Family practice with rice. Remembrance of the ancestors. Without fanaticism. Peace and blessings to you and your Ancestors

In the Vedic tradition, the day of remembrance of the ancestors, in addition to some specific days of the calendar, is considered Saturday. Today is Saturday (while researching - Sunday has come). Not the point, for some reason today I wanted to remember this.

Before turning to this topic, I would like to say that our family, even those who have left this world, at least up to the 7th generation, stand behind us and support us. Well, at least that's how it should be...

It is not for nothing that in the old days our ancestors kept the memory of their kind. After all, not only aristocrats and royal families had the concept of a family tree. If you recall, then in old Russia, even among ordinary peasants, the surname of the clan was often transmitted from the progenitor by his name. Therefore, we have so many Ivanovs (Ivan), Sidorovs (Sidor), Prokhorovs, Matveevs, Ilyins ... Or it was a surname associated with the occupation of their ancestors - the Kuznetsovs, Kuptsovs, Sapozhnikovs, Portnovs. And people remembered their family, stories about their ancestors were passed down from father to son, from son to son… It was hardly just a whim. People had this knowledge that the genus is its protection.

Of course, things have changed now. No wonder there is a proverb: "Ivan, who does not remember kinship". When the foundations of our state were collapsing, it was beneficial for the Bolsheviks that a person forgot his clan, family, and fought only for an idea. And in principle, they succeeded in many ways. How many people now remember at least the name of his great-grandfathers? And we need to remember, if only because without them there would be no us.

There is such a thing as tribal karma. And for us now it is rather negative karma, but not because the family is cursed or someone in the family has sinned. How can our ancestors help us if we do not remember them? If we don't pray for their souls, if they made mistakes? Don't give thanks for your life? Many now simply don’t even have time - we are constantly participating in the race for survival - how to become more successful, how not to be late here, how to earn even more, how not to lose. And in principle, we have already lost a lot. And, perhaps, the help of our kind will be more effective for solving any of our problems than relying only on ourselves "mighty" ...

Of course, for many now it is almost impossible to restore the lost family ties. But it is believed that if you turn to an ancestor, even without knowing his name, his soul still understands that it is about her. And it does not matter that perhaps this soul lives in another incarnation. We are all connected by thin invisible threads. Like God, he is both one and many at the same time.

Sometimes the question is asked: how can one remove the contradiction between the doctrine of reincarnation and the doctrine of the need to honor ancestors? Indeed, at first glance, it seems that if the soul of a person has incarnated in a new body, then honoring him as an ancestor does not make sense (how can he accept honor if he is already in another body?). Different spiritual people give different answers to this question.

First, the soul does not necessarily reincarnate immediately after death. It may take quite a long time before the soul accepts a new body.

They also point to the existence of the concepts of "collective memory", "celestial twin", "parallel self", which remains in the energy field when the soul reincarnates. Sometimes this is interpreted in such a way that it is not a literal entity. It is our actions in our past lives that live like shadows of the past or as our memories and the memories of other people.

Remember and honor your family and over time you will feel inexplicable support, strength, confidence, wisdom that came from nowhere, answers to questions that pop up from nowhere, as if you just knew about it before. Try it, don't skimp on love!!!

Words in words, but how to do it if we are untrained? I tried to find information from different sources. Everyone subconsciously chooses for himself what suits his soul. Any tradition has the right to be. In any case, only those who need this information will read this article. I myself, quite recently, well, just out of the blue, the question of my kind arose. It literally grew out of the blue.

When I started to be interested in this, I thought, well, what can I find? Who in our time thinks especially about the ancestors? There were and were. It turns out I was wrong, it has always been an important component in all cultures. Here are just a few examples, and there are also China, Japan, Egypt, etc.

  • Slavic Vedas.

On the Days of Remembrance of the Ancestors and Parental Days, which you can find in the Calendar (other Russian), you can commemorate the Ancestors.

To do this, lay bloodless (non-animal) food on the home Altar - trebs and gifts - pancakes, pancakes, cookies, fruits, nuts, sweets, honey, jam, etc. It’s very good if you yourself prepared the trebs with your own hands.

For example, baking pancakes - the first pancake - to God on the altar, and the second to the Ancestors. The rest - for the elderly and children, then for themselves. Since, when preparing food personally, you invest "your Soul", your energy, therefore, remembering the Ancestors with such food, you exchange energies with them and give them your strength so that the communication channel does not dry out, and so that they have energy, so that you help.

Trebs are placed on the Altar with the following words: "The Heavenly Family, Ancestor! You, the Patron of all the Clans! Remember all my Ancestors! Who are in Your Light Svarga! Now and ever and from Circle to Circle! Taco be, taco be, taco be!"

