The Manson family is the most violent sect in the world. The most famous serial killer of our century, Charles Manson, died in the USA (biography) What happened to Manson

Boy with no name

Manson's mother Kathleen Maddox at the time of his birth, November 12, 1934, was only 16 years old. She ran away from home long before he was born and lived in Cincinnati. The boy's father, though, presumably, was Colonel Walker Scott. Against him, the newly-made mother even filed a lawsuit, but soon it was withdrawn "by agreement of the parties." In addition, paternity was inaccurate - the mother led a stormy sex life even during pregnancy.

The boy never saw his own father, but he categorically denied the version that he could be an African American. In his biography, Manson wrote that his dad was "a young druggist, temporary worker working on a nearby dam project."

Initially, the child was not even given a name: that was his name - no name Maddox. The name Charles was given to him only a week later.

Shortly after his birth, Kathleen married William Manson and gave her son her husband's surname.

Charles Manson. Photo © Wikimedia Commons

Mother drank heavily. She once sold her son for a jug of beer to a childless waitress, from whom his uncle took him a few days later.

When Charlie was six years old, Kathleen and her brother were sentenced to five years for armed robbery at a service station in Charleston. They tried to do this by using a bottle of ketchup instead of a weapon.

The child was forced to live this time with relatives in McMahon. His uncle, who considered the boy a sissy, sent the child to school in a woman's dress on the first day of school.

After parole in 1942, Manson's mother brought her son back and lived with him in shabby hotel rooms. Charles himself later described her hugs on the day she was released from prison as the only happy memory of her childhood.

Since 1947, the mother tried to send her 12-year-old son to an orphanage or a special school, but he was not accepted anywhere. As a result, the child managed to be identified in the Gibo school in Indiana, but he escaped ten months later and went to his mother. The parent kicked him out, and the child was literally on the street.

Photo © Wikimedia Commons

First Crimes

At the age of 13, Manson stole money from the store, which he rented a room with. He was not going to study, but he really liked easy money, and the teenager continued to steal in other stores. As a result, he was caught and sent to a center for troubled teenagers in Indianapolis. Then he ran away, stole again and was caught again.

As a result, Manson was sent to the Indiana Boys School, where, according to him, he was abused. He spent four years at this school, but in 1951 he ran away with two new friends. Teenagers stole a car in which they planned to travel around the country, rob gas stations and live on it. Caught again, special school again. A social worker who later worked with him called Manson illiterate and socially aggressive. By the age of 17, he had not learned to write.

In May 1954, Manson finally got his way and was released. The offender, as he later said, was thinking of starting a new life: he met the waitress Rosalie Jean Willis and got married. They didn’t take on a permanent job - he managed to survive as best he could. He stole from time to time. After another theft - this time a car - he was caught. By car, he wanted to leave with his pregnant wife in Los Angeles and start a new life.

During the investigation, he learned that the wife decided not to connect her life with the criminal, but already lives with another person. Manson is trying to escape from prison in order to return the woman, but he did not succeed. He was sentenced to five years probation.

Charles Manson and Rosalie Jean Willis. Photo © Wikimedia Commons


In the fall of 1958, Manson was a pimp. By that time, a 16-year-old daughter of wealthy parents named Leona fell in love with the criminal, who had an insane (as everyone who spoke with him remembers) charm. She worked as a prostitute using the pseudonym Candy Stevens.

In 1959, Manson got caught trying to set up a fake treasury check. The girl turned to the court and told how "they are in love and will certainly get married if he is released." And of course, she promised to fix it.

Oddly enough, it worked: Manson was given ten years on probation. True, the "bride" married another within a year, and the criminal continued to pimp and rob. As a result, the conditional term was replaced with a real one.

In prison, Manson took guitar lessons from gangster Alvin Karpis and got a contact name for someone from Universal Studios in Hollywood from another inmate, Phil Kaufman.

The Manson Family. Photo © Wikimedia Commons

Liberation and "Family"

By March 21, 1967, the day of his release, Manson had spent more than half of his life in prisons and other correctional facilities. Telling the authorities that the prison had become his home, he asked to be allowed to stay. However, no - to freedom.

It was the "summer of love" in the yard: free sex, crowds of hippies, free food, everyone hugging, a lot of marijuana, girls, most of whom were lost, looking for someone who would say "here I am." What about Manson? Played guitar, had charm, "dangerous guy" who learned prison lessons. He also knew how to speak competently about freedom, equality and the danger posed by African Americans. The first to get caught was librarian Mary Brenner, followed by elf-like Lynette Fromm, soon to be nicknamed Screech, horny Susan Atkins, and trust fund manager Sandra Goode. This was the beginning of what the prosecutor later called the Family.

