Credit card or debit card. Credit or debit. Credit card - main features

The distribution of plastic cards among Russian citizens is breaking new records. Over the past decade, their number has increased by 2.7 times and amounts to more than 271 million units. This is almost twice the population of the country. This means that every Russian on average uses 1-2 cards.

But the financial literacy of citizens is still at a low level. And even active users of banking services sometimes cannot answer the simplest questions. The difference between debit and credit cards is significant. However, not everyone knows about it. And the name "credit card" is firmly entrenched in any banking plastic.

Differences between a credit card and a debit card

The main difference between a debit (settlement, payment) and a credit card is that you cannot get a loan on the first card, but you can get a loan on the second. Other features of these banking instruments are related to this:

  1. There are no restrictions on the amount of funds in the account for settlement plastic, a credit limit is set for a credit card.
  2. You can deposit money to a debit card at the discretion of the client, a credit card provides for monthly payments to repay the loan.
  3. The personal funds of the client are kept on the account of the DC, the money of the bank is kept on the credit card.
  4. The benefits of a payment card are characterized by such concepts as the amount of accrued interest on the balance of funds, the minimum balance. The advantages of CC are determined by the duration of the interest-free period, the credit rate, commissions for non-trading operations.
  5. A bank debit card differs from a credit card in its purpose. DC is an electronic wallet for storing money and conducting current transactions. The credit carrier is designed for non-cash payment for purchases.
  6. The holder of a debit plastic can manage his money with virtually no restrictions, for a CC user there are prohibitions on certain operations, for example, transferring money to other client cards.
  7. Maintenance of a recreation center is cheaper - the annual commission is 2-3 times lower, cash withdrawals without interest. Obtaining credit funds provides for high commissions, the operation does not fall under the terms of the grace period.

In general, credit cards are more beneficial for the bank due to high fees.

Why do you need to know the type of map?

Often people who have several bank cards in their wallet forget which one is debit and which is credit. And sometimes they don't know from the start. In such a situation, they may face unpleasant surprises - the appearance of debt, the write-off of large commissions.

The credit rate on CC is high, and in case of late repayment, significant penalties are provided. Therefore, debt can grow by leaps and bounds. And the client is included in the black list of non-payers in the credit bureau and will not be able to get loans on good terms in other banks.

It is especially offensive when the cards are confused and cash is deposited on a credit card, instead of a DC. The client loses the opportunity to freely dispose of personal funds, as credit cards have many restrictions. When withdrawing money, the amount will decrease significantly. At the same time, citizens who have good knowledge of issued cards can not only optimize their expenses, but also receive additional dividends.

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Interesting information! Instead of spending earnings on current needs, it can be placed on a deposit or debit card with interest. For current expenses, use CC with an interest-free period. The duration of the grace period allows you to close the debt from the next salary without paying interest. Then use your credit card again.

Thus, without changing the amount of basic income, you can receive additional interest from the deposit. There are other ways to save money. For example, issue several credit cards in order not to exceed the grace period.

But for such experiments, it is important not only to be able to distinguish a credit card from a debit card, but also to know the nuances of servicing cards:

  • rules for calculating the duration of the grace period;
  • the ability to transfer funds from one CC to another;
  • terms of transfers, etc.

If you are not inclined to scrupulous miscalculation of your actions, it is better not to risk it. After all, the slightest mistake is fraught with serious expenses.

How to tell a credit card from a debit card

Externally, it is almost impossible to distinguish a bank credit card from a debit one. Both tools on the front side contain:

  • payment system logo;
  • 16 or 18 digit card number;
  • validity;
  • name and surname of the cardholder, written in Latin.

In rare cases, inscriptions are placed on the plastic - Debet or Kredit, allowing you to identify the product. But most banks do not do this in order to hide information from third parties.

