Sports supplements for girls. Sports nutrition for girls: what, why and why? Basic rules for the use of sports nutrition

Hello our dear girls. Today I would like to talk specifically with you, and I am sure that this conversation will be mutually interesting. Surely each of you, to one degree or another, is not always satisfied with your body. Don't say otherwise - I've never seen one like it in my life. Maybe I would like to throw off those same 3-5kg, which, by no means, can be removed. Or maybe I would like to add a little volume in some places.

So, confess? After all, it is for this, and for beauty in general, that you work so hard in our training. Have you thought about specialized additives? Let's discuss today sports nutrition for girls, which will help in gaining muscle mass, gaining relief or losing weight, and then you will decide for yourself, since knowledge will now allow it.

Undoubtedly, the desired end result of your training, as a rule, is significantly different from the result of ours, the male one. Unlike us, you need a beautiful, graceful, toned, elastic body, and not a mountain of muscles. At the same time, with no small degree of certainty, I can say that, seeing how before or after a workout we drink some kind of protein shake or gainer to gain muscle mass, or take fat burners to remove excess fat and make our body more embossed and expressive, you have often had a desire to try. I'm right?

But something always stopped. Fear of the unknown, fear of eventually looking masculine, etc. Do you agree? That is why I will tell you which sports nutrition is better for girls, how to properly compose weight loss kits, and how, how to take it and which sports nutrition store to choose.

Below we will consider in more detail the main sports nutrition for girls. The brand of which manufacturers is better is not just to say, as everyone has their own preferences, often because of the price.

So, let's start in order.

For weight loss

Why did I start our conversation with weight loss? Drying the body for girls the question is quite relevant and problematic. Because the vast majority of girls who are actively involved in simulators and have decided to take a step towards sports nutrition are pursuing this very goal. Yes, they opt for fat burning supplements.

Here I consider it necessary to make a small digression and give extremely valuable advice for beginners, since those hard workers with whom we regularly meet in our training sessions, I am sure, do not need this advice. So, dear girls, please, once and for all, clarify to yourself that there never existed, there is not now and there definitely will not be such a miraculous drug so that you can eat a pill, do nothing, and excess fat will evaporate by itself.

A beautiful, athletic figure and an elastic healthy body is always hard work, combining grueling workouts, an individually selected diet and, if you see fit, sports nutrition. Remember: sports nutrition is sports nutrition because only in combination with regular physical exercises you will achieve the expected effect. Otherwise, the effect may even be the opposite.

But back to fat burners. In principle, all drugs for women of this kind can be divided into three types: thermogenic, lipotropic and blocking. Unlike similar preparations for men, supplements for girls contain softer, more gentle ingredients, mostly natural. Let's start with the first:

  • As the name suggests, they increase body temperature. Due to this, by accelerating the metabolism, this type of supplement burns the fat that bothers you. Once the metabolism is accelerated, then, accordingly, the level of endurance and performance increases. This effect is achieved due to the content of synephrine, caffeine, guarana, extract from cayenne pepper, green tea extract and many others. Such supplements are taken 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening. First time in 30 minutes. before breakfast, the second - 30 min. before training.

  • Next - lipotropic fat burners, significantly accelerating the breakdown of fats, stabilizing the level of the hormone insulin and stimulating the liver. It is reliably known that drugs of this type completely exclude any side effects. They should be taken in the same way as the previous ones.

  • Fat and carbohydrate blockers should be taken no more than 1 time per day, while making sure that the food is not fatty, as there is a certain probability that you will develop an upset bowel. Such additives contain extracts of white and red beans, garcinia, etc.

Of course, there are other types of fat burning drugs. There are even more effective ones containing elements of different functionality and directions of action, up to vitamin complexes. However, there is a risk of an acute allergic reaction. And since your history is not familiar to me, I do not dare to recommend such sports supplements.

Personally, I draw your attention to l-carnitine. This is an amino acid that will provide you with invaluable help in the fight against excess fat. In my opinion, the ideal choice is special drinks containing this element. So you can quench your thirst during intense training, causing a double, deadly blow to body fat.

Protein can also come in very handy when losing weight. I’ll tell you a secret that this option is suitable even for lazy people who don’t want to strain and sweat in the gym. You can replace one of your daily meals with them, such as breakfast. In doing so, you eliminate calories, while the necessary proteins not only remain, but even increase. Therefore, nevertheless, believe me, it will be much better to give yourself physical activity so that the resulting proteins go to their intended purpose - to the muscles.
Well, with fat burning, I hope everything is clear. Now let's talk about increasing muscle mass.

