Change username on instagram. How to change your name on instagram. Can I change my Instagram account login?

Instagram differs from many similar programs and social networks in that the nickname is not tightly tied to a person. If in other applications you choose a pseudonym for yourself during registration, and then you can never change it, then in the social. Instagram is different. You can change your nickname on Instagram at any time by choosing a creative name without limiting yourself. Tip: do not do this too often, as your friends will then see different aliases in the activity feed and will not be able to understand that it is you. So, let's see how to change your nickname on Instagram.

Where can I change my nickname?

All this is done in the settings menu. Before you change your nickname on Instagram, you must decide which nickname to come up with on Instagram. The fact is that banal names will be busy in any case, and you will have to rack your brains to pick up an interesting and creative pseudonym. You will not prescribe the first word or phrase that comes across.

Action algorithm

It is very simple and there is no need to watch the tutorial video. Instagram is an application that differs, first of all, in an extremely user-friendly interface and a simple settings menu.

If you want to change your nickname in the application, then here is the algorithm of actions:

  1. Log into the program. Moreover, you should be in the main profile menu (there is a button on the bottom left that looks like a miniature man). By clicking it, you will find yourself on the main profile page, where all your photos are uploaded, your avatar, name and information about yourself are visible.
  2. At the top left there is a menu for going to the program settings (three vertical dots). By clicking on them, you will immediately find yourself on a page where you can make a variety of adjustments.
  3. You need to scroll down the page a little to the heading "Account" and just below you will see the "Edit Profile" tab. Click on it. It is in this menu that you can make all the necessary settings. Remember that if you then click the "save" button, the changes will take effect immediately.
  4. Once in the edit menu, you should pay attention to the second item (the first is the username). Again, you need to click on the graph located opposite the miniature man.
  5. Now delete the old alias. You will see how the little man immediately changed color (it turns red). Now enter the nickname you want to change to. Can I change my Instagram nickname if the new name is already taken? No. In this case, a corresponding inscription will appear in a second, and the little man will remain red. In the event that you entered a unique name, the figure will turn green.
  6. You just have to save what you have changed. At the top right there will be a white checkmark on a blue background. Click it and the changes will take effect immediately.

You found out if you can change your nickname on Instagram, and probably even changed it. Ideally, you should also warn your friends that you have changed your pseudonym. So it will be easier for them to understand that you are leaving a comment and it is your activity feed that is being updated. Or it is worth changing the nickname in such a way that subscribers guess who did it without unnecessary notifications.

In ordinary applications, the nickname often remains from the moment of registration for the rest of the time of use. This largely limits the creative potential of users, and phrases that have gone out of fashion in a nickname will not be able to impress anyone. How to change your name on Instagram? Is there such a feature in this application?

There is a nickname change function on Instagram and you can use it an unlimited number of times. You can do this from the settings menu. Before you change a name, you should first come up with it. Usually banal or popular words are already taken, so you have to use your imagination.
There are a few Instagram rules to follow:

  • All names and titles are written in Latin letters;
  • You can use punctuation marks, underscores, asterisks, and other symbols to diversify your nickname;
  • Numbers can make a nickname unique;
  • The minimum number of characters in a nickname is 5;
  • You can not use words of abusive and offensive nature in your nickname (the account can simply be blocked);
  • The use of the words "like" and "follow" in the title is not allowed.

The name should fully embody the activities and hobbies, the main focus of the person. If you are trying to get more followers, then the name should be catchy, but short and memorable.

How to change your name on Instagram

If a product or service is advertised through Instagram, then the name must include keywords. For example, you make cakes to order: you can use the words “tort”, “vkusno”, “sladko”, “prazdnik” and other similar words in the title.
How to change your Instagram name to something more interesting? Girls compete for attention and the name on Instagram directly affects the number of followers. Therefore, it is worth inventing something extraordinary. The number of variations of “beautiful_girl” and “” is already over the top, so you can include books, movies, games or famous songs in the name of the characters, include funny phrases and “hype memes”. This will emphasize your erudition, sense of humor and knowledge of modern culture.
Stars (Kristin Stewart) or Instagram models (Sasha Chistova) can afford a regular first and last name instead of a nickname. But ordinary girls will have to make an effort.

The site can help in choosing, allowing you to check the nickname for uniqueness.

This will allow you to spend time thinking without a strong desire to quickly complete the process.

How to change your username on Instagram

After changing the username, you should also indicate how you can mention a person in a comment on a picture on Instagram. This feature only works on the mobile version of the app. We go to your profile, choose or take a suitable photo. Now we add a snapshot and sends us to the settings menu. Here you can apply filters or make a description for the picture. You can enter a person’s nickname in this description, but in order to be able to access the profile through it, we put the “@” symbol in front of the name. After updating the application, an interesting feature becomes available: put “@” in the description for the photo, the program automatically knocks out a list of profiles of friends that you can specify.
You can also leave active links under stories. You can specify up to 10 links, which will allow sociable people to pay attention to all their loved ones without offending anyone.