Here are some surefire ways to tell a credit card from a debit card:

  1. Finally, read the contract with the bank. Trust me, it's never too late to do so. You can find out a lot of useful information, including the type of card received.
  2. Call the hotline. After identifying the client, the support staff will answer your questions.
  3. View information about the card in your account. The presence of debt, credit limit, the amount of the monthly payment will clearly indicate the loan instrument.
  4. KK, as a rule, nominal. The absence of a first and last name on the payment medium indicates that the card is a settlement card.

Which is better: debit card or credit

Knowing the differences between a credit card and a debit card allows you to more consciously approach the choice of a payment instrument. After all, there is no single answer to the question of which plastic is better. Therefore, all major banks form a line of plastic cards, including both types of products.

Debit cards are a convenient way to store money and pay for goods and services if additional funds are not needed. They allow you to control your expenses and avoid the risks of getting into large debts. Credit cards are a good option for those who do not want to wait for the receipt of money, but want to immediately realize their dream.

Where to apply? Overview of popular maps

Settlement cards and credit cards are offered by any bank that works with the population. Choosing the best offer is not very easy. In our review, we selected products that are easy to design and convenient to use. The activity of the bank in promoting services was also taken into account.


The main supplier of plastic cards in the retail market is Sberbank. The financial institution offers products for various purposes to satisfy any customer needs. Plastic offers are received by clients of a credit institution both as personal offers and as a load for other services - consumer loans, deposits, etc.

Among the debit and credit instruments you can find offers:

  • with a grace period of crediting up to 50 days - Classic, Gold card;
  • with increased bonuses for certain categories of expenses up to 10-20% - Visa for travelers, With big bonuses, Gold, Premium cards;
  • with accumulation of miles - Classic, Gold, Aeroflot Premium cards;
  • with a large credit limit up to 3 million rubles. - premium cards;
  • with contactless payment - all types of plastic.


VTB Bank offers individuals Multicards that combine the features of debit and credit cards on the following terms:

  • cashback - up to 10%;
  • grace period of crediting up to 50 days;
  • accrual of interest on the balance of own funds up to 5%;
  • free service;
  • free transfers and cash withdrawals.

Salary customers can order plastic through their personal account.


The first officeless bank in Russia delivers cards directly to your home. A low interest rate on credit cards (from 15% per annum) is combined with a grace period for borrowing (55 days). Up to 30% of the purchase is returned in points. You can repay any loans without commission, which makes the offer especially tempting for those who use various schemes to save money on plastic.

MTS Bank

Along with the usual bank methods, the distribution of MTS.Money cards is carried out in mobile telesystems communication stores. Using the MTS.Money mobile application, you can pay for purchases and services using different cards and electronic wallets. Free service, accrual of interest on the balance, a combination of the advantages of debit and credit instruments - just a small list of the advantages of MTS cards.

Hello my dear readers! I want to ask you right away if you know what a credit and debit card is for, what is the difference between them? If you do not have an answer to such a simple question, then I just immediately begin to fill in the gaps in your knowledge and begin an intensive financial literacy course.

Debit card

If you are looking for the most convenient payment tool for performing everyday financial transactions: paying utility bills, buying groceries, going to cafes and cinemas, replenishing mobile accounts and the Internet, then you just need to get a debit card.

Having such a useful little thing, you can no longer worry that your money will float into the hands of pickpockets, stop doubting how much money to take with you to the store and forget about extra expenses, because the card will always have exactly as much money as you put there . By the way, some banks encourage the purchase of debit cards by charging interest with the money in your account. It is for this reason that the presence of such a card may well be considered a deposit.

I'm just sure that many of you use debit cards to receive salaries. If your employer still pays for your work in cash through the accounting department, and you want to get a debit card, I advise you to contact the nearest bank branch. Don't forget to take with you the passport, you will need it when you apply for its release. I strongly advise you thoroughly study the terms of service of the selected option, since some banks charge a fee not only for the issue, but also for transactions that are carried out on the card. I also strongly recommend that you read my .

