Guessing how the test at work will pass. Divination by Tarot for work - layouts for all occasions. Employment and financial situation


This tarot spread is most often used to analyze professional and financial issues at the same time and find out how the situation in this area of ​​\u200b\u200blife will look like in the near future.
In this case, you must also first select the significator, and after carrying out preliminary actions, ask the questioner to choose eight cards that must be laid out according to the scheme.

  • S - significator;
  • 1 - something that affects the situation from the past;
  • 2 - how the situation looks at the moment;
  • 3 - whether the current work brings satisfaction;
  • 4 - income and benefits that can be achieved;
  • 5 - is it possible to change;
  • 6 - what will change bring;
  • 7 - how it will affect income;
  • 8 - how the change will affect life in general;
Prognosis of professional life
Source: A.Khshanovskaya. "The World of Tarot. Handouts.»
This tarot spread is used to analyze the current professional situation, look at emerging and impending problems, as well as the development of the situation in the future.
It can also be laid out in the case when the questioner wants to know if the chosen profession suits him and whether it will allow him to realize his creative potential.
The laying out of the cards precedes, as usual, the choice of the significator and the conduct of preliminary procedures.
For the "Forecast of professional life" eight cards are taken and laid out in accordance with the scheme.

The layout is interpreted using the following key:
  • S - significator;
  • 1 - profession;
  • 2 - another possibility;
  • 3 - what I think consciously;
  • 4 - how things really are;
  • 5 - what I feel subconsciously;
  • 6 - the future awaiting in this profession;
  • 7 - is satisfaction possible;
  • 8 - will dreams come true;
Job change decision
Source: A.Khshanovskaya. "The World of Tarot. Handouts.»
This tarot spread is most often used when the questioner wants or needs to make a decision regarding a job change.
It allows you to consider in detail the pros and cons of the current job, and also shows the opportunities and problems that may arise in the new one.
With it, you can get specific advice and guidance on how to proceed in order to avoid mistakes and failures.
First, as always, we choose a significator and carry out preliminary actions, and then we take nine cards and lay them out according to the scheme.

The layout is interpreted using the following key:
  • S - significator;
  • 1 - current professional situation;
  • 2 - what brings satisfaction;
  • 3 - what you don't like;
  • 4 - latent desires;
  • 5.6 - what speaks in favor of changing jobs;
  • 7.8 - what speaks for staying;
  • 9 - what needs to be done;
Apparatus employed
Source: A.Khshanovskaya. "The World of Tarot. Handouts.»
This tarot spread is used in cases where the questioner is about to go to work for the first time or is currently unemployed and would like to know if he will have professional opportunities.
The spread not only allows you to know if there will be a job, but also shows the financial conditions and opportunities associated with it.
Having chosen the significator and having completed the preliminary steps, we take eight cards and lay them out as indicated in the diagram.

The layout is interpreted using the following key:
  • S - significator;
  • 1 - the possibility of getting a job;
  • 2 - decision on employment;
  • 3.4 - working conditions and wages;
  • 5.6 - group relationships at work;
  • 7 - other possible circumstances at work;
  • 8 - opportunities for promotion or income growth;
Trapezium of Saturn
Source: A.Khshanovskaya. "The World of Tarot. Handouts.»
This tarot spread is used to find out how the questioner's professional career will develop and what he can do to improve or accelerate it.
The layout is simple, easy to read, yet it provides a lot of detailed information.
As always, we carry out preliminary procedures, find the significator and take seventeen cards, which we lay out according to the scheme.

The layout is interpreted using the following key:
  • S - significator;
  • 1 - did I choose my profession correctly;
  • 2 - will I achieve success in my chosen profession;
  • 3 - how should I behave with my superiors;
  • 4 - how should I behave with my employees;
  • 5 - how should I behave with my subordinates;
  • 6 - should I improve my skills;
  • 7 - what external factors hinder my career;
  • 8 - what internal factors hinder my career;
  • 9 - how do my relatives feel about my career;
  • 10 - should I beware of something on my professional path;
  • 11 - whether a promotion awaits me;
  • 12 - whether income growth awaits me;
  • 13 - will fame and recognition await me;
  • 14 - how important advertising is for my career;
  • 15 - do I need to change something in the design of my workplace;
  • 16 - will my aspirations and ambition be satisfied;
  • 17 - what do the future prospects of my professional career look like;
Attention: it is recommended to use both groups of Arcana.
Source: A.Khshanovskaya. "The World of Tarot. Handouts.»
In modern professional activity, it often becomes necessary to conclude some kind of agreements, which in turn leads to doubts: whether this agreement will be beneficial, whether the time is right for concluding an agreement, and whether this will lead to some problems.
The layout that is used in such a situation is called the "Agreement".
After carrying out the preliminary procedures and finding the significator, we take nine cards and lay them out as shown in the diagram.

