Attracting good luck and luck. How to attract good luck and money into your life at home: Feng Shui rituals, thought forms and conspiracies for good luck. Are there signs of bad luck around us

Sometimes every person lacks a little luck and luck. Fortunately, there are reliable ways to win the favor of Fortune and change lives for the better.

At some points in life, luck can simply turn away from a person. To return it, you can use conspiracies, turn to the Feng Shui technique and even folk signs. The site site specialists have prepared for you several ways to attract luck and good luck in your life.

We attract luck with the power of thought

Our thoughts can create real miracles. We attract into our lives only what we think about most often. If you program your mind for positive, then there will be much more happiness in life. If, on the contrary, you think only about the negative, the black streak will not be long in coming. It must be remembered that our thoughts are able to bring good luck and success to life: for this, you just need to think positively and not let bad emotions take over you.

In addition, various affirmations can always help you - small positive phrases and sentences. While reading them, you must always be in a good mood, use words only in the present tense, use pronouns "I", "Me" and "To me" and use these affirmations regularly.

Attract Luck with Feng Shui

People who are familiar with the Feng Shui technique know that the energy that determines the well-being of a person lies precisely in his house. Therefore, it is very important to establish the right environment in your homeso that it helps to attract good luck. For example, indoor plants are the best suited to ensure that prosperity and good luck always reigned in the house. They not only cleanse the house of negativity, but also contribute to luck in all matters. In Feng Shui, there are also special symbols that attract good luck to the house.

Laughing God - Hotei. The figurine symbolizes prosperity, wealth and good luck. Put it in your apartment and sometimes look at it with a smile, especially before leaving the house. The talisman will surely bring luck and success to your home.

Aquarium with fish will solve your problems with finances, attract profit and good luck to the house. It is important to remember that the fish must be gold.

Conspiracy for good luck

Conspiracies are able to bring good luck into the life of every person. It should be read once a week, being in a good mood, best in the morning:

“Inside me lies happiness and luck, and fortune is in my hands. I can do everything in the world, and all dreams and plans will come true. I have strength, I have confidence, and all who wish me failure, let them go away with my troubles. May it be so".

This conspiracy is very strong and can quickly attract success into your life.

Signs for good luck and profit

Our ancestors believed that good luck can be attracted in several ways:

  • The table in the kitchen should never be empty. It should always be covered with a tablecloth, otherwise there will be no money and good luck in the house.
  • A brownie should “live” in every house. You can make a mascot figurine with your own hands or buy it in a store. He will protect your home and attract prosperity and good luck to the house.
  • A money tree can bring to life not only money, but also luck.
  • A charm in the form of a pin or a horseshoe will help to enlist the support of fortune and find happiness.

To attract luck into life, you can use completely different methods. Find a way that works for you and don't be afraid to try new things. We wish you happiness, success, and don't forget to press the buttons and

19.09.2018 06:19

Exactly one week before Easter, Orthodox believers annually celebrate Palm Sunday. On this day you...

In this article:

To achieve something in life, not only the efforts that we put in to achieve what we want are important, luck also plays a big role. However, she does not smile at all of us. You should not be upset, because there are various rituals for good luck and luck that will help you achieve what you want.

Rituals for luck in everything

This simple rite will help you achieve luck in all your endeavors. On Tuesday morning (before sunrise), face east. Light three church candles and read the plot seven times:

Put out the candles and put them away. They can be used next time. The ritual for luck in everything can be done every week or as needed.

If you are looking for a job, but you can’t find anything sensible, then try the following ceremony. On the new moon, buy a handkerchief on the market and read the following conspiracy on it:

“Where I will not go, the servant of God (name),

I can find work everywhere.

Success awaits me in all endeavors,

And prosperity in business.

As she said, so be it. Amen".

A charmed handkerchief should always be carried with you. But in order to find a job, one conspiracy is not enough, you do not need to be inactive, engage in active searches, and then luck will be on your side.

Conspiracy before the interview: to get hired

Successfully pass the interview, the following conspiracy will help you. When leaving the house, read three times:

There are all sorts of situations in life. Sometimes, despite all the searches and efforts, it is not possible to find your soul mate. In such a situation, love magic can come to the rescue. The ritual for luck in love will help you not only find a soul mate, but also establish relationships with your loved one.

