Location of female human organs. The structure of the human body. Functioning of the peripheral nervous system

Abdomen from above it is limited by the diaphragm - a flat muscle that separates the chest cavity from the abdominal cavity, located between the lower part of the chest and the lower part of the pelvis. In the lower part of the abdominal cavity there are many organs of the digestive and genitourinary systems.

The upper part of the abdominal cavity contains mainly the organs of the digestive system. abdominal cavity can be divided by two horizontal and two vertical lines that form areas of the abdominal cavity. Thus, nine conditional zones are distinguished.

A special division of the abdomen into areas (zones) is valid throughout the medical world. In the upper row are the right hypochondrium, epigastrium and left hypochondrium. In these areas, we try to feel the liver, gallbladder, stomach, spleen. In the middle row are the right lateral, mesogastric, or umbilical, umbilical, and left lateral regions, where manual examination is made of the small intestine, ascending and descending colon, kidneys, pancreas, and so on. In the lower row, the right iliac region, hypogastrium and left iliac region are distinguished, in which the blind and colon, bladder, and uterus are examined with fingers.

And abdominal cavity, and the chest located above it is filled with various organs. Let us mention their simple classification. There are organs that to the touch resemble a bath sponge or a loaf of fresh bread, that is, on the cut they are completely filled with some content, represented by functioning elements (usually epithelial cells), connective tissue structures, referred to as the stroma of an organ, and vessels of various calibers. it parenchymal organs(Greek enchyma translates as "something poured in"). These include the lungs, liver, almost all major glands (pancreas, salivary, thyroid, and so on).

In contrast to parenchymal go hollow organs, they are hollow for that, that they are not filled with anything. They have a large (stomach, bladder) or small (ureter, artery) cavity inside, surrounded by relatively thin (intestine) or thick (heart, uterus) walls.

Finally, if the characteristic features of both groups are combined, that is, there is a cavity (usually small) surrounded by parenchyma, they speak of mixed bodies. These primarily include the kidneys, and a number of authors, with some reservations, include here the spinal cord and brain.

Inside the abdominal cavity are various organs of the digestive system(stomach, small and large intestines, liver, gallbladder with ducts, pancreas), spleen, kidneys and adrenal glands, urinary tract (urethra) and bladder, organs of the reproductive system(different in men and women: in women, the uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes; in men, the genitals are outside), numerous blood and lymphatic vessels and ligaments that hold the organs in place.

In the abdominal cavity is a large serous membrane, consisting mainly of connective tissue, which lines the inner walls of the peritoneum, and also covers most of the organs located in it. It is generally accepted that the membrane is continuous and consists of two layers: the parietal and visceral peritoneum. These layers are separated by a thin film moistened with serous fluid. The main function of this lubricant is to reduce friction between the layers, as well as between the organs and walls of the peritoneum, along with ensuring the movement of the layers.

Physicians often use the term "acute abdomen" to refer to a severe case that requires immediate intervention, in many cases surgery. The origin of pain can be different, it occurs not only due to diseases of the digestive system, as is often thought. There are many other causes of acute abdominal pain; it is often accompanied by vomiting, hardness of the abdominal wall, and fever. Here we are not talking about a specific disease, but about the initial diagnosis of a very dangerous condition that requires an urgent medical examination to determine its cause and carry out appropriate treatment.

;traumatic rupture
;acute cholecystitis
biliary colic
duodenal ulcer
obstruction, rupture
acute gastroenteritis
Meckel's diverticulum
local enteritis
intestinal tuberculosis
ulcerative colitis
infectious colitis
;heart attack
ruptured ovarian cyst
;ectopic pregnancy
;acute salpingitis

Hernia of the peritoneum appears when there is a weak point in the wall of the abdomen, due to which part of the intestine protrudes out of the abdominal cavity. Abdominal hernia is a protrusion or protrusion of the small or large intestine or parts thereof from the cavity in which they are located through a congenital or acquired opening in the peritoneum. Abdominal hernia can occur due to prolonged pressure of the internal organs on the walls of the abdominal cavity or weakening of a certain point of it - for example, as a result of pregnancy, obesity, constant physical exertion, etc. Hernia of the peritoneum comes out when part of the abdominal cavity protrudes and forms a hernial sac, which sometimes contains part of the small or large intestine. The only effective treatment for a hernia is surgery.