Roaming from place to place in California, they dragged into their ranks murderers, thieves, drug dealers, and so on. All of them easily went to stories about the "great mission", responded to the fact that they were no longer alone in the world, to the fact that Manson spoke so competently.

The "family" lived off the sale of drugs. However, they themselves were not averse to using a dose. And after that, the "preaching" of the leader began: that all people are free, that everyone is in danger, that their destiny is war and murder, which, by the way, according to him, do not exist.

There is no death, and therefore there is nothing wrong with killing a person, the criminal told his associates. In total, about 50 people gathered in the commune, but their exact number has not been established.

After the "sermon" under drugs, everything ended with mass orgies.

We all believed that we belonged to him, and called ourselves Charlie-s girls, but Charlie himself always, almost every day, told us that we are people and we belong only to ourselves, to no one else. But still I thought I belonged to him. Charlie had sex with each of us, I was jealous of him until I realized that Charlie made love only for the sake of Love. In this way, he gave his all to us. We Charlie girls also made love to each other,” one of his followers later said.

Manson constantly strengthened his authority in the "Family". So, one day a group of angry bikers arrived at Spana's ranch, where they gathered, and began to threaten the members of the commune with terrible reprisals. Manson alone came to the defense, offering his life to the guests. The criminals left the ranch without saying a word.

By the way, it was the situation with the low-quality drug that the "Family" received and wanted to resell that became the reason for the first murder committed by members of the gang.

At the end of July 1969, gang members Bobby Beausoleil, Susan Atkins, Mary Brenner, Bruce Davis and Charles Manson himself demanded money from drug dealer Gary Hinman, accusing him of selling low-quality drugs. First, Manson cut off Hinman's ear with a saber, and when a couple of days later he still refused to pay, Bobby Beausoleil stabbed him twice in the chest. And the girls at that time were choking the dealer with a pillow. Bobby tried to confuse the police by drawing a cat's paw (a distinctive sign of one of the groups) on the wall with blood. However, a few days later, by coincidence, it was he who got caught.

main idea

The main idea propagated by the "Family" was that African Americans would soon rise up against the rest of the population and kill everyone. But at the same time, the "Family" will remain alive. African-Americans will allegedly come to them, who will understand that they are not capable of anything without Caucasians. In general, the members of the "Family" were sure that they were waging an interracial war, the name of which was given by analogy with the song "The Beatles" - Helter Skelter, which Manson interpreted in his own way.

Manson was guided by the following logic: if a few rich white people in Los Angeles were killed, African Americans would certainly be blamed for everything and sent to prison.

Famous personalities from the world of show business became the victims of the killers. Among them was the pregnant wife of film director Roman Polanski, Sharon Tate.

On August 8, 1969, Manson chose several performers from among his supporters: Susan Atkins, Patricia Krenwinkel, Linda Kasabian and Charles Watson. The company moved towards Los Angeles, where, on the instructions of its leader, it was supposed to break into the mansion of Hollywood producer Terry Melcher, who helped Manson support his musical endeavors. He himself did not go to work, without explaining the reasons.

Go to the house. Kill everyone, cut them into pieces, - Manson admonished his adherents, being in the car.

Manson later said that he did not even imagine that the young actress Sharon Tate was in the house at that time, eight months pregnant. Roman Polanski, who had just then achieved world fame, was in London. "Family" Manson stabbed to death an 18-year-old driver who just drove to a friend. The killers, armed with knives and a pistol, crawled into the house and attacked Tate and her three friends who did not expect danger. They cut the bodies beyond recognition: each received more than 100 stabs. At the crime scene, the killers left the inscription pig, made in the blood of Sharon Tate.

The next day, the gang committed another brutal murder in Los Angeles. This time, Patricia Krenwinkel and Charles Watson were involved in the crime. Manson himself was driving the car, which arrived in the Los Feliz area late in the evening. The killers broke into the home of businessman Leno LaBianca. Manson allegedly tied him up and left the house.

After some time, the police found the torn bodies of Leno LaBianca and his wife Rosemary. The walls of the house were smeared with blood, and the inscriptions Death to pigs and Rise were written on them with blood. The fridge was marked Healter Skelter, misspelled, apparently in a hurry. On the belly of Leno LaBianca, the word war was drawn with a knife.

The trial of members of the "Family". Photo © Wikimedia Commons


The city began to panic when the crimes became known. Hollywood celebrities were especially frightened. Those who could, hastily left the city. The police could neither understand the motives of the crime, nor find any witnesses. The group came about by pure chance.