For muscle growth

Here, let's first clarify what you want to achieve: do you want to stay at the same weight, giving an alluring, appetizing roundness, seductiveness to your forms, or is there really a need.

For both cases, there are different sets, sports nutrition complexes, but I think you should figure out what exactly you should bet on, pursuing a particular goal.
If the first option, then, again, bet on protein. Taking it at 100g per day, you significantly accelerate the process of muscle recovery and improve their growth, completely eliminating any hint of body fat.

If option two, then choose gainers. What's this? These are sets of proteins and carbohydrates in different proportions.

There are those where carbohydrates predominate, there are where proteins. The choice should be made based on the individual characteristics of your body. Carbohydrates here are aimed at speedy recovery after a workout, while proteins are aimed at increasing muscle mass. For girls, I'm sure 100g of gainer per day will be enough.

However, as we know, carbohydrates can contribute not only to physical recovery, but also to fattening. Therefore, if you feel a similar effect, replace them with amino acids. Although they are slower, they also contribute to recovery processes, speeding up the metabolism in your body.

If you have already gained the muscle mass you were striving for, and now you want to maximize your achievements and advantages, and you need, in combination with training, sports nutrition for relief, I can also help you. This means you need "drying". Correctly?

For relief

Here you need a combination of several sports nutrition products. There are different sets, but I recommend a softer one. So, for drying the body you will need:

  • Fat burning supplements. I recommend here to opt for either thermogenic or lipotropic - it's up to you;
  • You can't do without a vitamin-mineral complex. By the way, I strongly recommend turning it on when losing weight, burning fat in general - not only when drying;
  • . From them, we need not only the acceleration of metabolism and, as a result, the acceleration of the process of breakdown of fats, but also the protection of muscles.
  • Naturally, protein. It will keep your muscles, developed with great difficulty, because when losing weight, muscle mass also loses volume.

That's all. What types of proteins (whey, isolates) to give preference to depends largely on the characteristics of your body. It is best to consult with your doctor and an experienced bodybuilding coach before you start taking sports nutrition.

For beginners, I advise you to start exercising using the resources of your body. And only fully knowing them, start taking sports supplements. But start with the minimum doses, in order, again, to thoroughly understand and understand the effect they have on your body.

In any case, add to any element of sports nutrition, first of all, a vitamin-mineral complex.

Second, amino acids. Whether you are losing weight, and vitamins are literally washed out of your body, or you are gaining muscle mass, wasting them in horse doses during intensive training - one way or another, they leave your body, which means you need to replenish. Amino acids, on the other hand, are the best assistant to an athlete, since the acceleration of metabolism significantly adds energy. Absolutely all sports nutrition kits contain both. We will not be an exception.

For more information about the list of high-quality sports nutrition, you can in the Activizm store.

On this I say goodbye to you, but not for long, as interesting meetings, conversations and, of course, training are ahead of us.

The most complete and accessible nutrition guide for women who work with iron in the gym or at home, or exercising outdoors.

Sports supplements will help you more effectively fight body fat and accelerate the buildup of lean muscle tissue. Below is the top 15 most popular of them.

Adequate, intense training is the only way to get a perfect lean body. In addition, the endorphins released during the workout will charge you with a great mood until the next training. However, the lion's share of your result depends on the right nutrition program. The effect of nutritional supplements is often underestimated, and we decided to tell you how to choose sports nutrition for girls for impressive results.

By adding these 15 key components to your diet, you will build muscle faster, stimulate fat burning and become healthier.

1. Whey protein

What it is: One of two types of milk proteins.

Effect: Whey is famous for its record digestibility. Once inside, it immediately breaks down, quickly sending its amino acids to the muscles. Which is very valuable, especially at that time of the day (on an empty stomach in the morning, before and after training), when defatted whole protein foods, the most commonly recommended of which are eggs, chicken breasts, lean steaks, fish, are digested too slowly, which is why they efficiency drops. But in addition to protein, whey contains peptides (protein components) that are often prescribed to stimulate muscle blood flow. This is extremely important in the pre-workout time, because then oxygen, nutrients and hormones penetrate the muscles better just in the period of their acute deficiency.

How to take: Take 20 g of whey protein (mixed with water) in the morning on an empty stomach, half an hour before training, and another 20 g after half an hour of completion. In addition, you can always use a serving of protein as a snack during the day.

2. N.O.-booster

Essence: A set of components responsible for increasing the level of nitric oxide in the blood.

