What can be brought from the Altai Territory. Interesting facts and useful tips. Wooden and ceramic souvenirs

Residents of the Altai Territory will definitely tell you what to bring from Barnaul. They love their Motherland and are proud of its treasures. Nature generously shares its wealth not only with the local population, but also with the guests of the region.

Altai is the pearl of Siberia. The wonderful nature of the region attracts tourists from all over Russia. Lakes, rivers and mountains are at the disposal of outdoor enthusiasts. Those wishing to improve their health can choose one of the many sanatoriums.

1. Altai honey

Altai honey is famous throughout Russia as an environmentally friendly product. A huge number of honey plants grow on the territory of the region, and hard-working bees produce many varieties of this healthy delicacy. Taiga, mountain, fireweed, angelica, acacia, esparcet... You can list and list, but it's better, of course, to try. You can buy healing sweets from the local population or in a store. Large producers offer honey with additives: nuts, chocolate, berries, royal jelly. In specialized stores, there is a large selection of other beekeeping products: perga, propolis, pollen, zabrus. Honey as a gift is often bought in wooden souvenir kegs.

2. Mead

An alcoholic drink based on honey and local herbs is produced at distilleries and at home. Commercial production technology and home recipes differ. In any case, it will be sweet, but quite strong (10 - 16 degrees), knocking down a drink with a wonderful aroma. Despite the healing properties of honey, which mead retains, you should not get carried away with it: excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to health.

3. Pine nuts

A source of many vitamins and microelements can be brought from a business trip in bulk or in cones. Cedar oil is also highly valued - fragrant and tasty. And in Barnaul, delicious gozinaki, urbech, halva, roasted nuts are made from nuts.

4. Products from cedar

Cedar gives not only tasty and nutritious nuts, but also valuable wood with a beautiful natural pattern. She goes to the manufacture of lining, kitchen utensils, furniture, musical instruments. Scraps are used to make handmade souvenirs, which are in great demand among tourists. Wooden talismans-pendants in ethnic style, funny figurines of animals, decorative panels, kitchen utensils are willingly bought as a memento of a trip to Barnaul. Products from cedar, carved by local craftsmen, exude a resinous taiga aroma for a long time.

5. Tea from Altai herbs

Local forbs from time immemorial gives a charge of health to the indigenous people. Collected in an ecologically clean region, medicinal herbs as part of collections are in demand outside Altai. Fireweed, thyme, marijuana root, bergenia, cinquefoil, licorice, golden root and dozens of other herbs are sold separately and as part of fees. In local health resorts, guests are given infusions from local medicinal plants; fragrant herbal teas are also served in cafes.

Thinking about what you can bring from Barnaul, try several types of fees: each of them has its own taste, aroma and healing effect. Away from Barnaul, a cup of fragrant healing drink and a jar of honey will remind you of the wonderful nature of the Altai Territory.

6. Antler products

Antlers are young deer antlers that are cut off from male deer in May-July without causing any harm to the animals. Panty is used not only in traditional medicine. Studies have confirmed that they have a unique mineral composition and have a positive effect on many organs of the human body. Antler products are a brand of the Altai Territory, known all over the world. Maral breeding is the main occupation of the indigenous population. With the growing demand for antlers, huge deer farms were created.

Bring tinctures, pantohematogen and various dietary supplements based on velvet antlers from a business trip to Altai, and you will forget about many health problems.

Beware of fakes! High-quality goods from antlers cannot be cheap, because expensive raw materials are used for their manufacture.

7. Leather goods

Barnaul craftsmen are famous for wallets, belts, bags, covers, covers and other products made of genuine leather. Handmade accessories will emphasize the style of their owner, because they not only sell finished products, but also make them to order. An individual inscription or drawing will complement an exclusive thing that is so nice to bring as a gift to a loved one.

8. Jewelry made from natural stones

Deposits of semi-precious stones in the Altai Mountains have been developed on an industrial scale for about 300 years. The region is rich in jasper, porphyry, quartzite, malachite, rock crystal and other gems. The “Queen of the Vases”, entirely carved from Altai jasper, is depicted on the coat of arms of the Altai Territory and is kept in the State Hermitage Museum.

If you have time, visit the Stone World Museum. There you will see what stones are mined in Altai. Buy earrings, rings and pendants in jewelry stores: real stones are expensive and set in silver, gold or platinum. Placers of cheap products in the markets are unskillful fakes made of glass and polymers.

