Online fortune-telling “What should I do. Layout path online free divination on tarot cards Tarot what to do in this situation

Tell me, please, about a difficult relationship with a guy. There is no relationship, he is from another country. We only have correspondence and it is mostly about nothing, although it seems to me that he is reaching out to me. And I really like him.
1. Lady of Cups.
2. 4 of wands 7. judgment
3. 10 swords 6. 10 denarii
4. 6 denarii 5. knight of denarii

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Please comment on the alignment, I'm losing my last hope for building relationships. I can’t let go of extreme relationships, I’m afraid that I won’t meet such a man again. Now I feel that I am closing, falling into apathy.
She asked the cards what to do to finally meet a life partner?
According to the alignment, I didn’t understand what I still need to do, except to omit the past (8 cups), that is, the hopes for the return of the former need to be released. Or is it just outwardly? Confused.
1. Priestess
2. Jester 7. 2 cups
3. Chariot 6. 6 wands
4. Strength 5. 8 cups

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Natalie, if you can comment I will be very grateful. Job question. I want to work in one organization, but so far it has not worked for me. I don't know which way to approach. Now at a loss that the cards showed. What's the catch and what should I do? On the Tower there is no chance?
1. Tower
2. 2 denarii
3. 4 swords
4. Emperor
5. 9 cups
6. Lady Denarii
7. Devil
And the devil was also confused.

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Hello! Please give me an interpretation! Married men constantly come across, after a terrible experience of such relationships, I am afraid of them like fire. She asked the question: what to do to meet a partner (unmarried, of course)! The cards replied:
1. 9 of wands
2. Lady of denarii
3. Hermit
4. Five denarii
5. Judgment
6. 3 swords
7. 9 swords

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The experience of such relationships should be used to your advantage. Everything that happens to you, you can and should extract a rational grain from everything. You can talk a lot on this topic, why a girl gives way to such a relationship. There are a lot of components here: low self-esteem, and a problem with the image of the father, and a negative example of the relationship of parents - a fairly standard set. Of course, it’s better to avoid such bitter lessons altogether, but sometimes, when it’s too late to talk about it, you just have to accept what happened and move on. Apparently, despite the well-known problems of such relations, it was not enough for you to accept this truth without confirmation from your own experience.

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No need to think that this is some kind of terrible tragedy, everything is fixable and nothing is lost. A negative result is also a result.
The cards advise you to be vigilant, not to be so gullible and naive. Indeed, you need to be afraid of this like fire and not give such relationships initially the slightest chance.
The process of restructuring consciousness will take some time. You need to be patient and cultivate self-esteem and selectivity. Then everything will be fine.
Good luck to you!

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Thanks a lot!

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Good afternoon, Nataly! Help, please. I constantly feel some dissatisfaction in relationships with men, everyone else is prospering, and my personal life is going downhill. She asked me what I need to do to make my life better?
1 Lady of wands.
2 4 wands.
3 Sun.
4 4 cups.
5. Lovers.
6.3 cups.
7.5 swords.

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We broke up with a man, but we still communicate from time to time.
We can’t forget him, we can’t find a common language (as if we were closed and everyone speaks his own language).
I don't understand what's going on between us.

She asked me what to do with it?
1. 6 Lovers
2. 17 Star
3. 62 Nine Denarii
4. 13 Death
5. 75 Eight of Swords
6. 33 Eight of Wands
7. 11 Strength

Tell me, please, what does this mean?
Thanks in advance!

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Good afternoon, dear Nataly. The situation hung: he doesn’t call for marriage, but he doesn’t let go of himself either. What to do next? Help understand the schedule:
1. Six denarii
2. Wheel of fortune
3. Ace of cups
4. Star
5. Abstinence
6. Five of Wands
7. Chariot.
Thanks a lot.

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Good afternoon! After a series of conflicts with the MCH and his ignore, sent a farewell letter of thanks. He responded like he didn't take it seriously. I don't know what to do now. Tired, lost faith. But parting hurts a lot. Asked cards What to do in a relationship with the MCH, to come to harmony in the soul.

1. 2 denarii
2. Lady of swords
3. 10 wands
4. 8 swords
5. 7 swords
6. 10 cups
7. 7 cups

Please, help!

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I did not understand the card in the first position. And 7 with 6 seems to contradict the 5th. Completely confused.