Effect: Relaxation of the muscles that control the blood vessels, with an increase in their diameter and increased throughput, resulting in increased muscle blood circulation. Oxygen, glucose, fats and amino acids pumped into the muscles with blood cause them to contract more vigorously. This means that you will be able to work out longer and better, and recover better, which will lead to greater muscle growth. The blood also contains water, the flow of which into the muscle cells provides a pumping effect. In this case, the cells increase in volume due to the stretching of their membranes. In addition, nitric oxide provokes lipolysis, during which fat is released from cells and converted into energy fuel.

Consumption: Look for supplements rich in arginine, citrulline, GPLC (glycine-propionyl-L-carnitine), or pycnogenol. Consume 1 dose of N.O. Booster half an hour to an hour before class.

3. Caffeine

Why you need it: The most popular of stimulants.

Effect: Invigorates and mobilizes. However, it also stimulates muscle growth, allows you to train harder and burn fat. Its action is enhanced by green tea extract. Thanks to caffeine, the process of releasing fat from cells is activated. At the same time, green tea increases the metabolic rate, helping to burn body fat. The combined use of these supplements guarantees the transformation of the fat released by caffeine into energy fuel.

How to drink: Approximately 200-400 mg of caffeine 2-3 times a day, plus one pre-workout dose (half an hour to an hour).

4. Fish oil

What it is: Provides two essential omega-3 fatty acids - eicosapentaenoic (EPA) and docosahexaenoic (DHA).

Effect: Strengthens health and awakens genes that activate fat burning.

How to use: Add 2 g three times a day to breakfast, lunch and dinner.

5. Casein Protein

What is: The second milk protein.

Effect: Contrary to their common origin, whey and casein have a completely different nature. The latter is digested for a long time, guaranteeing the maintenance of a stable amino acid level for several hours. Therefore, it is ideal for certain periods of time, such as going to bed, because the body will have to go without food for seven to eight hours. Indeed, the Weider research team has experimentally found that those who eat casein at night build more muscle compared to those who consume it in the morning. There is evidence that those who supplemented with a mixture of whey and casein protein post-workout gained muscle faster than those who limited themselves to whey alone.

Reception: Take 20 g of casein before going to bed. Try adding 10g each of whey and casein proteins to your post-workout shake.

6. BCAAs

Essence: A complex of three amino acids (isoleucine, leucine and valine) with branched side chains.

Effect: The unique structure endowed these amino acids with specific qualities that positively affect the physical form. BCAAs will help to increase the duration of the training, using the muscles as raw materials, and combating their fatigue from training loads. They also play an important role in the formation of muscles. Leucine is credited with activating protein synthesis, triggering muscle formation. Among other things, BCAAs inhibit the production of cortisol, control growth hormones and insulin (an anabolic hormone that replenishes macronutrient reserves in muscles after training).

How to take: Mix 5-10g of BCAAs into your pre- and post-workout shakes.

7. Creatine

Essence: A substance akin to an amino acid, naturally synthesized in the muscles.

Effect: Its main task is to generate fast energy during exercise. An additional intake of creatine will increase the level of energy wasted by the body, and will make the muscles more enduring and stronger. Including, thanks to him, water actively fills the cells, expanding them, after which they begin to grow more actively.

Usage: Add 2-5 g of creatine (according to the dosage form) in pre- and post-workout shakes.

8. Beta-alanine

Description: A non-essential amino acid.

Effect: As a result of the interaction of beta-alanine with another amino acid (histidine), a substance called carnosine is formed. This compound is responsible for the volume, strength, endurance of muscles and stimulates fat burning. Carnosine is synthesized by the body in an amount that is directly proportional to the level of beta-alanine stores. Therefore, the use of the latter is quite reasonable.

Usage: Take 1-3 grams of beta-alanine immediately before and after training.

9. C.L.A.

Essence: It is a useful fat from the Omega-6 fatty acids series.

Effect: While most omega-6s are not beneficial due to the fact that many people's diets are saturated with them, this is not the case with CLA. Numerous studies have shown that this fatty acid promotes fat burning while promoting muscle growth and strength. The mechanism of its effect on the body is to activate metabolism. CLA also intensifies fat burning during sleep, thereby protecting muscle tissue from splitting.

Usage: Take 2 g of CLA per day with meals: breakfast, lunch and dinner.

10. Calcium

Essence: An essential mineral

Effect: As everyone has long known, calcium maintains a healthy state of bone tissue. However, it also promotes muscle contraction, which becomes impossible with calcium deficiency. Moreover, researchers insist on the fat-burning effect of this unassuming component. This can be explained by the ability of calcium to inhibit the absorption of dietary fats and inhibit the hormone calcitriol, which slows down the burning of fats.

Usage: Take calcium 500-600 mg twice a day.

