Fallout 4 where to find longfellow. Walk in the park. Task #1: "Talk to the greeters"

In the end, he agrees to take you to Akdia, but you need to prepare - stock up on antiradin, cartridges, stimulants and maybe a couple of three missiles, you never know who you will meet. If you are ready, then immediately hit the road.


On the table Old Man Longfellow is sitting at, you will find your first copy of the Islander's Almanac, which will unlock a new journal perk related to Far Harbor Island, namely: you will be able to mark key objects on the island. You can see all the magazine perks here, and where to find the rest of the Islander's Almanac magazine - here.

Go to Acadia with Old Man Longfellow

You're on your way - Old Man Longfellow is in front, and you are behind him. On the way, he will give you Jerky Bogweed, which should help you along the way, it seems to be a local potion that will increase Perception and resistance to poisons.

First you will go through the ruined resort town. Looking into restaurants and other buildings, you can find useful supplies. For example, in the first coastal restaurant with a sign "Fresh Lobster" you will find food, a first aid kit and a bag with weapons and ammunition. Immediately after that, you will meet trappers, something like raiders or shooters. This is your chance to show Longfellow what you can do. In the place where they settled by the supermarket, you will find a first aid kit on the wall and an ammo box in a wooden observation hut. You can climb onto the roof on a metal beam, there is a box with explosives.

Further, on the approach to a small ship, foggy ghouls will attack you - deal with them as well. Then, if you wish, you can inspect the coastal house, located near the ship. Inside there is a safe (lock level - medium) with weapons and ammunition. Go down to the pier adjacent to the house, where there is a large red bag with useful stuffing.

Then the trail begins, leading up the mountain, where Acadia is located. On the way you will meet a pack of ferocious wolves, then near the outdoor recreation area - small swallows and swamps, near the overturned truck - again wild ghouls. It doesn't end there - you will stumble upon a preacher, one of the Children of the Atom. She advises against going to Acadia, as she believes that the synths oppose the will of the Atom, convoking condensers for the inhabitants of Far Harbor to clean the air from radioactive fog. If you ask the preacher about the Atom, she will tell you about the sacred mist and the ground it covers. If the Atom deems you worthy, then you may join the Children of the Atom. To do this, you need to come to the Core and go through the ritual.

Next stop is Acadia. In the building near the barrier you will find an ammo box.

Talk to Old Man Longfellow

Old Man Longfellow did his job and got you to Acadia. Now he can become your companion, you just need to ask him about it. For his qualities as a companion, see the article about companions. By the way, now you can use the workshop in his Hut, located on the outskirts of Far Harbor.

New Companion: Old Man Longfellow

Now go inside to get acquainted with Acadia and complete the Find Your Place quest and more.

Find your place

Talk to the ruler of Acadia

Old Man Longfellow brought you to Acadia, as you agreed during the quest A Walk in the Park. Talk to the ruler of Acadia to find out anything about Kasumi, Nakano's daughter. To do this, go forward to the hall with equipment and a telescope. His name is DiMA, she is an old synth who is over a hundred years old. Kasumi is safe and you can see her at any time if you wish. But first, he will ask you some tricky questions, from which you may doubt whether you are a synth. Ask DiMA back about its history and about Acadia and its inhabitants. The ruler of Akdia seems to be quite friendly, and perhaps he is.

DiMA invites you to walk around Acadia and get to know those with whom he founded it: Faraday and Chase. Both may need your help - Acadia Ideals quest.

Talk to Kasumi Nakano

Kasumi usually works on the bottom floor, so all you have to do is go down there and meet her. And on the way you can look around here in Acadia.

There are three levels in Acadia. The telescope observatory where you just talked to DiMA is on the upper level. Faraday's office is located on the same floor; you can see it behind the glass windows of the observatory. Go down one of the two ladders to the level below. This floor contains the lab/health center run by Asta and the living quarters where most of the residents are concentrated.

In the laboratory / medical center, you can stock up on medicines by taking them from the first-aid kit on the wall and from the table. The main thing here is Asta, a kind of scientist and physician. She admires the island and collects samples, information about the course of evolution for future generations. If you offer her help in research, she will give you a tiny task - a quest from the Miscellaneous section "Beautiful Flower". In the same room, you can meet Koga, a man in work overalls, trading at his leisure. He has a unique piece of armor for sale - Marine Corps Recon Body Armor.