Guests of Altai leave Barnaul rejuvenated and rejuvenated. They take healing gifts with them for relatives and friends.

Tips on what to bring from Barnaul as a gift or souvenir

It is believed that it is in Barnaul that you can find unusual original tambourines. The tambourine is an ancient cylindrical drum. The Altai drum can be a wonderful souvenir for lovers of unusual instruments. The tambourine will be a wonderful interior decoration and a gift: you can put it on a shelf or make a present to your friends. Made of durable quality materials, the instrument will retain its interesting sound for many years.
You can buy a tambourine in Barnaul in specialized musical instrument stores.

Altai honey
In the first place among the delicious souvenirs that you can bring from Barnaul, of course, is honey. Local producers offer a choice of buckwheat, linden, taiga and other varieties. The geographical location and climate have a beneficial effect on the development of beekeeping in Barnaul. The uniqueness of Altai honey is in its composition, which contains pollen grains of plants that grow only in this area.
You can buy honey in Barnaul at fairs and specialized stores.

Altai phytobalms

Ecologically clean herbs and natural berries are the basis for Altai balms. Guests of Barnaul tend to try a variety of tinctures and bring them as gifts for their friends and relatives. The healing qualities of balms are known far beyond the region, which is why they are so in demand for the treatment and prevention of various diseases.
You can buy Altai herbal balms in the city's pharmacies and in some souvenir shops.

stone crafts
The Kolyvan stone-cutting plant is a unique Russian enterprise in this industry that has been operating for over 200 years. Altai handicrafts made of stone are known in many foreign countries. Beautiful stones porphyry, jasper and quartzite are used as materials. Completely handmade enchants everyone visiting Barnaul. Tourists are offered a choice of a wide variety of souvenirs: Easter eggs, ashtrays, vases, boxes and others. Everyone can bring a gift of a suitable price category.
You can buy stone crafts in Barnaul in the city's souvenir shops.

Hollywood letters "BARNAUL"

The most popular tourist souvenir is a magnet. Barnaul is also no exception. However, in this city there is an architectural monument that is amazing for tourists: the Hollywood letters "BARNAUL". Made in a famous foreign style, they are considered the most desirable purchase for city guests. Moreover, images of Hollywood letters are found not only on magnets, but also on ceramics and printed products. You can buy such an unusual souvenir in any stall or souvenir shop.

Beer Vorsin
The Barnaul brewery is famous for its high-quality Vorsin beer. Every fan of a foamy drink will be able to find a suitable option for himself: classic, noble or strong beer. The mild taste and natural ingredients of this traditional hoppy drink will please the guests of Barnaul. You can try local beer in restaurants and pubs, and buy for friends and acquaintances in the alcohol departments of supermarkets.

Barnaul - travel tips

    • It is very convenient to rent apartments in the cities of the Russian Federation and neighboring countries with the Sutochno.ru website, and including far abroad countries on the famous Airbnb website
    • It is very convenient to search and book hotels with the help of this Hotellook service, or you can also try RoomGuru - I set out in more detail.
    • I recommend looking for flights using this site.
    • Tickets for intercity and international buses can be found

Altai- this is the land of amazing beauty. It is distinguished by an unusual climatic resource and beautiful landscapes. There are several good reasons to visit this place. First of all, it is a wide range of entertainment. A person with any taste preferences will be able to find in this place a kind of activity to their liking. All tourist bases are located near attractions, so the tourist will be able to get acquainted with all historical places. Altai is famous for its excellent food and polite staff. From such a wonderful resort, you must definitely bring gifts for your family and friends.
I would like to note that on Altai a huge number of souvenir shops. They are located at a short distance from each other. There are several categories of products that you can bring from Altai for your family and friends.

Useful souvenirs

(short description) Altai balm
Altai region famous for the release of balms, which include mountain herbs. Solutions from antlers, which are especially good for men, are very popular. Balms on Altai are produced in small batches, exclusively from natural products. They are intended for oral administration and as dietary supplements.(/short description)

Altai honey
Another useful ingredient is honey. Finding it is not difficult; this component is sold in private homes and along roads. Honey, which is produced in private apiaries, is especially popular. This component has a pleasant taste and smell, which cannot be compared with products from other cities. Experts say that the product is collected only by hand, which retains all its useful properties. Honey, which is created in Altai Territory has a complex composition. It contains grains of medicinal plants. Honey is also packed by hand, in some cases it is additionally filtered before being sold. The product in its pure form has a great aroma and taste. One spoonful of honey eaten will bring healing benefits to a person. There are such varieties of the component as honey in combs, acacia honey and red pot. Soap is also made from honey.