The layout is interpreted using the following key:
  • S - significator;
  • 1,2 - factors favoring the conclusion of an agreement;
  • 3.4 - negative factors;
  • 5 - the moment at which it would be necessary to conclude an agreement;
  • 6.7 - the progress of the implementation of the agreement;
  • 8.9 - the results that the agreement will bring in the future;
job change
Source: A.Khshanovskaya. "The World of Tarot. Handouts.»
This tarot spread is used when the questioner is working, but at the same time is rushing about the idea of ​​changing jobs and would like to know if this is possible and how this will affect his life.
The alignment also shows the financial aspects of such a decision and future opportunities.
Here, the significator of the layout is also selected, preliminary actions are carried out, and then eight cards are taken and laid out according to the scheme.

The layout is interpreted using the following key:
  • S - significator;
  • 1,2,3 - development opportunities at the current job;
  • 4 - what should be considered when making a decision;
  • 5 - what should be the solution;
  • 6,7,8 - development opportunities in a new job;
Source: A.Khshanovskaya. "The World of Tarot. Handouts.»
This tarot spread is used to analyze work-related issues from the point of view of the possibility of success and professional career.
Additionally, you can get information about whether this will bring satisfaction to the questioner, how it will affect his material situation and what kind of echo it will cause in the social environment.
After choosing the significator and carrying out preliminary actions, you need to take eight cards and arrange them in accordance with the scheme.

The layout is interpreted using the following key:
  • S - significator;
  • 1 - the professional situation of the questioner as a whole at the moment;
  • 2 - potential career opportunities;
  • 3.4 - what should I do to achieve success;
  • 5 - you need to focus on this;
  • 6.7 - this should be avoided;
  • 8 - further future in the professional field;
Source: A.Khshanovskaya. "The World of Tarot. Handouts.»
This is a very short and easy to analyze layout, which nevertheless gives a lot of information, we use when the questioner is interested in the opportunity to get a promotion.
With its help, you can find out under what circumstances this will happen and to what extent it will affect the growth of income and social prestige of a given person.
This layout will require five cards, which we take after carrying out preliminary actions and choosing a significator, and then lay them out according to the scheme.

The layout is interpreted using the following key:
  • S - significator;
  • 1 - the possibility of my promotion;
  • 2 - what changes in my professional activity will require a promotion;
  • 3 - under what circumstances will my promotion occur;
  • 4 - how will this affect my income;
  • 5 - will it increase my prestige;

The layout is interpreted using the following key:
  • S - significator;
  • 1 - what would the questioner get by continuing the work;
  • 2 - how the transition to retirement will affect the financial situation;
  • 3 - the possibility of transition to retirement;
  • 4 - what needs to be done for this;
  • 5 - formalities that will need to be done;
  • 6 - further future;
career guidance
Source: A. Klyuev. "Tarot. Layout book."
Career guidance is not a frequent question that is addressed to a fortune teller.
However, they apply...
And this alignment allows not only to identify the abilities or skills of a person, but also to determine the prospects for the development and growth of his career.
After all, only on one's own, and not on someone else's life path, a person can expect some kind of success.
The layout is interpreted using the following key:
  • 1 - The sphere of material production. Its impact on the client. (The ruler of this sphere is the Chariot card.);
  • 2 - The attitude of the client to the sphere of material production. The ability to craft. Interest in technology, baking, etc.;
  • 3 - Organizational sphere. Its impact on the client. (The ruler of this sphere is the Emperor card.);
  • 4 - Attitude of the client to the organizational sphere. This includes the attitude towards state power, towards political power, the ability to organize people, the exchange of goods, etc.;
  • 5 - The sphere of human reproduction. Its impact on the client. (The manager of this sphere is the High Priest card.);
  • 6 - The attitude of the client to the field of reproduction. The ability of the client to be a doctor, teacher, educator, priest. The ability to empathize, keep a distance in communication, the ability to express group, collective interests in their activities, etc .;
  • 7 - Sphere of information. Its impact on the client. (Controlling this sphere is the Mage card);
  • 8 - The attitude of the client to the field of information. Ability for creativity, for individual and independent activity, for science, for the production of information or symbols .;
  • 9 - Growth prospects. The level to which the client can reach in his career as a specialist, official, etc. (The manager of this position is the Mir card.);
  • 10 - The level to which the client can reach in his career on his own, say, as an entrepreneur, businessman, etc. (The manager of this position is the Wheel of Fortune card.);

If you're in an unstable situation, can't decide whether to wait for a promotion or a job change, or just want to see if you can start your dream business, try turning to the cards for help.