It must be done on the new moon. At night, light a red candle, put a piece of paper in front of you, and write your desire on it. After that, reread what you have written several times. Fold the paper and put it in an envelope. Then read the plot for luck in love:

“I, the servant of God (name), left the house, and went into the open field, I saw a big stone there. As this stone stands alone, so am I alone. Suddenly a pair of white doves landed on a rock. I asked the Lord for help. Help me meet my destiny. I don't want to be alone anymore, I want to meet my soul mate. As this pair of doves is inseparable, so I will find my man. We will always be together in joy, and in sorrow, and in health, and in illness. Help me Lord, hear my prayer and heed it. May it be so. Amen".

After that, drip wax from the candle onto the envelope and seal it. Put it under your pillow. Let him lie there until your wish comes true.

It is better not to tell anyone about the ceremony, and not to show the envelope to anyone.

To become lucky, some people prefer to turn to black magic. If you also have such a desire, then you can try to conduct this ceremony. It should be done at night on a full moon. Before this day, do a general cleaning in the house, throw away all the old and unnecessary things.

At midnight, light a church candle and go around your entire house with it three times, starting from the front door from left to right. Then circle the candles around your body three times. Take a new pin and drip candle wax into her eye, while saying:

“A thousand devils call you to help,

I expect good luck and luck from you.

Let my pin turn into an amulet

And he has helped me for 10 years.

I close my plot with a lock.

I cover it with wax from a candle.

My word is stronger than stone

As I say, so be it!”

Now take some yellow coins and go to the crossroads. Throw them over your left shoulder and say, "Paid." Then return home. Don't talk to anyone until morning.

Ritual for luck and money

If you want to attract money and good luck to yourself, then you can perform a ceremony for three candles:

  • white will represent you;
  • brown will help bring good luck to you;
  • green - cash.

You need to carry out a ritual for good luck and money for the growing moon after sunset. Put candles in the shape of a triangle. White should be in the center, green on the left, and brown on the right. Light the candles. First white, then brown and green. Read the conspiracy to attract money and good luck in your life:

"I light the candles

I call for profit and good luck in my life.

Let the candles burn bright fire

And my house will be filled with goodness and gold.

There will be success in all my affairs,

I will become richer and luckier than everyone."

After reading, you need to wait until the candles burn out. Collect the rest and hide at home. Soon you will notice that luck is on your side.

For the ceremony you will need:

  • new small mirror;
  • a small bag made of blue fabric;
  • a sheet of paper and a pen.

It needs to be done in the evening. Take a mirror in your hands and, looking into it, say three times:

« Mirror-mirror, bright window, reflect all obstacles and troubles, remove from my path, and attract good luck and success into my life. Amen".

After that, write your last name, first name, patronymic and date of birth on a piece of paper. Hide the sheet and the mirror in a bag that will become your talisman. Carry it always with you.

If you have trouble at work, they want to cut you off, or your boss finds fault with you, then a conspiracy for good luck at work can help you. You need to spend it on the waning moon in the evening. Sit at the table, light a church candle in front of you and, looking at its flame, say:

"Candle-candle burn brightly,

Take all the hardships and failures for yourself.

Give me back my luck and success

Make me the happiest of all.

Let my colleagues respect me

And the authorities do not offend.

There will be money in my hands to go,

And only good people meet on my way.

After that, take a yellow coin out of your wallet and drip wax on it. Always carry this coin with you.

Ritual for good luck in studies

Despite the fact that school and student years are considered among the best in a person's life, many children and adolescents do not want to study. This happens for various reasons. One of the main things is that studying is hard for a child. To fix this, you can perform a ritual for good luck in your studies. It can be carried out by both the student himself and his mother.

For this you will need:

  • brown candle;
  • Holy water;
  • Bowl;
  • ring, bracelet or keychain worn by the child.

It is necessary to carry out the ceremony on the last day of the full moon.

Pour holy water into a bowl. Put your chosen item there. Place the bowl on the window so that the moonlight falls on it, and say:

“Moonlight gives power (name the object),

It charges him with special energy.

Let this thing help the servant of God (name);

It rewards with success and good luck in studies.

It will be easy for the servant of God (name) to study,

And his head is filled with knowledge.

