Battle carnival weapons. Minimum system requirements

Developed and published by Zepetto in 2016, it became available in Russia and the CIS on the gaming platform GameNet in the same year. The game is distributed on a free-to-play model.

There are 12 playable characters in Battle Carnival, each with their own story, passive and active skills, and unique secondary weapons. Each character has a different amount of maximum health and can either move quickly or walk silently.

For the first time, the release of the game on the territory of the CIS countries became known in August 2016. And already in September, the first stress test of the game took place, which became the first stage of testing, in which ordinary players took part. This was followed by several more stages of testing, after which, during the Alpha test, the game was presented at the Igromir exhibition. On December 16, 2016, the final stage of testing started, which was aimed at checking the translation and adaptation of the text, as well as testing game mechanics.


The conflict of the main characters is tied to a mysterious explosion of antimatter. Each of the characters presented in the game is somehow connected with the incident. Someone hunts for antimatter for their own benefit, someone wants to hide the artifact away from prying hands, and some fight for antimatter in the name of a common good cause. As a result of an anomalous explosion, some characters received superpowers that the player can use during the battle.


Cindy is a popular vlogger from Virginia who is skilled with firearms. She likes to dress stylishly and does only what brings her popularity.

big boy- A 23-year-old Aussie with an anime fascination who is also a skilled engineer with a passion for weapon modification.

killjoy- an egocentric psychopath, listed as especially dangerous criminals in every country in the world.

Natasha- a secret agent from Russia, specializing in contract killings.

Queen- A 19-year-old British woman from a noble family who regularly serves the state and the crown.

Papi- A brave commander of a special forces detachment who puts the lives of his comrades above his own.

Phoenix- Soldier of the US Navy Special Forces.

Rhino- A 30-year-old Italian native who prefers a good fight to conversation.

The Lady- The fastest shooter in the United States.

Rumble Jack- a talented fighter who dreamed of living an ordinary life.

Jimmy King- Forcibly frozen in a cryogenic chamber, a rock star from the 60s.

Veronica- adherent of the religious cult TGO (transhumanist society).

Voice actors

Name Voice Actor
Cindy Liza Martirosova
big boy Petr Ivashchenko
killjoy Daniil Eldarov
Natasha Tatiana Shitova
Queen Polina Shcherbakova
Papi Sergei Vostretsov
Phoenix Yuri Derkach
Rhino Vladimir Antonik
The Lady Olga Zubkova
Rumble Jack

Votes 5

Overview of Battle Carnival

Battle Carnival is a fast-paced shooter designed specifically for those who love shooting games. The game has a huge number of different characters, while each of them has its own specific abilities and skills. Everything here is tailored to the person, that is, this is not a thoughtless shooter, but quite an advanced game in which characters can use certain abilities.

The game differs radically from its predecessors. The Battle Carnival has a minimum of fantastic characters, and the weapons are copied from real prototypes. It is worth noting that people are used as the main characters, which also cannot please fans of the genre. True, there is an invisibility, but it is impossible to do without a fantastic zest.

Main heroes of Battle Carnival

big boy. The name of the character speaks for itself. This is a really big guy. He consumes not only hamburgers, but also the bullets of opponents. A cheerful and resourceful guy who has not hefty energy.

Cindy. This is a girl who creates tactical barriers. As a result, in the process of her movement, she not only accelerates herself, but also other allies.

Queen. One of the strongest characters in the game, who is able to strike with lightning speed and move very quickly. A distinctive feature of the character is the ability to absorb damage from opponents, while eliminating any even the most powerful target in close combat.

Phoenix. Here, too, the name of the character speaks for itself. In fact, this is a soldier who, returning to the ranks after a defeat, returns to it even stronger and more powerful.

Jimmy king
. A character who is a desperate musician who, with his music, drives all opponents crazy and jams all their abilities. However, he can fight on his own. He always has a guitar and a microphone in his arsenal.

Thus, we can say that Battle Carnival is a fun game that is full of original characters. Melee battles are especially dynamic, in which each hero can use his skills. Anything goes here. Some use guitars and microphones, and some deal with opponents with boxing gloves or chairs. The game is worth spending an evening with, and for some, it can become permanent entertainment.

Battle Carnival, 6.6 out of 10 based on 5 ratings

The release date of Battle Carnival will take place on the eve of the holidays, December 31, 2016. Russian gamers will taste it earlier than "colleagues" from other countries. On November 15, closed beta testing of the project began. Download Battle Carnival will be free.