Credit card

For those who want to feel the freedom of action, not to think about whether they have enough money to make a purchase here and now, it makes sense to consider purchasing a credit card. From my experience I can say that Having this card is very helpful., when payday is still a week away, and the thing that you have long wanted to buy is now put up for sale at a very favorable price. So why pay more if you can use a credit card, to which you can return the borrowed funds in a week, and enjoy the long-awaited purchase today.

To become a credit card holder, you will need to present proof of income to the bank to convince them that you are solvent. The amount of credit provided to you will directly depend on the size of your income. By the way, some banks have the opportunity. However, in this case, be prepared for the "pitfalls". Most likely, you will have to fork out more than once for such a “laugh”, paying crazy rates on a credit card.

All in all, I can't say that credit card processing is an overly complicated procedure. Today, you can freely dispose of the provided money, spend it as you see fit and not report to the bank. Of course, all this can be done only within the debt limit assigned to your credit card, and return the funds used on time so as not to overpay for the repayment of fines, penalties and interest on late payments. Read about the correct use of such a card.

Issue a card with grace in 55 days

Design features

I think you have managed to feel the functional difference between the two types of cards, and therefore there is no need to say once again what a debit bank card is and what is a credit card. Therefore, I have the courage to go straight to the discussion of more pressing issues.

I just want to say that release procedure debit and credit cards can have significant differences. So, for example, salary cards are issued after the employee or employer writes the appropriate statement to the bank to transfer wages. I want to draw your attention to the fact that the costs of issuing a card are covered by the person who submitted the application. Therefore, if you do not want to spend money, it makes sense to give the privilege of ordering a card to a company.

If you do not know how to distinguish a credit card from a debit card yourself, and do not understand which salary card you have issued at work, then you should know that only you can apply for a credit card issue. From here we get that if a salary card was issued at an enterprise, then it can only be debit.


Every adult citizen of the country can apply for a debit card. Refusals to issue such a banking product are very rare, and occur only in cases where the user is convicted of any financial fraud.

As I said earlier, you can get such a card by leaving a written application at the bank and attaching to it photocopy of your passport. You can choose a more convenient and practical way - to leave online application on the bank's website, specifying the required details and choosing the most suitable time to pick up the card. By the way, some banks provide a delivery service, so you can easily pick up your documents from the hands of a courier at the right place, at the right time.

Favorable card with home delivery from Tinkoff Bank

credit card

If you want a credit card, be prepared to fiddle with paperwork a bit. You will need to convince the bank that you are a solvent person, have a stable income and work experience. Depending on which bank you will issue a credit card, the list of documents required to open it also depends. I can only say that with a probability of 100% you will be required to have a passport, a 2-personal income tax certificate from your place of work.

Since you already know how to use a credit card, I will only add that its maintenance will be several times more expensive than that of a similar debit card.

How are debit and credit cards different?

Since both cards have absolutely identical appearance, it is not surprising that many of us do not even imagine whether they are calculated with a credit card or a deposit card. And for those and others, the binding, most often, goes to such payment systems as Visa or MasterCard. To clarify this issue, I think it would not be superfluous to clarify that only your personal funds are stored on debit cards. In this case, you will not be able to get into the negative balance. If we are talking about a credit card, then in addition to your own money, you also have access to borrowed funds provided by the bank in a strictly limited amount.

Simply put, a credit card is practically the same loan that we can either borrow (withdraw money from the card), or give it back (return funds to the balance), depending on our needs. That is, after we return all the money borrowed from her to the card, we will again be able to get into debt. The main advantage of this type of loan is that we no need to report for their actions towards the bank.

You must understand that the bank does not give you money at your disposal for free, but sets a predetermined percent. Therefore, you need to make sure that you return the borrowed funds during the grace period, when interest is not charged on the use of borrowed money.

By the way, some banks practice the opposite policy - interest is charged on the amount stored on the debit card. Simply put, by replenishing your debit account, you make a kind of deposit to the bank, for which the latter tells you highly liquid "thank you".

