie) Flag with the image of the birthday man (in the center of the star is the image of the birthday man), Drum, Bugle.

Clothing: Boys: dark shorts, white stockings, sandals, white shirt with short sleeves
Girls: white bows, skirt (pleated), white shirt with short sleeve knee socks, sandals, belt. Dress with long sleeves, white apron.

Our drinks are Fanta, Tarhun and Baikal.

Occupations: Collecting scrap metal, study for 4 and 5. Help the elders, protect the younger ones,

"Honest Pioneer", "We believe in the bright future of communism", "Be ready -" Always ready "

Alexander's introductory speech before initiation into PIONEERS!

When I was ten years old
I was loved by the whole wide world.
To all questions, simply “YES”!
I answered everyone and always.
And what is the word "NO"
I didn't even know when I was twelve!
The answer is in two great words.
Do you want to take a bike?
“YES!” I said to everyone in response.
What about vodka, a glass? Also "YES"!
Buy snacks sometimes?
Of course yes"! was my answer.
Are you going to poop? But how! "YES"!
Well, what about the girls? Nonsense!
They will have time, they will wait,
What to touch them? Five minutes!!!
Many years have passed since then
I hear the word “NO” more often!
Those old friends are gone
Forgot the words: "pour" and "drink",
Peace and comfort became more expensive.
I call friends: let's go to drink?!
“NO” I hear; Need to rest!
Affairs, family, worries, home
And we won't go to the bar either!
Can we take 100 grams?
Yes, what are you, God bless you, "Narzan"!
You are talking nonsense
What dances? No no no…
Well, why, how then
Can't you change "NO" to "YES"?!
Let's live, don't lose heart
Life is not to burn, but to ignite!
love, laugh, dance
Are you ready? I want to know
Go back to those years
Where was only the word "YES"?

A real Oath of the guests present!
Initiation into the pioneers of June 2011.
Putting on ties. The pioneer leader (leader) ties.

“I (Name, Surname), joining the ranks of the All-Union Pioneer Organization named after Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, solemnly promise in front of my comrades: to love my Motherland passionately. Live, study and fight as the great Lenin bequeathed, as the Communist Party teaches. Always comply with the laws of the pioneers of the Soviet Union.

Laws of the pioneers of the USSR. (Voice after tying the guests' ties)
The pioneer is devoted to the motherland, the party, communism
Pioneer is preparing to become a Komsomol member
The pioneer looks up to the heroes of struggle and labor
Pioneer honors the memory of fallen fighters and prepares to become a defender of the Fatherland
Pioneer is the best in studies, work and sports
The Pioneer is an honest and faithful comrade, always boldly standing for the truth.
Pioneer - comrade and counselor October
Pioneer is a friend to pioneers and children of working people of all countries

The oath of Noritsin A. Yu. separately from the guests, on an individual basis!

“I am Noritsin Alexander, joining the ranks of the All-Union Public Organization of Teetotalers and Ulcers named after Pioneer Pionerich Pionerov, in the face of my comrades I solemnly promise: to love my wife passionately, to honor and respect my parents and mother-in-law with my father-in-law. Live and support a family only on your own salary, learn only from your mistakes, fight only on the couch (freestyle wrestling), as the great Lenin bequeathed, as the hardworking party teaches. Always comply with the laws of the June 2011 pioneers.

Approximate names of the wall newspaper: “Pionerskaya Pravda”, “Pioner”, “Bonfire”, “Young Naturalist”, “Pionerskaya Dawn”, “Combat Sheets”, and “Lightning”,

Preparation of a wall newspaper (drawing paper (2 pcs), paints, brushes, scissors, glue, clippings from newspapers and magazines)

1. Select the general name of the newspaper.
2. Headings.
3. Paste photo collages from newspapers and magazines. (print guests' faces in black and white for collages)
4. Cool articles, incidents, incidents, news.