Not every person will name the exact location of a particular organ, unless, of course, he is a doctor. However, it is very useful to know where everything is located, if only in order not to lose precious time when the disease has begun and consult a doctor according to his profile. How are the internal organs of a person located?

With the brain, everything is clear - this nervous tissue is located inside yours. Under the hemispheres of its two sections is the cerebellum - the organ that is responsible for balance and muscle reflexes. The spinal cord lies in the spinal canal. Its beginning is the medulla oblongata, and the end marks the lower back. The spinal cord is responsible for transmitting signals to the brain from all other organs.

The location of the tongue is the oral cavity. Everyone knows that for chewing food and pronunciation of words. A little further than the nose and mouth is the pharynx. This organ acts as a transport route for air and food. Its branches are the esophagus and larynx. The palatine tonsils can be observed on both sides of the pharynx, only if you do not have them cut out. Their function is to trap harmful bacteria and microorganisms so that they do not get inside.

On the front of the neck, you can feel the thyroid gland. It produces a hormone that is responsible for the normal functioning of all your organs and systems. An organ such as the esophagus has the form of a tube that connects the pharynx to the stomach and serves to convey food. The trachea originates from the lower part of the larynx and divides into two bronchi. Provides unhindered air circulation. Inside your chest are the lungs, which are protected by the ribs.

Behind the lungs, displaced to the left region of the body, although cases of a mirror arrangement of internal organs have been recorded in medicine. Accordingly, the heart of such a person is located. The heart works non-stop and circulates blood throughout the body. The largest organ inside your body is the liver. It is located in the upper part of the abdominal region, just below the diaphragm. The liver is your body's filter that removes harmful waste products.

The gallbladder is located just below the liver. This organ serves to store bile. The spleen is very similar in shape to a large bean and is located on the left side of the abdominal cavity. In the middle of the abdominal cavity is the pancreas, which is responsible for the production of the hormone insulin. The stomach is located in the upper part of the abdominal cavity, on the left. The small intestine connects the stomach and the large intestine, and the large intestine immediately follows. These two organs are involved in the process of digesting food. Appendicitis is a part of the large intestine that has been removed in many people.

The kidneys are a pair of organs located in the back of the abdominal cavity, below the ribs. They cleanse the blood of harmful substances. The function of the adrenal glands is to produce hormones, they are located on the kidneys. The ureters are represented by two tubes that connect the bladder and kidneys. The location of the bladder is the area in the lower abdomen between the urethra and the ureters. The urethral tube carries urine out of the bladder.

Knowing the structure and location of internal organs is extremely important. Even if you do not study this issue thoroughly, then at least a superficial understanding of where and how this or that organ is located will help you quickly navigate when pain occurs and at the same time react correctly. Among the internal organs, there are both organs of the chest and pelvic cavity, and organs of the abdominal cavity of a person. Their location, diagrams and general information are presented in this article.


The human body is a complex mechanism, consisting of a huge number of cells that form tissues. From their separate groups, organs are obtained, which are commonly called internal, since the location of organs in humans is inside.

Many of them are known to almost everyone. And in most cases, until somewhere it hurts, people, as a rule, do not think about what is inside them. Nevertheless, even if the layout of human organs is only superficially familiar, in the event of a disease, this knowledge will greatly simplify the explanation to the doctor. Also, the recommendations of the latter will become more understandable.

Organ system and apparatus

The concept of a system refers to a specific group of organs that has anatomical and embryological kinship and also performs a single function.

In turn, the apparatus, whose organs are closely interconnected, has no kinship inherent in the system.


