Drug treatment of various types of chondrosis. The most effective injections for osteochondrosis Injections against chondrosis

Statistics show that diseases caused by premature aging, wear and tear of tissues, today affect not only the elderly. Increasingly, young and middle-aged patients are turning to doctors for help. Pathologies of the musculoskeletal system significantly impair the quality of human life. Therefore, the question of which injections are prescribed for osteochondrosis of the cervical region is very relevant. The article will discuss the cases in which they are prescribed. The classification of drugs and the effect they have on the body will also be described.

Briefly about the causes and symptoms

Osteochondrosis is a serious disease that requires proper treatment. The pathology of the cervical region is due to dystrophic changes in the intervertebral discs. Irrational load and asymmetric muscle work just lead to such violations.

Most often, this disease affects people who have a sedentary lifestyle. The situation is aggravated by the fact that, in addition to pain, there is compression of the nerves and arteries. This state of affairs interferes with the normal blood supply to brain regions.

Sometimes the slightest movement of the head causes dizziness, darkening of the eyes, severe spasms. In this state, a person is no longer able to exist normally, work, and engage in daily activities. As a rule, a specialist in such situations recommends treatment with osteochondrosis injections. Injections and droppers make it possible to quickly deliver the active ingredients of the drug to problem areas.

Injections for osteochondrosis of the cervical region. What are there?

In case of urgent need during the hospitalization of the patient, the doctor may prescribe the drug to be administered parenterally. The peculiarity of this procedure is that the agent is injected directly into the joint. Injections for osteochondrosis of the cervical region in this way can reduce pain in a matter of minutes. However, the method cannot be called harmless.

First, it requires certain skills from a specialist.

Secondly, the tissues in the area of ​​the needle puncture are injured.

Thirdly, there is a possibility of infection.

That is why doctors rarely resort to this method. It is used only at the time of extreme exacerbation of the disease.

In other cases, the usual intramuscular and intravenous injections are used in therapy.

There is another way when the medicine is injected directly into the area of ​​the pinched nerve. These manipulations can almost instantly relieve the patient's pain. These injections are called nerve blockers.

As a rule, injections and droppers are resorted to already in the case when tablets and ointments do not cope with their task.

Classification of drugs

What injections to do when aimed at eliminating pain in the problem area, removing the inflammatory process. Discs are also recommended. Accordingly, patients are prescribed. They combine several positive effects.

Medicines relieve inflammation, anesthetize and have an antipyretic effect. Such a complex not only makes it possible to alleviate the suffering of the patient, but also affects the cause of the pain syndrome.

To restore the intervertebral discs and joints, experts prescribe chondroprotectors. The components of this group of drugs supply substances contained in cartilage tissue. They allow you to slow down the process of degeneration. To increase the effectiveness of therapy, injections are prescribed for osteochondrosis of the cervical section of drugs that contain a complex of vitamins. In the initial stages, they help restore the normal state of the tissues.

You can also use painkillers. Such drugs are prescribed in combination with other drugs aimed at eliminating the inflammatory focus and restoring damaged tissues.

The drug "Diclofenac"

Consider the most popular drugs in this group. Anti-inflammatory injections for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine are not recommended without consulting a specialist. The following information will be provided to you for your reference.

The medicine "Diclofenac" is familiar to almost all people suffering from diseases of the musculoskeletal system. This category of ailments also includes osteochondrosis of the cervical region. Injections, reviews of which indicate their effectiveness, are administered intramuscularly. The drug has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. The antipyretic and analgesic ability of the drug is somewhat reduced.

Since Diclofenac has a negative effect on the digestive tract and liver, it is recommended to take the medicine along with maintenance therapy. The effect of the injection lasts approximately 12 hours.

Movalis injections

This drug has become the answer of many experts to the question of patients: “Which injections for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine cause less harm to the body?” The drug has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. Analgesic and antipyretic abilities in the preparation are in the background. Its advantage lies in the fact that Movalis does not adversely affect the digestive system. The effect after the injection lasts for a day, which can also be attributed to the benefits of this medication. The duration of the course should be prescribed by a specialist after examining the patient.

The drug "Ketonal"

The analgesic effect in the drug is somewhat more pronounced than the antipyretic and anti-inflammatory abilities. The action of the injection lasts 6 hours. This increases the number of injections per day. While taking this drug, a maintenance course for the stomach is recommended. It is prescribed with great caution to patients who already have liver problems or peptic ulcer.

Group of analgesics

In cases where anti-inflammatory injections for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine do not relieve pain, analgesics are prescribed. They are administered intramuscularly or intravenously. This allows you to quickly alleviate the patient's well-being.

Often, the familiar drug "Analgin" comes to the rescue. It has practically no anti-inflammatory effect. It must be injected every 12 hours.

Tramadol is a powerful pain reliever. It acts on opioid receptors in the brain. After administration, the patient experiences relief within half an hour. The drug works for about 6 hours.

The disadvantages of this medication include addiction in case of long-term use. Therefore, its release is carried out only by prescription.


In the treatment of the disease, the use of drugs of this group plays an important role. They contain very valuable biological components. Chondroitin is responsible for the regeneration and growth of cartilage tissue. Glucosamine sulfate promotes the restoration of structural elements.

These drugs are available in the form of tablets, ointments and powders for injection.

The most common drugs include the following drugs.

1. Adgelon injections contribute to the speedy replacement of old cells in cartilage tissue.

2. Taking the drug "Aflutop" After a week, patients report a decrease in pain. This is due to the anti-inflammatory effect. The regenerating properties of the drug are also noted by both physicians and patients.

3. Preparations based on hyaluronic acid have proven themselves well. Among the most common are "Gialgan", "Adant", "Hialubriks" etc. As a rule, these drugs are injected directly into the joint.

Vitamins to help

The drug "Milgamma" combines a combination of lidocaine and vitamin B group. The anesthetic has a short-term effect on the focus of pain (about 1 hour). Vitamin complex accelerates metabolic processes in nerve cells. Injections of this agent lead to increased healing of the pinched nerve root. Thus, it is restored.


In conclusion, we will discuss what kind of injections for osteochondrosis are given in emergency cases. The name speaks of the nature of the manipulation. The action is aimed at quickly relieving pain in the patient.

The injection is given towards the nerve root. As a rule, the agent contains a local anesthetic (novocaine, trimecaine, bupivacaine) and an anti-inflammatory component (hydrocortisone).

This method of treating the disease is also carried out in a course. It is 3-5 manipulations.

It should be noted that contraindications to this method of treatment are the presence of furunculosis in the patient in the back, intolerance to anesthetics, as well as wounds or ulcers at the injection site.

Chondrosis is considered a harbinger of osteochondrosis. As a result of the course of this disease, prolonged intense pain occurs in the neck and lumbar back. To quickly eliminate pain, injections from chondrosis are widely used. Treatment of chondrosis involves complex therapy, as it is necessary to restore damaged cartilage, improve blood microcirculation, and eliminate pain.

To eliminate painful sensations, it is most preferable to use injections, as they quickly act directly on the site of pain. In addition, during injections, the required dose of the drug enters the bloodstream and, unlike the tablet form, the active substance penetrates directly to the site of pain and does not settle in the intestine.

Important! The main indication for the use of injections is the occurrence of severe pain that cannot be eliminated using tablets and ointments.

Separately, injections of chondroprotectors and vitamins can be prescribed, as they help improve the condition of the intervertebral discs. This will improve the patient's well-being and reduce the incidence of exacerbations of the pathology.