In October 1969, Manson and 20 of his followers were arrested for carjacking. Susan boasted to a cellmate that she took part in the murder of Sharon Tate. As a result, the police uncovered the entire chain. After some time, all the participants in the massacre were arrested, but the police at first could not establish the motives for the crimes.

Photo © Reuters

By July 1970, Manson and three of his supporters were on trial for the brutal murder of seven people. All prisoners completely copied the behavior of their leader.

At the nod of his head, they jumped up from their seats in the courtroom and began to scream furiously. Manson came to one of the meetings shaved bald. Soon, the girls detained with Charles changed their hair. When Manson decided to carve a cross on his forehead (then he added a few features to it and it turned out to be a swastika), they did the same. In general, who is in charge of them, it was clear from the beginning.

Although Manson himself was not involved in the killings, the court sentenced him and his accomplices to death in the gas chamber. However, in February 1972, the US Supreme Court imposed a moratorium on the death penalty, so the sentence was commuted to life imprisonment.

Photo © REUTERS/Gus Ruelas

Fans and wedding

Manson was transferred from one prison to another more than once: he managed to travel literally all over the USA. Law enforcement officers did not want to draw attention to the prisoner and were afraid of attempts to release him by fans, who, however, constantly found him and wrote letters.

He sent me letters with a total weight of almost a hundred kilograms and almost the same number - to other acquaintances for safekeeping and viewing, - wrote Nuel Emmons, author of the book "Charles Manson: a true story of life, told by himself."

Perhaps the most ardent fan was Afton Elaine Barton. She wrote letters to him for about a year, and finally begged for the opportunity to meet.

As a result, Manson, in his 80s in 2014, decided to marry a 26-year-old girl. The marriage, however, did not last long - about a year. The fact is that Manson suspected his wife of the following: she allegedly dreams of taking possession of his corpse after the death of the criminal, mummifying it and putting it on public display. It was impossible to convince the criminal of this.

While incarcerated, Manson asked for parole 13 times and was consistently denied. The last time was in 2016. During his years in prison, Manson became a "Christian activist" (as he called himself), writing an autobiography called Will You Die For Me? ("Will you die for me?"), created his own website.

In early 2017, his health began to fail. So, in January, he was sent to the prison hospital due to problems with the intestines. The 83-year-old prisoner needed an operation, which was refused due to the fact that he could die during the surgery. In November of this year, he was hospitalized again, but the doctors' forecasts were the saddest: "Manson will die soon, this is a matter of a short period of time."

In the United States, at the age of 84, the famous serial killer Charles Manson, who spent almost half a century in prison, has died. In 1972, he was sentenced to life in prison for the brutal murder of the pregnant wife of director Roman Polanski and seven other people.

Deborah Tate, the sister of Manson's most famous victim, told TMZ about his death. According to the woman, she received a call from prison and was told that at 20:13 local time on Sunday, the maniac died. The staff contacted the families of all of Manson's victims.

Earlier, the media have already reported that the offender is in critical condition: he was diagnosed with intestinal bleeding. He was recently transferred on a gurney to Bakersfield Hospital, accompanied by five police officers. The maniac looked deathly pale, and the doctors said that he would not survive, death was only a matter of time. They refused to perform the operation because of the danger to Manson's life.

Charles Manson was the leader of a Satanic sect called The Family: he gave each of his followers a new name and called them brothers and sisters.

In 1969, members of the Family cult broke into director Roman Polanski's home in Beverly Hills and stabbed to death his wife, actress Sharon Tate, who was then eight months pregnant.

The woman received 16 stab wounds, and the killers wrote the word "pig" with her blood. Four other guests who were in the house at the time were also killed. Roman Polanski was working on a project in London at the time.

The next day, on the orders of Manson, members of his sect killed the director of a chain of small shops, Lenno LaBanka, and his wife Rosemary: the victims received 169 stab wounds and 7 gunshot wounds. Manson announced that his goal was to start a race war, which he called helter skelter after the song by The Beatles. Once upon a time, Manson aspired to become a musician and even played guitar in the Beach Boys.

Manson and seven of his accomplices were sentenced to death in a gas chamber, but in 1972 the Supreme Court of California declared such a sentence unconstitutional, and it was replaced with nine life terms.

In 1984, Manson was attacked by another prisoner, Krishna devotee Jan Holmström. He doused the serial killer with solvent and set it on fire, but he survived.