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Good evening, I asked a question, what do I need to do in order to organize successful tutoring courses? 1-9 denarii, 2-10 denarii, 3-king of denarii, 4-tower, 5-4 wands, 6-devil, 7-7 wands. I understand that you need to fight, fight and be afraid of deception?

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You don't have to fight anyone. But reasonable caution does not hurt. You can’t do charity, you need to focus on generating income, charity - after.
Do not break everything that is, but organize everything on a family basis. What does this mean - you know better).
The project is viable. But do not strive for the ideal and do not be disappointed when faced with failures, do not elevate them to an absolute. Learn to see the big picture, focusing on the pros.
Good luck!

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Hello dear tarologists! I really hope for a response! I will be very grateful for the interpretation. There was an acquaintance with a man, he actively showed initiative, interest, sympathy. I’m married and couldn’t reciprocate, at the moment we don’t communicate, but I can’t forget him, I can’t switch, I feel bad at heart. I asked how can I forget him?
1-King of Cups
2-10 Denarius
3-Wheel of Fortune
4-Ace of Cups
5-Rider of Wands
6-Jack of Cups
7-3 of Swords

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First of all, you need to understand that the reason, of course, is not in this particular man, but in you. You can meet quite a few people like him, and he is not special and sent down to you from heaven. It's simple chemistry that has worked on favorable ground. And this soil, of course, is your readiness to fall in love, to feel something more than a routine. So you hooked him up with your vibes.
You need to solve the problem at the root, and not try to interpret the consequences of its occurrence.
However, first of all, you need to understand yourself. It doesn't matter where you are, with whom and what surrounds you.
As soon as you understand yourself, you will understand how to act in a given situation.
Look into your heart and deep into your thoughts. Try to evaluate your situation objectively, do not feel sorry for yourself and do not flatter yourself. Look as if from the side, twist this way and that.
Good luck!

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Nataly, you wrote everything very correctly, thank you, I didn’t expect an answer already, thank you from the bottom of my heart, I understood everything, once again, sincere thanks to you!

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Hello, please help me with the layout. I now live in another country, have been married for 5 years, have no children, we live like a cat and a dog, I don’t communicate with his parents, I’m going to visit my mother soon and I’m thinking not to return to my husband (what should I do? alignment: 1- death, 2-lovers, 3-three of swords, 4-nine of denarii, 5-peace, 6-strength, 7-ace of denarii

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In my opinion, you should not return home forever. Yet the maps point to a foreign direction.
You need to slightly adjust your attitude to the problem. First of all, you should pay attention to your emotional state. You bury yourself in your grief, although there are indications that you are in a position to influence the situation very strongly. This can be done precisely by focusing your attention on your emotions. You need to pull yourself together and release your energy of movement and achievement. Take responsibility for your life, reconsider your plans, outline new ways of development. They are, you just do not see them, bursting into tears and feeling sorry for yourself.
You have entered a period of transformation and a new beginning. Take action.
Good luck!

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Please comment on the drawn cards.
How should I proceed with him?
1. Priest
2. Rider of Cups
3. Jack of Wands
4. Wheel of Fortune
5. Two of Wands
6. Nine of Cups
7. Chariot
I can’t break off relations, and not everything is “smooth” in a relationship.
Thank you.

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Please help me understand the meaning.
What do I need to do to have the kind of wealth I dream of?
1. Moderation
2. Hermit
3. Two of Wands
4. Jack of Cups
5. Two denarii
6. Nine of Wands
7. Strength

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I made a very stupid mistake, in the first position of the Ten of Cups, and not Moderation.

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Hello Natalie. Help, please, I asked: how can I forget this person? 1.6 denarii
2. Jack of Cups
3. 3 of wands
4. Emperor
5. 9 swords
6.8 denarii
7. Ace of Cups

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Hello. I'm going to move to another city, closer to my daughter. But it's scary. In many ways, I doubt that it will not work and I will not pull it. And here I have nothing to keep except work. I understand, if in doubt - sit and do not twitch. But still ... I would like to know: is it worth leaving or staying and living out my life in place. I know that if I move, there will be big problems in all respects: both financially and at work. I don’t ask about personal life, there will be nothing there. Answer: 1. Wheel of Fate - Fortune 2. Five of Cups. 3. Ace of Denarius. 4. Ten of cups. 5. Jack of cups. 6. Four of swords.7. Priestess. Help ra ... tsya in this scenario. Thank you.

