Vitamins to restore immunity. The best vitamins for boosting immunity in adults. What vitamin complexes are better for adults to take for immunity

Human immunity is the protective force of his body, which must cope not only with viruses and bacteria, but also with the adverse effects of various environmental factors.

However, not every person's immunity is at the proper level.

The reasons for which immunity may decrease can be divided into two groups.

The first group includes those causes that are associated with a person's lifestyle, the second - the presence of diseases.

Causes of the problem

The reasons are:

  • Unbalanced diet for a long time, as well as diets with calorie restriction, as a result of which the body ceases to receive the right amount of nutrients;
  • Avitaminosis and hypovitaminosis;
  • Lack or excess of physical activity;
  • Stress and neuroses as well as negative emotions that cause an increase in the blood hormone cortisol, which is detrimental to the cells of the immune system;
  • Lack of sleep causing levels of immune cells in the blood;
  • Residence or long stay in areas with high background radiation;
  • Alcohol abuse, as a result of which the activity of T-lymphocytes decreases and the amount of vitamins in the body decreases;
  • Smoking, since tobacco smoke contains nicotine resins, which reduce the response time of the body's defenses to viruses and bacteria;
  • Taking antibiotics and painkillers since they reduce the mobility of immune cells and reduce the production of antibodies;
  • Impact of industrial emissions and chemicals on the body.

Also are:

In order to determine the state of your immunity, it is enough to listen to your own well-being.

The following signs may indicate a decrease in immunity:

  • Fast fatiguability;
  • Constant malaise;
  • Chills;
  • Weakness;
  • Desire to sleep during the day and difficulty falling asleep at night;
  • Bad mood;
  • Head and muscle pain;
  • Subfebrile temperature, which remains at 37 degrees for a long time after the illness;
  • Appetite disorders.

Human skin can serve as a kind of indicator of the state of the immune system.

If it is flaky, often covered with rashes, boils and foci of inflammation, or has an unnatural pallor, this means that the immune system is not working well.

Sweat glands can also tell about the lack of immunity.
If a person suffers from excessive sweating, this indicates that the level of his body's defenses is not high. Manifestations of reduced immunity can be exacerbation of a herpes infection, the appearance of blue circles under the eyes, swelling and bags.

To In addition, if the sweat of a healthy person is almost odorless, then the sweat of people with a weakened immune system has a sharp unpleasant odor.

Due to a decrease in immunity, hair and nails suffer. Hair becomes dull and weak, begins to split and fall out. Nails become brittle and uneven, begin to exfoliate and grow very slowly. The nail bed becomes pale in color.

Diseases that a person suffers from will also help determine reduced immunity.

People with strong immunity rarely get sick and endure all diseases easily.. People with weak immunity get colds more than five times a year, and these diseases last up to two weeks. In addition, all chronic diseases are also exacerbated.

What vitamins and minerals are needed?

For the normal functioning of the immune system, the body needs the following vitamins:

  • Retinol or vitamin A, which has a beneficial effect on vision and accelerates the transmission of nerve impulses, increasing attention;
  • Thiamine or vitamin B1, strengthening the cardiovascular and nervous system;
  • Riboflavin or vitamin B2, which affects the condition of the skin, hair and nails, and also takes part in metabolic processes;
  • Nicotinic acid or vitamin B3responsible for proper metabolism and regulating the functioning of the nervous and digestive systems;
  • Pantothenic acid or vitamin B5, responsible for intestinal motility and beneficial effect on the nervous system;
  • Pyridoxine or vitamin B6, which is involved in the synthesis of hormones and nucleic acids, and is also responsible for the formation of red blood cells;
  • Folic acid or vitamin B9, which accelerates the absorption of iron and adds energy during a period of decline;
  • Cyanocobalamin or vitamin B12, which is responsible for the functioning of the immune and nervous systems, as well as lowering cholesterol and taking part in the metabolism of fats;
  • Ascorbic acid or vitamin C, which protects the body from infections and takes part in cellular respiration, as well as preventing the oxidation of vitamins entering the body;
  • Tocopherol or vitamin E, necessary for the proper passage of regenerative processes in the body and neutralization of the negative effects of free radicals that stimulate the aging process and contribute to the oncological diseases;
  • Biotin or vitamin H, which positively affects the skin and hair and takes part in the formation of enzymes and metabolic processes;
  • Calciferol or vitamin D, in combination with vitamins and protecting the body from colds, as well as improving calcium absorption;
  • Phylloquinone or vitamin K, which is responsible for blood clotting and calcium absorption, as well as preventing the occurrence of fractures and osteoporosis.