The study and location of organs in humans are considered by anatomy in a special section called splanchnology, the study of the insides. We are talking about the structures that are in the body cavities.

First of all, these are the organs of the human abdominal cavity involved in digestion, the location of which is as follows.

Next comes the genitourinary, urinary and reproductive systems. The section also studies the endocrine glands located next to these systems.

The internal organs also include the brain. In the cranium is the head, and in the spinal canal - the dorsal. But within the limits of the section under consideration, these structures are not studied.

All organs appear as systems functioning in full interaction with the whole organism. There are respiratory, urinary, digestive, endocrine, reproductive, nervous and other systems.

Location of organs in humans

They are in several specific cavities.

So, in the chest, located within the boundaries of the chest and the upper diaphragm, there are three others. This is a pelicard with a heart and two pleurals on both sides with lungs.

The abdominal cavity contains the kidneys, stomach, most of the intestines, liver, pancreas and other organs. It is a body located below the diaphragm. It includes the abdominal and pelvic cavities.

The abdomen is divided into the retroperitoneal space and the peritoneal cavity. The pelvis contains the excretory and reproductive systems.

To understand in more detail the location of human organs, the photo below serves as an addition to the above. On one side, it depicts cavities, and on the other, the main organs that are located in them.

The structure and layout of human organs

The first in their tubes have several layers, which are also called shells. The inside is lined with a mucous membrane, which plays mainly a protective function. Most organs on it have folds with outgrowths and depressions. But there are also completely smooth mucous membranes.

In addition to them, there is a muscular membrane with circular and longitudinal layers separated by connective tissue.

On the human body there are smooth and striated muscles. Smooth - prevail in the respiratory tube, urinary organs. In the digestive tube, striated muscles are located in the upper and lower sections.

In some groups of organs there is another shell, where the vessels and nerves pass.

All components of the digestive system and lungs have a serous membrane, which is formed by connective tissue. It is smooth, thanks to which there is an easy sliding of the insides against each other.

Parenchymal organs, unlike the previous ones, do not have a cavity. They contain functional (parenchyma) and connective (stroma) tissues. The cells that perform the main tasks form the parenchyma, and the soft framework of the organ is formed by the stroma.

Male and female organs

With the exception of the sex organs, the arrangement of human organs - both men and women - is the same. In the female body, for example, are the vagina, uterus and ovaries. In the male - the prostate gland, seminal vesicles and so on.

In addition, male organs tend to be larger than female organs and therefore weigh more. Although, of course, it also occurs vice versa, when women have large forms, and men are small.

Dimensions and functions

As the location of human organs has its own characteristics, so does their size. Of the small ones, for example, the adrenal glands stand out, and of the large ones, the intestines.

As is known from anatomy and shows the location of human organs in the photo above, the total weight of the viscera can be about twenty percent of the total body weight.

In the presence of various diseases, the size and weight can both decrease and increase.

The functions of the organs are different, but they are closely interconnected with each other. They can be compared to musicians playing their instruments under the control of a conductor - the brain. There are no unnecessary musicians in an orchestra. Also, however, in the human body there is not a single superfluous structure and system.

For example, due to respiration, the digestive and excretory systems, the exchange between the external environment and the body is realized. The reproductive organs provide reproduction.

All of these systems are vital.

Systems and Apparatus

Consider the common features of individual systems.

The skeleton is the musculoskeletal system, which includes all the bones, tendons, joints and somatic muscles. Both the proportion of the body and the movement and locomotion depend on it.

The location of organs in a person of the cardiovascular system ensures the movement of blood through the veins and arteries, saturating the cells with oxygen and nutrients, on the one hand, and removing carbon dioxide with other waste substances from the body, on the other. The main organ here is the heart, which constantly pumps blood through the vessels.

The lymphatic system consists of vessels, capillaries, ducts, trunks and nodes. Under slight pressure, the lymph moves through the tubes, ensuring the removal of waste products.