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Moving, as such, is not visible in this scenario, but it is quite clear that a process is underway that is very relatively dependent on your specific decisions.
You need to listen to your intuition and act according to the circumstances and signs of fate.
By the way, I wouldn't be so sure about my personal life.
Try not to share your plans with anyone.
Don't be so pessimistic, don't close the doors in front of you. Let the miracle enter your life.
Good luck!

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Good afternoon, the question is what should I do to move with my family to the Russian Federation for permanent residence. 1-DEATH
2- 6 of wands 7-7 of cups
3- 5 wands 6-chariot
4- 2 denarii 5-king of wands
I understand that you just need to decide on this? But death warns me that this will not lead to anything good? Consult the professionals

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Death is not to be taken literally. This card never means physical death. On the contrary, it is a symbol of rebirth, the beginning of a new stage, the end of the obsolete. Natural ending.
And the advice on the alignment is this: to drastically change the course of life, tune in to the best, let the situation develop, and give yourself the opportunity to dream.
Good luck!

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Thank you very much, most of all I was waiting for your comment. You are really a professional

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Hello! I ask you for help in dealing with the alignment. I live in the Urals, recently I had a desire to move to live in Krasnodar. I have never been to Krasnodar, and I don’t have anyone in this city, I’m going to move to live there alone, leaving everything here. Of course, there are concerns and fears, but in general I am confident in my abilities and ready to take the risk of changing my life. The question is, is the alignment favorable? Does it give me the green light to move within a year? Thank you in advance! layout: 1st - 10 denarii, 2nd - king of denarii, 3rd - knight of wands, 4th - 9 denarii, 5th - justice, 6th - 10 wands, 7th - star.

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move. and the money will be there

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Hello fellow tarologists! I urgently need to sell an apartment and buy a new one in another city. I turned to a realtor, but he did not inspire confidence in me. I am at a loss, I have never done this and this is my only home. I asked the cards what needs to be done to sell quickly and reliably:
1. Two denarii
2. Two of Wands
3. Four of swords
4. Knight of swords
5. Seven of Swords
6. Lady of Cups
7. King of Cups
Help ra ... tsya, please. Thanks in advance.

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Dear and respected tarologists! Answer please. The situation is very difficult. Thanks in advance.

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Good evening! What you need to do to move to another department within the enterprise. This is problematic for us, there are no "good acquaintances", but circumstances force us, we would not want to change the enterprise itself. Help with interpretation please.
1.knight of denarii
2.knight of cups
3.10 cups
4.king of cups
6.knight of swords
7.3 swords

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Despite its apparent simplicity, divination is ultimately a ritual that predicts fate. Online version of any divination
of course, this is a less serious procedure than, say, real divination on Tarot cards, but if you want to get the most
the exact result, we suggest that you follow a number of simple rules before starting the fortune-telling process:

1. Before starting fortune-telling, be sure to focus on your question, think about what exactly you want to know.

2. During fortune-telling, it is important to be in a calm environment, so that no one bothers you.

3. For greater concentration, count to 10 and take 2-3 deep exhalations and inhalations.

4. It is very useful to think in advance the time after which you want fortune-telling to come true.

5. Do not repeat the same fortune-telling more than twice - the cards will lie. Try another divination and change a little
or ask a question!

6. Even a negative answer to fortune-telling is perceived as positive. Remember that what is not done is for the best!

7. And remember: You and only you decide what your future will be! You received a forecast, and how to act depends
only from you.

Good luck guessing!

Despite its apparent simplicity, divination is ultimately a ritual that predicts fate. Online version of any divination
of course, this is a less serious procedure than, say, real divination on Tarot cards, but if you want to get the most
the exact result, we suggest that you follow a number of simple rules before starting the fortune-telling process:

1. Before starting fortune-telling, be sure to focus on your question, think about what exactly you want to know.

2. During fortune-telling, it is important to be in a calm environment, so that no one bothers you.

3. For greater concentration, count to 10 and take 2-3 deep exhalations and inhalations.

4. It is very useful to think in advance the time after which you want fortune-telling to come true.

5. Do not repeat the same fortune-telling more than twice - the cards will lie. Try another divination and change a little
or ask a question!

6. Even a negative answer to fortune-telling is perceived as positive. Remember that what is not done is for the best!

7. And remember: You and only you decide what your future will be! You received a forecast, and how to act depends
only from you.

Good luck guessing!