Amen. Amen. Amen".

Then extinguish the candle. Pour out the water, and give the charmed object to the child. It is important that he always carries it with him.

Exam Luck Ritual

In order not to fail the exam and get a high score, you need to prepare well. In addition, magic can come to your aid.

At midnight before exams, pour water into a glass and say:

“I call for good luck and luck,

Let them help me in my studies.

No wonder I'm busy today

I'll get a good grade tomorrow."

After that, leave the water and go to bed. In the morning, drink half a glass and go to the exam. When you return home, drink the rest of the water.

It is necessary to carry out the ceremony on the growing moon on the first Wednesday. The time of the event is midnight. For the ritual you will need:

  • a glass filled with holy water;
  • three yellow coins;
  • Golden ring.

Dip the ring and coins into a glass of water, grab it with both hands, and read the conspiracy for good luck in business:

"I'll put the coins in the water,

I will ask the Lord for help.

Help me, Almighty, to achieve success in business,

Always be in the right place at the right time.

Let the guardian angel accompany me

And it helps me in business!

My word is strong, but my deed is sculpted!

You need to read the plot seven times, after each reading, drink a sip. At the end, you need to drink all the water. Carry your ring and coins with you at all times. These are now your talismans that will attract good luck to you.

Ritual for good luck in business

If there are problems in business, then this rite can come to the rescue. You can spend it on any Thursday at dawn. For the ritual you will need:

  • coin;
  • remnant;
  • red thread.

Leave the house early in the morning and find a deserted place. There, dig a hole in which you put all of the above items, and say:

"How quickly the soap ends,

So all my bad luck will end,

As coins jingle in other people's wallets,

So in mine they will ring.

Like a red thread brings luck and good luck,

So it will bring me success in business.

Everything will work out for me

And business will improve.

As I said, so be it. Amen"

After that, dig a hole and draw a cross on the ground with your right index finger, while saying: “ My word is law ". Now go home, don't look back, and don't talk to anyone on the way.

In order for you to be successful always and in everything, you need to speak a pin. The ceremony is held on the new moon on Wednesday. When it gets dark, go outside, take a pin in your right hand and, looking at the moon, say:

“As a young month ascended into heaven,

So in my affairs everything will be fine.

Success and prosperity will be waiting for me in everything.

And my failures and suffering will end.

Amen. Amen. Amen"

Always carry this charmed pin with you.

Ritual for Luck, Success and Fortune Increase

It is impossible to live happily without a certain level of luck. Knowing how to attract luck, you can achieve stability in life and ensure success in all endeavors.

We have learned to use money to quickly satisfy our needs, forgetting that money and success are directly related to the level of luck. In real life, our dreams rarely come true, not all people have a high salary, so we are interested in how to quickly attract good luck in order to get rich and find success. Luck favors the assertive. It is your determination, and most importantly, faith in your own strengths that will help attract the attention of capricious fortune. But that's not all. The pursuit of success is not easy, and in it you will need the help of people who were able to catch up with it. In this article, you will find three effective ways to attract good luck.

The first way is the psychology of wealth

Imagine that you have already managed to attract good luck, get rich and provide for the whole family. Now you have plenty of time to do only things you love. You no longer need to rush to work, which means you can devote yourself to relaxation, hobbies, creativity, and family. What would you do? This question should be answered honestly and fixed in memory. That's what successful people think. This is the psychology of wealth.

Luck and money are all the energy of prosperity that everyone needs. But people often complain about their lives. Most people believe that the only way to attract good luck and money is to work hard and work from dusk to dawn. This is not entirely true. A person needs to adequately assess their behavior and capabilities. If you regularly fear ruin, then it will happen. For those who want to get rich and become more successful, psychologists recommend focusing on the good: for example, on the positive emotions that you get from money. You can’t save on yourself, just as you can’t drive yourself into a framework. It is important to believe in yourself and your future success. You can change your life in one day, so don't wait for someone else to do it for you.

People with the psychology of poverty have serious gaps in working with the energy of prosperity - they always have black holes in the aura that suck out all vitality, and most importantly, the energy of abundance flows through them. The energy of luck is alive, creative, and you need to learn how to handle it correctly. Without negative programs, your life will become easier.