11. Vitamin D

Essence: Called the sunshine vitamin

Effect: New research continues. Most of them testify to its benefits. Vitamin D is associated with increased strength performance. Its interaction with receptors in muscles leads to the activation of genes that provide power and growth of muscle fibers. This vitamin encourages fat burning when paired with calcium.

Usage: Approximately 2000 IU of vitamin D is given twice a day at the same time as calcium.

12. Green tea extract

Essence: Enriched with active components of green tea, namely polyphenol gallate epigallocatechin.

Effect: Able to isolate the enzyme that destroys norepinephrine (an adrenaline-associated neurotransmitter hormone that accelerates metabolism and fat burning), and keep the latter at a stable level. This drug ensures the effectiveness of the post-workout recovery process and supports the optimal functioning of the joints.

Usage: Take 500 mg of green tea extract as EGCG three times a day before meals, including one dose half an hour to an hour before training.

13. Vitamin B-100 Complex

Essence: A combination of vital elements.

Effect: In simple words, B vitamins invigorate. They are assigned the most important function of processing the nutrients obtained from food into energy, along with the saturation of the muscles with oxygen. Do you feel powerless and exhausted? The reason lies often in the lack of these vitamins, which is not uncommon among hardcore athletes. Some of the B vitamins have a number of special qualities: riboflavin can help the body digest and assimilate protein from food, optimizing the formation of new muscles. Folic acid, in addition to ensuring the health of the fetus, our body owes the synthesis of nitric oxide.

Usage: Give preference to a preparation that includes 100 mg of each of the key representatives of this group, represented by thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), pantothenic acid (B5) and pyridoxine (B6). It should also include cobalamin (B12), folic acid (B9) and biotin (B7) at a dosage of at least 100 mg.

14. Vitamin C

Bottom line: Necessary for health.

Effect: As soon as the throat hurts, we all pounce on vitamin C. This reaction is adequate, since it supports the immune system. Vitamin C is the strongest antioxidant. It helps to produce hormones, amino acids and collagen, and also activates the neutralization of free radicals formed during training and when exposed to other stressful situations that destroy nitric oxide. The removal of free radicals from the body restores the content of nitric oxide, which has a positive effect on endurance, growth and increase in muscle strength and reduced fatigue.

Usage: 1000 mg twice a day with food.

15. Multivitamins

Essence: The combination of optimal dosages of the most important micronutrients.

We continue the topic sports nutrition in women's training. Did you find out which sports nutrition for women not recommended and for what reasons, today I will tell you about those sports nutrition products that will not only help you achieve your goal faster, but also will not harm your health. But there will be one very important condition here: you must be able to understand the composition of the purchased product and analyze it, and I will help you with this.

Okay, now let's move on to the list. best sports nutrition for women.


If you regularly and seriously do fitness or go to the gym, then drinking a whey protein (protein shake) before and after a workout will help you fuel your muscles throughout the workout, and at the end of it, resume the spent energy and give your muscles a portion of building material for their renewal. So, dear girls, you should not be afraid of the protein itself, you should be afraid of unscrupulous protein manufacturers who include components that are unnecessary for your body and muscles. These include:

aspartame- the cheapest synthetic sweetener. Under the influence of temperatures above 35 degrees, aspartame becomes toxic and dangerous to the human body.

maltodextrin - very fast carb. Girls whose goal is fat burning should beware of this component, as it increases the entire protein mixture. And instead of feeding the muscles with protein, you will give them a portion of unnecessary fast carbohydrates, which is unacceptable when burning fat. Girls who do not have a goal to burn fat, but rather gain weight, can use such a protein, since maltodextrin itself is not dangerous to health.

When it comes to choosing any quality sports nutrition, including protein, then here you need to pay attention not only to the full composition of the product, but also to be able to calculate how much protein and carbohydrates (sugar in any form) are contained in one serving of protein. Therefore, be sure to go to sports nutrition stores with calculators and count =)

Proteins come in isolates, concentrates and hydrolysates. What is the difference?

The protein concentrate contains 65-85% protein, in the isolate this figure ranges from 85% to 95%, and in the hydrolyzate - 95-99%. 100% hydrolysates are not yet made. Isolates and hydrolysates are, of course, better, but they are also more expensive, so choose according to your capabilities.

Also, be sure to calculate how many per serving (the portion of each manufacturer is different, but ranges from 30 to 40 g) of carbohydrates. If a portion of proteins is less than 50%, then this is no longer a protein, but a gainer! And you, in fact, overpay money for sugar, while risking more, instead of burning fat, on the contrary, gain weight.

Proteins are divided into types:

- whey

- egg albumin

- soy

– casein

- wheat gluten

- pea, etc.