Fortune-telling for a career on the Tarot will help you decide on all the exciting questions and incomprehensible situations.

For fortune-telling, three layouts are more often used - for the current job, for those looking for a vacancy and for the future, we will consider them in the article.

Tarot layout "Career"

This spread will allow you to analyze your current work situation, understand what you should strive for and what better focus to achieve your goals, and find out what the future holds for you in the professional field.

For fortune-telling, you need to focus on the question that interests you and lay out the cards, according to the figure below.

The meanings of the cards in the layout

  1. The letter S denotes the person they are guessing at. This card must be chosen independently in accordance with the person for whom the alignment is made. She does not participate in the interpretation.
  2. Number 1 describes your current job situation.
  3. Number 2 will reveal your potential.
  4. The third and fourth cards will answer the question of what you need to do to achieve success in your chosen area.
  5. The fifth card is the most important, it will show the most important aspect to focus on.
  6. Six and seven will tell you what to avoid so that your career does not end in failure.
  7. Eight is a forecast of your future in the professional field.

Alignment for job seekers "Parachute"

This tarot spread is useful for people who are looking for a job or cannot decide to leave their current position, although they already have some options in mind.

The cards are laid out in a pattern resembling a parachute. This form of alignment was not chosen by chance: changing jobs really reminds many of them of jumping into the unknown with a parachute behind their backs.

What do the cards mean

  1. The unit in the layout will tell you about the actions that you took in your job search.
  2. The deuce will evaluate the influence of other people on your professional choice, and will also give an answer to the question of whether it is worth attracting some assistants or you can handle it yourself.
  3. The third card will predict how the job search process will go, whether it will be long or fast.
  4. The four will show if there are any unforeseen circumstances that will affect your eventual career.
  5. Map number 5 will summarize, display the overall result and the prospects for your search.

Alignment for the future work "Crown"

This alignment is called the “crown” for a reason, because, as you know, this privileged headdress has long been considered a symbol of power, success and recognition. This fortune-telling gives a fairly long-term result - six months in advance. The alignment is recommended if you cannot decide whether to agree to a new job offer or not.

The cards must be laid out according to the following figure.

The meaning of each card

  1. The first map will give an idea of ​​what the situation and working conditions will be like at the intended place of employment.
  2. The second one will outline the financial perspective of the proposed project.
  3. The three will show whether there will be prospects for professional development in the new place, and how your relationship with superiors or subordinates will develop.
  4. On the fourth card, you can determine whether you will find mutual understanding with company employees who will be in the same position as you.
  5. The five will tell you how you will need to behave in a new workplace.
  6. The six will give advice on what kind of behavior, on the contrary, should be avoided.
  7. The Seven will look into the future and show how the chosen position (subject to your consent to take it) will affect the most important aspects of your life: relationships with your loved one, relatives, friends, as well as your hobby.
  8. Eight will predict the prospects for your work in this company in the distant future.

Remember that Tarot career divination will give the correct answers only if the question is clearly formulated. If you came to the cards for help out of idle curiosity, be prepared for the fact that they can lie.

With the help of various cards, you can make a layout for work in order to know how a person will move up the career ladder, how relationships with colleagues will develop. You can complete this alignment yourself and for free.

On tarot cards

Fortune telling on Tarot cards for a career shows what awaits a fortuneteller in the professional field, his achievements and failures, and also predicts possible income.

1 card

Divination for work on 1 card is performed as follows:

  1. Preparatory stage. First you need to prepare a deck of Tarot cards for divination. To do this, it must be stored under the pillow for 3 days and not given to anyone.
  2. On the day of the ritual, a person should be alone in the room. It is recommended to meditate for 10 minutes, mentally scrolling through the question of interest.
  3. Then you need to shuffle the deck.

The first image pulled out is the answer to the question posed.

For example, the fallen Jester promises a job in show business. It also means criminal business and frequent job changes. A person frivolously treats money and his labor duties, which can cause poverty and unfulfillment.

