Get sick with chickenpox in a dream. Why dream of chickenpox in a dream book. Treatment of chickenpox in children

The most important and interesting on the topic: "Chickenpox to see in a dream" with a full description.

Why is the windmill dreaming? This disease in a dream promises empty talk and gossip in reality. For a more accurate decoding, the dream book recommends remembering all the details of the vision.

According to Miller

So, according to Miller's dream book: to see people infected with chickenpox in a dream means that you are at risk of a non-dangerous infection. It is also a symbol of the collapse of the plans.

Don't deviate from what you have planned!

Why dream that in your dreams you happened to get chickenpox? Perhaps you will receive very strange news and be embroiled in an unusual incident.

Getting sick in a dream with chickenpox literally means moving away from the intended goal. Chickenpox also symbolizes an unpleasant conversation with a "big" person.

How much money will there be?

Had a dream that you were infected with chickenpox? Soon unexpected wealth will fall on you. And the amount of profit also depends on how seriously you happened to get sick.

Why else dream that you are infected with chickenpox? The dream interpretation thinks that a family scandal is coming. And also there will be an opportunity to earn money, but the process will not bring pleasure.

Surprise or worries?

According to the dream book, the interpretation of sleep directly depends on who exactly was infected.

  • Getting sick yourself is a drastic change in plans.
  • Relative - to a case that will require huge costs.
  • Familiar - to vain worries.
  • Stranger - to the surprise.
  • Smallpox epidemic - to the unfavorable development of the situation.

Do not worry!

If chickenpox was found in a child, then in the near future he is completely protected from all diseases.

Had a dream that the disease was found in both you and the child? In the future, both of you will have power, superiority, wealth.


If in a dream it happened to catch chickenpox, despite all the precautions, then in reality be prepared for the fact that you will lose money due to a risky investment.

The dream interpretation is sure that chicken pox in a dream is an impetus from the subconscious to the need to reconsider existing priorities and choose a different position in life.

Whom to choose?

Why else dream of a rash on the body? The dream book guarantees that you will be entrusted with a very responsible task. For a woman, this vision means that she will have to choose between her legal spouse and her lover.

Chickenpox marks on the body may be a sign that you worry too much and too often over trifles. Seeing any skin rash on the body is a quick change, not necessarily negative.

You can!

Treating chickenpox with ointments or brilliant green is a bad deed that will ruin your reputation. If in a dream you ended up in a hospital, then do not expect help in a difficult situation.

Why dream of recovering from an unpleasant illness? The dream interpretation is sure that you can get out of all the problems and avoid more serious troubles.

Why does the Windmill dream in a dream (interpretation of O. Smurova's dream book)

Chickenpox - Why dream that your child has chickenpox - then a happy future awaits him.

Why dream that you yourself got chickenpox - this is a sign of obstacles in business.

See also: why the disease is dreaming, what the doctor is dreaming of, what the doctor is dreaming of.

In a dream, why is the Chicken Pox dreaming (according to the dream book of E. Avadyaeva)

Chickenpox - Why dream that you have chickenpox and your whole body is covered with a rash - then do not be alarmed, you will have a big win in the lottery or a prize.

Why dream that a loved one fell ill with chickenpox - then a pleasant surprise awaits you.

Why dream that you have chickenpox in a serious form - then you will receive a rich inheritance.

Why dream that you have recovered from chickenpox - this means a change in plans due to unforeseen circumstances.

The meaning of sleep about chicken pox (dream book L. Moroz)

To see chickenpox in a dream - to profit, to get sick with chickenpox yourself - to a pleasant surprise.

Whether the night vision will come true depends not only on its content, but also on what day of the week and what time of day the dream occurred.

Dream interpretation of S. Karatov

Chickenpox - A man who had chickenpox was dreaming - then this is for profit.

To see that you yourself were sick with chickenpox - then you will suddenly get rich.

See also: why dream of an ulcer, why dream of an infectious disease, why dream of an infection.

Dream interpretation of V. Melnikov

What is the dream of Windmill according to the dream book:

Smallpox - Seeing that you communicated with a person whose entire face was covered with traces of chickenpox - then you can become infected with a dangerous disease.

If in a dream you yourself had traces of chickenpox, then you will soon be given an unexpected surprise.

If in a dream you were seriously ill with chickenpox, then you will suddenly get rich.

Seeing that you have been vaccinated against chickenpox means that you will have to change your life plans.

Dream interpretation of O. Adaskina

Why is the windmill dreaming, what does it mean:

Chickenpox - Why dream of seeing people affected by Chickenpox, then you are in for an unexpected nuisance, and possibly a complete collapse of plans. If you yourself suffer from chickenpox in a dream, then, on the contrary, your affairs will turn out more or less successfully.

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Interpretation of sleep about chickenpox on the body. Dream Interpretation of Kopalinsky offers a very unusual interpretation. Windmill on your face is dreaming if you are trying to help someone who does not need it. Moreover, with your obsessive actions, you make people uncomfortable, which leads to a desire to avoid your company. Such a plot is an indication of your mistakes in behavior, which are difficult to detect on your own.