Pine nut oil
AT Altai Territory it is present in its natural form. This ingredient is suitable for every woman, it can be used for cooking and cosmetic purposes.

herbal tea
Because Altai region is rich in useful herbs, then in a large assortment there are herbal teas. Such tea can consist of either one ingredient or a whole "bouquet". It has an indescribable fragrant aroma and intense healing properties.

For lovers of high-quality alcoholic beverages, "mead" is perfect as a gift. It is based on components such as honey, spices or hops. This drink is also produced in apiaries in limited quantities. It is not recommended to buy it in kiosks, as you can often buy a product diluted with alcohol there. Accordingly, it has a different taste.

Tasty souvenirs

Dairy products
Even a child knows about the benefits of fermented milk products. However, in grocery stores, not every product is of good taste and quality. A real, natural product can be brought from Adler. This place is famous for the production of delicious cheese. Such varieties as "Dutch" or "Soviet" are especially popular. As a rule, cheese is brought from other cities, so you can buy it in grocery stores. If you need to buy a fresh product of your own production, then you should pay attention to the mountain, Cherginsky variety. It is famous for its unusual delicate taste.

Someone travels to Altai region just to enjoy the taste of the local fish. Grayling and taimen are found in this place. They are suitable for smoking, frying, boiling and freezing. Such a gift is sure to please a relative or friend. You can get it with the help of self-catching or buy fresh fish in a store or market.

Altai apples
Another product to bring from Altai- it's apples. They have an unusual taste reminiscent of ascorbic acid. Fresh apples can be bought from the inhabitants of the city, however, it is quite difficult to get them.

Pine nuts
Be sure to bring from Altai nuts. They are obtained from cedar cones. These nuts taste great and are packed with nutrients. The product can be bought at grocery stores or you can extract it yourself from the cedar. Local residents claim that in order to facilitate this process, boiling water should be poured over the nuts. A bag of fresh nuts makes the perfect gift for friends and family.

Handmade souvenirs

Of course, a delicious product will please any gourmet. However, it will be nice to receive a gift that will remain for many years. For those who love comfort in the house as a gift is suitable wood panel . It is sold in souvenir shops at a price of about 300 rubles. Its diameter is 10 - 15 centimeters. Such a souvenir can decorate the wall in the room.
Another souvenir that you can bring from Altai - tambourine . In other words, it is called a drummer. Its interesting design will perfectly complement the interior of the room. It is perfect as a gift for those people who love unusual souvenirs.
This place has a large number of handicrafts. Popular among tourists jugs . In order to purchase such dishes, you need to order work from a local master.
An excellent gift is painting . AT Altai there are a large number of artists who can create real masterpieces. The cost of this souvenir varies depending on the size and quality of the product. Such a gift is a great way to please a dear person.
If the financial side allows, then you can purchase Shaman tambourine . This is a dimensional souvenir, which has an unusual design. It is worth noting that its cost can exceed ten thousand rubles.
AT Altai there are many craftsmen who will create a unique masterpiece from wood. You can find out where the workshop is located from local residents. A tourist can order crafts of any shape and size. It will complement the interior of any house or apartment. The price of such a product can be varied, up to 50 thousand rubles. Cedar is used as the main material of this product. Symbolic talismans and amulets are created from it, which will bring happiness, wealth and good luck to the house.

Ideas for souvenirs

Musical instruments
AT Altai Territory two types of musical instruments are popular - topshur and komus. They can also be purchased in stores and presented to your loved ones. With the help of these musical instruments, folk music is created.
Topshur is an instrument with two strings. In appearance, it resembles a dombra. To create this tool, use a piece of cedar and cut out the required shape from it. The strings are made of horse hair, it is selected exclusively in white.
Comus , in another way it is known as komys, has the shape of a rim with a small plate in the middle. When working, it gives an unusual sound, reminiscent of a buzz.
In addition to these two instruments, Altai also produces drums, ikili and tambourine . All of them can serve not only as a subject for creating music, but also as a decoration for the home.
There are also some household musical instruments that are also produced in Altai Territory. Each of them is able to create a sound close to natural phenomena. For example, a product called Amyrgy allows you to imitate the cry of a deer. Often, it is used for hunting musk deer or roe deer. Musical instruments like Shang and Konko allow you to create a sonorous sound of bells. All these products can also serve as an unusual souvenir for relatives and friends.