Online layout for work "One card"

Focus on fortune-telling, think about work, about what interests you, ask the cards mentally, approximately: what is happening at work, what to expect from this work, for some reason it doesn’t work out, etc., take out which card you like and see the interpretation - it will show the reason, the basis of the "working" situation or the trend of its development.

Select a map by clicking the left mouse button.

Turn on intuition, compare interpretation and successful fortune-telling.

3 cards

The layout of three cards for work will help to characterize the situation and the situation at work, to predict financial success or failure.

The fortuneteller asks the deck a question of interest to him regarding a career or business, and then lays out 3 cards in one row with their shirts up.

The first one will show the reasons that led to the current situation at work or in business. The second characterizes the state of affairs. The third one will tell you what will happen, what actions need to be taken in order to influence the future in the professional field.

For example, if the first image is a Jester, the second is a Magician, and the third is a Priestess, then this situation can be interpreted as follows: a person was careless about money or got involved with crime, which led to a number of unpleasant events. Now your own business is not developing or there are obstacles to moving up the career ladder. To resolve the current situation, it is recommended to go to advanced training courses or business training.

Online layout for work "Three cards"

Choose 3 cards: the first will show - what happened in the past at work and is reflected now; the second card will explain the situation "now"; the third will tell you what will be at work in the near future.

Focus on fortune-telling, think about work, "working situation", formulate the question mentally, approximately: "What can I expect from this "work" in the future?", "Why is it happening at work ...?" etc.

Compare the values ​​of the dropped cards for your situation and successful fortune-telling.

Reload the page to try again.

And be sure to watch this video:

Lenormand layout for business


Click on the Start button in the lower right corner:

On paper cards

This alignment will show whether success in business will accompany it, what problem situations you will have to face, what should be done, what are the prospects.

Fortune telling on Lenormand cards is performed as follows:

  1. The fortuneteller remains alone and in complete silence.
  2. He shuffles the deck, mentally asking his question, and lays out the cards in the following order: the first 2 are placed on top, then the third and fourth are placed below, then the fifth and sixth, and at the very bottom - the seventh. They should all be face down.
  3. All cards are turned over and interpreted in turn:
    • No. 1 - shows the readiness or unwillingness of a person to make risky decisions;
    • No. 2 - characterizes activity and diligence in solving current problems;
    • No. 3 - indicates whether it is possible to rely on partners;
    • No. 4 - interpreted as demand for the services or goods provided by your company;
    • No. 5 - shows upcoming unforeseen expenses and losses;
    • No. 6 - predicts whether this business will be profitable or unprofitable;
    • No. 7 - indicates further prospects in the financial sector.

Before you get a new job, you can perform the "Employment" layout. The fortuneteller asks a question about the prospect of employment, shuffles the deck and lays out the cards in this order:

  1. The first 3 images are placed on top: 1 - will show what are the chances of getting the desired position, 2 - this is the identity of the fortuneteller as an employee, 3 - a person will be a useful or useless employee.
  2. Below are the fourth and fifth. They describe working conditions and wages.
  3. Then comes the sixth and seventh - what mood will reign in the team.
  4. Image 8 is the problems and obstacles you will have to face, and image 9 is career opportunities.

Fortune telling on gypsy cards

Gypsy fortune-telling on cards for work helps to find out about your destiny, possible difficulties on your professional path.

The layout on 10 gypsy cards:

  1. At night, on the growing moon, you need to light 10 church candles.
  2. Shuffle the deck and lay out 10 cards face down.
  3. In the first row there should be 1 card, the remaining rows include 3 each, in total there should be 4 tiers.


  • The first row is what worries the fortuneteller.
  • The second row is the causes and events that led to the current situation at work.
  • The third row - how the situation will develop in the near future.
  • Fourth row - what will be the consequences.
    • For example, the Fool warns a person against making rash decisions and actions that will lead to additional costs.
    • Shavkhani is a symbol of vigor and foresight. If she was in the 3rd row, then you need to actively act, while you can’t deceive your partners, the business must be honest. If Shevkhani is in an inverted position, these are failures in business, deception on the part of colleagues.
    • Paridai - shows that some information is being hidden from a person. It is recommended to develop intuition.
    • Javel - predicts success and prosperity. The business will be profitable, and career growth will be rapid.
    • Baron - promises high achievements and honors. Inverted means underestimation by management, unfulfilled ambitions.
    • Blacksmith - big profit and good work.
    • Hermit - a person must deeply understand everything, otherwise there is a possibility of suffering from ignorance and secret enemies.
    • Wheel of Fate - disturbing problems are coming to an end, favorable development of plans and projects. In an inverted position - lack of strength, the machinations of enemies, many obstacles to achieving the goal.