Types of injections

Treatment of chondrosis is initially aimed at eliminating inflammation and eliminating pain localized in the back. Blockades are of great importance, since the drug is injected directly into the back and blocks the nerve impulses that transmit pain along the damaged nerve.

Injections for chondrosis are not used as the main method of therapy, but only as an auxiliary. That is why it is impossible to completely restore the damaged areas of the spine. Before conducting a course of physiotherapy, it is necessary to initially eliminate pain, as well as inflammation in the damaged area of ​​​​the back.

Injections can be very different in terms of effects on the body. That is why there are several types of them:

  • painkillers;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • boosting immunity;
  • eliminating muscle tension;
  • restoring the structure of cartilage and joints.

Anesthetic injections against chondrosis are presented in the form of analgesics, which make it possible for a certain time to relieve a person from intense pain that occurs in the back. The group of analgesics includes drugs such as Ketonal, Diclofenac, Voltaren. Often they are used in combination with Novocaine and Lidocaine. They help not only to eliminate pain, but also to remove swelling in the damaged area of ​​​​the back.

In addition, hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs are used in the treatment of chondrosis. Carrying out therapy with the use of such drugs helps to significantly reduce inflammation, lower the temperature and eliminate swelling. Special vitamin complexes are widely used to improve the state of the immune system. Injections contain B vitamins in their composition, so they can saturate the body with the required nutrients and nourish the nerve fibers with vitamins, helping to maintain the integrity of their structure.

Mydocalm is used to eliminate excessive strain in the back muscles. It helps to effectively relax the muscles and normalize their activity. At the same time, painful sensations are quickly eliminated. Chondroprotectors are used to restore damaged cartilage and joints. It should be noted that the treatment and recovery process is much faster.


Treatment of chondrosis is a long and complex process that requires strict adherence to all doctor's prescriptions. During the course of the acute stage of the pathology, with severe pain, drug blockades are used, which are introduced directly into the area of ​​\u200b\u200bdamage to the spine. Such analgesic injections have a fairly rapid effect, which can significantly and quickly improve the patient's well-being.

Pain blockades are administered mainly in the region of the spinal nerves located near the intervertebral joints. However, it sometimes happens that injections are made directly into the intervertebral discs themselves. Despite the fact that this whole procedure is quite complicated, requires special preparation and should be carried out only by an experienced doctor, you can feel significant relief immediately after the first injection. At the same time, it should be noted that the complex of therapy implies not only the use of blockades, but also painkillers, antispasmodic, hormonal, anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as vitamins are additionally used.

Blockades are widely used for:

  • elimination of painful sensations;
  • muscle relaxation;
  • reduce swelling and inflammation;
  • improvement of blood microcirculation in the damaged area.

In the presence of chondrosis in a patient, in addition to severe pain, additional dizziness occurs. That is why doctors use not only blockades for therapy, but also additional drugs that provide nutrition to the brain.


Different groups of drugs have their own specific contraindications, which is why if there are inflammatory manifestations at the injection site, and there is also an allergy to the drug, you need to consult a doctor. The use of many drugs is prohibited during pregnancy and lactation.

Anti-inflammatory drugs are strictly contraindicated in patients with stomach ulcers, liver cirrhosis and bleeding disorders. Analgesics are contraindicated in the presence of drug dependence, as well as in violation of the liver and kidneys.

Treatment of chondrosis depends on its degree, localization, additional symptoms, personal characteristics of the patient. Based on all these data, the doctor selects the main and symptomatic treatment.

Usually at the middle stage of the disease (it is diagnosed most often), a whole range of methods, and injections occupy in this complex, if not a leading, then a very significant place.

Injections from chondrosis are different: from supporting vitamin complexes to complex blockades, and the article is designed to help the reader figure it all out.

What effect do injections have?

The main idea of ​​injections is that the right medicine is delivered to the right place in the right quantity.

From this follows the effect: if muscle relaxants are injected, the patient's muscles quickly relax, if they are injected with chondroprotectors, the patient's joint receives the components of the synovial fluid that he needs.

But it is worth noting that due to one of the advantages of injections (quick action), injections are most often used to obtain a strong analgesic effect.

Advantages of injections compared to tablets and ointments

  • Fast action. The medicinal effect of injections can occur in a few minutes. With tablets, you have to wait 20 minutes (minimum), with ointments - up to a day.
  • Precise dosage. Tablets and capsules should be absorbed through the gastrointestinal tract, the ointment should be absorbed through the skin. In all these cases, it can be difficult to accurately predict how much medication will reach the diseased area. Injectable preparations do not have this problem.
  • Delivery directly to the source of the disease. If you inject the drug directly into the spine, then he will not have to go through numerous barriers. This advantage applies to blockade.
  • Uniform dosage (for a dropper). The patient may forget to take the pill. The dropper and catheter do not need the intervention of the patient, so the doctor can be calm.


  • acute pain with chondrosis;
  • pronounced degenerative changes in the intervertebral disc (for chondroprotectors);
  • the need for continuous maintenance therapy (droppers);
  • inability to get medicine in another way (deformation of the throat, ulcers and inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, wounds on the skin).


  • an allergic reaction to the components of the administered drug;
  • acute phase of the disease (for intraosseous injections except blockade);
  • inflammation at the injection site;
  • skin infections at the injection site.

Additional contraindications depend on the drug, so before the introduction you need to at least read the instructions.

Better yet, consult your doctor.

Types of injections Intravenous

Intravenous injection is basically dropper.

A catheter is inserted into the patient's vein, to which a bag of medicine (in solution) is attached. This method allows you to give the patient the desired dosage of the drug continuously.


Intramuscular injections are the most common injection method. The drug is injected into the muscle, from where it enters the bloodstream through the tissue fluid.

You can stab into any large muscle (arms, legs), but most often the buttocks become the “target”.


Under the name "intraosseous injection" is usually hidden several types of injections in which the drug is injected into the space around the bone, into the bone itself (into the spine), or into a joint.

An important note - stabbing such an injection should know exactly what they are doing. Intraosseous injections should only be done by a doctor and only in a hospital.

How to give injections, can I do it myself?

For intravenous and intraosseous injection need qualified medical staff(nurse, doctor), so you can’t do them yourself. Intramuscular injections are another matter. They can be done on your own with some care.

First of all, you need to warn about self-treatment. Self-medication is a bad idea.

First, the drug may not work as intended, and in extreme cases, lead to death (anaphylactic shock that occurs outside the hospital will lead to death in one case in three). Secondly, a positive effect may temporarily hide the symptoms, but the disease will not disappear. Successful at first glance, self-treatment subsequently complicates the diagnosis.

So you can only give yourself painkillers injections on your own and only when the doctor has given permission for this.

Technique for intramuscular injections:

  • Take a syringe, open the ampoule.
  • Draw up the medicine in a syringe. Dial - slowly to reduce the number of bubbles.
  • Release air and bubbles from the syringe. If a small amount of bubbles remains - it's okay, further on what to do about it.
  • Prepare the patient: lay down, wipe the injection site with alcohol.
  • Next comes the injection itself. Injection site: for the left buttock - the left upper quarter, for the right - the right upper quarter. The needle must be inserted deeply to reach the muscles. Inject the medicine slowly. If bubbles remain in the syringe, then not the entire dose can be administered, but 95% (the remaining 5% with bubbles will remain in the syringe).
  • After the injection, the patient should lie still for at least a few minutes.

You can technically inject yourself, but it's best to find someone who can inject it.

When - to the doctor?

You should not self-medicate if:

  • the pain is very strong, does not go away or does not go away for a long time;
  • mobility is limited;
  • there are pronounced additional symptoms (dizziness, disruption of the internal organs).

