An unpretentious burdock, he is a burdock. Green Pages. Pleshakov A.A. Burdock ointment

Abstract of observation in nature in the senior group, topic: "Burdock or burdock"


Introduce children to the plant, its features.
To consolidate knowledge about the concept of "weed", "unpretentious plant".
Introduce sayings and signs associated with the plant.
Cultivate curiosity, interest in native nature.

Observation progress:

This plant has several names - burdock, burdock or burdock. It is considered a weedy, unpretentious plant growing near human habitation - along roads, in vegetable gardens, in meadows, in fields. Which plants are called "weeds" or "weeds"? (Answers of children). A weed plant is one that litters crops. And how do you understand the expression "unpretentious plant"? (Answers of children). A plant that is content with the simplest conditions for growth.

This broad-leaved plant received the name "burdock" because in the old days the leaf was called "lop".
In the first year of life, the burdock grows huge leaves, and in the second - a tall stem, which is taller than human height, with small purple flowers. Then the plant dies.

He releases sheets
wide latitude.
Stay on strong stems
One hundred rough, tenacious fruits:
If you do not bypass them -
You can find them all for yourself.

Burdock blooms in summer. Its purple-red crested flowers are quite beautiful. When they fade, round baskets with sharp prickly hooks appear in their place. With the help of these spines, they cling to everything that is nearby. And the plant only needs this: baskets with seeds are carried away on animal hair, human clothes and settled in all possible directions from the mother plant.
After all, another name for burdock is burdock. It is believed that this word came from the East, where it is consonant with the words, the meaning of which is: "grab, rip off, cling." It is clear why such a name is given to burdock baskets?
There is even such a saying: "I clung like a burdock."

It was a long time ago, the French attacked the Russian people. The French were soon expelled. And returning home, French soldiers brought burdock seeds on their clothes. They called these seeds "Russian infection" for their clinging. Since then, the burdock or burdock has settled in France and all neighboring countries.

The scientific name of burdock is "lappa" - from the Greek word for "grasping".

“Burdock,” they sometimes say about someone disparagingly. A fool means a simpleton who is easily deceived. Even all plants with large leaves are called "burdocks" by some. Burdock is considered the most common plant that can be found under any fence and in every ditch. And it seems that there is nothing simpler than burdock. But why hurt the plant? Burdock, aka burdock, is a wonderful plant.
Burdock is even a champion in terms of leaf size!

A tincture is prepared from the leaves of burdock, which is then sprayed on garden plants. Such plants will give a good harvest, because they will not be afraid of caterpillars and other pests.

This is our burdock weed, and in some countries it is grown in vegetable gardens as a valuable food product and used in cooking.

Burdock is very often used in medicine. For the preparation of medicines, the roots are most often used, less often the leaves and fruits. With the help of this plant, they treat diseases, heal wounds, strengthen hair. (You can show the children a bottle of burdock oil). No wonder such sayings appeared: “Burdock - from a hundred ailments”, “Burdock did not stick, it is good when there is little health!”.

Burdock is a good honey plant. Burdock honey is dark and viscous, but very nutritious.

Burdock is an excellent livestock feed. But for sheep, burdock or burdock is harmful - it spoils their wool.

Burdock is said to be able to predict rain. There is such a folk sign: “Before the rain, burdock cones straighten their hooks.”

Burdock is an oil plant. The oil pressed from its seeds is not suitable for eating - it is bitter. They use it for something else - they prepare medicines, drying oil, soap.

"Bear-grass" - so called burdock. The name of this plant has received a long time ago, even in ancient times. Maybe because burdock is big, overweight, strong like a bear. Or maybe because even then people knew the property of burdock: it accumulates nutrients from autumn to winter, as a bear does. Thanks to last year's stocks, in the spring burdock begins to grow by leaps and bounds.

There is a legend that the famous Velcro was invented by the Swiss engineer Georges de Mestral. Once his dog returned from a walk, all covered with burdock. After cleaning the dog's fur, the inventor, out of curiosity, looked at the burdock through a microscope - and found small spines that helped the plant to cling. Then Georges made two ribbons with similar hooks - it turned out to be an excellent clasp. And today we are happy to use Velcro instead of buttons and laces. Are any of you currently wearing Velcro clothing or shoes?