On playing cards

For divination for finding a job and good luck in business, you can use a deck of 36 cards.

In order for the prediction to be more accurate, it is recommended to carry it out at night on the growing moon.


  1. Lay out a white tablecloth on a flat surface.
  2. Light a church candle nearby.
  3. Mentally repeat the question of interest 9 times.
  4. Take a recently purchased deck, shuffle.
  5. Decompose any 9 cards in one line.

Interpretation of the result of divination for success on classic cards:

  1. All dropped cards are spades. Finding a job or business partners will be slow.
  2. All cards are baptized. There is a lot of work and hassle ahead. If fortune-telling concerns finding a job, then it is recommended to take a closer look at the public service.
  3. Worms. A career is built thanks to acquaintances and friends.
  4. Diamonds. Expect an increase in income.
  5. 4 aces. The fortuneteller will be able to find a dream job or get the desired promotion.
  6. 4 kings. All undertakings will be profitable.
  7. 4 ladies. The person will work in a stressful environment. Gossip and rumours.
  8. 4 jacks. Money will be hard-earned.
  9. 4 tens. In the near future there will be additional income.
  10. 4 nines. An office romance is possible.
  11. 4 eights. In order to achieve results, you have to work hard.
  12. 4 sevens. A business trip or success in international business is possible.
  13. 4 sixes. At work, the fortuneteller will face difficulties and troubles. Monotonous work will be blamed on him, and a promotion will have to wait for several years. Own business will not bring large incomes.

If the cards from the presented combinations did not fall out, then the deck should be shuffled again. A total of 9 attempts are allowed, if the described combinations did not fall out, then fortune-telling should be postponed for a couple of days.

Online fortune telling

To learn about work, own business and money matters, ask the Oracle. Virtual online divination is available on our website, you just need to ask the Oracle a question and get an answer:

Fortune telling, which was a favorite of Empress Catherine II, according to legend, was quite simple. On 40 cards, 40 symbols were depicted, which had a classic decoding, but for a specific situation they could have a direct meaning and indicate exactly what is shown on them. Out of 40 cards turned upside down, three were selected and, depending on the question of interest, the result was interpreted. try this fortune-telling to predict fate or clarify a question that interests you.

Online divination "Lenormand Advice" is a one-card layout of Lenormand cards, each card of which gives specific advice for you. This fortune-telling can be used as a daily planner for the day or as an assistant in a difficult situation. Questions suitable for this divination are "What to do?" and “What does this situation teach me?” Focus and choose a card from the deck and read the advice it gives.

The Lenormand "Scales of Justice" card layout is used when you have any dispute between another person. With the help of this fortune-telling, you can even find out how the court case will end (if there is one) or the conflict based on the dispute, discussion. The alignment gives advice on how to behave if the situation is decided in your favor or in favor of the opponent. Before starting fortune-telling, ask your question with concentration and select nine cards from the deck.

Fortune telling on the Tarot cards "Talent Card" allows you to find out what you have the most predisposition for, what hidden talents you have. Divination uses your date of birth to calculate the talent card numerologically. The decoding uses only cards of the Major Arcana. Our online fortune-telling automatically calculates the sum of all the numbers of your birth - you just have to specify the date of your birth.

Fortune telling on the three runes of Odin "To work" is simple, but it answers the most exciting questions regarding work and career. Only three runes give an idea of ​​​​the situation at work at this time, what is your potential in the future and what needs to be done to improve your potential, avoid a conflict situation, or achieve your goal. Think of your question, it is the third rune that answers it and select the runes from the placer.

The layout of the tarot cards "Change of work" is suitable for those cases. when the questioner must decide to change jobs. This fortune-telling allows you to find out the pros and cons of the current job, as well as what awaits him in the new one, which speaks in favor of changing jobs, and what is in favor of keeping it. Ask your question and choose cards from the deck.

Simple. but a useful Promotion Tarot spread will come in handy for those who are expecting or seeking a promotion. With the help of this fortune-telling, you can find out how you can accelerate your career growth, under what circumstances it will happen, what needs to be done to get the desired position.

The "Loss" tarot card layout is designed for those who are looking for a lost or stolen item, a missing animal, or even a disappeared person. This fortune-telling will show where the wanted is, who may have stolen it, whether it is possible to return the loss, how it can be returned, and what the result of the search will be.