Overview of drugs Analgesics

diclofenac, solution for intramuscular injection. Description: The most popular remedy for back chondrosis. NSAIDs that act specifically on the spine. Contraindications: allergies, hematopoietic disorders.

Price: 25 rubles. for 5 ampoules.

Analgin, injection. Description: A cheap and effective analgesic. Contraindications: hypersensitivity, asthma, blood diseases, disorders of the liver and kidneys.

Price: 50 rub. for 10 ampoules.

Amelotex, solution for intramuscular injection. Description: A second generation NSAID with fewer side effects than diclofenac. Contraindications: allergies, bleeding, renal and hepatic insufficiency.

Price: 300 rubles. for 3 ampoules.

Baralgin M, injection. Description: analogue of Analgin. Contraindications: hypersensitivity, hematopoietic disorders, asthma, kidney and liver diseases.

Price: 270 rubles. for 5 ampoules.


These drugs treat both chondrosis and osteochondrosis. They give cartilage chemical elements that accelerate the formation of synovial fluid in the joint:

Alflutop, injection. Description: chondroprotector based on marine fish. Contraindications: Allergy.

Price: 1750 rubles. for 5 ampoules.

Artradol, lyophilisate for solution preparation. Description: high dose of chondroitin sulfate. Contraindications: hypersensitivity.

Price: 600 rubles. for 10 pieces.

Sustagard Artro, solution for intramuscular injection. Description: Glucosamine-based preparation. Contraindications: allergic reaction, heart failure and other cardiac pathologies, severe violations of the liver and kidneys.

Price: 775 rubles. for 10 ampoules.

Gialgan Phidias, solution for intra-articular injection. Description: 2 ml of hyaluronic acid, which is injected directly into the joint. Contraindications: allergies, severe liver pathologies, infections in the joint or on the skin at the injection site.

Price: 4700 rubles. for 1 injection.


In neurological practice, vitamins are used: B1, B6, B12. They improve nerve conduction and can help with chronic neurological diseases caused by chondrosis:

Milgamma, solution for intramuscular injection. Description: Proven combination of B1, B6 and B12. Contraindications: allergies, heart failure.

Price: 420 rubles. for 10 ampoules.

Cocarboxylase, lyophilisate for solution preparation. Description: 50 mg of vitamin B1. Contraindications: hypersensitivity.

Price: 120 rubles. for 10 ampoules.

Neurobion, solution for intramuscular injection. Description: an analogue of Milgamma, only without lidocaine (the injection is much more painful, but lidocaine often causes an allergic reaction). Contraindications: allergic reaction.

Price: 300 rubles. for 3 ampoules.

cocarnite, lyophilisate for solution preparation. Description: another analogue of Milgamma, only with a lower dosage. Contraindications: hypersensitivity, cardiovascular diseases, cirrhosis.

Price: 700 rubles. for 1 injection.

The blockade is anesthetic injection which is injected directly into the spine. The need for blockade is determined by the attending physician, it is carried out by a neurologist or an anesthesiologist. There are no special drugs for the blockade, the doctor independently selects a combination of drugs based on patient data.

In normal situations, a mixture of novocaine and prednisolone is most often injected.

Muscle relaxants

This group of drugs causes the muscles to relax, which removes the spasm and can help if the muscles pressed on the nerve or vessel:

Mydocalm-Richter, injection. Description: centrally acting muscle relaxant with lidocaine. Contraindications: allergies, cardiac pathologies, myasthenia gravis.

Price: 470 rubles. for 5 pieces.

Lioresal, injection. Description: A muscle relaxant listed as an essential medicine. Contraindications: hypersensitivity to the drug.

Price: 2000 rub. for 1 injection.

Steroid drugs

With chondrosis, glucocorticosteroids show a good result. These hormones activate the reserve reserves of the body and have a direct analgesic effect.

Alas, long-term use can lead to bad consequences, so GCS should be prescribed only by a doctor and only in special cases.

Examples of GCS:

Prednisol, solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration. Description: The most commonly used corticosteroid. Included in the list of vital medicines. Contraindications: allergies, bleeding, inflammatory and infectious processes.

Price: 45 rubles. for 3 ampoules.

Diprospan, suspension for injection. Description: drug based on GCS betamethasone. Contraindications: hypersensitivity, infections and inflammation in the body, disorders of the heart or blood vessels. Price: 200 rubles. for 1 injection.

Dexamethasone, injection. Description: Another vital glucocorticoid. Contraindications: allergies, inflammations and infections, excessive work of the adrenal cortex.

Price: 175 rubles. for 25 ampoules.

Hydrocortisone, suspension for intramuscular and intraarticular administration. Description: one of the corticosteroids used in the blockade. Contraindications: hypersensitivity, infectious and inflammatory processes in the body.

Price: 140 rubles. for 10 ampoules.

What to do if injections do not help?

The lack of effect from injections is a sure sign that the disease is in an advanced stage.

In this case, if you have not yet contacted a specialist, we strongly recommend that you do so immediately and undergo a full diagnosis, always with an MRI.

Other treatments

  • physiotherapy;
  • other medicinal methods (tablets, capsules, ointments);
  • massage;
  • surgical intervention.

Watch a helpful video on this topic

Can injections be used as a prophylaxis?

The wisdom of this idea very doubtful. Medicines aimed at treatment are better not to be used in prevention at all.

Injections are the worst possible prophylaxis because they have a short-term effect. With the same success, you can carry out a preventive operation.

With chondrosis, many types of medicines are used.

Injections preferred in two cases: when you need to quickly relieve pain and when you need to deliver the medication to a strictly defined place. In other cases, other treatment options may be considered.

But if the choice fell on injections, you need to be treated under the supervision of a doctor, because the consequences of self-medication can be very unpleasant.

Chondrosis is the common name for osteochondrosis. This disease is associated with depletion of bone tissue, which leads to pain in the neck, lower back and other areas. Drugs for treatment are used not only to relieve pain, but also to restore bone nutrition, i.e. prevent the development of the cause of the pathology. Regardless of which drug for chondrosis is used, it is often administered by injection. People often ask what kind of injections you need - you will learn about this and much more in detail right now.

Symptoms of chondrosis

  • cervical;
  • chest;
  • lumbar.

This disease is always accompanied by pain, which is aggravated by movement and physical exertion. In this case, the clinical picture is often accompanied not only by symptoms from the spine itself, but also from other organ systems.

For example, in the case of cervical chondrosis, there are:

  • difficulty breathing, shortness of breath;
  • visual and hearing impairments;
  • tinnitus;
  • severe dizziness, systematic headaches;
  • jumps in pressure and heart rate;
  • nausea and vomiting.


If these signs appear, this is a reason to immediately consult a doctor. Treatment is aimed at slowing down the pathological processes as much as possible - this is a very real task if therapy is started as early as possible.

What medicines are used most often

Before mastering the technique of correct injection, it is important to understand what helps with osteochondrosis. The choice of drugs is quite large, and each of them differs in its purpose and effectiveness.

First of all, all drugs can be divided into painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs. Often, the drug combines both functions.

According to their physiological effects, medicines are grouped into the following groups:

  1. Non-steroidal drugs simultaneously relieve pain and fight inflammation, which always progress with osteochondrosis: ketorol, diclofenac, voltaren, ketorol. They should be used with caution in those patients who suffer from any form of gastritis or peptic ulcer.
  2. Steroid preparations are pricked if chondrosis has acquired a sufficiently strong development, and the pains are getting stronger. Often different types of drugs are used at the same time - for example, 3 ampoules of the so-called solution A and the same amount of solution B (these are different chemical forms of lidocaine).