Among the minerals needed by the body, the following can be distinguished:

  • Calciumresponsible for blood clotting and bone formation, as well as protecting cells from pathogenic bacteria;
  • Magnesium, which relieves nervousness and protects against radiation;
  • Sodium, which is responsible for the work of the muscle and prevents the occurrence of muscle spasms and headaches, and also takes part in the respiration of cells;
  • Potassium, which controls water balance and affects the functioning of the heart;
  • Phosphorus, involved in the formation of bone tissue, the normalization of weight and the removal of fatigue;
  • Chlorine, which removes toxins and toxins through sweating;
  • Sulfur, which is a constituent element of the skin, nails and hair and has antibacterial properties;
  • Iron, which is part of hemoglobin and regulates the supply of oxygen to cells;
  • Zinc, on which the health of hair, nails and skin depends. It prevents inflammatory processes;
  • Iodine, which has antibacterial properties and is responsible for the production of hemoglobin, and also improves the functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • Copper, which is involved in the synthesis of red blood cells and is a constituent element of blood vessels and connective tissue, as well as reducing the permeability of cell membranes;
  • Manganese, taking part in metabolic processes and playing an important role in the immune system;
  • Selenium, which improves blood circulation to the skin and prevents oncological and vascular diseases;
  • Chromium, which accelerates regeneration processes and promotes wound healing;
  • Fluorine, affecting the processes of fat and carbohydrate metabolism, as well as the formation of bones and teeth;
  • Molybdenum, which improves the intestinal microflora and participates in cellular respiration;
  • Bor, responsible for the synthesis of vitamin D and the health of the musculoskeletal system;
  • Vanadium, which takes part in metabolic processes and the formation of bone tissue, as well as saturating the liver with oxygen;
  • Silicon, strengthening hair, nails and skin, slowing down the aging process and preventing diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • Cobalt responsible for the health of the circulatory system.

Vitamin and Mineral Data Sources

Animal sources

Animal sources of vitamins and minerals include:

plant sources

Plant sources of vitamins and minerals include:

  • Vegetable oil;
  • Cereals and legumes;
  • Seeds and cereals;
  • Citrus fruit;
  • Berries;
  • Horseradish;
  • Leaf salad;
  • Sea salt;
  • Avocado;

Video: "How to strengthen the immune system?"

Vitamin and mineral complexes

"Vitrum" The composition includes seventeen minerals and thirteen vitamins. As for minerals, Vitrum does not contain them at the level of the daily requirement, but they perfectly help to strengthen the immune system.
Centrum Contains thirteen vitamins and eleven minerals. It is recommended to take it to prevent the occurrence of hypovitaminosis, which weakens the immune system and makes the body susceptible to infectious diseases.
"Alphabet" This drug allows you to fully satisfy the daily human need for those substances that are rarely found in food.
Gerimaks The composition includes seven minerals, ten vitamins and green tea extract. It is recommended to take it during epidemics of colds, as well as to restore immunity after their transfer.

Video: "Comparison of vitamin complexes to improve immunity"


To prevent immunosuppression you need to follow a healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet.

Hardening, physical activity and full healthy sleep play an important role in maintaining the body's defenses.

Folk recipes to solve the problem

There are many proven traditional medicine recipes for boosting immunity.

The broth should be infused for two hours, after which it must be filtered and mixed with compote from such berries, like currants, viburnum, strawberries and cherries boiled in two liters of water without added sugar. One of them is berry-herbal compote, for the preparation of which you will need to mix one part of chestnut flowers, mint, lemon balm and willow-herb, and then pour five tablespoons of this mixture with one liter of boiling water and boil over low heat.

On the day you need to drink at least half a liter of the resulting compote from herbs and berries.

You can also make a vitamin drink from spruce needles. To do this, you will need to rinse two tablespoons of needles under water and pour them with a glass of boiling water, placing them in an enamel bowl.

