Cherry blanks for the winter - freeze and pickle. Pickled cherries for the winter recipes for home Pickled cherries for the winter recipes

Cherry is a juicy berry with a unique sweet and sour taste that can be preserved by canning for the winter. Cherries can be rolled up as jam, jam, as a spicy side dish for meat, fish or vegetable dishes, or you can pickle cherries for the winter. In addition to the unique taste and aroma, cherries contain vitamin C and other useful substances that will help with winter beriberi (lack of vitamins).

Canned cherries are very suitable for meat and fish as an addition to the side dish. Its sweet-sour taste with a combination of spices creates a very pleasant aroma that will appeal to every gourmet. Because of the spices, the cherry is not very sweet and cloying.

Ingredients for Winter Dessert:

  • one kilogram of ripe cherries;
  • three hundred milliliters of 9% apple cider vinegar;
  • five hundred grams of sugar;
  • cinnamon stick;
  • three inflorescences of carnations.

How to cook pickled cherries:

  1. First of all, prepare everything you need before directly preparing the snack. Sterilize containers and lids for spinning in any way convenient for you (steam, boiling water, in the oven). Rinse the cherries thoroughly so that not a single extra leaf is left.
  2. We place a clean cherry in a deep bowl, without tearing off the branches, otherwise all the juice will flow out, and fill it with apple cider vinegar for twenty-four hours. We leave the berries to soak in a cool place until the vinegar turns cherry. Vinegar is poured into another bowl, we will need it later.
  3. We remove the bones from the cherry, and save the released juice for future use. We put the berries, half of the required sugar, spices in a deep bowl, mix thoroughly and place in a cold place for a day for pickling.
  4. Boil the apple cider vinegar in which the berries were infused for five minutes and pour over the cherries. Stir the resulting mass and send over medium heat until soft, but do not overcook. Remove from the stove, pour the remaining apple cider vinegar into the workpiece and let it brew for another hour.
  5. Put the cherries in jars and screw on the lids. Place a pot of hot (not boiling) water on the stove, put the rolled up containers there and sterilize them for fifteen minutes. Carefully remove the blanks and wrap them in a warm blanket for a day, before turning them upside down. Transfer the cooled jars to a dry place with low temperatures (refrigerator, cellar) for winter storage.

Winter pickled cherries

Usually we are used to seeing canned cherries in the form of jams, compotes and jams. But you won't be disappointed with this winter cherry recipe. With the help of numerous spices, the berries are not only sweet and sour (the natural taste of cherries), but also spicy. The aroma of this dish can please the most fastidious noses.

Ingredients you need to make sweets:

  • one kilogram of ripe cherries;
  • one hundred grams of powdered sugar;
  • two inflorescences of cloves;
  • half a vanilla stick;
  • half a cinnamon stick.

Marinade Ingredients:

  • four inflorescences of cloves;
  • six peas of allspice;
  • four peas of black pepper;
  • four bay leaves;
  • half a cinnamon stick;
  • half a vanilla stick;
  • six fresh mint leaves;
  • ten grains of cardamom;
  • one hundred grams of sugar;
  • one hundred milliliters of 9% apple cider vinegar;
  • four hundred and fifty milliliters of pure water.

Cherries in marinade recipe:

  1. Before directly cooking the cherry twist, prepare all the ingredients and utensils. Sterilize containers and lids for workpieces in the most convenient way for you. Rinse the berries thoroughly in cold water, removing stems and leaves.
  2. We place the cherry in a deep bowl of water and leave for fifteen minutes to finally get rid of excess debris. Remove the pits above another bowl to keep the juice that has run out (we need it). Pour in the same powdered sugar, cloves, vanilla and cinnamon, mix and leave to infuse for forty minutes.
  3. We move the pan to the fire, put all the ingredients for the marinade there (above), add the resulting cherry juice and boil for fifteen minutes. Transfer the berries remaining in the bowl to sterilized containers.
  4. After that, pour the boiling marinade into containers along with spices, cover with lids and carefully roll up. Turning the bottom of the jar upside down, wrap it in a dense cloth and insist for a day. Cooled containers with cherry blanks should be sent to a dry place with low temperatures for storage.