All internal human organs, the layout of which is given below, are regulated by the nervous system, which consists of the central and peripheral sections. The main part includes the spinal cord and brain. Peripheral consists of nerves, plexuses, roots, ganglia and nerve endings.

The functions of the system are vegetative (responsible for the transmission of impulses) and somatic (connecting the brain with the skin and ODP).

The sensory system plays the main role in fixing the reaction to external stimuli and changes. It includes the nose, tongue, ears, eyes and skin. Its occurrence is the result of the work of the nervous system.

The endocrine system, together with the nervous system, regulates internal reactions and sensations of the environment. Emotions, mental activity, development, growth, puberty depend on her work.

The main organs in it are the thyroid and pancreas, testicles or ovaries, adrenal glands, pineal gland, pituitary gland and thymus.

The reproductive system is responsible for reproduction.

The urinary system is located entirely in the pelvic cavity. It, like the previous one, differs depending on gender. The need for the system is to remove toxic and foreign compounds, an excess of various substances through the urine. The urinary system consists of the kidneys, urethra, ureters, and bladder.

The digestive system is the human internal organs located in the abdominal cavity. Their layout is as follows:

Its function, logically coming from the name, is to extract and deliver nutrients to cells. The location of the human abdominal organs gives a general idea of ​​the process of digestion. It consists of mechanical and chemical processing of food, absorption, breakdown and excretion of waste products from the body.

The respiratory system consists of the upper (nasopharynx) and lower (larynx, bronchi and trachea) sections.

The immune system is the body's defense against tumors and pathogens. It consists of thymus, lymphoid tissue, spleen and lymph nodes.

The skin protects the body from temperature extremes, drying out, damage and the penetration of pathogens and toxins into it. It consists of skin, nails, hair, sebaceous and sweat glands.

Internal organs - the basis of life

The photo shows the location of the internal organs of a person with a description.

We can say that they are the basis of life. It is difficult to live without lower or upper limbs, but still possible. But without a heart or a liver, a person cannot live at all.

Thus, there are organs that are vital, and there are those without which life is difficult, nevertheless possible.

At the same time, some of the first components have a paired structure, and without one of them, the entire function passes to the remaining part (for example, the kidneys).

Some structures are able to regenerate (this applies to the liver).

Nature has endowed the human body with the most complex system, to which it must be attentive and protect what is given to it in the allotted time.

Many people neglect the most elementary things that can keep the body in order. Because of this, it becomes unusable ahead of time. Diseases appear and a person passes away when he has not yet done all the things that he should have done.

Man still remains an exceptionally complex structured organism on the planet. Our body is a unique system in which all its parts work together and perform a number of functions simultaneously. Each organ in our body has its own task and performs it: the lungs enrich the blood cells with oxygen, the heart drives oxygenated blood around the body to deliver it to every cell, the brain controls all cognitive processes.

The structure of both internal organs and the whole organism is studied by human anatomy, which is divided into internal and external.

The external structure of a person combines those parts of the body that we can see with our own eyes without any adaptations. The external anatomical structure includes such organs as the head, neck, torso, chest, back, upper and lower limbs. Internal anatomy describes the location in the body of the internal organs of a person, they cannot be seen with the naked eye.

The structure of our body is in many ways the same as that of mammals. This fact is easy to explain, since according to evolutionary theory, a person can be one of the branches of mammalian development. Man developed simultaneously with animals in similar natural conditions, which ensured similarities in the structure of cells, tissues, internal organs and their systems.

The structure of internal organs: the brain

The brain is the most complex internal organ, the complex structure of which puts us several steps higher in development than all other creatures on the planet. The brain and a complex of neurons is the central nervous system, under the control of which are all the functions of the body, and the thought process is provided. The brain is positioned as a collection of nerve fibers that form a complex stable system. It includes the two cerebral hemispheres, the cerebellum and the pons.

Even now, experts say that the human brain is not even half understood. During the formation of anatomy as a science, the greatest difficulties arose precisely with the description of the processes occurring in the nervous tissue that forms the brain.