The altar is arranged in the far left corner of the room from the entrance. (In one of the articles, I read that an altar for the remembrance of ancestors (well, or just a place for remembrance) is installed in the southern part of the room, which is very similar to the Indian Vedas, because in their tradition, the South is ruled by Yamaraj - the God of death.)

  • Orthodox Church.(note, where I started - in Orthodoxy, parental day is also Saturday !!!)

The Church has established days of solemn, general, ecumenical commemoration. The requiems performed at the same time are called ecumenical, and the days on which the commemoration is performed are called ecumenical parental Saturdays. In the circle of the liturgical year, such days of general commemoration are: meat-fare Saturday; Saturday Trinity; Parental Saturdays of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th weeks of Holy Forty Days; Radunitsa; Dmitrievskaya Saturday; Day of the beheading of John the Baptist; Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War. These days it was supposed to visit the deceased relatives at the cemetery, invite them to a festive feast. They believed that the dead, having received an invitation, came to the houses, sat down at the tables, ate and drank together with the living, stood in the church at the festive liturgy.

  • Indian Vedas.

There is a huge amount of information about the veneration of ancestors. Pinda, Shraddha... You can find it yourself on the Internet. For me, the most concise, simple and real at home at one time was the information thrown to me by one wonderful girl Lena Gufranova, which I am now sharing with you.

Practice at home.

For the practice you will need: a church candle, a pack of rice, spices, two new plates. You can't eat from these plates. Mark them - one will be for offering food to God, the second - for the Ancestors. Keep them separate for later.

  • Get up in the morning, take a bath and put on clean clothes. The kitchen should also be clean.
  • Put the rice to boil and while it is cooking, read prayers over it. Rice is not to be tasted. When it is cooked, add ghee, black sesame seeds (you can use poppy seeds, cumin or other black spice), a little salt and sugar. Let the rice cool down.
  • Then shape the rice into balls the size of a walnut and put them on a clean plate, which must be placed for 15-20 minutes in front of the image of God.
  • Offer food to God.

Here are the prayer options:

  • Prayer for offering food in the Christian tradition:

"Lord Jesus Christ, our God, bless our food and drink with prayers. Thy Most Pure Mother and all Thy Saints, as blessed be Thou forever. Amen". (And cross the food 3 times).

  • Vedic mantra for offering food:

"Namo Om Vishnu padaya

krishna prestaya bhutale

Shrimate bhaktivedanta

Swamin ichi namine

Namaste sarasvati deve

Gaura Vani Pracharine


Pashchatya desha tarine

Nama maha vadanyayya

Krishna prema pradaya te

Krishnaya Krishna Chaitanya

Namne gaura-tvishe namah

Namo brahmanya-devaya

Go-brahmanya-hitaya cha

Jagad-dhitaya krishnaya

Govindaya namo namah."

Wait 15-20 minutes for the Lord to bless your food.

  • Then put the rice balls on another new plate to offer to the Ancestors. Put it in another place, light a candle and say: "I invite members of my kind to come and take this food". At the same time, it is advisable for you to stay in the room and just sit and pray in your spiritual tradition for 20-30 minutes.
  • Then thank your kind: "I thank you for taking this food. I want to thank you for my life! I am a part of you! I want to show you respect and reverence by asking your blessings and asking for help (tell me what you are asking for). May these prayers express our gratitude and reverence!" Then bow. Let your appeal to the ancestors express your gratitude and respect!
  • Attention! Then, before sunset, you need to feed the fish or black crows with these rice balls. Cooked food should not be eaten by living people, nor should it be thrown away.

This will complete the practice.

Important notes:

  • Do your practice with maximum concentration!
  • On critical days, the practice cannot be done.
  • The practice has great power if it is done by several women of the Family, for example, you are with your mother or with your sister, or with your daughter.
  • You can cook a little rice, or you can cook the whole pack. The more you feed the animals, the better.
  • Pregnant women can do this practice.
  • Please remember you are a woman - a mystical creation of God! In your hands is the opportunity to create a strong strong family, which will be a reliable rear for you, your children and grandchildren!

This is a deep practice, it is advisable to do it several times. Many of our families have inspired us to become who we are today. By positive or negative deeds, our families have created our lives, just as we are creating it now for ourselves and for those who will come after us!

  • Catholic traditions.

All Souls' Day is traditionally celebrated in the Roman Catholic Church on November 2, following All Saints' Day (November 1). On this day, in many countries of the world, it is customary to go to the cemetery, light candles, decorate graves with greenery and flowers, and have a common family meal (at home, since eating in cemeteries is strictly prohibited).

  • African traditions (the text is given with abbreviations and I have not tested it in practice).