Solution A contains the following ingredients:

  • dexamethasone;
  • sodium hydroxide;
  • phenylbutazone;
  • lidocaine hydrochloride;
  • purified water.
  1. Vitamin complexes provide nutrition to nerve fibers and improve blood flow to the sections of the spine affected by the disease. That is why they not only relieve pain effects, but also fight inflammation. Most often, patients are given vitamins of group B. Milgamma is often used - a multivitamin complex, which is also used in the presence of diabetes mellitus and herniated discs.
  2. To provide nutrition to the cartilage itself, a group of drugs is used under the general name chondroprotectors: mucosat, teraflex, adfdutol, dona, etc. Thanks to them, cartilage cells begin to divide faster, and the damaged tissue is successfully restored. That is why they got such a name (literally “protecting cartilage”). A distinctive feature of these medicines is that the treatment lasts several months, and they help well with chondrosis only in the early stages of its development. A special group of drugs is based on hyaluronic acid: adant, hyalgan and chailubrix.
  3. Muscle relaxants act on specific parts of the brain that control muscle contractions. Due to this, the muscles begin to relax and rarely spasm - accordingly, the pain disappears and the blood supply to the vertebral bones improves. The most commonly used is mydocalm, which is often used together with milgamma.
  4. Often, to quickly relieve pain in osteochondrosis, conventional analgesics are also administered - analgin, tramadol. Such medicines are dispensed only by prescription, as they cause the patient to quickly become addicted. In addition, analgesics only relieve pain and do not actually affect its cause.

The specific choice of the drug for neck chondrosis or lumbar chondrosis is determined only by the doctor. He also sets the duration of the course of treatment - you should not try to treat yourself on your own: there is a risk of harming the body.

What are the injections

Most often, drugs are given by injection.

Injections from chondrosis of the back are different - they differ both in the place of injection and in the technique itself:

  1. Intravenous uniform administration of the drug using a dropper - this is how chondroprotectors and vitamin complexes are introduced. The drug penetrates gradually and evenly nourishes the affected area, thereby achieving the best therapeutic effect.
  2. An intramuscular injection is given when pain symptoms need to be quickly removed - this is how analgesics, antispasmodics (substances that prevent sharp muscle contractions) and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are administered.
  3. Intraosseous injections are given by professional doctors in cases where chondrosis has acquired quite advanced forms, and the patient complains of severe pain.

The advantages of injections over tablets, infusions and other forms of drugs are obvious:

  • they act very quickly, since the substances enter directly into the affected areas;
  • for each patient in this case, it is possible to calculate the dose with a high degree of accuracy and administer exactly as much active substance as needed in his case;
  • since the drug, unlike a tablet, does not enter the digestive system, a whole range of side effects associated with the stomach, liver or intestines can be avoided.

Along with these types of injections for chondrosis, there is a specific method that is used only by professional doctors in case of emergency.


Often, if you need to quickly relieve severe pain, injections in the neck or other areas are given using the blockade technique. In this case, a blockade of the nerve impulse is carried out, due to which a quick analgesic effect occurs. Such a manipulation can only be entrusted to a specialist, since all movements must be highly accurate and accurate.

Most often, in the treatment of chondrosis, a blockade based on potent drugs is involved:

  • novocaine;
  • lidocaine.

The blockade is a kind of injection, which is placed with a special thin and long needle directly into the affected area. Often, anesthesia is administered along with the medicine, which helps the patient to feel almost nothing during the procedure. Several sessions are held - approximately 4-5, although in some cases their number increases.

The action of the blockade is always complex - along with the fact that it quickly relieves even severe pain in the neck and other areas with chondrosis, it also has other effects on the body:

  • prevents the development of inflammatory processes that often occur with chondrosis;
  • promotes increased blood flow, so that muscles and bones receive proper nutrition and oxygen supply;
  • leads to a decrease in swelling due to the fact that the muscles relax, and excess fluid naturally leaves the neck and lower back.

Blockade injections in the treatment of chondrosis are placed either in a special cavity of the spinal canal - the so-called epidural space (epidural blockade), or are introduced into the periosteum, the ligaments between the processes of the vertebral bones - this is a paravertebral blockade.

In some cases, blockade is contraindicated:

  • boils, purulent lesions of the skin in the area where chondrosis develops;
  • individual intolerance to any of the medicinal components;
  • wounds and other damage to the skin;
  • often a contraindication is pregnancy and lactation at any period - in these cases, consultation with a doctor is required.

PLEASE NOTE - If the blockade and droppers can only be placed in a clinical setting, then many other injections for one form or another of chondrosis can be done at home if you master simple skills. However, injections in the neck and lower back can only be given by another person.

Chondrosis is a disease of the spine that is quite difficult to treat, especially if time is lost and the disease has become severe or chronic. Numerous preparations for chondrosis are intended, first of all, to alleviate the symptoms of the disease, in particular, relieve severe pain and return the ability to move freely. The following is a list of various drugs with names so that patients can navigate what they are intended for.

When chondrosis is in the acute stage, treatment is carried out with the use of drugs from the group of analgesics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, subject to bed rest.

Among these drugs can be noted:

  • injections of painkillers, performed with a strong pain syndrome;
  • for pain of moderate intensity, it is allowed to use ointments, tablets, folk remedies, as well as additional methods of treatment, for example, massages, electrophoresis, acupuncture and others.

The main groups of drugs for chondrosis

injections for

treatment of chondrosis

backs are used for various purposes:

  • for pain relief;
  • in order to normalize the functioning of the nerve endings of the spine;
  • to inhibit the destruction of intervertebral discs and the growth of bone tissue.

In connection with the different directions of exposure, drugs are divided into the following groups:

  1. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and painkillers (shots, tablets and ointments).
  2. Analgesics and local anesthetics.
  3. Muscle relaxants.
  4. Antispasmodics.

Chiropractor Epifanov Anton will tell you more about non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs:

  1. Vasodilators.
  2. Chondroprotectors.
  3. Sedatives.
  4. Vitamins and calcium preparations.
  5. Warming and analgesic ointments for chondrosis.

If the treatment of lumbar or cervical chondrosis with pharmaceuticals has not brought results, as well as in complicated conditions in the form of intervertebral hernias, surgical intervention becomes the only way out.

Anti-inflammatory and painkillers

With cervical chondrosis, an inflammatory process always occurs, the signs of which are pain and swelling. As a result, the muscle tissues around the joints compress the nerve endings in the spinal cord, which leads to dysfunction of individual organs.

Non-hormonal anti-inflammatory pills, ointments and injections for neck chondrosis inhibit the production of active ingredients that caused inflammation. Such funds do not directly affect the cartilage, but only weaken the symptoms of the disease.

Quite often, injections and tablets for chondrosis are used under the name:

  • Meloxicam in ampoules for injection. An effective anti-inflammatory non-hormonal drug that relieves severe pain, lowers the temperature. It is used for rheumatoid arthritis, arthrosis and osteoarthritis, ankylosing spondylitis.
  • Artrozan. Analogue of the previous medicine. The active substance is meloxicam. It is used in the form of intramuscular injections during the first 2-3 days, and then the patient is transferred to the tablet form of administration. The daily rate is 7.5-15 mg per day, depending on the patient's condition.
  • Dexalgin in the form of injections for back chondrosis is used only in the first two days of treatment, provided that the patient has very severe or moderate pain intensity, and it is not advisable to use tablets or other forms of drugs (in the postoperative period, with renal colic). Assign 50 mg every 8-12 hours. The daily dose is not more than 150 mg.