Advantages and disadvantages

Debit and credit cards have their pros and cons. Their popularity is so great that many users do not even know what type of cards they are dealing with. Therefore, I simply cannot help but tell you about the strengths and weaknesses of each of them, so that you do right choice and got the most suitable card for you.

Advantages of credit cards

So, I'll start my review with credit cards. Their advantages include:

  1. Speed ​​and simplicity of registration;
  2. Presence of a grace period In most cases;
  3. The ability not to get into trouble when the financial situation leaves much to be desired and there are not enough personal funds;
  4. You can borrow money from a bank anywhere in the world;
  5. You can replenish cash reserves if you know how to cash out a credit card;
  6. Loans have virtually no time limits;
  7. If necessary, you can do transfer from credit card to debit.

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Disadvantages of credit cards

  1. Payment of interest for the use of borrowed funds;
  2. Late fees and penalties payments;
  3. Some complexity of registration associated with the collection of a certain package of documents.

Benefits of debit cards

Now, I think, we can discuss the merits of debit cards. Some of them deserve your attention:

  1. Unlimited amount of transfers from one card to another;
  2. Possibility to cash out savings through a debit card;
  3. Interest accrual on account balance;
  4. No commission for withdrawing funds from an ATM;
  5. You don't have to pay monthly fees and commissions.

Order a card with % accrual on the balance

Disadvantages of debit cards

As for the shortcomings, here I see only one - the inability to "secure" in case the purchase exceeds the personal funds limit existing on the balance. Although this minus is completely neutralized if you have access to overdraft. What it is? I suggest you find out right now.

What is an overdraft?

Overdraft on a debit card is possibility of going negative when withdrawing an amount that exceeds the one on the balance sheet. Of course, the overdraft has a certain period during which you will need to return the borrowed funds to the bank. As a rule, this is allocated 1-2 months, so this service is most often used on cards for salary payments. This allows you to repay the overdraft automatically at the time of crediting the advance, bonus or salary.

Simultaneous use of credit and debit plastic cards

If you've ever thought, Can you transfer money from a credit card?, then it is more than real. However, for transfers from credit cards to debit cards, commissions are provided in the form of a certain percentage. Personally, I advise you to conduct cash withdrawal operations in the form of transfers of amounts for " purchases". In this case, it activates Grace period during which you will need to pay off the debt. For example, you have a friend who is acting as a legal entity, and his accounts have the possibility of electronic payments. Thus, you acquire something necessary for him, and he returns you the money spent.

An intermediate link between credit cards and debit cards are those in which you can resort to overspending (overdraft). Since I have already introduced you to this function, I will not pull the cat by the tail. The most important thing you should know is that if you fail to repay the debt during the grace period, the bank will be forced to fine you with higher interest on borrowed funds.


The variety of plastic in our wallets is explained by scrupulousness in relation to our income and costs. That is why it is so important to have cards for savings, savings, loans, trips abroad, shopping in stores and so on. Understand what you are looking for, think about your spending and choose the best and most profitable option that the bank can offer you.

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Nothing stands still, it was noticed by the ancients. Since then, life has noticeably accelerated: before you have time to get used to some innovation, it is already outdated. And again it is necessary to catch up with events.

In the money sphere, which affects literally everyone, everything is also changing rapidly. Today, the usual banknotes are no longer enough, especially if money is transferred to your card. So you have to master banking products, starting from the very basics.

What is the point of bank cards

The manner of using plastic cards instead of money came to us from the West as a way to get rid of the cumbersome circulation of banknotes.

But a complete rejection of banknotes did not happen. Modern technologies ensure the mutual exchange of cash and non-cash money, and cash lovers take advantage of this.

On the other hand, paying for purchases with a card is much more convenient than counting pieces of paper.