Kopalinsky's dream book reads as follows:

If in a dream you were vaccinated against chickenpox, then you will have to change your life plans.

Relative - to a case that will require huge costs. Chickenpox - chickenpox on the face - to terrible, tragic news.

Seeing a whole crowd of people affected by this ailment means that a new turn in some event will surprise you. Why dream that a child has chickenpox, to see chickenpox in a child in a dream means that fate will be favorable to him. troubles and hardships will bypass him, and good luck will always accompany everything. your child will be able to achieve great success if you do not interfere with him to build his own life. otherwise, be prepared to take the blame for the wrong approach to parenting.

What to beware of:

It seemed that you got sick with chickenpox? There are bad rumors going around behind your back. They can damage reputation if they are not stopped in time. Most likely, the source of gossip is a person who has always been considered their supporter. Moreover, for quite a long time he began to take actions in order to harm you. Dreaming of chickenpox? Share your dream. Dream Interpretation Windmill dreamed of why Windmill is dreaming in a dream. In the Kingdom of Morpheus, the buzzing of a beetle to fables that Dream Interpretations interpret the death seen in a dream as a long life of that

A red rash in a child symbolizes betrayal and deception of people whom you completely trusted.

Assistant, colleague - to scandals and troubles at work.

Spring interpreter of dreams.

Very rarely, and in the presence of certain additional plot details, such a vision can be a harbinger of trouble or problems. Most often, these are minor delays in cases that do not particularly affect the final result.

Whom to choose.

Positive. | Neutral. | Negative. .

Get ready to fight. Troubles should not take you by surprise. Always have a few backup options in case of unexpected events.

Chickenpox is dreaming, why dream. I dreamed of chickenpox on my face.

Chickenpox - If you saw in a dream people affected by chickenpox, then unexpected trouble awaits you, and possibly a complete collapse of plans. If you yourself suffer from chickenpox in a dream, then, on the contrary, your affairs will turn out more or less successfully.

If you dreamed that the skin covered with pockmarks itches terribly, then you will not be able to cope with the current problem on your own.

Why do I dream of windmill.

If chickenpox was found in a child, then in the near future he is completely protected from all diseases. Any illness dreams of the fact that the time has come for change in life and it's time to change something (yourself, your principles, etc.). There are many different interpretations of the dreamed chickenpox, they depend on who had the dream and what exactly was dreamed.

Why dream that a child has chickenpox in other dream books

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Popular interpretations

Chickenpox on your face is a dream if you are trying to help someone who does not need it. Moreover, with your obsessive actions, you make people uncomfortable, which leads to a desire to avoid your company. Such a plot is an indication of your mistakes in behavior, which are difficult to detect on your own.

Listen to the opinions of others, be more attentive to the feelings of others, if you do not want to pass for an ignorant and annoying person.

The meaning of the dream of chickenpox in a child

Seeing chickenpox in a child in a dream means that fate will be favorable to him. Troubles and hardships will bypass him, and luck will always accompany him in everything. Your child will be able to achieve great success if you do not interfere with him to build his own life. Otherwise, be prepared to take the blame for the wrong approach to parenting.

Give your child more freedom. Give him the opportunity to determine his life priorities and values, do not impose your opinion and your views.

Why dream of windmill at home

According to the dream book, to see chickenpox in oneself means that unforeseen difficulties are possible on the way to the goal. Being already almost at the final stage in the undertaking, you will face difficult tasks, the solution of which will have to spend a lot of effort and money.

Get ready to fight. Troubles should not take you by surprise. Always have a few backup options in case of unexpected events.

If in a dream you get chickenpox

It seemed that you got sick with chickenpox? There are bad rumors going around behind your back. They can damage reputation if they are not stopped in time. Most likely, the source of gossip is a person who has always been considered their supporter. Moreover, he began to take actions for a long time in order to harm you.

Be prudent, do not let information discrediting you spread. It is better to immediately bring a two-faced person to clean water, without fear of seeming rude.

If you saw in a dream that you were sick, you really are in for a slight malaise or unpleasant conversations.

I saw a sick relative in a dream - get ready for an unforeseen event.

In general, any dream of illness means that you must be very attentive to your own person.

The Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga advised not to perceive the appearance of the disease in a dream as something tragic. According to the biblical interpretation, the disease is sent to people as a punishment for committed sins and to purify thoughts and feelings. Therefore, such a dream can be taken as advice to reconsider your position and life values.

If in a dream you saw yourself suffering from a serious and incurable disease, then you should understand that in reality you have committed an ugly act. Perhaps it's time to repent, because in your heart you clearly condemn yourself.

Seeing in a dream that a person close to you is sick, in real life, support him or someone who needs your attention.

A dream in which many people die from a serious and incurable disease is a dream of an environmental disaster that you may become a witness to.

If in a dream you were recovering from a serious illness, then in reality you will be able to avoid an unpleasant situation.

A dream about the death of a loved one from a serious illness means damaged relationships and personal problems.