Look around here first. Hull is the only settlement where the surviving Far Harbor locals live. Here you will find all kinds of shops for exchange and purchase, all kinds of workbenches and a power armor service station. At the merchant Allen Lee, one of those who met you at the pier, you can find some interesting examples of unique weapons typical of the islanders: Admiral's Friend and Fish Trap.

Help: Admiral's Friend

Damage: 157

Ammunition: Harpoon

Rate of fire: 2

Range: 143

Accuracy: 63

The weight: 16,3

Price: 2096 (may vary)


  • Harpoon
  • Regular sight

Peculiarity: Double damage to targets with full health.

Reference: Fish trap

Damage: 66

Speed: slow

The weight: 7

Price: 542 (may vary)

Peculiarity: Reduces Action Point consumption by 40%.

Talk to Old Man Longfellow

The Last Shelter bar is located in the central part of the Corpus, you are unlikely to miss this place, as it is the only bar in these places.

Bartender Mitch is an interesting specimen. You can chat with him about his theories about the fog or rent a room from him for the night. In any case, you will get free beer at the expense of the establishment.


You can ask him for something stronger and, if you are convincing, go into the fog with a dose of extra courage (level of conviction is medium).


"Wim!" is the favorite drink of the islanders. But maybe it's stronger than what you're used to. This is something like the local Yader-Cola, there are even special machines. Although Yader-Cola is also available here.

OZ: 30

OD: 10

The weight: 1

You will find Old Man Longfellow at one of the few tables in the bar. Tell him that you need a guide to Acadia, but don't expect him to gladly agree. You will have to convince him by talking about the missing girl or simply by bribing him.


You can use your charisma. Tell Longfellow you're willing to take the risk, and it's not something you've had to do (Easy Persuasion). Or convince him that he should not care (the level of conviction is medium).

In the end, he agrees to take you to Akdia, but you need to prepare - stock up on antiradin, cartridges, stimulants and maybe a couple of three missiles, you never know who you will meet. If you are ready, then immediately hit the road.


Go to Acadia with Old Man Longfellow

You are on your way, with Old Man Longfellow in front and you behind him. On the way, he will give you Jerky Bogweed, which should help you along the way, it seems to be a local potion that will increase Perception and resistance to poisons.

First you will go through the ruined resort town. Looking into restaurants and other buildings, you can find useful supplies. For example, in the first coastal restaurant with a sign "Fresh Lobster" you will find food, a first aid kit and a bag with weapons and ammunition. Immediately after that, you will meet trappers, something like raiders or shooters. This is your chance to show Longfellow what you can do. In the place where they settled by the supermarket, you will find a first aid kit on the wall and an ammo box in a wooden observation hut. You can climb onto the roof on a metal beam, there is a box with explosives.

Further, on the approach to a small ship, you will be attacked by fog ghouls - deal with them as well. Then, if you wish, you can inspect the coastal house, located near the ship. Inside there is a safe (lock level - medium) with weapons and ammunition. Go down to the pier adjacent to the house, where there is a large red bag with useful stuffing.

Then the trail begins, leading up the mountain, where Acadia is located. On the way you will meet a pack of ferocious wolves, then near the outdoor recreation area - small swallows and swamps, near an overturned truck - again wild ghouls. It doesn't end there - you will stumble upon a preacher, one of the Children of the Atom. She advises against going to Acadia, as she believes that the synths oppose the will of the Atom, convoking condensers for the inhabitants of Far Harbor to clean the air from radioactive fog. If you ask the preacher about the Atom, she will tell you about the sacred mist and the ground it covers. If the Atom deems you worthy, then you may join the Children of the Atom. To do this, you need to come to the Core and go through the ritual.

Next stop is Acadia. In the building near the barrier you will find an ammo box.

I like 9

For convenience, use summary:

Passage of the quest "A walk in the park" (DLC Far Harbor)

The quest "A walk in the park" begins immediately after the main character arrives on the island, that is, immediately after the end of the quest "Away from Home". This island, like the history of the add-on itself, is new, that is, it did not exist before and you will not find it without installing the Far Harbor DLC.

The passage of this quest is not difficult, you will have to talk and shoot, and what you wanted is not the first quest, so difficulties begin to appear. Next, all the tasks of the quest "A walk in the park" will be described in detail.

Task #1: "Talk to the greeters"

On the pier, the protagonist will see a group of people meeting, which will include a merchant named Allen Lee and the mayor of the city, a girl whom everyone calls Captain Avery. Unlike the merchant, Avery will be glad to arrive, at least keep up the conversation and tell about what Kasumi saw and about the fact that there is a colony of synths on the island. Also, Captain Avery will give a brief excursion into the history of Far Harbor. True, the conversation will be interrupted by an alarm, but the captain will promise to tell everything before the main character helps them repel the attack of the enemies.