Of all types of protein, I would recommend purchasing whey and casein. Another good egg albumin is an ideal protein, but there is one drawback of these proteins - they are very expensive. And you need to pay special attention to the composition, since often, in order to reduce the cost of production and make more money on it, unnecessary and cheap components are added to the composition. All other listed types of proteins are for everybody.

Whey Protein suitable if you need to quickly replenish protein in your body and muscles, as it is absorbed fairly quickly (within 20-30 minutes). Casein on the contrary, it works well in two cases:

1. When there is no time to eat normally, and the next meal is still far away;

2. As a complete replacement for a night meal.

Casein is a slow-digesting protein that will gradually fuel your muscles over 6-7 hours.


The next safe sports supplement is BCAA. BCAAs are a complex of three branched chain amino acids - valine, leucine and isoleucine. These three amino acids are not synthesized in our body, and therefore are indispensable and one of the most important in the construction and restoration of muscle fibers. Nearly half of muscle tissue is made up of BCAAs, and during exercise, 25% of the energy comes from these amino acids. That is why it is so important to replenish our muscles with a complex of these three amino acids before training, during training and after it.

BCAAs also delay the secretion of the hormone cortisol, which briefly makes it possible to extend your workout and give it 100%.

You can drink BCAA 5 g before strength training, during it and after strength training (before aerobics).

When choosing BCAAs, you also need to carefully look at the composition. It should not contain: aspartame, maltodextrin, sucrose, lactose, cane syrup and other carbohydrates and sugars.


If speak about sports nutrition for women(and we are actually talking about it), it is impossible to mention such a sports supplement as . It is an amino acid that is found in our body and serves as a NATURAL and NATURAL fat burner. I emphasize the word natural, since the nature of the action of L-carnitine has nothing to do with artificial fat burners that disrupt metabolism and lead to hormonal failure. How does L-carnitine work?

L-carnitine removes fatty acids from fat cells, transports them through the blood to cells that utilize fats (muscle cells) and introduces these fats into the methochondria of working muscle cells, where they are burned for energy. Everything is elementary and simple. It happens naturally and without hormonal interference. That is why L-carnitine is an absolutely safe sports supplement, which is sold even in pharmacies and is prescribed for children with lipid metabolism disorders and overweight.

How to applyLcarnitine?

L-carnitine is taken 20 minutes before training, the dosage is 5 g. It is very important to engage in physical activity after taking L-carnitine, since the released fats must be disposed of somewhere, and this process occurs in working muscle fibers. If there is no activity, then the fats will need to find a place where they can settle, and the ideal place for this is the walls of your blood vessels. Therefore, if you have taken L-carnitine, try to work out or at least move actively.

When choosing L-carnitine, special attention should be paid to the presence, or rather the absence of simple sugars. Remember that this is an amino acid, and the presence of any amount of carbohydrate minimizes all of the fat-burning effects of L-carnitine. Therefore, be careful when reading the composition.


Add to list safe and beneficial sports supplements for women includes glutamine. Glutamine is a unique amino acid, when taken, you will always feel cheerful, full of strength and energy. Glutamine boosts immunity, which has a positive effect not only on the general condition of the body, but also on your athletic performance. Glutamine can also be used if you feel like you are starting to get sick.

The usual dosage for the purpose of prevention and boosting immunity: 1 tsp. in the morning (possible with tea) and 1 tsp. in the evening. If you get sick, then double the dose, drink 2 tsp. in the morning and in the evening.

also in list of recommended and safe sports supplements I would also take Omega 3 fatty acid. Vitamins will support your immunity during the period of enhanced training, which will help you achieve the fastest positive results, and Omega-3 fatty acids, as for me, are generally an integral part of human health and longevity. Daily intake of Omega-3 makes our hair and nails healthy, and the skin of the face and body elastic, firm and youthful. Therefore, I especially recommend that girls use this supplement in their diet.

Well, here we have considered the most the best and safe sports nutrition for girls. I hope after this review you will have no doubts what sports nutrition choose, and how to do it correctly, and most importantly without harm to health. And remember that any sports nutrition, no matter how miraculous it is advertised, is just an addition to your proper nutrition and regular workouts. And I also advise you to arm yourself well with knowledge and understand the composition of the product you are buying, so you will protect yourself as much as possible from low-quality goods, which are full on the market, plus save your money. Remember that the whole truth about the product is not written on the main beautiful and bright facade of the package, but on the reverse side, often in small dark letters on a dark background, and in addition to everything in English. But if you only want to buy high quality and best sports nutrition for yourself, you will have to learn the language and learn to count.