Even such a simple weed plant as burdock, aka burdock, burdock, can bestow, teach, feed, cure. Take care of this green wealth growing under our feet!

Questions to reinforce:

1. Remember the names of the plant we met today?
2. Why did the plant get its names?
3. Why did the saying appear: “clung like a burdock”?
4. Why did such sayings appear: “Burdock - from a hundred ailments”, “Burdock did not stick, it is good when there is little health!”?
5. How does burdock predict rain?
6. Can burdock be called a honey plant? Why?
7. Can burdock be called a medicinal plant? Why?
8. Can burdock be called a fodder plant? Why?
9. Can burdock be called an oil plant? Why?
10. Why is burdock called "bear grass"?
11. What idea did the burdock suggest to the inventor?

Additional material for the lesson:

Proverbs and sayings about burdock (burdock)

You won’t get raspberries from a burdock.
Fleas and burdocks will not be enough.
To slap someone with a burdock, to annoy.
Glad like a rep.

Poems about burdock or burdock


- Hey, burdock,
Where are your
Sticky burrs?

- Three - on the neck of a kid,
Two - on the back of a chicken,
There are three on the tail of Barbos,
Two on the paws of a cat.
The rest - see:
On your clothes...
(Evgeny Novichikhin)


Repe said:
- I am a true friend.
They know about it
all around!
And remember
By the way,
What am I
Very affectionate!
(S. Wheat)


Nobody grows on the mound
Angry, disheveled burdock.
Do not take it in a bouquet,
And he has no grief.
He stands dark-headed,
Until spring among the snows.
But hungry birds
He dreams of a beautiful flower:
There is no better food for them
What a disheveled burdock!
(G. Novitskaya)

Riddle about burdock

Grew up in the field angry and prickly,
Needles in all directions.

The legend about burdock

Like heather, burdock (aka burdock or burdock) is a symbol of Scotland. According to legend, the treacherous Normans, who wanted to subdue the Scots by cunning, decided to sneak up to the army barefoot at dawn, and one of the soldiers pricked himself right on a thorny burdock flower. The warrior could not help shouting and woke up the Scots. After the enemies were expelled, the savior flower was placed on the ancient Scottish coat of arms. The plant represents stamina and strength, invincibility and has the same prickly disposition as many Scots.

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With the help of this book, you will learn about the most daring flowers that are the first to meet spring, meet ants, butterflies and ladybugs, figure out what the strength and courage of an oak tree are, get into the kingdom of mushrooms and lichens, penetrate the secrets of bats, get to know life " king of rodents" - beaver. This book is for younger students, but it will be of interest to both parents and teachers who, together with their child, want to meet the unique world of wildlife.

Bird buckwheat.
When I was little, this weed always puzzled me. I met her on the road, and in the wasteland, and on the banks of the river, but she grew especially densely on our impassable, completely village-looking street. The big mound right in front of the house was completely green from this grass.

She puzzled me because, no matter who I asked, no one knew her name. Wormwood, motherwort, yarrow - all these herbs were known to me. And this one is the most common...
- They call it grass-ant, - the grandmother said. - This is among the people. And I don’t know how scientists christened it.

I "studyed" the mysterious herb with the greatest care. I found out that her root is rather thin and weak, but the stems are strong, resilient, and no matter how much we walked along our hillock, she did not disappear from it. Its leaves are small, and the flowers are tiny and sit at the very stem, as if hiding under the protection of the leaves.

There were always geese grazing on the hillock. I didn't like it when they craned their necks and hissed, so I didn't get close to them. But I saw that they were eating my mysterious weed, and they were eating with an enviable appetite.