Therefore, everyone is free to choose which form of monetary payments suits him. But things are clearly moving towards the fact that banknotes will be completely replaced by bank cards. Their importance is growing and acquiring new facets.

For example, this: as soon as a person receives plastic in his hands, he is automatically transferred to the status of a civilized consumer. This role is especially appreciated abroad, where you may not be served for cash - "Your card, please!"

The owner of the card is the bank that issued it and handed it over to the holder. The bank opens an account in his name and deposits available funds.

These funds may belong to the holder, and then the account is considered debit, and gets access to it.

If the bank provides the client with its own funds for use, then it opens a credit account and draws up.

Thus, the main difference between debit and credit cards is whose funds are at the disposal of the holder - their own or borrowed by the bank.

There is also an intermediate option - overdraft debit card. The money on it is yours, but the bank allows you to slightly exceed the balance when paying, and adds the missing amount from its own funds. This service is called an overdraft, and it is paid.

How do you know which card you have?

A modern person usually has a dozen plastics in his purse. Here you have taken one and are trying to understand whether it is debit or credit. There is a lot of information, including the logo of the bank. It happens that there is also an inscription: DEBET or CREDIT.

If there is no such inscription, you can go to the official website of the bank, there are images of all the cards that it issues. Surely yours is too. Everything you have is listed in your personal account - go and see.

You can use the hotline number or look at the contract that you were given when you made the plastic. At worst, go to the office and ask the bank manager.

Both types of cards can be opened not only in rubles, but also in foreign currency, it is possible to quickly monitor the status of the account.

As for the main functions, they are the same: payment for services and purchases, replenishment, cash withdrawal, transfer of funds, and so on. But there is still a difference, and the essence of the differences needs to be sorted out. Then you can competently, with convenience and benefit, use both types of cards.


Its main purpose is saving and accumulation. The advantages are:

  • every citizen of the Russian Federation can get it with a passport, very quickly; sometimes you can order online;
  • replenish it easily; salaries, pensions and other similar payments are transferred to debit cards;
  • the card can be used to pay for purchases and services, including abroad;
  • The bank pays a certain percentage for the fact that you trust him with your money.

Debit card costs are low, only maintenance. The amount may be different, depending on the status - a gold card, platinum, etc. The steeper the status, the higher the amount.

The bank does not ask you for a transaction fee (the money is yours!), but introduces limits on cash withdrawals. If they are exceeded, then charges a commission.


It was created for non-cash payments, and the bank does not welcome the transfer of its funds to cash. For this, he takes a commission and deprives the holder of benefits.

For a credit card, almost all operations are paid (except for non-cash payments), as well as the very fact of providing money - the bank takes a percentage for using them. In addition, there are various restrictions and conditions, the violation of which entails penalties.

But a credit card has a very significant advantage - it allows you to get what you want immediately, "right now."

In addition, a credit card, plastic and especially virtual, is the most convenient for online purchases. In such transactions, fraud and theft of financial data often occur, and it is not worth risking a debit card. For dubious transactions, they issue a credit card with a minimum amount of money, and this minimizes the risk.

“So which card is better, debit or credit?” - you ask. The answer is: both are "better", each for a specific purpose.

Debit is suitable for saving and increasing money. It is also used to receive salaries, pensions, scholarships and other income.

And a credit card is good for using borrowed funds, in particular, for paying for goods and services by bank transfer.

If you use a credit card wisely, then a wide range of opportunities open up.

With a credit card in hand, you need to act wisely. And take advantage of the fact that new offers are constantly appearing on the market that are very attractive to customers.

These useful points include Grace period, which allows disciplined citizens to avoid paying for a loan, and thereby receive permanent interest-free loans.

One more moment. Since everyone needs customers, banks negotiate with companies to provide various services and create joint projects - co-branded.

What is their essence from the point of view of the credit card holder? Paying with it for the service of a partner company, you receive bonuses, discounts and cashbacks (this is a refund of part of the money paid), that is, various benefits.