Sincerely yours, Skipnik Yaneliya.

The question of special nutrition arises when a girl seeks to get a sports muscular relief. Supporters of nutritional supplements argue that without this component, the formation of a beautiful body is delayed, and with a tendency to magnificent forms, it completely becomes an unattainable dream.

What is sports nutrition?

Sports nutritional supplements are used by both amateurs and professionals. These drugs help to achieve high results, especially in the "big sport", when the body is subjected to serious stress.

Scientific studies have proven that people who exercise regularly have a 2-3 times higher calorie requirement compared to sedentary people. If there were no specialized nutritional supplements in which substances are contained in the form of concentrates, then the lack of energy would have to be filled with increased portions of food.

Depending on the tasks, there are such types of nutritional supplements that help make fitness more effective:

What does an athlete need and what components to focus on?

For fat burning

Fat burners, or thermogenics (thermogenics), will help with this. The drugs remove excess fluid from the body, accelerate the breakdown of fat, which is called brown and is deposited on "problem areas" - hips, sides. Fat burners are divided into male and female. Means for men contain adrenaline and norepinephrine, women's - chitosan, caffeine, omega-3 fatty acids, tyramine, naringin, green tea extract. Fat burning happens like this:

    during training, a thermogenic effect is created, they raise body temperature, accelerate metabolism;

    suppressed appetite;

    fat is burned in the gastrointestinal tract and the calorie content of food is reduced.

    ephedrine - causes mental disorders, tremors, heart rhythm disturbances;

    sibutramine - have a psychotropic effect;

    thyroxine - disrupts the thyroid gland.

When including fat burners in the diet, it is important to remember that they affect the female body. In addition, losing weight without a basic diet and exercise is impossible.

With accelerated fat burning, body temperature rises, which sometimes causes headaches and nausea. If these symptoms appear, the thermogeneric fat burner is replaced with a less aggressive lipotropic.

Protein, casein protein also help burn fat. But for this they are consumed in the intervals between the main meals. If necessary, then the supplement is a component of the main diet.


This is a protein that is a building material for connective tissue that forms cartilage, ligaments, and joints. Collagen is responsible for strength, resistance to stress, elasticity. It also provides blood flow to the muscles, strengthens the connective tissue of the ridge. It is important for athletes to use the substance in high doses due to the high stress on the joints and ligaments. Due to collagen deficiency, injuries occur, joints lose elasticity and strength, and traumatism increases.

There are collagen supplements of types I, II, III, where I, III - collagen of ligaments and bones, II - cartilage of the joints.

Do not use the first two types of drugs at the same time. They are used in courses of 1-2 months. The combination with vitamin C activates the production of this protein by the body.

Amino acids

Amino acids accelerate protein synthesis, accelerate the burning of subcutaneous fat, and promote energy production. Such complexes are taken when both drying and a set of muscle mass are to be. Women's sports nutrition includes the following amino acids:

    a complex of essential acids BCCA - the essential amino acid valine in combination with isoleucine and leucine provides energy to muscle tissue, increases muscle coordination, reduces sensitivity to pain, is needed for normal nitrogen metabolism;

    L-carnitine - promotes the production of nitrogen;

    L-glutamine - accelerates muscle recovery after training, stimulates the immune system, eliminates fat in problematic "female" areas;

    L-arginine - stimulates growth hormone, improves organ nutrition, promotes fat burning.


Testosterone (androgen) in women affects muscle growth and strength, the conversion of fat into muscle tissue, increases bone density, regulates sexual desire, keeps blood vessels and liver clean.

When deciding whether to take the drug, it is important to pay attention to the level of the hormone in the blood. For women, the norm of testosterone is 0.45–3.75 nmol / l. Exceeding these indicators adversely affects health. Appearance becomes masculine, the menstrual cycle is disturbed, hair falls out, mood often changes.

To increase hormone levels, it is important to consult a doctor.

Anabolic steroids and testosterone boosters are sometimes used in sports nutrition. These funds harm the reproductive system of women: the risk of infertility, baldness and other undesirable phenomena increases. If you need to increase the level of the hormone, then you should first undergo an examination and consult a doctor. The specialist will recommend a safe remedy depending on the hormonal background and the tasks to be performed.

Ready-made food supplements are replaced with food. To this end, the menu includes seafood, in particular shrimp, sea fish, avocado, linseed oil, nuts, garlic, eggs.

Sports nutrition after 50 years

As a rule, nutritional supplements are suitable for all adults, and there is no division into age categories. However, at an older age, you should pay attention to such drugs:

    Vitamin complexes. Since the caloric content of the diet decreases with age, then in athletes after 50 hypovitaminosis develops.