In 2014, Manson for the third time, 25-year-old Afton fan Helen Burton became his chosen one. For his sake, at the age of 19, the girl moved closer to the prison, and also shaved her head and carved a cross on her forehead, like all the followers of a maniac.

Manson became a symbol of absolute evil and the hero of many American films and songs: in particular, the 1973 documentary Manson was nominated for an Oscar. In 2015, the action-packed series Aquarius dedicated to Manson was released.

Charles Mills Manson - American criminal, the leader of the commune "Family", some members of which in 1969 committed a series of cruel murders, including the famous film actress Sharon Tate, wife of Roman Polanski.

Born November 12, 1934 in Cincinnati, Ohio. His mother, Kathleen Maddox, gave birth to him at sixteen. His father appears to have been "Colonel Scott". However, Charlie took his last name from the man his mother, shortly after the birth of the child, married - William Manson. When Charlie was six years old, Kathleen was jailed for five years for armed robbery. He was forced to live this time with relatives. Among them was an uncle who considered him a "sissy" and on the first day of school sent Charlie to school in a woman's dress.

After the release of his mother, 11-year-old Manson did not live long with her, Kathleen gave him into the custody of the state. He spent the following years in special institutions for boys, from which he constantly escaped and tried to hide by stealing cars and bicycles. Once he decided to cross the state line in a stolen car, but was caught and spent the next three years in various correctional facilities.

In January 1955 married seventeen-year-old Rosalie Jane Willis. The couple decided to go to California. Three months later, Charlie was arrested in Los Angeles for crossing state lines in a stolen car. Rosalie was pregnant and the court gave Manson three years of probation. Soon Manson again committed an offense and ended up in prison. After the birth of the child, Rosalie left her husband and left the city. Once freed, Charlie became a pimp for several girls in Hollywood.

In May 1959, he was arrested while trying to cash a $37.50 check stolen from a mailbox. The court sentenced him to 10 years of probation. Around this time, Charlie married a certain Leona, but a year later he again violated the law, this time on crossing state lines for the purpose of prostitution, and was sent to prison.

As a result, Manson was sentenced to 10 years in prison for a check for $37.50. Leona gave birth to her second son, Charlie, and filed for divorce. Here Manson became interested in Scientology. He was finally released in March 1967 and traveled to San Francisco, where he met a girl named Mary Brunner, who became the first member of what would become the Manson Family.

In prison, Alvin Karpis, a prisoner convicted of bank robbery in the 1930s, taught Charles to play guitar. There was a widespread rumor that Manson tried to become a member of The Monkees, being among the 400 applicants (Pete Tork won the competition), and even then he boasted that he would become "more than The Beatles". John Gilmour, author of Manson - The Unholy Trail Of Manson And The Family, questions the very possibility of such involvement, since Manson was still in prison at the time of the audition.

Charlie and Mary began to travel around California, and more and more people became members of the "Family". As Charlie said, the "children", whom society threw into the trash, themselves came to him. He gave each a new name. "Family" made them "brothers and sisters." Manson's pursuit of a musical career took them to Los Angeles. Their home was the Spahn Ranch, which was previously used for filming westerns. The ranch family lived a "free" life. They used drugs, sang songs, had group sex.

During a trip to San Francisco, Charlie met Dennis Wilson, the drummer for The Beach Boys. They became close friends, Wilson often allowed "Wizard" and "Family" to stay in his mansion. He also introduced Manson to music producer Terry Melcher, who at one time was interested in recording his album. According to prosecutor Vincent Bugliosi's version (described in the book Helter Skelter), lurking anger at a man who rejected his music led to the murder of Tate and the guests of her house, since Melcher once lived here. Manson (in one of the prison interviews) strongly denied this claim.

In late July 1969, three members of the "Family" - Bobby Beausoleil, Susan Atkins (also known as "Sadie") and Mary Brunner - went to the house of a man named Gary Hinman to collect the amount of money for which Bobby bought mescaline from him for groups of bikers who, in turn, were dissatisfied with the quality of the drugs and demanded their money back. Hinman refused to return the money. After calling the ranch, he came to the house with Bruce Davis. Manson cut off Hinman's ear with a saber, and he and Davis soon left.

The next day, Hinman continued to refuse to hand over the money. Two days later, Bobby killed Hinman by stabbing him twice in the chest while Atkins and Brunner suffocated him with a pillow. Finally, Beausoleil wrote "POLITICAL PIGGY" on the wall and drew a "paw" sign in Hinman's blood to make the authorities think that "" was involved in the murder. Bobby was soon arrested, which brought a certain atmosphere of panic to the Family.