Mission #2: "Follow Captain Avery"

The main character must follow Avery to the top of the city wall, which is called the Corps, this wall protects the pier from the ruins of the old city. From the city wall, the protagonist can see an ugly picture, several residents of the city who were returning back, but did not have time to do so before the gates closed, will remain standing in front of the closed gates, they will not be allowed in because of the danger of mutants entering the city.

Task # 3: "Protect the hull"

The attackers will not keep themselves waiting long and will launch an attack on the inhabitants who remained at the gate and on the wall itself. You should not dig for a long time and look at the new mutants with surprise, because if you can save a group of residents at the gate, they will thank you, though the gratitude will be only 150 caps, but it's better than nothing.

The new mutants will be Deepthroats and Anglers.

Task #4: "Talk to Avery"

After you help protect the city from new mutants, which by the way will not be difficult, you need to find Mayor Avery and talk to her. In a conversation, Avery will thank the main character by paying him a small amount, and after that he will tell in detail about the island, the city, new mutants, the deadly fog, the children of the Atom and much more.

There will be a lot of information, the main character will even have to interrupt Captain Avery to remind her about Kasumi Nakano, who the main character is looking for. She confirms that Kasumi went to Acadia, a synth colony. But only Old Man Longfellow can help the main character get there, and you can find him in the Last Shelter tavern. Therefore, we finish talking and head to this tavern.

Task #5: "Talk to Old Man Longfellow"

First, Old Man Longfellow will not agree to lead the main character to Acadia, you will have to persuade him, there are 3 ways to persuade the old man, these are:

  • Pay for the old man's whiskey;
  • To say that this will be a reward to the main character for protecting the city from mutants;
  • Press on pity by telling the touching story of a runaway girl.

As a result, Old Man Longfellow agrees to accompany the main character to Acadia.

Before starting the description of the full walkthrough Fallout 4 Far Harbor, we want to warn you that if you want to fully enjoy the passage of this add-on, then you should not read this article, because it is quite detailed and in this case will act as a spoiler.

It is worth noting that the passage of Fallout 4 Far Harbor cannot be described by some unambiguous decisions with specific tips and other things. Since events unfold depending on various factors. So to give you some specific scheme and say that it will be so-and-so is impossible, because not only the factors of the decisions you have chosen affect, but also the style of playing the game itself. For this reason, the ending of the game can be quite reserved, friendly or ultimately hostile. Nevertheless, we will try to describe to you the basic principles and essence of Far Harbor story quests.

The first thing to notice is that you don't have to rush through the chain of main missions. If you start doing this, you will simply lose access to a lot of very interesting side quests. The second thing to know is that good radiation protection will not be superfluous on the island. Do not neglect the various protective properties of the new suits and new armor. Don't forget to use rad's. Don't forget that the various bonuses that you will get when you study local specialties magazines will definitely come in handy. It is also worth paying more special attention to your abilities and actually developing them thoughtfully, because this element has a significant role in the game mechanics of Far Harbor.

Quest "Far From Home" (Far From Home)

In order to start playing Fallout 4 Far Harbor, you do not need to put in tons of effort. You just need to have the DLC and completed the quest "" in the main game. Next, use your pipboy to listen to a message from Nick Valentine's detective agency, then head to his office. Ellie, Nick's assistant, will meet you at the office. After talking with Nika, you will need to go to the house of the fisherman Kenji Nakano, whose daughter disappeared under unknown circumstances.

After you talk to the fisherman and his wife, you will need to look around and go explore Kasumi's room, where you will need to collect her holotapes. The girl's diaries are in the back room of the second floor on a chest of drawers. You will need to look for the last holotape in the boat house not far from the house. This holotape is in the safe, and the key to the safe is in the photo frame on the table.

As it turns out, Kasumi tuned her radio and managed to contact someone who could influence her already restless soul. The girl already doubted her origin, since she does not remember some episodes from her childhood, and also sees some strange dreams. After Kasumi received these messages from the synths, she completely broke down and left for the island, which is located in northern part of the sea. On this island, she hopes to find some answers to questions that have been worrying her for a long time.

Share the information you found with the fisherman and his wife, then go to the boat on the pier, on which you can go to Far Harbor Island. After a long journey, you have to set foot on the uncharted lands of Far Harbor Island.