NSAIDs that have analgesic and antipyretic effects. Price in pharmacies from 265 rubles.

  • Diclofenac. A common remedy for cervical chondrosis. The form of release of the drug is injections, tablets, ointments, rectal suppositories. The main active ingredient is part of many similar drugs, for example, ortofen, naklofen, diclogen and others. It is well tolerated by patients due to the small number of adverse reactions. Long-term use is not recommended due to the risk of abnormalities in the functioning of the liver and kidneys. It is also used to treat osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine.
  • Ketorolac. A drug, the peculiarity of which is the rapid and effective removal of pain. However, the duration of the effect is short. Ketorolac is prescribed for the relief of especially severe pain. Available in ampoules for injection and tablets. Due to the negative effect on the central nervous system, gastrointestinal tract and kidneys, it cannot be used for a long time.
  • Ketoprofen, named similarly to the active substance. Unlike the previous drug, it has a slight and anti-inflammatory effect. It is used in the form of injections, tablets and ointments. The analogue of the drug is ketonal. Also available in injections, tablets and gels.

Painkillers in tablet form

  • Ibuprofen. Produced in the form of tablets. The drug is intended, first of all, for pain relief of the joints. It is usually well tolerated by patients. Possible adverse reactions are vomiting, gastritis, drowsiness.
  • Movalis. An innovative drug that affects only the focus of inflammation and does not affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The tool has an analgesic effect on the joints of the back, shoulders and neck. Release form - tablets and rectal suppositories.

Non-steroidal synthetic drug that has an anti-inflammatory effect. Price in pharmacies from 28 rubles.

Please note that the use of anti-inflammatory drugs from the non-steroidal category is contraindicated in patients with peptic ulcer and gastritis of the stomach, since their use can lead to the formation of bleeding ulcers.

To reduce the harmful effects of NVPS on the body, such drugs should be used only after meals, so as not to irritate the mucous membrane. Some drugs affect alertness and reaction speed, so it is better to take them before bedtime or in the evening.

Muscle relaxants and antispasmodics

This group of drugs is designed to relax the muscles in the foci of inflammation so that they do not squeeze the damaged joints of the spine. With the help of such drugs, short-term innervation of organs is performed to perform certain therapeutic procedures.

By the time of exposure, the following types of muscle relaxants are distinguished:

  • ultra-short-term - active up to 7 minutes;
  • short-term - last up to 20 minutes;
  • medium - act 40 minutes;
  • long - the validity period exceeds 40 minutes.

By themselves, muscle relaxants do not have any effective effect - these drugs only enhance the effect of the use of other drugs.

Mydocalm injections are used in the treatment of muscle hypertonicity caused by a neurological nature. Price in pharmacies from 297 rubles.

Common drugs in this group are:

  • Mydocalm, the active substance is tolperisone. As a rule, it is prescribed in combination with naproxen. Apply 100 mg of Mydocalm in the form of injections with Naproxen (2 tablets) twice a day. Thanks to the combined use of drugs, they stop pain and inflammation in the vertebrae, remove swelling and eliminate pinched nerve endings.
  • Tizalud or Sirdalud, the active substance is tizanidine. They are prescribed in the form of injections or tablets for chondrosis of the neck or thoracic region.

No-shpa and its domestic and foreign counterparts are considered a popular antispasmodic. However, the principle of their action is somewhat different from drugs from the group of muscle relaxants.

Vasodilator drugs

Since with cervical and

thoracic chondrosis

blood supply to the brain is disturbed, medications are prescribed to improve blood circulation without fail.

In the list of drugs in this group:

  1. Pentoxifylline.
  2. Vinpocetine.
  3. Cinnarizine.

Neurologist M.M. Sperling shares his experience on whether it is necessary to dilate the vessels with medication:

Antioxidants and neuroprotectors are prescribed to stimulate metabolic processes in cells. The following tools are used:

  • Actovegin;
  • Piracetam;
  • Mexidol;
  • Cerebrolysin.


Chondroprotectors are used to restore damaged cartilage tissues. They contain components that are part of cartilage - chondroitin and glucosamine. As a result of the use of such drugs, damaged intervertebral discs are gradually restored.

Chondroitin enhances the metabolic processes of phosphorus and potassium, it is a high molecular weight mucopolysaccharide. It slows down the leaching of calcium from the bones, thus slowing down the destruction of cartilage.

Glucosamine restores the natural content of this substance in tissues and cells, accelerates the production of hyaluronic acid, so that the functioning of the joints improves.

There are several groups of chondroprotectors according to the origin of active substances:

  • With the content of glucosamine - "Artron Flex", "Don".
  • Based on chondroitin sulfate - "Chondroxide", "Chondrolon", "Structum".
  • Made from plant ingredients (avocado and soy) - "Piaskledin".
  • Based on cartilage and bones of marine animals and calves - "Alflutop", "Rumalon".
  • Combined funds - "Geraflex", "Artron Complex".

Therapy with chondroprotectors continues for a long time. The first results become noticeable only 3 months after application. For maximum effect,

chondrosis treatment

such drugs will need to continue from 7 months to a year. Reviews of tablets from this group are mostly positive.

Supportive calcium preparations and vitamin complexes

In addition to effective and fast-acting remedies, which are injections for chondrosis, complex treatment also includes the use of vitamin and mineral complexes. Calcium-containing drugs are prescribed by doctors to enhance the effect of treatment with chondroprotectors. However, you should first take tests for calcium content.

Calcium complexes are sold in the form of tablets. They also contain vitamins C and D, magnesium, manganese, copper and zinc. In addition to taking pills, with chondrosis, it is recommended to balance the diet by including dishes with a high content of these components - wheat, soy, greens, milk and dairy products, nuts.

The mineral complexes offered by the pharmaceutical industry include inorganic calcium and active forms of vitamin D. This combination allows the delivery of trace elements to osteoblasts without causing calcification of the renal tubules and calcium deposits in atherosclerotic vascular plaques.

Combined drug that regulates the exchange of calcium and phosphorus in the body (in bones, teeth, nails, hair, muscles). Price in pharmacies from 198 rubles.

The most commonly prescribed such complexes:

  1. Vitrum Calcium.
  2. Calcium D3 Nycomed.
  3. Calcemin.

It is equally important to use neurotropic B vitamins in injections in the treatment of diseases of the spine. Concentrated drugs can relieve pain, normalize the functioning of nerve fibers, as they improve metabolism and accelerate the transmission of nerve impulses.

Medicines with vitamins B1, B6 and B12 are available in injection ampoules. To reduce the pain effect, lidocaine is added to them. The most common names are:

  1. Milgamma.
  2. Neuromultivit.
  3. Compligam B.
  4. Trigamma and others.


Among the methods actively used for the treatment of diseases of the spine, electrophoresis can be called. The peculiarity of this technique lies in the fact that it delivers the active components of the drug deep into the tissues using small direct current discharges, and not through injections. As a result of the procedure, the integrity of the skin is not violated.

During treatment, solutions are used that are mixed immediately before use. The attending physician prescribes such therapy, he also determines this or that drug based on the form of the disease, as well as the severity of its course.

A drug that is used to normalize joint mobility. Price in pharmacies from 193 rubles.

In the form of solutions for electrophoresis, the following drugs are produced:

  • Lidaza.
  • Karipain.
  • Apiphor.
  • Magnesia.
  • Novocaine.
  • Eufillin.
  • Mummy.
  • Humisol.