Main parts of the brain:

  • Large hemispheres occupy the largest part of the volume of the brain. Through them, control occurs at all stages of thought processes. It is thanks to the action of the large hemispheres that we make conscious movements;
  • Two variolius bridges. One of the bridges is located under the cerebellum almost at the base of the skull and performs the task of receiving and transmitting nerve impulses. The second bridge is located even lower, has an oblong shape and provides signal transmission from the spinal cord;
  • Cerebellum. A significant part of the brain, which determines the ability to keep the body in balance. Controls muscle reflexes. For example, when touching something hot, we withdraw our hand even before we are aware of what has happened. It is these reflexes that are controlled by the cerebellum.

Human abdominal organs

The abdominal cavity is defined as the space that the diaphragm delimits from the chest cavity from above, it is closed in front and from the sides by the abdominal muscles, and behind it is protected by the spinal column and the muscle tissues located there. The abdominal cavity is also called the abdominal cavity.

From below, the abdominal cavity smoothly passes to the cavity of the small pelvis. Here is a complex of internal organs that perform various important functions, as well as nerve endings and large blood vessels. Diseases of the abdominal organs are the most common cases in practical medicine and have a great impact on the entire human body, so the speed of making the correct diagnosis and the patient's life depend on knowledge about them.

Part of the organs located inside the abdominal cavity are completely or partially covered with a special membrane, but some of them do not have it at all.

This shell has considerable elasticity and is characterized by a specific ability to absorb. Serous fluid is produced here, which, acting as a lubricant, reduces the amount of friction between the organs.

The organs of the abdominal cavity

  • Stomach- a muscular organ shaped like a bag. This is one of the main organs of the food digestion system, which is essentially a continuation of the esophagus in the abdominal cavity. The walls of the stomach produce a special complex of biologically active substances and enzymes, which is called gastric juice, which actively breaks down nutrients. The acidity of gastric juice can show the state of the entire gastrointestinal tract as a whole.
  • Intestines. This is the longest part of the digestive system. It begins with the outlet of the stomach and ends with the excretory system. Inside the abdominal cavity, the intestines are in the form of peculiar loops. The main task of this organ is the digestion of food and the removal of unnecessary substances from the body. The intestine is subdivided into the large intestine, small intestine and rectum.
  • kidneys- as well as the lungs, a paired organ, which is localized in the lumbar region and, if you look at the photo, resemble beans in shape. They ensure the maintenance of homeostatic balance in the body, and are also part of the urinary system.
  • adrenal glands. The satellite organs of the kidneys, also paired, are located on the right and left in the abdominal cavity. Their main task is to regulate the functionality of the endocrine and hormonal systems. The adrenal glands produce a large number of hormones - more than 25, which include adrenaline, corticosteroids and other substances. Impulses from the nervous system are also transmitted to the adrenal glands, which are picked up by the medulla that fills these organs. Here there is a regulation of the processes of inhibition and excitation, characteristic of stressful conditions.
  • Liver known as the largest gland in our body. Its placement is directly below the diaphragm and is divided into two lobes. The liver neutralizes toxic and harmful substances for the body, so it is the first organ that suffers when a person has bad habits. Also, the liver takes part in blood circulation and affects the digestive processes. In the process of functioning, there is a close relationship between the liver and the gallbladder.
  • Bladder also located in the abdominal cavity and is a kind of bag in which urine accumulates, subsequently excreted from the body by the efforts of the excretory system. The bladder is located in the groin behind the pubic bone. Also, the bladder has a significant impact on digestion. Violations in its work can lead to such unpleasant consequences as discomfort, nausea and vomiting. It also often leads to the development of stomach and intestinal ulcers.
  • Pancreas. It has the ability to produce special substances and enzymes that improve the speed and quality of food digestion. This organ is located on the left behind the stomach, in the upper half of the abdominal cavity. One of its main tasks is to provide the body with a natural hormone - insulin. If the pancreas function is impaired, diabetes mellitus develops.