The second way is numerology

It is believed that the numbers that surround us everywhere affect the events of our lives no less than the planets and constellations. Numerologists have calculated abundance codes, which allow not only to attract good luck, but also to neutralize all energy problems. To quickly call for good luck at the right time, you need to repeat the number 20 to yourself. It is believed that 2 increases luck, and 0 writes off the opposing force.

The third way is to follow the rules of feng shui

Since ancient times, people have followed the laws of luck, on which luck depends, in order to find ways to attract it. Using oriental wisdom, you can instantly attract capricious fortune. The following rules are based on unshakable esoteric laws, as well as faith in one's prosperity. For luck to become your constant companion, it is not enough just to believe in it. Some effort needs to be made. There are a few simple rules that will help you achieve happiness and abundance. Poverty is the lot of lazy people, so to attract good luck, you need to monitor how you live.

  • Keep your house clean, especially the hallway. According to the golden rules of Feng Shui, the energy of good luck enters us through the front door, and only purity can keep it.
  • Use air fresheners, scented oils, and scented candles to keep the smell away from your home.
  • Throw away old things.
  • Cleanse your home of negativity.
  • Do not invite envious people to your place.
  • Create an atmosphere of celebration, happiness and fun in your home.
  • Constantly ventilate the room so that negative energy does not stagnate in your home.
  • The cozy atmosphere of the house is a guarantee of stability and prosperity.
  • Do not save on yourself and your home, buy the best for yourself.

About how to attract good luck and become a happy person, almost all people think every day. Someone resorts to conspiracies and rituals, but this is far from the only way to improve their lives. Astrologers advise you to make yourself several talismans from natural stones. Such amulets renew energy and enhance the energy message that you send to the world. Achieving everything in life is not so difficult, you just need to believe in yourself and that everything will work out. We wish you a great mood, success, and don't forget to press the buttons and

They say happiness is not in money, but no one gives their money to their neighbors. Many people are concerned about the question of how to attract good luck and money, which means that there is some kind of magic in these metal and paper signs! Undoubtedly, money is power. There is nothing in the world that they cannot overcome. No wonder millions of people dream of attracting and having as many of them as possible.

True, some do it, while others do not. For some, money is comfort, tranquility, quality of life, enjoyment of its joys. For others, it's just a means of survival.

In this article, we will cover the following questions:

  • What is the secret of rich people?
  • How to attract money into your life
  • Why is luck so kind to them?
  • Is it possible to learn to become lucky?
  • How to turn your house into a full bowl?
  • Is it possible to raise money at home?

1. Attracting luck and money - changing attitudes

Psychologists say that everything that happens in our life is first programmed in our head.

Any event is the product of our beliefs, aspirations, desires, delusions.

What is the poor man's mindset? He constantly dreams of prosperity. But at the same time I am convinced that money - this evil and big money is great evil .

Here in a person on the subconscious at the word " money» immediately there is a feeling of guilt and a feeling of fear. And he, without suspecting it, will try to avoid sources of wealth, still remaining on the beans.

However, it's not just about our settings. Thousands of professional economists and financiers do not become wealthy people to the extent that they would like. Only a few quickly reach the cherished goal. Why?

After all, they all know about the possibility of having. It turns out that knowledge alone is not enough. You need to be able to manage money and believe in luck .

Scientists conducted tests among lucky and losers in order to find out the behavioral reactions of these two types of people to force majeure. The results were quite interesting.

Fortune's favorites admitted that in any situation they remain calm and composure. But losers easy to unbalance, they even because of trifles give in to anxiety and panic.

Meanwhile, it is difficult for a person distracted by anxieties and doubts to grab the bird of happiness by the tail. Being in captivity of pessimistic thoughts, they often miss their chance. Instead of acting, he laments and laments. Instead of looseness and good spirits, he feels doom and aching melancholy.

But you just have to change yourself – and this world will change, as if by magic. Man and only he himself is the manager of his own destiny! Whoever realizes this is on the path to financial well-being.

So, what should be done to attract good luck and money? Consider the basic rules for attracting them.