FROM content
Green pages of nature book
Page one, which tells about the grass near our house
Bird's buckwheat
From the life of dandelions
Sour but tasty
Burdock, he is a burdock
The most bitter herb
green traveler
wasteland dweller
Make friends with nettles
Page two, where we are talking about the first flowers that welcome spring
The most daring
Giving honey
Hasty Corydalis
Vigorous, fresh, washed
goose bow
dreamlike herb
Keys to summer
Page three, written with the hope that flowers will always bloom on earth
Page four - about trees
About birch and birch sap
The Strength and Weakness of the Oak
Tree Citizen
bold tree
Page five, whose heroes are mosses
Below the grass
From the Arctic to Antarctica
Where does moss start?
living sponge
Kukushkin flax, ostrich feather and others
Page six - about mushrooms
Not plants or animals
Why mushrooms in the forest
His Majesty Borovik
Insidious doubles
Wolf tobacco, hare potato
Going for mushrooms
Page seven, almost fabulous, which invites you to visit the lichens
Dressing room of the forest king
Scale, leafy, bushy
Union of fungus and algae
Reindeer moss
Lichens are leaving the cities
Page eight, the events of which take place in the web kingdom
Page nine, on the complex relationship between humans and insects
Page ten - about dragonflies
big-eyed hunters
life under water
Dragonflies are waiting for help
Page eleven, whose heroes are lacewings, they are also florists
First meeting
Egg on a thin stalk
"Dorty lions" and a running chrysalis
defenseless beauties
Page twelve - about beetles
Who in the world is the most
Maybug and its relatives
beetle on the road
talking beetle
six-legged deer
Big water lover
Without them, the earth would be bored
Page thirteen, almost detective - about a dangerous criminal among insects
Word portrait
His first "case"
He crosses all boundaries
He changes clothes
He hides
Who will win?
Page fourteen, which deals with the extraordinary life of an ordinary ladybug
name on wings
Three lives of a ladybug
deceptive appearance
Migratory ... beetles
Where do cows hibernate
Page fifteen, the most colorful, because it talks about butterflies
140 thousand species
Pollen on variegated wings
How many legs does a caterpillar have?
Unusual duty
The Dangerous Life of an Admiral
Dove in an anthill
Mysterious Hawk Moths
fading rainbow
Page sixteen, which tells how insects hibernate
Page seventeen, whose heroes are insects, and the time of action is spring
First butterflies
Hooray! The flies are awake!
Watch out for bumblebees!
Ants that everyone remembers
Page eighteen, about frogs and toads, which many do not like at all
Their trouble is our fault
What are frogs and toads
Similar but different
A link in an unbreakable chain
Page nineteen, about the life of birds in autumn
Where, how and when?
And who remains?
Help the birds!
Page Twenty, Of Those Birds That Stay With Us In Winter
tap dancing
Page twenty one - about birds in spring
The starlings have arrived
Singing in the blue sky
"Flourish" finch
song thrush
Pied flycatcher
Page twenty-two, which tells about the winter life of animals
City under the snow
Agile Predators
Three hundred cones for lunch
Belyak and Rusak
fox hunting
About the boar and the moose
Page twenty-three, the most mysterious, because its heroes are bats
What the legends say
What Science Says
Caught an echo
Forest ambulance
Like birds and with birds
Do not offend winged animals!
Page twenty-four, which talks about the "rodent king"
"Rodent King"
Miracle one - beaver teeth
Miracle second - beaver coat
Miracle three - beaver tail
Miracles the fourth and fifth - beaver lodges and dams
Sixth miracle - beavers
One hundred squirrels for a beaver
The seventh miracle - the beavers are back!
How many pages are in the book of nature.

This large-leaved biennial plant is probably familiar to everyone, since it pleases the eye with fluffy felt greens in almost every corner of our vast Russia. Burdock, or large burdock, has caused and sometimes causes ambiguous attitude towards itself. Many summer residents, who scrupulously take care of the cleanliness of their plots, tend to see a weed in the “sprawling” bushes that have grown under the fence, and nothing more. However, there is nothing surprising in this - even in the encyclopedic dictionary, burdock is defined as a weed plant.

At the same time, several centuries ago, in the Middle Ages, burdock was in honor among many peoples - it was used as food as a vegetable. In some areas of Siberia and the Caucasus, it is still considered something like a cucumber or cabbage.

And in Japan, burdock is carefully cultivated as a garden crop. There it is called "gobo" and is widely used in cooking, finding application in both aboveground and underground parts of burdock. By the way, Korean, Italian, Brazilian, Portuguese chefs do it just as well. Gobo leaves are used in soups and salads, and the roots (exclusively of the first year) successfully replace potatoes in the preparation of first courses and are eaten in any form - fried, boiled, baked and raw.

In field conditions, experienced travelers manage to prepare a powder from burdock roots that successfully replaces coffee.
Another indisputable advantage of the plant is that it is an excellent honey plant: from a hectare of flowering thickets of burdock, bees manage to collect up to six hundred kilograms of honey.