Cover the pot with a lid and boil for twenty minutes. After half an hour, the infusion should be filtered and drunk, adding honey or sugar.

Drink this drink should be two to three times a day.

There are herbs that are the strongest natural stimulants of the immune system. These include:

  • Echinacea purpurea;
  • Lemongrass Chinese;
  • Aloe tree;
  • Pollen.


  • Immunity provides resistance to various diseases, bacteria and viruses, as well as the adverse effects of environmental factors on the body.
  • The reasons for a decrease in immunity can be associated both with a person’s lifestyle and with certain diseases.
  • Weak immunity can be identified by many characteristic symptoms.
  • Vitamins and minerals can be obtained from plant and animal sources.
  • There are special vitamin and mineral complexes that strengthen the immune system.

The birth of a baby is the most joyful event in the life of every parent.

From the first day, parents try to create the best conditions for the newborn for its growth and development. One of the important tasks of parents is to strengthen his immunity, because at the very beginning of his life his body is only at the stage of development.

Vitamins and microelements are required for the normal functioning of all systems and organs. And if these nutrients do not enter the body in the proper amount, then this threatens to reduce the protective functions.

As a result, the baby will become susceptible to bacteria and infections that lead to numerous diseases.

Is it necessary and which pharmaceutical vitamins are better to give to a child to maintain immunity?

When the need arises

Immunity is the body's ability to resist pathogens and viruses. During the functioning of the protective system, antibodies are formed that resist the ingress and reproduction of bacteria.

The stability of immunity is formed even in childhood, so it is so important to carefully monitor your health during this period.

The formation of protective functions in the baby occurs even in the womb. The influence is exerted by the mother's nutrition during pregnancy, lifestyle, stress, etc.

After birth, immunity is strengthened with breast milk., which contains immunoglobulins and antitoxins. This process takes the first six months of life.

Own immunoglobulins begin to form in the child's body by 6-7 years.

When Additional Micronutrients Are Needed:

  • nutrition of poor quality and unbalanced;
  • living in places with unfavorable ecology;
  • taking antibiotic drugs;
  • excessive psychological, mental and physical stress;
  • chronic lack of sleep;
  • lack of minerals and trace elements and minerals;
  • chronic diseases;
  • no daily routine.

The lack of nutrients can also adversely affect the development of protective functions.

How to know if your baby has a problem with the immune system:

If the baby has such signs - this is not a reason to worry.. It is necessary to contact an immunologist who will prescribe effective vitamins for children to increase immunity, which can strengthen the body's resistance to viral infections.

Self-selection of drugs that improve immune function is not recommended..

What does a child's body need?

During the epidemic, with malnutrition, a temporary decrease in immune functions additional vitamins and minerals needed.

Which of them can help you recover and improve resistance to disease? What vitamins are best given to children to increase immunity?

Vitamin D. Important for bone formation. Participates in blood clotting, strengthening immunity.

FROM. Belongs to the category of fat-soluble. Able to strengthen and increase the protective functions of the body.

Vitamin C helps with the development of viral infections. With its sufficient intake, the body's vulnerability to allergens is reduced, wound healing is accelerated, the walls of blood vessels are strengthened, tissue regeneration is improved, and resistance to cold increases.

Retinol. Antioxidant. Retinol is able to directly protect the immune system and contribute to its strengthening, restores material metabolism.

However, an excess of vitamin A is quite dangerous, so it is contraindicated for a child to prescribe it on his own.

E (tocopherol). It is an antioxidant (a substance that inhibits oxidation), helps to cope with multiple adverse processes in the body.

Helps maintain the normal structure of the cell membrane and the absorption of vitamin A. Participates in protein synthesis, is the main substance that helps strengthen children's immunity.

IN 2. A participant in the chemical processes occurring in cells. Vitamin B2 enhances the process of tissue regeneration and restores liver function.

R. Its main task is to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and help vitamin C in all reactions.

AT 12. Normalizes the liver, restores the functions of the nervous system, prevents oxygen starvation of the brain.

AT 5. Participates in carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism necessary for the synthesis of amino acids.

AT 6. Takes part in the formation of antibodies that resist infections.