Tate and La Bianca

One of the main motives for subsequent events was Manson's peculiar interpretation of the "White Album" of "The Beatles". He said that the Beatles were talking to him, that the album contained a message warning him of the coming war between the black and white races, which he himself called "Helter Skelter", and also that the group wanted him to release an album that would give rise to the impending revolution. Charlie had a "plan" for this, in which the "Family" would go to Death Valley and hide underground until the race war was over. By that time, their number should have grown to 144,000, and they would have ruled the world, since "the black ones only know what the white ones told them."

On the evening of August 8, 1969 Manson called Charles Watson (also known as "Tex") and said "The time has come, the time to take the black man by the hand and show him how to kill." He ordered Tex to take three girls with him, go to the house where Terry Melcher used to live, kill everyone who was there, and take all the money (the day before, Charlie went to this house to find Terry, but, as it turned out, he had not lived there for more than a month). He then instructed Sadie, Patricia Krenwinkel (also known as "Kathy") and Linda Kasabian to go with Tex and do whatever he says - "It's time, Helter Skelter".

Taking a few knives, a gun and a rope, the four got into a yellow 1959 Ford to head to the house on Cielo Drive. Charlie finally told the girls to leave a sign there, "something sinister." Tex and the girls drove up to the house and climbed over the fence. They saw a white car drive up to the gate and hid in the bushes. When the car stopped, Tex stepped out of the shadows and shot an eighteen-year-old boy with glasses who was driving. The four went to the main house. Linda was kept on guard at the gate in case the shots woke anyone up. Tex carefully climbed in through the window and let the girls in. In the house they found four more people: two men and two women, one of whom was pregnant. After the killers demanded all the money from them, they tied them up, and then staged a brutal massacre. Finally, Sadie wrote the word "PIG" on the door with a bloody towel.

Returning to the ranch, they found Charlie and one girl dancing naked under the moon. Manson asked them if they felt any remorse, to which they replied that they did not. The next day they learned from the news on television that their victims were eighteen-year-old Stephen Parent, who came to his friend who worked there as a janitor, Jay Sabring - a famous men's hair stylist, Abigail Folger - an heiress to a wealthy fortune, Wojciech Frykowski - a friend of film director Roman Polanski , and Polanski's wife, film actress Sharon Tate, who is nine months pregnant.

On August 9, Charlie decided to show himself "how to do it." Together with Tex, Linda, Katie, Sadie, as well as Leslie Van Houten and Steve Grogan (aka "Clem"), they set out to find the house where the Helter Skelter is supposed to crash again. They became the home of the owners of a chain of small shops Leno and Rosemary La Bianca. Charlie and Tex broke into the house, tied up the owners and gagged them. After which Charlie, Sadie, Linda and Clem left, and Katie and Leslie joined Tex. Three staged a bloody massacre. This time, the police were met by the words "RISE", "DEATH TO PIGS", the words "HEALTER SKELTER" misspelled by Patricia, and "WAR" carved into Leno's stomach.


On August 16, 1969, Charlie and The Family were arrested at Spahn Ranch for stealing cars, but were released because the ranch search warrant was illegal, having been issued just two days before the raid. However, the police confiscated all weapons, cars and buggies. Charlie "felt" that one of the people working on the ranch, Donald "Shorty" Shea, was denouncing him - that night he, Tex, Bruce and Clem killed him, cut him into pieces and buried him. The "family" in buggies and jeeps prepared in advance went to the Barker ranch, not far from Death Valley, at night along the way they set fire to the earth-moving equipment they met, for which they were arrested during the second raid in October 1969. By this time, the police already had some speculation about the connection between the Manson Family and the murders of Tate and La Bianca.

Many members of The Family testified against Manson and the killers. Some chose not to give any evidence as a protest. Linda Kasabian acted as the principal witness in the trials and rehearings of the case. Susan Atkins also initially intended to act as the main witness, in the hope of mitigating the punishment, but before the trial began, she retracted her testimony.

A few days before the trial, Manson's court-appointed lawyer, Ronald Hughes, disappeared. His dismembered body was found five months later (there is an assumption that the "Manson girls" were involved in the murder). During the trial, Charlie and other members of the Family carved a swastika into their foreheads as a sign that they had cut themselves off from the establishment world.
At the court session Manson came with half shaved head and half shaved.
As a result of a lengthy trial, seven members of the "Family" were sentenced to death in the gas chamber. In 1972, the Supreme Court abolished the death penalty and sentences were commuted to life imprisonment.