D. Loff's dream book says that curable diseases in a dream indicate a benevolent attitude towards the outside world. We want to believe in our kindness and significance, and the disease and the cure for it just make it possible to feel power over the lives of other people.

A dream about illness indicates a wrong lifestyle, especially if you become crippled as a result of illness.

If in a dream you got infected from someone, then in reality you have a negative attitude towards the influence of this person on your life. An ailment associated with intimate life is dreamed of by those who are concerned about the moral side of their behavior. The disease can also reflect the fears lurking in you, both related directly to your life, and more global.

Before interpreting this dream, you need to answer a number of questions: is there anything unusual in the disease you dreamed about, how does it manifest itself - constantly or only in the presence of specific people? Are you trying to hide your disease and its consequences, or, on the contrary, are you boasting about them? When you answer these questions, it will be easier for you to understand your relationships with others.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological dream book

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Any illness dreams of the fact that in life the time has come for change and it's time to change something (yourself, your principles, etc.). There are many different interpretations of the dreamed chickenpox, they depend on who had the dream and what exactly was dreamed.

What if you dream of a windmill?

Seeing in a dream a person who is sick with chickenpox signals that in the near future, quite unexpectedly, you can make a good profit. If a person dreamed that he fell ill with chickenpox, this suggests that he needs to be more careful, because ill-wishers spread various gossip about him. You should take a closer look at those around you. In addition, to see yourself in a dream of a patient with chickenpox speaks not only of gossip, but also that some pleasant event may happen in life in the near future.

Parents are very worried about dreams in which they see a sick child. For a mother to see her child sick with chickenpox in a dream, on the one hand, a sign of a good future, and on the other, it suggests that more attention should be paid to family problems.

Question: why is the windmill dreaming? very popular. Chickenpox is an infectious disease that is characterized by a rash on the skin. Very often, the interpretation of dreams in which a person sees a chickenpox patient (himself or someone else) depends on which part of the body is covered with this rash. If a person in a dream sees a rash on his nose, then this suggests that he needs to stop interfering in other people's affairs, because with his behavior he only prevents others from making the decision they consider right.

What portends?

If in a dream a rash appears on the forehead, then this means that a person should engage in intellectual work in his free time. If in a dream a person sees a child (alien) who has chickenpox and his body is covered with a rash, this dream signals the possible receipt of unpleasant news. If a person sees himself covered with a rash in a dream, this symbolizes an approaching career growth (promotion), which helps to improve the financial situation and solve various financial problems.

If a person dreams that he is sick with chickenpox, while the body, covered with a rash, itches a lot, this symbolizes the appearance or presence of any problems. He will not be able to cope with these difficulties on his own, and you should seek help.

The windmill seen in a dream speaks volumes. Depending on the details of the dream, it can symbolize gossip spread by someone, career growth, a good future, problems that cannot be solved on your own, bad news, etc.

Why is the windmill dreaming? This disease in a dream promises empty talk and gossip in reality. For a more accurate decoding, the dream book recommends remembering all the details of the vision.

According to Miller

So, according to Miller's dream book: to see people infected with chickenpox in a dream means that you are at risk of a non-dangerous infection. It is also a symbol of the collapse of the plans.

Don't deviate from what you have planned!

Why dream that in your dreams you happened to get chickenpox? Perhaps you will receive very strange news and be embroiled in an unusual incident.

Getting sick in a dream with chickenpox literally means moving away from the intended goal. Chickenpox also symbolizes an unpleasant conversation with a "big" person.

How much money will there be?

Had a dream that you were infected with chickenpox? Soon unexpected wealth will fall on you. And the amount of profit also depends on how seriously you happened to get sick.

Why else dream that you are infected with chickenpox? The dream interpretation thinks that a family scandal is coming. And also there will be an opportunity to earn money, but the process will not bring pleasure.

Surprise or worries?

According to the dream book, the interpretation of sleep directly depends on who exactly was infected.

  • Getting sick yourself is a drastic change in plans.
  • Assistant, colleague - to scandals and troubles at work.
  • Relative - to a case that will require huge costs.
  • Familiar - to vain worries.
  • Stranger - to the surprise.
  • Smallpox epidemic - to the unfavorable development of the situation.

Do not worry!

If chickenpox was found in a child, then in the near future he is completely protected from all diseases.

A red rash in a child symbolizes betrayal and deception of people whom you completely trusted.

Had a dream that the disease was found in both you and the child? In the future, both of you will have power, superiority, wealth.


If in a dream it happened to catch chickenpox, despite all the precautions, then in reality be prepared for the fact that you will lose money due to a risky investment.

Seeing a whole crowd of people affected by this ailment means that a new turn in some event will surprise you.

The dream interpretation is sure that chicken pox in a dream is an impetus from the subconscious to the need to reconsider existing priorities and choose a different position in life.

Whom to choose?

Why else dream of a rash on the body? The dream book guarantees that you will be entrusted with a very responsible task. For a woman, this vision means that she will have to choose between her legal spouse and her lover.

Chickenpox marks on the body may be a sign that you worry too much and too often over trifles. Seeing any skin rash on the body is a quick change, not necessarily negative.