The layout of the Tarot cards "Trip" is intended for those people who are soon going on a trip, business trip, tourist or any other trip. Fortune telling will show you the events that will happen to you on the way and upon arrival, whether your plans and hopes will come true, and how this journey will end for you.

Of the many questions and topics that are asked by tarot cards, questions regarding work, business and career are not of little popularity. Each person wants to know whether he is doing in life, whether his work will bring him satisfaction and fulfillment of desires.

The financial situation also plays an important role, whether the work is adequately assessed and whether there is an option to increase wages. As for questions about work, they can be conditionally divided into several groups in order to better select the alignment and analyze the current situation. In some cases, several spreads may be required to have more information and a broader picture of the situation.

  • The first group is the current position at this place of work. Analysis of the current state of affairs, what is expected at this place of work - dismissal or promotion, or everything will remain as it is. Prospects for development in the current situation.
  • The second group - layouts for finding a new job and analyzing the options and opportunities available. Such layouts help to choose one of the most acceptable options from several options.
  • The third group is the change of workplace. Analysis of the advantages of the current place of work with offers of other options. Selection from the offers of the current place of work and the possible development of events in the new place.
  • The fourth group is professional orientation. Assistance in choosing a specialty and type of activity.

Consider examples of layouts from the first and third groups.

Before making a layout, it is worth clarifying some points:

Clearly define gradations for the financial plan. A good salary - everyone has a different understanding of the amount. Therefore, clearly formulate the question with a specific amount that suits you.

Profession - specific professions and type of activity.

State the question clearly. The question must be transparent. One question contains a complete and formulated phrase. A question should not combine two questions or meanings.

Schedule for work.

This alignment helps to view the current state of affairs and the near future. Identify weaknesses and come to an understanding of the situation if difficult moments arose in the workflow. The spread consists of 8 cards.

1 - the past, which affects the current situation. Moments of the past or unresolved situations regarding the profession or conflicts in the workplace.

2 - the current period and the impact of surrounding situations on the problem.

3 - your state of work, whether what you do brings satisfaction. How do you feel at this workplace, communication with the team.

4 - your financial situation, whether it suits you, possible prospects for salary increases.

5 - new opportunities at the same place of work. What you should pay attention to, you may need to develop new qualities and skills.

6 - the side of change, what to expect and from which side.

7 - the essence of change and their reflection on your financial situation.

8 - changes that will affect your life, their reflection on your working position and on the situation as a whole.

Position from the first to the fourth - the present period, the moment to which the situation relates, a description of the state of affairs for a specific period of time.

Positions from fifth to eighth - your prospects and further development.

The alignment helps to understand what to expect and whether there is growth in the previous place of work.

Outlook layout at work.

This alignment helps to consider both direct and hidden prospects of the current place of work and the state of affairs. A person has the opportunity to pay attention to what he has not seen or noticed before, work out these aspects, and reach a new level, achieve a career advancement or salary increase, and also understand his potential and decide whether it is worth it develop here, or look for a new job. The spread consists of 12 cards plus the significator card.

S - the card significator symbolizes the questioner, his characteristics, a description of the state at the current moment. Instead of a significator, you can use a photo of the questioner.

Horizontal interpretation of the alignment.

1, 2, 3 - the state of affairs at the moment, how the situation will change for the questioner. Working conditions and possible development of the situation.

4, 5, 6 - the financial side of the issue, changes in salary or a stable position. What needs to be done in order to increase their wages.

7, 8, 9 - relations with colleagues, relations of colleagues to the questioner. Hidden sides of communication, possible problems in relations with colleagues and management personnel.

10, 11, 12 - promotion in work, promotion at a given place of employment. Possible prospects for growth and development.

Vertical interpretation of the alignment.

Positions 1, 4, 7, 10 - the near future.

Positions 2, 5, 8, 11 - the distant future.

Positions 3, 6, 9, 12 - the distant future.

Career Ladder.

The layout shows the prospects for development and career growth at a particular (given) place of work, shows how work and career affect the life of the questioner. Possible level of achievement of the desired and summing up. The layout consists of 8 cards and a significator card, or a zero card, depending on the situation.

S or 0 - significator - a characteristic of a person in a given situation, an emotional state. The zero card can act as a significator - the starting point for this position.

1 - the meaning and significance of work in human life.

Level 2 is what you can achieve.

3 - development prospects for a certain period of time, as a rule, is considered 30 days.