Quest "Walk In The Park"

When you arrive on the island, things will move pretty fast. The first person you meet will be Captain Avery, who serves as the headman of the fishing village, as well as the merchant Allen Lee. These people will meet you at the pier. You should not count on a warm welcome with bread and salt, as strangers are not particularly liked here, they are not welcome here and they are treated with distrust. If you try, you will be able to win over these guys a little and even seem a little useful source of information to them, after you decide to tell them the information received from Kasumi's diaries.

Your communication will not last long and will be interrupted by the attack of monsters on the settlement. Grab your weapons and go to the wall to help the inhabitants of the settlement defend their territory, which they call the Corps. Here you will also see some new monsters that you have not seen before. Such as zgloty and anglerfish. Shoot all the creatures, and if it is convenient for you, then you can go downstairs for a more thorough and quick destruction of these reptiles. After that, the attitude towards you will be warmer and you can even receive some material reward from Avery.

After the conversation, you will find out that life in the settlement is already not sweet, the situation is getting worse due to the radioactive fog, which is getting worse and worse, and it is likely that these crazy fanatics of the Children of the Atom who live in the center of the radioactive zone are to blame, which is located in the old nuclear submarine base. The territories that are in the mountains belong to the very peace-loving synths to which Kasumi went. In order to go there, Avery will advise you to take the help of the old man Longfellow, who knows this island very well. You will find this old man in a tavern called "The Last Shelter". Avery will also ask you to help the residents of the dock. After that, the quest "Life on the Edge" will be activated.

Before you head to the tavern, it's best to explore the fishing village. Having rummaged through it, you can properly prepare for a difficult journey. If necessary, you can use the layouts here, as well as the power armor service station. In addition, here you can upgrade your arsenal. In the shop of the same Allen Lee, whom you will meet on the pier, there are firearms, as well as hooks, which will be very useful for destroying local creatures. Also here you can find such weapons as a harpoon gun, a fish catcher, an admiral's friend, a bear trap, a lever rifle and other types of weapons that are exotic for us.

The Last Resort Tavern is located in the center of the Corps. In the tavern, you can chat with the bartender Mitch, who will tell you new facts about the mysterious fog. Do not forget that the main purpose of your stay in the tavern is to meet and get acquainted with the old man Longfellow. In order for the old man to undertake to help you with a trip to Acadia to the synths, you will need to use the power of persuasion. This way you will get a new companion. Above all, try to look around you. On one of the tables of the eatery you can find one of the issues of the Almanac of the Islander. This almanac will give you access to some new abilities. If you collect all issues of this magazine, you will have access to many interesting abilities and some trophies from the list of DLC achievements.

When you go to Acadia, be sure to listen to what your "guide" tells you and, in the first place, try to stay behind him without rushing ahead. Also, the supplies of food, water and medicine that you prudently took with you can be replenished in an abandoned eatery located in a dilapidated resort town. In the same town you will encounter the so-called trappers for the first time. This is something between raiders and shooters. In this clash, it will be possible to take the initiative into one's own hands, which in the end will be positively assessed by old Longfellow. After the showdown with the trappers, climb onto the roof of the supermarket and pick up explosives there. You will need it very much in the future.

Along the way, you will come across an abandoned hut where you can get weapons and ammunition. Near the hut on the pier, you will also find no less useful items. During your journey, you will also encounter fog ghouls, which, due to higher levels of radiation, will be somewhat different from those found on the mainland. In addition to ghouls, you will also encounter wolves, gulps, and swamps. For now, acquaintance with the local fauna will be limited to this. But in addition to animals, you will also meet a rational being, if this person can be called that. This is a preacher from among the Children of the Atom. She will tell you her version of the spread of the fog, and will also offer to join the only true religion by going through a ritual in the Core.

After a long journey to the mountains, you still come across the cherished Acadia. At the very top is an old abandoned observatory. At the top, the air is clear and there is no cursed radiation-poisoned fog. In the building, which is located near the barrier, you can replenish your ammunition.

Old Man Longfellow will inform you that he has done his job, but if you decide to ask him for a favor, he will gladly agree to become your companion. Among other positive aspects of this partnership, you will have the opportunity to use Longfellow's workshop in Far Harbor.

To continue playing Fallout 4 Far Harbor, you need to enter the observatory building and start the Find Your Place quest.

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The set of partners in the game is extremely diverse. You can travel with anyone - people, ghouls, mutants and even robots. But how useful are Fallout 4 satellites and what opportunities do they open up? Guide to partners.