The souls of the dead in African traditions are called differently. There are various types. Usually, the Spirit of the Ancestor is considered Egunami (regardless - a relative or not, because we may not know who our relatives were in past lives or who we were and where we lived). Eguns are blood and religious relatives.

In this tradition, there is such a thing as the Shrine of the Ancestors (Spiritual Altar, Corner of Eguns).

The procedure for honoring the Ancestors can be represented as four main stages:

  • Preparation of the Shrine of the Ancestors.
  • Preparing for worship.
  • veneration procedure.
  • End of the ritual.

Preparing the Ancestral Shrine

First of all, you need to install a table (or other "foundation" of the altar - a shelf, cabinet, etc.). Cover it with a white cloth. He recommends washing it with a little vinegar, then drying it in the sun and lining the altar, sprinkling the fabric with your favorite perfume. Tradition advises to find four stones near the house, clean them with salt, wash them thoroughly and place them in the corners of the altar.

Next, you should place on your altar, or near it (for example, on the wall behind the altar), photographs or portraits of the Ancestors. You can drape the wall behind the altar to make it easier to attach the images. It is generally accepted that you should not have any photographs of living people on your altar.

You can place on the altar the objects of worship of those religions that your Ancestors followed (Holy Scriptures, images of Deities, etc.). Place a white candle on the altar. It is recommended to put a little earth taken near the house and a few grains of salt in a glass candlestick, wipe the white candle with pure vegetable oil from the middle to the top, and then, from the middle to the base, and, having strengthened the candle in the candlestick, place it in front of a glass of clean water. Fresh flower petals can be added to the glass.

Honoring the Ancestors requires regularity. It doesn't have to be done every day. You can make a commitment to honor your Ancestors once a week, for example. If you have set the frequency of your rituals, you must strictly adhere to your commitment.

It is necessary to keep your Shrine in perfect cleanliness. Do not let the water that you offer to the Ancestors evaporate. Do not allow spoiled food to be on the altar. Regularly wipe the dust from the images of the Ancestors and other items on the altar.


Even if you don't have an Ancestral Shrine, you still have the ability to honor the Eguns. By placing a food offering on a plate and dedicating it to the Ancestors, you can be sure that the Ancestors will receive this offering. You can pour some water directly on the ground and this will also be accepted by the Eguns.

Preparation for veneration

Purification of oneself and the Sacred Space.

Purification is a necessary step in preparing for the veneration of the Ancestors. The importance of this stage is due to the fact that impurity, firstly, offends the Spirits, and secondly, it can contribute to the penetration of malevolent Forces.

Identify yourself and pay tribute to the Spirit of the Ancestors: (your name) and (your Ancestors are mentioned, starting from parents, etc.).

Bless the leaves prepared for fumigation, paying homage to their Spirit.

Ask for peace, stability and wisdom.

Give thanks.

Your emotional state should not include negative emotions (anger, hatred, etc.). At any stage of the contact procedure, from fumigation, etc., you should be focused on the activity being carried out and the ultimate goal of your actions.

Thoroughly fumigate the entire area. Make sure that the smoke of smoking gets into every part of the room where the Shrine of the Ancestors is located. Smoke yourself, first from the front (from head to toe) and then from behind (from head to toe).

Take a glass of clean water. Add some of the perfume you use, as well as some of your saliva. Say:

"I pay tribute to the Spirit of the Ancestors."

((your name) and (your Ancestors are mentioned, starting with parents, etc.))

I am (your name) a child of (origin).

Bless the water.

With the help of your left hand, sprinkle the entire room with this water, concentrating on this consecration of the space. Before sprinkling, name the names of those Ancestors with whom contact is undesirable, and the reasons for their exclusion from this ritual. If you do not know the names of all your Ancestors, just mention that you remove from your sacred space the Spirits of all Ancestors who died violent deaths, suicides, criminals, alcoholics, drug addicts, etc., and do not allow them to invade this space.

Before the beginning of the ritual and after its completion, it is recommended to take a bath, or at least sprinkle yourself with water from a large bowl, which should be installed near the altar.

Veneration procedure

  • Calling Ancestors.

AT At the beginning of the ceremony, you can ring the bell or shake the maracas. She also advises lighting a candle and, if possible, vanilla or coconut incense.

Various texts can be used to invoke the Spirits of the Ancestors. Perhaps some of your Ancestors will want to hear appeals from the Holy Scriptures of the religion they professed (the Bible, the Koran, the Torah, the Vedas).

Here it is appropriate to make a libation of water. The liquid can be sprayed directly from the mouth onto the Shrine of the Ancestors, or a finger can be dipped into the liquid and allowed to drip onto the ground. After the call, you should name the names of all your Ancestors known to you (starting from the recently deceased, etc.): (name of the Ancestor), after the name, you can add the life achievements of your Ancestor.