Still needed:

  • iron- participates in the production of hemoglobin;
  • selenium- supports immunity;
  • zinc- improves the process of tissue regeneration, has a positive effect on immunity;
  • magnesium- participates in the biochemical reactions necessary for the child's body;
  • omega 3- improves the functioning of the nervous system and brain, reduces vulnerability to viral infections;
  • probiotics- contribute to the protection of intestinal microflora;
  • calcium- participates in the formation of bone tissue, activates the work of enzymes.

Proper and balanced nutrition and lifestyle of the child contributes to the proper formation of immunity - hardening, moderate physical activity, frequent walks in the air, the absence of emotional stress, etc.

Essential substances are contained:

  • in food products - vegetables, fruits, cereals, dairy products, meat and fish;
  • in vitamin complexes of homeopathic origin;
  • in artificial preparations - tablets, capsules, syrups;
  • in injections - groups B and C.

All vitamin complexes are represented by preparations:

  • first generation- means containing one component;
  • second generation- drugs, which include several components;
  • third generation- a complex that can be combined with additional components.

Today, effective vitamins for raising immunity for children are abundant on the pharmaceutical market, but we will consider only the best (judging by the reviews).

Please consult your pediatrician before purchasing. because some drugs have their own contraindications and side effects.

Overview of products with brief instructions for use

Children's complexes should be purchased depending on age, since different periods of life require different amounts of minerals and trace elements.

What are good vitamins for immunity for children to choose, how to drink them? Let's analyze the instructions for the following complexes:

  • Pikovit;
  • Immuno kids;
  • Vitamishka;
  • Alphabet;
  • Multitabs;
  • Vitrum baby;
  • Kinder-Biovital gel;
  • Supradin kids.


The drug is prescribed for:

  • increased fatigue;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • lack of appetite;
  • after prolonged use of antibiotic drugs;
  • during the recovery period to strengthen the immune functions of the body.

The preparation includes the following components:

  • B1, B2, B5, B6, B12, retinol, D3, C, P, PP;
  • phosphorus;
  • folic acid;
  • calcium.

Available in the form of tablets and syrup.

Tablets are taken at the age of 4 to 6 years every 4-5 hours, from 7 to 14 - every 3-4 hours. The drug is completely absorbed.

The course of treatment is 20-30 days. In the absence of appetite, "Pikovit" is taken for 2 months.

The syrup is intended for babies from 1 to 3 years old.. The drug is taken 2 times a day in an amount of 5 ml. From 4 to 6 years - 3 times a day, from 7 to 14 - 4-5 times a day.

The syrup is given from a spoon. It is allowed to add it to water, juice, puree.

Contraindications - hypersensitivity, intolerance to glucose and fructose, hypervitaminosis. Among the side effects in rare cases, there is a reaction in the form of an allergy.

When taking Pikovit, urine may turn yellow. It is not recommended to take the drug at the same time with other vitacomplexes.

Immuno kids

  • A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B12, D3, H, K, C, P, PP;
  • iron, manganese, zinc, iodine, selenium, chromium.

Indicated for:

  • maintaining the work of the intestinal microflora;
  • prevention and treatment of beriberi;
  • prevention of the development of acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections;
  • adaptation improvements;
  • recovery in the period after the transfer of diseases.

Contraindications include intolerance to the components of ImmunoKids. Side effects include possible allergic reactions.


The composition of the vitamin complex includes:

  • retinol, B1, B6, B12, C, D;
  • folic and pantothenic acids;
  • choline, inositol, zinc, iodine, calcium, magnesium;
  • natural fruit juice.


  • strengthening immune functions;
  • enrichment of the child's body with the necessary vitamins and minerals;
  • removing the feeling of fatigue;
  • strengthening bones, teeth;
  • intellectual development;
  • reducing the risk of developing acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections;
  • improving attention and memory.

These immune-boosting vitamins are available in the form of bear-shaped lozenges that are attractive to children. It is recommended that children from 3 to 7 years of age take 1 chewing plate 2 times a day.


The composition of the drug includes the following components:

  • A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B12, D3, K1, C, PP;
  • molybdenum, ferrum, biotin, calcium, chromium, manganese, zinc, selenium, magnesium;


  • mental and physical stress;
  • avitaminosis;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • protection during periods of increased morbidity;
  • long-term antibiotic treatment;
  • irrational and improper nutrition;
  • deficiency of minerals and trace elements.