4 - moments in a working situation that are beyond your control and beyond your control, something that cannot be changed by your forces.

5 - what leads you along the path of the career ladder. In what ways are you trying to improve your situation.

6 - what needs to be done to improve things at work.

7 - what needs to be changed to speed up the result.

8 - the results of the alignment.

Career layout.

The “Career” layout is somewhat similar to the “Career Ladder” layout, only the question is resolved regarding the difficulties and problems that have already arisen. This spread can be used to clarify difficult career situations and problems that have already occurred in the workplace. The alignment also helps to predict possible problems that may arise or reveal a hidden threat to your position. The layout consists of 8 cards plus the significator card.

S - significator - the questioner, his characteristics and description of the situation, how the person ended up in this situation.

1 - the current situation at the moment, a description of the situation, the general state of affairs.

2 - available and hidden possibilities of a person in a career at a given place of work.

3 and 4 - what is necessary to achieve the goals and success in their work in this position, what is necessary to move up the career ladder.

5 - something worth paying attention to, you need to focus on a specific event or moments.

6 and 7 - what should be avoided.

8 - summing up, further development in a career.

Alignment "Promotion on the career ladder."

An informative layout that answers the question of raising and moving up the career ladder. This alignment helps to understand under what circumstances this can happen and how to speed up this event or what to do in the situation when an offer for an increase arrives so as not to frighten off your luck. The spread consists of 5 cards plus the sinificator card.

S - significator - the state of affairs for the present period of time, the characteristic of the questioner. Achievements and acquisitions in terms of the profession.

1 - opportunities for promotion at work. Do they exist at all.

2 - what you need to change in the organization of your work in order to get a promotion.

3 - the circumstances of the promotion and the proposed position.

4 - financial position, the monetary side of the question of raising.

5 - the prestige of the questioner. How prestigious your position in the social sphere will be for those around you.

The layout of the "Professional position".

The alignment helps to see your state of affairs, analyze the state of your activities, view possible difficult situations or problems that are already occurring. This alignment can be used to answer the question of whether the chosen job and profession is suitable. Will a person be able to realize himself in this area, achieve what he wants and whether it brings him pleasure. The layout consists of 8 cards and a significator card.

S is a signifier that asks and its state.

1 - profession or purpose, what is worth doing, in what direction to develop and what to strive for.

2 - are there other possibilities and options, changing the existing profession. The second option is less preferable, but it can be developed even for your own benefit.

3 - awareness of the situation, thoughts about the current situation. Your acceptance of the situation, humility with what is happening.

4 - the real state of affairs.

5 - the subconscious side of the issue. Something you think about but don't take seriously.

6 - the current profession and its future. If there is only a choice of profession, then the future is relative.

7 - whether the profession will bring pleasure.

8 - is it possible to realize your ideas and realize dreams.

Employment and financial position.

This alignment reveals and analyzes simultaneously two sides of the issue:

Professional aspects and the chosen field of activity, how suitable a person is for his profession and what he is doing at the moment.

The financial situation and condition of the questioner. How satisfied is a person with their financial situation and are there opportunities to improve this indicator.

1 - moments of the past that do not allow to develop and move further in the present position.

2 - the situation in the present tense. Description of existing problems and the general state of affairs.

3 - whether a person receives satisfaction from work. What is missing to achieve harmony in professional terms.

4 - incomes, whether wages are adequate, whether there is an opportunity to improve the financial situation.

5 - how to change the situation. What change portends.

6 - where the changes come from, the nature of these changes, what they bring, and whether they can be influenced.

7 - how the changes will affect the state of affairs and the financial side of the issue.

8 - how changes will affect a person's life. What to expect from the current situation.

The layouts on the tarot cards regarding work help to understand the current situation. Analysis of the situation helps to make the right decisions with maximum benefit for yourself. The alignment makes it possible to see and understand what, for certain reasons, was not available to you. Open your subconscious and release hidden reserves and potentials from it.

The meaning of tarot cards in the layouts for work

Tarot is often used in work and career readings. It is a powerful tool for interpreting your professional development. Divination helps us understand where we are in the moment now and how to move to the next level. As a rule, people want to know if they will get a promotion, if they will find a job, if now is the right time to change activities.

Here is the designation of suits in matters relating to professional development:

  • Wands: professional and personal development. You need to be more authoritative; positive, show their advantages. Define your goals.
  • Cups: emotions increase in the field of work. Learn to manage them.
  • Swords: ideological clashes in action. Voltage. Take action; the need to be more focused, resourceful.
  • Pentacles: speak of financial position. We need to achieve stability. Stand one's ground. Achieving the goal through hard work.