By calling on the Ancestors, you not only invite them to your Shrine, but also honor their memory in this way. After the invocation, you can sing songs in honor of the Ancestors (you can use the texts of the Psalms, verses of the Koran, mantras, etc.). You can dance (without crossing your legs).

Now you can make offerings.

  • Offerings to Ancestors.

Offerings to the Ancestors may include any food that you yourself eat. Each time you eat, before you eat yourself, you can offer some of the food to the Ancestors, placing it in a plate (cracked plates are often used) on the floor in front of the altar, or directly on the altar (all food offered to the Ancestors must be without salt!) . It advises to place food in the form of a circle, and put a candle and liquid food in the center. She recommends touching the plate to your forehead, heart, and perineum and breathing on your food.

Offerings also include drinks. When offering drinks, place a few drops on the ground.

Fresh flowers may be used as offerings. When you learn to get in touch with the Souls, your Ancestors themselves will tell you about their desires, which, of course, should not be ignored.

Water, candles, and other non-perishable offerings are usually changed once a week (often on a Friday or Monday evening).

The traditional Egunam offering includes nine small pieces of coconut with palm oil and guinea pepper on each piece placed on a small plate around roasted corn, dried fish and jutia. Pour honey on top.

  • Dialogue with the Ancestors.

After making an offering, thank the Ancestors for the blessings you have received. Here, as at any other stage of communication with Souls, you can use either your native language or the language spoken by the Ancestors.

After calling the Ancestors, ask if any of them have come and if they have a desire to speak. If the answer is yes, find out the name of the Ancestor by listing them in turn. If the Spirit refuses to answer (and in all other cases when you lose control of the ceremony), you must end the session, extinguish the candle and take a bath.

Having found out the name, you can start the dialogue. Ask for blessings first, in your own language.

Ask about the wishes of the Ancestor. He may want you to make some kind of offering (not necessarily food). If it is within your power, satisfy the desires of the Spirit immediately. If this is not possible at the moment, but is realistic in the future, promise the Spirit to fulfill the request in a specific time frame.

After that, you can present your pressing problems to the Spirit and ask him for help in resolving them. Try to ask questions in a way that Spirit can answer "yes" or "no". Keep in mind that not all Ancestors are advanced enough to offer good advice. If Spirit cannot help you, or if his advice is objectively impossible to implement, thank him for his help and try to find advice from another Spirit.

When dealing with Spirits, care must be taken. If your sessions are constantly infiltrated by malevolent Spirits, or if you are experiencing cases of possession, it is better to stop the sessions of invoking Spirits, and start using your altar simply as a place of reflection, meditation.

  • Completion of the ritual.

When you have finished sprinkling at the end of the ritual, pay tribute to the wisdom of the Ancestors three times.

Finishing the ceremony of veneration, it is necessary for some time to indulge in reflections on the strength and wisdom of your Ancestors, their life and meaning (you can sort out the rosary at this time), after which, thank them for their wisdom.

After that, extinguish the candle with your fingers or a special device for extinguishing candles. Pour the water from the bowl used for sprinkling away from the house.

Leftover food the next morning can be left at the foot of a large tree. Do not mix leftover offerings with your household waste. Plates, cups, etc. must be cleaned with salt and removed until the next time. You can not use them, like any other items of the altar, for any other purpose, except for the veneration of the Ancestors. Over the next few days, watch your intuition yourself. Ancestors can give you their guidance through them.

  • Muslim traditions.

I have been looking for information for a long time. All references are only to the worship of Allah. Then I found an article ... An excerpt from it: "There is no doubt that our ancestors were from among the righteous people. It was they who, having accepted Islam, took upon themselves the heavy burden of calling for this religion in our lands and spreading its light. Many historical facts testify to their piety, courage and greatness. That is why they have numerous rights over us.We are obliged to follow their example in what corresponds to the most pure religion of monotheism and ask forgiveness from Allah for them.They achieved greatness and power only because they strictly followed the canons of this religion, adhering to monotheism and the Sunnah. They were far from polytheism and innovations, as well as everything that, at least in the distant future, could lead to it.

One of the main and biggest reasons leading to polytheism is excessive veneration of ancestors. Moreover, this phenomenon was the main reason for the appearance of the very first polytheism on earth.

One of the imams of the Hanafi madhhab - Shukri al-Alusi (1342 / x) said: " Excess in honoring and exalting any of the creatures is the greatest reason leading to the worship of idols and the righteous. It was the excessive exaltation of the righteous that caused the people to worship Nasr, Sua "u, Yagus and others among the people of the prophet Nuh (Noah). Christians also began to worship" Isa (Jesus) precisely for this reason". See "Masail Jahiliya" p.71-72."