Ointments are used as aids to relieve the symptoms of the disease. They are applied to the affected area in a small layer on dry, clean skin. There are ointments of the following varieties:

  • anti-inflammatory and painkillers - Fastum Gel, Diclofenac, Ketonal and others;
  • warming - "Apizartron", "Finalgon";
  • with plant extracts - "Traumeel" and others.

A drug that contributes to the provision of local irritant and analgesic effects. Price in pharmacies from 184 rubles.

The appointment of injections, pills and other drugs for chondrosis should only be performed by a doctor, and self-medication can lead to a deterioration in the patient's condition, when it will be very difficult to help him.

The chronic course of osteochondrosis involves alternating periods of exacerbation with periods of remission.

The acute phase of the disease is characterized by such intense pain that patients are often unable to get out of bed. Any slight movements (tilts, turns) provoke an increase in pain. The primary task in this case is the immediate relief of the pain syndrome by any available means. and turn out to be too weak a means, besides, their action begins after a certain time period.

The best way to quickly alleviate the suffering of a patient with osteochondrosis is anesthetic injections, which allow you to instantly deliver the medicine as directed and achieve relief in the shortest possible time.

Arguments for injections

The method of treatment, and the department of injections, has a number of advantages over taking medications orally and local application of ointments, gels and other means:

Injections are a quick way to relieve pain

  • High speed of action. Active compounds enter the bloodstream and quickly reach the goal - the endings of the nerves. When using tablets, it takes a certain time for the drug to reach the stomach, dissolve in it, pass through the digestive tract and be absorbed into the blood. After that, it takes at least half an hour for it to start working.
  • The ability to accurately determine the dose. When choosing an injection as a method of alleviating osteochondrosis, the entire administered dose of the drug has a therapeutic effect. When taking tablets, a certain part of the active substance is destroyed under the influence of digestive enzymes.
  • Direct impact on the lesion to avoid adverse reactions from the body. Blockade (chopping) of the affected area with an analgesic injection is carried out by means of injections directly under the skin. For example, in osteochondrosis with localization in the cervical region, an injection is made at the exit site of the nerve roots, due to which the drug acts in a targeted manner without reaching other organs.
  • Uniform long-term administration of drugs through intravenous droppers in most cases allows you to achieve a better result than with the use of other forms of medication.

Types of injections

With a strong attack of osteochondrosis, the best way to relieve pain is intravenous administration of the drug through a dropper.

The complex of procedures also includes intramuscular and subcutaneous injections of medicines that have anti-inflammatory and restorative effects.

An excellent result can be obtained through blockades, the essence of which is the local administration of drugs.

Intramuscular injections

For the treatment of osteochondrosis, regardless of the localization of the affected area (in the lumbar or cervical part), injections of the following groups of drugs are used:

  • analgesics;
  • myotropic antispasmodics;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs);
  • glucocorticosteroids.

The most popular analgesic is Analgin


Another commonly used method of treating osteochondrosis is blockade, in which injections are made directly into the affected area. A direct indication for the appointment of blockades is the presence of pain. The procedure is easily tolerated and leads to an instant effect:

Blockades - injections directly into the affected area
  • prevents the spread of pain impulses from the lesion;
  • eliminates muscle spasm;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • promotes local improvement of blood circulation;
  • eliminates puffiness.

It is possible to carry out blockades with the use of one drug from the group of anesthetics (lidocaine, novocaine) or several: painkillers can be used with nonsteroidal drugs, hormonal drugs (Hydrocortisone, Dexamethasone) or antispasmodics.

To achieve the optimal result in osteochondrosis of the cervical type, immobilization of this section of the spine with a special orthopedic device is also used to exclude the possibility of neck movement - the Shants collar.

There are two types of blockades:

  • Paravertebral with the introduction of the drug at different depths - is carried out at special points located near the spine. In most cases, a funicular type of blockade is prescribed, in which the drug is injected directly into the exit site of the spinal root.
  • Epidural - an injection of the drug is made into the epidural space.

There are certain contraindications for which treatment with blockades is inappropriate:

  • pustular diseases;
  • the presence of an allergic reaction to local anesthetics;
  • significant deformation of the spine, making the blockade technically unfeasible.

Until recently, dystrophic processes in cartilage were associated with the age of the patient.

The cartilage was worn out, destroyed and replaced by bone tissue, which blocked the nerve endings and muscles, causing pain.

But it turns out that not only old age is the cause of chondrosis, there are many other negative factors.

The disease is serious and will require long-term complex treatment, in which injections play an important role.

Indications for use

Treatment with injections is required in the acute period of the disease when very severe pain in all parts of the spine. At this stage, injections must be included in complex therapy. The medicine is injected either into the muscles or into the vein.

Injections are given if present:

  • Strong pain attack.
  • The need for ongoing supportive care.
  • Pronounced degenerative process in the discs.
  • The impossibility of administering the drug in another way.

Injections have many advantages over other forms of medication.:

  • Rapid effect on the body. The effect is observed after 3 minutes.
  • The dose is always accurate. Using other means, it is difficult to calculate the dosage, since some of it is absorbed by the digestive tract or absorbed into the skin.
  • Components come exactly to the lesion.
  • Minimum adverse reactions.

But the main advantage is that the injection can instantly relieve pain.

Where to make an injection?

Immediately you need to warn about the dangers of self-execution of injections. With great care, intramuscular anesthetic injections can be given. Intravenous injections should only be performed by qualified healthcare professionals. Improper injection can cause anaphylactic shock, which can lead to death. Allegedly, successful self-treatment will further complicate the diagnosis.

Injection technique:

  • After opening the ampoule, draw the medicine into the syringe. Dial should be slow, this will reduce the number of bubbles.
  • Then be sure to release the air from the syringe.
  • The injection site is wiped with alcohol.
  • The injection is made in the upper quarter of the buttock. The needle is inserted deep enough to penetrate the muscle.
  • After the injection, it is advisable for the patient to lie still for several minutes.

It is necessary to mention the disadvantages of such therapy. Usually injections are given at the initial stage of treatment. to eliminate acute pain attacks.

This is explained by:

  1. For the treatment of the spine, multilevel therapy with a long recovery is required. Many patients do not have the skills to perform injections, and they cannot visit the clinic every day, as it is physically difficult.
  2. Sometimes the skin is very sensitive to injections and frequent injections can cause purulent abscesses.
  3. The effect of the administered drugs is quick, but short-lived. Very soon a new, more acute attack comes.

Despite some disadvantages, injections are an important part of the treatment. With high efficiency, they significantly slow down the development of the disease.

Drugs used for injection

Treatment of chondrosis is initially aimed at eliminating pain and inflammation in the back. Injections are not the main method of therapy, they perform auxiliary functions. It is impossible to restore the affected areas of the spine only with injections. Injections are needed at the beginning of therapy to relieve pain and stop the inflammatory process.


This is the widest group of drugs intended for symptomatic therapy. They do not eliminate the cause of the disease, but break the chain of inflammation. The drugs block the cyclooxygenase enzyme, which forms inflammatory prostaglandins. If you reduce the influence of this enzyme, then the pain syndrome and inflammation itself decrease.

The most effective injections:

Name Description
diclofenac One of the most popular remedies for chondrosis. It is used in the form of a solution administered intramuscularly. It works on the spine. Application is prohibited if hematopoiesis is impaired and allergic reactions are present.
Movalis The active ingredient of the drug is meloxicam. The mechanism of its action is the ability to inhibit the synthesis of inflammatory mediators. The injection has an antipyretic effect, relieves inflammation and effectively anesthetizes.
Ketonal The content of ketoprofen determines the ability of the drug to increase the pain threshold and prevent the release of enzymes that contribute to the destruction of cartilage tissues. Ketonal is also an excellent analgesic.
Amelotex The tool is considered innovative. Injections of the drug are widely used in the treatment of articular pathologies. The tool quickly stops inflammation and relieves pain.