    Fish fat. This drug strengthens joints, improves metabolism, reduces the risk of Alzheimer's disease.

    Glucosamine. Needed for joints that wear out with age.

    Proteins, amino acids. Activate the production of hormones.

Before using the drug, you should consult a doctor, especially if you have chronic diseases.

If you are just getting started, watch the video:

Myths and truths about sports nutrition

There are several myths about sports nutrition. Which of them is true, and which is idle fiction?

Supplements put a lot of stress on the body

Indeed, one glass of a protein shake contains a serving of protein, commensurate with several kilograms of chicken meat. Just 20 g of guarana extract replaces three cups of coffee. But the load occurs when the athlete does not comply with the dosage and consumes supplements without physical exertion.

Unpredicted result

Supplements from the same manufacturer act differently on athletes. This is due to the fact that proprietary technologies and components are used. It is necessary to try the products of several manufacturers and choose what your body likes. You can only trust trusted brands and suppliers.

All sports supplements contain synthetic ingredients

Sources of amino acids, proteins - cow's milk, whey, soy. These are natural ingredients. But some vitamins are obtained chemically. There is no consensus on whether it harms the body. But at the same time, supporters of sports nutrition focus on the fact that a person uses pharmaceutical vitamin-mineral complexes, which are also an artificial product.

For modern girls and women, their appearance is very important, so many visit fitness centers to make their bodies fit and beautiful.

However, not all of them know that in order to achieve their goals (lose weight, gain muscle mass), it is important not only to train, but also to eat right.

In this case, we are not talking about a strict diet, but about a correct, balanced, varied diet.

After active training, the body loses a large amount of nutrients. To compensate for the lack of vitamins, minerals, to saturate the body with important nutrients, it is recommended to take.

Special supplements will help you get a toned body and good health. True, women need to choose the right sports nutrition.

Features of the metabolism of the female body

When choosing sports supplements, the characteristics of the female body should be taken into account. Girls have less muscle than men, more fat reserves, metabolism is slower.

The metabolic rate depends on the balance of hormones. Testosterone is the main male hormone that destroys fat stores, increases strength, and accelerates muscle growth.

Estrogen is a female hormone, under the influence of which fat accumulates, fluid is retained.

Due to hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle, girls experience mood swings, decreased physical activity, and increased appetite. And pain during menstruation can interfere with training.

Be sure to check out:

What is the specifics of sports nutrition for girls

Fund types

Girls need the following types of sports nutrition:

  1. Protein mixtures protect muscles from destruction.
  2. Amino acids increase endurance, prevent catabolism (muscle breakdown).
  3. L-carnitine is a mild fat burner.
  4. Glutamine energizes, improves mood, strengthens the immune system.

It is interesting! Casein, whey and egg protein are suitable for girls.

Most often, women do not need pre-workouts, fat burners, gainers, creatine. These supplements provoke an increase in adipose tissue, and fat burners in most cases provoke hormonal failure.

Amino acids/BCAA

These are proteins broken down into amino acids. They accelerate muscle growth, promote fat burning, energize. You need to use supplements before, during, after training.

BCAA is a healthy and safe product for girls. This supplement is based on leucine, isoleucine, and valine, which are part of the muscles.

Free amino acids are presented as a separate supplement: arginine, glutamine, glycine, etc. They are of great importance in building muscle tissue.

Vitamins and minerals

Everyone needs nutrients, especially women who are actively involved in sports. This is due to the fact that during training, the athlete loses many vitamins and minerals.

  1. Multivitamins. 1 capsule contains a daily portion of nutrients.
  2. Omega-3 fatty acids. They normalize hormonal levels, neutralize free radicals, accelerate fat burning, reduce appetite, etc.
  3. Minerals: magnesium, calcium, chromium, etc.


These supplements are used to increase muscle mass, restore the body after exercise. They improve metabolism, strengthen immunity.

Milk proteins include whey protein and casein. The first is absorbed faster than the second.

Egg white is considered the best product from this group, it is the easiest to digest, contains a lot of amino acids.

Proteins of plant origin are more suitable for athletes with lactose intolerance, vegetarians. This group includes soy and pea mixture.


Nitric oxide donators, or pampilkas, help women recover faster after a grueling workout. They expand the lumen of blood vessels, accelerating the absorption of nutrients. Nitrogen is often included in pre-workouts and other sports mixtures.

Pampilki increase stamina, speed up metabolism, fat burning, strengthen immunity. In addition, they improve mood, make a woman more active.

Pre-workout complexes

Pre-workouts increase vigor, energy potential, strength, endurance. Many supplements from this group contain caffeine and other components (not always useful).