But I didn't stop there. Don't they respect it??? I have girlfriends in the Muslim faith, and they gave me the answer: " In the Muslim faith, sadaqah (alms) is served and prayers are given for the souls of the departed."

Therefore, wherever you look, in any tradition, apparently in the subconscious of a person, this ancestral memory still lies ... It's time for us, Ivans, who do not remember kinship, to learn to pay this tribute of veneration, and someday in our hour they will remember us too, and we We will also help our family at a completely different level of consciousness...

I wish peace, prosperity and goodness to your family!!! With love!!!

"Consciousness has a multi-level structure. The subtle level controls the denser one. Psychotechnics have limited ability to influence consciousness, so it is necessary to know the mechanisms of influence on the most subtle levels.
1. Karma. The thinnest layer. It is at this level that an event series is formed, including the choice of a generic system. Methods of correction - sound (reading prayers or mantras), adherence to the principles of purity and non-violence.
2. Ancestors. Rituals for working with ancestors. We can say that our generic programs are manifested karma. Unfinished programs of ancestors complicate the ability to determine their true talents, get rid of negative life scenarios and behavioral stereotypes. It is the work with the family that can bring a real sense of inner liberation.
3. Relationships with parents. Relationships with parents are an indicator of karma and generic problems. The main problem lies in the misunderstanding of what is the right attitude towards parents, as well as an inadequate assessment of one's attitude. It is this level that gives the vector of all life.
4. Real life experience. The roughest and therefore easily recognizable level, therefore it is easily worked out and gives a tangible result, but unstable if you do not pay due attention to the first three. The experience of traumatic situations, negative relationships has formed flare, or stereotypes in our minds that form similar events. You can weaken the effect of a flare with the help of fairly simple techniques (forgiveness, working with traumatic situations). But changing them takes time and effort.

Working on 4 levels, we get a sustainable and tangible result.

Working with karma
1. reading prayers or mantras.
2. service to others.
3. cleanliness.
4. eating consecrated food.
ahimsa (principle of non-violence, refusal of meat food) - only if it is a conscious desire.

Working with family.

Pitra-shradda (preparation of consecrated food for ancestors).
Get out in the kitchen. Take a shower. Light and put a candle on the table, preferably wax. Cooking food with a prayer that is more understandable and close to you (“Our Father”, prayers or mantras for consecrating food, you can Ganesha and Soma). It is necessary to read a prayer all the time while preparing food. It is better to cook rice porridge. DO NOT TRY THE FOOD. If it is difficult to focus on prayer all the time, thoughts go the other way, you can turn on spiritual music or chants of saints.
When the food is ready, put it on a clean dish and put it on the table in front of the candle. Say "I'm inviting the ancestors of my kind to come and eat." Make a bow (at least mentally) then say "I thank you for life."
a) turn to the ancestors for help, support, ask for advice, in general, you can talk with them. Listen to your feelings.
b) all the time while the food is on the table near the burning candle (25-30 minutes) you can read prayers or mantras.
c) in extreme cases, if there is no time, you can go about your business.
After about 30 minutes, you need to thank the ancestors for coming and bow.
You can do the same for your spouse's ancestors. If you have dead people that you yearn for, you can perform this ritual by inviting a person by name. It is advisable to put a photograph of the deceased person near the candle.
For aborted babies. It is necessary to say that you invite your unborn children. Talk to them. Read prayers.
For unborn siblings, if you know your mother had abortions or are not sure.
After the ritual, give food to animals on the street, preferably birds.
It is advisable to do this every Saturday, on the birthdays of your ancestors and the days of death.


1. forgiveness of parents (through Easter eggs, forgiveness meditations, when communicating with parents, mentally make a bow).
2. A relationship is considered correct when you have only gratitude for the fact that your parents gave you life, and the desire to take care of your parents out of this gratitude. When I think about my parents, I want to bow at their feet.
3. wrong attitude. When you give advice to parents, criticize, consider yourself better than them, argue with them, complain about them to others. You condemn even mentally, you treat them like children ..
4. You show your love openly.

Programs formed by ignorance of female nature and wrong attitudes with others.

Solve forgiveness, awareness of their mistakes.
Forgiveness is easier to do through the technique of automatic writing (“pysanka”). The main thing is to remember those people in relation to whom destructive relationships were established. Most often, the most important images of people become “repressed” by consciousness, because it tries to protect us from traumatic emotions.
Therefore, it is useful to have a notebook of traumatic situations - a kind of piggy bank of your memories. This exercise will help you remember those people who are the key figures that set the direction of your life.