In all pioneer camps, there is a parent's day. By the day of the parents' arrival, the young pioneers were preparing various numbers. It is proposed to conduct a staged performance.
1. Agit performance (for warm-up)
The presenter enters an impromptu stage and announces: “We bring to your attention the propaganda performance“ Rescue of the armored train “Red Star”.
Act one: Characters (go out one at a time and line up in a semicircle): Anka the machine-gunner, a wounded sailor, V.I. Lenin, Red Commissar Dobrov, White Guard lieutenant Sliznyakov, watchdog Brave, switchman, stoker and armored train driver.
The participants endure a dramatic pause and say in chorus: “In connection with the sending of the armored train for repairs, the performance is canceled.”
This is followed by a general bow and applause.
2. Fairy tale performance
Roles: Curtain, Throne, Princess, Prince, Blow Kiss, Window, Dragon, Dragon Heads, Dragon Tail, Horse, Clouds, Sun, Trees, Wind.
The curtain opens... The palace. A Princess sits on the Throne in the palace... A handsome Prince enters... Sends a kiss to the Princess... They begin to be nice... At this time, an evil Dragon flies in the Window... with three Heads and a huge Tail..., grabs the Princess... and flies away... The Prince sets off to save the bride... Saddles his Horse… and rushing like an arrow to the Dragon’s cave… Clouds cover the sun…, Trees creak in alarm… Wind knocks the Horse down… and prevents the Prince from approaching the cave… The Dragon appears… Its three Heads spew flames and smoke… The battle begins… The Prince cuts off the first Head …, second and third… The Dragon’s body convulses…, Tail dangles from side to side… Princess runs out… trips over Tail… and almost falls… Prince catches her… They kiss… Tail continues to dangle… Curtain closes…
3. Congratulating the cow Milky or removing the veil of secrecy from the personal life of the birthday man
This character will be a real exotic at the holiday of a city dweller, but in those settlements where folklore traditions are strong, such a costumed congratulation may come to court.
Under the song “You not only ate the flowers…”, the cow Milka enters the hall with a large can in her hands, coquettishly waving her tail. (Head of a Cow, body of two people covered with a white sheet with an udder, tail)
Milka: M-just a minute, m-just a minute, m-my dears! What are you! I asked you not to start without m-me! I'm sorry for the m-minimal delay, m-milk, you know, I handed it over ... but now I can m-may I address the m-young birthday boy with a few words?
(The cow addresses the birthday man.)
Milka: Well, what are you? I m-could have prepared better if I had known about the holiday earlier. Then I would not have come alone, because you have a lot of us, right, little rascal? Well, okay, your Milka is not angry with you! Well, come to me, come! I want to be in your m-manly arms again!
(Milka does not expect mercy from the bewildered birthday man, puts the can on the floor and hugs the hero of the day herself tightly.)
Milka: Oh, what a sweet m-flour! Darling, do you remember how it all was the first time? Of course, of course, you remember everything! Let's remember together! I was so m-young and m-dreamy, and you are so, well, just m-macho!!! It's just m-mystic, but it all just happened in an instant! Let's tell you how it was!.. Or better not? Well, right! They will know a lot - they will want a lot. Although the latter, as they say, is not harmful! However, I got distracted. Happy birthday to you, m-my m-darling! I would like you about this mmm! But I came up with a better idea! Yes, for no reason at all, the m-muse came over me, and I decided to give you ... You'll never guess! Dance! W-we'll do the "m" dance! No, not a mazurka. And not macarena. And not a minuet. We will perform - tango! Why "m"? Because m-my tango! Maestro, m-music!
(Milka gets up with the hero of the day in a couple, but immediately gives a sign to interrupt the musical accompaniment.)
Milka: Wait a minute! I can't m-can! There is something else to do, especially for my friends, so that they know! And then everyone is talking: “He is no match for you, no match!” Here, try it on, prepared especially for you!
(Milka puts on the hero of the day small horns with rubber bands.)
Milka: That's the order now. (To his wife.) And you, lady, don't worry, this is a m-dummy, although they look like real ones. Now - m-music!
(A cow with a name day performs a passionate tango. When the music stops, she stops and looks languidly at her partner.)
Milka: You're just a m-mustang! Poor Milka almost fainted! Mmm. And take it off, otherwise you'll get used to it. (Removes his horns.) Wait a minute more! I still went to the birthday ...
(Milka points to the can.)
Milka: I'm giving you my favorite drink with the letter "m" - no, you didn't guess, not milk, but nutmeg! If you drink, remember your Milka! And you, dear guests, also cannot sit without gifts: everyone m-ice cream! Oh what a m-man! What a pity that it's time for milking ...! Happy Holidays! Goodbye, my m-macho!
Ice cream is handed out to the guests, and Milka leaves the hall to the music, sending air kisses.
At least everyone present can take part in this competition. Everyone is given balloons and invited to "discover" a new planet, that is, inflate the balloon as quickly as possible. Further, it is proposed to “populate” the planet as soon as possible, that is, to draw little men on the ball with felt-tip pens. The one who has the most "inhabitants" on the "planet" wins.
Necessary props: balloons, felt-tip pens.
friendly exchange
The competition is attended by couples - a man and a woman. All couples are given props: large family shorts and a cap (cap, cap). Men wear shorts, women wear caps. To the sound of music, the couple all begin to dance together, as they can and want. As soon as the music stops, couples should quickly exchange props, men should take off their underpants and put on caps, and women should take off their caps and put on underpants. And such an exchange is made three times. The couple that does it all faster and more fun wins.
Required props: large family shorts, caps (caps, caps).
Incendiary striptease
Several applicants are invited to this competition, both men and women. Everyone is given rings made of elastic with a diameter of 20-30 cm, depending on the size of the participants. An elastic band can be made from suspenders or use one that is sewn into the belt. All participants wear rubber rings just above the chest. Then, to the sound of slow music and to the applause of the audience, the participants begin to slowly and erotically remove the elastic band through their legs. The winner is the one who likes the audience the most.
Necessary props: rubber rings.
"This item is needed to..."
The host calls the participants any item (for example, a blanket, a pen, etc.), and they should take turns saying how the hidden thing can be used, starting the phrase with the words: “This item is needed to ...” The game becomes interesting when everyone the obvious functions of things run out and you have to invent them on the go. The one who could not come up with a use for the thing lost.
color kaleidoscope
This game is mobile and can be played by at least 5 people. Children love this kind of entertainment. After the facilitator calls out the colors (for example, yellow, then red, etc.), the players must grab some object of the named color. The host at this time counts to three. Who does not have time - leaves. The pace of the game can be increased, and its complexity increases.
Fair-selling men
To conduct this competition, at least three men will be required, for each of them “sellers” are selected: one or more women. As props, you need to provide participants with bright scarves, pieces of fabric, various jewelry, and cosmetics. The first task of the girls is to dress up their "goods" as best and original as possible. You can create some recognizable image: for example, Casanova. This task will take no more than 3-5 minutes to complete. Then the "sellers" must advertise the "product" to potential buyers, they may even hold an impromptu auction. The team that does the best job wins a prize.
The host will need to prepare for this game in advance. It is necessary to cut out various phrases from newspapers, preferably funny or ambiguous, and stick them on cards. Then these cards are distributed to the guests, and they will need to make a coherent story out of them. It will be fun, especially if the prepared passages concern politics, show business, and many other areas of life; You can even take the endings of jokes. And the further development of the game will depend entirely on the imagination of the participants.
Mrs Mable
Participants sit in a circle. One of them begins the game with the next question addressed to the neighbor on the right: "Is Mrs. Mable home?" He must answer: “I don’t know, I’ll ask my neighbor,” and asks the neighbor the same question, to which he receives the same answer. Participants get all the pleasure from how the words are pronounced. They must be spoken without showing teeth, i.e., biting your lips.
The players sit in a circle. The host informs everyone: "Each of you has an MPS, each of them has his own, unique, and your goal is to get to know him." To do this, the players take turns asking the host questions about their MPS, requiring an unambiguous, positive or negative, answer. The game is played until one of the players guesses that MPS is My Right Neighbor.
Examples of questions that players can ask the host:
1. Is it animated?
2. Do I always have it?
3. Is it a person?
4. Is it masculine?
5. Does he have dark hair?
6. Am I friends with him?
The host must constantly remember that he must give answers specifically for the right neighbor of the questioner.