How to pickle cherries for the winter

In this recipe, we will tell you how to pickle cherries for a cake. Cherry itself is a very juicy berry, so winter preparations from it can be made without the use of additional liquids. Such seamings turn out to be very tasty, viscous and healthy, as these berries contain a large number of vitamins and nutrients that will nourish your body on fierce winter days.

Products needed for pickled cherries:

  • one kilogram of cherries;
  • two tablespoons of sugar;
  • one hundred milliliters of 9% acetic acid;
  • two inflorescences of carnations.

How to pickle cherries for the winter:

  1. First prepare everything you need. Sterilize containers and lids for blanks in any way that is comfortable for you. Rinse the berries thoroughly under cold running water, after getting rid of the leaves and stems.
  2. Carefully remove the pits so that all the juice does not flow out of the cherries. Place the berries in jars to the middle, add sugar and repeat these steps again. Pour the remaining juice to the cherry, add cloves and acetic acid, cover with a lid.
  3. We place a pot of water on the stove, before that we lay a non-coloring towel on the bottom. We rearrange the jars with blanks into the water and sterilize over medium heat for fifteen minutes. Taking them out of the pan, twist the lids tightly.
  4. We move the containers under a warm blanket, placing them on the lid. After a day of infusion and cooling, we move them to the refrigerator or cellar until winter. Pickled cherry for the cake is ready.

Pickled cherries with pit recipe

Most people are not accustomed to seeing such sweet berries as cherries in tandem with meat dishes. But if you make them spicy enough and moderately sweet, then this combination will be very tasty and will not seem unusual and strange. The sweet and sour taste of cherries with hints of various spices goes well with meat dishes.

Ingredients (portion per 0.75 l jar):

  • five hundred grams of cherries;
  • one tablespoon of coarse salt;
  • two tablespoons of sugar;
  • three peas of allspice;
  • one inflorescence of carnation;
  • five cardamom seeds;
  • one cinnamon stick;
  • fifty grams of 9% apple cider vinegar.

Pickled cherries with pit:

  1. We will sterilize the containers by the simplest method for you (steam, boiling water, in the oven). We wash the berries with water and get rid of debris (twigs, stems). We put the berries in containers, pour in boiling water and after thirty seconds pour the water into measuring dishes. This must be done for the initial heat treatment and calculation of the amount of marinade required.
  2. We place a saucepan with one liter of clean water on the stove, pour in all the necessary ingredients (except cherries and vinegar) and boil for ten minutes. Pour marinade and apple cider vinegar into containers with cherries, cover with lids.
  3. Again we move the pan (with a cloth at the bottom) to the stove and placing containers with winter preparations there, sterilize for a quarter of an hour.
  4. Having taken out and twisted the jars, put them upside down under the covers for a day. After that, place the cooled spins for storage in a cold room.

Pickled cucumbers with cherries for the winter

Berries of cherries and currants, as well as cucumbers, contain many vitamins and nutrients. Refreshing cucumbers pair wonderfully with sweet and sour juicy berries to create a unique and final taste for this winter harvest.

Products needed for spinning:

  • one hundred grams of cherries;
  • fifty grams of red currant;
  • three hundred grams of fresh cucumbers;
  • four cloves of garlic;
  • one sheet of horseradish;
  • two inflorescences (umbrellas) of fresh dill;
  • two leaves of cherries;
  • two leaves of red currant.

Ingredients for one liter jar:

  • two teaspoons of salt (with a slide);
  • four teaspoons of sugar (with a slide);
  • thirty milliliters of apple cider vinegar.

The sequence to follow in cooking this snack:

  1. Prepare everything you need for winter harvesting. Sterilize the jars by scalding the lids with boiling water or holding them over steam. Rinse all vegetables, berries and herbs thoroughly with water. Remove the stems and twigs from the berries, cut off the tails of the cucumbers and peel if it is tough. Chop the cucumbers into small cubes, two centimeters wide.
  2. Evenly spread all the ingredients (except vinegar) in containers, pour boiling water over. After five minutes, pour this marinade into a saucepan and place to boil over medium heat. Pour the finished brine back into the workpiece, pour in apple cider vinegar and lean the neck with a lid.
  3. Move the pot of water to the fire, having previously placed containers with winter snacks there. Sterilize for a quarter of an hour. Carefully take out the jars, roll them up with lids.
  4. Putting the blanks upside down, wrap with a warm, dense cloth and leave for a day. After the allotted time, place the jars with a winter twist in a dry place with a low temperature (refrigerator, cellar) for further preservation.