7 rules for attracting money (wealth):

  1. Treat banknotes with respect. If you think of them as a despicable metal that always seeps through your fingers; if you think that you do not earn money, but tears, keep in mind: you yourself are blocking the approaches to finance in your life. The ringing of coins is heard where they are revered, not cursed.
  2. Thank capital for coming into your life. Even if it is a small amount. Be happy with any money that enters your home.
  3. Do not convince yourself that being out of money is your destiny. Forbid yourself to even mentally pronounce such words: “I can’t live like this!” or “I can never afford that!” Introduce positive language into your speech:“I will definitely have the same car” or “I will have money to buy this house.”
  4. Surround yourself with successful and successful people. Just don't envy them. . Negative feelings, such as envy and anger, are poor helpers in getting rich. They absorb energy and block creative activity.
  5. Learn to appreciate your work. By doing quality work for nothing, you yourself open the door to lack of money. Don't let yourself be fooled! Feel free to leave your position if it, absorbing your talent, strength, energy, does not bring tangible income. Even if you have to start all over again, master a new business. Don't be afraid of change . Appreciate every moment of your life. She is your main asset. When changing jobs, you will have to go through more than one interview, so we recommend that you familiarize yourself with.
  6. Learn to love and respect yourself. Don't compromise your needs. You deserve to be pampered sometimes. Moreover, do not spare money to invest in your development and education. Do not hesitate to buy yourself exactly those things that "look at you." By doing this, you will destroy your karma of a loser.
  7. Start working for yourself. Working "for your uncle", you spend all your precious time replenishing other people's pockets. Is this your goal in life? Opening a bank account to start with is a timid first step that will put you on the broad road to super profits. Many millionaires started from scratch, the main thing is to set the right vector for their movement. Now it’s easiest to open your own business (read our articles in the “Business” section), if you don’t know which business to open, then read the article -.

The basic idea! By radically changing their orientation, learning to appreciate money, time, work, meeting successful people, you aspire to financial abundance and independence.

Of course, it is ridiculous to hope that an avalanche of money will immediately fall on you. At the initial stage, you will only free up energy channels for future well-being. And then - everything is in your hands. Now you know: your thoughts, feelings, deeds have magical power.

Believe: they will help you become the blacksmith of your financial independence.

This is the main idea of ​​attracting money into your life, all other ways and methods of attracting are complementary and cannot work without the main idea described above.

Basic rules of money and wealth

2. How to attract luck and money into your life quickly - 7 ways to attract wealth

Now that you know the conceptual foundations of the science of wealth, let's move on to practice. Remember: theory without practice is fruitless. Nothing will grow on the tree of knowledge if it is not constantly watered and hilled. So, armed with useful tips, proceed without hesitation to their decisive implementation.

Method 1. golden rule of money

Money comes to those who firmly believe in their power.

Hence the golden rule of accumulation: accept money with gratitude and even reverence!

Be grateful to money for making your home happy, making it burn brighter, filling it with joy and hope.

This positive attitude towards finances will open the energy gateways to prosperity. Start immediately changing your way of thinking and lifestyle. Stop thinking about someone else's wealth - it's a dead end.

Cherish only the thought of your ascent to the pinnacle of prosperity. Draw in your imagination clearly all that you would like to achieve. Then draw up a step-by-step plan for the realization of your cherished goal. If you do not deviate from any of its points, your goal will begin to move towards you on its own.

Method 2. Prayer for money

When we really want to achieve something, we often turn to higher powers. We pray for their guidance and assistance. So why not ask the sky to attract money to us? After all, poverty and hunger prevent us from living in harmony with ourselves and the world around us. They distract us from thoughts about the soul, about God, make us care only about the mortal body.

Of course, when asking the saints to send money, one must at least not sin. By the way, despondency is considered one of the main and great sins, because it leads to idleness. And this is, from the point of view of religion, the cause of poverty.

Orthodox fathers-mentors created many prayers for monetary luck. The pearls in this collection are the prayers to Christ, the prayers to the Mother of God, the prayer of Seraphim of Sarov, the Prayer of Thanksgiving.

All of them give strength to believers who are faced with serious material problems.

There are many prayers to attract money, we have collected all of them in a single Word document (You can read them by downloading the document below at the link).

Gradually, your material problems will also recede, new acquaintances will enrich you with useful connections and invaluable experience. Career prospects will open, earnings will increase, and there already six-figure profits are just around the corner. (We recommend reading -)

Read 5 more related articles:

Since ancient times, many folk signs have arisen that help to attract wealth and good luck to the house. These signs are believed today. Many wealthy people admit that they achieved what they wanted with the help of these wise tips.