And did you know that…

Next fact

This group of drugs nourish and restore bone and cartilage tissue. Synthetic substances that are present in these preparations are almost the same as natural ones. They perfectly relieve joint pain, and also regenerate bone tissue and cartilage.

The most commonly used drugs are::

Name Description
Artradol Quickly eliminates all the symptoms of chondrosis, strengthens the human motor apparatus and restores the structure of cartilage. It is produced in the form of a lyophilizate, from which a solution is made for injection into the muscles. It contains 100 mg of chondroitin sulfate. After administration, chondroitin is delivered to the joint cavity, where it has a therapeutic effect. This substance inhibits cartilage degeneration, reduces inflammation and blocks enzymes that negatively affect tissues.
Alflutop The drug is indispensable in the treatment of pathologies that are accompanied by cartilage degeneration. It accelerates the restoration of cartilage tissue, and also effectively fights inflammation and pain. Alflutop slows down the destruction of cartilage and activates tissue regeneration. The main component of the product is a bio-extract, which is isolated from marine fish. This substance compensates for the deficiency of nutrients in the cartilage tissue.
Gialgan Phidias The basis of the drug is sodium hyaluronate. Salts of hydrochloric and phosphoric acids are also added to it. Thus, the composition is close to the synovial fluid (in terms of acid-base index and viscosity). This contributes to good absorption of the drug, as well as the prevention of allergic reactions. The drug is injected into the joint and is designed to compensate for the amount of "lubrication", and also helps to reduce inflammation.
Sustagard Artro The drug is a stimulant of regeneration. In addition, the drug has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. The active ingredient of the product is glucosamine sulfate and sodium chloride.


In addition to the obligatory vitamin B, other vitamins are prescribed in the form of injections - A, E, C. Their combination accelerates the regeneration of affected tissues, improving blood microcirculation in them. But it should be noted that it is strictly forbidden to inject them in the acute form of the disease, only during the period of remission. The course of treatment lasts up to 3 months.

Name Description
Neurobion The preparation contains vitamins from group B: pyridoxine, thiamine, cyanocobalamin. The combined composition of the agent accelerates the recovery of damaged nerve fibers.
Milgamma The composition contains neurotropic vitamins belonging to group B. Injections with this drug relieve severe pain, activate hematopoiesis and stimulate the nervous system.
cocarnite This is a complex of active substances and vitamins that affect metabolism. It also affects the vegetative sphere and has an analgesic effect. This drug is administered daily, maximum 2 ampoules. The duration of the course of therapy depends on the severity of the disease.

Muscle relaxants

Funds affect certain parts of the brain that control muscle contractions. The effect is that the muscles relax and stop spasming. Naturally, the pain goes away, and the vertebral bones are better supplied with blood.

Name Description
Lioresal The blood delivers the drug to the spinal cord. There it suppresses reflex reactions and blocks the transmission of excitatory impulses along the nerves. This reduces muscle tone, reduces pain and restores spinal mobility. The drug normalizes the functioning of the pelvic organs.
Mydocalm-Richter A modern muscle relaxant that relieves pain of various localization and etiology. The drug very effectively relieves muscle hypertonicity. It stimulates peripheral blood circulation and activates metabolism in the painful area. The impact is carried out on the central nervous system, so self-administration is not recommended.

epidural blockade

This procedure indicated for aggressive and very severe pain. It is highly effective, as it affects the deep tissue layers.

The medicine is injected into the area of ​​greatest pain. Then, using a fluoroscope, the specialist monitors the spread of the drug through the vertebrae, and then it is excreted from the body. The procedure lasts about an hour, then the patient is observed by doctors for several more hours. This will avoid unwanted consequences.

For epidural blockade,:

Often a mixture of lidocaine and novocaine is used., it provides a long lasting pain relief effect.

As a rule, pain is eliminated with one injection, only in rare cases several injections are required, but they are done with a break of 5 days. Sometimes after the injection, patients experience unpleasant symptoms: inhibited reaction, dizziness, pressure surges. Therefore, after the injection, the patient should be observed by a doctor for some time.

There are also contraindications:

  • Liver disease.
  • Pathology of the heart.
  • Myasthenia.
  • Oncology.
  • Intolerance to the components of the drug.
  • Mental illness.

With a professional approach to blockade, the risk of complications is minimized. Usually there is a quick and positive result. But it should be honestly noted that injections have an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, but there is no purely therapeutic effect. In case of urgent need, the procedure can be repeated, but not more than 4 times a year.

Video: "Types of injections for osteochondrosis"


At chondrosis various types of medicines are used. Injections are preferred if you need to quickly relieve pain or you need to deliver the medicine to a certain place. In other cases, other therapies are considered.

It is unwise to use injections for prevention. The impact of injections is short-term, therefore, injections are completely unsuitable as preventive measures.

Chronic osteochondrosis is characterized by the fact that in its development, acute stages constantly alternate with stages of remission. The period of exacerbation is characterized by pronounced pain manifestations, often of such intensity that people cannot not only move, perform their usual actions, but also simply stand or sit. As a result, the main goal of treatment during the period of attacks is the need to quickly and effectively stop the pain, stop the suffering of a sick person. It is equally important to relieve spasms in the muscles of the back, to release the nerve endings clamped by damaged vertebrae. The use of drugs in the form of tablets or topical agents does not always achieve the desired result, because. they begin to act some time after taking. Therefore, anesthetic injections for osteochondrosis are often prescribed to patients. They allow the active substance of the drugs to get to the right place very quickly, begin to act, thereby stopping the pain. Also, with osteochondrosis, medications are prescribed in the form of injection solutions, which help to restore damaged cartilage and eliminate muscle spasms.

Injections for the treatment of osteochondrosis are used during an attack of pain during the first days in the acute period. The doctor may recommend giving injections if there are signs of osteochondrosis of the lumbar, cervical or thoracic spine. It should be clear to the patient that this treatment method aims to relieve the pronounced symptoms of the disease, but does not affect or eliminate the cause of its occurrence. Therefore, after several procedures, the doctor usually prescribes medication to the patient in the form of tablets and external agents to continue treatment.

Procedure types

In the process of treating osteochondrosis, the following types of manipulations are practiced:

  • Intramuscular injections.
  • Intravenous injections.

  • Subcutaneous injections.
  • medicinal blockade.

Intramuscular injections

Through intramuscular injections, drugs are injected into any of the large muscles of the body: the buttock, thigh, shoulder. This type of procedure is in demand for the introduction of a substance in a small amount. Muscles contain, in addition to the muscle fibers themselves, also elements of the circulatory and lymphatic systems of the human body. Therefore, the active substance, administered intramuscularly, enters the blood in a short time, starting to act. The duration of exposure is ensured by the gradual entry of the drug into the blood. For the best result of the manipulation, the patient should relax tense muscles.

How to give injections to yourself will be taught by a rehabilitation doctor Sergey Nikolaevich Agapkin:

Intravenous injections

Intravenous injections, which are given from osteochondrosis, are characterized by the fact that the drug is injected into the blood vessel itself - a vein, i.e. it immediately enters the bloodstream and is quickly delivered to the affected area. When carrying out this manipulation, special attention is required to the observance of hygienic measures for the treatment of the hands of the medical staff, as well as the place where the medicine is injected. Usually, injections for osteochondrosis are placed in a vein located in the cubital fossa, i.e. middle vein, formed at the junction of the ulnar saphenous and radial vessels.