There is already a lot of information about the new multiplayer free FPS: from the developers, we are waiting for an eSports humorous game with a twinkle and high dynamics. Easy-to-learn mechanics are designed to turn the carbon monoxide battles between teams into a real pleasure. Players will be able to get acquainted with a dozen unique heroes, choose one of them to confront other shooters. There will be 6 modes and about 25 different maps. Well, having connected friends, it will obviously not be boring to play Battle Carnival!

Plot: After the explosion of antimatter, the world has changed. A large-scale threat brought together the destinies of very different, almost unrelated people.

Overview of Battle Carnival Characters

  1. Big Boy is an Australian military and weapon enhancement specialist. Dense complexion, love for computers: the fat man is clearly with his cockroaches, but despite his figure and oddities, he knows how to be a dangerous opponent. In battles, he uses a modified Desert Eagle, a cube knife, and a pair of grenades disguised as chips.
  2. Killjoy is a frostbitten psychopath killer, all living people are afraid of him. Not in vain: a charismatic terrorist does not feel pain, and demonstrates emotions only in conditions of fierce confrontation. No pity, sympathy, fear. He is armed with a pair of stylish pistols, a sharp karambit and a skull-shaped grenade. Has the ability to disguise.
  3. Cindy is an eighteen year old vlogger from Virginia. An ordinary sweet girl who loves to stream and everything pink. Except for one detail: she is well versed in weapons. She became famous for single-handedly beating up a group of criminals. The girl's arsenal includes a light baton and a handy pistol.
  4. Phoenix is ​​a former Marine. Equipment: knife, pistol, explosives, tactical shield. An experienced shooter, a true master of his craft, knows firsthand about real battles.
  5. Rhino is a hefty Mexican mercenary with a huge bazooka and a revolver. Having tested himself in sports, protection of criminal authorities and smuggling, he became a soldier of fortune. Now the impenetrable big man is only interested in money for the heads of enemies.
  6. Natasha is a secret agent of the Russian government, a dangerous seducer: a moment - and the target is already at the front sight of her pistol with a silencer. The deadly image is complemented by titanium stiletto heels plus the ability to see the enemy. Everywhere.
  7. Rumble Jack is a constantly whining but talented guy who, by the will of fate, became a warrior. He managed to visit the sports team of his native Wisconsin, as a private in the army, and later as a commander of a combat detachment. Sometimes he fights with a slipper, sets claymore mines.
  8. Jimmy King is a guitarist, a legend of the 60s in the USA, and now a dangerous terrorist armed with a leather revolver and a microphone. At the peak of world popularity, Jimmy was kidnapped by unknown people. As it turned out later, a powerful organization conducted experiments on him, after which he froze. Back to life again, King seeks revenge.
  9. Lady - what could be better than an attractive girl with revolvers in her hands, who is also the absolute champion in the "Fast Shooter" competition? The sheriff's assistant worked hard, fighting crime, but after the attack on the town of a terrible psycho in a mask, the girl's affairs went down ... Accurate, decisive, uncompromising, there is dynamite.
  10. Daddy is a real hero, a good family man who destroyed all the bandits that he met on the way. Mute, or very taciturn. He grew up in a poor family and never knew fear in battles with corrupt police and crime syndicates in his native Mexico. A secretive, skillful soldier who owns the most modern weapons.
  11. The Queen is a very young British woman, at the age of 17 she became a boxing champion. From childhood, she began to play sports, develops her body and spirit. She was able to prove to her family that she was worth something. Never making her debut in professional sports, she took the nickname Queen, deciding to test herself in the secret public service (like her father).

The creators have promised to introduce a few more characters.

Game Features

Supported Platform Battle Carnival - GameNet.

Those who actively follow the news of the future hit may wonder: how to get to the CBT Battle Carnival? Unfortunately, closed testing of the beta version has already begun, the access code cannot be received, since it is no longer relevant. Anyone who can't wait to play will have to wait for the release.

Minimum system requirements

  • Processor - Intel Pentium 4
  • Video card - GeForce 8600
  • RAM — 1 Gb
  • Free space — 5 Gb
  • Operating system - Windows 7
  • Processor - Intel Core 2 Duo
  • Video card - GeForce 9800
  • RAM — 2 Gb
  • Free space — 5 Gb