How to change your name on Instagram

We decided on the question of whether it is possible to change the username on Instagram. How to do it? Instagram's simple interface makes it easy for any user to function with it.


  1. We go into the application to the main profile page (where photos, videos, broadcasts, avatar and personal information are displayed);
  2. In the upper left corner there is a settings tab (three vertical dots or a gear), through which you can adjust the entire profile operation;
  3. We are looking for the “Account” item in the displayed menu, and under these headings we find the “Edit Profile” tab;
  4. We skip the first item (this item indicates the real name or the name of the company, usually unchanged) and go to the second one (click on the item located opposite the miniature man);
  5. Now you need to delete the old name and enter a new one, however, if the selected name is taken, the little man will turn red and the corresponding inscription will be displayed;
  6. When the little man turns green, the name can be saved; to save, you must click on the white checkmark located on the blue background.

When changing a nickname, it is worth remembering that subscribers may not be informed about the change. Therefore, there is a possibility of unsubscribes. Warn them, or change the name to an analogue so that it is easy to guess who the owner of the profile is.

There are several differences in changing the account name through the phone and computer. If you log in from a smartphone, then the panel through which you switch to the profile is located at the bottom of the screen on the right. In the computer version of the official site, it is at the top. Saving in the computer version is a little different: you can simply click "Submit" on the keyboard. If the selected name is taken, a corresponding warning will be displayed at the bottom of the page.

Rules for creating a nickname on Instagram

Coming up with a name on Instagram is not difficult, but there are a number of rules that should be followed.

When creating a login, we can only use Latin letters. It is also allowed to use underscores, numbers and dots (with the exception of dots at the beginning and end of the name). Also, for originality and beauty, you can add stars, hearts and other signs and symbols.

It is forbidden to use swear expressions in the name, the words "like" and "follow". The site administration also ensures that the chosen name is not offensive. Even if you violate these regulations, and the system will let you through, the site moderators will detect this in the near future and your account will be blocked.

Choosing a Nickname on Instagram

Before proceeding to change the name, let's figure out what it should be. After all, your popularity and the number of subscribers depend on how simple, accurate and not banal the account name will be. You can buy Instagram followers on our website and become more popular and noticeable much faster.

As a rule, when creating a nickname, Instagram users use their real first and last name, the names of the heroes of their favorite films, comics or cartoons, associate themselves with animals, fruits, flowers.

For commercial accounts and online stores, it is important that the username is concise. This will help their target audience quickly find the right profile among the rest. Therefore, it is desirable that the name of the business account matches the name of the company or its email address (domain). For example, the nickname of the world-famous company H&M - "hm", duplicates the domain name of their website.

If your goal is to sell your services using Instagram, then the name should reflect your field of activity and be “speaking”. So, if you are engaged in beaded crafts, it is very important that the name of your account contains the word biser or handmade.

Names that are difficult to read and names with a large number of characters should not be used. It is desirable that the name is well perceived by ear, and it was easy to write it by hand. In this case, the winning nicknames will be those in which there is a rhyme. For example: alina-malina. Also, don't overdo it with underscores. If there are several in a row in the name, then a potential subscriber may not make out their exact number and confuse your account with another.

How to change your name on Instagram.

On Instagram, unlike other social networks. networks, the initial alias you took is not linked to your page, and instagram account name change carried out quite simply. This can be done through a mobile application, using a phone or computer browser on the official website. Let's look at both methods.

Changing the name in the mobile application

Log in to the app on your smartphone and open your profile page. To go to it, just click on the person icon, which is located at the bottom of the screen, on the right. You will see the main photo, information about subscribers and the number of publications. Next, you need to open the "options" menu. To do this, click on the three vertical dots on the top panel in the corner and get to the section we need.

It contains several blocks: “applications”, “invite friends”, “for subscriptions”, etc. We will pay attention to the “account” group of settings. We go down a little in this section and open the “edit profile” item. Let's move on to another subsection. On the page that opens, you can change your personal details and contact information, and this is where you will change your name.

Looking at the page, you will notice two similar items: "name" and "username". The first parameter is what others see under the photo on the main page, in bold. In this column, it is better to indicate your real name, the name of the company, brand or online store. The second item is the “nickname” that we need to change.

To do this, we remove the old nickname and note that the icon on the left has turned red. We start typing a new username and the icon changes color again. But this time it turns from green to red. What does this mean? The color changes depending on the “freedom” of the desired username.

No two instagram accounts have the same username, and a reddened icon indicates that the given nickname is already taken. To avoid repetition, you can use additional characters and abbreviations in the name. If the desired name is available for registration, the icon will turn green and you can save the changes. Just click on the blue checkmark at the top and after that you will be assigned a new account name.

Name change on the official website

The procedure for changing the name using a computer or mobile browser is not much different from the one we discussed above. To do this, open the Instagram website. In the computer, on the top panel, on the right, you will see three icons. In the mobile version, this panel is at the bottom. Click on the icon that resembles a human head (the extreme one). You have reached the main page of your profile.