Subcutaneous injections

Directly under the skin of a person is a fatty layer, which is penetrated by a large number of small blood vessels. The drug, getting into them, practically immediately enters the bloodstream, starting to act. Subcutaneous manipulations in the treatment of osteochondrosis can be delivered to the following areas.

  1. Upper shoulder area.
  2. Axillary part.

  1. Subscapular region.
  2. Lateral abdomen.
  3. Anterior surface of the femoral region of the leg.

The preparatory stage for a subcutaneous injection does not differ from the preparation when other injections are given for osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine, as well as the thoracic and cervical. However, the direct injection should be fundamentally different. In any place indicated above, a small amount of skin is seized in the form of a fold, the drug is injected. At the same time, the nurse is faced with the task of minimizing the possibility of damaging blood vessels and nerve roots. It is impossible to carry out manipulations in the place where there is swelling of the subcutaneous fatty tissue or a compacted tissue area, which is formed due to incompletely absorbed medication from the procedure performed earlier.

Medicinal blockades

With the help of medicinal blockades used to treat osteochondrosis, excessive muscle tension is removed, spasms of blood vessels are eliminated, swelling is reduced, inflammation is stopped, and pain is stopped. There are two types of blockades:

  • Paravertebral blockade means that with the help of several injections, active substances are injected into the area where the nerve roots of the spinal column exit. As a result of manipulations, the flow of nerve signals that come due to compression of the roots is prevented. In this way, a sick person is relieved of pain.
  • Epidural blockade is characterized by the fact that the injection is placed in the epidural space, which surrounds the spinal cord. Whether the procedure will be effective depends on which substance is administered.

Neurologist Konstantin Sergeevich Susorov shows how paravertebral blockade is done:

Blocking injections are given using combinations with NSAIDs, glucocorticosteroids (Dexamethasone, Hydrocortisone), antispasmodics, or one anesthetic drug (Novocaine, Lidocaine).

In the following cases, treatment with blockades cannot be carried out:

  • The presence of pustules on the human body.
  • The patient has a significant change in the anatomical structure of the spine, which makes the blockade impossible from a technical point of view.
  • The patient has an individual intolerance to anesthetic drugs.

Pathologies of the spine

What is used to treat osteochondrosis

With pain in the back and neck due to osteochondrosis, several groups of medicines help to cope.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

NSAIDs contain active substances that reduce fever, pain, and inflammation. With their help, the sensitivity of the nerve roots is reduced, due to which pain impulses are blocked. In addition, the pain is reduced as a result of the removal of inflammation: the swelling that has formed in the inflamed area decreases.

When injections are prescribed for osteochondrosis of the cervical, thoracic or lumbar, the following non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are often chosen:

  • "Diclofenac" - the drug is considered more effective in the process of suppressing inflammation than in the process of reducing pain and lowering the body's temperature response. It has a negative effect on the functioning of the digestive tract and liver, which is why it must be used in combination with drugs that reduce acidity in the stomach. The effect of the Diclofenac injection is observed for about 10-12 hours. The price of the medicine is about 40 rubles.
  • Ketorol is a drug that has a pronounced analgesic effect. In the process of suppressing inflammation and reducing fever, it is less effective. It has an undesirable effect on the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, can provoke bleeding. The result of the injection lasts approximately 5-6 hours. The cost is from 190 rubles.
  • "Movalis" is a medicine that is more effective in suppressing inflammatory reactions than in relieving pain and reducing fever. It does not adversely affect the rate of blood clotting, as well as the occurrence of disorders of the mucous membranes of the stomach and duodenum. The action of movalis persists for one day. The drug costs from 110 rubles.

Pharmacist Maria Luneva talks about Ketorol:

Almost all drugs of the NSAID group negatively affect the organs of the gastrointestinal tract and liver. Often they cause internal bleeding, provoke the progression of pathological changes in them. Parenteral intake of these drugs in the body to some extent reduces the likelihood of adverse reactions.


To alleviate the human condition, reduce the pain reaction, injections are prescribed, painkillers for osteochondrosis of the lumbar, thoracic, cervical spine.

  • "Analgin" - effectively relieves pain, is not used against inflammation. It is administered intramuscularly or intravenously after 8-12 hours.
  • "Voltaren" - helps to cope with fever and inflammation.

  • "Tramadol" is a medicine that belongs to the group of analgesics. By acting on brain receptors, it effectively suppresses pain. The effect of the drug occurs approximately 20-30 minutes after the manipulation and lasts for 5-6 hours. Long-term use of the drug is not recommended because of the rapid addiction to it.
  • Analgesics are combined with antispasmodics for best results. Manipulations relax the muscles of the back, reducing soreness. Medicines in this group cost from 120 rubles (Tizalud, Tizanidin) to 400 rubles (Mydocalm). Injections are repeated 2 times a day.

Chondroprotective agents

Chondroprotectors stop the destructive processes in cartilage, stimulate their regeneration. Also stop pain, inflammatory manifestations. In the form of injections for lumbar, thoracic, cervical osteochondrosis, the following are prescribed:

  • "Alflutop" - relieves pain well, and also helps to reduce inflammation. Stimulates metabolic processes in tissues, regulates their nutrition.
  • "Mukosat" - an agent that prevents the destruction of cartilaginous tissue, has a pronounced analgesic effect, reduces the inflammatory response. The action after the injection lasts up to 48 hours.
  • They also prescribe "Chondrogard", "Rumalon", "Don" and other similar medicines to restore damaged cartilage tissue.

Instructions for use of the drug "Dona":

When prescribing chondroprotectors, injections are given intramuscularly every day or 2-4 times a week. In any case, treatment with chondroprotectors is long-term, noticeable results, according to patients, occur approximately six months after the start of treatment.

Vitamin complexes

"Milgamma" is a complex drug that contains B vitamins and an anesthetic element (lidocaine). It costs about 200 rubles. It has a positive effect on the body with osteochondrosis: improves blood flow, blocks pain, relieves inflammation. The result develops quickly, but lasts a short time. Milgamma injections help to restore the pinched nerve endings of the spinal cord, eliminate discomfort in the affected area. The drug is administered intramuscularly (using 1 ampoule per day) for 7 to 10 days.

Similarly, as a combined agent, injections of combilipen are given.

In the form of injections for osteochondrosis, the doctor often recommends piercing vitamins. They promote regeneration, stop the inflammatory reaction, increase the blood supply to tissues. Vitamin complexes are practiced in the remission stage.

  • Vitamins A and E are available as oil-based solutions. They put these vitamins exclusively intramuscularly. The usual course of treatment lasts several weeks.
  • Vitamin D (ergocalciferol) is needed to restore the balance of calcium and phosphorus. They put it intravenously and subcutaneously.

  • Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is produced as a solution in water. They put ascorbic acid both intramuscularly and intravenously. The required number of procedures for treatment will be determined by the doctor.
  • Nicotinic acid (vitamin PP) has a beneficial effect on blood vessels. Injections for cervical osteochondrosis restore tissue nutrition, improving blood flow. Nicotinic acid is administered intramuscularly for two weeks.


Each group of drugs has contraindications for use. In any case, injections for osteochondrosis are not given if a person has an individual intolerance to the drug, hemophilia, purulent inflammation in the injection area. It is often forbidden to inject during pregnancy and while breastfeeding.

Injections in the treatment of osteochondrosis of any part of the spine effectively relieve pain, help relieve inflammation, spasms. However, it is impossible to put them without the permission of a doctor, so as not to aggravate the situation.