The drug is produced in the form of a powder for children from 1 to 3 years old, in the form of colored chewing sweets - from 3 to 7 years old and schoolchildren.

In the first case, one sachet is taken 1 time per day. The powder is diluted with water.

Vitacomplex Alphabet is not allowed in case of overabundance in the body of vitamins and hypersensitivity.

Among the side effects in isolated cases, an allergic reaction is observed. In case of an overdose, signs of poisoning are noted.


The composition of the medicinal product includes:

  • B1, B2, B5, B6, B12, retinol, E, D3, C;
  • nicotinamide;
  • selenium, manganese, iron, iodine, zinc, copper, chromium;
  • folic and pantothenic acids.

Indications for use:

  • the period of the recovery process after the transfer of diseases;
  • with increased mental, psychological and physical stress;
  • with improper and unbalanced nutrition;
  • with the need for vitamins and minerals.

A large number of systems work in the human body, but the main one is the immune system. The state of human health depends on its proper operation. If it is weakened, then the percentage of morbidity increases sharply, and the duration of the disease lengthens. In this case, vitamins for immunity come to the rescue. Today we will consider what complexes exist to increase the body's resistance for adults and children. And also we will understand the question of whether vitamins really always bring only benefits.

Causes of reduced immunity

In order to select the necessary trace elements, it is necessary to find out why the protective functions of the body have weakened. There can be many reasons. Here are the most common:

1. Constant stress, overexertion.

2. Wrong nutrition.

3. Bad ecology.

4. The use of antibacterial agents.

5. Surgical operations and all kinds of injuries.

The further selection of drugs will depend on what was the reason for the decrease in immunity.

What microelements can not be dispensed with?

Among a decent list, the most important for our body are vitamins A, C, B and E. They have antioxidant properties and are necessary to prevent disorders that can be triggered by harmful microbes and bacteria.

In addition to the above vitamins, our body needs elements such as zinc, iodine, magnesium, selenium.

Now let's take a closer look at each of them and find out what role they play in the health and resistance of the body.

The undeniable benefits of the most important trace elements for humans

Vitamin A. In another way, it is also called retinol. It takes part in the formation of immune cells at the level of the upper respiratory tract, as well as the gastrointestinal tract. And if retinol is not enough, then bacteria can easily penetrate into the mucous membrane. And as a result, a person often begins to get sick with various ailments.

Vitamin C. Another name is ascorbic acid. With an abundance of this element, interferon is produced in the body, as well as lymphocytes in such an amount that it perfectly resists harmful substances.

Vitamin E. With its shortage, the risk of infection of the body with respiratory viral diseases increases. This element is especially important for the elderly, whose immunity decreases every year.

Vitamin B. Thanks to this element, cells and tissues are supplied with energy in full. And it also helps the body to better cope with stress and overexertion.

Now you know what vitamins you need for immunity.

The benefits of zinc, iodine, magnesium and selenium for human health

These trace elements play no less a role in the body's resistance than vitamins.

Zinc, for example, improves the functioning of T-cells, protects a person from the negative effects of free radicals.

Magnesium is able to normalize blood pressure, eliminates toxins in the colon. And all this has a beneficial effect on the human immune system.

Iodine, as everyone knows, has a wonderful effect on the thyroid gland. And its correct work has a good effect on the immune system of the body.

Selenium stimulates the production of special substances that block cancer cells and prevents their new formation.

The difference between synthetic and natural vitamins

There really isn't any difference. Both of them are absorbed by the body in the same way. Synthetic vitamins even have their advantages. Firstly, it is more convenient to use them: I put one tablet in my mouth and already stocked up on the necessary elements for the day. If you eat only vegetables and fruits in the right amount, you will have to eat a lot of different foods to fill the body with the missing elements. Secondly, vitamins for immunity of artificial origin have a fairly long shelf life. But if fruits or vegetables are stale, then the amount of nutrients in them will decrease sharply and will be no more than 20%. Therefore, it makes no sense to restore the body with the help of these minerals. And then artificial vitamins come to the rescue in tablets, syrups. But how do you choose the box that's right for you? To do this, you need to consult a doctor who will find out the causes of weakened immunity and, on this basis, select the necessary mineral complex.