There is a specialization of benefits for different groups of consumers: for car owners, for travelers, for shopaholics, for fans of entertainment venues, etc. This makes it possible to choose a credit card according to interests.

For example, when you fill up your car, you constantly pay with a credit card with a 10% cashback. The result is significant savings.

What matters when choosing a card

Different criteria apply to different clients. For some, reliability is important, for others, cool bells and whistles are interesting, for others, ease of use.

Consider what can be a really weighty argument when you start choosing a card.

Maps of the national system MIR is reliability

They are both debit and credit. Their feature is independence from foreign payment systems and other external factors.

"Halva" - profitable installment plan

Sovcombank issued this credit card specifically for the purchase of goods in installments. The payment of interest to the bank is entrusted to the seller, and the buyer does not overpay. At all. And no upfront fees.

Yandex.Money - wallet plus card

The payment service started issuing cards: plastic (called "Ya.Card") and virtual. They have all the standard features, there is no commission when paying for purchases.

There are both debit and credit cards, and since 2018, cashback has been introduced for them: 1% in online stores and 5% in regular ones.

Sberbank - diversity and convenience

Cards are the strong point of Sberbank, its line is exceptionally rich. For the holder, it is important that you do not have to look for “your” ATM for a long time, there are many of them and almost everywhere.

Also read:

  • Sberbank debit cards with free service. We understand.
  • Sberbank credit cards. .
  • , we have collected all the latest information about Momentum debit and credit cards from Sberbank.

Particular attention is paid to pensioners. For them, the bank issues debit pension MIR and simultaneously offers credit cards on preferential terms.

MTS Bank - benefits for paying for mobile communications

MTS debit cards can give up to 100% discount on subscription fees. MTS customers do not pay for the service, receive SMS-informing, discounts from the payment system, enjoy privileges from the bank's partners.

There are also innovations. In 2018, Mastercard, MTS and MTS Bank jointly issued a virtual credit card, the first in the Russian Federation. It is implemented in a smartphone, through which you can make purchases both via the Internet and in regular stores.

Click to enlarge infographic.


  1. Bank plastics are indispensable today. They have to master even those who prefer cash.
  2. The whole variety of cards is divided into two fundamentally different classes: debit and credit. There are also universal ones that combine the features of both classes.
  3. It is useful to start with a debit card, and over time, the bank will offer you a credit card.
  4. First, take care of the elimination of financial illiteracy, and then contact the credit card. The bank earns mainly on loans, this must be understood when issuing a credit card.
  5. The ability to manage funds and knowledge of lending mechanisms will save you from falling into a credit trap.

Currently, banks provide their customers with the opportunity to use various products. Among them are bank cards, which are quite popular among the population. In this article, we will talk about the difference between a debit card and a credit card, since both tools are almost equally in demand.

Indeed, they are very convenient and open wide possibilities for their holders. Very often, the holders of "plastic" call all cards credit cards.

Credit card Tinkoff Platinum

But this cannot be applied to any bank product, because there are many types of bank card products and they have significant differences. We will focus on the difference between debit card products and credit cards.

Features of credit cards

It should be said right away that a credit card and a debit card are completely different payment instruments. A credit card is a product for which any person can receive borrowed funds for their use at a certain percentage set by the bank. This means of payment is therefore called a credit card, because it stores and uses the borrower funds issued on credit. This card outwardly looks the same as a debit card, but has only its inherent features. For the use of credit "plastic", the bank charges the client the amount for the service. Therefore, if you have both a credit and a debit card, the difference between them will be in its cost. This amount differs from the amount of servicing a debit card in a big way.

If you need to transfer money from one card to another, then credit cards have restrictions. In some banks, this is impossible to do, while others impose limits on the amount of transfer and charge a fairly large percentage for this. The funds on this card can be withdrawn in cash at an ATM, again at a high percentage. It must be said if you have a credit or debit card that this will significantly affect your budget. Although, for cashing out money from debit "plastic", the commission is much less, and sometimes it does not exist at all.