List of possible satellites in Fallout 4

This lists all the possible partners of the protagonist in Fallout 4, their abilities and the location where they can be found.


  • ID: 0001d15c
  • Location: Parking lot of Red Rocket trucks.
  • Romance: Not.

Homeless shepherd dog. First possible satellite. A direct reference to previous games - there was also a dog with that name. One of the best and most loyal companions in Fallout 4. By default, he loves the hero, no matter what he does.

Able to find enemies and objects. Alerts about attacks. Attacks enemies and knocks them to the ground. It has its own perk "War Dog", thanks to which it is able to keep enemies in a prone position.


  • ID: 00079249
  • Quest: "Beneficent Intervention".
  • Location: Combat zone.
  • Reward: Hasty Shooting (quick AP regen when low (25%) health).
  • Romance: Yes.

Fighter and drug addict from Ireland, survives through constant battles with raiders in the arena. Rough and harsh, but very effective in the Wasteland. To take her as a partner, you need to clear the Combat Zone and pick up the contract.

Useful as a Fallout 4 companion - easily picks any locks and is good with a shotgun. Sometimes it breaks studs, but it will deal with even a very complex lock without problems.


  • ID: 00045ac9
  • Location: Old northern church (basement).
  • Reward: Cloak and Dagger (+20% Stealth Damage, +40% Stealth Duration)
  • Romance: Not.

A spy and pathological liar, Deacon became a Pozdemka spy to save the synths. Constantly changing clothes and lying. Sharp on the tongue and not restrained. But he's fun to be with.

As a satellite, it is not particularly useful in any way - it shoots medium, it carries few things. Love for caustic comments and sense of humor.


  • ID: 0002740e
  • Quest: "Long road".
  • Location: Third rail.
  • Reward: Mortal Shot (+20% headshot chance in VATS)
  • Romance: Yes.

Former Mayor of Little Lamplight, now an ordinary mercenary. Managed to get a family and lose it. Now he survives as soon as he can. Will join if you pay him.

Good shooter and good sniper. He constantly has a supply of ammo and gives them to the player (sometimes he even has nuclear blocks for Fallout 4 power armor).


  • ID: 00002f1e
  • Location: Diamond City.
  • Reward: "Magic Language" (double experience for persuading and finding locations).
  • Romance: Yes.

An extremely active journalist, constantly looking for informational reasons for new materials. She managed to annoy everyone around, including the mayor of Diamond City, so she is not allowed into the city. A positive and interesting girl who is ready to go on a journey with the Survivor after he gives her an interview.

In battle, it is practically useless, but it willingly gives the player various snacks (gum, Nuka-Cola and other snacks of the Fallout 4 world). Gives +10% experience boost, which is very useful in the early stages of the game.

Preston Garvey

  • ID: 00019fd9
  • Location: Concord.
  • Reward: "Together we are strong" (+20% damage and resistance when fighting with three or more enemies).
  • Romance: Yes.

Last Commonwealth Minuteman. The main plot character of this faction and in parallel the companion of the protagonist. Dreams of resurrecting the Minutemen and helping humanity be reborn again. Thanks to his intervention by the hands of the Survivor, new settlements are flourishing in the Wasteland.

Uses a laser musket in combat. Shares stimpacks, flare gun rockets, and smoke bombs with the player. On the streets of Fallout 4, people will recognize him and periodically give him supplies.

Paladin Dance

  • ID: 00027683
  • Location: Cambridge Police Station.
  • Reward: Know Your Enemy (20% more damage against ghouls, synths, and super mutants).
  • Romance: Yes.

A stern paladin of the Brotherhood of Steel, who ended up in the Commonwealth with the Gladius reconnaissance group. Meets a gamer in the process of exterminating a horde of wild ghouls. A strict and responsible commander, is an excellent fighter. Never removes power armor. A very powerful partner with a laser weapon.

Fallout 4 uses powerful cannons as a companion. Generates and gives the Survivor very rare Fusion Cores needed to use Power Armor. If you help him with strengthening the signal of the radio station, he will recommend accepting the protagonist into the Brotherhood of Steel and appointing him the rank of Knight.


  • ID:000bbee6
  • Location: Institute.
  • Reward: Wave Shield (+20% Energy Damage Resistance)
  • Romance: Not.

Institute Hunter and latest generation synth. The perfect killer, deadly and observant. Available only after finding the Institute in Fallout 4.