Differences in Immunity Boosters

On the shelves in pharmacies there are a huge number of all kinds of tablets, syrups, capsules for the body. And from the whole set, you need to clearly know which vitamins for immunity you need. The complexes are divided according to the following principles:

For preventive purposes.

For immediate protection. For example, you feel unwell or, for example, were in the same room with a sick person.

To maintain immunity during illness and after it.

The drugs are taken in the spring, as well as in the event of an influenza epidemic. But in any case, before taking a pill, you need to consult with your doctor.

Vitamins to boost immunity after taking antibiotics

After the disease has been overcome with the help of antibacterial agents, the protective functions of the body are sharply reduced. Therefore, it is very important to strengthen it after taking medications, and for this you need to drink vitamins to increase immunity. Among the latter, the most suitable are: A, C, E and B6.

There are many medicines that will help restore the protective functions of the body.

Below we give the optimal and effective vitamins for immunity, which will come to the aid of weakened people.

1. Tablets "Vitrum". These vitamins to strengthen the immune system contain all the necessary minerals and elements that can quickly restore the body after an illness and taking antibiotics.

2. Tablets "Alvitil". They contain 12 useful components that increase the body's resistance and thereby strengthen it.

3. Tablets "Selmevit". They include over 20 vitamins and microelements, which are so necessary for good health.

After suffering viral diseases such as influenza or acute respiratory infections, as well as in the case of prolonged use of antibacterial agents, it is recommended to drink the following vitamins to strengthen immunity:

Effervescent tablets "Supradin";

The drug "Alphabet";

Centrum tablets.

Drugs that can boost immunity

In the event that a person does not leave the hospital and is very often sick with acute respiratory viral infections, the doctor may advise him on other medicines. For such a case, he can prescribe the following vitamins for immunity to adults:

The drug "Immunal". These vitamins for raising immunity quickly suppress the reproduction of harmful bacteria, and also enhance the protective functions of the body.

Reviews about this drug are different. Someone praises him for being an effective remedy at the beginning of the disease, because he is able to alleviate the condition with a cold. But there are people who were dissatisfied with this drug. They explain their negative reviews by the high price of the product and the presence of an allergic reaction on the skin.

Means "Immunovit". This is an analogue of the drug "Immunal". There are minor differences in composition and price.

There are certain categories of people who cannot be prescribed regular vitamins. Among these patients are pregnant women, as well as the elderly. For them, other complexes of drugs have been developed that can boost immunity.

For women in position, the doctor may advise the following vitamins:

Tablets "Elevit Prenatal". This complex is very well suited to this category of the population. And all because, in addition to raising immunity, he still copes well with toxicosis. Also, thanks to the intake of these vitamins, the fetus receives the necessary elements and, as a result, the child is born healthy and beautiful.

There are many positive reviews about this drug. He is praised for being able to overcome anemia, helps with constipation, and helps with toxicosis. Negative reviews are mainly related to the high cost of these tablets.

Capsules "Pregnavit". With a prolonged viral illness, pregnant women are prescribed this drug. It is able to boost immunity and significantly reduce the duration of the disease. It is useful to take these capsules even during breastfeeding, then the mother receives additional minerals, and they enter the child through milk.

For the elderly, other vitamin complexes are prescribed, such as:

Oxyvital tablets. This drug is able not only to boost immunity, but also to help with various eye diseases (which is important for pensioners, since at this age, almost everyone's eyesight is reduced).

Tablets "Gerimaks". These vitamins for raising immunity are great for people of retirement age. In addition to increasing the body's resistance, these tablets are used for other problems. For example, in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, to reduce blood sugar levels in diabetes. They are able to normalize blood pressure (which is important for the elderly), prevent the development of atherosclerosis.

What measures to take if the vitamins did not bring the desired result?

In order to strengthen the immune system, you can additionally take the following types of tinctures or tablets:

- Echinacea purpurea extract;

Eleutherococcus tincture;

Schisandra chinensis extract or tablets.

It would also be wise to make an appointment with an immunologist. Perhaps he will send for additional examinations. After the answers, the doctor will prescribe adequate treatment with drugs for immunity. That is, he will prescribe only those medicines that will help to cope with the problem of a particular person. If, for example, a girl lacked vitamin A in her body, then the doctor will prescribe a complex in which there will be more of this element than the rest.