And yet the main value of burdock is in its unique healing potential. It is no coincidence that burdock is one of the most widely used plants in folk medicine. According to research, it is able to remove toxins from the body. The chemical compounds contained in it destroy pathogenic bacteria, have a disinfectant and antiseptic effect, and stimulate the body's metabolism. Known for its analgesic, anti-inflammatory, diaphoretic, diuretic, choleretic properties. Recently, more and more often we hear about the effectiveness of burdock preparations in the fight against malignant tumors.

Freshly cut green burdock leaves are used as an emergency and effective aid for sprains and bruises, as well as hidden inflammations and hematomas. The recipe is extremely simple: bandage a burdock leaf to a sore spot. After some time, when this leaf becomes flabby and thin, it needs to be changed to a fresh one. In addition, fresh leaves are used for mastopathy and rheumatism, as a wound healing and antipyretic agent. With erysipelas of the skin, it is advised to apply burdock leaves smeared with sour cream.

An infusion made from burdock leaves is useful for diabetes, joint pain, and kidney disease.
In the treatment of hepatitis and other liver damage, burdock juice is indicated. With the help of burdock juice, you can also fight the deposition of salts in the body. To do this, squeeze the juice from the burdock leaves collected in May and mix it with honey and vodka in the following proportion: 2 cups of juice, 2 cups of honey, 1 cup of vodka. Take this remedy before meals three times a day for a tablespoon. However, it is better to divide the finished mixture into two parts - take one immediately after preparation, and the second six months later. The medicinal composition is stored in the refrigerator.

A decoction of burdock seeds can help with constipation, colitis, improves intestinal motility.
But burdock root is especially widely used. Decoctions and infusions from it are used as a blood purifier, to get rid of skin diseases, eczema, boils and abscesses, are recommended by traditional healers for the treatment of stomach ulcers, gastritis, gout, rickets, scrofula, rheumatism, and baldness. In Chinese medicine, it is used to treat many diseases - from edema to syphilis, they prepare an antidote for snake bites and poisonous insects from it. Burdock oil is effective for burns.
Young ladies who want to impress others with thick, soft and silky curls should try rubbing a decoction of burdock into the scalp. Preparing a healing decoction is easy. A tablespoon of crushed burdock roots is poured into two glasses of water and boiled for half an hour, after which it remains only to strain the finished broth (cooled, of course).

It is noteworthy that no side effects from the use of burdock preparations have been observed so far. However, nursing mothers and women in an "interesting" position should still refrain from taking them.

Elena Terentyeva

"Happiness is the natural state of man!" mistletoe herbalist

On the topic of the day, so to speak)
Who there dreams of a Russian braid to the waist? Probably heard about burdock oil, so it's time to be enlightened (from the word enlightenment) more.

Burdock Arctium lappa L.
He is also a burdock, grandfather, burdock, linden.
The generic Latin name comes from the Greek. arctos - bear, and the specific name is translated as "bear burdock", "bear clinging". The Russian name comes from the Old Russian "lop" - leaf.

General description:
A biennial herbaceous plant of the Asteraceae family with a fleshy rod-like root. At the base with wide pubescent silvery bottom and bare dark green top leaves, up to half a meter long. With an upright stem 60-150 cm high. Baskets 3-3.5 cm in diameter, collected in a corymbose purple inflorescence. The leaves of the wrapper are subulate, crocheted at the end, green, bare - the very ones that cling to clothing and animal hair. The stem under the baskets is rarely pubescent.
Blooms in June - August. The fruits ripen in September-October. It is found along roads, in fields, in wastelands, in vegetable gardens.
In Japan, it is cultivated as a garden plant. It is eaten in various forms, including as a substitute for coffee.

Beneficial features:
Oh, there's a lot here!
Leaves successfully used for pet food, especially useful for young chickens and goslings. Leaves and roots are eaten (if someone needs it, I'll post recipes) boiled, baked, fried, in some countries even everywhere. The roots are ground into flour.
The leaves are harvested in July - August, dried in the air in the shade, in well-ventilated areas. The shelf life of the leaves is 1 year.
The leaves have wound healing and antibacterial properties and are used as applications of fresh or crushed leaves in the treatment of burns, ulcers, and wounds that do not heal for a long time.
For skin diseases (itching, acne, rash, boils, eczema), the infusion and decoction are taken orally and used externally in the form of rubbing, washing, rinsing with inflammation of the mouth and throat.