Textile from Altai
Textiles are a great gift for every woman. It also dominates Altai Territory a lot. An unusual gift will be dark carpet . They are made by local craftsmen using the "shirdek" technique. You can not only buy products from them, but also attend a master class on its manufacture. The basis of the carpet is felt. In total there are several types of applications for carpets. Mosaics are very popular. It will perfectly decorate the interior of the house.
As for textiles, you can order sewn pillows or blankets made of goat hair.

Amulets, talismans and amulets
There are many amulets and talismans made in Altai. All of them have different properties. There are several popular products.
Pomegranate Talismans
According to local residents, such a product will give a person an influx of vitality. If a person wears it, then he will not be afraid of the attacks of enemies and illness. The amulet has a good effect on pregnant women, provides them with easy childbirth. This amulet saves men from wounds.
Amulet made of natural stone
Gives a person self-confidence. It can also relieve stress and depression. If bleeding or wounds occur, then with the help of a stone you can eliminate them.
Amulet from financial difficulties - Necessary to save from financial losses.
Sign of maternal protection - will protect the child in difficult situations.
Sign of well-being - increases income, saves from dismissal and trouble.
A sign for protection on the road - brings good luck on a long journey.
Sign for the protection of animals - is located above the cages or in the barn in order to protect the animal from illness.
A sign to protect the patient - will protect from ailments.
Sign of protection from damage - saves a young family from evil gossip.
Sign of protection from curses - removes the influence of ill-wishers from a person.
Each sign can be purchased from the masters. It must be chosen depending on the life situation of a loved one. Usually, cedar is used as the main material for the amulet.

Altai cosmetics
All over the world cosmetics is an important part for every woman. AT Altai produce good quality natural cosmetics, which are based on natural herbs, flowers and berries. It will allow a woman to maintain her youth for many years. A feature of such cosmetics is that it cannot cause irritation and allergies. If there are imperfections on the skin, then with the help of the product they can not only be masked, but also cured. After regular use, the skin will acquire a healthy glow. Such a gift will be a chic assistant for all occasions for every woman.

Another gift for a loved one will be Altai clothes. It can be presented as a gift to both men and women of any age. A distinctive feature of clothing Altai is that they are made from natural fabrics.

Where is the best place to buy souvenirs in Altai

After the tourist has decided on what he wants to bring as a gift for his relatives, you need to think about where you can buy it. Souvenir shops are quite common in the Altai Territory. Finding them won't be difficult. As for balms, it is better to buy them in rural pharmacies.
If you need to purchase a large number of souvenirs for all friends, relatives and acquaintances, then you need to visit the wholesale company "Souvenirs of Altai", which is located at: Biysk, st. Shishkova, 33/6. In the store you can find a lot of items for the interior, gifts for newlyweds and for couples in love.
Paintings and textile products, it is desirable to purchase in the store "TD Altai-Star" or in the museum of local lore.

How to bring souvenirs home safely

Traveling is a wonderful time in the life of every tourist. However, it quickly ends and the time comes when it's time to pack things in luggage and leave the cozy hotel room. To please your friends and relatives, it is important not only to choose the right gift for them, but also to deliver it safely to their homes. If the store did not pack the souvenirs securely, then you need to do it yourself.
Small gifts should be wrapped in paper, packing each object separately or connecting two or three elements. From above it is required to wrap with adhesive tape and glue a sheet of cardboard. Beginners, going on a trip, do not attach importance to this, so they often find themselves in an unforeseen situation and do not know what to pack their products in. If this occurs, then the excursion catalog can be used as packaging.
In order to transport the dishes safely, you should purchase a container with a soft filler. Transportation boxes can be requested from the hotel or restaurant staff. Free space needs to be filled with scraps of paper. You can also transport dishes in plastic bottles, which must first be cut off the neck.
Bottles with an alcoholic drink, preferably, should be transported wrapped in a bag and tape. If this is not "at hand", then you can wrap the dishes in clothes. If nothing is suitable for packaging, then you can use a shower cap, candy bags, egg packaging, and so on.
As stated in Altai Territory you can buy a large number of fresh products. In order to bring them home without spoiling, you need to remember a few rules. First of all, fruits and fresh fruits are best transported in special containers. They can be purchased on vacation or taken with you from home. This is especially true for fish. If it is packed in a container, this will not only keep it fresh, but also prevent the spread of odor. It is advisable to stack products at a small distance from each other and prevent them from touching. If there is no container, then the products can be folded into several bags and placed between soft things.
Also, do not forget about the rules for carrying luggage on the plane.