"International Human Court of Retribution"

Lynette Fromme in 1970

In 1975, one of Manson's most dedicated followers, Lynette Fromm (also known as "Squicky") pointed a gun at Gerald Ford during his walk in a Sacramento park. She was sentenced to life imprisonment for attempting to assassinate the President (released in 2009). Along with his girlfriend, Sandra Good, also a member of The Family, they were the "nuns" of Manson's religion, which he called the "Rainbow Law", and ardent followers of his own philosophy for maintaining a balance in ecology, which he called ATWA (Air, Trees , Water, Animals). Together, they sent death threats to "corporate polluters" - CEOs and heads of enterprises that pollute the environment. Goode was sentenced to ten years in prison.


He is being held at the California State Penitentiary in Corcoran City under number B33920. Prior to that, he was repeatedly transferred from one institution to another. He spends 23 hours in solitary confinement, he is forbidden to communicate with other prisoners. In prison Manson was attacked twice: the first time by a member of the Aryan Brotherhood, the second time by a Hare Krishna. The latter doused Charlie with solvent and set fire to it, as a result of which Manson received second and third degree burns, mainly to the face and head.
Charles Manson was repeatedly denied release. His last petition is due in 2012.

Located in Mule Creek Prison. He became an active Christian, wrote an autobiography called "Will You Die For Me?", married and fathered four children. Maintains his website.

Patricia Krenwinkel and Leslie Van Houten are at the California Institution for Women in Chino. Susan Atkins was also kept there until her death. She became a Christian, wrote an autobiography called "Child of Satan, Child of God", and also married twice (her second husband set up a website to support his wife). In March 2008, Atkins was taken to a prison hospital, and in June it became known about her impending early release from prison.

It is also known that she suffered from progressive brain cancer and as of June 2008, she had no more than six months to live. On May 29, 2009, Susan Atkins' request for parole was reviewed by the California State Commission but was denied. The date for the next consideration of her case was scheduled for September 2, 2009, but she was denied early release for the thirteenth time, and already on September 24 of the same year, Atkins died of brain cancer.

Krenwinkel in prison leads an active life as far as possible. Her last hearing took place in January 2011, where she was denied parole for the thirteenth time, and she will not be able to file the next petition until after 7 years. Leslie Van Houten is fighting for her release, which has been denied multiple times. On September 7, 2006, she was denied a hearing for the sixteenth time. The last hearing was supposed to take place in August 2009, but it was rescheduled for August 2010. Finally, the hearing took place on 6 July 2010, where she was denied release for the 19th time. The next petition can be filed no earlier than 2013.

Bobby Beausoleil is in the Oregon State Penitentiary in Salem. He got married, makes music and maintains his website with his wife. His application for early release in 2010 was rejected, the next may not be filed until 2015.

Bruce Davis is in the California Men's Colony in San Luis Obispo. While a prisoner, he became a Christian, and also helped Susan Atkins to come to this.
Steve Grogan cooperated with the police in the search for the remains of Donald Shea and was released early in 1985.

Lynette Fromm in 2009

Lynette Fromm was held in various institutions. In 1979, she was placed in the Federal Correctional Institution in Dublin, California, where she attacked another inmate with a hammer. And in December 1987, she escaped from the Federal Prison Camp in Alderson, West Virginia, when a false rumor reached her that Manson dies of cancer. Two days later, she was caught and placed in the Carswell Federal Medical Center (prison) in Fort Worth, Texas, where she was held until her release. Since 1985, she has repeatedly applied for early release, but each time she was denied. In July 2008, another petition was granted, but due to her escape, she was released only on August 14, 2009. Now Lynette Fromm lives in the New York suburb of Marcy.

Sandra Good was released in 1985. She also remains committed to ATWA and believes that was not involved in the killings. In the mid-1990s, together with another person, they created a website in support of Charles Manson . The website has now been taken down and the domain name is up for sale.

Himself in November 2017, due to a disease of the gastrointestinal tract. He died right in his hospital bed in the prison hospital, at the age of 84.

A recent revision of one of the episodes of "South park" aroused genuine interest in the person of the character depicted in the cartoon named Charlie Manson. Even drawn, he seemed so interesting that it was simply impossible not to read about him. Hairy, sleazy, dangerous, bloodthirsty and, to top it off, a swastika on his forehead.