Prepare cherry blanks according to these recipes and you will be provided with vitamins and nutrients all winter long, a sweet dessert and a spicy side dish, a delicious reminder of warm, summer days. Each time you open a jar of cherry seaming, you will be immersed in the wonderful unique aroma of summer berries with a sweet and sour taste. Azeri pickled cherries will add variety to your dinner table and will surely please your family.

In addition to these recipes, you may also be interested in options for such winter preparations, such as, for example, and.


The question of how to freeze cherries for the winter is asked by every housewife, because in this state the berry retains all micro and macro elements. But this is not the only way to fill the body with vitamins with the onset of cold weather. In this article, we will get acquainted with the features of this product and its secrets of harvesting.

The benefits and harms of cherries

The beneficial properties of cherries were greatly appreciated by our ancestors. And they are not only in the fruit, but also in the tree itself. So, for example, in chronic colitis, a decoction of twigs is used. Tincture from the stalks can reduce swelling. If there are signs of jaundice, then you can not do without a decoction of fresh leaves with milk. Also, the green foliage of this garden crop will be a salvation for bleeding. Is it worth talking about delicious fleshy fruits that are full of vitamins and minerals?

The list of micronutrients found in cherries is incredibly long. These are vitamins B1, B2, B6, B9, E, PP, H, C, A. Cherry is rich in calcium, iron, potassium, phosphorus, fluorine, iodine, zinc, manganese, nickel, cobalt, sodium, rubidium, magnesium, chromium, vanadium, copper, chlorine, sulfur and boron, and in terms of the amount of molybdenum this product is generally the leader . Cherry is recommended for use in disorders of the nervous system, colds, as an expectorant, diseases of the kidneys, lungs, arthrosis and for the prevention of heart attacks.

But these are far from all the reasons why you should preserve cherries for the winter and enjoy fresh fruits in the summer. It contains coumarin, which significantly reduces blood clotting and, accordingly, the risk of blood clots. Ellagic acid prevents the development of cancer cells, and anthocyanins increase the tone of capillaries, folic acid is useful during pregnancy. However, people with impaired gastrointestinal function should not consume large amounts of these sweet and sour berries. And with gastritis, ulcers and diabetes, cherry is contraindicated.

Features of freezing and storage

Isn't it nice to treat yourself and your loved ones on a cold winter evening with pastries full of bright summer taste? It's easy, just freeze cherries without sugar for the winter, and then you can enjoy the natural taste of berries at any time. If you are harvesting fruits from your garden, then you can not wash them. Purchased ones are better to be subjected to water procedures, but be sure to dry well.

Remember, it is important to freeze cherries for the winter as quickly as possible, so the sooner you put the berries in the freezer, the more useful properties they will retain.

First, we lay it out on the board so that each cherry can freeze slightly and not stick to its neighbor. Then we pour the already hardened fruits into a plastic container or bag. We defrost gradually, first you need to put it in the refrigerator overnight, and then let it completely defrost at room temperature.

Be careful with cherries for the winter if you plan to make compotes. Do not pour berries with boiling syrup 3 times, then you can get poisoned by such a drink. The same effect is caused by long-term storage of seamings.

How are pickled cherries made?

We are all used to ordinary preserves, jams and other sweets. But not everyone knows that this berry goes well with meat dishes. Pickled cherries can replace bored olives with olives, decorate any feast and make it unique.

  • Recipe #1

We will need 1 kg of berries, 100 g of powdered sugar and 100 ml of 9% apple cider vinegar, a few stars of cloves and half a stick of cinnamon with vanilla. For the marinade, 4 peas of allspice and black pepper are taken, the same number of cloves, bay leaves, 6, 10 cardamom grains, half a stick of vanilla and cinnamon, 100 g of sugar and 450 ml of purified water.