Also write out a list of all significant ones who left an emotional trace - they form the INTERNAL IMAGE OF A MAN. It is these men that we attract or almost such, over time they become such. The basic figures are the father and those who replaced him. If you had a stepfather, and you were brought up by your grandparents. You will have three key images of father, stepfather, grandfather.
It is advisable to write a list and use it to analyze the qualities of your men, the scenarios according to which your relationship was built, the mistakes that you made in these relationships. This will take some time, so it is better to have such a notebook for this work.

The Inner image of a Woman is worked out in a similar way. Basic figures - Mom and her substitutes.

Also, in addition to the Internal images of Men and Women that form our scenarios and relationships, there are people with whom we have been and are in contact. If among them there are those with whom there is no respectful and kind relationship, it is necessary to work out forgiveness.

Pysanka is done correctly if at the end you feel at least emptiness, or (preferably) relief and (aerobatics) awareness.
Pysanka is not an essay, but a psychological technique. Therefore, you do not need to write correctly and beautifully, the main thing is to transfer phrases, feelings, images from consciousness as accurately as possible. The more precisely you do this, the faster you will release tension. After the exercise is done, the paper must either be torn or burned. (except for the notebook with traumatic situations)

It also helps to get rid of accumulated emotions - dance, physical labor to the point of fatigue (physical labor for the benefit of others is the best way to get rid of pain), drawing, massage, bath, singing, yoga.

Formation of new programs.

Women's Dharma.

The fulfillment of the female dharma will allow us to feel satisfaction with life and happiness, despite the fact that at first there will be no desire to do it, or it will be unpleasant to do it. It will also provide an opportunity to understand your talents and purpose, to work out karma.
Start forming new habits and rethink what mistakes you made in the past (in writing).
Listen to those lectures, read literature, take notes. Try to understand the question of what is female dharma as if you would teach this subject.

The purpose of a woman is to inspire loved ones, help them become better, she is the protector of a man from his bad karma and bad character traits.
We can do this only in a calm state of consciousness, when we have enough energy of joy, forgive their shortcomings (or at least rid ourselves of strong emotions that we experience from some actions of loved ones) and focus on the good qualities of character, talking about them. virtues.
(for the rest, listen to lectures)

Love for others.

In order for you to have a “self-cleansing” program launched, you need to accumulate the energy of joy.

1) forgiveness
2) to see the good in people, so much so that you feel respect for this person, interest, joy from communication.
3) Please (love) others
4) Serve others
5) Have true goals (including those related to your personal life)
6) Observe the daily routine and diet.

What to do?

1) Showing love to others - seeing the good in people, being in a good mood with a smile, looking beautiful, talking about love, not criticizing, noticing the good
2) The way to show respect and love to men is obedience. Pay attention to this aspect in communication. Be prepared for the fact that you will do what your husband wants, especially at first. Because over time, he will want to do what you want. What emotions, states of thought you will have in the process of obedience must be monitored and recorded.
3) write a list of 300 people - plan for a month and every day, about 10 people you have to express your love, so that the other person understands it.
4) Keep a notebook - write down everything that you like about loved ones.
5) Keep track of your mood, if you are prone to rapid mood swings - keep an observation diary.
6) Make a video about yourself for 5 minutes. Necessarily!

Happiness lives on the tip of the tongue.

Communication style is a reflection of unconscious processes.
Proper communication - when the self-esteem of the participants in communication increases. A sign is the joy of communication.
It is enough not to do good to start a hidden conflict.
Communication is verbal (7%) and non-verbal (93%). Non-verbal is not only our behavior, voice, energy.
Communication is a level of consciousness. It has no space => all we are talking about third parties is conflict anyway.
Condemnation of the spouse - conflict
Flirting with other men (even if no one is listening) is a conflict.

Literature required:
Alan and Barbara Pease:
1. Relationships between men and women
2. Why men lie and women roar.
3. How to make a man listen and a woman be silent.
John Grey.
1. Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus
2. Mars and Werner start over
3. and rest. Books in this series.

Main problems
1. Stereotypes (habits) will not give the opportunity to give the formation of new skills. To neutralize this, you need to have very important reasons to change something in your life (goals), you also need to do something every day that is not typical for you (change the style of clothing, route to work, daily routine, hair color, etc.) it is necessary think ahead.
2. It will be difficult to see your mistakes. Knowledge without forgiveness makes you even more critical and demanding of others. In this case, you will get the opposite result. Therefore, treat irritants with more love. They will be the main clues. False Ego and the formed model of consciousness will create traps for you. Be prepared for this. It will serve as a sign - if it seemed to you that you found the cause of irritation and this did not give awareness and ease, then the answer is wrong.