Fire up, blue nights!
We are pioneers - children of workers.
The era of light years is approaching.

Joyful step with a cheerful song
We stand for the Komsomol.
The era of light years is approaching.
The Pioneer's Cry: "Always Be Ready!"
We will thunder together the song of the daring
For the pioneers of the world family,
Let us be an example of struggle and work.
The Pioneer's Cry: "Always Be Ready!"
We raise the scarlet banner.
Children of workers, boldly follow us!
The era of light years is approaching.
The Pioneer's Cry: "Always Be Ready!"
Pioneer Party!

Potpourri from the songs of the Soviet period (“Through the valleys and along the hills”, “Like my own mother”, “Migratory birds are flying”, “Eaglet”, “We are red cavalrymen”, “Bravely, comrades in step”, “In the everyday life of great construction projects ”,“ The main thing is that the guys don’t grow old with their hearts ”,“ And the battle continues again ”).

Pioneers solemnly tie a red tie to the hero of the occasion!

Performed by the pioneer detachment of the Courage group.

Pioneer speeches. Fervent pioneer and Soviet songs! Interactive with guests.

Who walks together in a row?
Our pioneer squad!
Strong, brave.
Dexterous, skillful.
You walk, don't fall behind
Sing the song out loud.
Who goes? We are walking!
Who sings? We sing!
Who walks together in a row? - Our pioneer squad!
Friendly, funny, we are always right there -
Pioneers Leninists, Leninists are coming!
Be ready always ready!
Be healthy - always healthy!
We guys are great, Leninist pioneers!

One two three four. Three or four, we want to eat!
Open the doors wider, otherwise we'll eat the cook!
We’ll have a bite as cooks, and we’ll drink on duty,
From the leaders we will cook coffee, from the boss - broth!

Who walks together in a row
Our Pioneer Squad
Are there many boats? - there are boats!
Did you take the oars? - the oars are here!
How is the team? - well done!
So on the road. Give up the ends!

One, two! - In order…
Three four! - Line up!
Three four! - Charging!
One, two! - All!
Left is right!
Running - swimming!
We grow bold
Tanned in the sun.

We are loud, we are swirling,
We don't need peace of mind.
We are romantics, we are dreamers
Pioneer combat squad.

Three four!
Three four!
Who walks together in a row?
This is a change of Komsomol, our pioneer detachment!

Not a step back, not a step in place,
And only forward, and only all together!

Whose are the guys?
Remote Octobrists
Strong and brave!
Clever, skillful!
An asterisk from kumach
We are the grandchildren of Ilyich.
Standard-bearer, higher banner
Raise the banner higher.
Sang our song
Sing our song!