Altai Krai is an amazing place that is rich not only in beautiful places and interesting entertainment, but also in useful products. In this place you can find any gift that will please even the most fastidious relatives and friends. It is worth noting that the prices for them are reasonable, and any tourist can buy them. Do not forget about those souvenirs that depict the sights of this amazing place.

In order for a trip to Altai to leave not only memories, but also a material embodiment, you need to know what useful and interesting things can be brought from Altai. And in this region of our country there are really a lot of things that you can’t buy anywhere else.

Altai balsams

The word "balm" comes from the Greek "liquid resin". Indeed, many balms somewhat resemble such a substance in appearance. Altai drugs most often include such elements that you will not find anywhere else.

They can be both alcoholic and made without the use of alcohol. There are recipes for literally any ailment. In pharmacies of Altai, you can buy soothing, invigorating compounds, balms for male and female health, expectorants, kidney, liver drugs.

Rhodiola rosea, which grows in Altai, has unique properties. Its property to raise the tone and mood has long been known. It is a natural adaptogen and is part of many invigorating formulations.

Altai balms can be bought not only in pharmacies, but also in shops, souvenir shops. Recipes for compositions go back centuries, when the proportions and components were selected by shamans. The healing effect should not be expected immediately. Most note it after a while after the start of regular use.

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A big mistake is to visit Altai and not buy a jar of the famous mountain honey. This honey is considered one of the best in Russia. And no wonder - and they are distinguished by good ecology. Bees pollinate many medicinal plants, which affects the chemical composition of honey and bee products.

This delicacy is recognized not only in our country, but also abroad. The product is environmentally friendly, has a unique aroma and taste, is enriched with vitamins and microelements, and has many healing properties. In Russia, only two brands of honey have a special meaning - Bashkir and Altai.

Interestingly, beekeeping is a relatively recent occupation of the local population. Bees were brought here only in the 18th century. Before that, they did not live further - the consequences of the Ice Age, from which Siberia suffered especially, affected. It was not immediately possible to develop beekeeping in Altai. But gradually more and more people mastered beekeeping, developed and improved effective methods of extracting honey. Now Altai honey is a symbol of quality.

In addition to it, you should pay attention to beekeeping products - perga, propolis, royal jelly. They are used for medicinal purposes and bring great health benefits!


In a region where beekeeping flourishes, such a drink as mead cannot but be popular. This is an original Russian drink.

A lot of people will love this drink! Its strength is somewhat higher than that of beer, and the taste is sweet, honey. There are several technologies for making a drink. Some of them involve boiling, some do not. In the second case, the useful properties of the main component are much better preserved. Medicinal Altai plants are often added to mead.

Most note the "stunning" effect of the drink in the first minutes after drinking. Impossible to stand firmly on your feet! But it passes quickly, as do light hops. Is it right to bring mead from Altai, or is it better to drink it right there, because the fresh product is only at the place of its preparation, is up to you. But there are both options: you can buy and drink right away or take it in glass bottles and take it home.

Pine nut oil

Another valuable product brought from Altai is cedar oil. It has a wide range of uses: cosmetic, medical purposes, cooking. Pine nuts are a very common product in Altai. It is collected by the local population in the taiga.

The oil is medicinal, environmentally friendly, very high-calorie. It has a slightly specific taste and will add zest to any dish.

Healing herbs

Many medicinal plants grow on the territory of Altai. Some of them you will not find anywhere else in the country.

A feature of the Altai Territory and the Republic of Altai is a good ecological situation. For example, in the Altai Republic there is only one large city - the capital Gorno-Altaisk. Throughout the vast territory there are few industrial productions, gas-polluted highways. Plants here are not subject to the harmful effects of the environment.

When purchasing Altai phytoproducts, there is no doubt about its safety.