I like the approach of the Women's Sanga project to this matter, which recommend cooking rice only on certain days (birthdays and death days) and periods of Pitru Paksha, in Russia there were Autumn and Spring grandfathers, when contact with that world intensifies, it is easier to help them, and you are determined that in the near future you will be shaken up with something not yours.
These are limited periods of time, and 3 hours of rest is recommended per hour of such practice. For by the end of such two weeks there were breakdowns in the fanatical personalities. What to do - we are. We often, if we are told what we need (especially to former Soviet children), then we just go away and lie down with our bones, losing all contact with ourselves and enduring to the last.

When I started to drive on the topic, why can’t I cook kasha-yeah, it means I don’t want to change and so on. To blame oneself is sometimes a beloved sacrificial deed.
You know, I also had a selfish moment - now I will remember you, and here opportunities will open up for me. And when such insincerity appeared, I gave up this cooking. Everyone feels insincerity. Why lie that I want to help my ancestors? This is from the same category as running into a church and instructing all the candles, while not wanting to communicate with God. Who needs such rituals?
When I got acquainted with the Slavic horoscope, I realized for myself that such an activity, in principle, is not for everyone. There are people who are good with turning to their ancestors (these are representatives of the lower world), and there are those who are better off remembering only on certain days of the year, not praying for the whole family until they are blue in the face, but peacefully reading the scriptures, first of all, for their peace of mind, and then for the ancestors.
It helped me to understand (thanks to my curator) that the best joy for my grandmothers and ancestors is to see that I am happy and fulfilled in all areas of my life. The words of my teacher, who has the right to conduct large and serious ceremonies of commemoration of ancestors, that commemorating clients often come to him, and they seem to be covered with something dark (he has developed a subtle vision), made me think that this is not a safe activity. He recommends emphasizing that only your ancestors are invited, and no one else.
And after long periods of commemoration, cleanse yourself and the house with water, fire, salt, whatever.
And I would like to add, first of all, for myself - if in any process you feel that you are losing strength, you don’t like it (and this is not resistance), then just stop doing it. Step aside, feel yourself - what kind of twists do you have inside. And again, feel - there you are or how. The body always knows the truth. Please, let's love ourselves first.

Maslenitsa week

Dear girls, Pancake Week is about to begin - it's not only a fun and tasty time, it's also a very important period of veneration of ancestors, when you can clear the karma of the Family in a short time!

Shrove Tuesday is one of the strongest weeks of the year, during which a woman can purify her family and give it strength. At this time, our ancestors are especially close to us.

Your success, your personal life and your life scenarios depend on the strength of your family and relationships within it. If the relationship in your family is weak, difficult, negative, this will affect your life.

You didn't incarnate in this family for nothing. This is YOUR Family. You are its continuation. Feel this kinship, feel that these are your native energies. You love and honor your ancestors. Feel part of the family history. Now you are writing it with your whole life, and may the pages of the family history that you write be bright and clean!

If you feel that you need to apologize to your kind for any negative thoughts or actions, do it. May your family feel your love. More supportive generic energies will come to you. You will feel more confident and strong. In this way, you yourself will cleanse yourself of unforgiveness and the negative energies that it creates, and help your family. And this must be done with both genera - both on the father and on the mother. You will feel relieved, and your family will be grateful to you.

It is especially important to cleanse the karma of the clan for those in whose family there are suicides, unborn children (abortions), excommunicated from the family. These members of the genus invisibly influence the life of each next person in the genus. The heaviest curses go to the youngest member of the family in the female line. Sometimes we ourselves become the person on whom all this burden falls, or it happens to our daughters. And often we do not understand why there is a constant “slipping” in life, everything does not turn out the way we wanted, the expected does not bring joy. On this Maslenitsa week, there is an opportunity to cleanse your family from sins, lawsuits and suffering.

A woman, as a priestess of the clan, can and must do this in order to protect her children and her happiness. The heavy karma of the family will be cleansed and you will gain strength and joy. New thoughts will light up your head.

Perhaps even the members of the genus themselves will dream of you in good dreams and thank you for it (many psychologists meet such evidence in their practice).

In the future, you will gain the protection and support of the Family, which gives a feeling of peace and security.

The ritual of cleansing the karma of the Family

To carry out this ritual, you will need: two new plates, from which no one ate, a church candle, a new pack of rice.

The ritual is best done on the waning moon and on the week of veneration of the Family (i.e. Shrovetide Week). It is advisable to perform this practice in the morning, because in the morning the energy is the most blissful.

So, get up in the morning, bathe and put on clean clothes. The kitchen should also be clean.

Put the rice to boil and while it is cooking, read prayers over it. Rice is not to be tasted. When it is cooked, you put it on a clean plate and put it in front of the image of God. Offer food to God. Here are the prayer options:

Prayer for the offering of food in the Christian tradition
(For the blessing of food and drink for the laity)

Lord Jesus Christ our God, bless our food and drink with prayers.
Your Most Pure Mother and all Your Saints, as if blessed be you forever.
Amen. (And cross food and drink).