Vitamins for our children

1. Syrup or tablets "Multi-tabs". These children's immunity vitamins are known for their excellent properties to increase the body's resistance to harmful bacteria and microbes. For different age categories of children, various types of this complex are used:

Syrup "Multi-tabs Omega 3". Assign it to children from three years.

Tablets "Multi-tabs Baby Calcium + Disney". They are used for children aged two to seven years. These children's vitamins for immunity are involved in the development of bone and muscle systems, strengthen tooth enamel and properly form the intellectual and physical development of the crumbs.

Chewable tablets "Multi-tabs Junior". Suitable for children aged 4 to 11 years. Features of this type of vitamins: help the child get sick less, cope with academic loads.

Chewable tablets "Multi-tabs Kid". Designed for children aged 1-4 years.

Impressions of people from this complex of vitamins are only positive. First, these vitamins are not dietary supplements. Secondly, the price for them is quite acceptable. And thirdly, they really help children to strengthen the body, gain strength and energy.

2. Vitrum Baby tablets. These are good vitamins for immunity, and the price for them is lower than for the above drugs.

3. Chewing medicinal candy "Supradin Kids". Designed for children from the age of three.

3. Tablets "Pikovit". They contain a whole complex of important vitamins, such as A, B, C, D.

The human body has a complex system of protection against any type of infection - immunity. But often this system is depleted and fails, in which case it is necessary to take emergency measures to restore the protective forces. First of all, vitamins are used for this to maintain immunity in adults and children, they are supplemented by proper nutrition and hardening.

Signs of decreased immunity

Under the influence of various factors, which include unfavorable ecology, unbalanced nutrition, stress, excessive intake of medications, the functioning of the immune system is disrupted. Doctors diagnose a decrease in immunity based on the following signs:

To detect decreased immune defenses, the doctor may prescribe laboratory tests, but often the above complaints are the basis for prescribing vitamin preparations.

Taking a good vitamin complex to boost immunity can be advised to people who have recently had a cold (flu, SARS), since the body is depleted during illness and requires additional sources of recovery.

The effect of vitamin compounds on immunity is that that after taking them in the body, the following changes occur:

When the body is saturated with vital elements, all natural processes return to normal, immunity is restored and raised. For the normal functioning of the immune system, the following vitamin compounds are important:

Many vitamins enter the body from food, but with a significant decrease in immunity, their amount is not enough. . Vitamin complexes come to the rescue for internal use, which can be purchased at a pharmacy without a doctor's prescription.

First of all, you can pay attention for inexpensive vitamins for immunity for adults. These include:

Another inexpensive domestic complex of vitamins to improve immunity is Complivit. It contains 11 vitamins, 7 minerals and lipoic acid. The drug effectively fights against manifestations of reduced immunity: fatigue, apathy, brittle hair. Patients observe a noticeable improvement in their condition after a course of taking Complivit tablets for a month.

A good complex of vitamins for the immunity of adults and children - Alphabet. The manufacturer clearly distinguished patients by age categories and created their own drug for each age: Alphabet our baby, Alphabet kindergarten, Alphabet student, Alphabet classic, Alphabet 50+. The Alphabet complex was also created during the cold season, which most effectively helps to strengthen the immune system during the period of increased risk of infection with influenza and SARS.

A feature that all Alphabet preparations have is the division of all vitamins into three tablets. Scientists have established which of the vitamins are best combined with each other, and which can lead to incompatibility reactions, so substances that are compatible with each other were placed in one tablet. During the day, you need to drink all three tablets (morning, afternoon and evening).

The list of the best vitamin and mineral complexes includes such preparations:

In severe disorders of the immune system, immunomodulatory drugs are used for intramuscular or intravenous administration. This group includes Cycloferon - the remedy is not included in the group of vitamins. The mechanism of action of Cycloferon is that it stimulates the production of interferon, is active against hepatitis, herpes and some other viruses. Treatment with such drugs is prescribed only by a doctor after an examination.

A correctly and timely selected vitamin preparation helps to restore immunity and prevent the development of severe complications after an infection, and also minimizes the risk of recurrent colds.