As in the application, we need to get into the page settings, and we immediately see the "edit profile" button. We click on it. A window with personal data will open. In the "username" field, enter the desired nickname and press enter. Then you need to scroll through the page and pay attention to the inscription at the very bottom. If the name you have chosen is already taken, you will receive a message that someone else is already using the name. And if the login is unique, it will be successfully saved.

Nick on Instagram is easy to change and you can do it at least several times a day. But it is worth remembering that your subscribers may be deceived by these changes, and unsubscribe from a “unfamiliar” user. So don't forget to alert them to pending changes. And now, if you decide to upgrade your name, you know that you can do it without any difficulties.

By the name on Instagram, you can tell a lot about the owner of the account. Especially if you open an online store on the site or make a commercial account. From how clear and simple the nickname and name will be, it will depend on how quickly people can find you. If you want to make a commercial account from your personal account or decide to change your name on Instagram for other reasons, we suggest that you use our simple recommendations.

To change settings from a gadget:

  1. Go to your profile homepage and tap on the hexagon icon in the right corner.
  2. Under the "Invite.." section, you will find the "Account" area. Tap on the inscription "Edit profile ...".
  3. In the first line, enter the name, and in the second, you can change the nickname. Click "Done..." when you're ready to save your changes. The new settings will be immediately displayed in the profile.

What is the difference between a nickname and a name on Instagram? The name is the signature under the ava in the profile. If you are actively promoting your brand and growing in popularity, include your real name or company name. So in a general search it will be easier for people to find you, and you will get . It’s easier to find you by your nickname on Instagram itself. Also, don't forget to decorate your account nicely. How to do it read .

If you are coming up with a name for a company, it is important that both the name and nickname match. This will make your profile easier to understand. In addition to these data, in the account settings, specify a link to your site and come up with a description. It can indicate what you do and what people will find useful on your page.

How to change username on Instagram

You can also change the name on Instagram from the regular version of the site. If it is inconvenient for you to change it from your gadget, go to the site using the link to get to your page, tap the little man icon in the right corner of the screen. Here you will immediately see a button to edit your profile. You will immediately be taken to the area where the fields for changing the name and nickname are indicated.

What else can be changed on the page besides the name? You can change the password, as well as close comments from all users or set settings that will hide entries with obscene words. In the section on the left of the settings page, go to the comments field. Check the only form and type in the words you don't want to see at the bottom.

Is it possible to change the name on Instagram

As you already understood on Instagram, it’s enough to simply change the name. Moreover, the name itself can be in Russian, but the nickname is spelled out in Latin. Also, in addition to the name in the settings, you can change Ava's photo. This area is located in the account settings in the mobile version of the site. To change a photo from a PC, touch the photo once and select the appropriate item.

Instagram is a popular social network where users can share their photos. For convenience, each person can set himself a unique nickname and his real name or pseudonym. All these parameters are set by users during registration, but they can be changed later.

How to change your username on Instagram

  • Login. A unique name that can be used to find a particular person. It's harder to change it. When registering, be sure to specify a login;
  • Real name or pseudonym. Set at the request of the user. Easily editable. May not be unique.

You can change your Instagram username through the mobile app or through the web version for desktop browsers. In the latter case, some problems may arise.

Option 1: Change name via smartphone

Initially, this social network was developed for smartphones, so the main functionality is in a special application for smartphones. The Instagram application interface for different platforms (Android, iOS, Windows Phone) is approximately the same, so the instructions are relevant for any device:

  1. Sign in to your Instagram account. At the bottom is a toolbar. You need to go to the very extreme icon on the right. She has the appearance of a human.
  2. You will be taken to your profile interface, where you can find basic information about your profile, recent posts, photos where you were tagged, etc. In the upper right part, click on the gear icon to open the profile settings. You can also use the button "Edit profile" located below.
  3. Notice the block "Account". There is a point "Edit profile". Click on it.
  4. You will be redirected to a page with editing personal information. Here you need to click on the graph "Username", which is responsible for changing the user's login.
  5. A special window will open where you can enter a new login. Please note that the login should not contain non-Latin characters, and spaces are also undesirable. You can use Latin characters, numbers, some special characters, such as underscores. If your new login matches the login of another user, the system will not allow you to change it. Login must be unique.

If you are satisfied with the current login, but would like to change the name, then use the following instructions:

Option 2: Change the username on the computer

In the version for browsers (computers), you can also change the username. The instruction looks like this:

  1. Log in to the social network through any browser using your credentials.
  2. After logging into your account, click on the person icon at the top right of the interface. You need this to go to your account settings.
  3. Click on the button "Edit profile".

  4. Pay attention to the fields "Name" and "Username". The first is responsible for your real name, which can be set in any language. It may not be unique. The second field is responsible for the login, it must be written in Latin characters and numbers.

  5. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the button "Send" to apply the changes.

As you can see, you can change your username in just a few steps. There is nothing complicated here.