Vedic mantra for offering food:

Namo Om Vishnu padaya
krishna prestaya bhutale
Shrimate bhaktivedanta
Swamin ichi namine

Namaste sarasvati deve
Gaura Vani Pracharine
Pashchatya desha tarine

Nama maha vadanyayya
Krishna prema pradaya te
Krishnaya Krishna Chaitanya
Namne gaura-tvishe namah

Namo brahmanya-devaya
Go-brahmanya-hitaya cha
Jagad-dhitaya krishnaya
Govindaya namo namah

Wait 5-10 minutes for the Lord to bless your food.

Then you spread this rice on another new plate. Put it in another place, light a candle and say: "I invite members of my kind to come and take this food." At the same time, it is advisable for you to stay in the room and just sit and pray for 20-30 minutes. Then thank your family: "I thank you that you accepted this food." Make a bow.

You can put up photos of your departed relatives and "feed" them with consecrated food. But you can also do it virtually.

ATTENTION!!! This food must not be eaten by living people, nor should it be thrown away. It is necessary to give it to animals or take it out and put it on the ground.

This completes the ritual.

These plates are not to be eaten. Mark the one for God and the one for the Ancestors, and it's better to put them separately.

This is a very powerful practice, it is advisable to do it several times. You can write to me about changes in life when you do this!

✿ You can do this ritual for two births at once, for yours and for your husband, then you will need two plates for Childbirth;
✿ On critical days (when a woman is considered unclean), this ritual cannot be done;
✿ The ritual has great power if several women of this Genus do it, for example, you are with your mother or with your sister or daughter.
✿ Men can also do this ritual;
✿ You can cook a little rice, or you can cook the whole pack. The more you feed the animals, the better;
✿ Pregnant women can do this practice;
✿ Try to be concentrated!

And remember, you are a woman, in your hands is the opportunity to create a strong strong family that will be a reliable rear for you, your children and grandchildren!

Try to build relationships with all living relatives as well. If necessary, forgive them and ask for forgiveness. Forgive also those who have left and ask for forgiveness from their souls. This is an important job that no one else can do for us.

Our family tree is Our protection and nourishment, it is Our support, it is Our support in difficult times. Treat your family with respect and you will make your life easier. And if you seriously work on the cleansing and healing of the family, you can become one of the guardians of the family, which is honorable and important for you, for your development.

We talk so much about psychology. But let's take a deeper look and look at ancestor rituals and special periods. After all, earlier people understood how important it was, and consciously set aside days just for this.

The scriptures say that a person is born and immediately becomes indebted. Karmic debts fall on him, which he will have to repay during his life. One of them is a duty to the ancestors. Ignoring this duty leads to the failure to fulfill one's entire mission, the inability to find oneself and, as a result, causes suffering in various areas of life.

“The society in which we live gives us worldly education, culture, traditions and patronage, and therefore we are indebted to it. And, of course, this duty is not limited to the present moment: we owe it to all previous generations of ancestors who have preserved morality and customs so that we, their descendants, can live in peace. And the word “pitrinam”, “ancestors”, indicates our debt to the generations of the past.”
Srimad Bhagavatam 11.5.41 commentary.

From the point of view of genetics, all our ancestors are stored in us, in our DNA, and you can’t throw them out of there, even if you really want to. From the point of view of karma, we come exactly to the kind that meets our tasks in order to work off our debts of past incarnations and the debts of our ancestors. From the point of view of family constellations and systems therapy, we inherit the ancestral scripts of our ancestors, and it is very, very difficult to break out of them.

In general, no matter which side you look at, the topic of ancestors is relevant and important.

In all traditions and cultures, there were special days to commemorate the departed and special practices for this. For example, in Bali there is a Galungan holiday, when it is believed that everyone gathers in the house - including the departed. And people rejoice at the opportunity to be with them, hold special ceremonies, offer them food. We have parental days, other peoples have days of remembrance.

In Russia, traditionally, ancestors were commemorated on Shrovetide week and pancakes were baked. Do you know where the proverb “The first pancake is always lumpy” came from? This is not about the fact that the pancake did not come out, but that this pancake should be given to the ancestors.

Vedic sources also say that descendants can help the souls of their departed ancestors, freeing them from suffering and lightening their burden. And so in a special period that happens only once a year and is calculated according to the lunar calendar and is called "Pitri Paksha", until now throughout every house, each family pays special attention to all those who were before us and who helped us be born into the world. Those whose pieces have gathered in our DNA, those thanks to which we are where we are now, and such as we are now.