Why is it so important that medicinal plants grow in a prosperous region? The fact is that they absorb heavy metals from the soil like a sponge. Plants are even used to clean the soil. Using infusions and decoctions of such herbs, along with beneficial substances, a person receives a cocktail of harmful elements.

In Altai, nature is clean, herbs are not exposed to harmful effects and comply with all sanitary standards. Here you can buy cinquefoil, marshmallow, leuzea, rosea rhodiola, hangover and many other unique plants. And not only to buy, but also to collect yourself.

herbal teas

It is not necessary to drink any particular herb. The effect will be much greater if medicinal plants are used in combination. It's hard to make it right on your own.

In Altai, you can buy a ready-made phyto-collection, where all the components are successfully combined with each other.

What compositions can not be found here! And for weight loss, and for cheerfulness, and for a good mood! Healing tea is available for everyone: children and adults, women and men. There are expectorant fees, there are cardiac ones. Compiled complexes of medicinal herbs of Altai for the kidneys and liver, gastrointestinal tract.

Herbal ingredients act gently, do not cause side effects. Altai nature provided great opportunities for cleansing the body, filling it with vitamins and microelements.


Older people remember Soviet cheese very well. It was made in Altai. The history of its appearance is interesting.

The conditions here have always favored cattle breeding. The local population has long been engaged in the manufacture of dairy products.

In the Soviet years, the government decided to launch the production of cheese. The manufacturing technology of the famous Swiss cheese was taken from Switzerland, but it was not suitable for Altai.

And then scientists adapted it specifically for local conditions. So it turned out to be an excellent cheese, it was called "Soviet". The product has repeatedly won prestigious international awards and has been recognized all over the world. At one time he disappeared from the shelves. But now, once in place, you can buy this valuable product and bring good cheese from Altai.

In addition to it, you can try other types of cheese here: Altaisky, Cherginsky, Pokrov Altai. But this region is famous not only for cheeses. The rest of the dairy products are also of high quality.

Do not miss the opportunity to purchase a bottle of araki - vodka made from milk.


The origin of this mysterious substance is still not fully understood. Scientists are still arguing whether it is organic or not. But everyone agrees that mumiyo has powerful healing properties. This is one of the most useful gifts that you can bring from Altai.

One small piece of this strange substance used to be divided into parts and distributed to all acquaintances, since it was very difficult to get the mumiyo.

Antler products

Everyone who comes to Altai tends to buy products from antlers - deer horns. Marals are a rare species of deer living in Altai. Their horns have always been valued in oriental medicine, and their valuable properties are also recognized in western medicine. It is not for nothing that European pharmacies offer a large selection of drugs based on antlers.

Local maral breeding farms have a long list of regular customers who purchase young antlers of these rare deer.

Wooden and ceramic souvenirs

An excellent gift for friends and acquaintances will be dishes made from Altai cedar, or ceramics in the national style.

It is convenient for storage of supplies, will serve as a wonderful home decoration. Such items create comfort and remind of a wonderful land.

Products from Altai gems and small trinkets

You can bring jewelry from Altai. There are deposits of many valuable minerals in Altai. These are malachite, carnelian, jasper and others. Local craftsmen make unique jewelry out of them. Most of them exist in a single copy.

Souvenir (French) - "memories, memory". We bring souvenirs for ourselves and our loved ones from different places, and they return us to the atmosphere of these places, immerse us in memories of joyful moments of relaxation and knowledge of the world around us.

What souvenirs can be brought from Altai?

Small trinkets: magnets, calendars, postcards

Any souvenir market will be full of cute "little things" and in recent years, Altai craftsmen have learned to make really original and high-quality things - from wood (birch, pine, cedar, juniper), from leather, from ceramics and even from ordinary pebbles collected on the banks of the Katun or another river.

Ethnic jewelry made of fur, leather, stones

Numerous archaeological finds have brought to us the images of ancient Altaian jewelry, and modern craftsmen skillfully make copies of them, adding modern motifs and using improved technologies for processing traditional natural materials. The decorations are also motivated by the usual Altaian activities (hunting) and religious images (mainly natural elements).

When choosing jewelry, you should pay attention to only one point. For an ancient Altai woman, a shell brought from distant lands was of particular value; it was placed in the very center of a pendant, bracelet, or other piece of jewelry. What value will a Mediterranean shell brought from China carry for you today?