First, pour selected berries with cold water and let them brew for 15 minutes, then all chemicals and inhabitants, for example, worms, will come out of the fruits. We remove the seeds and sprinkle the prepared cherries with powdered sugar, put cloves, cinnamon and vanilla there, leave for half an hour. After the berry has started up the juice, you can start cooking the marinade. Place all ingredients in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Then reduce the heat and pour the cherry juice into the marinade. Boil 20 minutes. At this time, tightly lay the fruits in sterilized jars. Pour the contents with hot liquid and add the spices remaining at the bottom of the pan. Let it brew for half an hour, sterilize for 20 minutes and roll up.

  • Recipe #2

There is another way to prepare pickled cherries for the winter. In this case, 1 liter of water, 750 g of sugar and 80 ml of apple cider vinegar 9% are taken for 8 kg of berries. The fruits are prepared, as in the previous case. In a sterilized container we put a couple of cloves, allspice peas and a cinnamon stick. Then the containers are filled with the main ingredient. We prepare sweet syrup and add vinegar to it. At the end, pour the marinade into jars, sterilize for 5 minutes and roll up. To avoid sudden changes in temperature, it is necessary to turn the closed bottles upside down, wrap them in a blanket and leave to cool completely. Now our delicious pickled cherries will wait in the wings for several months.

  • Recipe #3

Ingredients: 1 kg of cherries, 0.5 kg of sugar, 300 ml of vinegar, ground cinnamon and 3 cloves. I wash the berries well, but do not remove the stalk, put them in a deep container, pour vinegar and cover with a lid. In order for the cherry to soak, you need to put it in a cool place, for example, in the basement or on the balcony. After a day, we check - the vinegar should turn burgundy, otherwise we leave it to infuse for another 24 hours, only this time we put the bowl in the refrigerator.

Next, pour the vinegar into a container, and remove the seeds from the berries. At the same time, collect all the juice that stands out, it will come in handy for us. We mix cherries with juice, 250 g of sugar, cinnamon, cloves and leave to brew in the cool for another day. The vinegar is brought to a boil, the future pickled cherries are poured over it and boiled until tender. Then pour in the rest of the vinegar and let it brew under a closed lid for an hour.

Secrets of harvesting spicy cherries

But this is far from all possible preservation; recipes for spicy cherries are also incredibly popular. Berries prepared in this way can be served as a separate dish, decorate pastries, and they will also be a great addition to cocktails. And the aroma and unique taste will surely make dishes with such fruits favorites of the feast.

Spicy and spicy pickled cherries are an excellent appetizer, addition to pickles and other unsweetened canned, fermented gifts of nature. In addition to serving cold, pickled cherries are added when cooking poultry, liver, everything that prunes are suitable for, generally dried fruits and sour berries.

The degree of saturation of the marinade, that is, a set of spices, the amount of vinegar, can be adjusted at your discretion.

For long-term storage blanks, glass jars and lids are pre-sterilized in a water bath or in an oven.

At the exit - two jars with a volume of 400 ml.

To prepare pickled cherries for the winter, take the products from the list.

Boil the marinade. Throw salt, sugar, bay leaf, rosemary needles, a pinch of ground nutmeg, a few cloves, garlic, cardamom into the water. After boiling, boil for five minutes.

Meanwhile, fill sterile jars with clean pitted cherries.

Fill to the top with spicy-spicy marinade.

Throw a lid on (not airtight), lower the workpiece into a saucepan with warm water and a cloth at the bottom. Sterilize: over low heat, bring the water around the jar to a boil, hold for 10 minutes from the moment of boiling. Then seal tightly, turn over, make sure there is no leakage. Wrap in a warm blanket and cool very slowly.

After the final cooling, remove the jars of pickled cherries in a cool room.

Bon appetit in winter and all year round!

In summer, when there are a lot of fruits and berries, you need to consume them fresh as much as possible, because this is an excellent source of vitamins and microelements. But you can also make beautiful blanks from them. Some of them are suitable as an addition to sweet dishes, while the latter can be used as. Now we will tell you how to cook pickled cherries.

pickled cherries


  • ripe cherries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • dessert red wine - 200 ml;
  • vanilla - 2 pods;
  • zest of one orange;
  • cinnamon - 1 stick;
  • carnation (bud) - 1 pc.;
  • fresh mint leaves - 4 pcs.;
  • nutmeg - to taste;
  • water - 250 ml.