A very dangerous opponent. In battle, it will be almost better than all the other companions. Equipped with the latest institute technology. In addition, he willingly shares energy batteries.

Nick Valentine

  • ID: 00002f24
  • Quest: "It is high time".
  • Location: Vault 114.
  • Reward: Heart of Steel (+1 terminal hacking attempts, -50% terminal cooldown)
  • Romance: Not.

Synth of the "intermediate generation", thrown to the mercy of fate by the Institute. With difficulty, he settled in Diamond City and works there as a detective. Specializes in finding missing people. He eagerly takes up the search for his son and is even ready to risk himself for this.

In battle, as a companion, he uses his own smoothbore pistol with infinite ammo. Can use any Fallout 4 weapon. It cannot be equipped with any armor. He is perfectly familiar with hacking - he is able to open any terminal at the request of the player.


  • ID: 000179ff
  • Location: Sanctuary Hills.
  • Reward: "Sympathy for robots" (+10 defense against robot weapons).
  • Romance: Not.

A "Mr. Helper" robot that belonged to the Survivor's family long before the Great War. After being evacuated, the Sanctuary Hills spent 210 years alone. The most polite and helpful robot, which, however, is capable of feelings (in the understanding of such creatures) and combat operations.

Uses a circular saw and a flamethrower as weapons. Can condense and purify water, which then gives out to the Survivor during a conversation (only once a day).


  • ID: 001846cb
  • Quest: "Unpredictable behavior."
  • Location: Secret Vault 81.
  • Reward: "Military doctor" (when health is below 10%, restores 100 XP).
  • Romance: No/Yes (synth).

The "Miss Nanny" robot that was used for medical experiments in Vault 81. Programmed by one of the scientists using a human personality. But due to the failure of the experiment, she was locked in solitude for more than 210 years. Tried to create a cure for all diseases. Willingly goes with the hero if he releases her from the Laboratory.

As a companion, Fallout 4 uses the same weapon as Codsworth. Once a day, gives a stimulant if you talk to her.


  • ID: 00027682
  • Location: Trinity Tower.
  • Reward: Berserk (+20% Melee Damage at 1/4 Health)
  • Romance: Not.

A friendly-minded super mutant raised on Shakespeare's classics. Eager to find the "Balm of Loveliness", so he willingly goes on a journey with the player. He likes to help people, although he considers them weak.

The perfect fighter in close combat. Uses a personal hammer and two-handed weapons. Periodically treats the player with various meats.


  • ID: 00022613
  • Location: Neighborhood.
  • Reward: Isotope (+20% Crit Meter Fill Rate when over 250 Radiation)
  • Romance: Yes.

Gul Mayor of Goodneighbor. Gained power in the settlement, destroying Vic's gang and restoring order. Cruel and rude, but fair. At the first meeting, he kills a racketeer who molested the protagonist, worrying about the safety of the guest.

Will agree to travel in Fallout 4 with the player after the quest "Excavations". As an avid drug addict, he shares substances with the Survivor. Works great with a shotgun.

Companions from additions

Ada(Automatron, ID xx00fd5a). An improved assault gun that traveled with a caravan. At the time of the meeting, she fought off the robots of the Mechanist, in the battle with which her friends died. Burns with a thirst for revenge and asks the player to help.

Old Man Longfellow(Far Harbor ID xx006e5b). Conductor, wise and prudent. Let him live in his house. He likes to hunt and even wanted to destroy the unique Bog Killer "Ship Killer".

Porter Gage(Nuka-World, ID xx00881d). Raider from Yader-world. An outspoken merchant, he is even ready to sell goods to his partner at a standard price. But on the other hand, he has excellent equipment and is very useful in battle.

Likely relationships with companions in Fallout 4

Each companion loves and hates something. It depends on his faction and personal preference. Naturally, if the Survivor will do or not do something, this will affect the attitude of the partner towards the player. In some situations, the companion may even attack.

The level of relations in Fallout 4 increases in the process of traveling or performing any actions on the part of the player. The better the relationship, the more frank the companion. Upon reaching a certain level of trust, he can give a personal quest and / or open a romantic line.

Improving relations with a fellow sufferer is easy - you just need to remember what he likes and do it in his presence more often. And in no case do not do what the satellite does not like. Finding out the attitude of a friend to certain actions in Fallout 4 is easy - just ask him about it.

Reaching the maximum relationship level will grant the player the partner perk and the ability to flirt with some companions. He will remain with the player, even if his donor is kicked out of the team.

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