Charlie Manson and his family

The truth about Charles Manson and high-profile murders

Every time Charlie got out of prison, he soon found himself there again. He was drawn there. He felt a certain impunity, that for his actions he would not receive anything worse than a term in jail. And he knew how to spend time behind the walls of correctional colonies and, one got the impression, passionately desired this. In the wild, he managed to start novels, get married, have children and victoriously get away from problems, getting term after term. There was a case when Charlie received 10 years probation for stealing $37.50, and a little later he committed a “minor” offense while crossing the border in a stolen car. The court naturally suggested that Manson spend the next 10 years in prison. Those. officially, on paper, he received a sentence for stealing $37.50. Not the best turn of events. Lucky his fate is clearly not called. After his release in 1967, he meets a certain Mary Brunner, who becomes the first member of the future Family group.

Wandering from place to place in California, this couple dragged into their ranks more and more dregs of society, obvious scum, murderers, murderers and thieves. Their standard pastime is drunken orgies, devil worship and sacrifice. By the end of the 60s, this company was actively involved in the sale of drugs, making a decent profit. It was the situation with low-quality goods that the "Family" resold that became the first reason for the murder, which was later attributed to this gang. Turned on the idea of ​​interracial war, the associates of Charles Manson believed in the theory that very soon the entire black population of the United States would rise up against their arrogant white masters and kill them. But then, realizing that without a white man they can do absolutely nothing, the blacks will have to turn to the surviving members of the Manson Family. The name of this interracial war was given by Charlie himself, who was a passionate fan of music, and, especially, the Liverpool phenomenon of the mid-twentieth century The Beatles. Their song "Helter Skelter" was interpreted by Manson in his own way, becoming the name of the ideological race war in anticipation of which these dregs of society lived. The subsequent brutal murders stirred up not only California, but all of America. Well-known personalities from the world of show business began to become victims of the killers. Including the pregnant wife of the famous film director Roman Polanski became a victim of the "Family".

Arrest of the Charlie Manson Family

In the same 1969, the gang was detained almost in full force. The very first interrogations revealed the leader of the gang in the person of Charles Manson, to whom almost all members of the "Family" testified. But the killings and the activities of the sect, which received the status on behalf of Manson himself of a religious community called the Law of the Rainbow, did not stop. The next victim who remained at large was the state lawyer, who was provided by law to all defendants in the Manson Family case. During the investigation, hundreds of cases of crimes committed by Charlie's gang were revealed. Their involvement in them has been fully proven. The most interesting was the process of studying the personality of the leader of the sect. Charles Manson by that time believed in his chosenness so much that he began to openly preach religious postulates composed by himself, based on the general balance and harmony of the entire ecological system of the Earth, creating an organization specializing in these ideas outside the prison cell. The name of this organization is ATWA - Air, trees, water, animals. Once in the dock, almost all members of the gang put a swastika on their foreheads in protest and refusal to cover their story in the media.

In 1969, the leader of the "Family" sect, Charlie Manson, and all its members were arrested.

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Charles Manson was born on November 12, 1934 in Cincinnati Hospital (Ohio, USA). His mother was 16-year-old unmarried Kathleen Maddox (1918-1973). Soon, the mother married a hospital worker named William Manson (b. 1910). His last name was given to the boy. The biological father is believed to have been Colonel Walker Scott (1910-1954).

What is this gentleman famous for? He is considered the cult villain of the 20th century, who organized a religious-terrorist sect called the Manson Family. Before that, he spent 18 years behind bars for robbery, rape, pimping, forging treasury checks. For exemplary behavior, he was released early on March 21, 1967.

He received permission to live in San Francisco, where the hippie movement was fashionable at that time. Charles in prison learned to play the guitar well and very quickly got used to the new environment for him. With great worldly experience and knowledge of people, he soon became a leader among the hippies. Then he created a religious circle, in which he began to profess his philosophy. It consisted in the fact that Satan must be reconciled with Christ, and after that they will judge humanity together.

The former criminal gathered near him inexperienced girls and boys who looked at him as a messiah. He told his flock that a war between the races would soon break out, and the blacks would win it. After that, the winners will join the Manson family, and in the future, the family will begin to rule over the entire planet.

However, all this nonsense was taken quite seriously by many. The newly minted family rented an old school bus and began to travel around America as far as Washington state, preaching their doctrine. In the sect itself, an atmosphere of complete sexual freedom reigned. And what else could be expected from a former criminal who served time for rape.

Members of the Manson family


All these games in their exclusivity were flowers. The berries went when the sectarians began to commit murders. The most terrible and famous of them happened on August 9, 1969 in Beverly Hills at the Bel Air Villa.

On that day, people who had a certain fame in Hollywood gathered for a party in a cozy house. The party was organized by the young and talented actress Sharon Tate (1943-1969). She was 26 years old, since 1966 she has successfully starred in films. In January 1968, she tied the knot with director Roman Polanski. The girl was predicted a bright future, but fate decreed otherwise.