Chilim (water chestnut, devil's nut)

Chilim is a relic plant (a plant whose appearance has not changed for many millennia, a kind of "living fossil"). In the Altai Mountains, it grows on Lake Manzherok and, if the ancient Altaians were attracted by its high content of nutrients, it was actively used for food, then contemporaries use it exclusively for making souvenirs, the "devil" looks very unusual - the woody fruit of this plant.

When buying, you should pay attention to the fact that in Russia chilim is listed in the Red Book, it is allowed to collect only fruits that have ripened and freed from seeds (they have a dark brown color). Buying "immature" chilim, you can become accomplices of poachers.

Dishes made of wood, stone and ceramics

Dishes and other utensils made of natural materials attract not only by their appearance, it seems to us that their use is very useful, as if porridge from an Altai pine plate is "soaked" with all the useful qualities of this tree. This is partly true. And there are a great many types of such souvenirs in Altai - wicker baskets, earthenware jugs, wooden spoons, vases, glasses...

It is better to buy the dishes that you will use for food products "raw". It is cheaper, besides, you can cover it yourself with impregnation or a special varnish and be sure that it is not toxic and will not harm your health.

When choosing, you should make sure of the origin of the material. Was the stone from which the bowl was made really found in Altai?

Recently, the sale of pillows "from cedar", "from pine", "from juniper" has become widespread in Altai. pillows stuffed with sawdust from these trees. They have different shapes and sizes and, of course, the phytoncides of these coniferous trees and shrubs have a beneficial effect, in addition to a pleasant smell, they help to cleanse and improve the bronchopulmonary system. Everything is so, but the cost of a "bag of sawdust" is sometimes bewildering.

Camel wool products

Camel hair is a great material that helps maintain body temperature and keeps moisture out. Mongolian camel wool is considered the highest quality in the world, and it is from Mongolia, which is so close to Altai, that socks, mittens, blankets, traditional Mongolian slippers and much more are brought here. The most valuable is the white wool of a camel (it retains this color until the animal is about a year old), this wool is the softest and most delicate.

Unfortunately, it is worth noting that in the souvenir markets of Altai there are fakes for Mongolian products. Never buy products "made of camel hair" in bright colors, a feature of this material is that it is practically undyed (natural colors are white, cream, yellowish-beige, dark brown, reddish-brown).

Attach the product to your hand - it should immediately and noticeably warm. Unlike the wool of other animals, camel wool will be thinner, softer, products made from it will be lighter.

And finally, the smell. The smell should not be similar to either chemical or sheep wool, camel wool has a very slight smell.

Altai komus (vargan)

A traditional musical instrument of the Altaians, it was used by shamans and storytellers. Those who skillfully owned komus were especially revered people.

How to play komus? The instrument is pressed to the lips or to the teeth, when extracting sound, the oral cavity acts as a resonator. Sellers will gladly show you how to do it right.

Where is the best place to buy souvenirs in Altai?

Souvenir shops and markets are found everywhere in Altai - along the roads (Chuysky and Chemalsky tracts), near the main sightseeing objects ... Souvenirs are everywhere! The main mass of inexpensive and most common souvenirs is concentrated in the markets.

For those who want to buy truly original, "piece" handmade products, there is also a choice of places for shopping. Let's give some examples.

Askat village

This village has become a kind of "shelter" for creative people from all over the world, for many years they have been moving here from large cities, carried away and inspired by the nature of Altai. Here you can buy not only products of ethnic orientation, but also objects of modern art, especially many artists and pottery masters live in Askat.

the village of Cheposh (Center of Russian culture "Desyatiruchka")

The Shilov family created a unique center in the village of Cheposh dedicated to the traditions of the Russian population of Altai. Here you can buy amulets made in compliance with traditional techniques and canons. Handmade dolls deserve special attention.

Kupchegen village

In this small village, located on the Chuisky tract, right behind the Chike-Taman pass, a Center for Folk Crafts has been established, craftsmen working here make products from leather, stone, and wood. And their work is truly a work of art!


In the vicinity of the capital of the Republic of Altai, a rich selection of workshops and shops offering products made of natural stone is traditionally presented, in the village of Maima there is even a "Stone Museum".

On the right bank of the Chuya River, not far from the villages of Inya and Iordo, there is one of the most famous sights of the Altai Mountains - the Kalbak-Tash tract.