Major Arcana

Fool: A new beginning. Potential, especially in a creative project.

Magician: Constructive use of creative power. Big omen. Your personality will shine.

Priestess: Strong feminine energy. Beware of secrets. Keep your intuition high.

Empress: your project is being implemented. There will be professional success.

Emperor: work under control. Leadership skills are essential to success.

Priest: Seeking approval from peers. The trend towards security; the person is too conservative.

Lovers: beware of temptations in the field of work. You will have to choose a disadvantage or advantage.

Chariot: self-control. Greater control over professional development. Glory.

Strength: You exude remarkable strength in character in professional development.

Hermit: look for a lawyer, a mentor.

Wheel of fortune: turn of fortune, turning point.

Fairness: act fairly and objectively. Make decisions using logic, not emotions.

Hanged Man: You may be accused of something, be prepared to forgive.

Death: painful end of a phase in professional development; time to tune in for a new path.

Moderation: Reconciling two contrasting elements is critical to success in a work situation.

Devil: Pessimism is a problem for your growth. Negative moods are holding you back.

Tower: control the ego. You need humility to progress in a situation.

Star: Optimism will advance your development. You will be satisfied.

Moon: The outside will be different from the inside. Be shrewd.

Sun: great energy will propel you forward and you will enjoy success.

Court: An important lesson will be learned. Its implementation will allow the fortuneteller to move forward.

Peace: triumph. Achievement of the goal.

The meaning of the minor arcana in the layouts for work


Ace: A positive start. New or career project movement.

2: indicates ambition.

3: Welcome results after hard work.

4: The team will be successful. Harmonious teamwork.

5: Competition among colleagues. Threats.

6: Progress. Victory. Success. The project will bring glory.

7: stand your ground.

8: Lots of action, not enough thought. Do not hurry.

9: You protect territory at work. Do others encroach?

10: The person gets caught up in the little things and loses sight of the big picture.

Page: the messenger will bring news.

Knight: Your actions will bring promotion.

Queen: You must exude this card's traits.

King: You should have more power.


Ace: Effort of positions brings spiritual satisfaction. What the fortuneteller is currently busy with is his path.

2: Friendships and alliances at work prove beneficial. Emotional connection with a colleague.

3: The celebration of success. Remember to stay focused.

4: Past loss and past disappointments have power. You are now contemplating how to move forward.

5: recent losses. Major failures. Apologies. However, all this was not in vain. You can get back what you have lost.

6: Someone from the past will come back and help you out. What was will become real again.

7: Superficial and tempting offers. Don't deny yourself.

8: Forgoing past hard work and efforts for growth.

9: The work will be successful. The fortuneteller will get what he wants.

Page: talking about the news.

Knight: Your action brings promotion.

Queen: exude the features of this arcana.

King: It's important to be compassionate.


Ace: An ambitious new undertaking. Great start. You were born to do this.

2: A difficult choice.

3: disappointment. Quarrels with colleagues you trust. ideological clash.

4: Take time to calm down. Exhaustion is caused by work. Don't let goals have a negative impact on your health.

5: Unethical business conduct. Not a fair fight.

6: business trip. Travel abroad for the best opportunities.

7: Maverick.

8: The inability to move forward. Feeling limited. Excitement blocking causes.

9: guilt over past mistakes.

10: betrayal from others. Huge setbacks in development.

Page: talking about the news.

Knight: Your work will lead to success.

Queen: You must exude the traits of a Queen.

King: You must want more.


Ace: The project will be financially successful in its endeavor. Initial profit and benefit.

2: You are juggling many responsibilities.

3: the fortuneteller will receive respect.

4: you do not use professional talent to help others. Be more charitable.

5: financial problems. The risk can be costly.

6: Use professional talents to give to the needy. Accumulate goodwill for further profits.

7: lead to implementation. You have sound professional judgment.

8: disciple stage. The man is on the right track. Strong creativity. Attention to detail will lead to results.

9 great success, independence, you are so focused on work that you are now alone.

10: Your team will enjoy prestige. Everything will be decided. Strong family alliances.

Page: the messenger will bring new news.

Knight: Action brings promotion.

Queen: You must have the traits of this card.

The king of man must be an enterprising leader.

It is worth noting that curly cards also often indicate a specific person, study the cards in detail to understand what they are telling you.