Her friend and former lover Jay Sebring, screenwriter Wojtek Frykowski, artist Steve Perent, daughter of wealthy businessman Abigail Folger came to visit her. Polanski himself was not there. He was working in London on the next film project.

Actress Sharon Tate, who died at the hands of the Manson family assassins

Charles Manson sent his 4 assistants armed with knives to this house. However, 3 of them were women. The team of assassins was led by former athlete Charles Watson. It was he who cut the wires on the telephone pole, and after that the bandits broke into the house.

The massacre began. Sharon Tate was 9 months pregnant. She was stabbed 16 times, her stomach was cut open and her breasts were cut open. A similar fate befell her guests. All of them were brutally killed. As they left, the bandits wrote the word "pigs" on the door. They didn't know whose house it was. Chose it randomly to get hold of the money. Only the next day did they learn from the news who had been killed.

Before that, on July 25, 1969, Manson himself, with two members of the sect, Robert Beausoleil and Suzanne Atkins, killed musician Harry Hinman. He allegedly inherited 20 thousand dollars, and the sectarians decided to take possession of this amount. Before that, they tortured the man for 2 days, but he had no money. In the end, the poor fellow was stabbed to death and the inscription "political pig" was written on his chest with blood.

The very next night after the murder of actress Sharon Tate and her friends, the messiah himself and three of his henchmen went in search of more victims. They entered through the back open door into the house where the owners of the chain of stores, the husband and wife of La Bianchi, lived. The bandits tied up the owners (Leno and Rosemary) and began torturing them. They cut off body parts from people using knives and forks. When the victims died, the sectarians left, leaving forks stuck in the bodies.

After the brutal murders, the police began to persistently search for the bandits. Her ardor was fueled by public opinion. We must pay tribute to the guardians of the law, since the first arrests of members of the sect began on August 16, 1969. Charles Manson himself was arrested in October of the same year.

Charles Manson arrested by police


The trial of these fanatics became a sensation. It began on June 15, 1970 and ended on March 29, 1971. On this day, a jury in the San Francisco District Court found the leader of the Manson Family sect and his henchmen guilty. The judge sentenced the defendants to death. They were to be strangled in the gas chamber. But in 1972, the state of California abolished the execution of death sentences, and the gangsters received life sentences.

Since then, and to this day, the creepy monster Charles Manson spends his days in a California state prison. But he was not forgotten. The killer of innocent people receives bags of letters from notorious people who have not found themselves in this life. He writes absolutely mediocre songs, and they are recorded, and they become bestsellers. In 1988, his book, Manson of Himself, was published.

His accomplice Susan Atkins became very devout and got married within the prison walls. Another accomplice, Leslie Houten, graduated from college in prison and became a certified art critic. Linda Kasabyan, avoided a prison term, as she made a deal with the investigation. She lives quietly and discreetly in New Hampshire and spends a lot of time with her grandchildren.

This is what Charles Manson looked like today

At the end of 2013, Manson gave an interview to one of the American magazines. He said that he has many admirers, and one of them wants to marry him. His darling Afton Elaine Burton, who took the pseudonym Star, settled near the prison in order to regularly see her beloved.

Someone may wipe away the tears of tenderness and sigh enviously, but in our practical and rational world of romance there is less and less. In early 2015, it turned out that Star was not at all in love with a bloodthirsty maniac. She conceived a cunning plan, hoping to cash in on the corpse of her future old and decrepit husband.

Afton Elaine Burton, who agreed to marry Charles Manson

After his death, she planned to put the deceased in a glass sarcophagus and show it to everyone for money. She has a roommate Craig Hammond, with whom she developed this cynical plan. And everything could work out, because according to the laws of California, loved ones can do whatever they see fit with the body of the deceased.

However, such an unsightly behavior of a young woman who is not even 30 years old was sniffed out by journalist Daniel Simon. He conveyed this information to the public. Charles Manson also found out about the plans of the bride. It is not known how he reacted to female deceit, but the marriage license expired in early February 2015, and the lovers did not play the wedding. Well, what can I say: "Not everything is Shrovetide for the cat." It's just a pity for the innocent people who were killed. They could live for many years and bring many benefits to this world.

Charles Manson himself died on November 19, 2017 at the age of 83. He did not live to see another request for early release, which he could have filed in 2019. The killer died in Bakersfield (California), having spent 47 years in prison. But it is unlikely that over the years he experienced a sense of remorse for the atrocities committed..