It is advisable to use a credit card for purchases by bank transfer or payment for goods and services on the Internet.

At a certain time each month, the borrower is required to pay the minimum payment to the bank.

Tinkoff Black Debit Card

It consists of the main debt, which is calculated as a percentage of the amount of money spent per month, interest on the loan, insurance premiums. This payment is obligatory, but the borrower can deposit large amounts on his "plastic". A payment instrument such as a credit card or debit card allows its owner to use funds for any purpose. But the monthly payment must be made only by credit card, debit does not oblige to this. After repaying the entire debt, the card with a credit limit can be closed if you do not expect to use it further, or again spend the bank's money from it, since the limit is often renewable.

Advantages of credit "plastic"

Despite the fact that using a credit card imposes additional obligations and costs, it has many advantages. I must say that credit and debit cards have slightly similar positive aspects, but first consider the advantages of a credit card:

  • It is an indispensable assistant in difficult situations;
  • You can quickly apply, also online;
  • A grace period is provided when you can use money without interest;
  • Can be used anywhere, including in other countries;
  • You can use borrowed funds for an unlimited time;
  • "Plastic" allows its owners to become a participant in promotions and bonus programs conducted by the bank and its partners.

Features of debit cards

If you can’t decide whether you need a credit or debit card, you should definitely consider the features of the second type. Debit cards have become widespread in recent years. Especially often they are used by enterprises and organizations to pay salaries to employees, transfer pensions to citizens, to receive scholarships for students and for various social benefits. This card is a means of payment that contains your own money. There you get a salary and you can also put any amount yourself. Replenishing this bank product is quite easy. This can be done through ATMs, transfer money from other card products or accounts, from savings books and other sources.

Tinkoff Drive credit card

Spending money with this card is also easy. It can be used as a means of payment at any point of sale, in online stores, to pay utility bills, fines and mobile services.

If you have both a credit card and a debit card, the differences between them in this area are almost imperceptible.

All operations with a debit "plastic" are performed in the same way as in the case of a credit card, only with a debit card you spend your own money, and with a credit card - the bank's money. A debit card does not require large amounts to pay for its annual maintenance. In some banks it is free. For the issuance of some of these card products, the bank does not charge money. For example, these include certain payment instruments of Sberbank.

Benefits of debit cards

The banking product under consideration is in many ways similar to “plastic” with a credit limit in terms of the possibility of paying for goods and services, including on the Internet. But speaking about how a credit card differs from a debit card, it is obvious that the essential difference is that the bank's money is stored there. Using your own funds is the main advantage of a debit card. There are other advantages as well:

  • A small amount for maintenance and issue, in some cases, registration is free of charge;
  • It is possible to withdraw cash without interest at ATMs of the bank;
  • Allows you to freely transfer money to other accounts and cards;
  • The owner does not pay the bank any monthly payments and interest;
  • The product can be used everywhere, including in other countries.

Interest on cash withdrawals and commissions for transactions

And the last thing that distinguishes a debit card from a credit card is the amount of various bank commissions. Using both types of "plastic", it must be remembered that banks take money for cash withdrawals and for various operations. These are different percentages in different banks and different amounts, which depend on the type of your banking product. If you withdraw money from a debit card at your own ATM, then you will not have to pay anything. You will need to pay at ATMs of other banks. When using a credit card, you need to pay interest on cash withdrawals, even at your bank's ATM. It is completely unprofitable to withdraw cash from this means of payment.

Tinkoff Black Edition Debit Card

Continuing to talk about how a debit card differs from a credit card, it must be said about commissions for transactions.

Not all banks charge a fee for transferring money from a card to another, as well as for transferring salaries, paying for services and goods. And it does not depend on what bank product you have.

It's just that some financial institutions, in pursuit of customers, make these operations completely or partially free. But this applies more to debit products, since commissions are taken for almost everything using a credit card.