Fresh leaves are applied for skin itching, headaches and joint pain. For the latter, the wrong side of a fresh May leaf is thinly smeared with vegetable oil, applied to a sore joint, tightly wrapped in a compress and wrapped. Such a warming compress is usually done at night. An effective remedy for non-specific polaritis - joint pain.

Now for the roots after all, official medicine uses them. It is the roots that contain an increased amount of essential oils, which they are valued for. But with roots and more difficult.
The roots of the plants of the first year (not stiff) are harvested in the fall, the second year (yes, the second year is also possible, this is according to GOST, by the way) in early spring before regrowth begins. They dig with shovels, shake off the ground, cut off the aerial parts and thin roots with knives, wash in cold water and peel off the bark. Cut and dry in well-ventilated areas, laying out a thin layer on paper or cloth. Shelf life - 5 (?) Years. Roots are sweet.

Roasted roots can serve as a substitute for coffee or as a substitute for chicory. They replace potatoes in food, they are used for making flour.

And at present, folk medicine uses the roots and leaves of burdock as a diuretic and diaphoretic. In the form of decoctions, infusions, ointments, it is used in the treatment of skin diseases, rheumatism and gout. To prepare the infusion 1 tbsp. l. roots, crushed to 3 mm, pour 2 cups of boiling water and infuse for 2 hours, then filter. Drink hot 0.5 cup 3 times a day. Burdock leaves and roots, boiled in water and ground with butter, are used to treat burns and frostbite.

Prepared from burdock roots Burr oil- an extremely effective remedy for hair growth, treatment of skin diseases (including dandruff): 75 g of fresh root is poured into 200 ml of any vegetable oil, infused for a day, then simmered for 15 minutes and filtered. Rubbing burdock oil into the scalp is usually prescribed every other day. For the same purposes, a decoction, fresh juice and infusion of burdock root mixed with fresh nasturtium juice at the rate of 2 tablespoons of juice per 100 g of infusion are suitable. The mixture is rubbed 2-3 times a day, followed by washing the head with a decoction of burdock roots. To prepare a decoction of the roots, pour 1 tablespoon of raw materials with 1 glass of hot water, boil over low heat for 30 minutes.
To strengthen the hair, there is also a decoction of the collection: 20 g of burdock roots, 10 g of calendula flowers are poured into 1 liter of water, boiled for 10-15 minutes. Rub into the scalp every three days or use as a rinse.
You can insist burdock roots on whey, and to get rid of the sour smell, then rinse your hair with a decoction of chamomile, linden, nettle.

The roots are used for diabetes, eczema, acne, furunculosis, lichen, scab. Burdock preparations are often prescribed for nephrolithiasis. joint pain, osteochondrosis, dropsy, diabetes mellitus, gout, rheumatism, hemorrhoids, enterocolitis, constipation, benign and malignant formations. With sciatica, neuralgic and other pains, as well as with tumors, edema, bruises in the form of a 10% tincture on vodka from the roots or leaves. Sometimes a tincture is prepared from a mixture of equal amounts of crushed roots and leaves and is used for the same purpose, and gruel from fresh leaves is used for burns, boils or abscesses. For the treatment of radiculitis, fresh leaves are washed with water, dry leaves are scalded with boiling water, applied to the diseased area with a layer of 5-6 copies, covered with compress paper or oilcloth and tied over with a warm scarf.

To enhance the anti-diabetic effect, burdock is combined with bean pods and blueberry leaves. In the treatment of rashes, itching, eczema, furunculosis and other skin diseases, the decoction is used not only inside, but also in the form of lotions. Pounded leaves and ointment from the roots are prescribed for long-term non-healing wounds and eczema, insect and snake bites.

An infusion of the roots is used for stomach ulcers, gastric bleeding, chronic gastritis, kidney stones, rheumatism and gout, and as a diuretic and diaphoretic. An infusion of burdock leaves is used as a stomachic and anti-febrile agent.

Crushed roots can be added to teas, especially useful for delaying menstruation, intoxication, impaired liver and gallbladder function, and as a blood purifier. Plant polysaccharides improve pancreatic function.