The action of pre-workout complexes is different:

  1. Some stimulate the nervous system, making it easier to cope with stress.
  2. Others stimulate the production of adrenaline and norepinephrine, which give a feeling of cheerfulness.
  3. Still others slow down the production of lactic acid, which causes muscle fatigue.

Carefully! Do not take pre-workouts along with fat burners.

How to find the right supplements and vitamins for sports and fitness

Professional trainers, as well as sports nutritionists, highlight the following sports supplements that are suitable for women:

  1. Protein mixtures protect muscles from destruction. Girls should pay attention to hydrolysates, which contain about 99% of this nutrient. Isolate and concentrate contain less protein.
  2. BCAA amino acids increase endurance, protect muscles from destruction.
  3. L-carnitine accelerates the delivery of fat cells to the place of their "burning".
  4. Glutamine gives energy, increases the body's defenses.

Suitable multivitamins contain element C, A, E, group B, potassium, chromium, magnesium, zinc, iodine, selenium, etc.

Important! Before choosing a vitamin-mineral complex, you should consult a doctor.

If you need to build muscle mass

To increase the muscles, it is recommended to use proteins, amino acids, as well as vitamin and mineral complexes.

Protein mixtures provide an increase in lean muscle mass. The whey and egg supplement contains a complex of amino acids, they are easily absorbed. The most pure and effective product for girls is protein hydrolyzate.

BCAAs immediately enter the muscle tissue, accelerate mass gain, slow down the onset of fatigue during training. They are taken before, during, after classes.

The vitamin-mineral complex will accelerate the process of muscle growth, saturate the body with useful substances, and strengthen the immune system.

To burn fat

Women who are trying to lose weight should take mixtures that use fat as an additional source of energy. For this purpose, it is recommended to use proteins, BCAA amino acids, vitamin-mineral complexes, L-carnitine.

Protein is used to saturate the body with proteins, so it can be used instead of one meal. BCAA enhances the effect of the protein mixture, as well as L-carnitine.

To increase stamina

To charge the body with energy, you can take gainers, protein-carbohydrate mixtures. They are used to close the "protein-carbohydrate window". However, such supplements are suitable only for thin girls.

Athletes with an average and full physique can opt for creatine, amino acids, glutamine.

Important! Creatine retains fluid, so it will be difficult to get the desired relief.

Micronutrients, Omega fats have a beneficial effect on the body (especially the cardiovascular system), increase the overall endurance of the body, make it more resistant to infections.

Age and sports nutrition

To reduce weight for girls under 20, you need to take whey protein, L-carnitine, BCAAs, multivitamins, Omega fatty acids. The same complex is suitable for athletes aged 20-39, only it can be supplemented with linoleic acid, pre-workouts. For women over 40, the above supplements are supplemented with mixtures for joints and ligaments.

To increase muscle mass for girls under 20, it is recommended to use protein mixtures, BCAAs, casein, multivitamin complexes, fatty acids.

From 20 to 39 years old, the set is the same, you can supplement it with gainers if you are not overweight. Women over 40, in addition to proteins, amino acids, vitamins, need to take supplements for joints and ligaments (Glucosamine, Chondroitin).

Pros and cons from the pros

The topic of sports supplements is quite complex and controversial. Only experts who have tested them on themselves or their clients will help to figure this out. Therefore, before buying supplements, you should familiarize yourself with the opinion of professionals about women's sports nutrition.

Opinion of Elizabeth Mukminova

Bikini fitness champion advises taking BCAAs with glutamine during intensive training, which increase muscle tone. Linoleic acid is needed by the woman's body, it releases energy at the expense of adipose tissue. Vitamins will improve the condition of the hair as well as the skin. And glucosamine will protect the joints and ligaments from injury.

Dmitry Smirnov about women's sports nutrition

The European champion in powerlifting believes that it is better for girls to take L-carnitine to lose weight. But in order for the supplement to start working, you need to train hard, create a carbohydrate deficiency in the body. Otherwise, the product will be ineffective.

Elena Danilova

The two-time triathlon champion advises taking L-carnitine, vitamin-mineral complexes, Omega-3 fatty acids for weight loss. You can dilute your diet. Although girls should remember that the decision on the choice of any supplement is made by a doctor or sports nutritionist.

Useful video

Find out from the video what kind of sports nutrition exists for women and girls.

Main conclusions

As you can see, the female body is less adapted to physical activity. However, if there is a goal and a clear program, high results can be achieved.

The safest and most effective sports mixtures for women are whey, egg protein, BCAAs, L-carnitine, multivitamins, Omega fatty acids.