There is such a thing in the banking sector as an overdraft. It applies to both debit and credit instruments. An overdraft is an overspending of money on a payment instrument. If you pay for the purchase and you do not have enough money, the bank will provide it to you. This applies to both types of means of payment. But they must be returned strictly within the specified period and the interest on these funds is very high. Basically, overdraft is allowed on debit payroll banking products.

Given all of the above, it can be noted that the compared payment instruments have much in common. The main difference is in the nature of the funds in their account. In one case it is own funds (debit product), in the other case it is borrowed funds (loan product). If a person is faced with a choice of which card is better to issue, then there is no definite answer. It depends on the specific circumstances and on the capabilities of the client. At best, you can have both types of "plastic". On one will be your earned money, and the other will be a financial safety net in any situation.

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The most popular banking products are cards: debit and credit. In this article, we will look at their differences and similarities, which type is better and in what cases. At the end, we give a description of the best bank cards on the market.

1. Differences and common points

1.1. Main differences between debit and credit cards

1 Your money is on the debit card and you spend it. On credit you spend the bank's money. That is, the ideology of the cards is different: one serves to store funds, the other for the possibility of a quick loan.

2 A debit card is used as a convenient way to store your money. There is no money on your credit.

3 You can withdraw cash from a debit card without commission (at least at ATMs of the bank that issued the card). With a credit card, they will take a commission for withdrawal, so it’s better for her to pay for purchases.

1.2. What do the two cards have in common?

  • Identical operations (credit, cash withdrawal, payment for purchases)
  • Can be opened in foreign currency
  • Possibility of issuing additional cards
  • Internet bank
  • Good bonuses that many banks provide
  • Presence of a chip, contactless payment technology (PayPass)
  • Availability of card number, surname and name of the holder, expiration date, CVV/CVC code
  • The card is issued by the bank and is tied to only one holder

2. What is the benefit of a debit card

  • It's completely your money, which means you can spend it as you have to and don't owe anything to anyone
  • There is an overdraft service (the ability to take a loan). In fact, this service turns a debit card into a credit card. However, the difference is that credit conditions will still be better.
  • There are debit cards that accrue cashback and interest on the balance (Tinkoff and Use). Thus, you can also earn on this
  • Ease of cash withdrawal

There are no downsides to a debit card. This is simply the most convenient way to save money and pay for purchases, which is suitable for all occasions. More details can be found in the article:

3. What is the benefit of a credit card

  • There is a grace period for debt repayment (grace period). This means you can borrow money and pay no interest.
  • For payment by credit card, various bonuses are awarded (cashback, points).
  • You can quickly borrow without going to the bank and without filling out any documents.
  • Overdue fees will be charged for the grace period. You will also have to pay interest for the entire grace period.
  • For shopaholics, a credit card is a motivator to spend more.
  • Many banks offer credit cards with an annual fee.

You can read more about this type of cards in the article:

4. Best bank cards

1 Tinkoff. Interest on card balance 6%. Cashback on all purchases 1% (for amounts that are multiples of 100 rubles). There are special offers. Withdrawing money from all ATMs in the world without interest, provided that the withdrawal amount is from 3000 rubles. Free interbank transfers. The card will be delivered to you absolutely free of charge.

2 Benefit (Homecredit Bank). The interest on the card balance is 7%. Cashback on all purchases 1%. There is always an increased cashback at gas stations, pharmacies, cafes - 3%. The first five withdrawals per month in all ATMs of the world any amount without commission.

These are two of the best debit cards on the market. I recommend them for use.

1 Tinkoff. The grace period is 55 days. There is a cashback. The maximum loan amount is 300 thousand rubles. The service is free.

2 Halva (SovcomBank). The grace period is 365 days. The maximum amount is 350 thousand rubles. The service is free. The balance above 0 is subject to interest at the rate of 6.5% per annum.

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