Signs about wealth, money, prosperity:

  • never envy anyone and never brag to anyone;
  • always give money with your right hand, and take it with your left;
  • do not walk around with torn pockets or torn buttons;
  • the wallet should never be empty;
  • do not pass money over the threshold;
  • do not stand on the threshold, meeting or seeing off the guest: in this way you block the path to well-being;
  • after a dinner party, shake out the tablecloth in the yard - the envy of the guests will also leave with crumbs;
  • do not sweep with several brooms, otherwise you will scatter your wealth in the corners;
  • you can’t put money on the table - big expenses can happen;
  • if you want to avoid unexpected expenses, never count money and do not repay debts overnight;
  • if you borrow money on Monday, you will spend heavily on the following days of the week;
  • do not take out the garbage in bad weather - this is how you launch poverty into the house;
  • do not lend money by stretching it through the threshold - you will not return it later;
  • be optimistic - money prefers positive people;
  • empty bottles on the table will drive prosperity out of the house;
  • do not pick up other people's money - your own will leave;
  • when paying in a store or in the market, do not transfer money into the hands of sellers;
  • so that not only a trifle is found in the house, put the knife on the table with the blade down.

You should prepare for the arrival of money in the house. And no less carefully than to dear guests. What needs to be done so that money has chosen your home?

Follow these simple tips, and then prosperity will settle in your home.

  1. Empty all cabinets from empty boxes and cans: they scare money with poverty.
  2. Get rid of broken dishes, cracked plates and cups: they can cut your budget.
  3. Get a cat. This animal will bring comfort to the house, and money is not indifferent to comfort. You can just buy seven porcelain cat figurines.
  4. Keep in mind: bright red is the color of good luck. Therefore, in each room it is necessary to place at least one thing in red. Do not forget to put a red thread or fabric in your wallet. This will keep the money from leaving you.
  5. Without regrets, part with old clothes, do not wear things darned three times. By sewing up a dress or coat, you drive good luck away from them. (You can make great money by selling your old and unnecessary things, how to do it)
  6. Try to cover the dining table with a bright and clean tablecloth, and always put a few paper bills under it. Such a tablecloth will soon turn into a self-assembly.
  7. When cleaning carpets with a vacuum cleaner, do not forget to ventilate the apartment: this way all anger and envy will leave it.

See also the video - How to attract good luck and money - 8 secrets of a successful life

4. Conclusion

Now you know the secrets of how to attract money, wealth and good luck into your life. It turns out that it is not necessary to be the son of Rockefeller in order to have a decent amount of money. Of course, they are not manna from heaven and will not fall on their own heads. You have to get up off the couch and work hard.

If it is easy to be poor, then the rich must learn a lot. First of all, the art of handling money. But only in this way can you realize all your dreams, without placing all your hopes on signs.

    I made a conspiracy on a pin, I would never have started doing this, but when you are in rubber Moscow from the neighboring countries, then you already believe in everything. He pinned the charmed pin to his jacket and went to the interview. Believe it or not, I was hired, and this place is quite interesting, many people wanted to go there, but I got there. So a couple of times in life you can cheat, do not be afraid, good luck in all your endeavors)

    Six months ago, everything in my life went wrong. I didn't even know what to do. And then I came across a conspiracy on a white streak in life. Like a man, he overcame himself, read it, but did not tell anyone. And now everything has begun to improve, and therefore I want others to know that this really works. You just try and believe in yourself.

    And the pin can be spoken open, and can it be fastened to different clothes?

    I still remember that period with a shudder. When everything went wrong. When everyone turned away from me and I thought that I was at the bottom. But then I found out about the conspiracy on the grave. It was creepy and people looked at me strangely when I came to visit the grave, which was completely overgrown with grass and read some kind of plot. But after that, my life quickly changed, all things went uphill and all my relatives forgave and accepted into the family. So try it, maybe the conspiracy will be your salvation!