An important hematopoietic organ of the abdominal cavity is the spleen, if you look at the model of a person with organs, it can be found above the diaphragm. This is a unique organ that has the ability to change its size depending on the volume of blood flow. The spleen also performs a protective function in the body.

Significant differences in the structure of the male and female abdominal cavity

The layout of the abdominal organs has an unchanged structure, characteristic of any person of any nationality. Some structural features stand out in childhood and adulthood, but the largest part of the differences is determined by sex.

In men, the abdominal cavity is defined as a closed system, but in women it is not a closed space, since in the female body there is communication with the uterine region using the fallopian tubes. In addition, in the female body, the abdominal cavity is able to communicate with the external environment through the vaginal cavity.

The organs of the chest

The chest is the most important protective structure in our body, which protects the most significant organ in the human body - the heart and the largest blood vessels that go to it. Most of the chest cavity is occupied by the lungs, which provide oxygen saturation of the blood and removal of carbon dioxide harmful to the body. Also here is the diaphragm, which is a flat wide muscle, one of the functions of which is to distinguish between the chest and the abdominal cavity. Let us consider in more detail the location of human organs located in the chest cavity.

The heart is a hollow muscular organ located in the chest between the lungs with a shift to the left side. It is easy to imagine the size of the heart if you squeeze the hand of an adult into a fist. On the one hand, the heart performs one simple function - it pumps blood into the arteries and receives venous blood, on the other hand, our body could not exist without this function.

Basic facts about the structure and work of the heart

  • The movements necessary to pump blood into the vessels are produced by the heart through the work of the left and right ventricles;
  • The layout of the heart inside the chest is very curious and is called oblique presentation. This means that the narrower part of this organ looks down and to the left, and the wider part up and to the right;
  • The right ventricle of the heart is somewhat smaller than the left;
  • The main vessels depart from the wide part of the heart (or its base). The heart is never at rest, as it needs to constantly pump blood into the vessels, which carries oxygen and nutrients to all cells of the body;
  • Outside, this muscular organ is covered with the pericardium - a special type of tissue, in the outer part of which blood vessels are located. The inner layer of the pericardium adheres tightly to the heart.

The structure of the lungs

The lungs are the largest paired organ not only located in the chest cavity, but also in the whole human body. Both lungs - left and right, are identical in appearance, but nevertheless, their anatomy and functions have significant differences.

The left lung can be subdivided into just two lobes, while the right is subdivided into as many as three. Also, the lung, located in the chest on the left, is distinguished by the presence of a bend. The main task of the lungs is the processing and saturation of blood cells with oxygen, as well as the removal of carbon dioxide formed during respiration, the presence of which is dangerous for the whole organism.

Also located in the chest cavity is the trachea, which acts as an air duct through which oxygen enters the lungs. It is located from top to bottom and connects the larynx with the bronchi. This organ is a complex of cartilaginous semirings and connective ligaments, on the back wall of the trachea is located muscular tissue covered with mucus. The trachea in the lower section is subdivided into bronchi, which in essence represent its continuation. Air enters the lungs through the bronchi. In the internal composition of the lung there are many bronchi, whose branches represent a complex structure. The trachea also performs protective and cleansing functions.

The esophagus is also located in the chest cavity - a muscular organ that connects the larynx to the stomach and ensures the intake of food.

Taking care of the body is the key to health

Despite the vast knowledge of mankind and its own anatomy, the human body still remains the most important object of study and experimentation. We have not yet solved all of its riddles, there are a great many of them ahead.

At the same time, the instinct of self-preservation, protection of the whole organism and internal organs is inherent in all living beings from the very beginning. However, a person often forgets to treat his body with due respect. Not only leading an unhealthy lifestyle and the presence of bad habits, but also engaging in heavy physical labor or other situations that require the body to work to the limit, can cause malfunctions and the functioning of internal organs and lead to diseases. Therefore, do not forget about respect for your body.