Contraindications and notes: not detected.
Along with burdock, cobwebby burdock (in official medical practice), or any other burdock that will wave you with its sprawling leaf-paws, can also be used)

Character. Magic.
Removes harmful substances from the body, absorbs pain, resolves ulcers. To enhance the action, it is better to collect on the waning moon. Can be added to the witch's bottle. In my opinion, it is similar in character to water, since it does not introduce harmful effects and simply cleans, washes away like water.
I didn't find much magic. There is some information, but doubtful. Allegedly added to herbal pouches and mixtures for incense to protect against evil forces and witchcraft. They also make necklaces from leaves and inflorescences (it can be effective, especially if you throw it at someone). But most likely, a burdock leaf can neutralize negative energy.

Green pages of the book of nature-10

Page one, which tells about the grass near our house-11
Bird's buckwheat
From the life of dandelions

Burdock, he is a burdock
The most bitter herb
green traveler
wasteland dweller
Make friends with nettles

Page two, where we are talking about the first flowers that meet spring - 25
The most daring
Giving honey
Vigorous, fresh, washed
dreamlike herb
Keys to summer

Page three, written with the hope that flowers will always bloom on earth - 37

Page four - about trees - 42
About birch and birch sap
The Strength and Weakness of the Oak
Tree Citizen
bold tree

Page five, the heroes of which are mosses - 52
Below the grass
From the Arctic to Antarctica
Where does moss start?
living sponge
Kukushkin flax, ostrich feather and others

Page six - about mushrooms -60
Why mushrooms in the forest

Wolf tobacco, hare potato
Going for mushrooms

Page seven, almost fabulous, which invites you to visit lichens-69
Dressing room of the forest king
Scale, leafy, bushy
Union of fungus and algae
Reindeer moss
Lichens are leaving the cities

Page eight, the events of which take place in the kingdom of the web - 80

Page nine, about the complex relationship between humans and insects -85

Page ten - about dragonflies - 90
big-eyed hunters
life under water
Dragonflies are waiting for help

Page eleven, whose heroes are lacewings, they are also florists - 97
First meeting
Egg on a thin stalk
"Dorty lions" and a running chrysalis
defenseless beauties

Page twelve - about beetles - 104
Who in the world is the most
Maybug and its relatives
beetle on the road
talking beetle
six-legged deer
Big water lover
Without them, the earth would be bored

Page thirteen, almost detective - about a dangerous criminal among insects-117
Word portrait
His first "case"
He crosses all boundaries
He changes clothes
He hides
Who will win?

Page fourteen, which deals with the extraordinary life of an ordinary ladybug - 124
Migratory ... beetles
Where do cows hibernate

Page fifteen, the most colorful, because it talks about butterflies - 134
140 thousand species
Pollen on variegated wings
How many legs does a caterpillar have?
Unusual duty
The Dangerous Life of an Admiral
Dove in an anthill
Mysterious Hawk Moths
fading rainbow

Page sixteen, which tells how insects hibernate - 146

Page seventeen, whose heroes are insects, and the time of action is spring - 150
Hooray! The flies are awake!
Watch out for bumblebees!
Ants that everyone remembers

Page eighteen, about frogs and toads, which many do not like at all - 157
Their trouble is our fault
What are frogs and toads

A link in an unbreakable chain

Page nineteen, about the life of birds in autumn -165
Where, how and when?
And who remains?
Help the birds!

Page twenty, about those birds that stay with us in winter - 173
tap dancing

Page twenty one - about birds in spring -181
The starlings have arrived
Singing in the blue sky
"Flourish" finch
song thrush
Pied flycatcher

Page twenty-two, which tells about the winter life of animals - 192
City under the snow

fox hunting
About the boar and the moose

Page twenty-three, the most mysterious, because its heroes are bats - 201
What the legends say
What Science Says
Caught an echo
Forest ambulance
Like birds and with birds
Do not offend winged animals!

Page twenty-four, which talks about the "rodent king" - 209
"Rodent King"
Miracle one - beaver teeth
Miracle second - beaver coat
Miracle three - beaver tail
Miracles the fourth and fifth - beaver lodges and dams
Sixth miracle - beavers
One hundred squirrels for a beaver
The seventh miracle - the beavers are back!
How many pages are in the book of nature