Cut the vanilla pods in half lengthwise. We scrape the seeds into a saucepan, pour in water, put the pods themselves, chopped orange zest and other spices with sugar. Bring it all to a boil over low heat. Then we make the fire minimal and cook for 10 minutes under the lid. Then let it brew for another 10 minutes. Remove the bones from the cherries, put the berries in syrup, bring to a boil and cook for 20 minutes over low heat. Then remove the saucepan from the heat and pour in the wine. Let the cherry cool and send it to the cold for 6 hours. Serve chilled with syrup.

How to make pickled cherries?


  • cherry - 1 kg;
  • water - 500 ml;
  • vinegar - 1.5 tbsp. spoons;
  • sugar - 1 teaspoon;
  • salt - 1/4 teaspoon;
  • clove buds - 2 pcs.;
  • cherry leaf - 1 pc.;
  • cinnamon - 3 g;
  • horseradish root - 5 g;
  • ground coriander - 0.5 tsp;
  • mustard seeds - 0.5 tsp;
  • vodka - 2 tbsp. spoons.


We dilute salt, sugar and vinegar in water. Boil the solution, and then cool to about room temperature, pour vodka into the resulting marinade. Wash cherries, remove pits. We put the berries in a jar, shaking them so that they are compacted, but do not wrinkle. Add spices and fill it all with cooked marinade. We close the jar and send it to the cold to marinate for 5 hours.

Cherries marinated in their own juice



We fill the jars with washed berries. Prepare the marinade: heat water, dissolve sugar in it, add, bring to a boil, pour in vinegar. 5 cloves, a piece of cinnamon and 7 pieces of allspice will go to a liter jar. Pour the berries with hot marinade and sterilize liter jars for 7 minutes, and then roll them up.

“The Chinese cut tomatoes, sprinkle them with sugar and eat them, mocking our division of vegetables, fruits and berries into those suitable for sweet and suitable for meat.
In fact, well, who determined what it is supposed to drink tea with, and what to eat one hundred grams of?
Have you tried dipping a pickled cucumber in honey and having a bite to eat? Haven't tried?
Well, then it’s time for you to have a glass of wine and a piece of roasted meat with salted cherries!”

This is how the recipe begins, which I was very interested in. I nurtured the idea of ​​its preparation for a week and nevertheless decided.
Cherry - about one and a half kg

Salt, sugar, cloves, allspice and peas, cinnamon and vinegar essence.

Cooking is very easy.
I washed the cherries, sorted them out, put them in sterilized jars.

I filled it with boiling water, then poured it back into the pot. Check out the stray that you bought, gggg - it’s very convenient to merge such things through it.

Further, I added more water, boiled it again and threw in the spices - cooked the brine. For three liters of water, I took, guided by taste, three tablespoons of salt, 6 tablespoons of sugar, six peas of pepper, and about seven cloves (I love her, infection). Stalik actively recommends the use of cinnamon sticks, but unfortunately I didn’t have them, I poured 3 tea cinnamon, and didn’t understand why at all - maybe I took a little, or maybe I just didn’t “insert”. I added vinegar essence to my taste, it took me about three or four teaspoons, but again, the author actively recommends focusing on yourself. Further, everything is simple. Brine in jars, close jars with lids, turn over and under the covers.

This is the kind of cherry that Stalik got.

As the author recommended, I stuck one jar in the refrigerator and solemnly opened it the next day. She opened it, took out a berry and .... “What a disgusting thing this is your jellied fish !!!” I thought, upset. In short, bullshit ruined the product. But!!! A week later, having made up my mind, I took it out again - and then the taste began to play differently! A savory thing, the acidity of the cherry is revealed in all its glory - and the spices help her a lot with this.
Yes, she needs to insist. I think that in a week it will be even more beautiful and tastier. Do you? I will not say. But next year I will also spin six cans of things - without fanaticism. And in general - the winter will show!

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