    I have always been very unlucky in life, everyone around me was lucky in one area or another, someone became successful at work, someone started a family with charming children, and I never even found money on the road. I decided to correct this situation with conspiracies .. And you won’t believe it, yesterday I found a thousand at a pedestrian crossing))) I also tried these methods:

    thanks to the conspiracies that save us at a difficult moment

    Some time ago everything went to hell for me. And the child was upset and the mother was sick and there were problems at work.
    What I didn't do. She left a fortune with the psychologist. Grandmother whispered about a conspiracy for good luck. I saw a lot of things I didn't like. And here is the beauty of five together. I tried it, and now I'm happy, a white stripe dawned.

    I tried the water spell.
    The last month of failure directly fell on my head. The beloved dog died, the cat ran away, the dacha was robbed.
    And you will truly believe that luck has turned away. I read the plot on the water, did everything as written. I hope that the series of adversities is over and everything will be fine now.

    Our troubles began with my aunt's funeral. It was half a year ago. First, the husband crashed the car, he got off well with light fractures - the car was in the trash. Then the mother-in-law broke her femoral neck, she is sick. Then the turn came to me, I went through a medical examination so they found a bad guy, where to run with her.? It seems to have helped. So a new misfortune, they laid off at work, first my husband, then me.
    Zebra life? where is the white stripe?
    I will look for an unmarked grave, I hope everything will work out.

    Remember the movie "Unlucky" here it is about me. What only happens to me in life.
    As I woke up in the morning I decided enough was enough! I started looking for information, at first I asked for acquaintances, they only shrugged their shoulders, and whoever was twisting at the temple like you are a man.
    Finally got on the internet and found this page. honored and carried out the procedure with a pin.
    A month has passed since then. I must say that he went through QUIETLY. and this cannot but rejoice.

    As a child, my grandmother always whispered to me. I didn’t understand then why I felt so good about it. Then I found out that it was a conspiracy. Now it's my turn to try it myself. I took a simple sample, for water. I'll tell you what I liked. In fact, luck seemed to turn to face me. I began to feel like a new person. Thank you for the article!

    I didn't think it would work, but it should. Believe me, I'm a gambler. And what is the main thing in excitement? Right luck! That's what I said goodbye to her last year. And I felt so sad without her that I decided to ask for help from the conspiracy. I studied the issue in detail. I flipped through everything I could find in print and online. Stopped here, on an unmarked grave.
    TTT is working

    For a long time I struggled with the temptation to use a conspiracy. But the last month has been really hard. We live in a small town, you go to your grandmother with problems and everything will become known to everyone. You will not end up with shame, I am a teacher. So I had to come to everything with my mind. Thanks to this site. They prompted and told me what and how. Of course, I did not dare to go to an unmarked grave, again due to the small town. But now the pin is always with me. And it seems to even work!

    Yeah) and the pin helps me. My mother told me about her, and my grandmother told me about her.
    But no one really knew how to do it right. What to say.
    Usually they just pricked a pin on clothes and that's it.
    Thanks for the useful information. Liked the article. And I love my pin)

    Yeah .. people ... your comments are pushing to sin)
    I'll go and try something. I’m a lucky girl, usually, but then somehow the luck escaped or covered himself with a copper basin, I don’t even know. Everything falls out of hand. Nothing happens.
    I'm thinking about trying some of the things I've written. I hope and believe

    I have known about a pin in clothes for a long time, I read it here about two years ago. She has helped me out many times. Now here I come again, I want to try the water. Although they say I’m not looking for good from good, but the pin still helps.
    All the same, I want. And just like a separate ritual. So I'll try, it's already Wednesday .. I'll unsubscribe in a month

    How to interpret, is it good or bad if you are a leader, you leave the office for lunch, and when you return, you find a pin with thread and cloth on the table. Apparently this is some kind of conspiracy or a variant of damage? I would be grateful for clarifications from knowledgeable people. And then the first reaction was surprise, and then I began to look for information and I don’t even know what to do now.

    At the institute, before passing the exams, I did a rite on a pin and it always brought me good luck, pulled out the right ticket. Thanks to the pin, I managed to finish everything with honors. She brought confidence and calmness, and a confident student is appreciated in the eyes of teachers!

    I want to try a plot about a grave and a cemetery. There are doubts, but when the black streak dragged on, you look for any options. Share information, who did it? Did it work and how soon did luck come into your life? A little scary, but you have to start somewhere!